THE TRIBUNE. THURSDAY, JUXE 27, l'Dl. Special Notices, AdTertisenients ti11 lx inserted in this colm, d nuder this head, at 1 cent a wrd, each insertion. fi&FAm SALE : 1000 bushel of eorn at Gretu river plantation, 75 cents xr lmshel. Texch C. Coxe, Rnther fordton, N. C. g&r WANTED pupils in Stenogra phy and typewriting. Typewriter will ik furnished to pupils. For terms ap ply to JUiss Bes.,ie Miekel, or Lock Bo.rl .No. !), Ruthorfordjou N. O. TOWN AND COUNTY. DEATH OF MRS. TWITTY. a Short FOREST CITY NEWS. The Week's News Gathered and Told in a Few Lines. There will bo prayermeeting at the Presbyterian church this evening. There is to be an excursion next Saturday from Forest City to Ball Alley over the S O. & G. Railroad. Mi s. Alice Simpson has leen quite Ri?k for several days, bat her friends are pleased to see her out again. The North Carolina Bar Association is assembled at Wriyhtsville beach this week. Mr. S. Gallert left for that place Tuesday afternoon. The telephone force began putting in the poles on the Chimney Rock line tii nday morning, and the line will be n-.iplet ed in a few days. The painters have begun work on the Methodist church in order that it May be ready for the meeting of the dis trict conference next month. The Children s' Day exercises will be held in the Methodist church next Sunday evening, provided the paint has dried sufficiently by that time. Henrietta Mills have a new adver tisement in this week's issue. Every department in the two stores oiler val-v- luli bargains to the purchaser. It is conceded that the wheat crop in this county is exceptionally fine this year. If the wet weather will cease we are sure of flour whether any corn is re ide or not. - - We are informed that our old towns man, Mr. John Cratou, will move back to Rntherfordton about August first lie has held a position in Bessemer City for some time. Florence Mills store at Forest City . has an advtrtisemenr in the .issue for this week. Interesting offers in the dry goods line are presented to you. Do iv.'t fail to read the ad. Yoniur Morgan was brought here last Tuesday and jailed by Deputy Sher ii7 i'ii-Viy. lie was from Caroleen, and tho charge against him was trespassing on mill property at that place. Failing ro give the bond rermiml of him, he was committed to jail. The Epworth League and Sunday S -hv. A Conference m.-ets at Forest City t.Miomnv. Rev. G. J. Owens preaches the introdactrii v sermon at 11 o'dloeli a. is . There will be preaching during the -mfriiouce by Revs. Jordan, Aheraethy, Ilii-p find others. They are expecting a ""). linre a Vhe conference will last vr J'unday. Edacattiou should le the most im i taut subject to the reader at present Thr UniversitT of North Carolina, and the State Normal and Indus-trial Colle e i-,thof which are doing an immerse amount of good in the State, have each an advertismeut rhis week. If you will read them and address the presidents of th. institutions, they will show by rea f vi that any energetic boy or girl por.-j,-td f determination can obtain an edaei! . leu. Died Tuesday Night After Illness. When the death of Mrs. Robert M. Twitty was announced yesterday morn ing, the whole community was shocked and swept, by a wave of sadness inex pressible. Her illness was short. Only a few days she suffered ; and- Tuesday night at the hour of 10 o'clock, the mes senger called her spirit aloft to meet its Savior and its God. No death has oc curred iu this little town for years that has called forth a more profound ex pression of sorrow, sympathy and regret than hers. She was a young woman whose life was prematurely cut off, and this fact tends to lend a deeper shade of sadness when her death is contemplated. Mrs. Twitty was the daughter of Mr. James Andrews, of Cliff dale, who is one i? j. t . . . . . j- i i .11 -j . f it oi me most suostaiiiiai citizens oi tnis county. A little over two years ago she was married to Mr. Robert M. .Twitty, aud came to Rntherfordton to live. She has made many friends during her resi dence here and by her exemplary chris tian character and gentleness of man ner, she has won the esteem aud high regard of all with whom she has been associa ed. One child aud a husband survive her, and we extend to them our deepest sympathy in -this, the hour of grief and distress. The burial took place at Brit tain church at 10 o'clock this morning, where for many years she had been an earnest worker and consistent member. The last sad omces to the dead were per formed by Rev. R. C. Morrison. HKNRIKTTA 1IAPPEMXGS. PEOPLE WHO TRAVEL. Death of Mrs. Carpenter. Mary E. Carpenter, the wife of Peter A. Carpenter, living near Bummer ridge, departed this life Sunday, 2:3rd in -taut, aged 55 years aud a few days. She was a good woman, having been a fdthful member of Pleasant Grove Methodist church for a number of years. She was a kind and indulgent mother, dutiful wife and exemplary neighbor. S ie l.-aves an aged husband nearly nine ty rears old, three sons and'three daugh- t.'-rs, who have hi the departed wife and mother, a fine model for their lives in l-.r love for God and the church. She v. as buried at the Johnson graveyard, h i pastor, Rev. L. L. Smith, conduct ing the services. I r.stai lation of Officers. Lat Monday night Judge Justice, Past Master, installed the officers of vestern Star Lodge, No 91, as follows: J. B. Carpeneer, Master; S Gallert, S. W. ; J. C. Mills, J. W. ; D. F. Morrow, Treasurer; A. L. Grayson, Secretary; A. D K. Wallace, S. D. ; M. O. Dicker son, J. D. ; W. C. Brittain, Tiler. After the installation the Lodge was favored with an appropriate address by Judge Justice. Other members of the L xlge made short talks. Mr. Justice to Locate Here. Mr. George C. Justice, the most prom inent attorney of Columbus, will move his office to the town of Rntherfordton nxt week. He is a Rutherford county I;, .v who has attained some degree of Deficiency in the practice of the law, and the bar of this town will be pleased to have him as an acquisition. Some of the Faces are Familiar Whi'e Others are Not. Mr. John Michael, of Hickory, is in the city to-day. Mr. Joseph Flack, of Chimney Rock, spent Sunday with relatives here. Rev. S. L. Cathev has been granted a vacation of two weeks, and is off rest ing., Representative J. F. Alexander and wife, were here from Forest City Mon day. Mr. A. S. Kan-ill, a popular travel ling man from Ellenboro, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Mauoh Hampton, of Marion, visited friends and relatives in the city Sunday last. Mr. James A Rucker, a merchant of Mills Springs was here on legal busi ness Tuesday. Mrs. Maiy Martin, of Ellenboro, is in the city. She is visiting her son. Sheriff Martin. Mrs. M. A. Morris and little gran daughter, Theo Twitty, are visiting Mrs. O. C. Erwin. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Reynolds, of Caroleeu, spent Sunday with Capt. and Mrs. W. T. R. Bell. Mr. Plato Harrill, a popular sales man in the mill store at Caroleeu. was here on business Tuesday. Mrs. T. M. Lynch and c hildren, of Ayr, were in town last week and spent a day with Mrs. H. L. Glower. Sheriff Martin has been off to the upper part of the county for two. or three days. He was attending to official business and returned last evening. Dr. A. M. Edwards, of Darlington, was in the city yesterday. He is a good physician, a pleasant gentleman, and has more practice than he can well attend to. Mr. D. F. Morrow, banker, is away from town bent on business and pleas- are, tie will taKe m tne .ran-American Exposition at Buffalo before he returns, Mr M. H. Morrow, cashier of the Bank of Rntherfordton, returned from Asheville Sunday morning. He had been there several days, attending the Bankers Association. Miss Undine Whiteside, from Uree, and her friend, Miss Cutherberson, were in town shopping yesterday. The lat ter is a young lady from Monroe, and was on her way home. Mr. John C. Walker returned from Buncombe county last week, where he spent several days visiting friends and relatives. His family will remain over there awhile during the summer. Dr. L. G Reid left for Lenoir Mon day morning. He will spend a portion tion of his time at that place m the practice of his profession. He is a prom inent worker in the Sunday school and Epworth League and his absence will be felt. Mr. Fred McBrayer, whose serious illness we mentioned in the last issue of The Tribune, returned home from Hen rietta last Tuesday. His friends are glad to see him able to be out, and we trust that he may be entirely recovered at an early day. Two Death New Buildings Going Up - New Telephone System. Correspondent The Tribune. Foiujst City, N. C, June 25 Dr. A. J. Whisnaut is attending the Dental Association at Morehead City this week. Guilford Owens, aged G7 years, died at his home June 2Uth, and his remains were interred at the Cool Springs ceme tery an the 21st, WTe regret very much to lose one whose life has lccn a model and a guide to those who are left to fol low in hi footsteps. D. F. Dobbins has just opened up a nice line of fancy groceries on South Mill street He also conducts a barber shop at the same place. When you are in town call on him and be accomodated. Forest City is progressing rapidly. The new buildings, their owners and locations are as follows : Will Wilson has just finished a nice five-room house on North street, and is constructing an- other. Broxten Flack is building a nice dwelling on the fame street. James Wease is building on church street : J. B. Blauton Jr. is erecting a nice dwel ing on Depot street and Bill Moore one on East Main. It is no longer a question as to wheth er we will have a central telephone of fice here. The company is already made npind Mr. J. N. Moore, the general manager, has purchased the poles some of which have already been" delivered. We understand that part of the 'phones have also been ordered. We are glad to know that our town is getting to be a a more up-to-date place, reaching the point where she can "converse with her self," and with others as well. Dr. T. C. McBrayer left last week for Chicago, where he will attend medical lectures for a few weeks. We wish" him a pleasant and successful trip and a hap py return. Mrs. Judy Huutly, wife of Andy Hun try, passed away on Sunday last. For three years she has leen suffering more or less, and she has gradually grown worse until the good Lord was pleased to send the death, angel and lib erate her from all her pain. She leaves a husband and one little son to mourn her loss. They have the deepest sym pathy of friends here. Her body found its final resting place in the cemetery at Shiloh church, of which she had been a member for a number of years. She has gone from a bright and happy home to a brighter and happier land. A protracted meeting has been in ses sion at the M. E. church during the past week. Although the number of conver sions, were not large, we believe that much and lasting good has been accom plished. D. E. Kanipe and sister, Miss Maggie, went to Lattimore Saturday to visit their brother. They returned Monday evening on the G :co train and report a nice time. Rev. W. Bostic, of Shelby, preached an interesting sermon at the Baptist church Sunday night.- The audience was large and appreciative. Interesting Kxereises on Children's Day Visitors Among our People Other News. Correspondent of The Tribune. Henrietta, N. C. June 55th Misses Annie Wray and Lena Hicks, Dr. Sin clair and Mr. Lawrenie Miller spent Sunday in Rutherford ton. ' Mrs. Williford and daughter, of York ville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison for several days. Mr. W. M. Allison, the manager of the dry goods departments of the Com pany's store, returned Saturday from a visit to relatives in Yorkville. The little ten year-old daughter of Mr. W. M. Daniel died Friday. The funeral was preached at the Methodist, churjeh by Rev. H. H." Jordon Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. The imvis.l took place at Providence church, a short I f I distance from Henrietta. Misses Essie Simmons aud Mary Le- Hicks are visiting friends in Spa- . burg this week. Mrs. J. T. Kerr, of Spartan!-!! .. visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Cai.. - of this place. Mr. G, B. Cabaniss spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Shelby, Dr. J. F. Whisnaut is attending the State Dental Association, which is now in session at Morehead City. Miss Pauline Whisnaut, of Blacks- burg, returned to her home Saturday, after a pleasant visit of several days to Miss Came Haynes. Mr. R. R. Haynes, secretary and treas urer of the Cliffside mills, has recently moved his family to Cliffside and will make that his home in the future. Messrs Robert and Charlie Haynes will man age the store here. j It is the current repent here that a Rntherfordton mule froze to death last Saturday while on the way to Rnther fordton drawing drawing a wagon load ed with ice. We do not vouch for the truthfulness of the report, however. Children's day was observed by the Sunday school of the Methodist churc h here Sunday. The exercises were very iuteresting indeed. Miss Clara Lee, a popular young lady from Mooresboro, has accepted a posi tion as Stenographer in the office of the Henrietta Mills. We are glad she has come among ns, and hope she will be pleased with her new posit ion and home. A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured. "At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle,,, says Geo. E. Cary, editor of the Guide, Washington, Ya "After .using several well recommend ed medicines without success, I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and am pleased to say that relief came as soon as I began its use and a complete cure speedily followed." Sold by Twitty & Thompson. Sale of Land for Tass! The followfng tracts and parcel?, of i land, hereinafter named, have j been levied on for taxes due for the j year 1900. which still remain due and unpaid ; therefore, for the satisfaction i of paid tax due, I will sell at the court ! house door in Rntherfordton. on Mou- j day, July 1st, 1901, the following de- scribed lands: E. A. Martin, Tax Collector. KUTHERTORDTON TOWNSHIP Henrietta Brisco 1 acre, Branchville, taxes and cost, HBcts. Tom Burnett two lots, 2 acres of land (Burnett lots) taxes and costs 82cts. j Dock Bridges 29 acres of land on I Gleghorn creek, taxes and costs, $4.50 I Tilda Carpenter, 1 town lot. Court street, $1.(57.- I Henry Dk key 1 acre land, Court ; street, terfs and costs, $1 .05. j B . " ves, acre lot, New Hone. I .. '.. . :r. 13 acres land on Shelby : on taxes and cost, .fl. 21. " . . s, :;) acres land U. F. R. wt.s&.sM. ' . llyder, 2 acres Morris land, tax- d cost, 2.04. iose Ha ilton 2. '.j. acres of land, leghorn cr ek. taxes and cost 1.5N Susan Wade Hill 5J2 acres of land, tax es and cost $1.K7 ! Sarah Lcaventhorpe J acre rf land, j New Hope, taxes aud cost i Jake Logan 2 acres land, New IIoj)e, j taxes and cost $1.20 Martin V. Miller 4 acres, New Hope, ; taxes and cost $4.22 : Eliza Martin 1 acre land, Stone dit- j ter, taxes and cost S.':icts. I John Micheal 1 acre lanel ( J. B. C.) taxes and cost 77cts Elia McDowell 1 town lot taxes aiid ! cost 9 lets. I " Thomas Miller 1 town lot Court street ! taxes and cost $l.-lt Geo. Watson Miller 2 acres ef land, j Scoggin land, taxes and cost 9:jc1s Delia Mills 2's, acres land near C. C. ! R. R. taxes and cost $1 .1 1 I Rossie Micheal 2 acres land, (W. H.)i taxes and cost .f.l .00 j Mary E. Micheal 7)j acres land (W. j H. ) taxes and cost 1 .41 S. T. McCravey 1 town lot, Mitchell 1 Avenue, taxes and cost $1.7iS j Will McDowell '2iK acres land tax. s ! and cost 1 .45 j Wray & Gaffney 1 acre land on Stone : Cutter, taxes and cost S2cts. I J. J. Roberts 40 acres land on Twitty : road, So. 115 ' Nezer Revis .j acre land, New Hoj, taxes and cost 1.S7 j W. R. Steadman '3 acre land, Tilda C. land, taxes aud cost. 1.4:; Rebecca Scott 1 acre land, New Hope, taxes and cost 9!cts Francis Taylor 1 acre land, New Hope taxes and -ost 31. 00 Ma ssey Twitty ll'a acres land near 2 C. R. It. taxes and cost 1.40 SI Lady Bart mar! This is the prettiest line of Ladies Shoes ever offered for the price. )nly two dollars and fifty cents. Equal in wear and and style to any J.OO line. We carry t hem in FIVE STYLES! We have the fullest, prettiest and hest line of Oxford Ties, Fedora llutton and Slippers iu low 11, at prices that will please you. mith's Shoe Store. iTry 9 ackaaes of Hot KMJ0 56 8 I Scotch Snuffs 25c. Advertising Always Pays. Mr. C. C. Reid, one of the most suc cessful merchants in our town, informs us that his advertisement in The Trib une pays him handsomely. The result is but the natural eonsecpience. The successful business men all over the country are those who patronize liberal ly the advertising columns of a good newspaper. How can a man sell goods if the public does not know what he has? Try a good decent space, filled with a new, up-to-date advertisement, changed ever two weeks, and if your business is not increased at -the end of three months, we shall say no more, Many others who patronize ns, have told us that money spent in The Trib une has repaid them at a high rate of interest. 'The reason may be found in the fact that The Tribune is a good re liable paper with a rapidly growing circulation. Gofortii Whiteside. 1 acre Hope, taxes end cost 9Scts land SULPHUR SrRIXOS TOWNSHIP land, S. S. Pg, Jar-R.) land, R. creek, COMMERCIAL IANK. Report of the condition of the Com mercial miik ot KutJiertorciton, at Kutn erfordton, N. C, at the close of business on April 24th. 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, - $18,504,97 Overdrafts - - - 23.99 Furniture and Fixtures, . 1,000.00 Due from banks and bankers, 9,007.79 Cash on hand, - - ;j,4'iS.80 Due on stock - - - 45.42 Revenue 011 hand, - 50.30 Total LIABILITIES. Caiptal stock, -Undivided profits, - Deposits subject to checks, Cashier's checks, Total, ... - $32,131.83 $10,000.00 781.11 21,235.08 115.14 $32,131.33 Two Burials in Rutherford, Mrs. Polly Ann Meltonlied 011 June 17 th at her home and was buried on the following day at Wall's church, Rev. Z. D. Harrill conducting the funeral ser vices, tone was z years old ami ior oi long years had been a faithful and use ful member of the Baptist church. She has gone to her reward. Decatur Jones, son of J. K. Jones, died in Gaffney City, S. C. 011 last Fri day and w as buried at the J. B. McDan iel family burying ground 011 Saturday. He was 22years old, and leaves a wife, one child, a brother and father to mourn their loss. Rev. Z D. Harrill conducted the funeral services. He was a good young man. Cleveland Star, 26th. Died at the Age of Oris Hundred. Mrs. Peggy Crotts died last Friday at her home above Rntherfordton and her body was brought to Clover Hill church, this county, for interment last Saturday It is stated that she was an even hun dred years old a few davs before her elealh and hael been quite feeble for some time. She was an estimable old lady and has gone to her home above Cleveland Star, 26th. I, J. F. Flack, cashier of The Commer cial Bank of Rutherfordtou, do solemnly swear the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief . J. F. FLACK, Cashier. State of N. C, Rutherford County. Sworn to aud subscribed before it. this 11th day of May, 1901. M. O. DICKERSON. C. S. C. Wm. Butler 17 acre taxes aud c:st SI. 20 C. M. Champion 01 acres land, retts fiif k, taxes and cost 3.0U L. Z. Duncan 02 acres land (B taxes and cost -52.70 R. L. Fite 10 acres taxes and cost 1.51 Wm. Liles fs5 acres laud, Mc-K. creek, taxes and cost 3.45 A. C. Robbins SI acres land, (B. R.) taxes and cost, balance 2.40 Phillip Robbins 81 acres land taxes and cost tf-8.54 A. L. Robbins 50 acres land taxes and cost Minerva Smith 40 acres land, McK. creek taxes aud cost 2.4 W. L. Jones Est. 40 acres land taxes and cost 5.66 CAMP CREEK TOWNSHIP. Cornelious demons, 125 acres land en Big Camp creek, tax and cost, 3.93. Joe L. k ornev, o4 ac. es land on Big Camp creek, tax and cost, 1 .29. Luke Moore, 52 acres land on Cathey creek, tax and cosh 3.40. A. W. Deiter, 17 acres laud on Second Broad river, tax and cost, 1.20. Geo. Flack, 2S acres land on W ilham creek, tax and c-ost, 5.25. Matt Harvey, 25 acres land Mill creek, tax and cost, 1.15. Hawkins Johnson, 54 acres land Un ion Mills, tax and cost, 1.29. COOL SPRINGS TOWNSHIP. J. B. Eaves, 157 acres land, tax and cost, 22.75. Mrs. m. H and cost. Rett For a limited time I am go ing to sell 7 5c. packages of $ above Snuff for 25c, and give j with every 25c. purchase two & packages free. & I have nie; assortment of THE NEW DOMESTIC SEWINC MACHINES that I urn going to sell cheap for cash or on time. AVrite for rices or call anl sec them. i& AM A NX lot's FOR VOl'U TIIADE. CO in 2IH JUST RE GEtVEDS co.-i We nice have lot of Mortgage Sale, Hill, 125 acres laud, tax )".ou. 1 acre land, tax ana '. .:-!.! ;iin, 2 acres land, taxes i -.ii ;, balance on taxes, (34 -.. '. rax aud cost, 2.8. . - S. A. Lowrance, 188 acres land, . t.'-.I cost, (balance on taxes) 13.20. : I). Morrow. 1 town lot. taxes and i cost, (balance em taxes) 4.00. ' HIGH SHOAI.S TOWNSHIP. Ralph Wilkins one town lot llauce j on taxes and cost. 2.28 Judge Justice's First Court. i. Th annomtmcnt of ,'ndge M. H. Jns- i- ' tice as presiding olHci r if (he new 14th Judicial district go s into effect on the iirst day of July, and he w'dl hold his first term of court in McDowell county on the fifth day of August. He is a Hot Tims in the Old Town good lawyer, and we are snre that hej The hot weather for the past few days will make an able and equitable judge. Call at Twitty & Thompson's drug i-t'.re and get a free sample of Cbamber l.du's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. They also im prove the appetite, strengthen the di gestion and regulate the liver and bow fcls. They arc to take and pleasant ia effect. Rutherfordton Routes. The following letter from Congress man Jas. M. Moody to Postmaster W. J. McDaniel, explains itself : "Waynesviixe, N. C, June 25, 1901. "W.J. McDaniel, Rntherfordton, N. C. 'Dear Sir: Answering yours of the 22nd relative to the routes of free rural delivery to be established in your coun ty I wish to say that the papers in say ing Forest City were mistaken. They should have said Rutherfordton. The routes will be established as the petition asked for. Yours truly, "Jas. M. Moody." has been oppressive, ami tne paim leaf fan is constantly in service, even on the streets. Sunday the heat was intense; the excessive bnnddity in the atmosphere rende ing it the more un comfortable. We are informed that Monday was the hottest day of the year, the thermometer having stood at 94. Another Death. Mr. William Chitwood died Tuesday nisrht at his home near New House in Cleveland county. He was ill only a few days. He was a well known citi- izen in this county aud Cleveland, about 83 years of age, and a cousin of Mrs. Mary Martin, of Ellenboro. He was buried at Big Springs church in Dun can's Creek yesterday. A (iood Cough Medicine. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in preference to any other. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself aud customers," says Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, N. Y. "I have also used it in my own family, both for ordinary coughs and colds and for coughs following la grippe, and find it very efficacious." For sale by Twitty & Thompson. Bv virtue of a mortgage deed executed by T. J. Withrow and P. J. Withrow to F. I. Osborne and J. A. Forney, which mortgage is duly registered in the office of the R gister of Deeds for Rutherford county. Korth Carolina, in Book "D" of real estate mortgages, at No. 100, tbe undersigned wul sell, for cash, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the court house door at Rutherfordton, N. C, on Monday, the 1st day of July, 1001, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following describ ed real estate in Rutherford county, North Carolina, to-wit: Joining the lands of Jos. Wilkie and Biggerstaff and Fites Mooney purchase on waters of Gleghorn creek aud Big Gum branch, bounded as follows, viz : Beginning at a stake, Mooney's corner on the east side of road; thence north 57 east 110 poles to a pine, Mooney's corner; thence with said line south 55 east 140 poles to a dead black oak, Mooney's corner; thence with said line south ;J0 west 78 poles toa chest nut at Wilkie's spring ; thence with Wil kie's line north 80 west 70 poles to a small post oak, Biggerstail's corner of sale to T. J. Withrow; thence with line of sa;d sale and Biggerstail's line to the Biggerstaff's road to stake ; thence with the Biggerstaff s road to the big road; thence north to the beginning, making in all 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to P. J. Withrow bv T. J. Withrow by deed dated August 5, 1882, and registered in Book 02 of Deeds at No. 244, iu the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford coun ty, North Carolina. This 18th day of April, 1901. F. I. OSBORNE, and S. GALLERT, Administrator of J. A. Forney, deceased. McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. just received a NOKTON YAM SWEET POTATOES l-th eatin- '.ml lif(hliii sizes. Those came from the eastern part of th State where tin IT NEST POTATOES in the State are J KOWN, and and they are EXT1IA NICE. Call and see them, or telephone us an order. WE DELIVElt vni free. G. H. IVlIIie & Son, MAIN STREET. TELEPHONE NO. SO. Land Sale. i As assignee to A. II. Nalmrs and by I V of house door in Rntherfordton, N. ('., on the first Monday iu July, ll'Ol. it 1- ing the 1st day of said month; I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, three tmc;s of land, the first on Camp creek adjoin ing lauds of Clemens, the Sjieculation land and others, containing 1 i l4' acres, being the tract conveyed to A. H. Na bors' bv S. McCurrv and described in deed of the 2S)(h of June, JMMi, and reg istered in the Register's office, Ruther fordton, N. C.; iu Book 0:i o. 14:5. The second tract on th waters of S;juaw branch, joining the lands of J. P. Allen's heirs, Mrs. Emily Forney's plat e and others, containing 32 acres more or less, fully described in deed from Wil liam Forney to A. II. Nabors under date of December 20, 18!2; registereil in liooK 60, No. 82. The third tract lying on the waters ot Camp creek, joining Speculation laud and others, fully described in the deed from Samuel McCnrry to A. 11. JNalxrs. dated DeceudxT 0, 18!i3, and registered j in Book 07 at iSo. 5)4, and containing 28 acres more or less. (Signed.) Georoe Bigoekstafk, Dated June 3rd, 1!M)1. Assignee. UY THE BE And None But The Best, 2 THE EQUITABLE LIFE g "Strongest in The World!" 1 ASSURANCE IX FORCE SU 1(75,047.00 O ra SURPLUS HEADACHE At alt arug stores. 25 Doses 25c. HOE SHOP! Hays & Hicks. Half Soling JSliocs; Ladies -25 and i50 cents per pair; Men's to 40 cents, if Sprigged. Sewed 50 to 75 cents. Call and give us a trial. E3 o ES E3 ikTVini'vnc to fouoy HOLD 2 El O Q 00,1:57,170.01 :,4 1,0 10.05 INSURE TO-DAY! How do you know there will be a to-morrow for you? For full information on any plan of in.-un.nce, iM-e GHARDSOM R.R.RS dtithrrfORDTON, N. C soaQaoaonosnononoEoso 6 x Tea o EJ O G U Q S3 r