THE TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1901. TOWN AND COUNTY NKWS. Mr- L. B. Forney, of Polk, is in the city. Mr. Fed Keeter, of Gilboa, was in the city last Friday. Mr. Dan lieadford is building a new residence near town. Prof. Z. T- Whitesides, of Uree, was in the city Tuesday, Ex-Sheriff Ed Eeam of Cliffdale, was in town this week. Mr. Mc. Morris., of Riverside, was a visitor in the cirjf yesterday. Mr. J. M. Champion and wife wvre in town shopping! on Tuesday. D. C. Hodge, a travelling salesman of a Kuoxville nursery, was in the city Monday. Mr. L. Logan, the pleasant hotel man of Chimney Rock, was in the city Tuesday. Miss Cantrell, who is teaching at Mountain creek, was ia the city Tues day night. Maj. L. P. Frwin made a business trip to Union Mills Tuesday, returning in the evening. C. G. HilL of Sulphur Springs township, will move back to his old home near Cuba. Mr. T. D. McBrayer, of Shelby, rep resenting the Equitable Life Insurance Company, is in the city. We regret that Mrs. John White, near town, is still quite sick, and trust that she may recover soon. Mr. C. M. Martin, of Forest City, spent Sunday in town, the guest of his brother, Sheriff A. E. Martin. Mr. Oliver Taylor, of the Broad Riv er section, has been confined to his room with grippe for some days past. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Tanner, of Car oleen, spent Sunday in Rutherfordton, the guests of Mrs. M. H. Justice. Mrs. Bynum Higgins, of Union Mills, came down Tuesday, and is the guest of Mrs. P. D. Hefner at the Gleg horn. Quite a number of people from all parts of the county are in the city to day to attend the WUkins-Lynch mar miage. Mr. S. Gallert returned from Ral eigh and other points East, on Monday. He attended the inauguration a few days ago. "Mr. John Han-ill, of Forest City, is constructing a number of new houses in and around the town, which lie will hold for rent. Mr. Samuel Portruni, of Tennessee, is visiting his brother, Mr. H. Port rum, the well-known farmer and citizen of our community. Mr. R. J. Horris came very near loosing his right eye. It seems that he was driving a nail which flew up strik- him in the eye. Ex-Sheriff G. W. Long was in the city Monday on legal business. He is a good citizen and shows his good taste by reading The Trtbuns. Our old friend, 'squire Alfred Har rill, of Forest City, has been quite sick . with grippe for several days. We hope to hear of his recovery soon. Miss Essie Morris, one of the most popular young ladies of the town, is away on a visit to her sister ,Mrs. John C. Twitty, at Converse, S. C. The srock drivers of Tennessee con tiuue to come through our town with good horses and mules. They are bring ing better stock this year thau last. Mr. R. L. England, of Spartanburg who is the managing salesman of the Singer Manufacturing Company, was here Saturday, a guest at the Central Hotel. Mr. Downing, the Vaudeville show manager, from New York, is here on visit to his wife, who is a daughter of onr successful sawmill man. Mr. W. M Younc. R. S. Eaves is making some improv- inents on his lot on Washington street. Among them will be the addition of bedroom which will add much to the convenience of the house. Mrs. Joseph Camp, of Green River, was is town shopping on Monday last. Miss Eloise Mills, who has been visiting her for some days, accompanied her. They returned in the afternoon. Mr. A. F. Weaver, one of the most substantial citizens of the county, was here Monday. He says that Thermal City is quiet, audits people are now get ting over tne effects of the holiday sea son. Mr. R. R- Haynes, the projector of the new cotton mills at Haney Shoals, near Henrietta, continues to buy up lands near Big Island He has purchas ed a number of lots there within the past few months. Mr. Stonewall Durham, Secretary of the Southern Cotton Mills of Besse mer City, was here Wednesday to at tend the Lynch-Wilkins marriage. Mr. Tucker, a prominent mill man,, accom panied him. W. H. Gibson, the proprietor of the fashionable city barber shop, has doub led his capacity by a recent purchase of material and he eays that he can now do all the work of the town promptly and ! in the best possible manner. Mr. Jeff Whiteside moved from his recent home on the farm of H. Portrum, to the lands of Wm, Miller on Moun tain creek. Mr. Whitesides is a good in dustrious farmer, and we wish him a successful year in his new home. Cut this out and take it to Twitty & Thompson's drug store and get a free simple of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Jhe best physic. They also cure disorders of the stomach, bil liousnesa and headache. 'aiiuura amy OT me new Paper. ' Rutherfordton has a new paper The i Tribune. It is Democratic and is strict-! ly up-to-date and newsy. We welcome it to our exchange table. Burke Caunty news. Rutherfordton's new paper, The Trib- court of Rutherford county, judj unn, comes to our desk this week. It is ment was awarded aginst him for bright newsy paper, handsomely got-! ten up, ana we wish it much success. -Cleveland Star. TITC T? TT'P U ifUfApmAM TT new paper printed in Rutherfordton The Tribune is a bright newsy paper, We have it on our exchange list. W. F. Rucker is the efficient editor. Shel by Aurora. We adknowledge the ceceipt of a coot f hi fnilnra tn tisf v tho nnnrto of the first issue of The TrIbune a j j n 4. xi new and newsy sheet, now to flutter ,'. , . T , ltr a tt i from the pen of W. F. Rucker, of Ruth- Wlfe aPPlied to J udSe W. A. Hoke erfordton, who has assumed the editor- f Lincolnton, for an order to is- ship of the paper and will pencil down sue thaf the defendant show cause the happenings of his community and wny he should not be attached, send them forth to instract the ignorant rru:a TQO t .,,,1 and make the wise, wiser. I . , . 5L r Yes Bro. Rucker, we will srladlv tW riaa-V fflormnS Messrs iucuray- you upon our exchange list, and "will ea and J"stice were notified that pay next time I see you," "or hand it to Moore was in the custody of the you sometime when you are passing," Sheriff of Mecklenburg. Depulv 'or leave it with Mr. So and So." "Rp i o a i - i , Charles Futman brought him suits aim beuu me me paper ana i ll pay , , , you sure." And "when my time is out, here where he WaS 111 confine just send the paper on, I'll pay for it." ment for three days, and than re- But "can't you take a little less than a leased upon giving bond for $105, for it a year?" Polk County News, to satisfy the amounts due and THE TRIBUNE. DR. MOORE IMPRISONED. Jailed for Three Days--Discharged on Bond. . Some time ago Dr. Moore had some trouble in his family affairs and was separated from his wife. At the last term of the Superior $80,00 because of a suit prose cuted by his wife. In addition to the said judgment the court al lowed Mrs. Moore $12,50 per month as alimony, whereupon the doctor left the country, and re fused to recognize the judgment and decree of the court. Because Ep worth League. The Fpworth League service of Mon day night was especially interesting. Miss Myrtle Hanes lead the sesvice and the costs. A LOVELY MARRIAGE. ELABORATE CHURCH DECORA- TIONS. A Beautiful and Impressive Ceremony --The Attendants and The'H Cos tumes Described --Rev. C. B. Jus tice Officiated. and marriage ring with gladness as two happy hearts began life's way together. The bride and groom took the afternoon train for Washington city, where they will spend their honeymoon. Miss Clara Wilkins wore mili tary blue broad cloth, white taf- The old town of Rutherfordton, T r 7 """mings, pict- .....k uuu aiiieu limit carna tions and asparagus ferns. Miss Annie Davis wore light tan veni tian cloth skirt, liberty satin waist with white applique trim mings, black velvet picture hat, and carried a boquet of pink car nations and asparagus ferns. Miss Amie Lynch, maid of honor, wore grey cloth suit, white satin and applique trimmings, grey velvet hat, and carried a showy boquet, of white carnations. The bride wore castor Venetian cloth with golden brown silk and gold applique trimmings, turban of brown velvet knotted with light blue, and carried an elaborate boquet of bride's roses. Oyster Supper. On Tuesday evening the ladies talked at length upon the responsibility of the Methodist church gave an incumbent upon us, because of our per- oyster supper at the Uentral Jio- sonal influence over others. The League tel. The proceeds go to the ben is a thriving institution, of forty or more entofthe parsonage. Over ten r - at. . dollars was taken in -f-i-L I.V IT li) UUU V LllCdt 111 LLJ 1 ,t l 1 - tiuue to grow in its influence and good to the community. The next service, on the evening of January 23th, will be con ducted by Miss Essie Falls, and all are invited to attend. The Inevitable Consequence. Last week Andrew Owens, the 18- year-old son of P. W. Owens and Ella Pintough, aged 16 years crossed the State line and were made man and wife. The parents of this youthful pair were all prejudiced against the match, and the couple, youth like, conquered all opposition by taking the determined and decisive step. "When applied to the love of a boy and a girl, the old adage is a true one, "Ephraim is joined to his idols ; let him alone." An Exchange of Homes. Mi s. J. B. Eaves is no longer residing at the old homestead, but has recently moved to Forest City, where she has re cently gotten the house of Mr. Jake Al exander in exchange for her country residence. Mr. Alexander will make his home at the Eaves farm. Mr. Griswald Very III. We are sorry to learn that Mr. James Griswald, whose illness we mentioned in our last issue, is now at the point of death. His recovery is "exceedingly doabtf ul, and his relatives have all been summoned to his bedside. Largest Beet of the Season. Mr. Peter Koone, of Morgfui ship, was here last week with tlis est beet curiosity we have yet Tne beet was 2 feet and 6 nieces Ill Hello Thermal. The good people of the town will be delighted to know that telephone wires length, 3 3-4 inches in diameter, and it will soon connect us with Thermal City, weighed 4 3-4 pounds and the usual "hello" may be exchang ed with the folks there. The line is under the direction of the Rutherford ton Telephone Company, which is about the most bnsiness like institution of the town. The stockholders in the company are D. F. Morrow, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mills. "Work on the new line was begun to-day. Capt. Rowland Returned. The many friends of the affable Cap tain John F. Rowland and family are Mr. Ambrose Mills, of Polk county, spent Wednesday in Rutherfordton. Mrs. Lad Wilkie has been quite ill for some days, but she is improving now. The wife of J. N. Fowler, of Pea Ridge has been quite ill for several days. K. J. Carpenter left for his home in Spartanburg on last Saturday, where he will spend several days with his people. Mr. T. C. Cansler, the most pro- glad to welcome them home again, after gressive young lawyer of the Charlotte an absence of two months. Capt. Row har. spent baturday and bnnday in town. land has been hi Baltimore the greater Mr. Rov Walker, of Elberton, Ga., part of his thn and he did not neglect is nere on a to jg COUsins, Miss to tell the people of the great natural Amie and ir Norman Lynch. He was resources of this county while there, here last summer, and his friends are He tells us that he will have a party ot J glad to welcome him again. capitalists to visit the town at some time during the coming year. Senator M. H. Justice came from Raleigh on Saturday's train in order that he might spend the Sabbath with his family. Mr. Justice is an impor Rutherford Hogs. This last week Mr. J03 Groves, of Union Mills, brought in the largest hog tant member of this Legislature, and he we have seen this season. The hog was returned to his duties on Monday. eighteen months old, and weighed r1A fViaf this VlOW- lua. i.. ii nwv .t. m i n mail, ui i lie viiamueriiuu. uxeuioiiic wui- nltf a to fni- ATt Minr-er :"Lrril' 011Apany, left an advertisement with us on 4-U 4- KQ71Z The ThfiVft is no "J?rir nf man,andis competent to take uuagu 6 ";";;; his comDanT iu Ms transactions for meat so long as they raise nogs oi suca enormous size. Mr. Hughlon Hill attended an old time dance on Saturday night, at the home of Mr. Barzilly Green, near town, S. C. & G. Delayed. On the S. C. & G. Extension the north rlplaved on Friday night, because of three , freignt ?iaregt l?lwU sies of the settlement. Mr. Hill reports tne IU1U1 ueu. J-lic poaacugcio , . transferred to flat cars and were taken a gooa tYme into Marion by the work train. Theac- If troubled with a weak digestion, cident occurred about four miles from belching, sour stomach, or if you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Twitty & Thomp son's drug store. j 111 v i t with all ner imnarea years more, has never seen a so beautiful and impressive as that which took place in the Bap tist church on the afternoon of January, 23rd, at the hour two o'clock. It was an ideal ceremo ny that bound the life of John Hemphill Wilkins to that of the beautiful and accomplished Leo na Lynch. The church was a dream of rare loveliness and good taste; beau tiful decorations of holly, ivy and cedar adorned the altar. In the background was a screen of evergreens, behind which the or gan was hidden from view. Im mediately in front of this and above the platform upon which the minister stood, was an arch of cedar and holly. From the cen ter of the arch two hearts, made of white silk and tied with satin ribbon, hung united together, a fit symbol of the matrimonial ; state. On either side of the arch and directly at the point of cur vature, two lighted candles burn ed brightly, and from these, on either side, long lines of ever greens stretched out to the oppo site walls. Promptly at the hour of 2 o'clock the bridal party arrived, just as the strains from the wed ding march of Lohengrin filled the air, and breathed into it a spirit of sweet solemnity and beauty befitting the seriousness of the hour. The party marched down to the altar in the following order, the loading the way: Thomas j "W i 1 hn. entered the right aisle, j an.l Iv::ak L. Hicks the left;', Dr. u G, Reid, right, O. C. Er- win left. Following these the at tendants came next : Miss Clara Wilkins entered the left, aisle, Wm. F. Rucker right ; Miss Anne Davis right, Dr. Samuel Wilkins left. Miss Amie Lynch, maid of honor, came down the left hand aisle, preceeding the couple. The groom, Mr. Wilkins, then enter ed with his best man, Charles M. Cooke of Bessemer City, while df.wn the left aisle and almost opposite to them the bride walk ed, leaning upon the arm of her brother, Mr. Norman Lynch. As they stood before the altar, the music changed, and above the tender and beautiful melody of could be heard the voice of Rev. 0. B. Justice, the minister : "When, six thousand years ago the Lord said 'It is not good for man to be alone' He uttered a truth universal in its existence and application; and it is said in holy writ that, 'who so findeth a wife findeth a good thing and findeth favor in the Lord.' Man was not made because he wras nec essary to the developing and re fining of the character of woman; but woman was created because man needs her influence, her sym pathv and her untiring love and devotion. As we approach mar riage, the greatest of all institu tions, God has given to man per- ED 5 We hare women shoes at 85 cts a pair. For those 9 who p want the BUT for f 1.25 a pair yor enn 1 ny our Dongola or Kais ssroo Ca)f Shoes in Button or I i:iv. Strictly all solid leather and rv.-ry pair warranted. Our pumh-.m fiYr will close soon. Ttike advantage offered you now, .8 COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHRD MAY 1ST, 1900. Report of the condition of the Com mercial Bank of Rutherfordton, at Ruth erfordton, N. C, at the close of business on January 22nd, 1901. RESOURCES. LiOans and discounts, - $18,466,73 Overdrafts - .37 a urniture and Fixtures, . 1,000.00 Due from banks and bankers, 7,352.32 Casnonhand, - - 9,458,30 Due on stock - 45.42 Revenue on hand, ... 50.00 T. C. S W B & t; a IT Y I.TQ IViY FRIENDS, Total LIABILITIES. Caiptal stock, -Undivided profits, -Deposits subject to checks, Cashier's checks, Total, - $36,373.14 $10,000.00 060.12 25,363.46 349.56 $36,373.44 All business intrusted to our care will receive careful and prompt attention. J. F. FLACK, Cashier. Dr. T. B. TWITTY, President. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF RUTHERFORDTON, Rutherfordton, N. C. At the close of business on the 9th day of January, 1901. O SI Please Accept my very best wishes for a Hapiy and Prosperous New Year. -It is with much pride that I wish to thank my friend and pai rons for what sis been the largest year of business in my history. For this I am indebted to you for what part you have contributed and 1 assure you, whether large or small, it is highly appreciated. AROASN After taking an inventory I find that my stock of .-oods is entirely too large for this season and in order to reduce it to what it should be within the next thirity days am going to offer some extraordinary bargains. Don't fail to see me before you buy. Marion. A New Firm. Messrs. J. C. Hampton and N. H. Weeks have recently bought the stock of Weeks Bros., at Itom, and have open nn at Lotran's Store, where Mr. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, Stock and bonds, Banking house, Furniture and fixtures. Cash on hand and in banks, Other resources, liabilities Caiptal, Undivided profits, Deposits, Notes re-discounted $14,909.59 1,350.00 3,750.00 1,250.00 9,046.84 1,325.58 $31,632.01 ! $10,000.00 915.04 18,716.97 2,000.00 $31,632.01 i G. C. REID, m m a m m Q S3 RUTHERFORDTON, NORTH CAROLINA. We respectfully solicit your business, and we guarantee every accommodation consistent with sound banking M. H. MORROW, Cashier. D, F. MORROW, President. Miss Clara Wilkins entertained a number of her friends at her country Hampton has been doing business for home on Wednesday evening. Among some time. Mr. Hampton is a young them were, Misses Annie Davis, and merchant of business abiUty, and we Amie Lynch, Messrs Chas. M. Cooke, wish him much success. Tom Wilkins and Dr. Sam Wilkins, of BessmerCity, and Mr. Will Wilkins, of Rutherfordton. Mr. Lumpkin Promoted. Mr. S. Lumpkin, son of the late S. B. j Lumpkin, has been appointea aenng m tne Methodist church at this passenger agent of the S. C. & G. Ex- place, on Thursday afternoon at 3 tension He took care of that depart- o'clock, Rev. J. E. Abernethy officiating, ment of the company during his father's Mr. Charlie Long was happily married illess and it is thought that he will soon to the daughter of Mr. John Marks. raceive a permanent appointment. Mr. Long is a young and prosperous 1 farmer of this county, and we wish them Mrs. Harmon uw- , , a pleasant voyage on life's sea. Mrs. Drucilla Harman, wife of Joseph J s Harmon, of i orest oiry, uicu .. r A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks after a short illness 01 tnree uaj-a. Pr0f . Roxa Tvler. of Chicago, Vice Harmon has been quire wt, President Illinois Woman's Alliance, in days, but is recovering now. speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Rem The Mother's Favorite. edy, says: "I suffered with a severe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the cold this winter which threatened to run haps, we deem it the offspring of infinite love and mercy, whose biithplace is in the infinite mind, it is an institution which Jesus Christ recognized when he at tended the marriage in Canan of Galilee." "Join your right hands. Will you each agree to take the other in the holy bonds of matrimony, to strive to live together as man and wife, according to all the pre cepts and commannments of Al mighty God, as long as you both shall live?" The music grew sof ter yet, and the I will" was clearly heard. Again "I pro nounce vou man and wife. What LAND SALE. L. T. Sharpe. J- W. Hickman, Deney Cecil Hickman, and Minnie Hickman bv their next friend, D. W. Russel, ex uarte. Bv virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Caldwell county, I will sell on the premises, on Monday. February 19th, 1901, the following described tracts of land, to wit : The first tract lving and being in Rutherford county, on both sides of Briar Creek and on the North side of First Broad River, adjoining the lands of Elijah and Elish Waters, containing 20 and 3-4 acres more or less. At the same time and place, 1 will sell a second tract, said tract lying and l)eing in said county, on the waters of First Broad River, adjoining the lands of A. E. Ledford, L. F. Brackett, W. G. Crow and others, containing 156 acres, more or less. Terms of the sale : One half cash, and the balance ou six months time, with approved security. The deeds will be withheld until payments are made. W. D. Hickman, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rutherford county, the undersigned will sell at public auction on Satuday, February 23rd, 1901, at 12 o'clock" m.. the following described real estate, to-wit: All that tract of land known as the J. B. Eaves home place, situated in Cool Springs towhship in said county, and containing about 16o acres, and including the home and other TmiMinM thereon. The sale will be on the nremises. Terms of sale cash January 23rd, 1901. Mrs. J. B. Eaves, Ex This MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE AND LAND SALE, As mortgagee in the mortgage given by Waits Logan and wife, dated August iKfi, 1 RQd nnntainine power of sale, 1 will 'sell to the highest bidder for ish, God hath joined together let no at the .Ooort Jntnt man put asunder." !0nthe first Monday in March, adjoin- For the second time the music j ing the lands of C. o. Goforth ndGny 3ii iji. jf'on Guff v. in Camp Creek township, changed, and the glad tones of j on jACOB CarpentEk. Mendle.-hn made, the old church January, 3rd, 1901. if - .. x 1 I i t . 1 - f j 1 ' ' . N I mother's favorite. It is pleasant auu mto pneumonia, i mea ainerem reu 1 safe for children to take and always edies but I seemed to grow wors- and j cures. It is intended especially iw me meuicme upsec my si,umu.!. -1 coughs, colds, 4 croup and whooping friend advised me to try Chamberlain's cough, and is the best medicine made Cough Remedy and I found it was for these diseases. There is not the pleasant to take and it relieved me at least danger in giving it to children for once. I am now entirely recovered, sav it contains no opium or other injurious ed a doctor's bill, time and suffering, drug and may be given as confidently to and I will never be without this splend a babe as to an adult. For sale by Twit- did medicine again. " For sale by Twit ty & Thompson, druggists, ty & Thompsondruggists. n jm2 All persons inbebtod to the Rutherford Supply Company, will take notice that all accounts, notes, etc, made for the year 1900 and made for the undersign ed. must be settled before further credit will be extended. Rutherford Supply Company, BORN JSOV. 1ST.. 1829. GEO. H. MILLS. DIED JAN. 10TH, 1901. ! ! t t ! The Sun Book and Job Printing House, C. D. WILKIE, Manager. Office Over Morrow Bank.' RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. All Kinds of Printing Done AT ONCE and Promptly Delivered at Bottom Prices. Write for 'jjrmplrr mm SEND YOURORCERS FOR HAND STAMPS, Dating, Linen Markers, Solid ttul.ber Tvj-e and Holders, Sign Markers ftiui p IVIk, Stamp Ink Notary, County :ul Cor ignition Seals, Wax Seals, "Brass Slti.. il.s, etc. Any thing you want iu our line. WILMINGTON STAMP WORK 3, Manufacturers, WilmiiiitfoiiN. C ffC. D. Wilkie is our agent at Rutherfordton, and your orders prompt attention at TfiE Tkibcke office. will gire

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