s 1 VOL. I. NO. 50. EUTHERFORDTON, N. C, THURSDAY DECEMBER ll). lliOI. 1 L.-tii. r - i r Si ri 7 '""ffii' 5v vat as f (ri Si Wine T . I ncs .a helps Ler ! tf It sustains r-'. -' V rl & Lafc4J H 8 r, Card ui is the guardian S woman's health and happi- f? un!i to old age. It I :fci into womanhood, ti lior during- the trials '.1 jj of pregnancy, childbirth and H motherhood, making labor easy and preventing Hooding and mis- ril & lyriicc It c-entlv leads her fj through the dangerous period s jjj hno'.vii as the ehanjrn of life. f '. ' w ; rtS (E3 Ll li d in 1 5 BJ o0ooo8oooooo9cj0oo o e o o 11 By FREDERIC o G o o o & o o o rower s s iii,'r luut-ca There were writing materials on the table, and he indited the following message to his valet: Yea will extend the time of waiting for me twenty-four hours. Do nothing whatever until that lime. If Ihcre should be callers, tell tiicm all tliat I will be prenareil to receive rvervboJv VAN RENSSELAER DEY. i out Hearing mem. lift ivuow iiiem J quickly, since you insist upon it." i "As soon as we are under the shelter of tne trees I will Multifold you. You are not to attempt to see anything, nor can yon remove the bandage from your eyes until I grant permission. You at midnight tomorrow night tonight of the cay must promise UOt to go to 'the City an to make no attempt to see cr to ' PI BMP P Pf OTH ;Uw put 1 i f j i i . w . . . . Kinn uoionci uisaofiejas rat ivrjie V-ase. Jj U ; When Colonel Eroadhead was c-l.ni:-Jtf A m -l,orious'J r-l' ,I:a t',:l hill where itLU fanios proud tempi;? shines afar, two o you receive this. B. P. He thrust the message through the grating, extinguished the lights in the Author of "Not Like Other Men, "Etc. 3 0 q 1 room and stood o:i guard to see the Ctwiriaht. imi, o ! person who should come to take it. and O Eli Frederic I an Lcnxxclaer Oci. si ,. ... ., o o llLn person appoareu ne recog nized in the graceful walk and carriage the lady of his interview in the gam- oQoooQoOoGoaoo8csoo it did not occur to him that "the se norita"' might Lave taken forcible meas ures to prevent the duel in the event of his refusal to accede to her wishes re garding it, but he did remember the letter and thought, with a grim smile, that he was more than likely to have ample time to read It, as she had sug gested, at his "leisure." I- leaeorrluca, falling: of tli 'rah, and menstrua irst-jrularity - en- form. It if. valuaWc 'ei v r.yii:r period a r.w.'. life. It reinforces tlie nervou ?vstcm, nets directly on tlio jyeni- P. txl oivr,;-.).? and 1 1,, U dr lmest U:iie women known. 'Ask your , "Wine of Cardui. n li lam r.yir,-j Wine of'C?v.1at aa.: ThoU- fc--:-! il:u-'i-r;-aui.ht v.::c I fee! lilro a fi i'.i L'.vrcr.l Aviniiaa :ilivaciy. Several l-1-r iit'.; Jure :e r the ;:ci::cs in iboir v.r.ic till tua tuae. i f.a. t aree giris 3 hi suii tiicv are nslrip it viih rre. g R " Mrs. KAT ?l'.OTOSH. j1 H For r.-lvir r.r.d it r.f:ir, r- i:iri-ss. rivi:ig f4 FTr.i-"'.-t-. Tl:e 1 ;: : ..i' Ar.v.f-TV Hvioit- '. S l" l.'h...'.r.:;-..f :i, 'K-:ili. 1 ;;.!; )n ?li:iilar. '. Cth lav of Jancarr, I will seil :.t pal 'he auction tit the viiiiri ii;:;!.-e in Kraberioriiton, 1. C., to t! ..' i-i'rht l i'lih r, a ci'rtain tract or jiiii- l of land known as the (io-K1 Bread jLar.ds. Ivin;.- 0:1 i.orli sides of Cedar cr. : 1. : ii 'A, ountv, eontainiti!' follOWH 1 1 b i.ir 4 ' a-.-r.'S i j,ii::i in;: at : t. n top f nd;ce si'.iiii (') v.v.-i iO pules to stake; fU-.v ill ir.ues to ixiplar; vierril (i north . f-'VJ h 7 11 :!.'; : 1 j i n r.i ,1 w . p-.ties to ;t iv ties to stake: ! ea--t Oil polos to 8. Yv. : . i-:vsr TO poles to i. O. then 7-i i3es on i i no of .7O acre tlien thru then then then :onth ti-,ict ; i:y?v. do i ";." poles t: maple and : thf n south ea.-t 28 poW to it -)i north (55 east S7 pcsl -s to .--tak : tr.i . :i s '.-rn cast i;oi's: then south (:. v.v..r ; jyues to W. O. : then south 2: . k; jioit to a W. O. ; then south 61 vt si "les to W. (). and 8. () ; then (-.it'i -: v.--.'s; (') -poi.-s to slake; then .' i; If v.-. r p-.i- s s-, v.aslitd ditch; i!.':,- .:,. west Co o.ils to walnut: ti.ru r..'ith vf' f i'O fnihs to S. U. and jruru ; lb. 11 sontli !." west 2o pnles to S. S hi v.:"'.! ii S v. est ."li; polr-s ro beacb ; hi-;i s; ith .!? wost 87 poles to P. O. : tli- :i u-Tih ) v.-.st 21 ilos to . O. ; l:eii son'h 79 west 75 poles to stake; then north 14 wst 5 poles t stake; then .nil !0 voles to stake; then .-o itii ! J a.- t :?0 lvs to W. t. or S. O. ; t'i :i south ss.; wst ."(i i;oh-s to 13. O. ; CIIAI TEIt II. a:t .v:"r.:r. Or noxoR. the carriage in which . iiurr I'emuetoii was a pris- eni'i- arrived at its destina tion, the Iaso was remov ed, but the sera pa which so coTeetually ; hoodwinked him was not disturbed. ; One of his captors tool; him by the ami, j and I.e was informed thai if he would t walk along quietly no harm would be- j fail him. lie complied without deign- j ing to speak. ' He was conscious that his feet : crunched upon gravel paths which : wound in and out among shrubbery, ! for the blanches frequently brushed ! against him. and once he thought it ; probable that he was again within the secluded garden of the Taeubaya gam- : bling house. This illusion was soon dis- peiled, however, ior alter passing across an extended court that was tlag ged with stone and thence into a sec ond shrubbed and graveled iuclosurc he was directed to mount a flight of three steps, and he knew that be en tered an apartment of seme kind. There was the yielding touch of soft carpeting under his tread, and the warm air was quite in contrast with the chill without, lie was bidden cour teously to wait one moment and was left standing in the middle of the lioor. lie heard the sound made by a closing door, and after what seemed an inter minable period, although it could not have been more than a minute or two, he attempted to relieve himself of the blinding serape. There -was no resistance, and upon casting it aside he discovered that he was aione. His conductor had disap peared. j For a moment he stared around him i in amazement. This was certainly not , the sort of treatment he had expected. I He began to think that perhaps they I were not oanuits atter tul; tne sur- j j round tugs of that moment did not surj- gest :mch an explanation. The room i was richly, even luxuriously, fnriiish ' ed, and his first quick glance told him that it was the favorite living room of a lady; the pictures on the walls, the ' chairs, the piano and the books that i lit'red the table all assured him of blhig house. She kent her face iuriu'd away notwithstanding the fact that it was concealed by the lace inaniilla. But he had already seen it twice since"' he came to Mexico, and he understood the act to mean that she did not wish him to address her. so he permitted her to depart in s ilence. Burr Pendleton by reason of Lis fa talistic propensities might have been s good Mohammedan, and he accepted his eufei eed leisure with entire calm ness, lie knew that he cculd not break age from your eyes until we have pnss- ; through the bars at the window, and ed, but I hope such an event may be j even if he might have done so ha avoided, but if it should occur we will 1 would doubtless be recaptured. He remain motionless until I can replace had thought cut the predicament in the bandage. One more thing ami the j which he found himself while he was last you will promise never to reeeg- 1 pacing up and down the r om before nize me after tonight either by i;a :.:; ne wrote tne message to James, and he or Dy signt. ana that you will never at had arrived at the Zenoesque decision 'tempt through me to seek out the idea that what could net he cured must be tity of the lady who has caused vou to agree to all we need not to any person except thos.e who are 01 gaged in this affair, and to them you must not explain any of the circum stances. If it is necessary to send me to the city to communicate with your second or another, you will wait at our place of parting until I return. After the duello there will still he time to re turn here without discovery. a;ul ycu must submit to the bandage again, do eii..LLi, ab . 'v.... . e.o'i ''"'nir.o '-ov.! place in this room as if you had not been absent. And there is one other point where I depend entirely upon your honor, seuor. it may be that we will meet people on the road on our return. Ycu must remember that it will then be daylight. In su h a case I would be obliged to remove the band- Pike county farmers and next door ; neighbors, both well to do, had a fall- ; ' fmr out alKUJt. a scrub einlo V will ity and musHce Anecdotic cf a Pike cal! t,,pui Joncs 3,1,1 ,;ro,v"- one speak j o ; believed that be held an indef.asiUe i TZ How Ccionl Br cadhsad Was Cajoled Into risking a Disastrous Leap. Prido Dsitroycd bi a Kcrso Fond. A Jtmr.per Conces to Grief The Cel ebrated Fzt Mule Case H;w a Pig V23 instrumental !n Making His tory Value o-f a Voto In a Close Contest. LCoprrisht, 10-J1, by Champ Clark. One cf the most distinguished of all the Missourians was Colonel James O. Broadhead, who was a member cf con gress, a colonel hi minister to '' counted , Am-; ' 1 right to that long eared animal. Jones employed Broadhead. who promptly instituted stilt. When the papers we:e : served on Brown, he did not notice I that Broadhead was Jones' attorney. ' so as Broadhead was a favorite with him he straightway appiVd to the ; colonel also. Of course P: oadhca.l, with profound thanks for !:'s coiunll- mtntary friendship, iniurmi-d tihu that ! hidden trouble pay heed to the he had been retained by tbe other side. ; Por,T ,,.,rn;nm! QMvrrrf-r-. y till a heart's muscles, quiet its nerv- are Nature's warning notes of approaching danger from a dis eased heart. If you would avoid debilitating diseases, or even sudden death from this j -Well I ry. I said Brown. "I'm a v. felly sor--'ws vou can reci.!.imei;d an- i.iou army and Be v.as ae ry greatest of endured. Intensely annoyed and deep down in his heart intensely angry, he only shrugged his shoulders, smiled cynically and wondered, not without amusement, what Captain Agramonte, Homero and others would think and sajT of him when he should fail to ap pear on the dueling ground at the ap pointed time. be imprisoned. If you these conditions, senor. delay." "I can think of only one reservation. a piactical joke on itid my friend, turn here. and that concerns the re- If 1 am ali ve and able to sit on a horse. I will do as you say. but it is quite likely that I may not be abie to return with you at all. In that case Then, still standing at the window in you will be in trouble. "I have considered that, senor. and 1 wili take the risk. I do net think vou ...V ft" tm the dark and pifling leisurely at his cigar, he begr.i to !an his conduct after his liberation. It was net an easy thing to do, for he realized that even Agramonte, Ids friend, would find it hard to believe that he had been for cibly detained from keeping bis en gagement, lie knew that Homero and his second would lese no time in brand ing the American as a coward and that, according to tho code duello. Captain ; Romero would have the undisputed right to refuse another appointment. In concentrating his mind upon these i perplexities he also unconsciously con- ' cent rated his gaze upon a given point among the shrubbery at a spot where two paths parted at an acute angle, i both to disapfsar in the darkness, and '. suddenly at the apex of the two paths ; he discerned motion. j - At first he believed it to be an animal ; of some kind, but it seemed larger, and presently he decided that it was a hn- . man figure stretched at full length upon the ground and slowly, but sure ly, approaching the window where he stood. Instantly his perplexities were forge ttc-n. and ho watched the ap- preaching figure" curiously. It was a man clad in the.charro costume of home tanned leather affected bv rn- ,-,,w,.;i,o!o ; ni, ,i i,.,o I window you will leave as iiuvrovi iL'tiiit 1 li v.uij1 tiiii.7L ; . . . jut cf Albemarle c-f- .: - ; I. :ie be was on his ' - . I . incoming acclimated to ..-.e'lers. so to speak, cue i A ;...:; crotds was a ioiliekson:e yeu-i.; "Li:ck." as Mr. Thackeray wouid : say, named Bufe S::utlers, who. if op- i portunity had atVorded, would not have ' hesitated U phi the president of the republic, the Turk, the o:t:r cf ail the liessias or any otlier high and snigiuy function ary. Ail Wiis iis.ii that came to his net. lie and Broadhead in their aflectiou for each ether much resembled iamou and I'yUnns. Neveitiieiess Itufus played it on the coione!. on oiie occa sion at lea.-.t. in a most aitistic man ner, lie boasted of his iuiiuence over Broadhead and said he could induce him to do anything be chose. lie knew the colonel's vanity as to Ins high jumping powers, and he made up his mind to have some fun. and he had it. lu the outskirts of the village was a pond of water of considerable length and 'l fett wide. Bale was .-.''-.-''-TU:-N.-..:r'j I The stranger ijlided t;p '.he r.teps with the trace of a verpent. were intended for a bullet fired by Captain Homero. Now a word or two of Instruction: I will open the giating just sufficient for you to pass cat. I bragging to some Jolly blades one even ing that such were his p.owers over Broadhead that he cculd make hiiu jump into ihe pond. Of course they hooted at such an idea. While they were ch.'iriing Hufe, Broadhead hove in Eight, rigged out in his best bib and tucker, on his way to see one of Bure's beautiful female cousins. j Thought Ho Could Make It. As soon as he came within earshot Bufe sang out, "Broadhead. cau you : jump across that poudV" j The future constitutional expounder; scanned it critically with those las- ' Sc trous 01 bs which have since overawed juries, courts, .senates, and said, "i i don't believe I can quite make it." i other'lawyer for i. '" "Yes; I can dj that. Do you know John B- soa?" "No." "YVI!. he is th best lawyer In the comity, a; write you a letter of intrudi him," which he did. and. eaivf ing it up and impressing hi arms upon the wax. band Brown with one of limsi' . diplomatic bows for which mous. Could Not Star.d th-3 Gasper Brown left Broaa.i; ad's Went home In a frame t.f wi'.ni 111:11 lem-r inueri ij Eve's touching the fcibi idea was aching to know hs t-:i:. i more he thought of ii Ul( wartt.l to read It. At l.si stand the su-'pcuee no !..::g'l "steamed" the enveiepe ;vi merlng teakettle and !:;' lirecious dw-iUiic!!!, ar..! v. i aiiii niiiienng Heart ii. he read: Pear John Jopts v:rfi:s ITrnv.i the piuintiU, auj thi uill -i? ..f i ant. Mule esse Co.h in. Vnrs. It was a'! Oreek to Brows condition was worse i !,:,! He read it right side up. 1 up, cu;acors( red, JiaM.'iitd'j other way. To save hi kiv understand it or get head the mysterieiif, and iiugni:;! As he tossed hi sleepless a a virtuous couch snatches of ; and incomprehensible mes each other through bis f. witli lightning rapid:! v, a: and jumbled jjrolesquem : .- in this wlae: "Mule cas. both fat niule case: mid case; fat case Ioth mu!e; fat both," etc.. like !:: "punch, brother: punch punch iu the presence of gaire." ous irritation and resrulate its iiiiniITeatest of all thru north 0 enst 117 through which he believed he had en then nonh east 11 T y.iie to north i the. much. The wide. low window. i an '-: ' i en- j .!-.- t. the lM'giuninir. containing 4fi0 sicr-r.K.ie cr 1 vss. For f ail description i s,i see De' il from Jv.?opIi KoMett tercd the room, was open. Not so the iron bars that protected it, but thev told him nothing, since every house iy invisible at night. Pendleton realized that he would never have discovered the figure had it net happened that his n i gaze was concentrated upon it at the A.) ..lit ..lilll.i i . . , , - - . . , 1 o .fam.'-s r-i'Toh'tt and Vi !,.' r. "e-n -lere," in oi..re Tj. :',r Kuihei foi-'l ( ount r. ) lie lvriKi out through the grating, but Said lauds will he sold under an order , he could see nothing except the out- issued at the . lines of tall trees showing against the ? the Superior Court ITovcmTier tei-r.i, ltHl in coiiformiiy to ud rendered by Ii L. an award r.uua i'.v.snvn as .roitrator m tne case enti- h-n oia ina Wriglit vs. J. L. Nob- sky. There was nothing by which he could determine his locality, so he turn ed back into the room again and cross ed to the table, where one of the lamps : 4 . , . . . . ; ; . . . j i . Th-saidknds will be sold on the fol-1 "uu, " 11,1:11 inv aiW,uufa 'as SUI" l..,-i:i- ti-nns to witt ; oae-third of the ; 1)110(1 wns bUTOi5W- Ilis g,nnco rested purchase vaiee to be ptiid in cash on day ', npon a slip of paper with writing upon :f sale, the remainder to be pnid within j it, and he l ead these words: t-ive months from date of '.ale, such j genor Pendleton If yon are myaifle.il concern t f IT' ll payment to boar interec-t from j ins th events of this evening, read the letter date of sale This December !3rd, l!i()l. j t'-iat last came into ycur possession. B. A. JUSTICE, Commissioner, j There was no signature, but he rec rr: ' ognized the chirography as ihe sam-? BjO'CIGS; as that he had received eavl will then close it and relock it. The it is. You cannot crawl on the ground as I can do. nor do I think it necessary now. Once outside the window you will go to the bottom of the steps, and from there two quick leaps will take you in to the shadow of the shrubbery, wheie you will await me. Leave your hut and coat where they are. I have pro vided a serape and a sombrero for you." It is not necessary to describe the the same window engaged in conver sation and not intent upon anything in particular might have looked upon it a j dozen times without seeing it once. - j Quite naturally he asked" himself the reason ot the mysterious visit, lie thought of an attempt at assassination, but dismissed the idea at once, and aft er conjecturing upon many possibili ties, all of which were improbable, ho gave it up and waited. The true rea son did not once occur to him. The "Ttfivirln n;ltr!rcfc ic Tislnrflllr ehi-nlrnii ; ail clitics to the contrary notwithstand- j vor through his knowledge of escape from the house and grounds more than to add that it was accom plished without incident. By half after 1 o'clock the two men were on the road together, each astride a horse, though Pendleton's eyes were tightly bandag ed. It was only human nature for him ing. and Pendleton was soon to have ocular proof of it. The stranger glided np the steps with the silence and grace of a ser- the topography of the country to locate himself,'-and his companion seemed to realize this, for he talked constantly so that the American would have no op portunity for logical conjecture. The f.,"rr incl in the r.n1 nmeiin-M d"etl mentally. Where I entitled "Uons Spake'iidmiiiistratrix of ! -T.ough to go to be trapped by a wo Oovge. Spake vs. Richard Spake and ' m" ai h-'ws "full length laterally against tbe borses were soon put to a canter also. a.lU Ue . . J . 1T-I.ir.li rDn.lovoil tlif tol.- ctill mnrn lif- was foo: i building, with his face close to the " "'V ,1 u li i',St Uv; uiiiuu vi in vt v. ii iiiw I will sell at the court, house I.?ni h.erfoi-dtou on January 0th, 1002," ; V.lie auction the following described t of land l3"iug in Kutherford coun ,ul ioiniug the lands of Joseph Wil- James Hyfler, JU art new Amos and nouse, urouo tne seal and began Ills cigars were intact, and he light ed one. Then, after arranging the lamp more to bis purposes, he dropped into an easy chair near tho table, produced the letter which had been given to him by his companion In the summer . - Tl. . .1 1 1 .. 1 " 1. l i vv imam uiaiiii hukis, lying auour 4 ii,iles south -.vest of RrdlK-rfordton and I ontaining o0 acres. Said lands, will be. ; i.old to crs-ate assetts with which to pay ; debts tigainst the estate of George Spake, j ("eceasefi, and will he sold on the fol- ' lowing terms, to wit: one-half cash on ; dav (if sale, and the remainder to be paid by November oth, 1002. The de- j i'- rri d iKiymcnt to bear interest from j date of sale, and to be, secured by note with approved security. Title withheld ; until the final pyament of the purchase ; inor.ev and iniciest. This December; th, 100!. I Dt3BA SPAKE, administratrix of (.Kiorge Simke, deceased ?ileBraver & Justice. I Pendleton in the meantime had re- mained motionless and silent, but when ! the man hissed he replied in his natu ; ral tones by asking In Spanish what i was wanted. "Silence!" commanded the man in a j sharp whisper. "It was I who brought j yon here tonight, senor. I have re j turned for the purpose of serving you. , If you will take the trouble to get down on the floor as close to me as pes i sible, there will be no danger of being overheard. If it should be discovered that I am here, my power to serve you will be past, and I will be in grave trouble. Que la gusta, senor." Pendleton was amused. He was also interested, and he did as the man di- Havin? I crave your pardon, Senor Pemileton, for the indignity thai I am forced to thrust upon you. I have Otermined to prevent the meeting between you and Captain Romero, and as I have no hop? that you will consent to abandon all thought of it I have prepared this in anticipation of your refusal. Vou will not be detained longer than is necessary that is, only a tittle longer, for it will not be possible to liberate you during the hours of daylight. Twenty-four hours wiil be the duration of your imprisonment. In the meantime you will be left entirely alone. Your mum is cujipiiea wuii every necessity you will.i reeted ! requite during that time, and when it expires, as ! ; soon as ycu have placed the ceiape over your head j "Say on," he said then, and the : so that you can see nothing, you will be taken 1 stranger continued: ; uiii-K 10 uie my, or at least as lar as r.l cauillito. "You have : to New York tomorrow nieht. 1 reirret that i win i Captain Romero near the Passeo at 5 ', not be able -to liberate you soon enough for you to In the mcriling. Is that true?" j carry out your plan. The train leaves three" hours "Quite true, unfortunately, foe I can ! 100 rariy tor mat. nut you need not be pre vented frcm taking the early morning train on the ad you again; also, should you care to communicate ...ii. juu. evi.a.n, 11 uu win Mini- tue i.iussae it ji n ,i . end throw it through the grating at your win- '-i-le-1L' ipu-u iwiutiuu. dow, it will be delivered at o-a-. If I have placed ! "I will do better than that. Senor, If you in a false position contSning the dud and j you Will agree to the Conditions I Will your masculine conception cf honor, I can assure make" you that the day will come when you will thank '; me for what I have done, if the opportunity oc- ! "What Will you do and what are the curs. 1 wj.l sign this lt-tter as I diJ the one that ! Conditions? "I wish you would tell me why you were so geod as to do .ill this for me?" Pendleton said as soon as an opportu nity offered. Bufe jceringly remarked: "Ycu have always sworn that you could beat the world jumping, and now you Hunk. I ! have just jumped it clean and clear. : Haven't 1. beys':" appealing to his own '. companions. ' Of course the "boys" laid their handi ' solemnly on -their hearts and assev-! erated by the great horn spoon that . Itufus bad actually made the e.npreee- dented, hap. 1 This was too much for Broadhead. i Ilis proud Virginia blood was up. Shedding his broadcloth swallowtail. ! he said: "Bufe. nothing wearing the ; human form divine can beat me jump ing. I learned that caper beneath the; shadows of the Blue Hiuge mountain:) and in sight of Mouticebo. Yo;i have insulted my state pride. I'll give you a lesson ycu will never forget." i With this he backed off about loV yards ou the prairie to get a good start, came on like a cyclone in mad career, : leaped into the air and. failing several feet short cf the mark, came down ker- : wallop in the pond. He scrambled out ' a sadder, madder, wiser and wetter i man. ; All he could hear was the melancholy 1 swish of the waves settling themselves ; after his accidental Immersion ami the mocking laug tier f Bufe and his par- tieops criminis receding to the g'.oani- Icd the Msttor. Finally and desperately communed with his own t wiait on eai'iii can i-rom: 11 i;e;:s toe deuce, lie sa vs There's only one mu!c, an dang fat either." I!e l: over that lucid formula until he actual'- go! ii noggin as to what objec "both" referred : hi tin he shook bis fide; with !: rup'.cd by h:;ch obj:!' P.rr.-ailhe.-..-:: I lender:-. a I Mule! Hades!" bri-d.t i.b.-' Next ineriiiii" ' hied him over to ed him out. s';ook Lai-Is showed him the letter, t. !l r'.ence and thus deliver: d did ar!v. TV lor!, s. c cod aiiy. lo-i ::pe i !.p!::i:.-i. TO BE COXTI.VUEO.J ing and come. Helped by His fir While ad-i! : r gladly, I e.-. fleeing from the wrath to Will Xot ;ht I'nder a Hide My I Hushel. Gextlkmen : I will not hide my light under a bushel, for I want the peo ple to know what your Gooch's Mexican Syrup has done forme. For four years I have been afflicted with asthma, and. could not get anything to do me auy good until I got vonr GtKich's M'-xican Sj'rup. I took tlnee bottles and it cured head' Sid v: Br: .' . rue entirely. I give yon this hiv-iug it may be the means of saving sora.e one from a horrible and premature dt ath. Yours under obligtitions, Rev. Tnos. B. W..kwich, Scott Town. O. (lonsnuiTitivps tmr it Tt enres a S'tlil- appointment with nie COUrh as if bv inasric. and U the best ' till remedy ior wnooping congn. irrice, cents. for dulv oualihed and been ap- pohitcd by the court as administratrix, with the wills annexed, of Isaac S. Ro land and of Sarah S. liolanci, neceaseu, all persons having claims against the es tates of said deceased are hereby notified to nvesent them on or before the Tth day of November, l!0.- or this notice wiil ia !. :nl"d in bar of their recovery. All ix rsons indebted to the estates aioresaia brought ycu to Tacubays. One who prefers, lire iv Teh" iiof ili'-d to make immediate the present, to be known to you only a3 s tlei-eiit. " Ti-is November Tth, 1901. Cakmex. MISS LIZZIE B. ROLAND, ; Pendleton folded the letter and re Adminisiratrix. turned it to his pocket. Then he looked leaves & RuckorAttorneys. i at his watch and discovered that it g7-A GOOD NO. 5 HEATER sec- WRS not yet midnight After that he ond haiided, will l-c sold cheap. A bar- p;K,0(j moodily up and down the room p;.iin for some one. xVpply at The Lrih- t ni;uiy tiQU. iwu Office, j .Qf colirse She means to read what- "jr5FOR RENT : Mrs. S. -Canfield ' ever I write to James," he mused, "and .wishes to rent her house and farm on if I say anything in explanation of my the Iliekory Nut road, one half mile absence the-message will not go. The from town. ' only thing 1 can do is to tell him to let "ira" : things stand as the3' are until later. S&GSlCfl OSgSepSBa UISS 8nd I must do that; otherwise he wiil Digests What you at '; out of the city before I am out of not keep it. If you have ccme here to : .'. er-Iojs'al ab'llty :. t'ohmel I'.roa ! .. ;-. !pcd bi;a ccn : .. ".ai pi-(;posIti-:n. : cogii'iir.en. well ;e trump of fame, eduction among flrn:i gs up imr.ges of - ne. ;:.' wisdom. The beauty of it is that the man lived up to the name. Lately some fellow's Ingenuity has demonstrated that the war of 1S12 was produced by a pig getting Its h ad fast in a fence i i Connecticut or Bh'.de Island. It happened in this wise: In some particular pre iaet a red.-ralist voter put off leaving hr.me for the polls the last minute possible for las reachinor tin- voting place in time, lie was hurrying as fast as bis legs could ; fu'I of wisdom a:; any of .l.n-i; Br,,.s , by's: "Jones, you have one gi.e.l farm; , I have au'dht r. This ire : -!y iiode Isn't worth over f 2 . If v.- g . t. !a v j rboi:t It. in J2 nioidhs ;. -.::dh. . l will be livin? on f ;r::i. .! !! -i derson u mine, and we'll I.e '.'. : t': ; -:!J. We'd be a pair cf pr;;:e d e:'; y-s ; to do that. Bet's settle the Ida I : case here and now bet wet u uvse! .-cs." And settle they did by I.::!v!i:g lie : mule. That letter was t-.o rio.l joke to keep. It ;rd or.t so.! i !i..v i r somehow else and was nuts for the . lovers cf fun every wLii-a j Andrew Jackron. i We are given t; t-o mr.f-li rc!f cn ; Kratukitiou oa our w.-ii'l war v.iih Crrat Britain. B:t we would imt have i come oet of th.- lilueiiy struggle v.iih ! much u lat if one Andicw J.-ek-.i.ii h i 5 not walloped the bh.ody i:ri:i:iar in , a most ooustir.imate am! aMoundiag ; n::::i:ier at New Orlears on St. Jack ; m:i'k :iay in the mor'ihig. And It i.i a curious fact that that giorii.us event would P.eVi-r have beppvued except l!:rt. after a tremendous tussle, (! IBekcry was elected major gen.-rJ of the Tennessee militia -by one majority. Consequently, bid not bis pigship ' got hi.; head Into too small- a crack ii! that old Virginia worm fence bi ! New Ilmrkind. there would Lave U-cn Ha war for sailors' rights. To Nst to Co Sneered At, Cdonel P.roadber.d's political cr.refT came near being nipped in the bud mid dying "a-'oornin." He was b-cted fnua Pike to the legislature by two nsijorl- the liilT . the 1! nrieifi ro;il, Jo) ii Henry's line, rtiuning v.ith ids I::m sii'.ithw s ! p- I" a pi:ic. ).i ti.i n r ; tbeii'-e w ;i!i bi lin- lHtvtli a.-t 47 pf'es to a Ma'-.' in said line; ij.ct'cu witli line of th" Krv. in e;; il nosCi :! tuT .V k.1cs to a htouc; it. .rib '.i'' . v st to a ii':i ; Ce ti' iii t I'ifx li s to the bc;rii)i:iiig. iii!..ii'fi ' r.cn ie.i-e -r 1' i-s. ' 1 be Kiid Lru v. iil 1 -M by virtue f snni uiid v th--a:Vi ni iiv nf :t i.'ifir.;g" 1 d. v it!i full jair'f rjh- inaoe ) y John I ills and ;-e-an ! 'i!is t-. W. ?.. v, Mb-,-:.-, i tie- "irt, :';, n"?'i--ti ixl N'. -i'd i r I ' .... i.i ' '.,., H-J. N. "i'J to v. !ii i. I' 'er-i:' i ;::'. for furtli" r .u!h r- 'i bis f-.-- c :.th, lixtj. W. X:. V.'iT!HuV ! i-cih-.iyt r d Jast: ;ittT!!i vs. By virtue "f ai Hi"'' : nf :. of Kutbrf itl in i::v, ;! s;. iel j.r i- iiii s -;.'il .!, fdiehi'..- !ni!--r i' M. mw, vs. ). i. MiMt.v, and ihrs C. al c. law .;b. m l will, i!l the (itli il.iy if Jai.tte.ry, ;a l! Sit pr.1..;c :jp1i. ti ;;t Ike ... - in lii.t iierb'Z' Ion. b.r r.-h. t. ::- pir- ' la ' 1 :.'or b: irs Vl'.H. ( ll I 111 . two t.Vil :u ! ( i.i Jaini. tl . i.i.''i- i ! i .t ,i : ts ;i r:t:r- ' .'g i Iho finwi r ;iilot d lo .".is I.', li. M tov , lying on the pubpe int I f.n t Ki.- -r t'ily LinI the I-La'id t'tTi. Uu ili ' ianc..- on v. b3i . ,". J. M-.ii-'W. Jut' t.f iluthi-rfonl inwiiy, ! ii, i"io nr ; cniii'-t by iii- viii'ivi. ! :ii:: the-el cii.i, 1 ) U-i rtf-i i, ' ll.'.' i:fty-t v.o (.v.-1 s.i-r s will I - Id j . i to the life s-'i I- .f lie V. irj... . 2. rs : I. . II. Mi.rro v. i.i.d " 111 ' : - a!c ass ts f'H" f i-i.vi:.: ni -f ii- l l : 'I'll.-, ' I.'ovciiil r i"-i!:. l'. ol. e other road, u you will leave yourNew York ! offier yourself as a messenger. I will be j or young man who systematically saves when he hei dress on the table i will communicate with most grateful and, with your permis- j hi, earuiurS wju eventually Income the ing as in gi t u aain: also, should vou care to mmmiiniratd i in . i i i , "'"i"o ,uul i carry him to exercise the highest pre- A philosopher truly says that the boy rogaiive of an American pov. reign. ard one of his pigs squeal- at distress. of B. .M. : Mclh-uer c: J .i .- ..:. : i- m ; ?! r .v. I 1:: 'e, Alt Tie v.: sicn, will reward you to almost any 'I will enable you to keep the ap pointment yourself, senor?" "I cannot imagine conditions that would make me hesitate upon the Ac ceptance of such an offer, my trie nd. What are they? I agree to them in ad vance." T have the key that unlocks this grating that is, .1 have a duplicate, which is as well. I have horses sad dled and waiting, and there is still time for all that is required even if you should wish to send me to the city be fore the hour for the- meeting. If you agree to the conditions. I will accept your word, and we will start at once. j employer of those who spend every cent ! they can get. There is not so much in ; the amount saved as in (lie habit form jed. Business oprK rt unities will incvi i tal ly come to the- young man wbomakes ; the proper effort to prepare himself to ! meet them, and that best way is to save your earnings for f nt lire investment. Exchange. Hove to Cure Croup. Mr. R. Grav, who livt s near Armenia, l Duchess county, M. Y., says: -Cinvm-j berlain's Cough Remedy is the best j medicine I have ever used. It is a fine I children's remedy for croup and never ; fails to cure." Y hen given as soon as. ! the child becomes hoarse, or even af j tor the croupy cough lias developed, it i will prevent the attack This shovdd be 1 borne in cdod and a b-Ntle of the Co-ogh : Remedy kept at i.and ready for ins aut ! tise as soon as these svinptoras appear. "I have already agreed to tbeni with-' For sale by Twitty & TiiO'njv-on. Haw a Pis f.zdz History. Now, it Is a conceded fact among us farmers that there is no more car piercuig or pleasure banishing sound in this noisy world ticm that ir.: de by a pig squealing because his ad venturous bend has been caught In the crack cf a fence, unless it be a Thomas cat developing ids musical ap paratus at midnight's hcly hour. Ko ! the Federalist, burning with wrath against Thonirs Jefferson and all the Democrats, stopped to rescue bis pig. This delayed him so that be lost his vote. The Dc mocrat ic candidate for the legislature was elected by one majori ty. The legislature elected a Demo cratic United States senator by cne majority. The United States senate declared war by one majority, all the Democrats v.jting for 1L That petky pig made several pages of glorious history. By virtr.e '.f -i cm e of ;! ( V :iri of R ir h. rf rd O i r I v ty. With this small margin a a start er be climbed high and with reasona ble rapidity. He afterward l"can.e a member of the state senate, cf a ca ttitutinnal convention and cf ceugre.-s, ILe nominee cf b;s party for ti e i'niio! Statts senate, president of th- A :, :! cau Bar association arid was vol' d f v by his state delegation in a r..'. :.: 1 convention for the presidency itsc'f. which is the ultima I hu!e ' human ambition. On Bos.vortb iicll Hunch back Richard in agony cf son! exeb-.-m M'd.fhiv, llic (jt!i l;:v t .h: imr.rv. .... ...... . lb" '": el;:i:'i-d Jv. ndiilstrafor of the t ri. r vr. K. T. Ib l : IV i. f'.'IMll' it. i f ':. N : Mill'.': v;t nor "'.- i:i r, :.!-Cr- 'l"-y, v. il! v- !' :;T 'm'.-'ic :oj-t if. r. .fj f iv-h tt the c.,urt .u;v in II-5tL 'ilrd lon on ed: hors A horse My And in the fevi death called polities ina and perspiring fandidat vyrnr cf peaes-fnt life f .. vote w'lich often ,: Ihv.a lia ad - v.bl !, that la a cb-sc ..:!;-: jot to le aneezed kT. ui :.o a id.l f.r "i rtain 'f or i 1 m 1..: .i .. . C'.iav.p :l.:v.k. . 1- MATT MCBBAYHR K , -Js---rK tSTHB HIGHJ;.ST C SH F RICi: llle-5ne t'urei P:i.-. Money rt f nnded f it ever f tils. ! w f 1 l- "paid f' ! ?--T- ,.t . ffuri ;ri a or! )