I nor VOL. I. NO. 15. BUTHERFOEDTON, N. C WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, IDOL 81.00 A Y3AR. t wmt mm Ail n r I' w Execution Sale. SCHOOL LAW amended. Board of Education to equalize i By virtue of an exeeiirion issuing Drawing, Language Lessous and Kle-j from the Superior Court of Mecklenburg , . ! : Mecklenburg county, in the case of the Merchant s and Fanner's Bank of Charlotte, vs. J. H. Wilkerson, the judgment in which ease has been assigned to W. P. Rucker, I will sell at the court house door in Rutherfordton. N. C, on Monday, May Gth, 1901, Vetween the hours of 12 m. and 1 p. m., j the following lauds or so much thereof i meats of Agriculture Added to Teachers' C'ourse4 Mouths Term. The following are anions; the more important school law changes : The County Board of Education, as may be necessary to pay the amount until first. Monday in July, 1903 due by said judgment (564.58y , with m- f Rutherford countvT is compos terest on $400.9.5 from January 18th, 18-, ' 97, also on the sum of 517.7."), for cash to ' ed of the following persons : C. B. the highest bidder: I Justice, Chairman, Rutherford- fikst tract : Registered m Book E8 . , r of deeds at number 3547, lving and situ- ton ; A. H. McDaniel, Forest Cl- ated in Morgan fpwnship, Rutherford t a g R Grant, Jeter, county, IS. C, being lot No. 7 of the ' 1 lauds of Jesse Wilkerson. deceased, and j The Board elect?? second Jlon descrilxKl as follows: Beginning on a d j j est eitner three stake aud pointers, the oth corner of lot J No. 1 and runs with a line of said lot 18 committeemen for each township, C1,-i ? ;9"10 clmili, 2 ,?tak0 ,c,012,?L0f and no district committees; or said lot; thence with i lines of lot No. 1 , 1 . ' four chains down the road to Wilker- three district committeemen for no son's mill from the White House; anunri onf intiice soma ov eusi o ni-iwi-uiuun, v; .1 A . 1 1 north 77'.; east :5 25-100 chains : () south committees, as they may deem ithe time now to explain, tne rev- school terms all over the state. By provisions contained in the law, such counties as Durham now having eight months school term; and Mecklenburg, Bun combe, Edgecombe and others having already over four months terms will leceive no part of this latter sum. Rutherford, Polk and other counties having lers than four monfhs of sehool will be beneficiaries of the of the one hundred thousand dollars addj- tionnl State annronriatiou. It is believed that this additional fund if wisely distributed, will giv everv school in the State a four months term. Owing to a combination of cir- towttshiDiCumstances, which- we have net GEN. CASSIUS 3f. CLAY. The Old Fighter StiH Active at the Age of Ninety-One Years. General Cassius Mercellus Clay, who has figured promi nently in the public eye by rea son of a number of incidents that have added notoriety to his re markable career, is again to- the fore. , Some days ago the sheriff of Madison county, Kentucky ap peared at Whitehall,. the general's home, and attempted to serve a writ of delivery for his daughter Mary B. Clay's furniture. The sheriff was met in a warlike man ner and exchanged volley after after volley with the general and hie body guard, and was forced to retire without having served has never revealed even to them. These, it is said, will be reserv ed for the second volume of the autobiography, to be published when the old man is dead. Those who have studied the TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. Mortgage Sale. 80 east :$ chains; (4) south 71 east 4 0-100 , f f fi ael1GOts-cbnhi- ir o;it 1 00 chains: fti) DCST IOl THC fet llUOIh. sourh 66 east 5 chains; (7) south r6 east committees are chosen, they may 5 chains to a stake in said road, comer , . ' 0jar Dr.r (Tav S. K. of lot No. 4 andS. W. corner of eaui e pam one uunar pr ui lot No. 3 ; thence with line of lot No. 5 for not exceeding four days each s.Mith 32 east 138-1X) chains to , a l stake y f, if tlistrict comn,H lv. he said road, a corner of lot No. S; 1 lv- . 1 thence with a line of said lot south 43 tees be chosen, they must serve west 38 48-100 chains to an oak and pine :tiiml mirmensition near and on the east side of the public Without compensation. road; thence north 16 west V4 83-100' The Count v Board of Educa- chains to a black oak near the rock Knvimr m i-iii jxT of the Montford's Cove church lot ; thence with a line of said January, April, May, July and 1 r If township ieral districts interested lost in ''"f1" . , , varying amounts IS99, the sum weuenu viay nas nor oeen on of $750.46; and in 1900, the sum! ?ood teris with his children of $536.02 a total of 1276.45. ' since lie married a girl wife, For the navment of these claims ! llom l,e has sinee divorced, and i.- - in January 1902, if not sooner, legal provision has been made, beside for the payment of some tion may meet second Monday in j individual claims of teachers ! prior to the years named, lheon- Th Next Session Will b HI4 Jwrf ' Whrreao. 7ohn B. Estch and Jenuie WtK-16th.t Wriflhtsvill. De.eh. Jt lid ou xc?1 J 1S04. ext-ute and deliver t Albert R. The Teachers' Assembly will meet at Shattuck, trustee, a trust deed on certain Wrightsville Beach, near Wilmington, lands in Kutherferd county, tate c t adventu- thigyear, on Jane 11th to 16th, inclusive rth Carolina u r JJZ lfe closely wonder what will The heal quarters cf the Assembly will Jomi B and Jt.nr ic u to tiM, Erit. bo the explanation of certain iat the Sea Shore Hotel. Thin hotel iph & American Mortjrafw Coiniwny, , , . and the Ocean View Ilotel are very near Limited, which mid trnmvtdinn cord- events winch aie known only ,nthe towillg wavca of the . d oM ed i? Kutherfd county, in Deed Bc-.k a certain way, for General Clay I ocean." In fact, the wave, cie with- ffSSinS A?S4SS lias been as eccentric in his love a few ftet of poth buildings at high made in the payment f the s'o7 -affairs as in his battles and tido- RatoH ou the 1)051011 for boartl to caml l'T 1 tru?it 'lC', anl thn raid members of the Assembly win be fl.GO .v.. " "I;-" Persons wwhmg ro stop in the Xow tirefon. ,mi-e i ber. by Riven. burg. Wlien minister to Russia, ithe beach for 23 cents for the round trip, contained in said trust deed, I, the un- the revelations would shake the j Bmrd at the Orton House in T iTming- denrnwl trusts, ou highest circles of society in that 'tm at 2 Py- At other hotels in the ; Friday, the 3rd day of May, A. city at $1 per day. Members of rhe As-; v. ! sHIJ , senibly will be given special rates on the- between the hours of iO a. m. and S p. steamboats down the river. On thin m.. at the Couit v d 't in the town ,.. x . . of Rutherfordton in Iivtr.frf'inl conuty, trip many places of historic interest will Carina, will. lv ,.nl lie auc turn. seon- !mU to the highest ! i i U t cash, tlie All liersons who pure hai4C the AFuem-: following describetl it r :t. vii: Sis bly coupon tickets from railnicwl agentn hundred and six (006) acn s. niore at Jtrh. should he tell the true storv nf:' his life at the court of St. Peters-i9-; city ancient history as the story; would be. It is though, too, j that he will outlive his reasons! for his marriage to his child wife ha f a dozen years ago. vr4. l.. l.... i. a. .1,1 ii i mui uiuv uus ue nun uie ren-! . : : . " irinn.nnnth.rf.vitu-nar.:-.,R.ni,.rffYi antsthat he would put the seJ -d to an the Hpocial rate i . t- ,t t- ?i i aml Slxc,al privilege that are given to the Morris tract and lnn.h-d a follows : ci eTS ot his lite into tins volume, . boni fide teachers. In short, aU persona Beginning at a rd etik. Rncker's corner but other facts lead to the belief purchasing the counon tickets wUl le- and runs thence uth 43 defrrec wtrt that SUCh is his purpose. In the come members of 'the Assembly. The Jl? LJS2?- the writ was an effort on the part 'preface to the first volume of his raUnia(1 touPn wiU toandfroni (v. 2) 13.5 poles (oru. nal call 132) to a of his daughter to secure fumi- autobio-raphv published som ,thebeacu oue ,ime; aU other P" to pint eilith A' Mcu!:'l , , r. i - i.i i aurooiorapin, puousnea some aud from thc dt v.m cost 25 south 5 depn -wt It. .3) 120 rle8 lot north 9 chains to a large white oak, ,,1 . , ;n osio,, ! lv annloffv. if such should be nec corner of said lot; thence east to a stake; i ; - thence north 35 west to the beginning, two drs, if neeessarv. Ihev niav i essary, for tins special legislation, acrS!iuiUS frty'six antl thK'e"foBrtll"1 also have call meetings of one is the fact that it is right. Eve second tract : Registered in Book 38 day each once a month if the ry district right however small it rf deeds at No. 341, lying and situated t t f 4.1 llf,. Imnv lwvo 1pd nnd cvprv claim .;rl!f.,-0 f,Tfl SCnOUI UUbllf - Ut ii.eiwuinv ;of an honest i teacher must Tfc is the business of the coun ts Board to buv and transfer awl impartially and conscientious be treated fairly Some matters of minor unpor- The and is a part of the estate of the said omres If. Jesse v liicerson, oeceaseo, ami is uuau particnhuly doscrilied as fellows; Be ginning on a stake in the. middle of the ? . 1 .... I ir.x f . . TVT ,,. ,.s ,,w ; &7.iot sc Kini nronertv 1 to nulla school chains from the western corner of S. I KnRpS' f,, i,a nnon mnrnt cliar- ; tance are purposely omitted ..v....-. , v.- t v , . . . ... - , 1 reacj, ; object m Tins communicauon oe- ! 1 11 J A A rs certificate; and to have ton-ji- TO cal1 auenuo" to uie u,ore matters relattn- to! imporianj ciianeb m um uuicuu- i ed law. Let us expect great tilings jfrom them: let us attempt great ture which she claimed belonged to her. General Clay, at the advanced age of ninety-one, is writing the second volume of his autobiogra phy, which is- Uy tell the Glory of his inner life. That is ta say, tlvat he employs years ago, General tJlay says: "Among the millions .f books which fill the world as the dust fw this day. of summer, or the leaves of au-l tumn, how few are autobiogra phies. And of those few, how many are fragmentary illumina ting a few promitoriejonly ; while' 1 .ii mil . T 1 o . , .., , . . . . . . 1,11 iiiiiai van 11.1 itr n Vkinikc u iai ivii i, Saturday will be nn-reation day. A trip hen with line northM clegnc down the Cape Fear river has been ar- vast (v. 2'u) 21 poles (original call 14) to a post oak near the tl.l Cornier (Jap A most interesting and attracting pro- "; thcu v ith Mf-EiitirP line wrath , , . 22 degree west (v. 2) 44 ttiles to a stake his tirre in this manner when the j the vast continent of life remains j white flag flies above the red, but j dark." Further along he speaks ; to-day the red flag is flying be fore the great- vellow brick man- of the calumnies which follow a! GIRLSAVES13 LIVES. man to his grave and the necessi- j Sha Swam a Tcrrnt and Ferried out 'f'it.1..ll- tit-rwck ftti o-trrl Wltti Willi I the puldie nl north 53 east 3 chains to , acter cf any applicant tor a stake in said road; thence with tne road north 1A east 3 30-100 chains to a stake in said road ; thence 03 west 4 chains to a stake ; thence south 18 west b 30-100 chains crossing spring branch to a stake and pointers; thence mirth 35 west tti the lx'ghming; containing six 3 -r. .c At the fame time and place I will sell must hold each year not less than j the merest of Alnr-d Crawforit ana one teachers meeting in each wire. iCiYirtv i;rswiom. in iue nu:r 101 trol of alt public schools with power to ex ecute the school laws. The county . 1 r 11 . 1 1 J Superintendent tnings ior tne cniiuieu. A. lu. IxUCKER, vJO. C5lipr. bv.viiig tracts of land lving and being in township, which the teachers j ! MIGHT MAKE IT ANOTHER FIVi 'I he county Boards may appro priate $100 for holding one or move county Institutes, ''attend ee county of Huthertord anil fctate ot sh aJl 1)0 reqnvred to attend. itwiiu ,uiwiJiia rum iminwi "v "f- been con veyed by them to the defencl i!t, J. H. Wilkerson, as evidenced by rleeil rtistcntfl in book 53 of deeds, it No. 141. This land is more particularly described as follows : hinttihct' P.criniiiifr ort tTie: -Mortn side of Cove creek and waters of Bi'mul I shall be river and running thence north 33 west 1 so poles to a stake aud poiute s ; thence poath i' west 180 poles to a white oak; I hence smith 35 east 180 poles to a st;ike and pointers; thence to thc beginning: containing 200 acres more ?less, as p 1ear.s by Patent bearing date A. D. 1774 and No. 207. ssixixn tract: Beginning at a post k a:id vanning thence south 100 polos In :i sfo'ie: thence east 100 noies t a red tisik; thence north 100 poles to a stake; ond and third grades only one thence to the beginning: containing 100 acres, as appears by Patent bearing ilate ! The Client Fixed the Fee, With a Fir.a! j Sug estion from the Attoriisy. ! A storv is also told of an old at toruc y ! in sonththe.rn Illinois during the war 1 times, who. when all the vou.'i'-er 3aw- ance npon which by th-3 teachers yers were at the froat, was engaged one compulsory. ? dav by an old planter to draw some affi- DlMWing, language Lessons, davits of loyalty by which to obtain the and Elements of Agriculture have of cottoa that seiaed , ' , ... for confiscation. The old attorney been added to the twelve studies the affldaTit9t and the plaater suc. heretofore required. Iceeded in getting his cotton, whereupon, AH teachers are required to be 'with great satisfaction, he told the at examined. First grade certificates tomey to meet him on the levee the remain in force, two years; sec sion of Whitehall,, where the old jty of explanations. These words lion has his lair, and the red flag i in the light of his expressed de means that the old lion is arous ed, that he has shaken the dust from his mane and is ready for the fray. When the red flag is out only the body servant and hired men of the aged general dare approach him, and thev on- l!v to administer to his immediate :i, for when the scarlet at the end of the old neeei.i r'r.o- rlsV. I'm, kory walking cane, stuck in next morning at 9 o'clock and he would pay him. The attorney, who was sadly in need of funds, lay awake all night ! year. Jecoud grade ceruncatcs tryiug to (lecide what charge he should 12th of March 1780 and No. 28. can IVfvt t? duplicated except OV ! make, wondering if $50 would be too THiHDTn.wrr: Adjoining the fonnerr i af.tuaj esamination ; third grades much, and if possibly 100 would be ISnrariknt frds old ! are never to be renewed "under Singly paid by the old planter, who line and rnus with said line south 160 1 cirfmstinces ind thirfl lcceeded in getting very valuable cot- polos crossing the creek to a red oak;an tireumSTancef. , anu inirujtonbv hisaid With feverish head and Beard s and s. corner : thence with U s. old line 33west 120 poles to a red oak on "Williams aud Humphries' liue e.f the wcond tract above described; thence with a line of raid tract east 52 poles to the corner of said 100 acre tract ; thence with another line of said tract north 20 poles ; thence to the beginning ; contain taining 40 acres actual survey, and 41 acre:; bv Patent bearing date January 17 th, 1808. rontrn tract : Adjoining the former 100 and 200 acre tracts, aud, Beginning on two post oakfi ou Pall's Mountain, th;e third corner of the 100 acre tract, and runs last 78 pole to a chestnut at tt.n infr.rstf.ffinn tit th( 1 ( )0 11 lid 500 nC7e. trnot'. Mieuee v.ith the. line of the 200 ! mittee for the purpose, and who acre t-act-north 35 west 71 poles to a',OB ,mtu-Q,, Mi-HCmfo f mm up. said, pi-amrae nas ueen arrangea. Among mninf):.miwxltnu Y Alcm.; the persons on the pi-ogrammo are such then with Alexander's Pu nonth ttl men as Governor Aycock and Justice degrees cast 303 poles to a pine in the old Walter Clarke. J. ALLEN HOLT. i iu0 ' ,then wi,h tlf o!d n1,,rth T;.S President !22poh-s to a stake on the line of the C. H. MEBANE r IWO h"'''""1 t-1"; ar? iraci; icrn Secretary and Treasurer. !10"n ".OF"? ' . 1 Tx S I . a. . . 1 t lint 4.. n l.v.n...u 1 K . f . a it black oak corner; then north 45 degrees west (v 2) 200 pohf to a pemmiuon by the old Lickory comer; then north 45 degrees cast (v. 2) 43 poles to a utake a Schoolhouse. corner oiland sold to t,. imzle ot tlio A thrilling incident of the Niobrara ! w? U' 1' ttl i . , . , , . .. . I with his line north 14U degreen east ii7 terminition to the men with u,.v uu u..-.,,to to a sialic, ms torui-r; men wuu terminaiion ro int. men 'i" :UOOUf j,Iiss Alice CotUnan faved his line north 72 degree east 6 poles to whom he comes in contact, leads ' 13 children from drowning inschoolNo a stake in the old line; then" with taix.e to the belief that the volunm will i 19, where she is a teacher. ' enorTh K&SiV wlf be fully as sensational as the life j T1c building, a small frame affair, poles the ln-ginning. Ejuept the follow--b;..l. it nnrnnrte tr i-U n .n ,Aa occupied a small glade, a hundred yard ing lands heretofore rebased from thn Inch it purports to chronicle. fromtlwKiotora.TheelTCamha,intLc:o,K.raiic of this trust deed, . to-wit: The latest freak of fancv of , , . . I First tract: Btgnnuneat a pine and ro p,lv,. .,c I-' nf Past few days become a ragmg torrent. h 2,Jtoa"i,takc;t4en north General Clay's has put him atGradnaUy the water lacked into the ;48 degices cast 97 poles to a dogwood; outs with his children at a time ravine and this morning, while busy ; then north 43 degrees west r.7 poles to a school work. Miss Cottman heard stair : " ' . 1 1 . A . 1 A 4 when a reconciliation seemed ef-;1Q a K..,,t f ... mntitlx. n,m ! the water pass under the house with .... , roaring sound, which gradually mcrras laKen seriously 111 ami i'ected. he was north 3 degrees east 4" poles to a r.tone el. She found the buildinir was sur- on west of the radei mid: then sooth thought that he was going to die. ironndeJ bv rusinii; WAter. The iand!WJ.c":'8XTt,,t1 M r"l toastntein the . . . , , i - : . - , . , w road; then north 64 degrees went 31 jioks At this time he invited his ; was twenty feet away and soon she felt ; t( t kc iu th(. v,ranch at tlie bridge: to visit i the building shaking. ! then down the branch with Hydi r's line The tirl soramr into the flood and 1 22 polw to a stake m the creek; at tne found the water marly ov but she got through. Then quarreled, lie Wlsiies 10 a horse which oue of the children had grs west 18 poles to a i-take; then booth ciaugnter, iuarv i. vjnty 10 visui him and it was only when he had regained his strength that he rer her head i"101"0 the branch; then south 42 de ' ." I drees wi-st 23 poles to a ttake on nortl. 11 she caught j, of an oll j . thcn llorth ;0 k . children had ' gri-cs west 18 poles to a i-take ; then booth leave the house in which he lives ridden to school, and plunged again in- 74' devices west 131 poll's to a stake in a and the farm Of about four hun- j to the torrent. Miss Cottman .ea itSlVhS llnV-l"1 again grade teachers'can only be em ployed as assistants. County Boards lay off school districts. jS6 school can be es tablished within less han three miles of any other school, and no new school having fewer than 65 scholars. No teacher can be employed at any other time than at a reg- 1 ular called meeting of the com- parched lips the old man went down to the levee at the appointed time anct met the planter, not yet able to decides' what ! charge he should make. Without ask ing him for his bill the old planter said, "Sit down, sah," aud as he took out a huge roll of bills, added, "now sah, I'll just count out about what I think, sah, would be a fair amount, sah, and then sah, I'll see what you have to say about it sah." Then picking off a $500 bill from the rrll, the planter laid it on his the gravel walk leading to the portion of the house that he oc cupies,, the old hero holds the fort alone. Since the attempt of Sheriff Collier, of Madison county, Ut serve on him a writ of delivery for his daughter Mary B. Clay's furniture, the white flag has been I dragged 111 the dust and the red one flaunts in the breeze. He drove away the sheriff and his r- i m, t a a r VI nrllt 111 posse, linns spot, alter snot ari"ci them with bus renpatinsr shotirun ; f osal resulted in i daughter away from home and days like but. sits- t ltlr.liflir in thfllilirnrv ! He llOKIS Tlie IOT1 aiom; nu, r 1 i ..An nniiiii'(iil At the least jound. pistol in hand, i numi in receui i. u"" ;8th. dred acres around it to his divorced child wife, Dora Brock. He has struggled with his chil dren to have them release their it, and their re- his driving his HOW, 1 i one nunaren ami iiny-six f 1 - j acres. .other cud she made last to the door- more or less, beamd tract : beginning ' jam of the building. Bv this time the ' at a hickory and runs north 70 degrees i.;i,ii.,o. Mc fl.t5. It v,:wl do-. ! vcsr V toa stone; thin nor.n m these he does not write ; the subsequent attack on the slier-jjt was tieti to a tree and the childredi 4. degrees west 43 poll " . .' ! m..rv Lnthomc iiing. containing one h; and watches from his ; olai ers. sent home .... (i(,7) acres, more or les: ... .. m 1 . 1 ThA rt.T. l, f .r,i iii...ii. firsj trill n y ' ' vrrit fUlji 1 o'es lo a stake: thr-n perate work to swim the horse lack tolp,, fl,. t jut 31! poles to a the shore, and Miss Cottman was forced I stake; then south 3S degrees west 17 t;i hold its head above water to keep it ! V-'k to a ake; then siaith 72 degrcts , mi i - 1 l ivt5G ixJes to a stake. E. Gr z'.lca from drowning. Then the animal drag-! . AMgwtM .t 57 iged the bnildiHg close to the shore, and j ,1 to a fitakc. his ciTruer; then soath poles to the W'gin- knudrl and sevt-u , . ...i..i, v.ja asKwi to aouare ine price 01 iuc uujiuiuK firlitinir the vendetta hicli ins . r i-,iniii-, " carol VTarriKfin. .tb. DllKitch. ho is on the alert and when he opens the door at the call of his serving men he is always armed mi 1 i. I...,- 1 up. ine peopie 01 m hcihiiwm-, hood go miles out of the way toi ; avoid passin ana wnne mbling building of forty two rooms, in the edge of Madison ' tiering strange The ISeftt IJIood Purifirr. Tim 1.1vifl fa instniiilv l-eitip nnrified pear Whitehall, tlirluD?S) ih-erand kidneys. Ktep to sav they fraid land v. ill le sold to FatLsfy the del t se-ured by said trust deed, and sacli title will be given as is vrstcd iu said trcstii;. This M:;rc h .th. 1HT. ALBERT 11. SHATTUCK, Trustee. Z n n 1 i viva is ci irtl iic triiwn 1 1 i-u..:i.,i:.. ..t t- 1 love the old man. inev are mom iamuiiiii; uuuuiiis ua auh . , . M.i i.wi riRo, . h at 1 m r inc npi 11 t-. i iv , i . ! iiw ilure is not bin-' canal to Cliainber- p :ii ..if .it -,nii incurs ' . iancv win iwiiii owmv. KXKCt:T!) SAI.K. By virtue if an esetmtioii. directed to the nnderismed from tlie Sanerior Uorrrt thess organs in a healthy condition and lof Rutlu-rford county, in an action cn- tbe bowels recular aud you will have no 1 titl-d J. J. Byerp. administratoT of B. B. For this pur- n-liit na'ic t!eiice south 27 west. 3fi noles toa hickory; thence north 61 west 14 j the county Superintendent. polos to a black gum; thence south 40 TMr1 d teachers cannot be poles to a stone pile ; thence south 59 east ... , , 10 poles to a red oak, once a line of the. ; paid more than $20. and second J OOacre tract; thence withsaid line north! rl fj n $25 m0nth. 30 poles to the beginning; coutaihiug 12;,. v p 1 acres more or less. ; r irst grade teachers ma v receive This sale will be made to satisfy the ; guch gu be agreed lipcn- aforesaid judgment and costs of execu- f . 1- tiou. Said judgment was taken in the Appeals from committees must tSmS I county Superintendent, another five. "-Case and Comment. j-, . . .v- . r . r , , , r, , Supra-iw court or this (Kuthortord) wnose aecision 6nau De nnai un- lless 6ame shall be reversed by bv the county board. Six schools in this county may take advantage of what is known as the "Rural Library Act." No 1 Ai-a n -- 4-11 -v 1 1 mi- 1 o n rl D "f knee and added another and; another cu KJ'1 """'fr , until there were five of them,, aad, look- 'now, sah, that is about I what I thought was right- sah, and what have you to say about it, sah?" The old attorney, bursting wifh sup pressed emotion, as he saw the bills laid out, nevertheless struggled to be equal to the occasion. He strove to speak, but did so with difficulty. At last his lips parted and he said with dignity, "Well I think perhaps you had better make it county. Wiu. This. March 27th 1901. E. A. Martin, Sheriff of Rutherford County. F. Rucker, Attorney. oTreK or incorporation. NTrtTim f ! akolin" 4 . ) Office of Clerk of BcTHEBKORaCousrr, Superior Court.' sphool in an incorporated town unfit to attend to my work during the . . . r i1 r rl a I Caught a Dreadful Cold. Marion Kooke,. manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer for fine millinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenuf, Chicago, says : "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept ine awake at night and made mc man s -1 ., r,,i C ' . , . . f 1 , Jack's creek neighborhood, near aeam. ine ommy the Kentucky river. The men ofj a Grand mother at 26. the section have many of the Tt m renorted by reliable nliavo.toi-Utifo rf lnmnitiiMipprs ( tVio- tVirr is woman living in of Oconee county, this State, j - i i v int-" i ;i i in ii;iiiii. mill " it is only farm hands, whne and black, that General Clay as sociates with, even in times of peace. Visitors who are his so cial and intellectual equals are few and in times of war only the Iain's Stomacbe and Liver Tablets, one j Byers, against J. P. Bums, I will sell at the court house in Untherfordton, N. C, j at public noct-Lo'i for cash on the ! ooi'n ,.r Anril lOfll dose of them will do yoanrorcgooilthan . f im j a dollar bottle of the ljest blood purifier. j1Vrm of vaperi-.-. Court ) to Kitisfy said ! Pri. 93 ciitir. Samules free at Twit- iwnhriii. all th- i;,--5-; . title and inter authority TbrnmiBoii's drmr store. cts which the said w. I. Barns, defend thc ; taut, has in the followi:i describfnl piuca or parcel of land lyiiiK in Uutherf?.rt (county, about mile north west of El- li. Kyers land. Wright and others. l, .i i i f l.il. T-.n i T .Mfna r llo mu-or nniirsiliiofl in 51 oiu an.v a " "J' j l.rr , VT;;:;' , lcnljom, udioinnig tl.e U. child. The woman mar- mor K"-" - aucl ,iU!(ls of J. L. 11 vcars old and has cn- -r ; tVi. rorirt n-ginningon c.ouoie T. KUKW. A. v. " .w. . ....... ... .... . o-l ..-r U Kl. llfilllU v 1 i llUTUiC (IWT 111 nuiuwiuiuiuu, - ""!..... ivi,ir Vlr v, J can Notice is hereby given of the filing of , can take arlvaritmr.-i of this qc.t. Mill; that tlie names of the incorpora- J The county Board of Education tors are T. B. Ijovelace, R. R. Haynes, Henry Jenkins, L. A. Holland, Gaither Keimady a-hd J. F. Whisnant, and such others as t hey may associate with them ; that the principal place of business is at and near the Scruggs or Lovelace Shoal, on Second Broad river, in said county of Ruthwford and State aforesaid ; and jts general purpose aud business is to manu facture cotton, word and flax into thread mid cloth, manufacturing cotton seed oil, grinding grain, sawing and dressing lumber, manufacturing brick, operating ahops for wood and iron, and ior carry ng 011 general mercantile or any oth r business which said corporation may lawfully do; that the duration of the corporation Ls thirty years; the capital stook subscribed is eighty thousand dol 1.1 divided into 800 shares, of the par T aluo of $ 100 each, with the privilege to ! t-ncroaso to four hundred thousand iioi rarB. This March 7tk, 1901. M. O. D1CKERSON, Clerk of the Superior Court for Ruther ford county, N. C. may designate the Library schools. The people of the district must contribute $10. ; the funds must be drawn on for $10. and the now entirely well and feel very pleased day. One ot my milliners was takiner Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic arid 1 bpgnn to improve at oneo. 1 am MORTGAGE SALE. I n-lin is 9fl -rears and one grand ried when only ioved remarkable is wonderful how these mountain pew-, Ti()ntlav. Mav the 6th, lttOl, pie ignore the law, yet they attach very j of that trjct or 0f ian lying little importance to any of the laws. jaml bcjHg iu High Shoals township. Thev do just as thev feel inclined to do j Rutherford county, North Carolina, and xney aoju.ia known and designated aa follows: Be- regardless of the results, and it i rj , Tcseucir corner in the mid- : elilom when any oue violates tne ia u ; A of thR rna,i . thence west 8 ioles to is ever known outside their mountain 8take in the road ; thence south 23 poles ... ... 1, . c- - . it.- .la-iw'u linn i r-nt-.f K settlement, and while this woman tiw"n -ThLs March 11th. 1901. nn (k nini liiu wwui;'uu "-" 1 north 21 poles with Tesenc-ir line to tl e beiinning ; containing one and one tenth acre, more or less. This April 3rd 13J1. Davtd Tesexieu, Mortgagee. j been married for 15 years it has very re most trusted of his servitors see him. It is to men of this class that he tells his thoughts, who are the j . . 11 1 1 confidants 01 xnis om man wiiu- fii;ri -orid. it its Ucllllj ivaviiw .a-as v.j -- leonine head, who must soon pass aoul)tf ul if there is a similar case any away, after a long life filled with ! where on record. Gaffney, S. C, Spo Strife and Stained with the blood jcial 12th, to Atlanta Constitution. . . mi j ! of many battles, ine spirit 01 t ,,medv ,OP Kheumatism. the old war horse is not yet dead, j QCICK REIJEF moji pais. but the gleam in his steel-blue; who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm eye, is not the light of a coura cbestnaf stnrnp and loo chains to a John Wright' comer; thence with w right s line wutn 49 west 4 chains to a stone in Wright'a line, also new corner of Levi Brras; thence with Levi Burns new line north west 11 17-100 chain to B. B. By crs' line; tbence from a Ktone in Eycm line, with Byers' line, south 86J-, east 3 chains to the beginning, containing three 8 ! and one-fourth (3 ) acrefc more or Icbs, E. A. MARTIN. Sheriff of Rutherford county. McBrayer & Justice Attjsfor rTnt'ff. to acknowledge its merits." Twitty & Thompson. For sale by A Testimonial from Old Kngland. "I consider Chamberlain's Couerh Remedy the best in the world for bron chitis," says Mr. William Savorv. of Warrington, England. "Ifc has saved Subscribe ier tho new Tfiwt umic iii (.uiiiiiuuie pxj muit) making a total of '30. Those de siring further particulars can ob tain them by writing the county Superintendent who will be glad to aid in any way he can any school or schools wishing to take my wife's life, she having boen a mar advantage of thi8 act. tyr to bronchitis f or over six years, b Two hu ndred thousand dollars iS f ost of the time confined to her bed has been appropriated to the pub lie schools, and. one hundred thousand of this goes to the Bclioois direct as in the past; one minuieu uiuusanu nas iretsa pi- jjiver-iaDiers. Kvery box warr.uUcd. f'd at the fi-sposal ot th tatg-'Fac sateliy Twitty &,Thoiapsaa, She is now quite well." ty & Thompson, Sold bv Twif- geous intellect, and the expres sion of tne face is almost blank exeept when he is aroused to great and most often unmeaning anger. The god of battles most often stirs within hun, and ir; such moments he tells to his at tendants with almost bloodthirs ty.";! ee the story of the duels in i his early days how he used the NOTICK. The undersigned having qualified aa administrator of J. P. Tate, deceased, hereby requests all parties indebted to said estate to come forward aad wttlo Also nersons having claims for rheumatism are delighted with the- .ajrainst said estate are hereby nctifid quick relief When speaking of Troy, Ohio, says had a severe attack of rheumatism in mv arm and shoulder. I tried numer ous, remedies but got no relief until I LAND SALE. The undersigned as commissioner vri I srll the land described below for catli at the Court House door in tlie town of Rutherfordton, N. O., on Monday, April 29th 190J, at 1 o'clock p. m.. that I'hig th Srrt 17rif thn SnnrirTiirm or fha "-iiT-rif.r from paiu which it affords. ;1 1 o Iciurt fo7 Rut 0 aJl at of this Mr. D. Ii. Mnss, A J90 or tnis notict! bo , tract of laud dcTibcd in a siortgsK "Rnmntimc ago ',r.,i i Kr nf reeoverv on uneh ! irom a. iciicutii to jnumn wauftT, rc- i knife and how the blood flowed. It tronuieu uy a weak digestion, ks i nfl alwavfi lie tells his story with of appetite, or constipation, try a few doses 01 onamiieriain.'s Stomach and laugh. was recommended by Messrs. Geo. j Parsons & Co., druggists of tliis placcr, ty,- wcnmiiMl it so hiirhlv that I ! bought a bottle pain. I have to many of my friends, who agree w me that this is the best remedy for cular rheumatism in the market Manv of the events of I 1 ;Dleailel in bar or recovery rnulo inrll Srrl IfiOI. claims-. ...... 3 (i. Hawkins, Administvator, of J. if. laru, acevnspa-. McBrayer & Justice, Attorni-ys. j corded hi th ofiicc of Kegitt-r cf ' for Rutherfonl county, in. Bonk II. rf ; mortg:igs at page '0: Said, land is rit juate in Morgan township, Rutherford lcountv, N. C, and adjoin the lands f jS. Mitchell aud otters, containing JO Having been appointed and having acres, more t .ess. Tbi ra is tia H .olified as admiuiMrator of S. C. Pad-! bv authority of a dT made in the So- Rulherfiwrt crar.ly :d E. and J. B. Wall alker.decMsed. Vf, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. qualified as admiuist , I was soon- relieved 01 if weased, la-to of Rutherford conn- jperior Court for Rull since l-ecommended this t. 5;. c.r this is to notify aU penwns that case ratified N.I ,a. w1a nirroa with ' hVving claims against the ettate of ud : cr,j Metora of M, TV. a :i tn ovhibit them to the nnner-!. jwncneii, ana 10 wott wo "IT cVned on or la-fore April 3rd, 1902, or , i judged therein to lw due fi4 jilaiutifr. or tiTis notice will be plead in bar of their Thi April let, ic!. i reoovVrv? All persons indebted to the R.. 8. EAVES, Cmnmwinar. 1 Mnl.n fwniAiorA CStftt WIU pieaso ui L . tj , -,r:rin lAl'rri Km. . - . .... i m,Jo nril 2m. 1!HI1. " . li'ii I10 Ima floral Pfl Tfl Ttlft men 1 411 frind to iai"- i mi-01. -m--" " : . 1110 iuu hj j.i.y - - 1 xxiiM jLxvirtuu ,.f , about bimv but some of thepi he IwpAid in. exchange for subscriptuinp. 1 B. . WEAStJ Administrator, i j?BXOJ1atox Twnvst

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