' ; j. - THE TRIBUNE. W. F. RUCKER, Editor. L. D. MILLER, Manager. PU ULiyilES-S ANNOUNCEMENT. Published ut Rutherfordton, N. C, every Thursday. Oiflce in rear of Court House. Subscription price : One year, $1 ; six months. 50 cents; threo months, 23 cents ; invariably in advance. A subscriber in ordering the ad dress of bis paper changed, will in di. :to the address to which it is po rn;! at the time he asks tor the change to i made. Vdvcrt ising Kites will be furnished o.i apnJicr.tion. Obituary notices and e..tv.'A-: thanks will be charged for at the ? ate of one cent per word. Brif' tiers of local news from any part of the county will by thankfully le-om-d. Correspondents will please unil their communications so as to get them to the office by Monday. The TitiBUXE is the test advertis ing medium in tins section, and ad vertiseiv may feel sure that through its columns "they niay reach all of Rut herford and a larae portion of the be.; peo-.ric of the adjoining counties. conies, and the consequence is that it is very theder and freezes out during the winter. If the ground is properly prepared and the grain sown in good time there is no reason why we cannot have a good wheat crop every year. ASH K V I I1L1E DRUGGIST IX JAIL. Mr. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1901 WE WiLL GIVE THEM BREAD.! It is now conceded by both A morir:i n and English authori- ihr.t nnon the wheat crop of this country for the present year depended not only the bread of f mir lmtKiii but ot Europe as well. English authorities say that the great wheat producing areas of northwestern Europe, to gether with those of the United Kingdoi': and France, has yielded Czolgosz, the assasin of the president, lias had a trial and was found guilty of murder in the first degree, the charge on which he a " 1 TT 1 m was iriea. ne nas oeen re moved from Buffalo to Au burn, N. Y., where ho now awaits death by electrocution, the legal form of capital punishment in that state. The day of his death will be some dav during the week beginning October 28th. When placed in his cell in mur derer's row in the prison at Au burn, he broke down under the i i " i -t i great srrain, anu was dragged up the- stairway, while his cries of distress and ' fear resounded through the eorriders of the build i ng. A guard occupies a position directly in front of his cell, an lie is constantly watched-, nignt and day, lest he should try to do himself some bodily-harm. With ix (lavs total oi 4n 6,000,0"l)U bushels to keep eio.-'d the mouths of the people who require not lees than 0-11,000,000 to satisfy their hun ger. If (his is true it is clearly a fact that there is a need of 248, 000,000 bushels to keep them from want. Where will they go to ftiid it? It is estimated that the surplus of other wheat raising countries will only be sufficient to supply those non wheat pro ducing countries outside of Eu rone. and if this is 0 how can Europe herselt liveY inere is but on? other place to go and that is to the United States," the- great grainerv for the world. S. I). Pelham Charged With At tacking Electrician Farr. Asheville Special to the Charlotte Ob server, October 1st says: Yesterday af ternoon S. D. Pelham, a local druggist made an assault on William Farr, an electrician, which has aroused public opinion to a veiy marked degree. The men had had a dispute List week over a bill that Pelham owed Farr for some rerairs on an electric fan. Farr remov ed the fan to test it and determine why it did not give satisfaction, as Pelham claimed, and then Pelham had Farr ar rested on the charge of trespass. When the case was heard before a magistrate Farr was found guilty of simple trespass and fined $5, from which decision his attorney promply appealed. Yesterday afternoon Farr received a telephone message to come to a certain number on Patton avenue and do some repairing. The message came by 'phone, and a singular fact is that there is no such number as the one given. While Mr. Farr was looking for the number Pelham approached Farr from behind and, if eye witnesses are to be believed, struck him down with brass knucks or some heavy piece of metal. After Farr fell to the side walk Pelham threw him self upon the prostrate man and beat him brutally about the face and head, inflicting injuries which may prove se rious. The young man, who is very in ferior to Pelham physically, was uncon scious throughout last night but is some better this morning. Notice! Bv virtue of an order of sale isning from the Superior court of R-hlord county, made in the special -oroce-.-.V.i't.-s entitled "J. H. Long and oti-eivsv.-. iai da C. Brandle and others." 1 wilS sell at public auction on the premises vt Jane E. Melton, late ot Ruthen'ovd county, on Saturday, the 2nd day of November, 1901, two certain parcels of land lying in Ruth erford county on the waters of First Broad river, the first tract containing thirty (30) acres, fully described in a deed from' P. N. Long ana wife to Jane E. Melton, registered in Book 5S, No. 173, to which reference is made for full de scription. The second tract, containing about 37 acres, adioining the above de scribed parcel and fully described in deed from G. W. Fainter and wile to Jane Hi. Meltou, registered in Book 50, No. 54, to which reference is made for description. Said lauds will be sold first in parcels and then as a whole, and sold in that way that brings the best price, and will be sold for pari ition among the parties to the above entitled proceedings, alid on the following terms : 20 per cent of the purchase price to be paid in cash on day of sale, 40 per cent in six months there after, and the remaiuing 40 per cent in twelve months from date of sale, the de ferred payments o lear interest from date of sale. The rents arising from the growing crops for the current year will ie reserved Title robe withheld until the final navments of the purchase mon ey and iuterest. This the 23rd day of September, lflOl. is. A. jusm'K, c lommissiouer McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. COMMERCIAL BANK. Report of the condition of the Com mercial Bank of Rutherfordton, at Ruth- erfordton, N. C, at the close of business on July 16th, 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, - 20,544,76 Overdrafts ... Furniture and Fixtures, Due from banks and bankers. Cash on hand, Revenue on hand, GRAND.. 3i0.fc7 1,000.00 12,415.03 4,078.51 50.36 Total LIABIIJTIES. Caiptal stock, Undivided profits, -Deposits subject io checks, Cashier s checks, Total, Since the home wants of Amer ica do not exceed 400,000,000 bushels, she has a surplus of about- 275,000,000 and is fully able to meet the deficit single' handed and alone. We stand be fore the hearthstones of the old country, so to speak, and fight li-ie wolves from their doors, and Uk y should be glad that we are abk- Jo. -afford them protection. Had old Columbus had no more iaith in his great expedition than many who stood on the dock and saw his ship start out on what they deemed a very doubtful and improbable mission, Europe to day would hold thousands of biarving people, because of the great increase of her population There is no liner wheat grow ing country in the woild than this and the climate of North Carolina is well adapted to it Our farmers ought to pay more .attention to its growth, because it is one of the most profitable products we have and can be pro duced with less labor. But the great trouble about wheat rais ing in this country is the preva lent idea among the people that it is a very doubtful crop, and the chances are that the will have a good yield only every two or three years. The reason why tht-y are not more successful is, in cur opinion, clue to the fact Hat they think v.hcat is a thing which ought of right to raise ii-e!f, and it it, half way put into the ground without any prepar tion of the ground for its recep tion. The time to make a wheat crop is before the grain is put in to the ground. The land ought to be put into as good condition as it is possible to get it, and in the second place, wheat ought not to be sown too late. It stands to reason that if wheat be sown early enough to get a good- start hV growth, it will have become so toughened by cold weather that it will be better able to with stand its killing effects. Most wheat in this county is jti; get ting wp good when cold weather the next fifteen England will have started upo the third year ot ' her campaign in South Africa, and the Boe forces whom thev thought to sub due in a few weeks, are still un i mi i t i conquered, me jot) issomewnar larger than our kinsmen across the sea thought 't at first. This war has cost England an immense amount of money, and will cost her more if she still continues her invasions into the Boer territory. She may conquer the enemy, but it is doubtful and if she does it will take her a long time to do it. The reat error a nation in variably commits when she goes to war with her colonies, is to un derestimate the ability and pow er of their forces. It vet remains to her seen whether or not England will abandon her designs or whip her at a vet more tremendous sacriltce. "In When you have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eat ing you may know that you need a dose of Ohambcrlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at Twitty & Thompson's drug store. The Tribcxe is published every Thursday. Price $1.00 par year. For spraina, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber Iain's Pain Balm. Try it. For tale by Twitty & Thompson. 2Liza.23.cS. Sale. $38,3mU3 $10,000.00 27.415.C4 130.73 $3S,3!!!.-! QA! SH - I, J. F. Flack, cashier of The Comme; - ial Bank of F.uthorfordton, do solemnly swear the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J, F. FLAUK, Cashier. State of N. C, Rutherford County. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of July, 1901.- C. P. TANNER, D. C. S. C. The New York Sun says restoring the South to her own in the nation, history moves with a gentle but irresistible step." The inference from this would seem to be that the Sun thinks that th Say is coming when the South shall again directly furnish presi dents to the nation. It is prob ably a far cry yet to that day, although it is pleasing to South erners to have it suggested to them that it mav return. Cer tainly some of the best types of the broadest Americanism are to be found in the South. The Sun's remark, above quoted, is made, of course, in the connection of the attainment to the presidency of Mr. Roosevelt. It says: "An in teresting letter regarding the family of President Roosevelt's mother, Martha Bulloch (stating that she was a Georgian), reminds us thai in Roosevelt the South has a representative in the White House more closely allied to it by birth than any president since John Tyler." The Sun seems to have forgotten about Andrew Johnson, born m Raleigh; M. (J., becoming vice-president while a citizen of Tennessee, succeeding Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Rutherford county, rendered by the Clerk of said court on the 31st clay of Julv, 1901. m the case of Geo. C. Justice, administrator of Sarah A. Justice, deceased, and others vs. Os car Justice and others, I, as such admin istrator,- and commissioner named in said decree, will sel at the court house door -in Rutherfordton to the highest bidder on Monday, November 4th, 1901, at about 12 o'clock, the following very valuable lands : One- tract consisting of about 50 or 60 acres and belongs to the; estate of Sarah A. Justice, deceased, and lies in "Said couutvon the waters of Cath- ey's andChcrry creeks and adjoins lands belonging to tue estate of John A. Jus tice, deceased, and is a part of what is generally known as the '"Justice place" on Cnthey's creek, viiich place lies ad joining the lands' 'of -Alex "Forney, Mrs. Morris and the Soloman Geer lands. The other tract Consisting of about two hundred acres of land belonging to the estate of John -A.' Justice, deceased, and is a part of the said '-Justice place" on saidCathey's creek and bounded by the lands of Mrs. Mary Morris, Alex For ney and others and adjoins the other above described tract. The first tract will be sold for cash and for the purpose of making assets. The second tract will be sold for the purpose of making partition of division among the heirs at law and tenants hi common, and one-half of purchase price is to be paid cash down and balance in 6 months. The above described are fine lands and include some of the finest bottom lauds in Rutherford county. There is about 60 acres of bottom land. This Remem ber 80, 1901. GEO. C. JUSTICE, Administrator and Commissioner. By virtue of the power of sale contain ed in a mortgage deed, made on the 20th dav of March. 1897, to J. 13. Steadman, the undersigned mortgagee, by -tun. .Dun can and Lorenzo Duncan. I will sell to the hisrhest bidder for cash at the court house door in Rutherfordton on- Monday, October 7th, 1901, a certain tract of land descriljed in said mortgage deed and lying and being in the comity ot Rut nertord, and more par ticularlv described as follows, to-it: Beginning on a stone and pointers in Briscoe hue, also the corner to lot ro 1 . snA mnniii!' tlu-r.fr with line of lot No. 1 north 28 west 17 33-100 chains to a stone corner ; thence north 'J93-4 east t0 links to a stone in Briscoe line ; thence with his line south 70., cast 82 links to stone.' his-corner; thence with his line north 2(5 east 5 20-100 chains to stone in his line ; thence south iM.'o. east 28 chains to a stake and pointers with a black gum about four links north of it, marked as comer in Briscoe line; thence south SO west 8 57-100 chains with it to the be ginning, containing 13 59-100 acres. Said mortgage has been duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Book "H" at page 127, to which refer ence is hereby made for a more full ac count of said mortgage. This Septem ber 5th, 1901. J. B. STEADMAN, Mortgagee. Eaves & Rueker, Attorneys. Sale of Lamlfor Taxes! The following tracts and parcels of land, hereinafter iuiukhI, have been lev ied on for taxes due for the year-J 900, which still remain due and unpaid; therefore, for the satisfaction of aid tas due, I will st-11 at the coiirt house door in Rutherfordton, N. C, on Monday, November 4th, 1901, the following de scribed lands: E. A. MARTIN, Tax Collector,- Only a few years ago, from a quiet little village of Rutlieif v county, a proclamation was issued, which spend line wnu ure .. was soon heralded to the four corners of Western North C'jn.Ii: The news struck many like a thunder bolt, others were wadt i. wonder and everybody trembled at such bold assertions, such br - claims, etc., etc. AMY GOOD REASON For Such air Edict Being. Scattered Broadcast Over this Count r.-- COOL SPUJNUS TOWNSHIP. G. W. Washburn, 2 acres land, taxes and cost, !:5.44. Mrs. Mary Morrow, 55 acres laud, tax es and cost, $2.75. ruthehfokdtox Towxsnip. W. C. Brit tain. 10 acres Wailace land. t:iv k ftud o-it. -';('$ Main street, taxes and cost, A15.17. OOLBl'.X -VALLEY TOW.NSUiP. J. F. .Tohnsrsn, 1C0 ueivs laud, for tho year 1 balance on taxes & cost, 3.72. TI a 6 .- Notices By virtue of an order issuing from the SuDcnor court of the coimtv of Ruther ford, in the special proceedings entitled 'M. G. Iiawkms, administrator 'of J P. Tate, deceased, vs. Lou Tate, Edna Tate and otners, I will sell at the court house m Rutherfordton at public auction on Monday, November 4th, 1901, about SO acres of valuable farming lands adjoining tne lands of Lancaster, Patent, Harris and rustier, lying on Floyd's creek. The lands will be sold to create assets with which to pay debts opainst the estate of the intestate, and will be sold on the following terms: Purchase mouev to be paid in cash on dav of sale. This October 2nd, 1001. M. G. HAWKINS, Administrator of J. P. Tate. McBrayer fc Justice, Attorneys. Li&icL&; Sale. By virtue of a certain mortgage deed executed by J. W. Bright ami wife, Ju lia A. Bright, to .1. J. Spronse, on the 2nd day of May, 1 Sii5, and recorded iu the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford county in Book rl of "Mort gage Deeds, at-page 12-0; said mortgage deed having been duly transferred :md assigned to Hannah V. Bright on the 10th day of August, 1890 ; default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said mortgage, we will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court nouse cloor In Ruthenoiclton, N C, on Monday, October 7th, 1901, that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the count v of Rutherford and tate of North Carolina, and oc-iViii;-ed as follows: Located iu the VAvn o Millwood on the O. R. & C. formerly the C. C. & C. R:d'.r. !. known and designated as (- No. S and No. 4 in Block I, iu i..oi t . -. :. of Millwood, xjot No. 1 from:: : ilum svreet and is 50 foot wide a: " feet in depth. Lots No. 8 and - eaeh are 50 feet wide and 250 foot iu depth. Lois o and 4 fronting across street. This Sep tember 7th, 1901. J. J. SPROUSE, Mortgagee HANNAH V. BRIGHT. Assignee, By her Attorney in fact R. W. Logan. By virtue of an onlcv of tire Superior court of "'Rutherford "county, made in the snecial prsx etdln&v "entitled "W. J. Mode, administrator "j:f B T.I. C. Mor row, vs. D. F. Morrow ami others, heirs at law of B: M. O. Morrow, deceased," I will, on tho- 4th "day of November, sell at public auction at" the e.ir.rt house ns Bttthertoriitoi!. lor cash, three undi vided elevenths (.5-1 1 ) interests in fifty two (52) acres tf laud, tho same being the dower tUioted to Mrs. N. H. Morrow, lving on the public road bt'tween Fore.-t City and the L;lad Ford, being the lands on "which N. H. Morrow, late of Rutherford couuty, resided, and now occupied by his widow. Said throw-elevenths ("5-11) iuterest in the fifty-two (52) acres wilt he sold sub ject to the life estate of the vidow, Mrs. N. II. Morrow, and-wili le sold to cre ate assets for the payment of debts. This September 20th, U'Ol. W. J. MODE. Administrator, of B. M. C. Morrow, deceased. McBrayer & Justice, A ttomoys. Scanned the field, pushed a:ide the curtain, and with prophet1 rye, peeped throujsii the vista of n few years to behold a compl-to revolution iu the. commercial realm. Hence the Claim Of a determined effort to do the business of the stirn-anding country. Have we kept faith with the trading masses;? Have we accomplished the ends sought? t jt Vakiim Til on tn tho rrooifW t ihc, OI lhbW 5io,WH.tw m - bonds - m said . .v.vwj oo..o- towusims to tho RnrWVW! Notios! : By order of County Commissioners of Rutherford county, au election will be held on the IGth day of October, 100-1, in Rutherfordton and"': Sulphur - Springs townships for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters in said towships au opyoiTunuy ei voting on the quests of issuing $15,090.00 in -bonds ' iii sa sination of Lincoln, and coming later in the presidential imk than John Tyler. p.. - Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stimulant to tired nature. It affords the stomach complete' and absolute rest by digesting the food you eat. You don't have to diet but can enjoy all the good food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia- Cure instantly relieves that distressed -feeling after eating, giving you new life and vigor. Twitty & Thompson The Flor ence Mills, Forest City. Asheville Special, October 1st, says : S. D. Ptddham, who assaulted William Farr yesterday with brass knuckles, was held without bail by a magistrate on the statement by a physician that Fair's wounds on the head are so' serious that. possibly death might ;msue. It is said that Pelham, who is a druggist, once shot his room mate in South Carolina because the latter lay on his bed. "W. T. "Wesson, Gholsbnville Ya., druggist, writes; "Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is the best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trou bles." Twitty & Thompson.- The Flor ence Mills, Forest City. Subscribe for The Tribune and get the news when it is news. It is pub lished every Thursday. dton Rail Road Company, a corporation existing and incorporated under the laws of North Carolina.. Rutherfordton towushin tn vote $10,000.00-in bonds," and Sulphur Springs $3,000.00: Said bonds to be used in the construction of railroad from Rutlierfordtou to the South--Carolina line.' Said railroad mailing- through said townships, crossing' Broad river at or near Big Island on said river. By order of Commissioners of Ruther ford county, September 3rd, 1S01. J.P.JONES, Clerk Es-officio to Board. On Monday the 7tth day of October, 1 9 01, 1 will -sell at public auction at the court house door iu Rutherfordton. N. C, three pieces or parcels of hind con taining from bO to SO acres, being a part of the lands known as tho B;seweil-Iios-tic lands. One parcel containing alnnit i51 acres, another about 40 acres stud the third aliout 1G acros. The said lands wiir he sold under a decree of the Snwrior Court of Ruther ford county for the purpose of creating assetts with which to pay debts again.-t said estate, and will be-offered first in separate lots and afterwards as a whole, and will be sold in that way that the lands may bring the best price. One third of the purchase, price v, ill be re o aired on the day of sale and one-third on the first day of January, 1SXVJ, and the remaining one-third on the first day of April,' 1902, the two deferred pay ments to bear 'intevest- from date of sale and to be secured by notes with approv ed security. The title will, be retained until purchase money is fully paid. Flats or maps of said lauds with full description mar be seen-bv calling on the undersigned. This- Aug. 28th. 1901. J. F. FLACK, Ad'mr. of W. S. Hill, deceased. McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. J C. Green, UNDERTAKER, FOREST CITY, X. C. Best stock of Burial Reynists in the comity from the clvapcst Cofilu to' tho most, elegant Casket, all at moderate prices. Elegant Hearse. Fhona NutMbor S3. Ask anybody yon meet on the highways lesdiiig to Foreft C ity if the gradual, steady growth of this store lus leen oWrvvd. You will conclude at ottce, like u?, that the times, the prv?ent vol ume of business and our hosts of pleased customers, all demand larger eitiarters, more space and easier conveniences. We are in the hands .f a corps of earpeiiiers, brick masmiv, tinners, plasterers and painters who will soon turn over to t: un 'up-to-date, commodious two-story brick building of modern appoint ments, where we can be found for the fall trade. Y.V have ti:o largest and best selected stock of goods iu our many lines in West ern North Carolina. J. G. a L. G. REID DENTISTS. Marion and Rutherfordton. All work guaranteed. Our prices reasonable. Eaves & Rueker, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Office up stairs in Bickerson building. Prompt attention given to all bu.-lnesc intrusted to them. cOILJIES lias just returned from the Ktt.stern markets where he lniught largely in all lines, with the best interests of the people in mind. The stock will comprise sixteen dilTerent departments, complete and at the lowest possible prices. Until we move into he new apartments, our aim is to reduce Notice! The 'undersigned has been appointed and hasqunhlied-as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Mary Nabors, deceased, late of Rutherford county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement : and all sons having clai -. s against same are no ueu ro present same to the undersign ed within 33 -mourns of this-date for pav ment, or this notice will to in nb car or then- recovery. This September 4th. 1901. J, F. FLACK, Administrator of Mrs. Mary labors. BXoraey to Eaenxi! I am no-,v prepared to negotiate loans ou improved farming, lauds on five years time iu Cleveland or Rutherford ties ou decidedly better terms than I i nav e oecu able to do heretofore. Persons desiring loanson improved farmin g lauds wnl please call on me in person and bring with them their title deeds. This. Octo ber 1st, A. D. 1901. ROBERT L. RYBURN, Attorney, - 3" Sheibv, N. C. Notice. Nokth Carolina, ( Iii Superior Court, Rutherford County, Before the Clerk. Isabella Lane and others,- i vs. .- Notice. Ellison Clements and otners. ) Mrs, Nii acy "Wallace, Joseph Clements, Mrs. Xaricy GulTey, and l!is. Margaret Wilkie, defendants' in the above entitled cause, if they be living, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Supericr Court ot Rutherford County before the Clerk, to sell certain lands "for partition, situate in Rutherford County and fully describ ed in the petition tiled m thfe-cause, and the said defendants, if they be living, will further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court of Rutherford Coun ty, at his office in Rutherfordton, ou the 30th dav of September, 1901, andansw r or demur to the petition ou file, or the petitioners will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded. Th:'s Au gust 20th, 1901. M. O. DICKERSON, C. S. C. McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys for Petitioners. Geo. C. Jcstic:-:. Justice &-Martin, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law. Prompt- and careful attention given to all business intrusted to them. present stocks to a moving point and sweeping reductions will pre- . -i ii.. .1 l.,.;i.l..w. f,. .. ...!.:!., in in t:t-i GK.'I P MMTJX. i val1 iJimugHWUl- til" uuiiunii; Jul a l.i'U -.mn-. V.l.vj 1 11 1.MJ, DKESS GOODS, SIIUKS, (JKOCiiUIE.S, KTC. Carroli-W; Dovney, I'hysician and Surgeon, Rutherfordtor., N. C. Office in Residence on Main stre-' 'Phone No. 22. HEADACHE At mSl &vg i'-.5. 2S Doies 2.5c. Trunks, Furniture, Stoves,&c. Keep in touch with us alv,ys and When in need of anvthin we can supply your wants- . 11.4. TUNE OF SATSSFACT ON. yspeosia tore Digests what you cat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kind3 of food. It gives instant, iclicf and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all t the food you want . The most sensitive stomach-; can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics lave been cured after everything cisa failed. It prevents format ion of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant totake. St can't help but do yau goad Prepared only by E. C. Tir. Witt Si Co., -hicaga The $U bottle contains 2!i times the 50c. size. 'JP-isritty Thompson. The Slopence Mills. ( For est City. This aim to satisfy has been our hobby all along and moving on economic lines "riving a full dollar's worth for a dollar, treating all alike, keeping reptuable poods at the lowest fiores. This ac counts for the wonderful growth of our business to it j j.n-a nt raam mouth proportions. The FS Mills. orenca R. S1IV1MOMS, IVigr. v.

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