TIMES-NEWS, Rich Square. N. C., Nov. 18, 1965 Dr, Stephenson Speaker At Severn Woman's Club ^ tiSout HOC Plans Yule Demonstrations SEVERN - Dr. Gilbert T. Ste phenson of Warren Place, Pen dleton, was the featured speaker of the education department of the Severn Woman’s Club at its regular meeting on November 11 In the Community Building. He was Introduced by Mrs. Ruth Anderson, chairman of the de partment. Dr. Stephenson used as his top ic, “The Negroes’ Special Needs for Education and Our Part in Helping Them’’ and stated that he would confine his remarks to the Negroes of Kirby Township, Northampton County and North Carolina, and to the youth, par ents and grandparents of those local Negroes. He proceeded to show the needs under three areas: economical, dietetics, and voca tional training. He gave a com prehensive picture of the lack of knowledge In handling money, in providing regular and balanced meals and in training in the high ly scientific farming practices and suggested ways in which we might help. First, as Christian citizens we must use our influ ence to see that advantage is taken of the many available serv ices In training, adult as well as youth; to see that funds be ob tained to advance classes for adults; and to get the newly cre ated Good Neighbor Council, with Perry Martin, chairman, to take positive action in promoting vo cational training among the Ne groes. The devotions for the meet ing were led by Mrs. Hugo Um- stead. Reports were made on the UNICEF collection which amounted to $40. The president, Mrs. Cecil Maddrey appointed a nominating committee: Miss Una White, chairman; Mrs. Viola Ed wards; and Mrs. D. S. O’Neal. The December meeting will be held at the VEPCO building In Roanoke Rapids at 8 p.m. on De cember 9 with Miss Faye Tart, home economist for VEPCO, as speaker. The hostesses for the meet ing were Mrs. R. p. Watson, Mrs. Rufus Johnson, Mrs. Hugo Umstead, and Mrs. K. E. Stokes. WOMEN w Saeiat )4etb>it^ im /4%ui Alpha Kappas MetSaturday HDC Members Are Knitting JACKSON — In lieu of the reg ular meeting of the home demon stration clubs for November, demonstrations on Christmas ideas and foods will be given at the agriculturalbuilding on Tues day, November 23. WELDON - The Alpha Kappa Chapter of Eta State of DeltaKap- pa Gamma metSaturday,Novem- ber 13, at 2:30 p.m. in the Fel lowship Hall of Weldon Method ist Church. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Dorothy S. Moore. Alter the business session a program on “The Nature of Creativity’’ was presented by the program chairman, Mrs. Gwendolyn B. Dickens. Mrs, D. J. Jenkins presented a devotional on the things that may be contributed to mankind through man’s creations. The chapel choir of the WeldonMeth- odist Church under the direction of Mrs. Gwendolyn Dickens pre sented a program of sacred mu sic. The demonstrations, restrict ed to club members, will be held at 2;30 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m,, according to Mrs. Sylvia P, Las siter, associate home economics extension agent. On display in the parlor of the Fellowship Hall were arrange ments that had been created by the members of the Alpha Kappa Chapter which the members In spected during the social hour. Entertain during the Holidays lovely setting . your own dining Room furnished from our selection! ^ MODERN ^ TRADITIONAL ^ EARLY AMERICAN ☆ PJROVINCIAL I* ' *• ^ CONTEMPORARY Taylor Furniture Co. TEL. JE 7-3158 Roanoke Rapids MARKS SHOE STORE "Home of Famous Red Cross Shoes" 1035 Roanoke Ave ... Roanoke Rapids Smart urban planning calls for our octlon-stocked llttle heelf Young and versatile in luxury leather ... its light, cushioned mood puts town touring into smart fashion focus . . . with the easy Socialite manner! JET SET 14.99 Black. Red Shadowed or Navy Beautiful Brown Shadowed Pamper Calf Old Brass Textra. AAAA to B. 4 to II. Sizes over 10 slightly more. markshue ROANOKE RAPIDS, NORTH CAROLINA (open Friday night) GASTON - Classes In knitting began Monday night for Gaston Home Demonstration Club mem bers when the group met In the home economics department of the school. The workshop is sponsored by the home demonstration club with Mrs. H. C. GuthrieandMrs. R. L. Shaw as Instructors. Nine club members and one guest attended the first lesson. Prior to the beginning of the classes a brief called meeting of the club was held and various items of Interest were discussed. Mrs. H. L, Blythe gave a re port of the recent executive meet ing held in Woodland and also gave the highlights of the achievement day held in Milwaukee last week. Announcement was made of the November club meeting which will be a demonstration on “Christmas Ideas and Foods.’’ The meeting will be held in the Vepco living center In Roanoke Rapids, to be presented by the home economist, Mrs, H. C. Guthrie announced the Fairfax Restaurant has been selected for the club’s annual Christmas dinner meetingonDe- cember 19, the hour to be an nounced, Mrs. Henry Jordan, hostess, served refreshments to Mrs. C. H. Jordan, Mrs. M. C. Dunlow, Mrs. William Carroll, Mrs, Lil lian Moody, Mrs. H. L. Blythe, Mrs. R. P. Allen, Mrs. Tom Willey, Mrs. J. S, Wells, Mrs. E. P. Hyman, Mrs. Marshall Grant, Mrs, H. C. Guthrie, and Mrs. R. L. Shaw, members and Miss Carolyn Willey, a visitor. Club Studies Men Of Peace JACKSON - Mrs, W. P. Mor ris was hostess for the October meeting of the Jackson Exchange Book Club. Mrs. G. R. Garris presided. The study of “Men of Peace’’ was continued with Mrs. R. C. Whitehurst discussing the life and works of former president Woodrow Wilson. Plans were made for “husbands’ night” In • December. A sweet course was served to Mrs. Garris, Mrs. Whitehurst, Mrs. D. L. Boone, Mrs. J. E. Boone, Mrs. A, H. Martin, Mrs, J. A. Ehrhart, Mrs. L. R. Tay lor and Mrs. W. L. Braswell. A little bit of arithmetic can give you the answer to the num ber of calories needed each day. Women should multiply their ideal weight by 18 to arrive at the answer. Men should multiply by 21, nutritionists say. Births MRS, THOMAS R. GILLIAM Jenkins RICH SQUARE - Mr, and Mrs. Richard D. Jenkins announce the birth of a son, Richard Dewey, Jr., on November 2, at Roanoke- Chowan Hospital. Mrs. Jenkins Is the former Mary Plummer Clark of Rich Square. Barrett-Gilliam Marriage Takes Place In Conway CONWAY - The Conway Bap tist Church was the setting at three o’clock Sunday afternoon, November 14, for the wedding of Miss Vicki Lester Barrett of Conway and Thomas Reed Gil liam of Roxboro. The Rev, Don ald J. Dunlap was the officiating minister for the double ring ceremony. Miss Barrett was given in marriage by her brother, Joseph Robert Barrett. V Mrs. Bobby Johnson, attended her sister as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Mary Lou Gilliam, sister of the bride groom, and Mrs. Melvin Martin. Best man was the bride groom’s brother, Gerry Gilliam, Ushers were Tommy Barrett, brother of the bride; Larry Gil liam, cousin of the bridegroom of Lexington, and Melvin Martin of Roxboro. Mrs. Henry Vick and Mrs. Clyde Barrett of Conway were mistresses of ceremonies. Mrs. Gilliam is a graduate of East Carolina College, Green ville, with a B.S. degree in busi ness education. She presently teaches in Person County, The bridegroom is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute of Blacksburg, Va., where he re ceived an industrial engineering degree. Mr. Gilliam operates Champ Chemical Corp, In Rox boro. The newlyweds will reside at the Carver Apartments in Rox boro, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth V. Barrett of Conway and the late Mr. Bar rett. The bridegroom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Gil liam of South Boston, Va. Out-of-Town Guests Among the out-of-town guests who attended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilton Bar rett of Greensboro, Mr. andMrs. Lemuel Odom ofKinston,Mr.and Mrs. Howard Barrett and daugh ter, Patricia, of Boykins, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gay, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gay of Seaboard, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dixon of Mur freesboro, Kenneth Gay of Franklin, Va., and Mrs, C. W. Bohnen of Norfolk. Courtesies Shower-On Saturday night, Oc tober 30, Mrs. S. D. Hedspeth, Jr., Mrs. Henry Vick, Mrs. E. T. Vick, Mrs. C. W. Bohnen and Mrs. Frank Garriss entertained a? a miscell^reoos'Sl^owef forthe ;bride at thq, Garriss homq. Dinner' ' Pafty Tlie bride’s mother was hostess on Saturday night at a dinner party. Guests included the wedding party and out-of-town guests. The dinner, given at the Tomahawk Restau rant In Ahoskie, preceded the wediiing rehearsal. Cake Cutting - Mrs. Clyde Odom, Mrs. Clyde Barrett, both of Conway, Mrs. Howard Barrett of Boykins, Mrs. Glenn Gay of Seaboard, Mrs. Colin Barnes and Mrs. Russell Allen, both ofNew- port News, were hostesses at the cake cutting on Saturday night. They entertained at the Conway Woman’s Club Building. Seven ty - five guests attended. Aycock GASTON - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aycock announce the birth of a daughter, Virginia Grace, onNo- vember 4, at Roanoke Rapids Hospital. Mrs. Aycock is the former Linda Totherow of Mur phy. Williams ACHILLES, Va. - Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams announce the birth of a son, Brian Keith, October 27 in Riverside Hospital in Newport News. Mrs. Williams is the former Shelba Jean Brittle of Conway. Boone JACKSON - Mr. and Mrs. Jamqs lypod ^oone anpour^ce the ™rtb j9f--a >spn> J^fhe§ Wood, Jp,, Noyoip'bej’j.il in,M9#cal Hospital in Richmond. Mrs. Boone is the former Jean Chand ler of Weldon. TUANXSGIVINi; 3 Racks Dresses VALUES TO $29.95 Special This Weekend 188 $g* GROUP Shoes Values to $12.99 SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND 88 — ALL NEW MERCHANDISE — Weldon Club Funds Can Meet Debt CONWAY - The Conway Wom an’s Club met Wednesday night in the club building with the presi dent, Mrs. C. S. Deloatch, pre siding. Mrs, William Johnson, chap lain, gave the devotion. During the business session Mrs. Lee Brittle gave a report on results of the completed sale of birthday calendars. It was announced that funds were avail able to pay off the indebtedness on the Community Building. Mrs. J. A. Fleetwood, Jr., chairman of the home life de partment, introduced Mrs. Ray mond Warren who presented a demonstration on Christmas ar rangements. Crystal ball gazing is one way—but systematic saving is the sure way! SAVE WITH US for your future dreams! WE PAY ^1/4% PER ANNUM! FIRST FEDERAL Savings & Loan Association ROANOKE RAPIDS 94( Roanoke Ave. Phone JE 7-2027 PORTABLE BIG SCREEN TV CLOCK RADIO The Austin: N2180 All new compact big-screen 21" portable TV styling! Top carry handle. Deluxe Video Range Tuning System. Power Transformer. 20,000 Volts Picture Power. Tho CADET • Modol NSll Radio turns on or off automatically. Slim, compact decorator styling New electric clock with large, easy-to-read numerals. Luminous clock hands. Wavemagnet* an tenna. Automatic gain control. IT COSTS so LITTLE TO OWN THE VERY BEST 5gS@lf .. .The quality goes in before the name goes on' SEE THE WHOLE ZENITH LINE AT Bowers, Inc JACKSON