r : ' " : : TJBS& 3 BBS! Bfc. 18 ywHSfc. ra n fa of ra m a JTfKfS. fTSSM 7. K 15 K H K3k H f U n H Eft f4i B rt (A BT -s2 H m You will find below seven columns of facts and figures of supreme importance to every person who expects to buy one single dollars worth of Dry Goods or Clothii:- this F;ill or Winter. Tin re is is-.. irm-ss wink about the bargains offered by THE HENRIETTA MILLS STOKES and the causes which enable them to undersell all other -stores in this section.. Their buyers po into tin- marked with ready cash prepared to buy on a scale that would bankrupt any other store in this section. They buy tens of thousands for cash where the small store buys hundreds 0:1 time; These stores are big institution?. They sell hundreds of ibillar.s worth t,f rt-V, on the same Cay that the small storekeeper thinks himself lucky to have taken in forty. There is nr possible way in which the small store can compete with these prices without having niot.cy. Pi:.-! every line of thi.- advertise ment. It talks as plainly as words can, just how much cheaper than others we do sell dozens upon dozens of every day wenr and necessity. And remember, as you read, that thes-e item? are picked, that in n::tpttitiiuc, ity and bargain-giving, as far exceeds any stock that The Henrietta Mills Stores have ever before carried, as the sales exceed in size every one of their con" pet iters. O ECONOMY 13 1 P-fl iP O-T" A ! o o o o o 4 o o othm; Think what that means. Think of coming into the stock and vi n f new goods this season's goods, mind you at less than thk ' - MAXri-'ACTrr.Kil ISTEXuKD TO CHAKGE AT WHOLESALE. We have just had closed out to us, bv two manufacturers who failed to pell their 15 SViagnetsc Specials ivlagnltucle. rv : "i Z c we moan it. Startling, Drilling. the very best, at 7 cts. ing sacks only 20 cents a yard; Wo are making a special run on Men's Pink-rut ;r. AVe lu.ve bought at a dose-out pric: :t large let of Mt-nV Pib! i ! P-i-Vr var fiei'ce lined and cxcc-iiciit lv lu-uk Via :;;' it" !hus, j-v? fv. startling! Lotus empha.-ize the Table Linen a snoerb lino our jvist think ot it. , 1 cents evei v.vheie. we are r(in to main1 n run oji th; :ii :.t ..) i-nls. soason s output as eioseiy as rney expectett, two woiulertul lots ninvora again, mese stores are so mni brand, (54 liielies wide. 2; 1 ;aimzene isuth-anoi m 1 1 ,.,-, . .... , v ,1 , i i) i TK ... 1, . , 1 1.. ! ,i 1- 11 ! frill of re;it T)r- (UmkU valnes rhat ...... f.. -...,. ,r.-..i.ni .1,. f:i 1 i-ie for v.iii.;ts M'!v c nis. Also some Vcrv I! no o cell !s M en S I ml elVi e;; r t ro at -iJ cei:ls: . .,..,1 tl,..v't,:id these ffoods on their l,nn,la W lw,r.t tl, ,1. wc uo ot tnw where to com- Gi1!Shan.,-we s,H fer cents Fiai:matte 11 shauts .a lar- ajKl regular -U) cents g.o.!. Will move iinlcklv at 2. CUits. $ most at our own price. io otlier store in this section would have only a few of the hundreds of snae p(iie say oris are evi 11 the tpaee to Ml you halt about In .Men s ( ohars we have a j:r;:iio value to oli er yun : the farn- v had the ready money or the nerve to make such a purchase, run- things we have whose intrinsic llvtt;r 1 oar Drew Goods. tus II. & I. Kraml, made l,v H-.fmos A: Id;', of Trov. N. V., g-:v.r;;!i-1 niii" hp into several thousand dollars, at this tune. Ourselves had, ,value- raU(,,!ce and marvellous s,.;! I-Jund percales unexcelled ' 'it-. n 4 . 1 - 1 i . l iNi ,,, lov.-ness of price inake thein mi- or. li)i '0 -ui!! 12' , cents Ail r,,o A IL"rl eV teed pure loill'-plv lliien regular lo'eiils oKalllV we sell Hum . v.i one ense, no need for them ; because we had rlreadv on hand to Vvprr Vni-m Tt1 V,"- u,a - a" u,s OSPS CtJ8CKGTS ' . , ' , ., ... y- . i l ,.1 i --"I,,- p.niani to (eiy woii.aii. ij vervt'iiiir -ls' vou can think or af VM ecu s Ami ve :ils c-U v.ii'-.r-i icM nt v .'irth t".!i' i" li o bv far the lamest clothing stock we have ever carried. But m an- take sonic everyday thinw first : j., vx Aoth that's made. ... i..2 ttms. a mi uo ..n von.i i.-iii o sibiy help us to gain new trade and increase likewise the friendship of old customers. And so we bought them. We can therefore offer you in men's 1.00 extra working pants only 1 0 cts. Very durable Pants, part wool and part cotton, only 75 cts. Tr.sf'y, well cut, all wool pants, worth 1.50, only if 1.00 Stylish C'assiir.ere Pants, neat stripes, worth 2.25, only $1.50 Handsome Worsted Pants, good patterns and good wearers easilv worth o.oO only 1 $2,50 Canton Flannels, from a 121., cents per yard mor extra pood at their price. Sheeting, 10-4- Mcacb--(; bleached grand qualiry ;n per yard. Boniest ic Plaids a f.n S and (:, cents. Prints pprf ec-t 1 y i ; : i ).. at our In Capes and Jackets vye offer cents each, at 10 cents, yon a line line to select from at Goods. jibbclines of the very w holesale prices. We bought late last season tl.e surnlns stock of a rather small . i . l . nest maimer who lias. nov. ever, i-.u Ii3h Millinery. In stvlish Millim-rv The I!en- Men's HRsdRSfii'. We jilwavs c.irrv ;i iarii-. l t-vtn,v r-o infiw wiii. si '."i tr-.i fjiie rfi'utatioii m thy tii:e ! Granite Cloth, 15 c.-nts to 1.00. having 1;,-t extreiui iy ue;-;rai ie rietta , it's tores sre Le: and i cl.oice stocK o! .d--n s I:-.;., .wil Mohairs in a dozen diii'erent fc-fwls. Wc have hoth Cloth and goodness all the staud;;rt brands Muds 25 cents to 1.00. Plush Capes at trom 'ai: cents to at 5 cents per yard. French Flannels some charm- 5.00; eveiy one worth at the veiy Sht etinir, extra heavy, i50 inch- ing patterns, the regular 50 cents least 25 per cent n:oi-e. Xtc havi es wide, made especially for us Quality our price JO cents. Jackets from Sfcj.no to AiO CO, ev- ts, all colors a rare bar- cry single one sucn a jaeger lar O O o 4 O o I 6 cannot ue L-ouu'iit tor less tiiau m: irici Be; elilli! l.i'd DiVSS Pants, nobbv and swell in the extreme. -$2.D8 !p?r yard auywht re in this State, gain 55 cents. gain as was never uetore seen m wivt r l ii!Jst sretrts imr Til ire rt r mm. :i 1 1 fti firs :i 1 lit-ht- rtwit . 11 111 v w.i vviiinj . cents per yard. perfect cloth for waisrs and dress- see them. signers and tri owners are l .i ?n j of pri Vre wav.t to call your special attention to a few wonderfully good .00 Cr.rduroy Pants which we are able to oiTer you at $1.50. thanks to one of these two overstocked makers. The other had an ... . i. 1 m i i ... ...i.:i. i u i ii...t ...... 11 extra strong x.ov whuuiuj nuicu sum us so io unu we can sen it for i?1.00 f-1 oulders aboe ail c .i:;; eiiiioii. (.':.' and this Fall we bae "it- We have bent our stroiigr.-t cf-Jlone r.'il pievimis ei'ort:', "''. l(rts inti niaking 1 his (;;-::: ri:;-!l alof.e in : worili i nc. np-io- verv different from the o.d:t.;:i-v an, country millinery ston In Msn's Suits At 7.50, genuine Anbam J.Ielton Overcoats of finest make. At 10.00 rz. -- -L-"r.: r-z- . . . . . iomug hats thi't have the iixle- i ;i ice In ur f:u,i;i.J 1' tj--. The Henrietta Mills Stores con- -either button or lace-marvel- styles at from 0 to 50 p-r cent le- linalde stamp of style. ()!! trim- j Stiff Ilat.s i.Uu luizU'.v vood tain thousands of jiairs of Shots Ions valae.-, ii.C). low regular price. Ask partir-n- 11UMl hats are d i i!'er;M.t frt.m any i took in:; I. Town .-'tiJV Hits at 75 cei'fs. l;i Soft Hat- '.w :.:.vr I sciiM' i-:;-rv;ls : I IJ. g!.!::r 5) cents Hats Iv cts. r lve::iar I.fS llah; .-. I jeg:ih.r 1.25 !!a.s .:.; . : -. i J . ; r 1.5i lints 1! dat ',( ss f th" goo. 3- ::!'.d ".Jr.- v;".- i I . . i i r :e- in ! v v. e sJ:o .v. i..:.' ::!-o in !.r.v Ve save ; gran.l iJl-'k large city stores. They l i ;:!g.Sti!'.' Hat at ?2.:' th.' best v w il'itlicip. artistic ideas, correct j have ever vecn -ohl JV.r the i-. :- taste and the utmost skill i; :.;h- v: a wonlerf;:iiv .0'-u Il:t I in.-j from biviuess which, which we have t.-fti-n s'.vix-m: of in these 'ad-s." .during th ' last '..tonth : and while they last wo e:m sho'.v as prodigious barcrainsintlie.se CiiitJ vvgi wwus.! w i- r i tor men. women ami eniie.ren, aim m.mv m.h-a nin n ""i . r... i.i..l:. . . . . m .i i ; ' Vv emiKht go on tor column after col-j 4., ',.., Pl..iv.-b i .?, ., !. r hb.h r-i; mfi.'s siws for others lii Ill's seciloii. i !-e wen in tliis focrion. There were, r,n- j Su?l Tw f lt t n f at a nriee from 10 to HO p(r cent jrain of bargains, sold uuivosally fine dress fvear v e have a beanti- how llii ir superiority at a irlarce. fort-an:.t,lr. no in-irs Suits of Overcoats Kl hl2t 'f Mess than vou could buy them for at $1.7.) and .00mr price ftl.33. ful lino. S iacc is to scant to t-11 bi the iaie season lots we inst received : i . CP'.? , , l" 1 anywhere dse in this f,art of the The best Split Leather mens you much ai-or-.t them here, but 1 hV uctuali C st tnnti I.;. but v.-still have i:i hand a large num-', 1 ,L, -Z r.iL'ill"..: ' State. We believe these stores shoes ever in thrse stores we sell we must mention our ext.ia goni iilliiiers hereabonts charge f Ver of tb..- wonderful values we seenr- d P;',V ' " IV V T W V" are the oolv ones in this section at only ?1 CO and ?1 25 each. The Bos Cait Warhng Snws at v lr-.-i Aacrusr irom a manufacturer vetir- clm",lsl 5l of ellti ...." that handle r,ally adeouate lines 1 .25 ones are ih rfect marvels, as one of the greatest larrain in th-ve headgear not hall so .-tvhsh. i .,- cn, .mi ..it..,.,. hr.'ivr 't'l-J .-rrrvp-? 'c tention. The Hats, the Shirts, the Fur- t-..--. - ' VJl nishings for men; inall those we have ; UVI " "... v, - ' , " .r . . .... oik::; rv inineTt;m-e to loi !:!:!!' or eargaius to e;irer iiiat vou ougiit to Kiiovr y, , ; , x ' TCt , .. . t i..--,-.. .., i. .,., i...- i;-. , ,,f tli CTiirirn ;i l.;c !.t - vvvrl i.!mk ,i i . .... ... , ..;.: T . . . Dry Goods. We nut the Snots de- on j'.'.-Mi a niige n.iJv oi ino su;aei.:e i:i ic liigi.-vi ii-i ui mos Ibis il Dart H' I a VISii about. But there is so mucn m these 1 , .,. ,..- Wc i ibw.bmw -n..V i1 1 ny one can stores ; and ah;o our gianfl 0 woman ill thi plioes, the acme oi aurabinry, com- ... . . nd o-.-ortmntv. We fort and stvle. We are vt as to buy miiiineiy w - sin Hit !:ay I :g nu ma ey ol IH.sasauysre.e m the United Uig ores that we can only touch week j Y.ont when, rr belongs-as ; x.ty am e men s , snrH,- asm l;.r instauee, we can show you tit L0 , bwcek a few ,elecred ites. 3st us vitally important a t.art ox ; - ' Vvv tb inr stout, .-trong men s working Suits, sold J . j a great outfit inr; store as any lino v.'. tii -;..-i eu owi tno 311st everywhere at -S5.00 to ).()(. j f.l , B s ! of stock possibly ran he. What is world we have sold thousands of men t. JN Lii-1'lJu.w M:ui-K v;c nave an j At -4 well nitide. good looking bus: as desirable a itoek as tor 1 end M-im:!-n Tho finest bf :;yv 1. - . " , iil mvha t jvr-Diui . .1:1 ..t-. lint .v... ................. ..j-.- . 3 there which mankind wears that pairs of them at that price but Top Sole Boys Shot s, 2 1o 'l .00. he Workmen's IViCn S r UmiSniilgG. j rs.ifom. of Overalls miO .i.-ck-lien's furnishings of all kinds:!' ? is just as imi'tanl in its ine.-s suit? of thoroughly dependable fab-! Suits in these lots. They are what the ' is subject; -d to as mr.cli wtar as we are going U loirVr tJiem to you 'then the Armoird Cruiser SLo ;8hir t , Neckwear, Hose, every- way :-s :-;:it or 0 ries, worth 7.50 th world over. j trade calls "broken lots," that is, lots si il of ones up- in two l-.ts, one at $1 .T.0: the oth out- of the best trakes for boys thing a man can wet.r; if n ' ri-c:sri'i.e this fact an t. Vt ).!. SlJiemua grauu .-JJ .nu suns, i vim mm I'lsmt; .mu urn) it ie j ji'nuii: in jiuir.:r;;L.i.; i nail ... ,un ... ... . ... .... ....... ; ( JifSv IlllllgS e !::iiivi". : : l lit I - ' , : .,1,.. t ,, ( ... . 1 all the service and style that $10.00 buys ' of each kind. We are on the watch for ! the shoes? What lino can there si::esan- included, every feature is try shoes that are well named, ;. yt- . t n .... ..j ,.t i. .'.nin.s.i MM i;.. . anyv.k re and everywhere. ! broken lots in high class goods all tholhowliich-justiti.es srreutcr atten- correct, they are new pzoods, not great is their strength. In i"roths;J. r ' "l i "l ' ' clothing. No sVcli iiee ' ' At 510.00. most . clpant -and dressy 'time, for they form the trreatest bargains rion and paiiis? Vc art pr.-ud of shop worn ones; we himply lr.ake sizes, 13 to 2. -il.Sr, : in Boys Kiyes, j here, or ot kT(es, iKtitlu ale, ' , smts made to sell at 815 00, superb rat- on earth. These boys suits are new new, ' our stocks of shoes and iootwau -these pi ices to show you what the 3 to 5. 4 50. Yoa shot-ill see j'J'in ware. Crockery ami all the H'lMu! V. itl-'.n a l:-.y..lt ; .... I. f-- i '. : I .. ....... ,i Ur.ly i : f w;Tr -lT.-l tit. I ) L: 7 'Hl'f ; ar- o c .- " J if , t ? if o o . v V V - p t ferns, beautifully tailored, modest cut, stylish and uobby ; and all good patterns.'; of all kinds. We wsnt yon to as flue as any man need ask for. t bouie patterns are better tlnxn otners, so ; tluui, at either store, w.-nch is r-siirain g: At ,s:;.50. "ood honest 5.00 Overcoats come earlv to take your nick: ! most convenient to von. Here is :-i! es at ::l.-A for men good looking ones too. ' Boys 75 coats Suits, only At $5.00, absolutely all wool Beaver Boys 1.00 Suits, only. .. . Over-'-oats. Boys ;$l.50 Suits, only At ?7.50, magnificent Kersey Over-' Boys -2.00 Suits, only coats blue, black and brown from Boys 00 Suits, only S10.00 to i2.00 is their cost elsewhere, j Eoys s.50 Suits, only hers, so! them, at either store, which is b-s-jrain giving. Bay Srate ".5 strongest b(ys : b'-s we l:ave ever j f . . ..,.,...... . ., , , i most Convenient to vou. Here is Sh.es at 1.50 and 1.75. What had in these- stores. j 1-U e.-. U to -.U-d. Ii:t .1 l... ..y.-ry ore i m ike bt M ... lis 50 cents information about some of the no- better bargain could be asked. - Tlan in Children's Shws we jSaltdy take it Jot "minted tliatUl ,,Pjt.r ,..:.., j,. .,f .; ;i.( t ;i 75 cents table values : A ( Tea m nee Sale of ( ;dd Lots is have a nice line of good style- in mw and all these thn-.iis TtiK ,. ,'. ', lx ' 98 cents ' Ladies Clove Grain Walking another oii of our sho: attrac- t ither button or Lice, ai CO. 75, . j :" IJi I 1 T A Mil IS : '1 (?."". S . ' :i 1 ' !i s I ' a "id 5..; c lii s .. .1 50 Shoes solid leather, worth $! .rio tioiss a few less thati three ban- cents and 1 .00. accordirg to si"e c 't'' y si"'', C.'V V -U ' Ulierb vtsb.e-- t! rt ;i i:t e vn-iti . ..?3.00; at the very least our price 1 00. tired pairs of shoes including a And sot; se extra heavy solid leath- v . -.. ... i .. S2.40 A neat Pebble Gnvn ladies :-.hoe good many diflerent kinds and er ones at 75 and !J5 cents. surely as tue S'.Ml risct to-iaorrow. to lie ;:i-JT t ::;tt d. other departments ih.-.t ace 1 1 vt rail"? :; t,.. . ki pi A L. J u U ii JLVii J pa J I J tU Jl.. iL A-X ItIIIL. iJ : -J J I l "-f 4. o v t c THE TRIBUNE-itotheGreat God what is justly i due to Him on that da v. W. F. RUCKER, Editor. L. D. MILLER, Makacer. PUBLISHEK'a ANNOUNCEMENT. Pah.lished tit But h rford ton, N. C. , ey-ry Thursday. Office in rear of Court House. Subscription price : One year, ; six months, 50 cents; three "months, 25 cents; invariably in advance. A FaV-cribtr in ordering the ad dress of his paper changed, will in di -ate he address to wltich it is go ing at the time he asks for thechange to be made. Adyrrti-ing rat es will 1 e furnished on anolicatie.fi. Obituary notices and cants of thanks will be" charged for at the rate of one cent per word. Brief letters of local news f mm any part of the county will by thankfully reteived. Correspondent swill please Tnaii their communications so as to get them to the office by Monday. Ths TnrurxE is the best advertis ing medium in this section, and ad vertiser? may feel sure that through its columns thf y 'may reach all of Rutherford ana a lartio portion of the best people of t he adjoining counties. Among the nations of the earth, there are none whom God has so especially prospered as he has ours. To us has been given the honor of carrying civilization and Christianity into heathen coun tries above other nations, and it has been ours to lift the yoke of oppression from a downtrodden OTTER CREEK ITEMS i ! Th i. c- :. hoj:bVM-?;f c orn or bnn- 1 -K'1' ion : First soak the corn in warm v. attr '; RIi. Harmon Seriously i!i--Grccery : Farmers Oissy Gowirg Whsat--Boy to soften it, then pare it dovn us closely : Store cl-i --Personals. .' Accideniiy Shcss Himself. ; as possible wit koiM drawing llood una fc " Covrespoiident of Tn: TuiBtrxE. j apply Chameeriain irstii fVi-'.vir. X(-(".iVr totii. torti : daily : ruoomrf y:oiKis!y lor live Oar farmers av? u wrly do:i gat!vr- utcs at each application mg com and report the shortest crop ter should be worn for FCREST CITY NEWS. Correspondent of The Tkieuxk. Foiikst City, November 20: Bill Hndlov.', alias Davis was before Esq. J. C. Green yesterday chaired wil li r ,rlv.r.- . - "V. " :; :-' r ..'-'.ire-'k-rr.'. -A S'l tailing, and was bound to court. Davis : has the rcputatiou of being an old Laud at the business. Mr. and Sirs. I. N. Eiggerstaff lefr to-day for Castonia to attend the An-1 raised in many years. They are sowing protect it from the shoe yfor live min- .U":- f& A corn phis-:X -, j:hVt.U $ S. & e f""?-nr i few (.ays, to :.-.;. --; c ; C ' -.-' r- --.,J 5 v j' s' - -r-- a more wheat than usr.al and by using liniment for sprains, bruises, Lr.n.-n.s ;,' i more guttuo and preparing th biud and rheuma.tisin, Pain B.tka is unenual- ' i ''1. I 'i ' VJr. nual Ctiifere; ee. Mr. Miller Laves, - ho has been in ' witlt improved plow.; and drills we ko,?o cl. " For sale by T witty ii Thompson. to meet the needs caused by the s'nort j -rrr- I corn crop. Ail farm products are in- tie- J Koticis! maud at good prices. Im.-h,,,! n0nr,l l ,f ... ....... ... eat.ic. ami s.tiiv are eecommg scarce u,mum" "-"i"- -"-' home with ris mother, Mrs. J. B. Eaves. ; imd y,e t then thank the author of all "Uncle Joe Harmon" whoso illness icvot-' was mentioned last week, is critically j p';: I ill at his tome m this place and little j 'armei-a would do well to j zn raising calves and People tvh.o are indebted to me, will To cure CiCK rTAPACHS plea.-: settle at once. I - . ."i rr i c Ci ''i 'i f ' -V I J. R. Yv AoIiliLRN. j C r.nj r.i: i:5e23s c:- !slr:3 frcr.. these blessings in accordance with the great bou llty displayed J hope is entertaimd for his recovery. In ! t-, in the gift. : f cT'rrsslJcn. 'rhyv.:: purify os?ri j -ii-.a it mo yoyfcccicic-v-jii It Saved Her Life. Gooch's Mexican Syrup has accom plished a cure in this neighborhood which has astonished the people. Miss Davis was given up to die by her attend ing physician. She had king fever The ...zrnLrr - .- ; , doctor said she would die before moru- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901 j ing and advised to discontinue his med- r::r-; -zr- .z icine, as it was doing her no good, Her TH AM K3-GIVI NG. j parents had a. bottle of Gotx-h's Mexican -,. , . . . ! Syrup and Gooch's Quick Relief in the , U.,anks--1V1Uf corning hmise. They at once began to give the t.iere will be services in t wo ' Syrup in doses one hour apart, and fre- chnrches in the town, an anJl-aeatly'tot"lIiCTchesviththeQnk-k , , . , : Relief. Before morning she was better, ouncenient of which we have andrfter using a few bottles of each. :nade elsewhere, and we think it I sn0 is almost al well as ever. It was al- I most like raising the dead, and has es tablished tlic reputatcon of Gooch's Mexican Syrup here as a cough remedy: we can sell nothing else. J. & H. Sands, Trimble, Athens Co., O. Gooch's Mexican Syrup cures a sim- ' done to make them feel at ' ple conSh as rf by 'aagic.'aud is the best j remedy for whooping cough. Price 25c. well to extend to the country peo ple an especial invitation to at- f'hd these services. They will! be welcome nnd everything will iionie. November 28th is a day set apart as a day of thanks for the nation a day on which we are to look up with gratitude to Him l' ho has prospered us as an' indi vidual, as a home and as a nation. Let -every body come and render "Wc are informed that Mr. Geo. TV. DePriest, of Lattimore, w ho is an ap plicant for the Shelby post office, has rented the C. II. Shull house and w ill movo here soon. It is not s0. atcd wheth er he will move here before the result of the Shelby postoffice is known or not. Cleveland Star. fact the old gentleman says his time is abont up. Dr. Johnson and Miss Ihlien Jol-tt-Johnso.'i are visiting this week in Kin Kton, their former home. Our townsman, Mr. M. C. Padgett, is foreman of the Grand Jury, and we ven ture to say a more honorable, conscien man could have been found. Er. Johnson has decided not to move to Gastonia but will remain in Forest City. Pro" J. W. Smith is building a nice residence on the lot adjo: nie Davis' Horace Cole and tne st'X;K oi groceries R. V. King and will ness at the old stand. yet what business '. engage in. l" ( (" 1 ,n,UTy conimissioncrs ; t s,, ,,mv r,w,v,ri to lon-s fe cciatn. ccatct?.. i f.izn 23 cstut. ',k- bridges on Cove creek. ' 0:1 improved farn.ing lands en five years j il-is will be. .1 beln t-nv. nr;: time ia Cleveland er Rntheruird co.ni-1 I dL'.--t5a;t'-i a::.! " : ; -; : t,f E it.Kl. I! .-:::-:;. -!;.I:.CVC th3 f y-.av- i i. . 'i ::':.... : M-n- Mivc 6lo.n:. '!;s ;. .;. i.y t.-,"-Py tbO'.-li.", ; ,.f ;.. (r; ;CS ii'V lx-M can- i after - n : t-Vo "it prey, nt; i rv:t i:-f g::so:. :.;- f-)jn-f.ch. n-iievj g ;:. d':-l :-saf;t r . at im Wctii.g t. pi (.---ary. Tlivix, totki '-- : ties on decidedly bi tter ttvms than I r 7, , , I have been able todo heretofore. P r.-uvns I it.e .uontiord s Love Sunday school : i.;i .,..5 .... j,,,.,.,.,!'?..,.;,,.,!,.!.: is, still evergreen and promises to remain j will please call on me i:i rs rsou and bring j Rv virtue of tin order v't. f--;i lb-. so through another winter. i with them their title det-ds. This Octo-; Scrx-rior iart of the '..r.it of l!;-.i! Ixt 1st, A. D. JOtil. i ford, in the special pr. dings nti.h d ------- - - ROBERT L. RYEURN. AIore-y, 1 ii. Hawkins. admh-iMraSor of J 1. . . . o. 3-4 w. Shelby, lv O. Tair. decet st d. vs. Loti Tale. Edna Tate rr, wry, or, r Forest C '---y Jiiss Lela Elliott closed the public school last week. Arthur Nichols, of Clifton, S. C. is paying his friends a visit. Several of our citizens arc moving to ' the cotton mills. Permmtt r Frady, while carelessly ! with the v, ills ami; xed. f Isaac S. 1 handling a pistol last week, received a ! "ail an f &'rah Re-land. b ce ased. and others," L will s-'-li on thi- iir -i::i: i s i lu ar l l.v(l s t li ek church tor n:i.'-,alf X i casii on a TTo ,i rl:,t-c .:l-ir:r 1 fili.l ivcoil :---! pointed by the court as administiatiix, j Sa turd ay, Dcce tuber 7th. 1 !.!, h. !.- .,i ,..,i .,, ..l.i : i .. i ... n .i4 -iv U 1V I U-.l.ll 1 ' .1. I till 11 ! ad.joi;ii;g th- laud tof L tie-a tt r. I';.t i:t. OLil f II1U1K Ai!.. uui- y.-ontl! w 1!C 1 !:1S panavl 1, ,1, .,.r.t, ,-f , ,ui in.iMU mil;.;; u.u i;f -if..i..-: 11. .-- M. ..... . r . i . l.;,,,, , .... . . . - faring. It was feared that the wound ! !at s or u- jw erc .y nonma (.r,.,.k The he.ds w iPbc s-,:;! to civaf 0 Bros, have purchased might result in something serious hnt ! to, Tnt tM m on or lore -c 't! -.av as..ts v,i(h Whi-1. to .,y .icbts ac-.-ia. U ics ana notions ol we are giaa to learn that he is inimov-i r i i i .1 - 1 he estate 01 ti:e mt.-state. and will continue the busi-! iug. Boys ; be tter let the weaoon alone . be Pkwled 111 bar oi their rect.-veiy . Ail sol(-r()U thf. f,,n(,wi;i,, terr.is: One-half ? It is not known Success to The TiJiBtrxE ami its vn. ! Psons inneoteu ro tne estates arorcsuiu f, m,rclia.v mon..v Ui p,. : , . -it,. x.-,- ;.,f,.,i.. w are nerehv notineii to malie linmc tiiatc .1 - i , -. . 1 " T ill!-, iv 1 lint IT117. .i r-r. 1 - , 1 111. 11:11 l.if.i. r.ll f .Ttf 11 n r-. , .. A Plij'sician Teslifios. "I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure settlement. This November ?th. V.H)1. "tntfl T T'rTTT-. 1 T" . T 4 T" The Children's Friend. 311, i . uuii. ..'it-.in.i-frriti-.v. You'll have a cold this winter. Mavbe ! K:ives & Rucker. Attonirvs. you have one now. Your children will I - ------- IMIe-iiie Cures Piles. Money refunded if it ever fails. and have never used anything in my : suffer too. For coughs, croup, bronchi- j life that did me the good that did." say . i tis, grip and other winter complaints1 County Physician Geo. W. Scroggs of One Minute Cough Cure never fails. AuTi rvv(-- ri. itPm'no i nit .-;.".- Afo i...-...-!- t j . -.i, ..j. . vv-Liiiiji , j-.aii 'n f.ii'i.iu id i.nuipii . ii j;, ui a;m ro tile I have prescribed it and found it to give : taste and perfectly harmless. C. B. the best results." If the food you eat George, Winchester, Ky. writes, '-Our remains undigested in your stomach it , little girl was attacked with croup late decays there and poisons the system. 1 one night and was so hoarse she coulci You can prevent this by dieting but hardly speak. We gave her a few doses that means starvation. Kodol Dyspep- j of One Minute Cough Cure. It rehev sia Cure digests what you eat. Yon need ' ed her immediately and she went to suffer from neither dyspepsia nor star- sleep. When sheawoke next morn she vation. The worst cases quickly cured, had no signs of hoarsness or croup." Never fails! The Florence Mills. Twit- The Florence Mills. Twitty & Thomr ty& Thompson. .sou. 157 BOOK STO The place to buy BOOKS, STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ETC. . A.L.GRAYSON t.IOllt.iS v to bear interest from date of ;-ale. This ; November ."".th, 3001. M. G. HAWKINS. Admivii tr ttor of J. p. Tal". McErayer fe Justice, Attorneys. ! I it I iug i:nd-r Carjrf t. P.-.f::;-. .n SIi.-Jv s. V..;ji:ig F.ii-nitr.rc. "ii-:-! nin.-T i kis.w;:n. V.'iappii g P;i;K r. Always Useful. IQc. Hundred, I Addr-: Tub TKrr.vrv:.. v O o I ECodoa Cyspepssa Care v- E1rant Hn. Disests -what yoa eat. Phone isrUmtex o. J. C. Grsen, UNDERTAKER, FOREST CITY, N. C. Best stock of Burial RequLts in the county from the ch"apc-t Coftin to the ' " " m. elegant Cakct, all at m.xlemte m "-Wu." -I vigesxs vynsx yon oaZ, Eaves & Rckor, Attorneys- Cotms- .', rs:.t Law. Rut:i r.'o;-di)ii, N..C. Omee tip ft iirs in Lick-n i.u niildirtr Pi-o-....j.t'at tention giv(i to all l-nnesa intrnstcd t I Ik m. Sul w rite tor Tiir. Tnm-xc i