7 rm i 1' ifti" ill 1.1 1 l I r jtjC 1 Cf 10 i ij i VOL. II. NO. 25. i- -t- . r m Kd j uvl,,-.,.!. t i iwiiiu;;i: oou.tCV, OIK Wi eC'lCS WO- l-ieis neivo;. AnI the constant carejol .;iure, day and nfrht, is oi j. too trying' for even a strong "tvonjmi. A hag-gard face tells the slorj- of the overworked liou?ev.-iie andjir.otlsvT. IVrangvd menses, 3 j.'iyniii-a tn.l i Hinnr cf the wob result from overwork. i-Vv-vy Jiousew'to ra-eds a rmedv to legniate her meibes ami to her:' her lidv1 fe.milc Gorans in perfect c-oed!,..-,n. U is for t'iOiiand. oi' en to-day. it r-.-rrecI I that U why tiie :'. v, res ilr- iw this t't-iijik letter: OToiL-'oane, Ky., Teh. 1'k 1HC1. k', . 1 -j" p-u; Ou,: y.:-r "v.';:oof Coraui t ; o. -j v.'K v;f any hf.:, u.id i U . : . ! '. -.Vf : hi. I s or - d t-..i:( I iv.'f wsi .?,-1 c, :.:d si; -P .-(.od ft si.eo AT DJUVtU i:Pl-.i:;s '..!,-::.;; j:l !cu:i;v Co., r :;;;.;.. ' i . C0.HER0iAL DANK. Hepurtof the coiidition of the Com mercial Eaj.-k of K'.;r3r-rf.-rdt'v:i. at Ra:V ci'tor.ti-iii, jr. C. ar riir vlo?v of i-n.sine:-.? on Ata-il -v.-th. '.(;. i Ioar..4 and. diseoants, v -ru-uts Eviriurare and Fix tin- s ! ''" '' '- l:-ik. and hanki iv C':: ;! ;1 liaiid T. fruJ i ! LIATIILIT Cai-irj:! fc'ui-; (!.! I'1!;::--:,!: j,-.-, .Cr-; I-:v'i-..;t- ;::"j.;cr to i L.-'diS Cash! r .s ;;, . -k: Tor d .2i,!ini?.:;T d. .()!) i.eoo.oti l.!.?o. I) &,":: i .h . i s-i'.fi'.i.i.oo. h- o o ; -i t:.'; I V.Kl'-'i ;;.,..-;5 I ! A'O.fT.'); I, .I; F. Fleck, carl '. r of Tlio C :mor rial ".ji:d:of ihivia rdron, d.-. si.l.-.nnly K-A-.e.jy.h.? alH.'V:- rateir.eiit is true to the o r o.i sey kuo-.vi i j.;e and keJ-.-f. ; .7. i FLAt.'K. V. ah ai:uy .wu :: rud sub.-:ei ibc;' t!e::- jh day oy j -1 . id:' Corjrocd--Aihr : Lef. (J. C. T. Ji.'T. dr. '; . .IlLLS yi. II. :, l)::"e;(.rr;. i o;;"'r i '.:::i r-:, , In Mipar-.or ('.' nrt. fore ;. CI' iL.thn; i' vo ( 'o.iu:y. ( i'. V: iia: 1 ' .'.'. . :.';!. :liii.-;tratov of Lu cretia' iVair.flj. d.-f -as, d, ; I Walker, ct ! V.".: "vrr, (' Hi. !ic:ir- a; -i-.. "- : i ai rauu'-ji. ,; t . -. i - , , core- XOTif.T.. ri"r.e,non-if shlejits i-j the above cn till- d yftion, t.s-wir: MeKiun-w V.'nlkcr. i--'-nb Walk, r, "Morgan Walker, Xrs' Mr.ry j'j;b.o.n;K,Ki, Wihy Wail, an-1 the c hilar: ii 3!rs. I-Jin: rva Jaan-s ( iiamea iMt ki-ov.-;-), .bv --;; ( io m. A . j; .pa.... t--o.!. Ivoiasa .1 w :v: uJ'v- .Tok.nson, and tla-eiaiar a'.,' ;r . ;' -dlin.j id Cia'a-lS !i.t !.:.'!-,-.: I h :; V.. 71. ,:-;.-.(. tliai; a y;,-;; above ':;;:-; :.;- rhr c-i ,1 (,.' 1 !a ' k i.-riih-d as '"a i" ti;e ttap-'-eo;:i!y b' i'ora ! -vrra-ii tra-f of ford, t -a;iry, to sate ; hiel to ;;iy (b-brs ' a. "i 1-. a. again-, ; t' .-lot .-v 1. .e , i ttiojicr s '.-tat'j.: iiii-said I'.o'i-rcr.ideiPs - ariinjr iai.e noii.-;; that thev ere rea d to ijp.oear V. far- tl-.o ('j- rk o? tla-' ;--riorn-.uVt f'.r ittubevfMvd rren-.h- a t. .1: net it Kiiicr's in- d nou-rcai-baPs will fa nir- C" 511- . .' 1 - JiUtnertMra county at ia. 'i. ,,( iu 1,.;. conn Lous" m the town of iinfherfordtoii 01?. .Inly ISru, V.HY, to answ.y or demur to tho 'oei ition in said pwe-.eii.j-, v tlu- plaiutia will amdv to tao court f-.-.-L-.o r-jief d..?m-mded' in" Wk da;., m. Liutcd Mav Hist. Uy "M.O."LLCK?;.iH)X, L!'r;(: rim i'uperior Court of liutlier- 1 vrd ( 'oaat y. JJeilr.iyer & Juati'-c, Attor-ievs for Po- ny Virtue : a mortgage deed dated ' June;;-;, JS.sr,. exeeuh d bv Henry Hod".? I and wife. luary, to Frank C.:ce to si-cuie : a note oi even date for tho sum of Ap;o, 1 v.Hoh mortaags is i-ecord.cd in th.' rrl : cvAr(;i morrgages for Ilatlu rff.rd f-our-V' 1,1 ','n',-z A, page 27, I v.iU ofiVr i;:rala to tho Idgiiest bidder for cash at i tiie court house door in ilufherford ! county, on I ; .IlliK! i-iitii, lUVrJ, at 13;oVloek m., all the foi lowing de wri bed lauds to-wit : Lying on The wa fers cf Mountain civek in the eounty of Jiut'ei ford ami Stat-: of y.-rth ('erobi-ii whete the -aid U' iiry ibid;-- iiv,,i j., 1 N;-.a.;ad;;oioi ng ti:e lands of Mrs. Laura Ifu-ks, (;. W. Loga.11, i-Jryant aid otJiers, coutaiomg !; acr. .s lu.-ro ,.- le;:s. Sale toaaf'.-fy baa:i'-e due sai, Ji(;:(, .vjV, ititer-.M- ami ex:-n.-"s. This Tday ;(;th lW.:i.i rivAXKCt'XE, Moi-tgagee. ' Peij- .J nsi ;- , i-k ss, Aftorm vs. Ees33 Slyspepsla ass ! Diaesfcs whet you eat. CoIks tito Limit. A drummer named Peek put up at a hotel ia Oklahoma, the landlord cf which was the president of the school board. The landlord, who was a jolly, wludo souh-d fellow, suggested th-it they visit the schools, the president of the hoard first patting on a long tailed coat, saying: "bho adds dignity, an' then she hides my gun. which are a bad example 'afore them children. I don't approve niiybody under fourteen carrvin' a L'UD." After returning' to the hotel from the visit of inspection the president cf the board, now transferred into a laud lord, said: ' Peek, you're a good filler. You ain't goin' to let your light be hid un der a bushel. Peek?'' "No, I ain't." .said Mr. Peck, rather dubious as to the compliment. Well. I te.'I veu what l, o-v tn do for you. p;eii' as you'ro a jjood fel- hr, I'm a-soin'tu have clean shee-ts put put oil your hed. dad me if I ain't:' : Aivfcn-arj. Mi r. Norton came liome from a call o-;; day in s:ch a disturbed condition Li...i. .i w as e-iue;it tes-rs were ::i far m the oafi.jvround. S!u io:-t no time in be;;i;:i:iny her explanation. ".rohn." s!io Kaid to her husband, "1 am so mortified I don't kno.v what f do." "What is the matter, my dear?" nsked Mr. Norton. '1 have just been calling on Mrs. Peverili. You know her husband, Ma jor PcveriiiV" Yes." "We ll. 1 kayo just learned today, to my horror. th:it -major' isn't his ti!l- at ail. 'Maj.r' is his first inunc" '"Why. certainly. I'vo ahvay:; known that. Wiiat is there so mortifying abort it?" "Xolhintr." said Mre. Norton. Ayitii a firoan, "only thai I've been calling him 'major every time I've met him for the last six mouths.'" London An swers. TI:c "Cvy" cf S3IT-:. One of tlie most p-eeuliar features nhoiit manui'acturod silk is the rusthny so:md familiar to every woman. In tko r.ii!: tradi! they call it the "cry" or sr met; men the 'scroop." Of all textiles silk i he only material which pos- Slf'SOS it. As everybody knows, tin? sound is ! hoard ospo;"a:!y when silk is subjected : i '- 'oi.;;:;. Wnat is ::ot so jroueraily : knov.m ia that the (inahty is found in sk yarn bofoic i.t is woven. A skohi ; Cf jHk. miless it has lucn to treated as io ims property m it; will when cpe-nd up emit the noise slightly. ' ',!':; the skein i.3 squeezed in tho hand, the sound becomes quite audible. The cry" is considered a very desir- a! Qi-dity in silk. Dyers try to de- vc;op it as much as possible. t't?c-.v recti? A ;s;;Inr:s. Short 'y after Mr. Wiba.a Barrett jeiaed i!:e theatrieal profw.-don he be-ca:;n- a nu mber of a comtsany perform ing at the old Theater Royal. Iublin. His p;;;-t. !ati:rally. was a small one. and. f. really to Lis; surprise, his tint s:;e.:i was u-eetod with a round cf applause. This 11 n looked for tribute oiat; d ihe young a; tor, and he e::erteil h:m.--:-:r to sustain the gend imp-rossion he app .ared to have made. Ja-t ;iS he was h-a.vi:ig the theater one of the sceim shifters grhmiagly ac costed him and s-.id. "iiure. it's ,-i.t ai cut anions the hhcys ihat ye're a brother of the man that was hung:' A Feu:;. 11 mimed Eari-cU had that morning paid the ex treme penalty of the law. .-n A:5Sra Ci.'Kicri tn VieTine.. iii ienna every mans home is his dungeon from 1-j j. n. to ti a. ni. Vienna Is a city of-thus, and at 10 i. ni t. ; co amcn entrance door of each .dock is ; emsrd and bolted. Thereafter persons i b'dr.g in cr out must pay a line' of I twopence to the concierge until mid- n'!'S'- d fourpenee from that hour to ! (1 a. ni. To go oat to post a letter costs twepence and the same amount to re ; turn. To prolong a visit to a friend ; after 10 p. m. mean:; twopence to get out of his house and twopence more to . enter your own. A natural r'esait of ; this irrilatmg tax is that of all capital i c-ii.ca Vienna, is earliest to bed. Srartrs- His Frelin-s. Ilcttie Now that you have broken your engagement with Fred, shad! you return to him the diamond ring he gave you? Minna--Certainly not. Ilettie. It would be cruel to give him a thing that would be a constant reminder of the happiness he had missed. Boston Transcript. SomnamSnJisEi. Blond persons are more apt to be somnambulists than dark folk, and in co! 1 climates there is more somnam bulism than in warm ones. In certain Greenland villages the hut doors are locked from without by a watchman in order that those within may not come forth in their sleep and maybe freeze I to death. The Cfir.Ejbont. "The captain was loading the horse and bis lieutenant was at the rudder," s-iid a lawyer in an English court re cently, describing an incident in the voyage of a canalboat. "Where was the crew?" Inquired the Ji-dge. rsadlj Mixed Metaphor. London is laughing at the following recent brilliant exordium on the part of an English politician: "We shall never rest until we see the Pritish lion, walking hand in hand with the flood gates of democracy." St. James Ga zette. If you have diamonds, be thankful, but don't hohf them up to the eyes of poverty in a street car. Schoolmaster. The Tnm'NK from now until January 1003, for only 50 cents: KUTHERFOliDTON. N. C. THURSDAY- JILXE 2. l02. MAN AND WOMAN BLOWN 19 ATOMS Deadly Explosive Is Placed Under House. TRAGEDY WORK CF ENEMIES. Explosion Occurred Whiis Occupants Were Asleep Eaby in the House Was Thrown Quits a Distar.cs but Escaped Injury. iinoxville. June 23. A special The Sentinel from I.aFollette, says a terrific explosion occurred at the iaib roaa camp of William Park, 4 miles frcin tliat place this morning about 2 .' o'clock. I Ilerci Jones and Martha Chapman were literally blown to pieces and I the house in which they were sleeping ; was demolished. A baby also in the Jl0ViSe "as thrown ouice a distance bot "-naurt. four cases of dvnamite are reported missing from the maga zine, and it is thought these were placed under the house by enemies of the Parks. There is now no clew to i the guilty parties. AMBUSHED DY COWBOYS But 1 hey Are Routed, Leaving Five i Dcid cn F-icId, i Albuquerque, N. M.. June 21. Five cowbo;.s have been killed in a fight near Tucumumari, with "Jv.!l" Lee, 0f Dona Ana county, an old Indian fight er. ; Lee in watering his cattle eta spring : had walked them through the water against the protest of other cattlemen , who warned him that if he repeated , the act he would be killed. The- next : time Lee, accompanied by an Indian fishier, appeared with his cattle eiht : cowboys were lyinS i!t Vl-rat. Vhi-n : the battle that followed was over five e 1 v ol li.e etgnt cowboys were dead j the other three had fled. and j Lee and his partner, who were un hurt, surrendered to the sheriff. The j names of the dead are not given. MOUNTAINEER KILLS POLICEMAN Fata! Dee! at Elk Park. M. r. n Slain, Other Wounded. Pristok Tenn., June 21. News of a fatal duel between .James Kills, a po ; lineman in the little town of Elk Park, ! N. C, and William Winters, a moun ; taincc-r. has 1 cached here. The men I faeed each other with revolvers and fired several shots. F!':s v.-na vm,.i wniie v iTirSl s -v seriously if net fa-. Jiim.u , ta.dy wounded. He was iu imo nnauted to a physician across mountain from the shootin? the Winters, who ! nr.,. nf ,,m. ers known as the -seven devils." ha a grudgo against the omcer, who had formerly arr-s,! h-o o. , , . -.'. conduct sr.i V.ntifMJ ,:,., .,,. .., TV. l;.: , " iou3aiy, so; FOUR PICNICKERS DROWNED Boys Wers Riding in a Beat When Capsized. It , St. Louis, June 23. Fovr beys were drowned by the capsizing ) a boat at Fern Glen, a icsort 1Z miles from her They are: Fddie Flynn. 17 years old. Robert Regan, 1G years eld. Peter I.arkin, 17 years old. Alphonce Kerns, 10 years old. The drowning occurred at the' annual picnic of the St. Louis Turuverein. Queer Case c; Joseph Hawkins. Richmond, Va., June -J.I. Joseph W. Hawkins, who lives near Mount Jack son. Ya., has recovered from a long spell cf typhoid fever, though advanc ed in years, and is entirely restored except in one particular. He has for gotten how to read. He was a scholar, ly man and a great reader. He no,7 does not know cue letter from anoth er. He feels the affliction deeply and wept wnen lie discovered it Coffin Set Afire; Corpse Burned. Hazlcton, Pa.. June 23. A careless-y placed candle set fire to the coffin con taining the body of two-year-old Mary Hulik at the home of the dead child's parents. Before the flarnqs were extin guished the coffin was destroyed and the body of the child almost cremated. Only the timely arrival of neighbors saved the house from being destroyed. Art Building Will Ccsi $1,000,000. St. Louis, June 21. All the bids re ceived for the construction of the art building which is r,,.. , structure cf , " . 7 . L ,c ulluil iair exceeds ?i,ouu,uuo tne amount apportioned for this purpose. The Art palace is to be a permanent structure. The bids will be taken under advisement. New. Ocean Record. New York, June 23. A new ocean record has been established by the Iin- 01 Caracas wnicn nas arrived hero from San Juan. The voyage of l.tjSO miles was covered in 97 U hours twn ; ard a half nrwW tv rl - OU1S' tw 0 ' and a half unuer the previous record, j Three Killed at a Crossing. Seattle, Wash.", June 23. Miss Hel len Stratton, Miss Emma Ramstead and Miss Jane Miller were killed by a Northern Pacific passenger train at O'Brien last night, while crossing the rails in a buggy. Murdered by Robbers. Des Moines, Ia.. June 21. James Gallagher and wife were murdered by reoDers at uver Junction last night. 00 cents gets The Trisune from new imtd January, 190:3. MYSTERY OF SMITH'S DEATH. Died Among Stranrorc, Refusing To Name Home Adr.'ress. Charleston. S. C, June 20 An air of mj-stery has devtdoned lie re ovr-i-the identity of C. X. Gmith, in char-e of the American Steel and Wire com pany's exhibit at the exposition, who died suddenly Wedjx.cdf.y. "When it was seen that he was s rioucly ill friend-; cf the young man asked Lira to iva thorn t'a3 addrc-s of his parcus iu order ti : they mif;kt he noticed of his condition. Smith de clined to give thij ir-f.Jl.rtl3tj0a. , mends urged him to talk, m he ; would not, and he ck-.l vith his se to : crct when tele-yams vcr? f;( nt to iNaw iorK headquaiters of tii? conipany the ansvrer came ihat no-ta- ; 6 . . Known m tlAi tstablishmnt . w oiuis iamiiy co:moction. He bfc . gan. wor! with the company at the . Parls position and vas put in charge of the entire uifplay at Euilalo end Charleston. ' The steel and wire company . structed the local reprc-ecfatives to spare no expense in t'.e fur.oia! hi - was ounea ar Z: i i i - Gtranfei s wun ms secret r.nio TRAIN GOES THROUGH TRESTLE. Fatal Accident on South Carolina and Georgia Railroad. Shelby, N. C, Juno 20.-A portion u.1 ,;"xea r-5'fin on the South Caro lina and Georgia extension railro 1 1 fed through an approach to the bid over Broad river yesterday a'ternoDu, killing one man and hijuiimi crer a dozen passengers. The dead: LeRoy Crigg, Shelby. The injured: Edward Turner, conductor D. W. Phiffer, trestle master. Riley Whiserant. a negro. A dozen patsenveis. inr bi-Knn- lauies, were also i-jn names are not known . cd, but their About the time the rear coach was vu iae span inst above :ho 1 gincer Albert felt the treitj. ivcr Tii. and opening th Lroalo. sear "-' tar tndre. Fr.ving ad of it except the rear coach and thro box cars. The coach fell precbdratelv r,n fP,t tli.-. t . . . . ' cn tlie brink of tho liver. tuvoHf-r br : the recent rains, and was r-rWymt bv the stone pier supposing the hrid -c. " -" "veu iae passmuers r. Irom a v.atery grave. Ashevide and Hutherfcriton T'cdirosJ to Du.'tt. Asheville. TV f 1 ...... .-... Asheviile and Rmherfoon rS" .vvi i he -ii-: f m..i i.i acti.e wo-i: on ib proposed line will begin at once. The ! T'iywi uriTi K-.-'ji- i-. i - "U11 u -'?-W 1 . cunis. , .L. ,. ! w n ;n ! 1:f1C'!:os U ; w tr'n ttt the I-vf erfoni cud. : ii;c courract ?ivcs Mr ' ,'-. -Ml. Cams about tour ycar.V time in whieh to . r,: -.. ph to the road. The bh e -. will be completed in per'm; s ju-.t s-;.:; this time. The exact iocaticii c g e line has as yet not been tfri. Th lead will run via FV. .-, 1 will enter Abbeville from tho s-.uth.-r'. pait cf the city. The len-ih c," tv ro:id from Aslmvilie to Kuth-Tf0'-d-.ui is 40 miles. From AsT:eviIIe th- road will extend to Tennessee. It is no! known who klr. Caais' har k, ers are hi the nicveWr.t. hut it eraliy believed that it is the Jc.-ihoarii May Hang Aftsr 20 Years' Freedom Raleigh, Jane 2 1. Twenty yet.rs ago Fan Gould, a negro. wasW m u:- .3.inc:eu in tats state, hut r short wade before the day anuoiiHeJ for the eacciuion he broke jail and made his escape. This wps in ar.d nothing had ever been heard from 'dm until this week, when a negro f.Ul : pored to be this condemned murderer : wan arrested in Georgetown. S. C. arid will be brought to 'adesboro. If this negro proves to he Gould then the gov ernor will only have to fi: another : aate ror tne execution "0 years Lav- ing intervened Sam Jones Aftsr Moonshiners. Raleigh, June 21. Wilkes comuy has for many years been notoriously the worst county in North Carolina for moonshining. Rev. Sam Jones is mak ing a campaign there and the claim is made that he has induced almost all the distillers to give up their business. Memorial Library Completed. Durham, N. C, June 24. The new memorial library at Trinity college at tVlis iJnnft 5 1 n . . i"tt-c 1S -"'H'mieu.. it is clared to be the handsompsf building in tho Onto The cost is S0O.00O. It is a gift from the Duke family. Gaynor and Greer.e Remanded. Quebec, June 21. Judge Andrews today discharged the motion for con tempt against Detective Carpenter ana has remanded Messrs. t;ivnr.r rn-i Greene to Montreal in charco of ih.c tailor .f ,.h. c Shot Woman and Suicided, Tailey City, N. D., June '..-Jennie ; Daley was shot and killed by William 1 Bennett, her partner in a restaurant, who then committed suicide. The af fair was the result of a violent quar rel. Edwards Killed by Wright. Abbeville, S. C, June 21. Jesse Ed wards was killed near Calhoun mills, in this county, by Manuel Wright in a difficulty about a cow lujung th crop. Beth are negroes. Wright has surrendered. Subscribe for Tite ThU;LTX3. publised every Thursday evening. It is PANAMA ROUTE WINS Senate Choosas Latter by Ka jovity of 3 Votes. SPOONCR AMENDMENT ADOPTSD Measure ss Passed Authorizes Pur c'.acs of Panama Company's Pre;?, erty, nights and Ccncc salons If C! ..--Title to Saras Cen Qc CL-lah Washington. june 2-).Piv--; won. Ey a n.ajoiity of ei. ,'..; . senate has adopted the amendment over the hcuse bill, favored tho Nicaragua route. O c.l-J which After this a-;nu-ent had been a .'-rr r:.n ' ; scnata paaT.i the Panama canal bid I by a vote of 42 to Si. j The Spooner amendment, as amend, i ed and adop-led by the senate, provide: that tho president through the lav j h'ieus cf the government, shall deter- ! ' mine whether a clear title can be oh- i taiued' or the Panama companies' p:-;:,- (' city, rights ana com o?;:or:s. It he' shall bo satisaej that such title cai be ol-tafued, he shall p:ncha?e r.. property, ri-htf. end concessions fc: 10.f-Mj..,a.. if, i:1 opinion, a cleu title eai.act be el tuined, he thall pro ceed to construct an isthmian canal by the Nicaragua route:. The bill provid: s thai a comniiss'm . of sever. Lha:i be appointed by th president to supen if-e the work and ; (o make airaiigciuertti for the details ' of K- It ebo nrovidrs thst cob. in the sura c J: l.i:: ; mieiest, shail be isuod to raise mon ey with which i j ccnctiiei; the canal. COST CF WAP. PHILIPPJNCS. Accorclfrig to Hoct, it Idas Gcst $170,- Wasl;nt:on. June --b Secretary Rcai It- ma le u.r-.ver to the sfjte iv;.c!-;.tkTi or April 17 cailbg for in formatter, as to the cost of the war in the Phiiipph-es. Reports from the v.irieas bureaa ci : ficers are f ubniirtc-d to show the cost 01 the Philippic:; war. iu-iud:ng euc-i-candipg chligctir-r.?. showing that the tcrri up to date is, StTo.Sii;.5:;J. Secretary Foot rcimiks: ! "The present scab? cf r.por.?e in the ' Philippines is. of course, rrcath- -e- ....... . 01 me continuous rcaae- tien of the army made po-aib'e by the xeocOii.yn or tcarcrul condition?. TLjs in the mh: :'a of the fiso-U vcr ending jn-ao 3.1, ma!, there were a! cut 70,(:..a Ameri-r.n soldiers in th i: lands. Timt l umber is new redaee.j to about ::;l,n(.ii. Orde:s have m been issued of the Eighth, Fntetnih. Twenty-feu: th and Twenty-lifth infan' t'y and a s.uadro-i of the Tenth cav alry, and when there orccrs Lave been eiiceutcd the numbfr of Ameihan ts-oofs in the Philippines will have been reducad to lS.;i0o." C5RL'3 CORPS 2 IN OLEEPER. Grevvscr.-.s Find Ma.-fe by Trair.tr.cn In b'ichifjn. F.enuaba, alich.. June 20 At an eariy hour th? trninm?nt cn tho train which left here re o'clock last night 1 ad a grewsome dud. The dead bodv cf Ec-'-sio alatfhevson. of the Sen. v.- , Ida- ed in the berth of a sleeping car before th? ear left bore last night. The girl was from Satdt Ste Mar: 3 and was on her way to Chicago to he troet..d u,r tciCsumptTcn. A ttaveiir, man v.bo knew her was taking ' from the yao lino to the Xonhw . . depct he?" cn a strec'. e,-r. Th c 1 r i-c,-, 1.. se Liivi as ne w.-s her to the coach she dieo hi Not having time to attend t - .-: . ' a.-a:-. ar.as. o the ar- irngime'us, the man s'mrdy cerrir-.l j her into the train, put her in a berth and loit nor. EXPLOSION SINKS CRUISER Chinese Vessel -Gc-3s Down With 133 Officers ?nd Men. Lor don, June 25. A dispatch to th Central News from Shanghai says that the Chinese ciuiser Kai-Chi has been wrecked by a terrific explosion while lying in the Yang-tse livtr. The Kai-Ohi rank: in thirty seconds, and lf0 eriieevs and men on board wer killed or drowned. Only two mea on beard the cursor escaped death. Crazed by Cudahy KrUngptr.3 Case. vjmaica, June 2C Mrs. Kate P-eVv who became mentally draared a yeai ago over, the Cudahy kidaapincr c3;, has l-,sen taken to the insane asylum i-t Clarinda, the commissioners havi 11 decided she was in-a:ie. She was brought here from Trey. N Y., by Dei : uty Sheriff Askin-, of that city. ' ! Shortly after the Cudahy kldnantn? 1 case Mrs. Fecley became seized with ; the hallucination that she hod ; nessed the perpetrators of the cr'mc ' divide the ?23.0-)f) paid by Mr Curaii , ; for the return of his con and that in ! conseauence they were following hei with the- intention of murdering her. j Kidnaped Coy Escapes frcm Captor;. Bi i? ham, Utah, June 21. Neds A .a- ' dei son. Jr.. the youth, who was kid naped SatU.-day night, rcturac?-! to hi-j home yesteiday in an almost fainii'i- : condition, imving eaten nothing durina i that time. Young And'-rscn Bile-os ! that he was Iwld up juct cuuside t,'i city limits Monday by three masked men and imprisoned in a cave in the. K-o-Miiau.-s east ot aiigham, fi 1 om which be escaped last night. Sut-Kcrilie for The TrtbVse and get the i;ews when it is news. The Tnrk nni Life iircrancp. One man was loi.n.l.iining that he had insured twenty a oars b-;,: in a mutu.d leiaiit cumisauy which prom ised ail sw.its cf tldny.s. an l now th, time wax up he lveeiwd b-t-s than be would have done if he had invested bis money okowhero. A wise Turk who was sitting ch.so by S;hl it reminded him of si came! belonging to a friend of his. It was a mest in!eii'gc!:t I riUe, i:::d the owner v.;,s ceuvir.ee.I that if be io;:nd a really gord a-aci.er ii t-o;t!d k o a-aci.er u could iv.vcu.iy iio.igu he was of the fjaiuo l" tie.; ;;t t, talk. ; " . d w:k said and w; onid tea b it, but it g t ;ne, l robablv thirtv wm-deiigiued and v ':! : take a Ion ' .. '1 lit? OWI ( . 1 10 pay the Ut.-d.-rn a ilxs d sum . "i- annum an :-. 1 a big Lomas when the h the li-.-Ua i iumheng to am'im.l talkc Iy a 1 eavy Hue if it did nt. A friend :nterward vvent Ji!. it, ,:-.-:! ini.l s-ii.i: "What on earth ind-eed yea u, Ma:.o that agreement? yOJ know you tan never teai h the camel b tail.." !ll." j said the UoJga. "I k;;e,-.- tii.,'. ing the iloriy years either I sh;;'! I die or the owner whd e-r the cam; i. 1 Auhuw, ! am v. right, as I h:w my i h:;od income." Xew York Coiuiuvrda! AdveiLiscr. . ! In S wisteria ed tho bi id., on her wel ding day wi'j permit no :.e. v u her parents, io !;:ss h: r i p.in the lips. Li many of the provim. s tho t o .k pour hot water over :he thieshoid aft er tho la id.d c.,u;.ie nave go:i in vhivt to keep it warm fr.r ana; her Iride. A favoriio weddh-g day in cotkia.l is lie-c. oi. -.u Hi.; t the youi ;g couple ean h'ave their old !;fe wl,h the old year ami heg:T! t!K.:r KMirhd I iff wi J.ew .:, t.j.i ly ji -avtty idea. H ,11V The itai.a-s permit i-:, wtddlr. gifts that are sbaip or pointed. ::m:,i which 1 rae liee emanates our supe -stiiit.Ti that the gift oi a knife severs friendship. (:: of the most beautiful ,f all marriage cu.,ais Ia that of the bride immedi ate'y af;er th ccrem:..iv tPning her ben juet r.m.jug her 1 laideii I iv-:id . oho whj catches it is fmp..u-;ed to be the next I. ride. V:-! V.lif.tZr.vx:. fou:e o;-: ln? in. taueta of t!ia pl:ysia-r-l th'.';-t.-; of "we-rd biiadta-as" are giv er, in the La--et. i h-. disease is fr-tm.-. u:.ee': :::o:;. In one ease V. c sarurer. an Lktg'kmaiu. thirty-n.ui yea;s of atre. who knew Creek. Latin anl Freueh wed. su-hlenly lo-1 k-a.wk dgo of Ihi: lisli. thong!; he cou'd !"a;. an;. i:v:erst:ind Creek perfect Iv and Latin ar.d French in a ratlst'r Mnaoer orgree. Anether and alniost ; m,-e -r.: ioua cas-e was that cf a man who hist th,. power of r.'adi:-g at s ight. it. a; oati.-nt wa:: aid- 1 rat; !y from dictation. to write aeea- ! I at ::s ce:u- i pi- tly i;?.a! le to lead !i;it ho had i written. Word i;I:ndncss is ai-parc;:' ly i ::kit! to color blindness, but is certaiuiy attended by miu-li more ineenvomont j eonae.j fences. V.hat an i.n;n;rkig ruitid Miss Lit:ht ly has!" exclaimed the cynic. "We were at an L.-i;.::i table d'hete last t veiling, and ?ho said, with a very kit temsh air: 'Oh. ilid you ever y.,-j maca loui growing? I should think a whole field of these lovely white stalks would I e too awfu-dy pretty.' " "What did jou :ay. old man?" said his partner. "Oh, i jnsf crid no. that I bad never come nearer io it than seeing a bread tree in ilower." Then the parlm r stepped to the tele phone, aad they carried the cynic 1 ,0.110 in (he ambulance. Now Orleans Times-Democ; at. A TH of JoI-.tj Er!ji7ifs Sronsiti. A u- t ie Lrd once said o?i tho .-n. pi. -Mr. Ih-ight's illness that I rovi- was p-::::shing bim for misuse ;;-hnts ! in ! in- a !5Kfjc t,e t. ; ;ain. The following was Mr. Fright's ! .-..r-a.--le reiair.di-r .-!oh bt rr.-.v....i : h':-. seat: "it may be so, bat in any oase it will Le rome co:;::,!hition to tho friends and family of the noble lord to know that the disease is one which even IVcrsiderce could not indict i:t-.,i him." I -ir. -t li. Fpinac'u derives i;s name from the Spanish monks, who first used it dur ing fast day. It belongs to the beet fatally and ir. generally served as a vcgeta!!e. althotu h it makes a d liiata ami appeuim.g sa:a;i. in the tti-cn u.tu is Irish and m-een. a few leaves tutuc-U to the sp.nach will im-i-iove tlie tkivor. whether it is served as a vegetable or salad. CnniCn't E:e :i:ilj- ,jf T!iat. "Never," said the pers.;:i of good ad vice to the delicately nurtured Boston youth, "never say 'I can't." Indeed, sir." responded tho intcl- Icctrml lad, "I trust that my diction is i.ot so open to criticism. If you will but be attentive to my conversation, you will observe that I say cawiPL' " Baltimore American. T:ie Yif?. "Suppose I were an absolutely per fect woman, she remarked sharply. "Do you know what you'd do then?" "No," answered her husband "What?" "You'd growl because you bail noth ing to grovvj ;;bout."-Chieago Post. "Do you behove in signs?" "No A dentist's sign reading 'Teeth E traded Without Pain fell the other day just as 1 went m.der ii and knock ed out two tc th of mine:" Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. T!ii,Hs?)t ITe Was Smart. Wifi--D-j or. mean to insinuate that your judgment is superior tc mine? Husband - Certainly not. my de-.r. Our choice of life partners pravs it irmt The Trjbu:e is all-home print, r.ni the only jiaper published in the county. 81.00 A YKAIl. in 6ed Vrhen it becomes iiecesirv tn ; -j. 1 . . J , ; S,J UP ln lcd to get your breath; i when the least exertion men a5s ; walking, s;veepinrr, sin-rinrr i ;!i pily l?mS or &3 P and down ssir?, causes shortness nf ' breath, fiurteiLng ornalnitattoir i .Uen ;.. ' . ' "1V"' ts,nc LU u- someining : t0 brace Up and StlCnfTtlien vour failtncr heitf "f'-.l-T 1 - Miles' Heart Cure. It L best of ail. "I conM not rest t.t nfe-lit and of'en I:ad lo sifc up i:i te.j t br' at hc. The lcutd, era-i t ion voVl Eiakt? my hom o p.dr.itato dre id f ni iy. 1 )ur tioet-.r 1 Tcscriijed Ir. Mhc.-: Jk :rt (lure r.;,:i it c;tu pleMf restored t js to lu-alUi." : 1-alirTcuQ. ; stimuhites the digestion, in creases the circulation atid makes weak hearts strong. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. ililcs Mcdici Ca, Elkbart, lad jHiii fur Taxes! : Tin- ftld'Ai:ig tiiu ts ano in.ls ,r la.:;i. Ji. reii-j.ffer nani'-d. havole.-u h v- :hd on )', KlXe;. (!;: ! the V.ar JtH!!, 1. i.u h sidl remain dm- and nnpabl; ; i h rt-fore, i.e.- (be Miiif:o-ti.Mi .f , t::.v s a-..-, I wiii .-cli ::t 1 11-- !nirt J t.u ,' d...iriu F.r.t!:. IT-.:.-:,..,. ;i(.dav, Ju lv 1!:, !., th.- foil.r.viia: l.-s-r;ivd i la.iuls. H. A. .L?n r;. Ta. lij. t lor. RrrtiuRKotioTOA T., sun: . P. t':ll-S.i! -M ;,., ( O X-1U ,f l:,l m th west .if lo.i j., ItuLimv i,u tax.-j ;;M l ('"L '---W. L f. t!.i:Tu-i-. I'M ar.-; of land on :-?:! ( hitter c,.: ., t ;-sa!i.l i.t.4 :.10. dames TiJ !;ei,-, :tcr-A ,,f lati.l 011 x eies I'ord mid. fa;,i s ami . o;!, I..0. Sii v.:: i S!-i:i. ;.-. T..w.-iMi W. j:. liu-h r, 17 a-n s cf iaod, fav.s ami cost, L.i. -v. Jt. Ja.m.,n, -J.. ::eres t-'i land .oyo ::-reek. ta.vsaiid .vt. .vi.o;j. i''.. L. br.iioi!!, 27 acii-s of I.-md Ihi.ii river, taxes aul -.- i : r dam s liiils. CO jtej.tS of lau;t on M'u h-ar-son soni-k, tax and c ost, L!;. I. IL Fife, Ov. acr s of hmd, taxes and co.-r. s:!.m. II. Ji. F'te. IC, ;:ni ; r.f land on rxK'n. an!.-o!f s r- ek, taxes and ti..-r. -sl.. Anutinla Ford. 5: ;:e'-s of Jaud 011 s cri i K, taxes and cost, ? I.'J7. Frank "Melhiiii", j acr.-s of land, fax es and e-t, s-;:". 4 :. tvu'- T" y,cVr;lyi r :iS t.-s ot I;, ml 0:1 Hill s ere.-taxes atnl cost, ;1-1. Jnde s?;r.ti;i, a-ies of lam, ja:es ami c.-t, L'-i ci-::.s. A. ('. Iliobbii-s, hi a-ivs of hind 011 x-ro.ul rtv r, taxes jmkI cost, r- -r ... i. jV:,!.;ns. -P' a.-n-s of land Ln-ad rivi r. tayf- nid . i n on Ih ury Wilkins, :;i 1-. s of hmd. t ix cs and cost.. 5b IL L. A. t'o'dins, :; acres ff land on In land Fon; road, taxes and c!st. s:.! l. Kufus McKinnev, ;;, a,n.s f i;iud, (axe.-, and e.sf, :;.M. Notice. i cuv.: Cw-u:i., 1 h: 8i;x-rir Court, d"!herf id '.r.n'y. :'it. 'Tenn, 1 :.'' I Vr.. M. J. lii.-rgjns, , v.-.. MM.uovs. I. J. Iliggitis. Ao r;'. :;. To I. .'.. Higgins, in t!;e above entitled action : You will take notice that an action -n-tirb-d as al-ve as been commcjiei d in the ;?npeii u c--r.it of I'utheif..id -oantv again.-t you f.,r divorce and to dhwilvo ihe bor.ds of i:-.atri-.no-iv. Anl tb,. v::;,l non-ivide!ii, I. S. lligr-ius, will further befov.. ), n... -i.-.!- nor i conuty, 1:1 the com t house ia li:t!:riordt,,;i on the lht Mo-iday in !-H-pi. mher, i!!c;. mi l attv.v r or d- ur to tin-, comprint v.h!:-ti tiII U ch-l within t!i - firat thii -: ilavm.r said fen,, or the ph.iutid will ar.j ly to th- -..rt i'.rtii - r-li.-f tieiiiaud-.il in hrcMp!;tiit i'at' d Jane ..,'.!, '. , ,, , X- (. imcki:rsox, ( ierk 01 tti.' .S-ii.-rir Court for Rutin x iord Cir.iuiy. : ANXOrXCBiKXTS. I A:i.;ou!icom !it s of candidates will hi published hi this r!U!l - i;t each, cash in advati'-f. To TI'J: D.-.-iM i'ATS OP llTifi.-.-nn I lu leby announce i;,js If a eamlidai. ;i.'i- i Tr-;iM-r, subject to th : Df-u-..'KT..'ttc Convi r.tion. j llOlii. K. Blf-iKUSTAlT. ;To thk L-i-.tor hats or RrtfiKKiwo (-' ' vrv: i I hereby announce myself a "a.udidat , for l-.-ri, bidyjeot to the I:nocr;.r"c convent ioa. C. MAttCETXt S KCHxItSON". Notice, it- n 1 j -i'"; f " witty fc Thoxptwi has ! ho. n di.5p-rfr.-1l oy mntnlftf);j'it. VAih er thirty L? authorized to-rKxi-.tW ac- count? duo. Tho. indebted to -is will j please nraVa settlement as soon as irr.i jble. Thi-s June 2Sfh, 1 fdl. T. 13. TWITTY. I P7. A. THOJU'isOIf.