'jllj RUTHERFORDTON, N. C, THURSDAY JUNE 19, L902. Sl.00 A YEAR. VOL. II. W. 24. i-ws W - i" i .V-.-j i Ul-r .j i & Too much housework -wrecks wo men's nerve. And the constant care of children, d:iy and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman . A hasrerard f aco tolls the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, le.HCorrhaea and falling of the womb result from overwork. M Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to J keep her sensitive female organs a ENGLAND REJOICES; EDWARD IS BETTER A SERMON TO SUIT. His Majesty Progressing To ward Recovery. GREAT FETE DAY AT ASCOT Royal Procession Escorts Queen Alex ar.dra and Prince and Princess of Wales to Races ed.by Immense Throng, Tlie FolUs Who Paid For the Dla-com-se Got What They Wanted. Many Maine people who live in a certain part of Cumberland county will well remember one Abner so he was always calieu in his town. Abner was the wit of the village, and be was courmonly selected to take charge of funerals because he was about the oniy man in town who had time hang ing on his hands. A citizen died, a man who never amounted to much, who was never positively wicked, because that would have required more of an Royal Party Cheer, j effort than he was willing to make. 110 was, uowt'vw, iar iuuu&u num uu- LONG AFTER DEATH WOMAN'S HEART BEAT Chicago Doctors Deal With Remarkable Case. DON'T READ IN BED. RARE TO MEDICAL SCIENCE ins a good citizen, and Abner knew it London, June 17. It Is officially an- j much as well as anybody else. Practically Dead, the Heart of Bridgst Dempsey, a Patient In the County Hospital, Kept Pulsating for 8i'a Hours Eefore It Finaily Ceased. in perfect condition. 3 ei t3 Bill tn nsk a certain nounced that King Ldwaru is mucn , ... tn ontll1nf.t t,lf RPI.vJm. hG . . iil HIIOH I IV M- . . w - ' 1 better this morning. i uitc-bed up his old horse and drove to ' The king passed a good night and , u;s house. The minister said he would his progress toward complete recov-1 attend and then tried to get a little in : ery is uninterrupted. The precaution- j formation concerning the late' lameut- avv nonsiirpji nrdprprJ hv his nhvsi- C(L It Is a DantseroTts Practice "While LyliiK Down, Says an Antliorily. Reading In bed is seriously advised, so the newspapers say, by a physician as conducive to "repair and resting," "relieving congestion," "emptying the veins overfilled by prolonged eyework," etc. It is plain that placing the head back in a horizontal position so absolutely meets the whole problem of a relief of congestion by gravity and it is such a very important problem that it sioms strange that people with weak eyes i do not habitually practice reading m n recumbent position perfectly comforta ble. Such advice, carried cut with ab solute care as to light and the position of the book, would In the case of a thousand busy people add largely to the number of hours which reading REBELS HOPE SOGH TO DEPOSE GASTRO Crushing Defeat of Govern ment Irocps by Corcega. 70 KILLED AND MANY WOUNDED it up hi bedi I When it becomes necessary to sit up in bed to get your breath; when the least exertion such as Cno Hundred and Fifty Were Taken Prisone.s-General KctcB, Rebel I walking, Sweeping, Singing, talking or going up and down Leader, Marching On Caracas Rein forcements Await Him at G'jarico. New York, June 17. Owing to th? news of an exodus of a large number stairs, causes shortness ot breath, fluttering or palpitation; then it is time to do something to brace up and strengthen chins are due to the necessity for hus- j "What sort of a man was he?" he is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter : " Glen-l?ane, Ky., Feb. 10, 1901. I am so grind tfcr.t your Wins of Cardui P is helping me. I u fueling better than 1 r.ave Ielt ior yj-u-. j. ;uu iiums i:iy rj own v.ork withouc any help, and I it K-aslied. lust Nvce'c an.l v.xs not one bit tired. That shows that the ftias is incr mo eooa. I a:a pottine nosnier lian I ever was before, find sleep pood n:;rt cut nearly, lisiore i rjegsn uisirg Wine of O.rrhn, I usee! to bav3 to l.-y down live or six times every day, bus now I donor tliijik of lyinpr ilown through the day. Mr.s. P.;chaki Josiss. $1.00 AT iJRCi.i.l.STS. banding his strength in vigw of the tired doin tliau asked. "W'pIK nhnnt the same as no sort of fatigues of the coronation week. There- j a mjm &t repUed Abntr' frankly, fore the king will remain at Windsor i .j suppose his less will be deeply castle today. He was keenly disap- felt in the community?" said the min pointed at being una'oie to attend the j istor. Ascot Heath race meeting today, which j "They're all bearing up well under I he intended to open witii all the state i it," said Abner slowly, j ceremonial of the early days of Queen; "Was he a Christian?" asked the Vint-nrin TTr fcrmf hnwpvpr tn hfi minister. j present Thuisday, Gold Cup day. I Queen Alexandra and the Prince and Chicago, June 17. Practically dead for eight and one-half hours, the heart nf Rrincpt TVmnsfv. a natient in th3 i r n-inv.h ro.i,iin! ' of Preideut Castios suppoiters from i i j - j. ' - - l lii: 11 1 1 i 1 ; 1 1 V' l ut.ii.j " ..v....0 , . . . . rrt - county hospital, has finally ceased : coulj he indulged in without detriment J Venezuela, coupled with recent defeats j your tailing Heart. lake Dr. beating. All action of the respiratory : to the cycs Ur general health. j suffered by the government, the revo- Iles Heart Cure. It is best organs ot tne woman naa ceasea ana Certainly tne one wno gives una ; lutiuuieis aie uuviui ui uiciuwun., the physicians in attendance pra- j strange and pernicious advice could ' Castro in the ensuing month, says a nounced her dead. The heart action, i never Lave tried the plan. Seme years j Herald dispatch fiom Tort of Spain, which apparently had died away, grew ago there was described a patented de- Trinidad. stronger a few moments afterwards. ! vice for suspending the book over the j Four hundred government troops and injections of nitro-glycerine and horizontally placed head of a sick per- i v.- landed at Soro for the purpose ol son whoreny rea-.lir.g wouia ue pot.uie retaking Quira were completely de without holding the bock in the hands. ' feaUa b General Corcega. The gov- Even then one wonders now me ngia i could be made to fall properly on the page. Without n mefhod of the kind ' not even a well person could hold a other stimulants and artificial respira tion were usod, but ineffectually. Still the pulsations of the heart continued with regularity while the woman re mained to all other indications lifeless. For atlTion and literature, address, giving ymp toir.s, "TliC 1-adicr Advisovv LV'aflln-.l:t ,:, The CLattanoota Iiicaicine Co., t'hattaajcua, l'enn. ! Dr. J. H. Mustard, of the hospital "If he'd been accused of it. the ver- I staff, pronounced the case Landry's : diet would have been not guilty and ! paralysis, one of the rarest diseases Princes of Wales went to the races ; tae 1WJ woman i na L icit tiien .u,, ; Known io meaicai science, ine ais- i , , . . ! reniieu Auner eneerimiy. ease is unmanly naraiysis er tne res- "Did he attend church?" asked the ? piratory organs, which does not act minister a bit anxiously. i immediately on the heart. ! The dead woman was 21 years of ago today. said COMMERCIAL RANK. the Pepoi-t of the condition of the Com mercial Bank of Rutherfordton, at Rnth vrfordtou, N. C, at the close of business on April COtk. 1W:. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, Overdrafts Fnniitore and Fixtures Due from banks and bankers. Cah on ha?id 812 99 1,000.00 4,676.10 2,4S1,C4 T -3 T .. t T fTkn n'Hnm-. Bion leit wmasor casne ior ascoi ; jjner Heath shortly before 1 o'clock. Al-, n . diJ he dier, contlnned though King Edward was unable vo , minisier- attend the races. Queen Alexandra,, the . lJust the same as be iive sort of j Prince and Princess of Wales, the ; naturally;" said Abner. ! Duke of Cambridge, the Duke and "j aon't see how I'm to preach much 1 Duchess of Ccnneaught, and the other cf a sermon under such circumstances," guests at the castle and members ot ; said the minister. . "The neighbors all said they didn't I think they wanted much of a sermon, j and so they sent me over to see you." , said Abner. The minister pocketed bis wrath a'nd a five dollar bin. and after the funeral ' the satisfied Abner said. "Well, we got i just what we wanted, b'gosh." Lewis- J ton Journal. and entered the institution two weeks ago to be treated for tubercular meningitis. book live minutes above the eyes. Heading in bed has ruimd thousands of good eyes. Uidcrs one sits up in bed as if i.n a chair it is impossible to hold the book in such a position thrt the arms are not quickly tired and ?. that the light falls on it properly. WU- reading lying down, there is a tract!.;;! upon the inferior recti muscl- t 5 : !; 5 '. highly injurious. Every c be warned never to re:;d when sitting up as vera- ; chair. American Medicine. of all. "I could not. rest at night and often had to 6it up In bed to breathe. The least exertion would make my heart palpitate dread fully. Our doctor prescribed Dr. Miles' fleart Cure and it com plctely restored mo to health." I1U3. ii IJ. iiC ti-ELVEY, .".I., cr. le 1 cicc ":y as in lit a ANOTHER CHANCE FOR HOBSON He STRONG PULSE BEATS. Total $oO,6-27.10 LIABILITIES. Capital stock .$10,000.00 Surplus E0C0.O0 Undivided prof ts 4)J0 D. pn-d:.; subject to cheeks 19.072.29 Casl iier s checks 05.65 Total I, J. F. Flack, cashic-r of The Cominer rial ankfvf Rut kerf r.rd ton, do solemnly RTt-artJic ubovc s.t-ent is true to the be.si; of my kumvledge and belief. J. F. FLACK, Cashier. State of N. C, Rutherford County. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of 2Iay, 1002. M. O. DICKERSOX, C. S. C. Correct Atter-t : T. E. Tv.-itTV, Joitx C. :.IiTJLt;, 31. H Justice, Directors. the court all participated. The proces-; sion was the first fall state parade of j that description since the death of thi j prince consort and consisted of eignt carriages, each drawn by four horses. The mounted equerries and gaily liv- $21,650.37 i eried postilions and outriders formed an imposing cavalcade. Leaving the palace quadraegla by the George IV gate, the royal cortege drove down the famous long walk, which was lined by cheering crowds and crossing the re view ground, the procession reacheu the new mile gates and passed up the course to the royal pavilion. In spite of the inclemency of the weather, immense crowds assembled about the course and the royal party was everywhere warmly welcomed. The royal inclosure was brilliant with ladies' dresses and the picturesque coz- i tumes of Indian princes. W hile large numbers of special ambassadors, colo nial premiers and diplomats, including j -r-r M'l. " -i ........... "t, TTtiHq'I ! nenry vvune, biieiaij ui uuilu i States embassy, and Mis. White, John R. Carter, second secretary of the em bassy, and Miss Carter and Miss Choate, Mesdames Montgomery-Sears and Adair and ether Americans were present in the inclosure. United States Ambassador Choate, Mrs. Choate, Whitelaw- Reid, the special ambassa dor of the United States to the coro nation, and Mrs. Reid did not go to Ascot. All the big houses in and around Windsor and Ascot contribut ed their quota to the fashionable throng. POULTRY POINTERS. $30,627.10 IMouth CvKOUXA, t 111 Superior Court, Batherf ord Comity. Eefore the Clerk. William Walker, administrator of Lu- WEARIES CF HER AGED SPOUSE. i'anneu, txccaseti, vs r - T -r "T 1 y t Ucjuuhct u aiEcr, i-.wrst Married Him for His Money, Now She Deserts Him. Game ehickens hare more meat In proportion to their height than any other breed of fowls. When the chickens are growing fast, it is a good plan to mix a little bone meal in their soft feed. Smearing whole wheat with kerosene or turpentine and feeding it to the i chickens is a good remedy for gapes. ! Adding some carbolic acid and put- i ting on hot will secure much better re suits from the whitewashing of the poultry house. While it is at no time- advisable to keep food of any kind before the fowls all the time, it will be an advantage to keep milk where they can drink all they want. Fowls do not run together in large numbers. They will always divide into flocks of small size and will select dif ferent feeding grounds, always pro vided they have the opportunity. A growing chicken, like a growing animal, requires plenty cf good, whole some food supplied liberally and often in order to enable thern to grow and mature rapidly and to develop proper ly. Tliere Was a L.Jmlt. "I am glad they moved away," re marked the good housewife, speaking Is Granted Leavs of Absence and j May Ee Retired. j Y7ashington, June 17. Captain Ricn- i mond Pearson Hobson has neen grant-! ed a three months' leave of absence, : and it is stated that upon tne exp'ra- ; tion of that leave he Is to again go before the retiring board. Captain , Hobson is still very much troubled ' with his eyes and he thinks his case is one of which the retiring board can take-cognizance. ! When he went before that body be- ; fore the members cf the board held that the trouble with his eyes, beinr prospective in its nature rather than present, they could not declare him ; incapacitated for service in the con- ; struction corps. It was because of this holding that special bills for his retire ment were introduced in both houses of congress. The senate committee re ported favorably upon the senate bill and that is now on the calendar. Tha house committee has, however, decid ed to postpone action until next session. Cases In Vhich TUcy Are Perceptible to tl;e Eye. "It Is not such an uncommon thing." j gaid a physician, "to tind a person j whose pulse beats can to plainly seen, j and yet I suppose there are but few , outside cf the profession who realize ; thp fact. In most persons the heat j of the pulse cannot be perceived, but the mere fact that the beating is per ceptible does not mean that the pulse is other than normal. I have come ernn-cr.t lost 70 killed and many wounded, besides 150 men taken prU-cneis. General Met or army, wmeii is marching on Caracas, has reached Ca nnes "iircuta to Guarko, where rein ov; ; nt-s are awaiting the revolution. r-.y :r. Guarico was recently oc- .;!"-' Ly a large body of revolution-i-.s. a pottion of whom are invading Bj: hI oho district, under the command The Earquismeto district is almost ; Sold by druggists on guarantee, entirely in the possession of the insur- rjr. Miles Medical Cat Elkhart, lad. gents. General Valentine Perez has 400 insurgents via Barral".s. Oenei al Alexander Ducharme marching from Maturin with a larye lutiomsts. The insurgents have held ! - rll, f(11. .,. tee town since June 8. which still remain due and unpaid: General Ayala. with 700 men. in ; therefore, for the .satisfaction of raid Coro. has been besiegett by General I taxes due, I will sdl at thft court honso Palin, Tenn. Ih. Maes' !eatt C stimulates the digestion, in creases the circulation and i makes weak hearts strong. sent ? -. Sale of Land for Taxes! Venezuelan Troops Fire en Vecsel. St. Thomas, D. W. I., June 17. Ad. across u number of cases where the ly 7th, J!K2, the following flosen'jed lauds. E. A. Martix, Tax Collector. vices received here from Georgetown vuere uie , r r " "'isouth west of town. throbbing cf the wrist could be plainly ; mat tne Norwegian sieamer (l w seen, and yet the persons rarely gave , turn arnvea at uecrgsiov-n mai mur.i evideuce of abncrmalitv in tempera- I ing from Venezuela and the chief of- i fleer reported that Venezuelan revori ! tionists "corse raacdered" the vessel ' June 6 at Barrancas. About 250 reva lutionary troops were embarked and RUTHnllFOKDTOS TOWTJSHIP. O. P. Carson, estate, CO acres of land ljnlance on taxes ture. They were rarely feverish and were in good physical condition gen erally. Pulses of this kind, from this view, which is based upon actual ob servations of eases, do not indicate anything more than an abnormal phys ical condition in the formation of the wrist veins. I have met with one case which was possibly a little extraordinary in conveyed to Eolivar,. after which Cap tain Meling was allowed to resumo command of the ship. The vessel was taken to the other side of the ba7, where she loaded cattle. On her re- ! turn vovae. when passing St. Felix. G. D. Carrier, 1JG acres of land oil Stone Cutter creek, taxe and cost, $ 13. 1 0. .Tanu-s Hill heirs, ",2 acres of land oil Pores Ford raid, taxes and cost, $1.70. h'rr.niuu Spkinvm Township. W. M. Entler, 17 acres of land, taxes and cost, l.20. A. II. Ehmtoa, 25 acres of hind on Floyd's creek, taxes and ct, .l.0;$. E. L. Duncan, 27 acres of land on Eroad river, taxes and cost, !.&7. James Dills, 20 aeros of tend on Rich- NSBRASKA REPUBLICANS. Eve of State Convention Seven Gun- j ernatorisl Candidates. Lincoln, Neb., June 17. interest In ! tomorrow's Republican state conven- ccunt the pulse beats without touching tion centers almost wnoiiy in tne nead ; tbo imitient's wrist. I could see plainly of the ticket. The seven prominent ' enough to keep the record, and in order candidates for the governorship who . not to err in my calculation I tested it . . , - li.at u was plainer ruu m. trool tni on Uie Jottm Mtaw- ., tx .wl cost, !.. b,"r,!. Tbo a,'.cry ! two veE3?,s. Km,r.B Ca,.a,n 5.c- J ri,,, C2 sen, of bl. inz ana wounume & riiissuuKvi v- The government vessels pur sued the Jotum, but she succeeded in escaping. wrnl,i risp to :: noint almost as large ! in as the ball cf the little tinker of a i Nunez. child and would change from the white of the skin to a blood purple with each beat of the pulse. 1 found it easy to have had their headquarters establish ed since Saturday were doing active missionary work today among the few delegates on the ground, but so even ly divided is the strength of at least in several ways and found it was cor rect and that there was no mistake In my counting with the naked eye." New Orleans Times-Democrat. COLOMBIAN REVOLUTION. five of them that the best political j Walker, et Knoxvlllo, Tenn., June 17.-Married of borrowing neighbors heirs at law of Lneretia Pannell, de ceasea. Notice. T1 : mn-residents in the above enti t.ird v.: t;in, to-wit : Sic Kinney Walker, ; - Walker, Morgan Walker, Mrs - Thompson, Wilfy Wall, and the !. ' . i of Ivlrs. Minerva James (names : I : wn), Joserdi Critnu, A. R. John - Louisa Johnson, Oiiver Johnson, -vi1 ' lie. children of Mrs. Sarah Hollilk-ld iiif h not known), will ii.-.t a special proceedinsr .iV-ovo has been commenced in the Supe rior court of Rutherford county before th? ClTk to subject a certain tract of land, lyinj": in Rurherf'id county, to sale io create sissets with wl i.-ti to pay debts lifuiiist the estate of the petitioner's in testate: And the said non-residents will in May, seeks divorce in June, is the j story of John Nelson's matrimonial venture with Lillian Henderson. He is 70 years old. Just six weeks ago he married Miss Henderson here, but Ids Creams of wedded bliss were short indeed, and one morning he awoke to find her gone from his side. It was only after a long search that he succeeded in find ing her. He is wealthy and she mar- take notice ( r;ed ajm for his money. The end is entitled as ! vi.f., ci1, noa forsaken him and hfi i alleges in his bill for divorce has gone to live with a former sweetheart of hers. Descendant Washington Family Dead. Chicago, June 17. Mrs. Julia Au the Washington family, died here to- lurtner tae n.ru e. rnat . tui ax-; leqmi- , crum Davidson, a direct descendant of .I'll Ml iiujn.il uu- vuir. ul mi wu- i his office in the court hous m the town ! day. aged 87 years. Mrs. Davidson'? of Rutherfordton on July 12th, 1902, to ! grandfather was Colonel William answer or demur to the petition in said j vaehintrton and an own cousin of who had just left tlie neighborhood. "I was willing to lend them a loaf of bread occasionally or half a dozen eggs or the washboard or the lemon squeezer, but when they got down to sending the little girl over to borrow pennies to give the organ grinder 1 began td think it was nearly time to draw the line; and, to cap the climax, one day they actually asked me to come over and take care of the baby while they went out to do the shopping!" Uncertain Aboiit Her Age. A Boston servant, like many of her class, does not know her age. She lias lived with one family eleven years and has always been twenty-eight. But not long ago she read in the newspaper of an old woman who had died at the age of 100. "Maybe I'm as auld as that raesilf." said she. "Iudade. I can't re number the time when I wasn't alive." Boston Christian Register. Orisrln ol the Fittttle-ismilie Flag. prophets confessed their inability to; One ot tue most common uewces even signify the possible winner. There sed cn the American flags during the was talk during the morning of abol- early part of the Revolutionary trug ishing the usual custom of renominat- So was an embroidered rattlesnake ing the remaining state oScers anc! i above or below the legend "Don t tread fixing up an entirely new slate, but active efforts in this direction were postponed pending more light on the gubernatorial puzzle. on me: The origin of this design has been traced to a remark made by Ben Franklin. At the time the flag was adopted, or immediately before, Eng land was shipping her criminals to America and turning them loose on the defenseless colonists. After sev ! eral murders had been committed by thesp unwelcome immigrants Ben !t3 Overthrow Seems Complete LeaJ ers Flee to Venezuelan Territory. New York, June 17. The overthrow of the Colombian revolution appears to be complete, says a Port of Spain, Trinidad, dispatch to The Herald un der date of June 10. Leaders of the revolutionary forces, including General Urlbe-Uiibe anfl other chief commanders, have arrived in after escaping irom tne t,oiomoiai , iuf Q.; McKiimey, troops by the Mc-ta river. They wer5 taxes and cost, .:J.24. pursued for eight days. The leaders ! first went to Ciudad Bolivar and hur ried thence to Caracas, where they i hope to obtain further assistance from President Caatro. R. L. Fite, 1G acres of laud on Rich- I anhson's creek, tuxes and cost, -l.(iO. Amanda Ford. 19 acres of land on Dill's creek, taxes and cost, $1.27. Frank McEntire, 4:1 acres of tend, tax es and ent, SstAl. D. T. McBrayer. 3S acres ot land on Dill's creek, taxes and cost, 1.M. Jr.de Martin, 8 rcivs of land, taxes and cost, 94 cents. A. C. Robbins, 81 acres of land od Broad river, taxes and cost, $3.53 T. M. Robbins, 4.J acres of land on Broad river, taxes and k t, Aj.Oi. Drury Wilkins, "4 acres of tend, tax : cs and tost, 4.44. O. A. Collins. 32 acres of tend on Is Caracas, Venezuela, disheartened, jaiia yov roud, taxes and o.-t, f?.i i. "5 sieics of laud, International Mining Congress. Butte. Mont., June 17. Secretary Mahon, of the International Mining ! congress which meets Sept. 1, has re-1 ceived a message from Charles S. Fee, i franklin (some say in a joking spirit general passenger agent of the North- suggested that the colonists retaliate NOTICE! sikciaij tkkm ok srrKitiort rorur. Notice i:? hereby riven that a Fjwrinl term of court will le hM in Rutherford Declines to Use Title Conferred. Chicago. June 17 Rev. John Thorns- eon, pastor of Centennial Mothodhst that he will never use the title nf county. North Carolina, commencing ern Pacific railroad, to the effect that i by sending a cargo of rattlesnakes to ; doctor of Divinity, which was confer June 30th, VM2, and coiithicir.x to July the mother country and turning them red cn hiia tast week by Taylor unl-1 i.2ti, i;k,2. as first term. Second term procewlinp;, or the plaiutik will apply to George -Washington. Mrs. Davidson, then a girl of 10, was present at Colo nel Washington's home near Charles ton, S. C, when the Marquis de La fayette visited there in -1825. the court for the relief demanded in his petition. Dated May olst, 15)03. ' il. O. ' DICKERSON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Ruther ford County. McBraycr & Justice, Attorneys for Pe-tiouer. Notice. By virtne of a mort;rap,'o deed dated June 5, lbso. executed, by Henry Hodge and wife, Mary, to Frank Coxe to secure a note, of even date for the sum of $3 00, which mortgage is recorded in the re- j cords of mortgages for Rutherford coun-1 ty in book No. A, pa;;e. 27, I will offer j for sale to the. highest bidder for cash at ! the court house door in Rutherford ; county, ou I June 80th, 1002, at 12 o'clock m., all the following de- scribed la 'ids to-wit : Lj hv, on the wa ters of Mountain creek in the county of Rutherford and Htate of North Carolina where the said Henry Hodge lived in j 1885, adjoining the lauds of Mrs. Laura I Ilieks, (t. W. Lopan, Bryant and others, j containing acres more or less. Sale ' Cleveland to Address Class. Princeton, N. J., June 17. Former President and Mrs. Grover Cleveland le.'t here today for villa JNova, fa., where Mr. Cleveland will deliver an address before the graduating class of St. Thomas college. The college will ; confer upon him the degree ot tloctor of jurisprudence. An Exchange of Coartesies. "No, sun." said Mr. Erastus Pinkly. "I nebber sold my vote to nobody." "But that candidate gave you $2." "Yassir. I doesn't deny dat. He jes come along an gimme dat two, an' when a gemman comes along an' gives you $2 fob nuflin' it ain't no mo' dan common reciprocity to vote foh 'irn foh nuffin'." Washington Star. the Wectern Passenger Traffic asso ciation has determined to offer a rate i out in the gardens of the nobles, of one fare plus $2 on all trans-conti- nental lines to the congress at Butte. Speaking: of Hoynlty. An attendance of about 10,009 dele- Damocles had been invited to dine gates is already assured. Several j with the king of Syracuse. Upon t:ik questions of prime importance are ta ing his seat he instantly saw the sword be considered, among which are the hanging by a nair above his hoau formation of a department of mining; and mines with a cabinet portfolio i and the laws. codification of the mining 'Frisco Capitalist Killed In Runaway. San Francisco, June 17. Herman A. Tubbs, a well known capitalist of Sa: Francisco, and a member of the Tubbs Cordage company, has been, instant!? killed near his home in Sausalito In a runaway. a girl remarked Wfcat She Says. "A man can't tell whether means what she says," he thoughtfully. "Of course not." she replied. "If he thinks she does, why she just naturally doesn't the moment she finds it out, and, if he thinks she doesn't, why she does." Chicago Post Failed to Make His Record. Minneapolis, Minn., June 17. A. A. Hansen, the long distance cycle rider who sought to make a 1,000-mile motor cycle record, has failed in the attempt. After he had completed 370 miles well inside the time limit of 50 hours which he had set, he was thrown from his wheel into a ditch and was rendered insensible for several-hours. He was not injured severely, but the shock of the fall and the time he had lost were sufficient to put him out of the contest, and he will make another trial later. "1 suppose," he said to the king, "you call that the hair apparent" Di onysius, pretending to see no humor in the remark, replied, "1 don't know about that, my boy, but if H fais up n your head it wili make hoi.ie rrown prints." This shows that tie ancients were not averse to joking even iH'der trying circumstances. 'e:.v York Times. vereity. "In my judgment, said he. "the degree should be given to men who have gained scholarly attain ments or have accomplished greit things in their work. The question is not one to be settled by a decision as to whether the school is big enough, but whether the man is big enough, be advertised by the County Cnmmiiv lie should be judged by himseit and j fcio!10rs This 3rd day of June, 1U02. not ey me u.yiu u .u.( p jOXEJs, Clerk of Board. ana cejirces uetua. commencing July 14th, 15302, and con tinuing two weeks ; or more if nee ssary. Paid term of court is for the purr of i trying civil cases only, orderrd by the 1 Governor of North Carolina. Caused to Treaty of Friendship. Madrid, June 17. It was announced Arkv Vi-if !io Snnnish-AmfiricaTl trea to satisfy balance due on said note with , . . . , . . . . . interest 'and expenses. This May 26th, of friendship will not be ready for 1902. FRANK COXE, Mortgagee. conclusion before the autumn, when Per Jnstiee & Plc ss, Attorneys. the return here of United States Min ister Bellamy Storer is expected. Struck Rich Oil Well. Louisville, June 17. A special lo The Evening Post from Mt. Sterling, Cruelty. ! Kv. savs: Parties boring for oil at a man in town was ar- ' the Levee, near he-re, struck a rich flow of black lubricating oil at a depth of 280 feet. Tne well is averaging 50 barrels dally. Pythiar.s Convene at Madiscn, Wis. Madison, Wis., June 17. The an nual convention of the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias and of the grand Templar Rathbone Sisters be- j The LeoSi. gan here today with wo delegates in Chumpley That hypnotist Is a fraud. attendance. One of the matters tn He couldn't control my mind at all last come up for discussion is the proposi night. j tion to make an assessment of $1 per Pokely Of course he had some ex- capjta for the establishment of a Pyth cuse? I ian sanitarium at Hot Springs, Ark. Chumpley Yes. . ne Raid tbere was j no material to work on. You ought to have heard the audience give him the laugh! Tit-Bits. Bill I bear rested today for cruelty to animals. Jill Is that so? "Yes: the fellow had a tapeworm, and he refused to feed it" Yonkers Statesman. iioi!tsl Eyspspsla usq Digests what you eat. The Tribune from now until January 1903, for only 50 cents. Light mortals, how ye walk your life minuet over bottomless abysses, di vided from you by a film! Car lyle. 50 cents gets The Tribune from now until January, 1903. Queen Wilhelmlna Improving. Berlin, June 17. Queen Wllhelmiua Of Holland is convalescing at Castle Schaumburg, in the vallsy cf the tahn. A Secondary Con.sideratl -n. "She's alius so 'fraid of somebody swipin dat dog." "Am It wuff anytMng?" "Waal, in dis byah neighborhood a t'ing doan have to be wuff nufiin to git swiped." Puck. THE BOOK STORE The place to Iniy BOOKS, STATIONER SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ETC. Rev. Eugene Hoffman Dies. New York, June 17 A dispatch ta the Associated Press from Plattsburg, N. Y., announces the sudden death today of the Rev. Eugene Augustus Hoffman, D. D., dean of the general theological seminary of the Protestant i Episcopal church. He was in his sev-j J . Q. cnty-iourin year. A. L. GRAYSON A Sad Case. Pat Poor Mike is did. Terry Yisl He niver aven lived to Injoy his life insmance. Baltimore World. Apostclic Delegate In Philippines. Rome, June 17. Very Rev. Thomas O'Gorman, bishop of Sioux Falls, S. D., who has been in Rome for some Umz, j will probably be selected apostolic rllpea.(.A In the I'bilicTjme lslancs. i . a DENTISTS. Marion and Hutherfordton. All work jruaranteed. Our prices reasonable. Subscribe for The Tribuuxe. publised every Thursday evening. It is ! The Tribun-e is all-home print, and Subscribe for The Tkibcsf, and gt the only paper published in the county, the uews when, it news. Jllodol EJyspepsia Curo Digests what you mt A -.