i PAGE S Try An And F TIMES-NEWS, Rich Square, N. C., February 2, 1987 Easy Shot In The Want Ads ind A Basketful Of Buyers Clossifted Ad Rates AH naatifM Went Ad* utuiear in obb each a •n» HeruW AhnAic Beriw t*d«?r.AJvawee, Wiwfaor Northampton Couoiy Trtwa New* Rich Stmare; Gat« CoHofy GaiwviBe A»d'the Roumtha-^howott Ne»*- ' Herold M«ffrM>ab6rw!owert»« at one amatt sn«l the homes of 'he Roanoke-Chowas septioo PEP worn l*i WEEK « PEP WOifU>. AFTER )^t WEEK M MISIMt'M CHARGE 1st ‘WEEK . « Can} of Thaohs, ia MoTHTfiatn',, Resetallofta ol RoaiMet W. to ot'iiOar m tjne paper aloao ar* charged «t the roht «( ^ per word P8ty cents service ehacge additioont on att hoyed - •’btincl"--ad* to cover «wl af handling repites {Ad Ctasstfted Ad* Can}- of Tbaak*, etc. are cash to advanoe uale** regular cbai^ eccouat has boon eslab- Rsh^) I -ANNOUNCEMENTS 3. Lost and Found FOUND one large beagle dog in trap on Chowan River, no name on col> (ar. Owner can get doq at Mrs. Henry Powell’s, Eure, N. C. Hanc tf 8; Personal BELK'Tyler’s in Ahoskie is your authorized Singer sewing machine dealer for the Roanoke • Chowan area. Easy terms can be .arranged. Hac tt -EMPLOYMENT 15. Help Wanted, Men MECHANIC WANTED. Farm machin- ery and general auto i-epairs. B A H Garage. Harreilsvilie. Hac tr MALE HELP WANTED for inside work. Good working conditions. Appiy immediately to Lancaster's Hatfchery, Windsor. Lac tf QUALIFIED JOURNEYMAN Meat Cutter. Starting rate $2.75 per hour Appiy in person. Colonial Store, Franklin, Va. Hac tf WANTED—Mechanic for light utility and industrial equipment. Apply in person only at Bagley’s Equipment company, Williamston. Lac 2>8 52. Building, Contracting READY TO BUILD? 2, 3, or 4 bedroom homes Built on your lot. 34 models to choose from. WE FINANCE Also we do Home Improve ments, remodel,, and install plumbing. Call 442-8897 or write: Carolina Model Homes P. O. Box 247 Shaipsburg, N. C, Hac 2-3 PLANNED PROMOTIONAL OPPQRTU NITY Career opportunity through planned advancement steps to managerial levels and higher earnings. We require a college graduate or a high school gradu- ;e with several years business experience. We r^oocf'l^rtlf^'® safqfy;^ plus'ffiberdt' employee' benefits. Applicants must have good driving rec ords, Company car furnished. For an interview appointment, call or write to Mr. Walter Bryant, Universol CIT Credit Corp., 6151 E. Virginia Beach Boulevard, Norfolk, Va. Phone 499-0561. Hac 2-8 16. Help Wanted, Women MAIDS—New York ami Busloii To $65 per week start. Wi-ile or call Tri-County Einploynient, 14!) L. Washington St.. Stillolk, Va. 539-4345 Nights 539-7922. Hap 2-24 MAIDS, GUARANTEED NEV? YORK LiVE-IN JOBS. $40 to $70 weekly. Fare advanced. Rush references. HAROLD AGENCY, Dept. 540, Lyn- brook, N. Y. Hap 4-7 I'M CALLING WITH AVON: Avon calling is fun uml iiroi itaiile. Von can win inuny uourucous Pl»h top commissions. Openinus now avail able. For interview, write: Mrs Louise Perry, Box 483, Ahoskie, N. C., or call 332-3746 before 9:00 A. M. or after 8:00 P. M. Mac 2-:: COMPANION for elderly lady, live in, $16 week, Glennie Moore, Rt. 4 Box 98, Ahoskie. Hap 2-10 17. Help Wanted Male-Female CAN YOU USE EXTRA MONEY? Help meet those monthly payments on your home, car, TV or oher obli gations. Make $35 to $50 a week in spare time supplying consumers in Gates County with Rawleigh Pro ducts. Start immediately. Write Rnw- leigh, Dept. NCA-370-312 Richmond, Va. Hap 2-2 SUPPLEMENT YOUR FARM or other income with a good part time Rawleigh products dealership. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCB-660-823. Rich mond, Va. TNap 2-23 20. Dealers, Agents, Salesman CAN YOU USE EXTRA MONEY? Help meet those monthly payments on your home, car, TV or other obligations. Make $35 to $50 a week in spare time supplying consumers in nearby counties with Rawleigh Products. Start immediately. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCA-460-312 Rich mond, Virginia. Hap 2-3 21. Farm Tenants Wanted TOBACCO FOR RENT. 4,741 pounds. Money or sharecrop. Contact James O. White or phone 356-2159 Colerain, N. C. Hap 2-2 IV—INSTRUCTION 75. Well Drilling MEN WANTED NOW TO TRAIN AS ACCIDENT INVESTIGATORS Insurance companies desperately need men to investigate the half- ’ million accidents, fires, storm, wind and hail losses that occur daily. You can earn top money in this exciting, fast moving field. Car furnished . . . Expenses Paid ... No Selling . . . Full or Part-time. Previous experience not necessary. Train at home in spare time. Keep present job until ready to switch. Men urgently needed . . . pick your' location. Local and National Employment Assistance. Write us today. AIR MAIL, for free details. ABSO LUTELY NO OBLIGATION. A division of UTS., Miami, Florida, ectablidied 1945. WELL BORING — The big 24-iMch well. All work done by State Health Dept. specifications. No water, no pay. Simmons Well and Pump Co. Phone JU 7-2731, Wood land, N. C. TNac tf DEEP WELL DRILLING — 4-6-8 inch wells. Call for free estimates Simmons Well Co., Woodland, N. C. Tel. JU 7-2731. TNac tf WATER WELLS—AM kinds. Phone 3201. Courtland. Va. Hac tf VI—REAL ESTATE IX—AGRICULTURE Public Notices 100. Houses For Sale 202. Cattle. Horses, Hogs TWO MULES FOR SALE cheap. See Whit Tai-kington, Route 4, Windsor. Lap 2-8 204. Dogs, Birds, Pets REGISTERED GERMAN PUPPIES for sale. Harris, 107 Spring Ave., or call 398-4607. SHEPHERD Contact Ed Murfreesboro Hanc tf 206. Plants, Flowers 30. Miscellaneous Service $400.00 MONTHLY POSSIBLE—Home Typing. Full or part-time. Typing tests and details $1.00. BAB Enter prises, P. O. Box 196-ZZA, Holcomb, Missouri 63852, Hap 2*6 CHARLES BEAUTY SCHOOL—Com plete beauty course under expert supervision. Easy terms. Nationally Acci-edited school. 124 - 30th St., Newport News, Va. 23607 Phone CH 4-5221. Hac tf V—SERVICES 3 BEDROOM HOME near school. Real nice condition. Financing available with part down. J, Carl Wilroy, Jr., Colonial Realty. Phone 332-3768. Hac tt FOR SALE—Rural residence. Four room house located on State Road No. 1341 near Debei-ry’s Mill Pond. Contact Angus A. McKellai', Attorney at Law, Jackson, N, C., Phone 534-2901. Hac 2-16 FOR SALE—Houses, building lots and business property. J. Carl Wit- roy Jr., Colonial Realty. Phone 332- 3768. Nights 332-2232. Hac tf FRUIT TREES, Nut Trees, Berr, Plants, Grape Vines, Landscaping Plant Material, offei-ed by Virginia’s largest growers. Free Copy 48-p9. Planting Guide-Catalog in color, on request. Salespeople wa nted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, Waynesboro. Virginia 22980. Hac 2-2 EARLY JERSEY CABBAGE plants for sale. S3 a thousand at the bed. G. A. Simons, Route 4, Box 151B, Ahoskie, or call 332-3342. Hac 2-22 EARLIBELLE STRAWBERRY plants. Contact James Hedspeth, Conway, N. C. Phone JU5-3706. Hap 2-8 NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON The undersigned, having qualified as executrix of the estate of J. Floyd Edwards, deceased, late of Northampton County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1967, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. This 13th day of January, 1987. Mrs. Lucille Edwards, Executrix of the Estate of J. Floyd Edwards, deceased. V. D. Strickland Attorney at Law Rich Square, North Carolina 27869 TNc 2-9 102. Business Property For Sale 207. FOR SALE, complete stock and fix tures of the Coi-nei- Shoppe, Au lander. Lac 2-8 106. Timberland Wanted WANT TO BUY Pine and Cypress standing timber and logs. Paying highest market prices. Beasley Lumber Products, P. O. Box 806. Phone No. 326-5301, Scotland Neck. Hac tf Farm Equipment 108. Mobile Homes FOR SALE—1962 Champion Mobile Home 50” x 10”. Air conditioned, washer and other appliances. Com plete, ready to move in. Phone Ahoskie 332-3901 after 6 P.M, Hac tf New—Used Mobile Homes EAST COAST SALES. INC SALES LOT 1 Mile West on Hwy. 258 MURFREESBORO, N. C. Phone 398*3198 Vi mile South on U.S. 13 AHOSKIE, N. C. Phone: Ahoskie 332-4424 MOBILE HOMES PARKWAY — CONNER MAGNOLIA—RITZ-CRAFT Low' Down Payment—Easy Terms We Trade For Anything of Value tf FOR SALE 1963 Ford Tractor size 2,000. Contact Loyd Futrell Con way, N. C. TNap 2-8 PIONEER CHAIN SAWS B & M Tractor U.S. 13 South of Ahoskie Hac tf ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Clarence Eugene Barnes, deceased, late of Northampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th of July, 1967 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make Immediate settlement. This 12th day of January, 1967. Mrs. Lois N. Barnes Administratrix of Estate of Clarence Eugene Barnes deceased. Rich Square, N. C. TNc 2-9 ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Percy Chambliss, de ceased, late of Northampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of July 1967, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 17th day of January, 1967. Mrs. Blanche C. Whitley Administratrix Estate of Percy Chambliss, Box 431 Gaston, N. C. TNc 2-16 210. Auction Sales VIII—RENTALS SAND, FILLER, Rock and topsoil. Hauling and Front End Loader- work. R. A. Newsome and Son. Rt. 1, Box 107, Cofield. N. C. Phone EL8-3797. Hac tf 50. Accounting, Income Tax PAY YOUR INCOME TAXES in easy monthly installments. Get a Time Payment Loan from the Planters National Bank. Hac tf 55. Equipment Rental FORMAL WEAR rental service for- men and boys. Another new serv ice from our expandng men's de- pai-tment. Belk-Tyler’s. Ahoskie. Hac tf FORMAL WEAR — Shop Ahoskie Department Stoi-e. Featuring “After Six” tuxedo and dinner Jackets. Rentals, available if you desire. Call 332-2141, Ahoskie. Hac tf 60. Miscellaneous Service HOLLOMAN'S 66 SERVICE Corner- Church and Academy Sts. Phone 332-3322. For- the sei-vice of your car-. Hac tf ROCK, SAND and Filler. Front end loader work. M. G. Williford, Phone 794-3717, Windsor. Lap 2-2 62. Painting, Paperbanging IF YOU don't see what you want in the classified section, call 332-2123 and advei-tise for it. Hanc tf 68. Septic Tanks, Cess Pools BRYANT AND LASSITER Septic Tank Sei-vice. Septic tanks cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Wood land 587-3801 or 587-4326. TNap 3-16 71. Watch Repairing QUICK SKILLFUL REPAIRS on any types of watches by expect watch maker. Gai'rett's of Ahoskie is ready to serve you to the best of their ability. Hac tt 124. Money to Lend GET A CASH installment loan from Consumer Credit Cc., 232 E. Maiti St., Ahoskie. Hac tf 151. Apts. For Rent FOR RENT—Two-, three-, and four- room furnished apartment. Located at 312 Spring Ave. In Murfreesboro. Contact W. T. Gray at 310 West St. or phone 332-3287 Ahoskie, N. C. Hac tf ROOM FOR RENT with private bath and steam heat. North King Street. Also two-bedroom apartment in hotel annex. T. J. Heckstall. Phone 795-2116 or 794-3541. Windsor. Lap 2-3 4 ROOM DOWNSTAIRS APT. 424 McGlohoi) SL. Aliosliie. Phone 332-2954. line H 1^2. Houses For Rent 4 ROOM HOUSE—3 miles fi-oin Sun beam Plant. See William Jernigan or call Ahoskie 332-3881 after 6 P.M. Hap 2-2 FIVE ROOM HOUSE on Cofield* Harreilsvilie highway better known as Z. V. Bazemore homeplace. Easy to heat and cheap to right person. Write or see Mrs. Z. V. Bazemore, Star Rt., Harreilsvilie, Hp 2-10 154. Rooms For Rent BEDROOM with or without kitchen privileges for rent. Contact Mrs. J. S. Alexander, 113 West St., Ahoskie. 332-3096. Hanc tf 156. Business Rentals OFFICES FOR RENT in Heckstall Building. One, two or three corrt- bination to suit your needs. T. J. Heckstall, Phone 794-2116 or 794-3541, Windsor. Lap 2-3 RAFM MACHINERY auction sale, Feb. 7 at 10 A.M., 150 Farm trac tors—400 implements, Wayne. Imple ment, Inc., South on Highway 117, Goldsboro, N. C. Hac 2-6 X—ARTICLES FOR SALE 256. Household Goods SEWING MACHINE DIAL-A-MATIC TWIN ZIG-ZAG in beautiful modern cabinet Just like new. BUTTONHOLES, DARNS, FANCY STITCHES, ETC. WITHOUT AT TACHMENTS. Wanted someone in this area with good credit to finish payments $11.15 monthly or pay com plete balance $41.17. Can be seen and tried out locally. Write “National's Credit Manager” Mr. Beane, Box 280, Asheboro, N. C. Hac 2-8 258. Machinery and Tools ONE 5-FOOT LILLINGSTON ^- ' HAWK MOWER ir. good condition for sale at $160. Also set cultivators. Arthur Rawls, Route 1, Windsor (Republican). Lap 2-10 259. Miscellaneous Articles PIANOS—Find out if your child has musical talent through our rental purchase plan! New Baldwin, Kohler & Campbell, Mallett & Davis, rental from $9 month. Rental and delivery applies to purchase price. 185 N. Main St., Suffolk, Va., 539i-659l. Rowe & Long Music Co. Ic tt FOR SALE—Upright piano in ex cellent condition for $100.00. See Mrs. Kendred Williams 1 mile south of Poweilsville on U.S. 13. Hap 2-2 FOR SALE—Used open top 55 gal. drums. $1.50 each. Ideal for trash, many other uses. Apply at Panyl of N. C.. Inc., 522 W. Broad St., Murfreesboro. Hac 2-24 SELL “Where The Action Is”—in the columns of Your Home Newspaper. Classifieds bring results. Call or stop by the office today and tell us what you need to sell. Hanc U WEDDING Announcements — Print ed anti engraved; finest work; quick service. Herald Printing House, Ahoskie. Flanc tt OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale—Tied in convenient bundles. Three cents per pound. Herald Printing House, Ahoskie. Hanc tf 260. Sporting Goods, Boats NOTICE SALE CHEVROLET PICK-UP Under the provisions of Section 44-2 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned having lieu thereon for work done and materials furnished, the charges thereof not having been paid within ninety days from the completion of the work^ and materials furnished, the under signed will offer for saie and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at 11:00 o’clock A.M. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1967, at the place of business of the under signed, on Highway 46 between Garysburg, N. C. and Interstate 95. the following motor vehicle: A 1259 Model Six Cylinder Chevrolet Pick-Up with Manuiaclurer's Serial No. 3A59B102752, title to which is registered in the name of Joe Baxter Stratton, Star Route, Roanoke Rapids. Halifax County, North Carolina. Dated January 12, 1967. M. C. Dunlow, Highway 46, Garysburg, N. C, TNc 2-2 XI—AUTOMOTIVE ESSO SERVICE STATION FOR RENT or dependable operation Fully equipped and fully stocked. Ready to operate Closed Only One Day Interested parties call Colerain 356-4415 Hac 2-8 301, Auto Parts Repairs FOR SALE — Mufflers—Guarnnteeil life of youi' car. Install free. Eddie Han-eli Auto & Sports Store, Ahos kie. N. C. Hac tf 303. Tires, Recap, Repair USED TIRES—Airplane tires toi farm equipment, trailers, log carts Over 8,000 used passenger tires and tubes. New batteries 1c to 2c per day Ahoskie largest tiie market. Ahoskie Tire Service, Memorial Drive, Ahoskie, N. C. Hac tf 305. Cars, New and Used FOR SALE 1957 Chev. 4 door sedan— new motor—body in excellent con dition. Jud''"' Roxobfti N C. Phone at night—344-7851. Lap 2-15 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lattie T. Spence, deceased, late of Northampton County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before August 3, 1967, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersign ed. This the 27th day of January, 1967. Otis Spence, Administrator of the Estate of Lattie T. Spence Conway, North Carolina Johnson, Johnson & Johnson Attorneys Conway, North Carolina TNc 2-23 Northampton County, North Carolina TNc 2-23 DEEP WELL drilling, Magette Well and Pump Company, R. W. Ma gette Manager. Phone 332-2265, Ahos kie, N. C. Hac tf SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE IN WOODLAND contact SPRUILL OIL Ahoskie Ph 332-2048 Hoc tf NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed under date of February 13. 1963, by Bob Reid Harris and his wife, Magnolia B. Harris, recorded at Book 480 Page 306, Northampton County Public Registry: default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured; said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Jackson, North Carolina, at 12:15 o’clock p.m.. on Monday, the 27th day of February, 1967, the property conveyed in said deed of trust and described as follows: Those six (6) certain lots or parcels of land together with all improve ments thereon just North of the cor porate limits of the Town of Garys burg, in Occoneechee Township, Northampton County, North Carolina, each fronting 25.13 feet on the South side of North Carolina Highway No. 46 leading from Graysburg to Gaston; and extending back in a Northerly direction to Collier Street varying distances to 183.7 feet (the Eastern line of Lot No. FOUR (4) to 199.3 feet (the Western line of Lot No. NINE i9): and each fronting 25 feet on the South side of said Collier Street; and being numbered, desig nated and shown as Lots Nos. FOUR (4). FIVE (5) SIX (6) SEVEN (7), EIGHT (8) and NINE (9) in BLOCK •■J’’, as shown on “MAP SHOWING SUBDIVISION J. R. COLLIER, GARYSBURG, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C.”, as surveyed and platted by M. H. Shearin, Noverriber. 1958, which map or plat is duly re corded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Northampton County in Map Book 5, Page 45, and being the identical real estate which was con veyed unto Bob Reid Harris and his wife. Magnolia B. Harris by deed of Ophelia Dixon Massey and others, dated June 12. 1961, and duly re corded in Northampton County Public Registry at Book Page For greater certainty of description reference is here made to the afore mentioned map and deed. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and a deposit of ten (10%) per cent will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good faith. This the 27th day of January, 1987. John A. James, Trustee TNc 2-23 NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY SANDY RICHARD MILES, t’lalntiff vs. DORMIA BANKS MILES, Defendant TO: DORMIA BANKS MILES The above named defendant, Dor- mia Banks Miles, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Northampton County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the de fendant upon the ground that plain tiff and defendant have lived sepa rate and apart for more than one year next preceding the bringing of this action; and the defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, in the courthouse in Jackson, North Caro lina, within twenty days after the 10th day of February, 1967, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, ■rhis 16th day of January, 1967. R. Jennings White, Jr. Clerk of the Superior Court By: Pattie B. Garrett TNc 2-9 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing where in R. B. Outland and Millard Las siter were partners trading and do ing business under the firm name of Lasker Gin Co., in the Town of Lasker, in the County of Northamp ton. North Carolina, has been dis solved by the partners effective as of February 1. 1967. and that all parties having claims against the said partnership are notified to ex hibit the same to the undersigned sole partner. This the 31st day of January, 1967, R. B. Outland, M. D. Rich Square, N. C. TNc 2-23 ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as admini,5kratrix of the estate of H. C. Maddrey, deceased, late of Northampton Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1967, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate settlement. This 16th day of January, 1967. Martha B. Maddrey, Seaboard, N, C., Adiiiinistra' trix Estate of H. C. Maddrey TNc 2-9 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor and Executrices of the Estate of W. L. Harris, late of Northampton County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned, or our Attorney, Eric Norfleet, Jackson, N. C., on or before July 12, 1967, or this notice will be pleaded tn bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. Dated January 7, 1967. J. Ramsey Harris, Executor and Bettie Harris Eastwood and Marian Beatrice Harris Marks, Executrices. Seaboard, North Carolina. TNc 2-2 1957 LINCOLN 4 cloor SHIO. Power steering and brakes. Call Ahoskie 332-3252 after 5 P.M. H.ic li 1960 FORD Starliner. excellent shape. reasonable, phone nights PY-1-3397 or days PY4-3301, John Baker, Wind sor. Lac tf ATTENTION Self-Employed Individuals Under the "KEOGH PENSION PLAN (Amended November 13, 1966) you can now establish your own personal Retirement Income plan, with tax- deductible dollars, and accumulate substantial savings, tax free by using Jefferson Standard s Prototype Plan, the form of which has been ap proved by the U. S. Government. For full details on how you can benefit, coll A. Ray Lassiter, District Manager, Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Com pany at 332-2879 or, 332-3493, Ahoskie, N. C. No oblijjtiWon. Hoc 2-9 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE By virtue of the authority contained in a certain deed of trust, dated 23rd., day of March, 1960, by David W. Rice and Elizabeth P. Rich, his wife, to J. T. Maddrey, Trustee, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Northampton County, North Caro lina, in Book 452 at page 247, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will on Wednes day, the Ist. day of March, 1967, at 11:00 o’clock A.M., at the Court house door in Jackson, North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same being described as follows: 1. That certain lot or parcel of land with all improvements thereon in Occoneechee Township, in or near the Town of Garysburg, Northampton County, North Carolina, being lot No. Thirty (30) on the plot of Lot Sub-division of Mrs. M. G. Collier, surveyed April 10, 1944, by C. F. Gore, Registered Engineer, which map is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County in Map Book 2, page 9. Ref erence is made to the deed of John R. Collier to David W. Rice and Elizabeth P. Rice, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Northampton County in Book 327. at page 634. 2. That certain lot or parcel of land with all improvements thereon in Occoneecheee Township, in or near the Town of Garysburg, Northampton County, North Carolina, just West of and adjacent to the above described lot, and being One- Third of Lot No. 29, Fifty (50) feet X 50 feet in size “Block E” lying on the North side of the dividing line of said Lot No. Twenty-Nine (29), the same being a continuation of the dividing line between Lots Nos. Thirty (30) and Thirty-One (31) Block “E” for a distance of 50 feet to a stake in the Western side of Lot No. Twenty-Nine (29) as shown on the map or plat of the Sub division of the properties of Mrs. M. G. Collier and J. R. Collier, prepared by C. F. Gore, Reg. Eng., March 23, 1946, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Northamp ton County in Map Book 2, at page 74, and being the identical real estate which was conveyed unto the said David W. Rice by deed of J. R. Collier and wife, recorded in Book 348 at page 374, Public Registry aforesaid. The above property will be sold subject to 1967 taxes. The successful bidder will be re quired to deposit a sum equal to 10% of his bid to show his good faith, This notice dated and posted the 26th. day of January, 1967. J. T. Maddrey, Trustee. TNc 2-23 on map hereinafter referred to a distance of 200 feet to another iron stake in line of Gladys Moody; thence along his line in a Westerly direction a distance of 100 feet to another iron stake in line of Lot No. 23; thence along line of Lot No. 23 in a South erly direction, a distance of 200 feet to point of beginning, and being all of Lot No. TWENTY TWO (221 and part of Lot No. THIRTY ONE (31) as shown on that certain map or plat of the property of W. A. Thorne made by M. H. and J. C. Shearin in July and December, 1945, of record in Map Book 2 at page 67. Northamp ton Public Registry, the same being the identical real property conveyed unto the said Golene Vincent by deed of Mrs. M. C. Miles, et vir dated June 22, 1962, recorded in Book 474 at page 153, Northampton Public Registry: reference to said map and deed being hereby made for greater certainty of description. The aforesaid real property will be sold subject to 1967 taxes and subject to that certain first lien deed of trust from Golene Vincent and Charlie Vincent, her husband, to Julian R. Allsbrook, Trustee, dated April 12. 1963, recorded in Book 490 at page 714, Northampton Public Registry. This notice dated and posted the 28th day of January, 1967. Julian R. Allsbrook Trustee TNc 2-23 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY JULIA JONES BURKS. Plaintiff vs. WILLIAM D. H. BURKS. Defendant TO WILLIAM D. H. BURKS. TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-en titled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Action for divorce on the grounds of One (1) year separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than twenty (20) days after the 2nd day of March, 1967, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 31st day of January. 1967. R. J. White, Jr. Clerk of the Superior Court of Northampton County. North Carolina TNc 2-23 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA NORTHAMPTON COUNTY MARY VIRGINIA BAKER PLAINTIFF vs. GEORGE WASHINGTON BAKER, DEFENDANT To GEORGE WASHINGTON BAKER. TAKE NOTICE THAT; A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above en titled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows; Action for divorce on the grounds of One (1) years separtaion. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than twenty days (20) after the 2nd day of March, 1967, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 31st day of January, 1967. R. J. White, Jr. Clerk of Superior Court of NOTICE OF FORlECLOSURE By virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust, dated the 12th day of April, 1963, executed by Golene Vincent and Charlie Vin cent, her husband, to Julian R. Alls brook, Trustee, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Northampton County, North Caro lina, in Book 473 at page 597, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned Trustee will on Tuesday, the 28th day of February, 1967, at 11:00 a.m. at the Post Office door in Gaston, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to tlie highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed veal property, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, lying and being situate in the town of Gaston, Gaston Township Northampton County. North Carolina: Beginning at iron stake in South west corner of land herein conveyed on North side of a 30-foot street in line of lands of Wilbert Avent known as Lot No. 23 and running thence along Northern edge of said 30-foot street in an Easterly direction a distance of 100 feet to another iron stake In other lands of Romie Moody; thence in a Northerly direc tion a dividing line between lands herein conveyed and other lands of Romie Moody which line runs paral lel with line of Lot No. 23 shown Henry Woodard Dies Tuesday In Chesapeake, Va. CHESAPEAKE - Henry Long Woodard, 60, died Tuesday In his home after an illness of twer years. A native of Pendleton, he lived in this area 27 years. He was retired from Cuthrell Machine Works, He was a member of Oaklette Methodist Church and served on its Official Board many years. He was a son of the late John Thomas and Mrs, Katie Long Woodard and the husband of Mrs. Mary Long Woodard. Besides his widow, surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Marilyn Rowland of Chesapeake and Mrs, Edna L. Black of Washington; three sisters, Mrs. Helen Joy ner of Portsmouth and Mrs. Eth el Davis and Mrs. Morris Bry ant of North Carolina; a brother, Howard Woodard of North Caro lina; and four grandchildren. The body was taken to Fran cis A. Gay Funeral Home. A funeral s e r v ice was conduct ed In Oaklette Methodist Church Thursday at 3:30 p.m.bytheRev. Paul R, Best. Burial was in Riverside Me morial Park, Conway Native Dies In Virginia Home Tuesday SUFFOLK — Joe F, Deloatch Sr., the husband of Mrs. Estelle Deloatch, died Tuesday in his home in Nansemond County, A native of Conway, he was a son of the late Manch and Mrs. Rachel Maddrey Deloatch. Surviving, besides his widow, are five daughters, Mrs. Fannie Pruden, Mrs. Etta Skinner, Mrs. Margaret Bowers, Miss Vivian Deloatch, and Miss Juanita De loatch; two sons, Joseph Deloatch Jr, and John Willie Deloatch; and two brothers, J, B, Deloatch and Charlie Deloatch, all of Suffolk, and 14 grandchildren. A funeral service will be con ducted Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in Cooke Funeral Home, Burial will be in the family cemetery, Nansemond County, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Recreation Facilities Valley Pine Recreation Association, Inc. Northampton County, North Carolina Separate sealed bids for Recreation Facilities for Valley Pine Recreation Association, Inc. will be received by the Valley Pine Recreation Associa tion, Inc. at the office of the Farmers Home Administration, Jackson, North Carolina until 2:00 o’clock, P.M, E. S. T. Friday. February 10. 1967, and then at said office publicly open ed and read aloud. The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, Forms of Bid Bond and Performance Bond may be examined at the following: Associated General Contractors of America, Raleigh. N. C., F. W. Dodge Corp., Raleigh N. C. and in the of fice of F. T. Green and Associates. Engineers. lllVa South Goldsboro Street, Wilson, N. C. upon payment of the following amounts for each set; Part I, Club House, $25.09. Part II, Swimming Pool, $25.uu. Part III, Clearing & Grubbing, $25.00. Part IV, Greens. Tees, Fairw." Part V. Electrical, $25.00. Part VI. Plumbing. $25.00 Part VII. Mechanical, $25.00. Part VIII, Irrigation, $25.00. Parts 1 Through VIII. $50.00 Any unsuccessful bidder, upon re turning such set promptly and in good condition, will be refunded his payment and any non-bidder upon so returning such a set will be re funded 25% of the price paid for such plans and specifications. The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any and all bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions pro vided in the Information for Bidders. AU construction contracts in tlie amount of $10,000.00 or more will be subject to the provisions of Farmers Home Administration Letter 797-(400) Date; January 30, 1967. Charles E. Meyers President , F. T, Green & Associates . Consulting Engineers ; inV^ S. Goldsooro St Wllron, N.C. TNc 2-2 Special Notices CARD OF THANKS Words are inadequate to ex press the gratitude and appreci ation for the kind deeds, com forting words, for the generous help rendered to my husband, Lattie Spence, during his illness and deato. Mrs. Lattie Spence TNp 2/2 Mattress Making JACKSON - There will be an exhibit on mattress making in the Courthouse auditorium in Jackson on Friday, February 3, at 2 p.m, Mrs. Genevieve K, Greenlee, housing and house furnishings specialist, will discuss the situa tion, purpose, objectives, show supplies and equipment needed for a bedding program in addition to her exhibit of a miniature mattress, baby crib mattress and other exhibits. Interested persons are cor dially invited to attend. READ AND USE THE CLASSIFIED WANT ADS EARL Theatre AHOSKIE, N. C. Thur.-Wed. Feb. 2-8 Extraordinary Entertainment! starring FRED MACMURRAY VERA MILES V^TECHMCOLOR' 01966 Will Oii-iff Ptoauciioni^^

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