THE TRIBUNE. A BAD SHOOTING AFFAAIR. A LETTER OF THANKS. CAROLEEN NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1901. AdvorUsi niou! wi'i lie inserted in this c "1 im, and mider tLis head, at 1 cent a v., each insertion. One Two Men Shot In The Body Mortally Wounded. ! On Saturday afternoon,- between ,0 rp -a.. j hours of twelve and one o'clock, a bed Special OtlCeS. shooting affair took place inForest Cirv m which both Kelson and Ezelle Hani rick were shot by Dock Bailey, a barber in the village. The ball entered Ezelle from the left side, striking a rib and ranging upward to the left breast, inflict ed only a slight flesh wound from which tho ball was easily removed. But the wound of NeLson Hanirick is of a more seriems nature : the shot hiivino- -.u-ator sale. Apply to J.Ir.s. S. Oac- ' pffwt. llnw ,o, .' EiKLD. Rc-Mierfordton, X. O. i " 7 Tit V ' "Mseu to u uuwuwiird course and lodged in the abdomen, creating a wound from which his physicians "sav CS5TCALL OX J C. Walker & Co. for Com, Flour, Bacon and Guano, on time or for cash. f.-A NUMREIi ONE t-.vo-liorse n. fo'un ; cutter, svirvv and an iu-! ;gr NOTICE A dav!: bay horse, 13 or 1 years old, is at ,- home near Floyd's Cr'k church. The owner can Fs-t bim by laying all expenses. D. A. Hawkins. he cannot recover. Dock Bailey was at work in his shop j when the Hanirick boys, being intoxica ted, entered and sought to take charge ot nis business, to which mode of pro ceeding the barber objected, and he im mediately requested the young men to behave themselves or leave the shop. This injunction, however, failed to pro duce the desired effect, and stemed only to incite them to wrath; whereupon, Bail y told the boys if they did not get out- he would find some one to take Ed Blaiuou. of Shelby, was in the j them, and started to the door for the city Sarurday. j purpose of calling in the assistance of K. J. Carpenter left- this afternoon ' the town policeman; but before he could tC-DR. W. II. WAKEFIELD, of Charlotte, X. C. will be iu Shelby at "Houl Shelby on Thursday, February th. for one day only. His practice is ".: t- eye, ear, nose and throat. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. J. II. Byrd, of Ayr, was in town j.nesdav. for Spartanburg, S. C. C tirlie Wilkins, of Green River, icnt Tuesday in the citv. stie. reach the door he was forced to defend himself from the combined attack of the boys. Xelson Hanirick, armed with a Miss Mac Martin und brother, of i , , ... , . , .. . , uya inrow teat missed its mark, and were m rhc citv Saturday. ' .. .... . ' bailey, realizing the personal danger to Levi returned fro 3 Charlotte h,;,.,....if ;,.i-i i.: . i iAiiamc ii, iv-i izit-t-i nis iu euve'r irom Tueay ncxe lie has been 011 business. ; a slulf and Mm. At this juncture, Measles is raging in the (ramble's ! Ezelle liad secured a razor from the case Stoie sevt ion, there having been over i and was almost in reach of Baily when Irr'ty eases. his purpose was arrested by a ball from Poe Erkridge has been quite sick for j the revolver. -veral dnys but we are glad to hear he ! Baily was brought before a Justice of is impro ius. j the peace and granted bail in the sum of -Mia Martha Justice will entertain j m Many of the best citizens of the .1 immljw of her friends ou the evening j P1"01' have lid thilt the shooting was i'f 1 be i' ' jrfeenth- ' Perfectly justifiable and done in self-de fense. The whole affair, however, is lamentable indeed, and it is bur one more example of the evil effects of wliis- O. Fw id has a nei advertisement J talks spring t in tlii-; issnc, in which h ;ood.. Look it up Mrs. Lucy Allen has been at the Central TTofs 1 during the lat week, the jtru s.' of Mrs. Mary Carson. Head our ".Special Notice'" column. Yuu will always fiiul something that v. iil p-.i you f or your trouble. -jris. F. L. Kicks and J. W. Simp-u-.n ! -ft iasr week with a drove of horses uiid mvilis for South Carolina-. Ir. Mil i t Liwii is building a one K.t house ou G.veea screv-t, which will key, wliieh is perhaps the greatest of all curses with which this country has to contend. Dr. Land rum Pleased With-His New Charge. Forest City, X. C, Feb. 9, 1901. To the People of Kutherfokdtos : I wish to ask the favor of your col umns to say a few things to the kind people of your town, and first let nie give expression of mv high appreciation of their universal kindness to me ; but more especially to those who were so very kind and considerate of me and my comfort during my recent protract ed illness I shall ever hold them iu grateful remembrance, and I can only say G d bless one and all of them. Let me also express my thanks to the broth er who so kindly contributed to my ne cessities on the morning of my depart ure. I mention no name, and as there was but one, he knows to whom I refer. I regretted very much to leave Ruther fordtcn, but it is pleasant to know that I am still in call of yon. Xow as to my charge. The good peo ple of Forest City sent teams and moved me here, and on arrival I found the house all warmed up, and three good loads of wood to keep it so. There was plenty of help brethren, sisters and friends to take hold and lay carpets and adjust everything to its proper place, and then they swarmed upon the old feeble pastor at night and adminis tered a full-fledged pounding. It left me none the worse, however, but with a full larder for the house-wife, and some cash with which to procure more. I ask who can beat Forest City in ad ministering to the comforts of its pastor? I felt that it was due this people- that I should say this by way of my high ap preciation of their kindness. I pray that I may prove worthy of it. Yours sincerely, M. M. Landkum. -Our u'u frit mi, Joha Karris of Pick- en- . C, was h the city 3ioa' R. M. I. bovsf.,- All for r C. ii. .'visr-r, a T-t 1 : . iii-' iieisai; ---- glacl to see him. veiling salesman, V-. ire Company, t -y in the city. Mr. Jess Tvabaui e:L"ly boss of The weave loom in the I'loraice Mills, 1 :;ir n i.:p bis position at that plncf. Miw i'.'iai-ii Viikins was home from .io -.rosit -ro ua Friday evening. She re t iTii-.v! to h. " sch'.K 1 f n Monrliy morning. J. A. Wilson, the popular and ct ae .'laths;; ?lf-rk at Carpenter and Lavior's. sp ut Sejivkiy in L,an;Lrum, S. r " , Mr. Marvin T T-.rrow made a flying The Peppertown Free-School Closes On last Friday the free school at Pep pertown had its closing exercises, after a very profitable ternu The program was one of declamation, recitation, mu sic and song, and was very much enjoy ed by the. largo audience present. The address, which was delivered by Mr. Z. B. F. Freeman, ivsus both eloquent and instructive in a high degree. A sumptuous dinner, had been prepar ed, and at the hour of twelve o'clock all the folks were invited to take their pla ces around the board, so burdened with good things to cat. After dinner short addresses were made by Messrs. Frank Freeman and James J. Hardin, after which the people returned to their homes-much, pleased and satisfied with the success of the entertainment. Howard Revel sy Seriously III. Oil yesterday afternoon the postmaster here received a tele gram from surgeon J. G. Keyn olds of Kocereter, "W. Va.. sta ting that Mr. Howard Ileveley is in a hospital there and in a dy ing condiiion. His brother, E. T. Keveley, was immediately tel egraphed at Blowng Rock. Mr. Revcley was a resident of this town some years ago, and we regret to hear of his danger ous illness. nip to Marion la-r i'riday. We suspect there is some attraction up the road for Li. a. Our. friend, Olin Era-gin, who is iruveUiag for Qaiyu. Marsliall and Com-i-.iny, is hero ou a to his mother for a few tlava. Mr. Samiifl Wilkin:, a Rutherford 1 county ly, lefv Ik-ssiuicrCiiy hist week ; t'. complete his course in the LuaLsville I Lkdical College. I.Irs. Ilinnte Walker's youngest cliL-d, thi-ee years old, lias been seriously ill siuc Sunday and we regret 1 U am is not improving. Ex-Hhoi iif J. V. McFarland was in iii-; vilkige oi Monday last and said that iho farmers iu bis community are pro-fer'.-sing nicely in their wtrk. V. L. Toms, who has been clerking r..t Cherokee Fails, near ELicksbnrg, for .some months, h at home for a few days. 1L- with M. Levi last year. On Tuesday morning Ezelle Ham i: k, one of the participants in the shoot ing scrape at Forest City, was arrested and brought to jail by Constable Henry Jones. Dr. G. M. Chapman, of Logans Store, was in the city Uonday. "We are informed that he wiU move to Marion and open a drug :,tore in that place at an early date. jas. H. Lynch returned to his posi " H-iinthc house furnishing establish o" IS. JI. Andrews and Co. at Gas- o .ri, ,au v a .several oays visit to nu i.-, ;fr. ai:-.l 7.iir C-bron Lynch. -To. Cii rlie Simmons, of Forest ..'rj , , iso able and plcasaiit manager of !j.mvi..'vy store, mt- mat piuei., m sieved into she new nouse on Uain sireei, -vhieh belongs to M. D. Harris. There came ne ar being a fire at the residence of Dr. "W. A. Thompson, thi--coming. The chimwy caught on fire and from it the house ca tight in the ceil i:. '. The fire was quickly extinguished uu 1 ) damage done. We notice in the Shelby Aurora that ;vir. ri. A. LroI'Jrn rv was married to Miss Lr.10 Suitle on last Thursday. Both of Ti-m are charming yor.i.g people, and " t.-. Tribute extc-uds iti b:'st wishes for - loiig and happy life. Election of Officers. On last Friday evening, at a regular meeting of lodge No 99 of the Knights of Pirhias the following officers were duly installed by Deputy Grand Chan cellor, J. C. Mills: R. B. Clark, Chan cellor Commander; "W. J. Sic Daniel, Vice Chancellor ; W. D. "Walker, Mas ter of Work ; B. A. Justice, Master of Free School Begins. On next Monday niorniig he free school for Rutherfordton will be opened in the Military Academy. This school will be taught by Prof- F. B. Watkins, assisted by Miss Essie Falls, whose efficiency as teachers is already well known by the people of this community. We hope that ev ery child within the district may be enrolled to receive the full benefit of this term. Exchequer ; M. L. Justice, Prelate ; A. V7. Hunt, Keeper of Records and Seals ; Dr. L. G. Reid, Master of Finance ; Dr. E. B. Harris, Inner Guard ; J. F. Flack. Outer Guard. Tacky Party. It Pays Big. Three weeks ago John F. Row land advertised in the columns of our paper for soapstone and lead mines. To-day he informs us that he is getting more speci mens than he can handle, and will have to discontinue his ad vertisement 011 this account. An 'ad" 111 ins litiBCXE will always pay. Allen - - Hampton. This morning at the home of Services at Both Churches on Sundays--A New HotelOyster Supper Saturday Night--The Sick. Correspondent of The Tribune. Caroleen, N. C, February 11, 1901 Miss Minnie Gray was quite sick for a clay or two with grip. "We congratulate her upon her speedy recovery. Mi- Frank Reynolds, of Ayr, lias been in town for several flays with his broth er, Mr. Tom Reynolds, Mrs. Dr. Han-ill, nee Amanda Thack er, has been quite sick. We are glad to learn she is nearly well again. Dr. yiuclair, of Marion, will have the two rooms over the old P. O. at Henriet ta. "We all rejoice exceedingly to know that we are to have a first-class, up-to-date, licensed dentist in our midst. We bespeak for him a liberal patronage. Miss Elizabeth Ddv. ell, third daughter of Rev. George Dowell of this place, left last Saturday morning for Limestone School, near Gaffney, S. C. She is a bright, attractive girl and will be an ac quisition to the school. We wisli for her a happy and successful session. The house formerly occupied by Mrs. Willie Haynes of t his place, as a board ing house, is being torn down and out of the material two small houses will be built on the far side of the river. Due tc the pleasure of by-gone days we rath er dislike to see this Louse moved " Tv-:-.s a jolly crowd that once gathered jonnd Mrs. Haynes' board ! Mr. S. B. Tanner spent several days in Concord and Raleigh last week, in the behalf of the Manufacture's Asso ciation. Mr. Howard Haywood of this, who has been quite sick for several weeks, is much better and his return is expected soon. Mr. Suumia Trout has been suffering very much with rheumatism. YvTe hope he will soon be out again. The plans of Revs. Jordan and Dowell having been perfected, we will now have service at both churches once every Sunday. Rev. Jordan preached here Sunday morning and at Henrietta San duy evening, while Rev. Dowell preach ed at Henrietta Sunday morning and here Sunday evening. They regret that the. evenings for prayemiee tings will necessarily conflict. Quite an aeqnisil ion to Henrietta is the new Hotel Haynes. 'Tis the house formerly occupied by Capt. Simmons. Mrs. Perry Haynes is noted for the most excellent fare sho provides, and those who frequent Henrietta are fortunate in laving so nice a place at which they mav be welcomed Mrs. Jordan, wife of the Methodist minister, we regret to learn is quite sick. Miss Annie Vilkerson spent Saturday and Sunday at her brother's, retaining to Providence Suuday afternoon. Sire has epiite a nice, school we hear. Mr. Zeno Wall spent several clays in the country last week hunting.' Mrs. Koyle, wife of Dr. R. M. Hoyle, has been for some few lavs visiting in Henrietta. She is the guest of Mrs. Whisnant. Mrs. Perry Haynes is suf fering witii grip. 'Tis indeed quite a general complaint. Mrs. Haynes' many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Alice Covington and Miss Me- Daniel were in Caroleen Saturday. They were the guests, while here, of Mrs. Dr. Hanirick. Miss. Covington had "The Life of Queen Victoria" and was success ful in selling several copies. Miss Cov ington has a subscription school, the free o o o o 1 y COO! IS TO We sell them with all neces sary vessels at ?8.2o, $lo.00, $12.00 and $13.00. Sowing Machines! How would you like a DROP HEAD nuichine at $10. 75? We caii furnish you one at this price. The Weather Is gradually turning cooler. Why not make yourself and family comfortable by buying one of our ART SQUARES? Big assortment of RUGS just received. Do You n There was a tacky and surprise party j Mrs John M. Allen near town, H yen at the home of Mr. V. C. Hicks Uj ,.- faie Hampton and Miss on last Friday evening. The party was given in. honor of Miss Leo, the young est daughter of Mr. Hicks, and it was the celebration of her birth day. A large number of friends present and it was unanimously conceded that Wil lie Wilkius was the biggest tack of all the tackies. Tvitty & Thompson, druggist, will refa'1?. yoar money if you are not satis lied after using Chamberlaiu's Stomach Jjiyej Ta'olets. 'J'b'T cure disorders . the stomach, .hj.-Mwss, constipa tie u headache, ri le-, 2 cents. Sam ples fr:e. TOLD MAN GLOWER says come to '.ee h;:n at Hester's and get your boys cletMrtgt aU-fcdze&aacl prices. New Lodge at Tryon. On Tuesday evening a new Knights of Pithias lodge was instituted at Tryon. The officers in attendance from this lodge were : John Mills, Will Brittam, Rev. S. L. Cathey, Will Tate, J. W, Mc Danieland Shame. The boys ex pected a good time when they left f or Tryon. A Large Jersey. It is generally believed that jersey cat tle belong to a very small breed and it will not pay to raise them for beef. Last week Mr. M. C. Padgett, of Forest City, killed a jersey cow which weighed 1160 lbs. on foot, and 012 lbs. net. She was only four and a half years old. Matrimony. Mr. W. N. S. Rollins, of Myrtle, and Miss Delia Hill of Caroleen. were mar ried at the home of the bride's uiother on Sunday last. An Old Citizen III. Mr. Ellison Long, a very old citizen of Gambles store, is quite ill we are sorry to hear. He is 91 years 01 age. The Rutherfordton Library Associa tim, which moved its books to the small offloein the yard of the Presbyterian parsonage, has ordered a new case and the books will henceforth bo profited from dust and dirt. An order hits been made for several new books and they arc expected every day. Mr. Robert Twitty, who was em lps'.nan in the store of M. Levi, gave up his position last week and tn his 'farm near town. Mr. Twitty will cultivate his lands and will not clerk any more this season. Maude Allen were happily, mar ried. Rev. 0. B. Justice officia ted. The young lady is the eld est. daughter of J. L. Allen of this town. "We wish them a hap py life together. The Last of the Season.. The closing ball of the season will be given at the Central Ho tel on Valentine's evening. The ball has been arranged and wil be given by the Kutherfordton German Club. The music will be furnished by a good string orchestra. A yoci easy going Rocking :hvAr at a low price? May be ; - a don't care to buy but would like to see them, then come, your call will be appreciated. K. J. &. HB L. CAR! 1.3 i 1 The Hojie Fukxisheks. t i o re worn I We ha 1 85 cts d Sea For those who wasrt them- BUT for 25 a pair you can buy our Dongola or Kangaroo Calf Shoes in Button or Lace. Strictly all solid leather and every pair warranted. Our premium offer will clos soon. Take advantage offered joa now, aw IITH 9 d a a The Charlotte Observer, NORTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST NEWSPAPER. Rigger and more attractive than ever, it is an invaluable visitor to the home, the office, the club or work room. The Observer contains all the news of the world, lias the As sociated Press Dispatches, the finest press service in existence; special correspondents at the State and National Capitals and and ex perienced corps of correspondents throughout the State. The Daily Observer is $8 per annum; $pfor six months; $2 for three months. The Semi-Weekly Observer, a perfect family journal. All the news of the times. Only 1 per annum. Sample copies of either upon application. 8 m 0 ARRIVING EVERY DAY! "Winter goods, such as Clothinp, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions, Arc, are being sold at a great sacrifice to 3 m o m make room for my Spring line. Have just received a big shipment of rt'i toes of the verv best variety, 0 Early Rose, Hebron, Goodrich, Peerless and Hurbanks. 7j Also several kinds of Onion Sets and all kinds of garden Q m m seeds. Don'f forget me when you come to town m Remember I am iM!f taking a back seat for anybody, but instead am pushing myself slowly, but surely to the front, where I am gcj always glad to meet my competitors on honest grands. 3 m Banl J m RUTIIERFORDTOX, Nt)RTII CAROLINA. Sho is an energetic Charlotte Observer, A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled into Mr. Blackmon's drug store one evening," says Wessly Nelson, of Hamilton, Ga.. "and he asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with which I had suffered for a long time. I told him I had no faith in any medicine as they all failed. He said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and used it according to directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism. Sold by Twitty & Thompson. -WHY DON'T YOU go to HES TER'S and buy your Arbnckle's Coffee 2 packages for 25 cents and 16 pounds of Granulated Sugar for $1.00. The Tribune will be glad to take wood in exchange, for subscriptions The Smashing Kansans. The condition of affairs in Kansas, brought about by the smashing brigade, is a scandal which would not be per mitted in any other state in the Union. When the campaign opened, it was regarded as other new fads, likely to pass off without much repetition ; but the persistence with which it has been kept up shows that there must be some thing wrong about the people them selves. Barrooms in spite of law are bad enough, but the exhibitions by Mrs, j Nation and her sympathizers are equal ly bad. Both stand before the public iu the light of lawbreakers, who should be promptly visited by the penalties of out raged law. If Kansas has a lawabiding element in her population, it is about time it was making itself felt. Atlanta Constitu tion. '. school being oat teacher. Br. Fletch Whisnant went lmnfin Saturday atteruoon an . came back with sixteen nice birds. Capt. W. T. R. Bell was in Henrietta Saturday and Sunday with his son, Chas. D. Bell, who is shipping clerk fer the Henrietta Mills Company. Mr. Hanirick and sister went to For rest City Saturday as soon as news was received of their brother being shot. There will be an oyster supper and an entertainment in the Caroleen Kali Sat urday evening beginning at S o'clock. 'Tis for paying off the debt of the Meth odist church furnace. Everybody is 111-vitc-d to come and bring some one else. A good time for all. We are glad to know that Miss Victo ria Hanes, who is in Lincolnton in school, is getting along so well. Miss Elma Cole, who taught in the Henrietta school last year, is in ;-ip:r-tanlrarg, S. C. She is not te;; b-:-; ihi? year. Mrs. Octe Thomas, so well kn all the good folks of Rutherford county, has an elegant position as head milliner iu one of the largest stores in Ealimore Mr. Bazola Holland, D. D. S., who has for some time been in Baltimore at tending a course of lectures on dentis try, is expected home soon. Dr. Holland is well known here, and his many friends will be glad to see him back. He has an off'ce over the company store. Mr. Lackey is at the Mallard h3tel to see his wife, who has been here for some time, under the care of Dr. A. Miller Whisnant. Mr. Zeb Jenkins, of Forest City, was in Henrietta Sunday. He brought Mk Willie Haynes, who has been visiting in Forest City, to Mr. Raleigh Haynes.' Rev. Jordon, Messrs. Walter Fanning and Grover Haynes went to the new mill below Henrietta on Sabbath after noon, and Rev. Jordan held service there. Mr. Tom Hudson, who was for awhile iu Henrietta, is now in Raleigh in the office of Mr. B. F. Dixon. State Auditor Work has been begun again this week 011 the new house of Mr. C. M. Rober son. They do not expect to have it fin ished and get moved before spring Sale of Land For Taxes! The following tracts and parcels of land, hereinafter named, have teen levied on for taxes due for the year 1900, which still remain due and unpaid; therefore, for the satisfaction of said tax due, I will sell at the court house door in Rutherfordton. on Mon day, March 4th, l'JOl, the following de scribed lands : E. A. Mautix, Tax Collector. ft! A AT ONCE! E. T. Revcley, dwelling on Main street, taxes and cost, 15.17. Dock Bridges, 25) acres of land on Gl of vi-ii cieek, taxes and cost, $4.10 Wa tson . M illi r, 24' acres ! jand. known as Scoggms lauos, taxes j-Vjp i iu!t cos' , cents. : Xr. - - E. Michael, 1, acres of land in T New Hope, taxes and cost, $1,41. j ISeezer Reis, acre of land in New Yii to ! Hope, taxes and costs, $1.87. Henrv Dickey one lot in Stump low 11 ou Court House street, taxes & c, 1.05. Eliza Martin, 1 acre of land on Stone cutter creek, taxes and cost, '.i- ceutJ ATmvrm-et. finrT Kos Miller. 1 acre Oi kind iu New Hope, taxes and cost. !.. John Shehan, HO ac res of land, known as Morris land, taxes and cost for year 18!)9, $3.45, Subscribe for the new paper The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia If reasonable care is rased, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe, in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Twitty & Thompson. O I If I FAu do IWLANO Rutherfordton, W. C. COMMERCIAL 15 AX K. KST AB IjI S 1 1 K I MAY 1ST, 1900. Report of the condition of the Com mercial Bank of Rutherfordton, at Ruth erfordton, N. C, at the close of business on January 22nd. 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, - 1 8,460, .5 Overdrafts -Furniture and Fixtures, Due from banks and bankers Cash on hand, Due on stock -Revenue on hand, !, 000.00 7,:!5.2.32 9,458.30 45.42 50.00 Total LIABILITIES. Caiptal stock, -Undivided profits, -Deposits subject to checks, Cashier s checks, :36,:173.14 $10,000.00 000.12 25,303.46 349.56 50,373.44 Total, - - All business intrusted to our care will receive careful and prompt attention. J. F. FLACK, Cashier. Dr. T. B. T WITTY, Prwideut. , BOHN KOV. 1ST; 1829. GEO. H. MILLS. DIED JAN. 10TN, 1001. t if I

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