i ' ' : 1 . . 2 ' """ '" ' ' 1 . I : - HE TRIBUNE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1912. Special Notice iS4 Advertisements will be inserted in this, cdliuuu, and under this head, at 1 cent a word, each insertion. JW-OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at t 1ms oihcent 20 cents per hundred. Thev an- good for wrapping paper and nice for placing tinder carpets. TOWN AND COUNTY. The Week's News Gathered end Told tn a Few Linss. :.h W. J. McDaniol n.oved last week to the Presbyterian manse. Mr. J. W . Lewis, of Charlotte, is visiting relatives in the town and co'uu- lv. MORROW-POLLOCK. -Mr. E v.-u-i hi Hie city Prety Marriage at Blacksfau South Carolina. Yesterday evening at 7 o'clock at th iuuUuM cnuren of this place, the damage 0f Miss Zilpha Pollock and Jii.r. Marvin H Morrow Was Pflf1vmorl The church was tastefullv nY i" yellow and green, the colors selected for wie occasion, and was comfortably filled r1"16 lllL aPPomtcd hour by the rela , .. ii;iius OI the Timnn The ushers were Masters Hill and Fred who very skillfully performed the uuu assigned them. Their sister, Mi pxcMuea at tne organ' and as the swfiot ctm;,,,, n . ux tIie weaning maicn mied the church the bridal wttr entered in the following order: Mis"s -iman 501111, of Columbia, with Mr . . xuuny, cc blacksburg; Miss Ethel xeuner,, ot Marion, S. C, with Mr. C. M. Smith, of Gaffney ; Miss Ida Penny of Rock Hill, S. C. with Mr PfciiTiw C. Harris, of Otter Creek j man of Blacksburg ; Miss Bonnie W 7' 01 nth6rt ordton, with Mr. Robt Stafford, of Gaffney; Miss Lucy Pol lock, of Blacksburg, with Mr. John Mc Allster, of Gaffney; Miss Mary Pollock th Mr, J. W. Pollock, of Blacksburg, each couple taking their places on either side of the altar. Then came the groom with his best man, Mr. J. v. cnur Louisville, Ky.. and immediately fol lowing came the lovely and graceful bride leaning on the arm of her dame of honor, Mrs. C. P. Geer of Ruther foraton. She was met by the groom and under a beautiful floral bell, Rev H W. Bays, of Rock Hill, S. C, assis ted by Rev. Mr. Clarkson, in an im pressive manner performed the cere mony, which united two loving hearts mto one. The bride was atrivnrt i,. 1 - " " wmte silk dress with tulle veil and Tuesday and gave ns county candidates open the campaign at Mount Vernon on Monday Miss Julia Ei-win has been quite .-i.-k ior several days. We hope she may rv;ver swai. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Miller have gone t- honsck.-eping in the Miller residence on i'i.'th street. Mr. D. F. Morrow returned yester day from a business trip to Charlotte other points. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hunt returned M.ouLiY from a visit to friends and rela livt s in Golden Taller. car- -Col VflllL- n.-.. mi A f :i r v. -.w.- v,.iVj uu jtaiiiuv arriveri i . ...... iday, and spent a short wl, u in I uet ot oses. The dame - u ijj.; city on th;-ir way to Green River. Only at'teen days more in which to r.Li-.tr. A failure to register anew t-e of the right to vote. Mis. "Y. S. Bymim and daughter, ML-s Susie, of Liueolutou, came tip to f,.t .111 a vi.-it to Mrs. B. A. Justice. M:-. Hngliloa Hill has accepted a vo-ition lr. T. B. Twitiy's drug f i v. Ke U-gan work therte last week. - -TV. W. T, Crawford vfill address ' 'k U Henrietta instead of Caro October 14th, as heretofore ad- V alker, whoso serious -.- we j-'p'.;rrei last week, is rapidlv . i'iwhi-:;iiu ue hdjie ro see him out 'i . 'ii. 3 r J. F. Flack has qualified as ad-.-! :.-.r;)t--r rf she ei-tate of the late Miss j. j'.'ie.Tt andlias i . u uo.ior ana brides maids were very prettily dressed, alternately "in yellow and white organdie, each carrving boquets, carnations and ferns. The groom and groomsmen looked very hand some in full evening dress. A reception was held at the home of the bride on Cherokee street for the rela tives and special friends. This morning the happy young couple left ou the earlv Southern train tor Washington and other Northern cities. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pollock of onr town, and is a very sweet and accomplished young lady. The groom is the son of the well known banker and businessman Mr D. F. Morrow, of Rutherfordton, and is cashier of the Bank of Elacksburg. They have a host of friends who wish them much happinc ss. Blacksburg Special 2nd, to Charlotte Obsever. SUPERIOR COURT. Jurors Drawn for Fall Term Which Convenes November 1 7th. The following ia the list of ju rors drawn for the fall term of Rutherford Superior Court which convenes on Monday, November 17th, with Judge W. A. Hoke presiding: First week : J. M. Eerree, Jas. Goode, J. II. Gamble, H. E. Ed wards, W. N. Freeman. T. J. Wilkins, B. F. Spurlin, A. 8. Chiton, A. W, McMahan, R. M. Clark, J. H. Bradley, Will M. Flynn, J. P. Norville, W. P. El liot te, William Dalton, M. L. Bridges, J. W. Dorsey. Hardee Flynn, B. H. Walker, Weldon Walker, J. P. Collins, George AV. Morris, Jos. B. Biggefstaff, G. T. Webber, M. L. Beam, A. C. Moore, W. J. Reid, Ja mes I . Guffey, J. W. Duncan, J. M. Bol- hns, J. W. McDaniel, J. M. Gold, N. W. Abrams, C. C. Lovelace. J. B. Guffev. Second week: G. J. Blanton. Joseph Beam, S. B. BiggerstalF, J. C. Hampton, J. H. Jones, G. W. txnifin, J. P. D. Withrow. O. H. Hill, J. F. Whi8naut,.W. M. Haynes, A. K. D. Wallace, J. B. Palmer, J. L. Bobbin. R J Nm- is, J. A. Wilkerson, B. B. Ed wards, W. H. Ledbetter J. M. Flack. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS UNION MILLS MATTERS. an important . r.. l,. carpenter talk about i of ne-.v .'wul ( -? ;I io see their ne Gudger Wi!l Win the 10th. Raleigh Correspondent to Charlotte says: Locke Crakr was Observer 7th, th.ir store. advert ise- i.-u:j i i:iuiiu.r column. f. J. Warkins. of Greeiuboro, it organiztr of the- endowment r,.i . K;: glits of Pythias, w:ts in ' y rt- rcay and to-day. . Beam, of Cliffdale, leftyes-r''.;rT--tin-sss -a where he goes to e a ear load of pigs to be shipped iviic-ratoa and Henrietta. -"n ; t-;rget. to regi; ter. 1'he regis ::nttio:i books are now open and u u-iaiuj, to to 'gained by delay, ii '..- and avoid the rush. - Dr. L G. Reid wLU be in Ruther :! -vrober mh, Uih and loth. 1 T or work and will be irin-j ins service;. -' C. Keid an;i Mrs. A. P. ;" i'ot crnod Tuesday from Char-wn-r' they have Teen visiting parent.-;, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. r.ere to-day. He looked particularly well and chatted in a bright way. In response to inquiries he said that he was much pleased with the joint canvass with Senator Pritehard, felt well and would to-morrow begin the last series of speeches, at Statesville. This series ends at Asheville next Satur day. Requests that he and Pritehard make speeches together have come from at least a dozen counties, but he says he does not'think any will be granted, and that the discussion will end Saturday. He says that the biggest crowd so far w;is at Pittsboro and that the best dis- J cushion was at Fayetteville. At Raleigh though snrely neither speaker ever had a finer audience, neither was at lushest. Mr. Craig was joyous at the prospact in the tenth district and said : 'Gadger will surely win. I have no sort of doubt of it. Ho and Moody have had a joint canvass and all agree that Gudger got the best of it," Mr. Craig left on the afternoon train.- .Uidge M. H. Justice, arrived home i;f.ti-day from Way nesville and spent 1 -uiday w ith liis family. He left llon- : y tVi- Webster where he is holding Man Shoots Himself. A fanner by the tame of Henry Camp bell snot and killed himself in his lam near Lattimore Wednesday morning. The shot penetrated his body above the hcfTt, severing a large artery, and his death soon resulted. Family trouble is M..:srs. B. A. Justice, C. D. Wilkie ! as the Cause for Ms committing suicice. J? or several riavK h -u-n tent i r ret urned yesterday mom frt,ui Greensboro, vrhere they taveU t&kiufS his.own life and several attending the Federal Court which is iu ''wsou in that city. Mr. K. L. Coble, representing the 1 .-niOivn medicine firm of DeWitt & 'a.pauy, U Chicago, was in the city i r '-ve'-k and contracted for another y -ar s.aivf iiisiug spqce in The Tiubuxe. -H .n. W. T. Crawford will address y.y'-A'; of Rutherford county in the ''0Jrt llnse hux'G Tuesday next. Let M-iyooiy come out and hear him dis "usstbi issues. The ladies are invited fl ie present H 'v. A DeR. Meares will hold 'rvkes in .St. Joseph's P. E. church, 'J"' f-!i Rivr, at eleven and St. Francis -'"Uiorial church at four-thirty, October j"-'t!.', b;-ing the Twentieth Sunday after Trial ry . A 11 cordially invited. Mr. Jos. M. Smith, who recently I'if-vcd to Rutlicrfordton, lias opened up :t i.arnr Ks a ad shoe shop and is now pre l::r d to do your work in a first-class laaiiiif-r. :.Jr. Smith has an advertise mrnt in Tmj Tiubuxe in which he quotes 'x-':eedingly low prices. Mr. Ton- Wilkins left Tuesday eve-I'iie-i'.,c J.uL-vllle, Ky., where he will ! ' ' 1 nt ncky Jiedical College fcr ' "f taking a course in dentis--' Wilkins is a bright and dc- 'iu)g man and we wish him ; in Jus chosen profession. A Dozen Times a Night. Itfr. Owen Dunn, of Benton "Ferry, W. Va., writes; "I have had kidney and Madder trouble for years, and it became o bad that I was obliged to get up at 1 ast a dozen times a night, I never re ceived any permanent benefit from any medicine until I tried Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles I am cured. Sold by The City Drug btore. Subscribe lor The Tkibcne. tinv. s attempted to do so by jumping in to the well at his home, but was pre vented from doing so by members of the family. It. is said that before he committed the deed, he told his wife and children that he intended killing himself, and asked his wife to go and see it done. She refused to go however, The deceased was about 62 years of age. Attempted Lynching. Last Sunday morning about two o'clock a mob-of about twenty men at tempted to lynch the negro, Calvin El- liotte who assaulted Mrs. Brown at Lin colnton last week. The jail was recent ly fitted up with steel doors and cages, and the crowd failed to batter down the doors before help was summoned, and were forced to abandon their design. A special term of court has been ordered for October the 20th to try the negro. Francis D. Winston will hold the court! Mr. Gardner Here Monday. Hon. G. E. Gardner, of Burnsviile, spoke to a small crowd in the court house here Monday. The whole of his speech was an attack upon J. F. Spainhour, the Democratic nominee for solicitor, but his efforts will not do him any damage here. He went from here to Forest City Monday evening. Mr. Reid Has Appendicitis. Mr. Forest Reid left for the hospital in Charlotte last Tuesday for the pur pose of undergoing an operation for ap pendicitis. Dr. C W. Downey accom panied him. The operation has not been performed yet we are told. Never Ask Advice. When you have a cough or cold don't ask what is good for it and get some medicine with little or no merit and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, it cares coughs and colds quickly. Sold by The City Drug Store. Prohibition Contest- - Medal Awarded --Other News. Correspondent of The Truxwe. Union Mills, October 6th. The vot ing place for this township, Camp Creek, I nas been changed from the Nabors' store place near Brittain post office, to to this town. This is a more convenient arrangement than before. There was a prohibition contest at the college Saturday night which was high ly enjoyed by the large number present. The medal was awarded to Miss Ida Nanney. Miss Lillie Hogue, who has .been teaching in McDowell county for some time came home last week and will en ter Westminster school, at Brittain, Her sister, Miss Hattie, will enter the school at this place. Mr. P. E. Brooks and family, of Bridgewater, N. C, have moxod into town and are occupying the Dobbins house near the depot. Mr. Biooks was for some time railroad agent at Ther mal City. Mr. J. C. Edgerton who has, been railroading in Tennessee for some time, is home again. Mr. L. C, Nanney will move his fam ily to Carok-en in a few days, and his dwelling on North Mam street will be occupied by Mr W. B. Dobbins, who has also rented a farm from Mr. Nanney. J- A. jveeter and f:imilr win In Session Three Days--The Busi ness Transacted. The Board of County Commis sioners were in session Monday, iuesday and Wednesday' and transacted the usual routine bus iness: D. M. Hollifield and W. C. Garner, of iligh Shoals township, were allowed to peddle in Ruth erford county without license for the term of twelve months. J. W. Schenck, of Duncan's Creek, was released of tax on 41 acres of land, listed by error. Frank Coxe was ordered paid $180.00, interest on note held against Untherford for county home, dated August 8th, 1899. E. A. Martin presented bond for the collection of the taxes in Rutherford county for the year 1902, in the sum of $38,909.11, which bond was accepted and ap proved by the board, and the reg ister of deeds ordered to turn over tax boons to same. It was ordered that all parties have until December Isr, 1902, to redeem land sold for taxes on the payment of the tax and cost, less the penalty of 20 per cent. This applies to all except in cases where suits are now pending in court. The following were released from poll tax : J. A. Holland and S. R. Simmons. Outside paupers were allowed the following amounts: Waters children $8.00 per month and Coxe $1.00 per month. It was ordered bv Mia lmnr that the $139.75, accruing from the sale of the stock law fence wire and now in the hands of the county treasurer, be applied to the general county funds and the rreasurer to pay out CRAWFORD COMING. Messrs. Alexander and Powers Have Three Appointments. Hon. AV. T. Crawford will ad dress the people of Rutherford county on the issues of the cam paign at the following times and places : Rutherfordton, 11 a. m., Tues day, October 14th. Caroleen 8 p. m., Tuesday, October 14th. Ellenboro, 1 p. m., Wednesday, October loth. Messrs. J. F. Alexander and L. E. Powers will speak at Sunshine Saturday, October 11th, at 2 o'clock p. in. J. F. Alexander will speak at Union Mills Saturday, October 18th, at 2 o'clock p. m. L. E. Powers will speak at Chimney Rock (Flynn's) Satur day, October 18th, at 2 o'clock. Fa LI- . TS MORE APPOINTMENTS. same on county claims. Joint Senatorial canvass be tween C. R. Hoey, Democratic nominee, and J. Y. Hamrick, Re publican nominee, in Rutherford county : Forest City Tuesday, October 21st. Henrietta Tuesday night, Oc tober 21st. Rutherfordton Wednesday, Oc-! tober 22nd. . Chimney Rock Thm-cdo n I 4, - 14 LJVll. j tober 23rd. Hon. S. J. Durham v.-ill speak at Ellenboro October 24thy at 2 p. m., and at Henrietta on the night of the 24th at S p. m. The following change has been All the shapes to prevril this Fall and Winter are now in and ready for you. MY SPECIALS $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 are made exactly as 1 want them, and are really higher cost hats than hats offered elsewhere at higher prices. Ev erybody likes them because they are the style. I have them in all colors, and if you havn't already got yourself one, do so at once before the style gets old. If you cair't come, 'phone or write me, and I will do my best at all times to please you. II 8 !-0 J. F. Edwards v.-as appointed J made in Hon. W. T. Crawford's 25 Mr. 1 -. . f T-T . ieue ior Henrietta tins week, and re mum there until spring when they will move to Arkansas. Mr. Keeter has a good farm within five minutes walk of this town, which he will sell. There was a slight frost here lat night, but it did no damage so far as we have heard. Otter Creek Items. Correspondent of The Tribune. Otter Creek, October 7th. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris did at Old Fort on the 4th inst, and was in terred in the Montford Cove cemetery on the 5th inst. Heavy rains on last Saturday night. Killed, in the town of Rutherfordton, a rabbit by Brown's private secretary, on the 6th inst, a rabbit which was duly prepared and served on Elder T. B. Jus tices' breakfast table with many other good things, the Secretary and a visiting Rev. being present. It is believed that the Secretary is carrying the feet in his pocket and politicians will do well to keep in favor with him and those on whom he confers this degree. He bars he is going to give one to Brown and Copper Bill may feel in his inside left hand coat pocket fcr the treasure. Some of our voters are out with the Dispensary and say down and out with it as the funds or proceeds promised for tne public roads are not forth coming. The candidates for the Legislature wilj be called out to state how they stand on this question, so boys get your answers ready. Nothing short of good roads aud a much less grade, but a high grade of Representative and county offices will satisfy this part of the county. Public Speaking. Hon. Thomas Settle and J. A. Logan, of Asheville, will address the people' of Rutherford county in the court house Saturday on the political issues of the campaign. Mr. Logan was the Republi can candidate for the Legislature in the last campaign. Cherry Tree Cases Continued. At the Federal court at Greensboro this week, tJie defendants were allowed to pay $5,000, and were recognized to appear at the next term in Charlotte, at which they are to pay $5,000 more. Uriscol Its Wonderful Powers. Mr. Harry Isaacs, general baggage agent Santa Fe R. R., Los Angeles, Cal., the home of Uriscol, writes : "Hav ing suffered from rheumatism and a torpid liver, I -was advised to try Uris col. I can assure yon the result is as tonishing. It never fail's to cure. I take pleasure In testifying to the wonderful curative powers of Uriscol." It also cures kidney and bladder troublee caused by uric acid in the system. Druggists sell it at $1 .00 per bottle. Subscribe for The Tribune and get the news when it is news. keeper of the county home for the term of two years, to take ef fect January 1st 1&0G. Mr. Hill, the present keeper will remain in charge until the above date. The following accounts were audited and ordered paid : (J. C. Geer, labor on county farm, oO; R. F. Tate, lumber for bridge 9; J. O. Holland, same, $10. S. A. Bridges, summoning special venire of f() men, $7.40; Jubelee Wilkins, labor on coun- tv fiivii i.t in . I,1 T 11 fmiushii.g Sarah Bradley live months, $10.00; "G. Yv'. Long, same 10 Martha Grayson, $8.50 ; J. A. McClure, summoning road jurors, bOcts; J. II. Wood, coiiin for J. B. Ballard, $11.00; F. C. Fortune, burial of Martha Gray son, $6.03; D. S. Ilenson, serving road orders, $1.80; J. S. Martin, summoning judges of election. OOcts; Mack Whiteside, summon ing venire and regular jury, $7.. 80; A. R. Yelton, waiting on ju ry, $4. JO; J. E. Searcy, serving rood orders, $3.00; K. J. & II. Carpenter, wheat and guano, $5 45; Harrill Printing House, blanks, $2.4G; J. L. Wells, lum ber for bridge, $5.12; T. C. Hol la 1 d, supplies to Myra Kennedy, $11.00; same, supplies tr Sarah Steadman, $15.00; J. L. Mathe ny, serving road orders, $2.70; Thermal Printing Company, printing court calendar, $3.00; upuiicft iu waters children, $9.00; E. H. May, sup plies to Harry Churchill, $(5.00; J. L. Alien, same to Mary Allen, $7.50 J. G. Hamrick, summoning road jury, $2.10; J. P. Burgess, examination of C. Webb, $2.00; Tate and Deck, supplies to Lee Scott, $900; same, supplies to Guffey sisters, $12.00; J. P. D. Withrow, supplies to small pox patients, 4.00; O. T. Waldrop, groceries for county home, 12.60- W. S. Gritiln, express and paint, 205; M. O. Dickerson, stove and drayage, 9.50; same, recording jurors G.40; same, stationary and express, etc, 2,f0; T. B. Twitty, services and medicine at county home, 28.90; same, service at jail 10.00; same, medical service at county home 40.50; same, ser vice at jail, 8.00; J. R. Washburn supplies to paupers and prison ers at jail 40.95; E. A. Martin, feeding jurors in Cochran case, 30.00; some services of self, court crier and deputies at September term of court, 50.00; same, board and lodging for jurv and guard in Powell case, 54.80; M. Levi, goods for court house and jail, 2.45; Rutherford Hardware Co., grate for jail, 3.90: M. Levi, goods for county home 20.33; E. A. Martin, keeping prisoners, 118.25; J. L. Allen, stove pipe and placing stove in clerks office, 1.93. appointments in Rutherfrd coun ty : He will speak at Carolec-n Tuesday night, October 1 j t ii, in stead of at Henrietta. Hon. J. 1). McOall will speak at Rutherfordton Monday, Octo ber 20th, at 11 a m., mid at Bos tic on the night of the 20th. Lieut. Governor W. D. Turner will speak at Forest City Monday night, October 13th. The real test of a stove is I in the oven. The steady day Spent More Than $1 ,000. V. V. Baker, of PLiiuview, Neb , writes: "My wife suffered from lung trouole tor nfteen years. She tried a number of doctors and spent over SI 000 without relief. She became very low and lost all hope. A friend recom mended Foley's Honey and Tar and thanks to this great remedy it saved her life. She enjoys better health than she has known iu tei years." Refuse sub stitutes. Sold by The City Drug Store liepublieaH Iieeord. The record of the Republican party is one of 1 rime and corruption, from the theft of the President's office, to the em balmed beef scandal, ihe stealings of Ruthbone and Nec ly to tne court n;ar tiaLs in Manilla, all the way; but tie history of the Democratic party U one of glory ?nd honor, and her futcre mis sion is even grander to preserve onr Re public , protect our people and stand for human liberty everywhere. E. Y. Webb at Eakersville. America's Famous Beauties Look with horror 0:1 skin eruptions, blotches, sores, pimples. They don't have them, hor will any one who uses Backlen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Execsema or Salt Rheum vanish ocfoie it. It cures sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains. Infallible for Piles. 25c at Twitty and Thompson's drug store. I after day excellence of cook I ing on the Richmond tells a pj story of a stove that is a de ll sirable thing to have in every I home. It is a waste of mon I ey and labor to be without I one of these. MITmiTimnAIVn II 1 nnun n puiHfiHUI IIAUUWAIUS illMrANY, P. W. McMahan, P,1anayGra 1 &4 Ingredient ft For a trustworthy prescription the necessary ingre- uients are not medicines alone, but the exactness, clean- fejj liness, purity of the respective parts also. We have built Bl up a reputation along these l'nea which we are piond. 'lhe purest and best drug supplies and latest reliable dis- coveries are always to be found here. "Ills Is Piaee Where yon can get full values for your money. We sell on a small margin; we are doing a iarge enough bus iness to enable us to do so. fc-veyerthing Fresh! Nothing stale if it comes from Tjie City Drtto Store. Our aim is to supply our customers with the newest, fresh- ..... 1 1. i .. i 1 . . . aw: uesi goous ourainauie. Uive us a call and will be convinced. you ga The tax-payers of Rutherford county wiii please meet me or my deputy at the following places aud date:5 and pay your taxes for the year 1903 : Forest City Henrietta -. Eileiibora Withrow s Store C. Fortune's Store Sunshine Union Mills Morgan (White House) Chimney Rock Sulphur Springs '. . . .October 23rd Union School House October 7th The Sheriff's office at Rutherfordton will be open every day for the purpose of reel v ing taxes. Resnectfullv. &l- 25 "FVT "5 1 nr. it -iv-r -" ..October 24th ..October 2Urd ..October SSrd . .October 2-jth . .October 2"th ..October 25th . October S3rd ..October SOth October 2fth i rse oity uruq Store. P. S. We also want to cull vour attention to ellent line of TOILET ARTICLES. our ex A 1 Xo danger of consumption if you use Foley's Honey and Tar to cura that stubborn cough. Sold bv The Citv v . Uotice! The undersigned having nnnlinorl na administrator of Miss Julia A. DePriest. deceased, hereby notifies all persons in debted to the said estate to call and set tle same at once. All persons huv accounts or claims of anv nature asrainst ! the said estate are herein roiifiVri 10' present the same duly ur.fi enticated to the undersigned for pavnirnt on or be fore the nth day of October. or thU notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This October 9th, i!02. J. F. FL AC K, Administrator. We have a nice assortment of Heinz's Pickles. Sweet, Sour, Mixed and i Straight, Barreled and Bot tled. Remember us when you need anything to eat. Drug Store. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. Ilodol Dyspepsia uzo Digests what you eat. 5 b o r r ITS M KJ lV M MR - IW n. iwHiis M con High Grade Grocers. 0 0 m a m S3 m m m Q S3 !