THE TRIBUNE. PEOPLE WHO TRAVEL. THURSDAY, JUNE (), 19)1. Special Notices. Advertisements will lie inserted in this column, and under this head, at 1 cent a word, each insertion. NUMBER ONE two-horse wagon, fodder cutter, surry and an in cubator for sale. Apply to MkS. Cav ei.d, Rntherfordton, N. O. fjW ANTED pupils in Stenogra phy and typewriting. Typewriter will "be furnished to pupils. For terms ap ply to Miss Bessie. Miekel. or Lock Box No. !, Riithoi f .rdtoii N.C TOWN AND COUNTY. The Week's News Gathered and Told in a Few Lines. K. J. fc H. L. Carpenter have a new advertisement in another column- The Daniel family will give an en tertainment at the eonrt house to-night. C. C. Reid talks low prices in his new advertisement in another column. The Triucxe is all-home print, and the only paper published in Rutherford county. Miss Alice, the daughter of Mr. G. W. Goode, is quite sick at her home near town. Mium i ne snoe man, nas a new "au in this issue in which he talks shoes and slippers. Subscribe for The Tkibuxe and get the news when it is news. It is pub lished every Thursday. Miss Annie Bell Erwin has recover ed from her recent illness, and we are glad to see lier out again. The outlook for a largo wheat crop in Rutherford and adjoining counties was never U tter than this year. Rev. J. B. Carpenter is improving his residence on Court street by the ad dition of a bath room and other conven iences. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Richardson, whose arrival we noticed last week, is now tioarding with Mrs. Anna Miekel mi north Main street. The new cottage of Rev. J. B. Car penter, on Court street, Las been com pleted and is now occupied by his son-in-law, Mr. Robert L. Doggett. Vess Warn, a cotton mill hand, was tried before Mayor Clark yesterday for iH'iug drunk and disorderly. He was lined $10.00 and costs, and not having the money, or being able to secure the fine, he was sent to jail. Mr. Lee Smith, who has been with C. C. Reid since the first of the year, j has resigned his position and gone to Mitciiel county where he has accepted a position in the genercl merchandise store of Justice and Cutlar. Mr. Frank "Wilkins now holds t he job at Mr. Reids. 3Iis Gray Marries. We have received an invitation to the marriage of Miss Minnie Francis Gray To Mr. Daniel Shaw Davis, of Charlotte. The event will be solemizcd at the home of the bride in Charlotte, on the evening of the nineteenth iust. Miss Gray was u member of the faculty of the Caroleen High School last year, and by her gen tleness of manlier, refinement and grace, flic made a lasting impression on the community in which she resided. Many friends will regret that she will return no more, hut there are none of them who do not wish her uubonnded happiness in the new sphere into which she is about to enter. The Tribiwk congratulates Mr. Shaw on his success in winning the love of a woman of so much depth of character and physical grace. Some of the Faces are Familiar While Others are Not. M. C. Martin, of Forest City, was in town yesterday. Mr. D. Andle.y Gold, a photographer of Blackshurg, was in the city yesterday. Dr. L. G. Reid, our popular dentist, spent a day or two in Marion last week. Mr. Joe Bird, one of the popular lawyers ol Marion, spent Sunday TirJ town. Mr. F. M. McEride. the walnut lum ber man, is at the Iso-Thermal Hotel this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Caro leen, spent Sunday here with relatives and friends. Sheriff Martin and Mr. B. A. Jus tice went to Henrietta and Caroleen to day on business. Attorney Matt McBrayer returned from Shelby Fridav where he had been on legal business. Mrs. Julia Grayson and daughter, MissLela, of Logan Store, were in town Monday shopping. Superintendent Barnett, of the Flor ence Mills at Forest City, was in town yesterday on business. Sheriff and Mrs. E. A. Martin spent Saturday and Sunday at Ellenboro vis iting friends and relatives. Miss Myrtle Hanes returned home last Friday, after a visit of several weeks to friends in Lexington, N. C. Mr. C. W. Dunlap. the hardware salesman from Charlotte, was in the city supplying his trade yesterday. Mrs. F. A Burgin and child arrived from Charlotte last week. They will spend several weeks with Mrs. M. A. Burgin. Attorneys Geo. C. Justice and Jas. P. Morris, of Columbus, came over yes terday on a business trip. They will re turn to-day. Mr. J. B. Martin, of Hickory Grove, S. C, spent Wednesday night in the city, tha guest of his kinsman, Sheriff E. A. Martin. Mr. James. Bell, who has filled the place of bookkeeper at Caroleen dnriu g the illness of Mr. T. P. Reynolds, has returned home. Mr. L. C. Payseur, of Lancaster, re turned to his home last Friday, after a pleasant visit to his brother, Mr. Wil liam T. Payseur Mrs. J. F. Pel-sell, nee Miss Sickles, of Savannah, Ga. is spending the sum mer months at the Hodge Hotel near the Seaboard station. Mr. George Gatlin, of Raleigh, who has been visiting friends and relatives here for several clays, returned home on the Seaboard Friday. Mrs. Yanetten and three children, two girls and a son, are litre for the summer. They are from the city of Charlotte, and are hoarding at the Gleg horn. Mrs. J. C. Craton and children, of Bessemer City, are here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. C. Mills. Mrs. Craton is a former resident of the town, and has many friends here. Prof. F. B. Watkins returned from Wrightsville and Wilmington Saturday, where he has been attending the Gener al Assembly of North Carolina' teachers. He says that the meeting was very in teresting and instructive. Mr. F. B. Logan, of Chimney Rock, spent several days in town this week- !OlK JMri.OV K.UKM'S IN sK.HT, Harrill Urol hers to JJuiM Two Stores on Court Street. Harrill Brothers, our popular and en terprising merchants, have put in a brick plant at this place, and are mak ing brick right along. It Ls their inten tion to build a pair of double storied store-houses on the corner of Court and Main streets, and equip them with ev ery modern convenience. Sometbv like this is what the business portion the town of Rntherfordton needs, :. we are sure that the buildings will much to the appearance of the tow n. We are glad the idea has struck the gen tlemen so forcibly. Last week, the lot formerly known as the Miss Nancy Miller property was sold at the court house door at public unction, and several gentlemen in the town became the purchasers at the ag gregate sum of $1C05. For several years the status of this valuable property has teen such that it was impossible to sell it and convey a good title, hence, ever since the fire in 1S95, it lias stcod va cant and unimproved. Now, however, that it has fallen into the hands of en terprising business men, we hope to see a handsome business block erected upon it at a very early day. CAROLEEN NEWS. A M'CORMIC WALKOVER. Proposed Contest at Which the Deer ing Failed to Appear. At the much talked of con test between the Deering and McOormick Binders at Forest City Tuesday, the Deering ma chine failed to put in appearance, al though the Deering people freely offer ed to bet money that the MeCormick people wonld back out at the last mo ment. The coutest was to take place on the tarm of Mr. R. S. Webb, where a big crowd had gathered. The MeCormick machine was on the field at 2 o'clock and remained there cutting until six, doing the prettiest work ever done by a binder in this country, but the Deering machine failed to appear. Mr. Webb, who had announced his intention to buy the machine that did the best work, bought the MeCormick and settled for it on the ground. Two other MeCormick binders were also sold, one coming to Forest City and one to Rntherfordton by express yester day from Charlotte, both of which will be set up and cutting wheat by sun rise to-day. Picnic at Cherry Mountain Marriaga of Popular Couple--Other News. Correspondent of The Tribune. Caroleen, N. C, June 18. Mrs. T. P. Reynolds and children are visiting relatives at Ayr. Mr -VYi. Ti:',dell, who recently mov ed to )iU '-. : in Caroleen isdangerous- v. M. Winter, Presbyterian minis i'"' -.-hed Saturday in the M. E. iir. Lewis Duval happened to a "pain- l -i . . iai accident a week ago. While out driving he attempted to raise an um brella ; his horse became frightened at this, and ran. The aim was sprained, and he received a few bruises but sus tained no serious injuries. Cards were received here to the mar riage of Miss Minnie Francis Gray to Mr. Daniel Shaw Davis. The marriage took place at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 210 North Myers Street, Charlotte, Wednesday June 19th. Mr. Davis is superintendent of the mills at Waxhaw. Miss Gray is a neice of Mr. Duval, Superintendent of the Henrietta mills, and taught in the Caroleen High School last year. Quite a number of young people went up to Cherry Mountain on a picnic last Friday.Though there is not such a pro fusion of cherries this year as usual, in terest in the Mountains does not lessen, and visitors are abundant. TELKPHOXE 31 EX 3IKET. UNION MILLS MATTERS. The Encampment. The encampment of the State guards will be at Wrightsville beach this sum mer. The owner of Lattimore grove has kindly tendered it to the State guard as a camping ground, and it has been accepted by the officers of the military department of the State. The encamp ment will be held by regiments, only one regiment being in camp at one time. The boys of our company are having regular drill meetings now, and we hope that this company will rank among the lest drilled companies of the North Car olina State guard. Mr. Webb Fortunate. The cards for the marriage of Mr. Thomas Paul Webb to Miss Alma Gray McBrayer are out, and we have received one of I hem. The ceremony will be performed in the First Baptist church in Shelby on the evening of the 27th of June. Both of these vounsr neonle are popular favorites in Shelby society, and the event, which will be the most beau tiful of this season, is looked forward to with a great deal of iuteie ;t. Miss Mc Brayer is the pretty and accomplished daughter of the late Dr. Victor McBray er, of Shelby, and Mr Webb is a com petent and experienced pharmacist of the same place, having taken the course at the University of North Carolina some years ago. They are personally known to us and we wish them every joy possible for them to derive from the circumstances in which they are placed. A Death at Caroleen Ijoval and Per sonal. Oscar Alexander has returned from a visit to Rutherford county. Dr. G. E. Young, of Forest City, a prominent Rutherford county physician, was a Mielliy visitor Tuesday. The 17-mouths old infant of Mr. J L. Hamrick, of Caroleen, died last Friday and was buried Saturday at Wall's church, Rev. Z. D. Harrill conducting Work for the Farmers--Santification j Doctrine to be Preached. j Correspondent of The Tribune. j Union Mills. N. C, June 19th J. D. i Morris has returned from Federal court ! at Charlotte G. M. Rector has retired from busi ness. He and family are sojourning at ! Old Fort, , j L. S. Keeter has purchased the stock ! of goods of G. M. Keeter and will run a ; grocery business at the some stand. We are having copious showers, con sequently "General Green" is spreading ' hmiself like a "green bay tree," but doubtless the farmer will make war on him and he will "fall as grass and with er as the green herb." Rev. Aberuethy preached a splendid j sermon at Centennial M. E. church Sun-1 day June ICth. The "Holiness to the Lord" people or theSantification crowd as generally known, have erected their tents here. They will probably preach night and day for some two weeks. D. Augustus Beam, the popular trav- i elling man from Shelby, was in the I hamlet Friday. j Your Uucle Junius has been troubled i with the cramp and although we are i getting old and feeble, yet when these t spells seize us you would think we were ! just sixteen could you see us jump out ; of lied and stamp the floor. Lady BartmarS This is the prettiest line of Ladies Shoes ever offered for the price. Only two dollars and fifty cents. Epuil wear and and stvle to anv $3.00 line. We carry them in in FIVE STYLES! We have the fullest, prettiest and lest line of Oxford Ties, Fedora lUitton and .Slippers iti town, at prices that will please yon. Smith's Shoe Store. Mortgage Sale, By virtue of a mortgage deed executed by T. J. Withrow and P. J. Withrow to j F. I. Osborne and J. A. Forney, which I mortgage is duly registered in th olh-1 of the R gister of Deeds for Rutherford j county, North Carolina, in Book '!)" of j real estate mortgages, at No. 10!!, the undersigned wili sell, for cash, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the' court house door at Rntherfordton, N. C, on Monday, the 1st day of July, 1901, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following describ ed real estate m Rutherford county, ' North Carolina, to-wit : Joining the ! lands of Jos. Wilkie and Biggerstaff and . 1 . , c 1 : 1 " Fites Mooney purchase on waters of j William P. Alexander, of Caroleen, ( Gleghorn creek and Big Gum branch, 1 stopped over here last Thursday on his i bounded as follows, viz : Beginning at Some Things to Consider. It will be well for advertisers to con sider some facts about The Tribune i. return from a visit to Charlotte. Mrs. Susan Young and two grand children, Kathleen and Nellie Young, of Forest City, visited Shelby List w;ek. They have many relatives and friends here, all of whom were delighted to see them. Mrs. Young came specially to see her sister, Mrs. G. M. Webb, who is quite ill. Last Friday was the time set for the hearing of the matter of Gibson heirs vs. K. J. Carpenter before Matt McBrayer, Esq., of Rntherfordton, who was ap pointed referee by the court. The Ref eree was here, but Judge M. H. Justice, of counsel in the case, was detained at home by the illness of his wife, and W. B DeLoach, counsel for plaintiffs, was sick, but was represented by his partner, Frank McCain, Esq., of Yorkville. So the hearing was postponed until June 28th. j The local telephone men had appoint-1 ed Tuesday to have a meeting at Cleve- j a stake, Aioouey s corner on the east side of road ; thence north 1 east 1 10 xL's to a pine, Mooney's corner; thence with said line south 55 east 140 jjoles to a dead black oak, Mooney's corner; thence with said hue south ;J0 west IS poles to a chest nut at Wilkio's spring ; thence with Wil kie's line north SO west 70 poles to a small post oak. Biggerstaffs corner of sale to T. J. Withrow ; thence with line of sa;d sale and Biggerstaff 's line to 1 he Biggerstaff's road to stake; thence with the Biggerstaffs road to the big mid; thence north to the beginning, making in all 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to P. J. Withrow by T. J. Withrow by deed dated August 5, and registered in Book (52 of Deeds at No. 2-H, in the oiilco of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford coun ty, North Carolina. This ISth day of April, IflOl. F. I. OSBORNE, andS. GALLERT, Administrator of J . A. Forney, deceased. McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. 5 ry 9 8 Pa a 5 83 Gent ckaeses of Hot otch S are ewo 0C NOTICE. The undersigned having obtained let ters of administration on the estate, of W. 8. Hill, deceased, notice is here-In land Springs, but owing to some misun-! given all persons indebted to said estate derstanding as to the day there was no quorum present. "A.mong the telephone men who came were : Dr. J. G. Hord, to come forward and settle same at once. Also persons holding claims against said estate are hereby r( quired to present such claims properly authenticated on or be King's Mountain; Dr. S. S. Royster. j fore the 12th day of May, 1902, for pay- Mooresboro; John C. Mills, Rutherford- i"ieut- or tMs uotice l Plradey. ,. , bar of recovery on such claims. This ton; G. B. Pruett, Ellenboro; N. R. May 11th, 1901. J. F. FLACK, Kendrick, Cherryviile ; A. W. Eskridge, Adni'r. of W. S. Hill, deceased. Shelby. Shelby gladly welcomed these McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. hustling hpsiness men. Cleveland Star, 1'th. NOTICE. lie mtormert us that there are no bringt s an avertismg meuium in this secti on Cove creek now, all of them having The first is, the paper is all-home-print, been wasned away by the recent floods, and the second is, that it is the only pa - f," l" v-'iiituiiejf iiiAn ii is uewsfcurj i per puoiisneu in me counry ana nas a to gs round by Ayr, which route is good and growing subscription list. Ev much longer. ery advertisement that appears in The Mr. Norman Lynch, who has been Tribune will be read the same as news spending several weeks with his people It will pay you to advertise. since his recent attack of miennionia. returned from Bessemer Citv Sundav. New Officers Elected and Mondav morning he resumed the At the "lar meeting of the Knights duties of his old nosit-ion at the srocerv o Pythias last Friday evening, the fol- firm of G H. Mills and Son. His friends lwvin list of officers electod are delighted that he is well again. Death of Mrs. Goode. Mrs. Nanney Goode, widow of the late C. S. Goode, died at her home in Forest City last Friday. She was about fifty years of age, and after a severe at tack of short duration death released her spirit from its tenement of clay. She had been a member of Mount Vernon Baptist church for many years and in the quietude of its cemetery she found her last resting place. Six children sur vive her, Mrs. Byers Dead. The death of Mrs. Mary E. Byers, whose illness we mentioned in last issue, occurred at her home in Ellenboro last Friday night at the hour of 9 o'clock. She was the widow of the late B. B. By ers who died three years ago. For ma ny years she was a member of the church, a good woman whose Christianity ever shown as a beacon light amid the dark 3Ir. Poole Marries. Mr. W. W. Poole, the book keeper in office of the Florence Cotton Mills at Forest City, was married to Miss Wil lie Louise LoGette at Reidsville yester day. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride by Rev. R. C. A. Wood, of the Methodist church. The liappy couple will spend their honey moon in Buffalo, Washington and New York. and instructed in the duties they are to perform : W. J. McDaniel, C. C. ; John Simpson, V. C. ; S. L. Cathey, Prelate; W. D. Walker, M. W. ; and W. S. Grif fin, M. A. Blankenship-- Bowen. On Sunday, June the fcth, Mr. C. M. Blankenship, of Asheville, was happily married to Miss Maud V. Bowen, of Hen rietta. The marriage took place at the residence of Mr. W. W. Lee, the grand- yonr summer trips or deciding upon places at which to spend the summer, you should call on Ticket Agents . and Passenger Representatives of t he Sea board Air Line Railway. They aire spe- ially prepared to furnish information as to lowest rates, quickest sc hednles and j most attractive routes to the mountain resorts in Western North Carolina and Southwest Virginia, also to the seashore resorts of Ocean View, Virginia Beach, Old Point Comfort, the great Eastern re sorts along the Jersey Coast and other popular places reached via the Seaboard Air Line Railway. This company is of fering lower rates than ever with perfect train service and fast through schedules. It will interest and benefit you to call on Seaboard Air Line Railway Agents. ness to guide the fleet of the wayward f ather of the bride, and the ceremony aright. At 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon her funeral was preached by Revs. H. H. Jordan aud J. B. Carpenter, and in the church graveyard at Oak Grove she was buried. was performed by Rev. J. B. Carpenter. The Tribune extends its best wishes. Jake Logan Dead. Jake Logan, a colored boy of nineteen years, died at his home near town Mon day morning, The cause of his death was lever wnicn put in irs wort m a tV Referee Case. Afc Hip. lMt tfiin of tliA mnrt; "Will Lynch, colored, sued the estate of the raPid aucl Aead1 U5anuer' The deceased J 1 ' . e r-'.UflR T i late J. K. Lynch for the sum of one thousand dollrrs, alleged to be the sum due him by the deceased tor services rendered during his life-time. The judge, finding there was an account in volved, ordered a reference and appoint- was a son of Griffin Logan and, we are informed was a good, quiet, industrious boy. Back for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Carpenter and family arrived Monday afternoon from ed b. GaJlert as releree to fix the amount Spartanburg. They will occupy the Car owing, snouici any oe aue. r or tne past residence on Main street during two or three days, this reference has the summer. Their many friends are Mr. McBrayer Sick. Mr. Fred McBrayer has been quite ill at the residence of Dr. Lovelace in Henrietta, for more than a week. He had been unwell here for several days and since he went to Henrietta on June 10th, has lx;en confined to his ted. We arc glad to learn that his condition is very much improved now. been m progress, but it Has not yet been flighted that they have returned. determined. The Western star District Conference. The Western Star Masonic Lodge will Our Methodist brethren will meet on meet next Monday night for the pur July 1 1 th, 12th and 13th at Rutherford- pose of installing new officers. The in ton, and there will be a large attendance stallment will be conducted by Pas of ministers and laymen as delegates Master, Jrndge M. H. Justice. Call at Twitty & Thompson's chug store and get a free sample of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are au elegant physic. They also im prove the appetite, strengthen the di gestion and regulate the liver and bow- elH. They are easy to take and pleasant iu offect. fo Mountain and Sea Shore Kesorts Via Seaboard Air Line Railway. Notice is hereby given all persons in debted to the estate of J. D. Metcalf, de ceased, to come forward and settle same at once. Also persons having claims Before completing arrangements for against said estate are required to pre- trins or deciding upon sent tue same amy proven on or in- tne l-iiii oi Jiitv, ii;w, or mis uonce m ut; pleaded in bar of recovery on such claims. This May 14th, 15)01. R. M. HARRILL, For a limited time 1 am go ing to sell 7 5c. packages of above Snuff for 25c, and give & with every 25c. purchase two S 8 packages free. 8 I have nice assortment, of THE NEW DOMESTIC SEWINC? MACHINES that I urn going to sell cheap for 3 cash or on time. "Write for prices or eall and see them. & AM ANXIOl'S Toil YOUR TRADE. GEIVED! Wo Adm'r of J. D. Metcalf, deceased. McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. The Tribune is published every Thursday. Trice $1.00 per year. SHOE SHOP! Hays & Hicks. Half Soling Shoes; Ladies 2o and 80 cents per pair; Men's & to 40 cents, if Sprigged. Sewed 50 to 75 cents. Call and give us a trial. nice have iust received lot of NORTON YAM SWEET POTATOES, both eating md bodding sies. These came from the eastern part of the State where the FINEST POTATOES in the State are GROWN, and and they are EXTRA N ICE. Call and see them, or telephone us an order. WE DELIVER Via free. m DU o TH And None ButTheBest, H Mil s a, MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE from all the churches in the district. Rev. C. G. Little is presiding elder and there are ouite a number of ministers who do faithful work in their several charges. Church Improvement. By virtue of an agreement ' between the ladies and gentlemen the Metho dist church of this town will be carpet ed anew, and repainted inside and out. The agreement was that the ladies shoidd carpet and the men should paint the church. Mr. Joseph Flack, the young man who has made himself so popular as a salesman in the sales department of the Rntherfordton Supply Company, has gone to his home in Chimney Rock, where he will remain during the sum mer months. His father is the proprie tor of the Mountain View Inn, a very pleasant place to rest during the sum mer. We are sorry to give up our young friend Flack, and hope that he will re turn to make his home with us in the autumn. TK3 El S3 And None But I he Best, THE EQUITABLE LIFE I "Strongest in The World!" ASSURANCE IN FORCE 1,110,875,047.00 ac-prno 3ni r;m nrs 11 P XA-OOJJJ kj 9 j v f wj .a. q SURPLUS 00,187,170.01 m DIVIDENDS T0 EPRsLiSYi9HoLD- 3,481,040.05 . - m m mmm At. n . m a INSUKL I U-UAY! a f Son,! NO. BO. o E3 o !EnE?i io urn? uj Jri& FRUIT JAR FRUIT JAR RUBBERS, FILLERS. Q si o a How do you know there will be a to-morrow for you? E3 O For full information on any plan of insurance, see IR.R.RICHARDSO O RUTHERFORDTON, C. o E3 E2 O sa o K. J. & H. L. CARPENTER, f MEW BUGGE-io! vonooononooonncnoDononol Just revived the first CAK LOAD OK JU (HilCS ever been shipped to this town. X We also handle the FA MOT'S KOCK HILL Bt'CJC.Y, the best made. If yoti want a vehicle of any kind call on HARILL BROS. z