PAGE 7 TIMES-NEWS, Rich Square, N. C.. February 2, 1967 N Hi Ram T orthampton By JOURNALISM CLASS racks The Glee Club pertormed for the district meeting of the school boards held at NCHS Thursday, January 26, from 4 to 8 p.m. The club, directed by Mrs. Horne, sang for the approximately 135 visitors at the dinner hour in the cafeteria. Calvin Woodard, who accompanied the group, was especially complimented by mem bers of the audience, according to Mrs. Horne. The Glee Club program consisted of “He,” “The Bells of St. Mary,” “Bali Hai,” “This Is My Country,” “Sound of Music” and. “Climb Every Mountain.” Mrs. Horne said she was pleased with the performance. Mrs. Benthall and Mrs. Bullock supervised the serving of the meal provided by Whitley’s Barbecue of Murfreesboro. The guidance directors, officially hosted by Mrs. Burgwyn, county director, assisted by Mrs. Futrell, NCHS counselor, met at NCHS last Friday. About 27 visitors arrived. They met in Miss Edwards’ homeroom, toured the building and went to the Red Apple Restaurant for lunch- Tlm Coggins was named the editor of the NCHS magazine to be published by the journalism class. David Draper was elected assist ant editor. The name of the magazine will be announced at a later date. The spring edition of the magazine will include work of the jour nalism class and that of other students and teachers at NCHS. Pvt. Bob Watson Graduates From Marine Basic PARRIS ISLAND, S, C, - Ma rine Private Bobby E. Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Watson of Route 1, Rich Square, was graduated from eight weeks of recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot here. He will now undergo about three weeks of individual combat train ing and then, after leave at home, will report to his first Marine Corps assignment. His training included thorough study of basic military subjects: hygiene, first aid and sanitation, and the customs, courtesies, his tory and mission of the Marine Corps serve to polish the new Marine's recruit education and prepare him to join Marine com bat forces. Spattered or spilled foods come off range surfaces easily when they have just happened. Wipe them off with paper or a dry cloth. A wet cloUi may steam- burn your fingers or crack the range enamel. PHONE: 332-3095 ROBINSON'S STUDIO Home of FINE PORTRAITS OVER EARL THEATRE AHOSKiE. N. C. To My Friends and Customers: I, Millard Lassiter, will not be associated with Lasker Gin Company after February 1, 1967. I appreciate our past business dealings and will still be available for service to you. MILLARD LASSITER LASKER Next Monday about 170 teachers and principals of this county and adjoining counties will meet at NCHS in an area conference of the North Carolina Education Association. Miss Nell Martin, president of the Northampton unit, will be of ficial hostess, assisted by teachers and principals at NCHS and oth er members of the county unit. Supper will be served cafeteria-style In the cafeteria by the Beta Club, its sponsors and parents of several Betas. ouf of control after colliding with a sec ond vehicle, driven by Herbert Jordon of Northampton County. Mrs. Garcia was treated at Roanoke-Chowan Hospital for a broken collar bone. No charges were preferred. Mid-term examinations ended on Friday, January 20, after three days of exams with two scheduled each day. As the term ended, the third six weeks ended also. Report cards were given out Monday, January 30. Two sets of grades and an ex amination grade appeared on them. REALLY FLIPPED! A 1964 Corvair rests bottom-up in a swampy area off Highway 258 between Rich Square and Scotland Neck after it turned over Monday injur ing a possenger. State Trooper Glenn Swanson said the car, driven by Richard Garcia Jr. of Pope Air Force Base, went Devils Take Double Win Over Littleton WANTED MEN-WOMEN from ages 18 and over. Pre pare now for U.S. Civil Serv ice job openings during the next 12 months. Government positions pay high starting salaries. They provide much greater secu rity than private employ ment and excellent opportun ity for advancement. Many positions require little or no specialized education or ex perience. But to get one of these jobs, you must pass a test. The competition is keen and in some cases only one out of five phss. Lincoln Service has helped thousands prepare for these tests every year since 1948. It is one of the largest and oldest privately owned schools of its kind and is not connected with the Govern ment. For FREE booklet on Gov ernment jobs, Including list of positions and salaries, fill out coupon and mail at once —TODAY. You will also get full details on how you can prepare yourself for these tests. Don’t delay—ACT NOW! LINCOLN SERVICE, Dept. NC-32-3B Pekin, Illinois I am very much interested. Please send me absolutely ^REE (1) A list of U.S. Government positions and salaries; (2) Information on how to qualify for a U.S. Government Job. Name Age Street Phone aty State {D3B) 62265 By MARY BETH PRUETTE MURFREESBORO -Murfrees boro took a double win from Lit tleton’s Blue Jays Tuesday night when the two teams met on Mur freesboro’s home court. In the girls game, the Devil- ettes, going into overtime, sliced a 35-33 victory margin over their competitors while the boys over came the visiting Jays, 53-46, Girls Game Littleton took the lead in the first quarter by pulling ahead of the fighting Red Devilettes seven to five, Dianne Parker scored all five points for the red team while Cathy Clark and Mary Lou Rob ertson were the scorers for Lit tleton, Littleton picked up to 12 points in the second quarter while Mur freesboro dropped in seven ASH E^S Esso Station Welding Rodlafart Cleaned & Repaired Prompt Service HIGHWAY 258 Rich Square, N. C. GOODYEAR NYLON CORD TIRES AS LOW AS... 088 6.50 X 13 tubeless blackwall plus $1.55 Fed. Ex, Tax and old tire Goodyear All-Weather Tires • Extra mileage Tufsyn rubber • Tripie-tempered nylon cord • Track-tested for 100 miles at speeds up to 100 m.p.h. Tubeless Sizef Blackwall Price Whitewall Price Plus Fed. Ei. Tax and old tire 6.50 X 13 $9.88 $12.88 $1.55 7.75 X 14 (7.50 X 14) 914.88 $16.88 $1,88 8.25x 14 (8.00x 14) 815.88 817.88 $2.05 7.75 X 15 (6.70 X 15) $14.88 $18.88 $1.89 tSize shown also replaces size in parenthesis • EASY TERMS FREE EXPERT MOUNTING good/¥ear We Give S&H Green Stamps Open Friday Nights TIL 9 points, Josie Ferguson and Pat ty McLean also added to the scor ing this quarter for the red las sies, Cathy Clark scored five of Littleton’s points. The halftime score was 19-12 in Littleton’s favor. The Red Devilettes dropped in ferent ball in the fourth quarter by dropping in 21 points. Spragin again scored, this time 13 points, Murfreesboro added 13 points to their already large score dur ing the fourth quarter. The final score was 53 to 46 in the Red Devils favor. J, W, Britt and eight points in the third quarter Buddy Wise were both highscor- while Littleton slowed down to six points. The same three Dev ils scored. At the end of the third quarter the Blue Jays held a five- point lead over the Devils, 25- 20. Murfreesboro picked up to their usual game in the fourth quarter by topping the Blue Jays five points, 11 to six. Lavinia Vann dropped in six of the Dev ils’ 11 points. This brought the score to 32-32 when the final buzzer sounded, Murfreesboro now went into its first three minute overtime of the year, Murfreesboro did an excellent job of holding the ball, Littleton finally decided to foul in hopes of getting the ball in their possession but the Dev ils were as strong on their re bounding as they were on stalling the ball. Lavinia Vann, Cecille Liver- man and Patty McLean all shot free throws in the overtime to bring the Devils’ score to 35, while Littleton only made one of their four free throws. The final score of this unbearably exciting game was 35 to 33 in the hot Devilettes favor. Dianne Parker was high scorer for Murfreesboro with 13 points, Patty McLean had eight points, Lavinia Vann, seven, and Josie Ferguson, six points, Cathy Clark was high for Littleton with 16 points. Quarter score: ers for Murfreesboro with 12 points. Tommy Johnson put in 10 points. Spragin was the definite lead er for his team with 27 points. Heating Unit Fires NEW YORK - One out of every 10 fires in the United States begins in some kind of heating unit, according to the Insurance Information Insti tute. San Francisco Fire NEW YORK—The fire which followed the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco destroyed 28,000 buildings and did an estimated 3350 million in damage, accord ing to the Insurance Informa tion Institute. BUILT LIKE A BATTLESHIP!” TRUCKS Wide, Long Body with Double Wail Construction. Heavy-Duty R-ear Springs. 250 Cu. In. In- Line “6” Engine. Deluxe Hea ter and Defroster. Emergency Disability Switch. Back - Up Lights and Door Locks. Direct ional Signals. Dual Headlights. Padded ..Instrument Panel. In side Mirror. Roanoke *2195®“ Motor Solos 101 Roanoka Ava. 'Tour GMC Truck Dealer" N. C. Lie. No. 588 ROANOKE RAPIDS Phone S37-3S97 M’boro 5 7 8 11 ; 3-35 Littleton 7 12 6 1 1-33 Murfreesboro fg ft f pts Parker 5 3 5 13 McLean 3 2 3 8 Vann 2 3 2 7 Ferguson 1 4 1 6 Liverman 0 1 4 1 Chitty 0 0 5 0 Davis 0 0 0 0 Forehand 0 0 1 0 Totals 11 13 21 35 Littleton fg ft f pts Clark 5 6 5 16 Johnston 1 3 0 5 Robertson 2 2 3 6 Gray 1 2 5 4 Isles 0 2 1 2 West 0 0 2 0 Egerton 0 0 1 0 Rodwell 0 0 0 0 Totals 9 15 17 33 Boys Game The Murfreesboro boys came on the court to meet the Little ton Blue Jays in an exciting game. The Devils took an early lead in the game by pulling ahead of the Blue Jays, 13-3, at the end of the first quarter, J, W, Britt dropped in nine of these points for the Devils. The Devils picked up still more in the second quarter by pump ing in 15 points. The Blue Jays dropped in 10 points. Tommy Johnson scored six points for Murfreesboro. This brought the halftime score to 28-13, Both teams were tied in the third quarter while they each scored 12 points. Murfreesboro, however, was still the leader at the end of the third quarter, 40- 25. Carl Spragin scored eight of Littleton’s points. Littleton played entirely dif- ROANOKE MotorSoles, Inc. HOME OF • BUICK • OPAL • GMC TRUCKS FINE SELECTION OF USED CARS Tel. 537-3597 101 Roanoke Ave. ROANOKE RAPIDS STOP! LOOK! READ! EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 15, 1967 AHOSKIE FEED & FUEL CO. OF AHOSKIE AND RICH SQUARE OIL CO. OF RICH SQUARE DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICAN OIL PRODUCTS will change the name af their firms ta Howard Brown Oil Co., Inc. OF AHOSKIE AND RICH SQUARE During the post several years, our two firms hove operoted under separate names, though closely associoted and owned by the some corporation. For sometime we hove felt a name change, the same name for both areos, would be beneficial to our customers and our companies. We feel the name change will bring the companies closer together, cut operating expenses, and pos sibly provide more benefits to our customers. NO OTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE • SAME MANAGEMENT • SAME PERSONNEL • SAME TELEPHONE NUMBERS • SAME PRODUCTS far a few manths until the name change becames familiar, bath firm names will appear with the new name ta avaid canfusian. I!' it' idi RICH SQUARE OIL CO. C. W. Lassiter, Manager TEL. 539-2316 RICH SQUARE, N. C. AHOSKIE & FUEL Haward Brawn, TEL. 332-3117 AHOSKIE, N. C. FEED CO. Manager