1 '" '"""'i '" ' 111,1 " "' '" FLOWERS COLLECTION- 4 .A lB in i it i u 1 ..2 VOL. II. NO. 44. BUTHERFOEDTON, N. C, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1902. $1.00 A YEAR. it 10 Bank of Rotlierfordton. Report to tie Nortfi Carolina Corpora tion Cormrission of the condition of the Bank of Rutherfordton a-f Ruther fordton, N. C, at close of business on 15th day of September, 1902. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 24,052.30 Overdraft.' 861.00 Rutherford county bonds 200.00 Banking house, F. and F 5,000.00 Cash and due from banks 4,057.04 All other resources 549.67 Other real estate C6.00 FLAGS ON THE CAPITOL, CONCERNING CALENDARS. Whirt It Mean When They Are Fly ing at Half Mont. j The flying c flags vet the capitol at half mast is regulated by the strictest ruies. Whenever tiwse liaga are seeu floating half way down- the mast it a Bare indication that a vicejjjresident, Same tntcrcstinc Gives Date as Far BncV. rr Ihe Fonrtii Cesitury. Among the Greeks and Romans al manacs cr calendars- were cot written for the geiuirul public, but were pre served as part of the esot-avie lcarnins of the priests, whom the people had to PICTURESQUE BRITTANY. HE WAS A PAINTER. A Mcrlsct Scene In Tbls Quaint A Drnnken Prisoner's Excuse Im Freneii Province. j Sew VorU Police Court. - Brittany is a land where the peasant3 ! It is characteristic of almost all the senater or representative is lyiug &en& consult not only f.or the dates of the or that the action is taken ki response festivals, but for the proper times when to a presidential proclamation orJeting varieus legal prcceodings might be in- the Hags on public buildings at half etitutcd. About SO;) B. C, however, mast in respect to the memory of some one Encius Fiavius. secretary to Ap- prominent o3icil of the go"erumext pius Claudius, tole these secrets by re wh has passed away. ' peat d appiieatioas to the priesrs and When the seryeant at arms of the collated the information so gaiEed. It till the eurth in zouave trousers, torea dor jaekets covered with arabesque embroideries and green waistcoats around which run lines of crimson. The women wear short red skirts, great med'.ei collars and coifs that nut ter about their heads like the wings of prisoners except the drunks that their chief concern is to secure a delay. They plead ayj bj for an adjournment, which they know will only postpone the inevitable for a day or two, and that although, through their inability COMMERCIAL BANK. Report of the condition of the Com dov.es. From beneath the points cf obtain bail, they will have to stay in hurrieiL eonfused. complex, distracting Total... $35,184.03 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 10,000.00 Surplus fund and undivided profits Notes and bills rediscounted Time certificates deposit Deposits subject to check .... Total senate or house of representatives learns of the death- of a member cf cither of those bodies, te at once orders that the flags over the senate . chamber or ball of representatives be their black caps the children eaze at prison just the same. The most plausl- j ycu with wide eyes full of the curiosity explanation Is that they an are of animals. fatalists, always hoping that something These people live In houses built of unexpected may turn up to stave off sculptured granite and sleep in onen- he impending catastrophe. The work ilosets carved like the mouchara bieks of Egypt. In spite of the "Breton Interiors" and 2,f'C9.10 8,457.70 5,C4.4G 9.4B2.77 $35,1S4.03 Sworn to before J. F. Flack, Notary Public, September 20th, 1302 J. W. DORSET, Acting Cashier. Correct attest : was really publishing an almanac when, as LIvy relates, Flavius exhibit ed the tarti on white tables around the t'evuni. Prom this time similar tablets container the calendar, the ! "Returns of the Fishermen" with half masted. This is often done before festivals, astronomical phenomena and j which painters swamp the market this the houses of congress themselves are 1 sometimes &Uuss to historical eveuts j race is still unknown or misunder nfH.Mfillv notified of th death. A eeod h-Pona n ronimnn. Tho-r hn hn stood, for they sifould be seen not in deal of discretion is exercised tn the. Ug up in Pomail and ckeVbero. ! palntinps. but in tbeir homes, in their good humor,, that they may get away manner of placing the news ef a death ; There are also extant Christian cal- old time streets, on market days and unscathed at once. nt tha in! nflif-Miiv iforo he senate ' j-inr t'.o nnr4 '. When, ia fair time, the tent3 are pitched As a rule, although not seldom still I or tie liouse. Upon snch an announce- i tyaturv, which gfve the names of the m tJie mage inarKet piaces. i niont it is customary for the bouses to saints end et'ber relhrious information adjourn ia rospeet t the deceased sen-1 o:ie of the most famous cf the cal- j sn- ne vegetables and all the early j ator or representative. anJ in oler ; eoiass of the initldle ags is that com-1 Produce of ficscoff. They are spread that the current business may not be piisd b5 Tetras f Dacia in A, D. 13C0. ! out uPon ' 018 sidewalk. Chickens stopped early In the day the announce-! a raanuseript copy is preserved in the ackie: goats bleat; pigs, tied by the ment is generally made just befr the Saviha-n library at Oxford. The Sym- I H"' towa?a tnc vegetaDies, snm- houses are ready to conclude their LaiiocI Man or Man of Signs (Houw iuS at the fresh greens, day's work. ! Eignorum), still a common' feature in j Farmers In sabots, carrying great OlHeers of the senate and house almanacs, appears in this book, not, , it i bIue umbrellas under tbeir arms, with when they fly the flags at half mast in 6 conjactui-ed, f cr the lirst time, as it ; tbe two rRibons of their felt hats float- response to a proclamation by the pres- seems to have been a survival ftiom the Vio. vown tnclr ac P1CK tuetr wa" drunks, on the ether hand, are more eager to face the arbiter of their fates, knowing that nothing worse than a fine is likely to befall them and that the sooner it is imposed, the sooner it may be paid or served off. And then there is the chance, if the magistrate Is in in their eups, they are loath to make SOOTHING SHOPPING. A Peaceful Experience at tke East Xoriey General Emporium. The exhausted shopper sank upon mercial Bank of Rutherfordton. at Ruth the sofa, while Jroni the open mouth of her reversed Boston bug poured a erfordton, N. C, at the close of business- cascade cf liltle parcels, freshly strus- on September loth, 1902". RESOURCES. 124,889.89 767.78 !,000.W 5,089.53 3,019.61 4,766.SS gled for at tbe Monday bargain coun- J ters. I "Oh," she cried, "why does one have Loans and discounts, to shop in the city? Everything is so ' Qverdraf f and nerve destroying! If 1 were only Furniture and Fixtures ! Due from banks and bankers. Last summer while I was there 1 ' Cash on hand ... . had to buy a yard of dark blue ribbon, and I drove over to the one store at the crossroads to get it. It tcok some five minutes to convince the amiable proprietor that I really wauled dark Total . LIABILITD2S. Capital stock flC.GOO.OO blue and could not be persuaded to ac-. Surplus 1,000.00 755.65 more suitable and becoming to a fair Undivided profit. complexloned pei6on of my years; he Deposits subject to checks., added reassuringly that anj'body under Due other banks forty was not too young Tor baby blue. "Another five minutes were given np to his incredulous reluctance to believe Cashier s checks. 21.857.50 737.62 415.58 Fiery little horses draw to market any Incriminating admissions. xo, that two inches wide would not do as Total $34,766.33 D. F. Morrow, R. B. Clarke, J. F. Ar-I lde ;t peard then- action as one of time cf rtolenty's "JHmagesi." a collee- ong the Dlnan china displayed on j courtesy, as they do not recognize tfie tion of c!assie obtservatiens raid prob- grund capacious soup tureens, kowoob, Directors We solicit all your business. I .1 J .! 1 1 power of the president to order con- kus rrtatrag to geometry and nstron uer JU?. Pi:ues overea wun cm s to ! anrthhig except to assenr- omv. painteu now era ana gi-otesque ngiues. ble in extraordinary session. Thr y j have always responded to the requests , of such proclamations. It would be a ' nice question, if one could Imagine that . it oov.lu ever be raised, to know te what extent the president's authority , would allow hiin to erder flags t half ! sir," protested a man who kept nimseir from falling over by holding on nerv ously ,to the bar; "I,'m not drunk, 'cause "no one's drunk who's not falling all over himself." Excuses of the most wonderful kind, some of them really ingenious, others merely ridiculous, are put forward wlien the futility of feign ing innocence has been discovered. Tbe cleverest explanation, of that kind that I ever heard was advanced by a man who, when taxed with having dis played unmistakable signs of intoxica tion, simply replied that he was. a North Carolina, Rutherford County. S By virtue of an order of the Superior court of fiutliorford county, in the pro- ceediug entitled R. L. Watkms, Jonas mast on the capitol. While bis author B. Watkius, Neal A. Watkins and oth- j ity would not extend over the em crs, heirs at law of K. C. Watkins, rie- pi0ye s cf the senate' and house, yet ceased, ex parte. I, as commissioner, will tLe capital hself for many vears was 11 to thehighest bidder, at public auc- , fact TOntroHrd exclnsfvriv by him TLe peasants converse with but few t X Jl - i. 1 1- 1 XI 1 "Fro Plarlbus Aiais." issued at Viemm ' lue . llxa m' uu-ru te 1457 by an estrosomer named Pur- ! to"?S- . . . Tho M'fiiott iinnvii nbnan.it 1a. I Tuse tacitoPB people foBget them- voted expressly ta the Thenceforth th t.Herucral yearly aJ ,bear1 the "wund of an accordion character of tbe publication came to be j aad4 th Ptamtive note of the b.niou (a defiafteiy recogtfzed by almanac mak 01 "Hrauiuuuua awnaaae tie- --. 1 r yv.,r 9f igsue Be'vcs iu'the bairooms cn fair days. -.L ir.jo The taverns are full of noise. You sis m 1; 33, , , painter by trade. j plexed ear and smile ingratiatingly. "That has nothing to da with your "Tact is,' he confided sweetly, 'I condition," said the magistrate. gold the last pair of scissors in the "Of course it has," rejoined the pris- , store just before yon came in, and I've oner. "I . was painting a barber pole ; forgotten my jackknife. It's kind of well a three, especially aa the three I, J. F. Flack, cashier of The Commer Inch width had teen mislaid on a top . . . , T , , . . ... . cialBankof Rutherfordton, do solemnly shelf and he would have to get a step-1 ' J ladder to get it down. Several more swear the above statement is" true to the minutes passed In the search for the best of my knowledge and belief, ladder, its laborious portage from the. t v pt scit r-oct cellar, its erection and repair with a 1 J T' r Cashier, pieee of twine, the braces being broken. State of N. C, Rutherford County, and his final ascent to the dim and Sworn to and subscribed before me dusty upper region, whence the box of - . c.i.l. 1CiM wide ribbons was at length produced. . ims u UA "I found a shade that would do, and be leisurely measured off a yard, fin gered it, then paused to rub a per- M. O. DICKERSON, C. S. C, Correct Attest : T. B. Twrnv, Johx C. Maxs, M. H. Justice, Directors. K. C. Watkius, deceased, on Wednesday, the oth day Novem- Ler, 1902, the following described real estate : Lot Ko. 1, containing 73 7-100 acres. Bogiuuing at a stake in the road, and rum thence south Ofi' cast 14iJ-3 poles to a stone ; thence south 23 1-10 west 3 2 5 poles to a stoue ; thv-nce gonth 4v) ast irl pnlos to a titakeMu Suek creek ; concerned, and the superintendent of th- Irafldirig i3 toi'ufy Appointed by hini wii.!vont confirmatory action on the part of the senate. As a matter of fact, the capitol has for jears been under the direct control of the committees on appropriations of the two houses of eo-ngress. but that ers. Noatradanin set tbe fashion of t tneoiT;3rarUig predictions cf coming events tako almnor.es, a fashion that has eqiitinueti to this day in all purely etrolgleal breehtuvs f th's rt despHe intermitteEt effofis to &up presls it by royal authority in France aud elrtnvhere. Fra. WEATHER PROPHETS. Blow out a eaadle, and if the wick continues leng to saioKioi' itok for bad control has been accoiied them ly tbe 1. ixa . a... . . . 1 thence snath. 80 east 6 2-5 poles toa stake r .t k" ?;.'. . t . veatner. If It pees out QUkfely, the in (-J-cx'jrje Sixike's line ; thence north 20 tast n&'y3 noles to a stone neap; tnence north 8 1-5 east 322 poles to a stone, cor ner of lot No. 2; thence north MV3 west 10 poles to corner of grave yard ; thence liortb. 77, west 71 poles to a rtake in the road:" thence south 9 1-5 west 82' poles; thence 3(5 1-10 west 18'.2' poles to u stake, the beginning corner. Lot No. 2, containing 60 8-10 acres. Beginning si a t:t;ike in the road at cor ner of lot Ko. I , and running thence poath 7?jj east 71 poies to corner of graveyard (thence north 14 east 32 5 poles; thence south 7G east 1 'poles; thence south 14 west 3 2-5 poles; thence, north 76 west Vt poles, this Ijounciary reserves the family graveyard) : thence south 6(5; east 1 10 poles across the creek to a stone in George Spake's line ; thence thenoc with said hue north 8 1-5 t ast 74 9-30 poles to a stone heap; thence 7i);V west 177 7-10 poles to a stake in the road; thence along the roaa south west Y6 poles; thence 39' west poles to a stake, the beiiiniiig corner. Lot No. 3, containing 65 4-10 acres Beginning at a stake in the road, corner of lot No. 1. and runs with the road des to the architect cr more lately to j weatker will be fair. he should rder that oSjeial to Qy Cap cate the wefber for febe following over me eapaei ni nrr mast. aim xn order s.loiikl be 'dipebs?yed, h& worikl dar.ces. Into the basbor come boats laden with fish; other boats go out. Tlie fishermen are' full of business. Next weok v. CI occur the departure for the new country. There are women who weep. and kept on twisting, after the stripes until I got so dizzy that the cop thought I was boozy." Edwapd Biorkman in Century. awkward cutting it off, but I'll man- North Caroliny, ) age somehow. I guess there's an ax . Rutherforp County. in tbe shed Alice Brisoo and husband, George C. "He carried the silken roll away Brisco, against N. Voting. with bim as he started with comforta- i Notice. HE WORKED THE BANKER, i ble deliberation te find the ax, which.! By virtue of the execution directed ta j though the hunt fcr it was long and- the undersigned from the Superior How a cieer .Mert-LanJ Killed Two pcrseveriug, evidently could not be Court of Rutherford . County in the Rlrttx Wltft One Btsae. ,i en nnn.rUt a rritiVtnco of htm ahnve pntitled action, and also the f"ce- 1 . - - f . a T Recently a wealthy merchant In Par- ! at last through the half open doer to cution ia favor of A. B. Long, Jr., is who tlosfs an exteiisive business with ' fhe back shop severing the required against N Young and others, I will, on. Abovw all this agitation the emoke of . Japan v. aa informetl that a prominent j yard of ribbon with an Id chweL Monday, November V7th. 1902, the vlltoge chimneys mingles with the j brm In Yokohama bad failed, bat the ; it was all so serene, so soothing and at 12 o'clock in. (it being the first day of gre&t white clouds. The quiet sea rair- ' name of the firm he could not lenrn, ; go siitisfactory! I believe I shouldn't .the November term -of court) sell at the uiugu ue wjis musi uiuiuus 10 usver-i ie a wrecu Derore .cw lears every court nouse aoor in saia county, 10 tne ta:u whether he did most He could have learned the truth by ( ral emporium." Youth's Companion, cabling, but instead he went to the; rors the sua. Artist Castaigne in Cen tury. LITERARY TREASURES. have powtr to d.eiM!js bim a-nd.p)bjkt ! some on-e else ia his plae r&bt ti conciii-mr;C2 of either l.rancn of Coit gieBs. excojjt so far s the appwjri tion for tbe cmeial's ralary wewtd be involved. Ttie are prneticaily moot questions, but they oecasijvnaliy fioiaa interesting subjects for 6iesf(e talks wlTn f aj.-s i-e half masted hi bqpos to pvfridontlal prcfe&itoae. 'V"as3 ington Star. 4 1b criectier.s, cestor'9 kk t be Sits in iMJ.ta Otuna bm Jp.B are y-oar. HKoh doy iii ordtw s?:or8 the t4 f tiie f. WtlT ae vfity fine, tie eie3B rSr b a Uvie oe; tf hnjfe, tbe dtvi wKS eos fcvvea. li th xic cat vrtaiU It asiRS. ft te a am 6tt tb 'tem Is to K a hag est. I' &gr om-imI radar tb Um sssn fee ctrfr. Soske WliliJi Uave Eeea exd Some Vrbisii May lie tost to View. Tbe worhl, we have been assured time and.lagatn, knows nothing of its &rcah st nei. rtfr.aps it is cquauy ig ne was most anxious to escer- j be a wreck before Aew Tears every court nouse aoor m saia county, to tne ether it was the one with which winter if I could only do my Christ- highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy the most of his business In that city. 1 mas shopping at the East Norley gen-1 paid execution, all the right, title and juld have learned the truth' by ' ral emnoriuai." Youtb's Companion, i interest which ths said N. Young, de- man, a well known banker, who had received the news and requested him to reveal th? name of the firm to hixa. "That's a very delicate thing to do," replied tbe banSua. "for tftie news is JT' , i r m. 1 - . 1 . 1 4 ' nn nfK..tAl ...... 1 T .j. H . 1. .. iMwii . u. , " " ' .r-;, i Biants. but can. be tn proved by tb ad- w; Qi?-,te sure tba-t tbe idols ta our lit- I might incur some peponsibility:! f mQA , &n 6U-r of prvce6en0&'? The nks cf and finally be madfe tJis jjaoyoaittttu FRUITS AN D . FLOWERS. In setting out an orchard keepr to- 1 getlicr all trees of the same variefy." Good garden soil ia" gcod for pot When tun ti!e Sat &m e u es tfecy iat.lGfard e t pastsve iV j otled end unknown amid the BKjrntRg, It Is beea'we fb-y feel a rben- i w-'Cks of tbe rkrer of time, waiting nwtie weisrinees In tbeir bones, cad you i ?y so,ne Luky accident that shall Weak iesbuAbes may often be zoade -pirMmf riuill as- "I wiU r you." fc. "a V of TJlT'J Exrt tkfit ttsora pvalt f t ;y g3Ya ten firms in Yokohama, aiid I wul afik " 1 . tiiv.e sure th final ones? But. above ; you to look tbrooiJa U and then t tell ail, are we quits ecirtahi -that there may ine, without ta&itioniHg any name, set be a notable work of genius lying I whether oi- not the name of the firm fendent, has in or to the following de scribed real estate, situate in Ruther ford county, to-wit : The first tract containing one hun dred and twelve acres, and conveyed to the defendant N. xoung by J. F. Flack, commissioner, and known as the Na bor's mill tract, bounded as follow : Be ginning at a pine below the phoals on the east side of the river and runs thence south 43 wwt 84 poles to a rtake ;, thence north 35 wes-.t 27 poles to a stake on the ecn look for ruin ?eea. Vi'liOB a Kiebt piW3 ind ho &&w dnlB ta t Vr4; ifti of all i Tf bsww "8 fST v rvu uuir itruirDirm rnfc uru uw svi Bails of tbe thumbs n the fcft kaarfs i faren ,lPrffm the f tho Art: f n ,nttwi When you see tb sen firawiag water grow to an enormo-s longfh, some- at n'FHt. know tUrt it wia raJn on the j norths 1-10 ast. : no's: tbwire norCi times to a foot er ria&teen laebes. ad Dwrov' BJm m 09 a'aw- are then pared down to a pen shapcnl v m 'iwm ll point. ippis this oddly constructed , Id ttooagh rifts in distant clouds. 9 1-5 east o2V3' poles; thence 6 1-5 cast 1 2-o poles: thence north 04 east poles to as take in the road ; thence north 73 west 29 3 5 poles to a stone ; the nee north 1 west 15 2-3 poles to a stone ; thence enst 40 poles to a stake; thence north 80 west 78J poles to a stake; tkeac; sonth 2 eat 70 2-5 poles to a stake ; thence south 52 west 2G poles to a :;take ; thence south 37 east 8 poles to a stake ; thence south AA east 71 poles to a chestnut stump ; thence south tfi4 east 46 poles to a stake in the road, the beginning corner. Lot No. 4, containing 75 1-5 acres. Be ginning at a stake in the Thomas Phil ips line and runs thence south 80 tast 78 poles to a stake ; thence north 37,34 east 3! poles to a stone : theece north 0' west 63 poles to a stone heap ; thence north 37 east 18) poles to a fit one heap; thence along the line or Atr. pen in beautfful vcrmilioa or sky blue ink, tke only kjnds of ink used in these sacred thumb nail drawings, the artist gracefully outlines his wvk. Occasionally tbe bold touches from the studio of a master in this depart ment of "biph art" are Hfe size and are sketched by a few sweeps of tbe artAt's arm. Like other pictures oad sketches of the orient, these sacred thtrmb nail pictures are mounted and roEed us like scrolls. Some Words. According to the late Rtchard A. Proctor, says tbe London Chronicle. tbe phrase "I guess," to Englisu ears : Brain strain. A Preneh InVestifHtor b-3 come to tbe eonclttelon that ihebwins of mili tary men give ort mcst quickly. II? states that cut of evcryivlOthOOO men of the army or naval jrofession 199 are hopeless hiHfitles. O'f the liberal pro fessions artisrts are the first to sue enmb to tbe brain straic, nest the law yers, falkwed at s&nte distance by dec tors, elergry, lrtcrnry raen and civil servo lit a. Striking an averass of this greup. 177 90 mad to each 100,000. London Exprccs. A Palatal InXerefite. A teacher was insfractfng a elapg of reveal if ui all ks lKauty to an aston ished world"? P.ueb ac?idents with such results have ( been freiie:it in tbe history of the j pest. Indeed tnch accidents have pre- 'served oi" ha.e revealed to tbe world ne insiEdcant proportion of its now acknowledged masterpieces. The books ef tbe Bible themselves have experienced the narrowest es- ( copes from what might have resulted J In then- total loss. Tbe most notable example is that of Deuteronomy, which ( disappeared from the Jewish world for j over a century. The story of its re- i discovery by the high priest Ilezekiah during the reign of good King Josiuh is set forth in tbe Old Testament. j Shakespeare was practically forgot ten in the days when Addison wrote his "Account of the Greatest English i Fo?ts," with 'never a mention of the j name of the very gri test,, yet it was shortly afterward that Shakespeare i was resuscitated. Fitzgerald's "Omar Khayyam" and Blackmore's "Lorna Doone" dropped Which has failed appeal's In it. Sur-ttly yon wiiic& that fi-r me?" "Tea." said the banker, "for if I do not mention any name I cannot be held responsible la any way." The ' list was made. The banker looked through it and as he banded It back to the merchant said, "The name of the fiim which has failed is there." Mills line ; thence with Logan and Mills On advantage with Small faults ; line norths east 180 pole to a pine on Bftlr cn be made to furnish a i ?iUdiges line ; thence vvith hw line south it caet j -iu poieg to a wmte oslx. on rxu diges corners ; thence with his or Lo gan's line south 23 east CO ptlm to a that they can be made to furnish a supply kug before trees come Into bear lag. ; In planting a border don't plant every thing In rows. A row of . hollyhocks, for instance, bui't half as attractive as irregularly placed groups that break the outline. black oak; thence south 70 west 88 poles to a dogwood on William Groves line; thence with his line north 47 west 118 poles to the beginning, containing one hunured and twelve acres, more or lew. Also a second tract couveved bv Wanr W ith pot plants In a general way too . -yy. Twitty to N. Yonng, lying on both little water is better than too much, t sides 'of Camp Creek, and containing The drooping leaves Indicating drought - one hundred and sixty-ono and one-half- "TIkh I've lest heavily." replied the are more easily remedied than yellow acres, and bounded as fellows: Begin merchant, "for that is the firm with leaves, the result of being kept too uiug atB, O. near the west edge of which I did business,' nam3 on the list. show big him a . wet i the ridge road on L. A. , . i corner ; thence with Mills line south In preparing pots for plauts the ' east 53 poles to a BO. ; thence sootl JiilLs line and 25 fh33 DUi ut"v u ou kuow Haw ia me pieces or urcKen pots or crociiery in xue eaf.t S2 poles to a B. O. ; thence south 45 firm which has failed 7' asked the bottom should never be omitted, as cast S2 poks to a.R. O. ; thence south So bank r in surprise. without proper drainage the soil be- 'cast CO poles to a B. O. ; thonce south 12 'Very easily," replied the ruereliant. "Of the fc-o names on tbe list only one is gerniino. that of the Crm with which I did biuiness. All the others are fictitious." comes sour, the plants languish and the leaves become yellowish. Two Impaaible lien. : ' Dr. Ilauslick once asked Schumann how he got on with Wagner. ."Not at all," replied Schumann; "for me Wagner is impossible. . Doubtless he is a very clever man; but be talks too fast one cannot get a word in." WllllcK to Be Sued. "I once threatened to sue an eld fel low in Vermont fcr ?10 that he owed a west 32 poles to a rock ; thence wst 70 cast 75 poles to a rock, Ben Logan's cor ner: thence with his line north 37 cast 25 poles to a W. O. ; thence north 21 east '13 poles to a white walnut ; thence south 71 east 70 pclos to a black w;nlut on the west bank ef the creek ; thence down the creek as it meanders south 4 cast client of mine," said a New York law yer, "but the threat did not seem to la-! 12 poles ; thence south 88 east 20 poles ; Some time after, in an interview stillborn from the press and later wou which Hauslick had with Wagner, ab Jo a 5 oM session. "I v.ls." meaning boys and bad spent half an hour trying SS-BVffi'mfhS h1 ku" Tbe has to drive into their heads the afferenee east 55 2-5 poles to a stake, the begin-1 changed its . meaning entirely In Eng- between man and the lower animals, ' a sudden popularity by accident. Wil- ! liam S. Walsh in Era Magazine. mug corner. lano. out nas parity preservea it in ui .ivj'ui. m... uuk oaiun The above real estate will be sold 111 America, where of course tho native lominy. Be saia coa singly to a it- lots as numbered, 1, 2, 3 and 4; then lots savs "I guess" Avhen he is more or less tie chap, "do you know t'ae difference No. 1 and 2 will be sold together as will lo(s No. 3 and 4, and then as a whole. Terms of sale, one-half cash, balance on twelve months time. Title reserved un til all of purchase money is paid. This September 23rd, 1902. R. L. WATKINS, Commissioner. M. L. Edwards, Attorney. North Carolina ( In Superior Court, Rutherford County ) Nov. Term, 1902. J. D. Burgin vs. C. S. Boutcher and J. W. Johnston. Notice- to a state of certainty. There are many other examples of words that have piayed fast and loose with "g" and "w," such as "guardian" and "ward en." "guard" and "ward," "guichet" and "wicket." between, say, me and a pig er any other brute?" "No," replied Tommy innocently, but another teacher standing by toughed. London Answers. Patience With. Eccentricity. . Haay cf the leading people in Eng lish society regarded Thomas Carlyle lusion was made to Schumann. "With Schumann," said Wagner, "it is impossible to arrive at an under standing. He says nothing. Some years ago on my return froai Paris I called upon him to talk of operas, con- press h'm much. - " 'What good will it do you to sue meT he asked. " 'It will get the money,' I answered. "Here the fellow came up close to me and said, Say, If that's so, sue me for ?20, won't you. and give me the other $10.' "I gave up hope of collecting that claim." New York Times. thence north 83 east 20 poles; thence south 62 east 24 poles to the divifion line; thence with said line north 18 east 42 poles to a S. O. ; thence iiorth 69 west 64 poles to a birch at the old water gap; thence north 65 west 100 poles to a dead hickory ; thence north 67 west 224 poles to the beginning, containing one hun dred and sixty -one acres. This October 17th, 1902. E. A. MARTIN. Sheriff. C. E. TANNER, D. S. Home Dlsconifortm. "No." grumbled the husband In a with a Seeling almost akin to reverent ! ecus, composers and other interesting epaam cf confidence to a friend, "I have no plt.ee at all for my books. Tbe His Dialect. "Mike." said flooding Teti, "did you delight when he chose to behave like matters with which 1 had become ac- an ignorant boor in their drawing : quaiuteJ. Schumann looked at me rooms, even taking bis seat, it is said, j stolidly, or rather be looked Into space, unbidden in the presence of the' queen, j without saying a word Faith, I took This generation, however, has little pa- ' leave of him almost immediately. He A Conarlence Ja. "Did you ever stop tc think, my ever go to school love." said Mr. Micawber, gaxing at "Sure," answered Meandering Mike, his plate of lobster salad, "that the "I don't have to talk dii way. If I things we love most in this life are the showed off' me literary accomplish- j very things that never agree with us?" ments, folks would wonder why I "Will you be so kind, Micawber," wasn't readin' de help wanted adver- fur hand- tience with such eccentricities. It was an English bishop who, when the historian Freeman had worn out his patience with bis rudeness, intro duced him to a waiting audience as la an impossible man." Taking No Chances. "Do you mean to say thai you don't want a railway through Crimson storage room is kept exclusively for my wife." "Oh, she puts away those things that are a trifle too good to be destroyed, yet scarcely good enough to be of use." Brooklyn Life. j Iter Call. . "I ran into town todav to do some "the distinguished scholar that so ad- j Gulch?" asked the astonished sur- 8nopping. dear," said Mrs. S-abbubs, mirably describes and illustrates the j veyor. , , , , . , c, x , , T paid Mrs. Micawber, straightening up. tisements instid o bautin' The defendants C S. Boutcher and J. fl whetber you are BpeSL. outs."-Washington Star. W. Johnston, will take notice that an ac- . " . , j " oycn. . . savagery of our ancestors. ing cf the salad or ef toe, sir?" tion has been commenced against them by J. D. Burgin, in the Superior court of Rutherford county, for the recovery of the sum of one thousand dollars upon ! contract. The defendants are required camnaian. to appear at the November term, 1902, of j Candidate It is. tlow did you guess the Superior court of Rutherford county, which convenes on the 17th day of No OM stagerYou ere distributing real veniber, 190,3, and answer r demur to , , . ., the complaint of plaintiff, which will be , i-L""llJtl .ijsao. v,u.B -"" Recklessness of a Beginner. Old Stager I see this is your first After the Qnsrrel. He (to himself) Tftere! All on ac count of ray beastly temper, l' suppose I've gone and said too much. She (to herself ) Oh. dear 1 If I hadn't lost my temper, I might bnve said ever bo much more. Brooklyn Lite. filed during the first thrte days of the said term. Otherwise the plaintiff will move for a judgment according to his complaint. This-September 20th, 1802. 51. O. DICKERSON, Clerk of the Superior Court. J. H. WOOD & CO., Rutherfordton, N. G. Exchange of Compliments. Maud My mamma says she can re member when your mamma kept a grocer's shop. Marie My mamma says she can re- ' Free Press, : member how much your mamma owes her for groceries. Dangrerons Economy. "So the engagement's off?" "Yes. She advised him to rraetice economy, and be started In by getting her an imitation diamond." Detroit Treating Barns. Cold water with Ice In It is the thing to use when an accidental burn from j acids or alkalis Is encountered. Nitric acid gets spilt at times, or even vitriol may. A limb burned wtu acias must be plunged In cold water and kept there, so that the water may dilute the traces of the acid in the skin" as much as possible. When acid burning causes injury, the water should be ren dered alkaline by adding &oda to coun teract the acid. That's exactly what 1 mean to say, young feller," answered Broncho Bob. "Cnetusville got a railroad, didn't It? And they hadn't It two weeks before a !-coupb of men won half the money in camp, got colU feet, took the train and was gone forever and ever. Crimson Gulch ain't takin' any such chauces." Washington Star. j 8boppinj entering ner nusoanu s omce. -anu I"- "I see," he Interrupted, "and you Just ran in here because you ran out." "Ran oat 5' "Yes; of money." Philadelphia Press. Accounted For. Barnes There goes Stavera. I never Botanical Kote. A fern in a jardiniere and two Ifttle sprouts In tin cans if put in a window are suilicient to give the womaa who . owns them the' right to use the word j "fernery." Atchison Globe. A Rob For Tennyson. When Alfred Tennyson appeared in the Oxford theater to receive his D. C. L. dogree, it is said that bis disheveled hair and generally negligent state pro voked the undergraduates Into greeting him with tbe inquiry, "Did your moth er call you carry, call you early, Al fred, dear?" Notice! North Carolina, ) High Shoals town Rutherford County, ship. F. B. Gafincy, agent for the Henrietta Mills, vs. C. E. Scott & Co. NOTICE OF SU2IM0X3 A!0 WARRANT OF ATTACTrJCJXT. - The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above f n titled action was issned against said de fendant on the 27th day of Augn?t, 1902, by T. J. Wilkius, a jn.sticc of the peace of Rutherford county, North Carolina, for the rum cf 591.85, due said plaintiff on a contract to deliver so much corn, wLich sumtrons is re turnable before said juitice at his office at Henrietta, in said county and in High Shcais township on the 22nd day of October, 1P02. The de fendant will take notice that a warrant of attachment was i.THnctI by said justice on the 27th day of Augnst,"lwC2, against the property of said defendant, which ! warrant is returnable before the said i justice, at the time and place above nam- I saw anybody who could stand tlie , wi for the return of iLc samoas. when hard knocks of life as be can. He', a and where the defendant is required to man of iron. nowes That accounts for It. I thought be looked rather rusty. Bos ton Transcript Co-edticetion. "Do yon believe in coeducation?" Every one should take care that he "Not much. There' is usually Keen constantly on hand a full ?utt1v ; behaves so well that his enemies do m'ufh co and too little education. of Coffins, Caskets and Robes. . . ' not behave better Atchison Glebe. i Kew York World. J. II. Wood will sell you Tombstones j f . r l and Monuments of any description. 300 Subseiibe for The Tribune and get Ths Tribune i althonje pin?t, and S¢s gets' The Tribune from now designs to select from, trices guaranteed. Jthos news when it w news. too i Some men are like telescopes you '" draw them out. see nr;ugh them and i then shut them up. Better Left Unsaid. Discontented Artist 1 wish I had a fortune. I would never paint again. Generous Brother Brush By Jove. Hie fool sits down and worries about the living tbe world owes him. but the wise guy bustles aronnd and collects tbe interest on tbe debt. Chicago News. appearand answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief demanded will bo granted. This September 17tb. 1902. T. J. WILK1NS. J. P. One of the hard things to under stand Is how such nice grandmothers old man. I wish I had ouc! I'd give It as everybody bas ever could have been tovou! : inotbcr-ln-Iiwa. Notioel The nndemgned having qualified an administrator of Miss Julia A. DePric&t, ueceasetu Hereby notiTiea ad persona in debted to the said estate to call and set tle same at once. All persons Laving nccotyits or claims of any nature against th? raid fstatc are h?rely notified to present th tame duly authenticated to th nndei-hipncd t-" paymcu on or be fore tbe tb t! ly of OctoVrr, 19C3 or ihia notice will be p:ialM in Larf reeoVT-. the Only "jHiwf priWished la tie cttaniy. tlntfl January, IC03. Subscribe for The Tribuune. It is The Tribckt: from now until January This Octoltr :V.i. !02. publised every Thursday e?cuintj. 1903, for only 25 cents. I J. F. i'LA CS, Adr3i.i:strr.tr. , .V -