fl U. I L . e : ! ' ? I- I I I . Hlt9 m EUTHERFOEDTON, N. C.,'-THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1902. 81.00 A YEAR. P-C . .7 1 AliJi i HE MU3T E AG TEMPERATE A3 AN ATHLETE IN TRAINING. k3 I hfive had occasion to use your' Black-Drausht Sto :k ar.d Pediry Mcdi- cii.e and em Dieasej tc sty that I never used aii)o.i. frwsock thai gave half as gecd satisfaction. . hi-iy recon ncn J it to fill owners of si ik. ft J. B. 3ELSHER. Louis. Wo. H Sick stock or poultry should not R eat cheap ptock food any mure than K sick persons should expact to be P cared by tood. When your stock Jg and poultry nre !ck gnvo them mcd M icme. Don't stuh tiwm witiiworth- fi less stock foods. Unload the bowels H and stir up the tcrpid liver and the E animal will be cired. it it be nossi- B ble to cura it. Black-Draught Stock and i'oaiiry iledicme unloads the W bowela and st:rs up me torpid liver It cures every malady of stock if B taken in time. Secure a 25-of nt can E cf Uktok-Drsuffht Stock and Fouitrv 1 Meoicine and it v. ill nav fxir itself ten a times over. Kcr?es work better. Cows f 3 give more inilit. -Ilogs gam fiesh. d And hens lay more eggs. It solves the j problem cf making as much blood. umii and energy as possible out ci 3 the smallest amount of food con J gamed. Buy a can from your dealer. i 3y Slant, Sp..o1I nni Taste lie Teeta ! . : s " . a ... - . lie Mnrtt Lead a Lite at Once Rls orous and Aacettc. Man; hotels and restaurants of im portance us well as many wholesale and rctii'l liquor dealing liinss employ j a wine expert. It la the duty of tins j man to pass upon the quality of all ! wines, trendies, whlekios and ether alcoholic beverages haaclled by his ! hor.se. lie work;? vith ai empty stom ach, and he makes his tests through CRUSHING A BORE. AMERICAN AUDIENCES. A MAN'S NECKTIE. The Authority on KatnraJ History That Sydney Suiitb Quoted. Sydney Smith jokes have a delicate flavor cf age, but an anecdote in "Mem ories of Half a Century" has not beeu told so often as some of tbe classic tales. Sydney was a guest at the din ner of au archdeacon, and a fellow guest, whose hobby was ' natural his tory, was a bore if once started on his eubjtct. Smith promised to try to keep him la check. The naturalist got his opening. ALr. Archdeacon," said he, "fcave yea seen the pamphlet written by my friend. Professor Dickenson, ou the re markable size of the eye in a common j house y?" The archdeacon courteously said he Men atd Women and Their Effect f the Manner of Its Arranffe- I'pon Fcbiic Mcetins. American audienecs are strangely alike in some things and strangely dLs similar in others. A good committee will take as much pains In the ar rangement cf its audience as of Its speakers. A.n audience seated without crowding is seldom enthusiastic. Nei ther is an audience whose hands are occupied with bundles or umbrellas, an audience largely composed of women or an audience in a cold room. The easiost audiences to address, the most responsive and Inspiring, are those raent Tells to One Woman. "I wouldn't attempt to judge a man by his coat," she said gravt ly, '"but I would not hesitate two minutes to 3uo"ge him by his necktie. It is an al most infallible guide. Of course there are exceptions, but the character and intellect of most men can be told by the way in which they tie their ties. PERSISTENT LOVERS. WOMEN WHO WEilS MARRIED SPITE CF THEMSELVES. IN Sorts Motrlmoclal Experiences That Would Seoul to Jni!f; Volt sire's Cynical Declaration That "Any Uan Can WeU Any Woiaiu." "Any man can marry any woman' Now, take the overclever man, for ex- i Voltaire once cynically declared, "if he ample. ! ouiy pursues her long enough." This, "Tha tie of the genius has afforded much 'copy' for the pen of the satirist and the pencil of the caricaturist, but th? three senses of s.'ght. which tests ! the spirit's color and clarity; smell, j had not The bcre pursued his advau wh'.ch tests its odor, and taste, the j (age: must Important se::se, which tests Its flavor. To keep these senses at once delicate and sharp the espert must not use tobacco, end In the use of liquors he must bu temperate to the point of toctotj-.liGm. If two glasses of champagne are set before n clever wine expert, one a i champagne of the vintage of 1S64. the ! other of the vintage of 1SSS, he wid tell readily whfoh U which. There are "I can assure you it la n most inter esting pamphlet, petting forth parucu- : lars hitherto unobserved as to the uivu j sual sizs of that eye." .- "I diniy the fact!" said a voice from J the other end of the table. All smiled j save the bore. "You deny the fact, sir?" said he. "May I sisk on what authority j ou con j denm the investigations of my most learned friend?" composed of men crowded and packed ; in reality any little peculiarity or idlo- toget her and warm. syncrasy In dressing Is generally the Women na tin-ally do not applaud or-j oatward and risible sign of vanity cheer. They are by instinct mere self j rather than of personal untidiness. The restrained in the public expression of ! art-rage man, with aa ordinary fchare their emotions than men. Every public ! of intellect, seldom kuows how to tie speaker is complimented by their pres- j a tie as it can be tied and Is tied by euc-e. knowing that their quiet word at ! men with no intellect at all. De may home is oftentimes more effective in possess a charming eelection of the results than the most enthusiastic I best ties which Broadway can supply shouting on the street corners by the ' and does not in the least look eccentric other sox. In a public meeting, how- j nay, rather, he often wants to be as ever, the audience gets Its cue from ' rmart in appearance as possible, but ! those nearest the speaker. By virtue of the power of sale confer red upon me by the provisions of a derd of trust executed to me by James V Mc Farlaud and v, i?e, Lucy A. Mcr'ar'and, on the 27th day of Otober, 190 ). pin! re conhd in Bonk "I" p iges f fi9 to 575 of the office of the Register of Dtc-ds of llothmord county, default bavin een made iu the payment of the indebted ness sfc n-cd by the said deed of tru -t. nud np'n demand of the holder of the notes, 1 will sell at public auction 4o the highest bidder for cash at tho court lionise dim in the to.vu of Ruther ord ton. at 12 o'clock, noo l on tho 20th day of December, 1002. the following dest ribed tract or parcel.'of land, to-Vit : Lyins and bcin:? iu the c-oiiuty of Rutherford, on the waters of Cat hoy's creek, known as the Toiiver 'Ti'-is homo-sti-ad, beginning at 4 dog woods, and running thence north 2 west f-1 poles to a stone Dili at the north end vi the bridge; thuets uorih -50 west 12 poles to a stake ; "thence north 10 we?t 33 liks to a stake; thence north 28 east !M) poles to a post oak on north side of Bisr mad; thence south P'.i east 21 V'mcs. to n Spanish oa k mi east side of road ; thence with ?aic road nouth 48 east 23 poles to ast.;uoii the west side of the road: thenc scnth 2:1 p to a big white oak ; thcuie south 5i east ot ples to a post c:'k; thonee north oO east 12 poles to a post oak, ride of voad: thence south t cast 130 poles to a birch, north side of creek; thence down n iil creek north 85 cast i t poVs to'a;take; thence soath oast 53 io!es to the mouth of branch near ford; thence south"?! east 20 polet to a ftaV:e- at tho moth of Holland's creek ; hence np .-ald creek as it meanders south CI west 86 polos to a stake .in creek; thence, west 29 poles to a pile- oi' stones. "Webbs corner; thence south 41 poles to an ash i:i Iladio'.v'' line; thence west vith his line 157 poles to the beginuing, containing 3(H) acres, more or less, being the ttime laud conveyed by '.Mutt I.Ic- Erayer and vue to the said James V. UcFui-lautt by deed dated DecemberSth, lo' fi, recorded in Book 70, No. 130, of paid Rejrist'-ir's ofic9, and being the same Liud descried in s.iid deed of trust. This November 19th, 1002. SO L.OMON G ALLERT, Trustee. j well two audiences, both from the ' same social class, both crowded, both j in larfev? theaters and both largely at ! tended i-v women. One hanoened to be Indeed a half dozen vintages which he j i ny the fact." replied Smith, ! in Colorado, one In Massachusetts. In can designate by their taste alone r "and I base my denial oa evidence one meeting the orchestra was re wlthout the hflpful presence of the j wedded to immortal versy well known j eerved for women. In the ctlicr meet labeled bottle. j to every scholar at least at this table!" : inS the men had the orchestra and the The wine expert must also have a The emphasis laid on scholar nettled ! wamMi had liio lower ciillrv and all .1 1 fe .1 0 -. ' " IJiuiiiuua huuniL-ui- ui rtrvi iiis. ; tfce naturalist by its Implicitton. " Weil. Among the red wlaw of Trance he j Ku." he Kiid. "will you have the kind must be able to tell those of the Ca- j r,ess to quote your authority?" renne from those of Burgundy and cf f wit, sir The evidence is those Dauph'tiy. i vell known. I may say Immortal, lines: In the white wines also he must be j ,.Who f3W h)m dle?.. learned, and be should have no dira- "i,- ba'ta tbe fiy. cidty iu distinguishing the chtfnipacafo "With my n!e eye!" cf Sillrry, of Ay, of Reitna and of i The gre?ts l-oared. and during the Epernny and In distinguishing also rest of the dinner nothing further was their best vintages. Among the oth.r i heard on the subject of natural Lis French white wines be must know j tory. I remember ! somehow he rarely achieves bis object. Directly you see a really beautifully nt any rate, was the experience of Ja cob llallidaj. a well known character in the north cf England a couple cf generations ao. Never did a lover win a wife under such discouraging conditions us Jacob, for after his first proposal he was soundly horsewhipped by th? ycucg lady's father and ducked in a conven ient pond. 'I'll ask her again next year. Jacob spluttered as he emerged (rom his Lath, the fire of his passion not a whit quenched by his cold douche. n?rJ larly once a jear, ca the aiuiiveroiry cf Lis first proiosal and Immersion," Nicholson says in his biography cf Mr. Halllday. "Jacob attired himself In his COMMERCIAL BASK. Report of the condition of the Cor mercial Bank of Rritherfordtcu, at Ruth erfordton, N. C, at ihecle.se of business on November 25th. 1902. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, ....... $23,478.54 Overdrafts 778.24 Furniture and Fixtures ! ,000.00 Due from bank and bankers. 12,183.08 Cishonhand 7.6SC.17 Total v i45,097.S3 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $10,000X0 Surplus 1,000.00 Undivided profits 1 ,01 1 .C3 Deposits subject to checks. . . . CO. 137.43 Due otht r banks S.JW.M Cashier's checks 5C8.05 tied tie (except in the cases of military finest raiment and presented bis peti men and actors, with whom It is a i tion, always with the saino negative re- thoss of Sauterne. liarsac. Preigmic and Bommes. And the Spanish white wines of Xores. the t'ormnn white wines of Johannlsberg. Steinberg and Ilockhcim must be like oM time friends. Wniskles and brandies are divisions of his work that are r.s important as the wlncH. He inut tell at a glance whether a bmndy has been aged in THE COOKBOOK. Peeled, chopped tomato sprinkled over lettuce, the whole cevvred wiih French dressing, makes a Hussian ' salad. . the boxes. In both cases th? audiences ! wero entirely friendly to the speakers, j The pccoiid meeting was marked by , wild enthusiasm, the first one by re ' spectful sttei;tion. In the second case J the mass of met; in the orchestra urged on the speakers by continued applause. In the first case the men in the galler ies who started to applaud were checked because between them and the speakers was u mass of absolutely silent femininity in the orchestra. I do not say that cue meeting was less ef fective than the other, but the differ ence in tin- mrain on the speaker was marked. Vroni "The Spellbinder." by Colonel Curtis Guild, Jr.. In Scrib-uer's. part of the training) which uever ! moves out of place, following faithfully the little idiosyncrasies of coutempora . ly dandyism, you may be fairly certain that you are not face to face with an undiscoveied Shakespeare or an era bryonic Goethe. Of course, in the case cf a rich and important p'-o".:i;-c. thr ' lesser details of the toiler;.-- iiMiiliy ; left to the valet, but even t !::; I d.y a man of real brains to l-ecp l,; tie at the exact angle for s-otc-idwable time Al diMiier yov. w:l t;eneirdiy find that by the time tht .c;ip hi.s arrived the evening tie has shifted its position or become obliquely set. This could probably be easily avoided, only It Imp pens that the way In which a man wears his tie indicates pretty accurate ly the wearer's Intellectual apprecia tion of trifle. Toledo Blade. Total . . f?4e,Ofl7.S3 POINTED QUESTIONS. To steam potatoes pel them and a supreme Conrt Coincidence, when very clean put them In a col-in- ! Wbl:.? in session the associate justices wood or iu glass, and he must not only j tfer over boiling water. Cover tightly j of the United States supreme court are separate with rase the Irish, the Scotch. ' with a lid and leave them until done. ' s sated on either side of the chief jus- Pat and the American whiskies, but he ! even must designate the districts in i which each was distilled. Considering his knowledge the salary of the wine expert is not great. It averages $40 a week. Occasionally it fulls as low as ?25. and occsudcually It mounts to munificence. The exi)crt must not eat rich, heavy fixds and pastries. lie innrt not kepp ( late hours. Jlis life, la n wd. must ! h? as temperate as that of an athiete I in training. This is ! order that his '; seusea of sight and taste and icneil i may be at their best always. Smoking ; la had for the smell: rich foods are bad ; for the taste: late hours cr any sort of I dissipation, even the mildest. Is bad I for the health generally and for all the Tarragon leaves are most useful in j tice, in the order of their commissions, uahtd r.r.i" should be scalded, squeezed i the oldest in commission ou his right, in a towel iind chopped fine. This herb j the next oldest on bis left: the third is t-Tves a Kent to the salad that is always j second on the right and the fourth 6ec appreclatcd. j ond on the U f t, and so on alternately. When making beef tea, uever ndd the youngest in cominis!cn occupying the sent on the extreme b-ft. ! When Justice Field wts the senior associate, thhj arrangement produced i the salt til: the meat has been cooking for several hours. Salt acts upon the fiber and prevents it giving out ell its bouHshitig properties. A st?rtk c.ie huh thick requires to be broiled Be1!! miunt.s: one inch and a half, twelve tuiniKes; two laches, twenty minutes, near the nre at first and then four Inches away. j Shiras and I'eckhain. All were mar- A substitute fu- caper Fauce Is made ! ':ed- bVlt 310 oat? r tlie j-st:ees on the hv .nu,r nTe snrifTii f' narrfev shnv- i ht had ever had any t-hiidi en. while "tf i. . I tlilfi curious residt: The uauies of the juetic. R ou the rhjht had but a 6ingle j syllable Flvld, Uivy, Iirown and White I while t!;e names of thoiie on the left ; hr.d two syllables Ilaiiau. Brewer, ly to let it become a bad color. Do not j each of those on the left had loth chil dren and grandchildren. The colors " " " i r-nnn fT f- it in matted hrtti-r niiti grnnucmiureu. i ne colors Eenses. sight In particular: hence th. j wVh r- d a dSL'ui were all on the right-Gray, Hrown and rigci-ous und ascetic life of the winei8 0-1 u!,L ,aIt a,'a a, "s.rUnoou.ui ; . eolortesa- - i cf vinegar. b?:i up and sc-rve, ,,t i..tf-u.K U:c tert was co.ouesa. expn. j i Youth's Companion. ' The wine expert Trorks with stomach emntv. for then his taste and smell are j A Ncw Profession. at their keenest He works on bright ', Mr. Inswim was hurrying days only in a room flooded with sun- ! blindly along the street toward a chem- ttght for then he can best weih a -s with a bottle in his hand when Iiqncr's color and lucidity. He uses I young De Trop bailed hhn. glasses of the oddest shapes- differ- i Ie Trop -Hello. Inswim! I've ent glass almost for every ISquoT-for . scarcely seen you for a year. Where these help him to distinguish the most j bi""e you been keeping yourself since delicate irradations of saill and color. I 3"J vvcr? married? The brandy glass, for instance, has Inswim-Oh, bssy busy tU the time, bowl almost as big as a washbowl. Ie Trop I say, what are you doing mostly 2 By virtue of a mortgage deed from Mary Owens and Amos Owens to me. registered in the Register's office for Rutherford comfy in Book L of real es tate mortgages on paga 147, I will sell at public a action for cash at the court house door in Rntherfordton on Monday, January 5th, 1003, the following described lands lying in Rutherford county adjoining the Eliza beth Murry lauds and the Jenkins laud, ljeginning at a rock 'pile in Elizabeth Muvry's line aaout25 links north of the Swcexy white oak corner of the Jenkins tract, and. runs with his lino south 140 poles to a rock, corner of sale to A. P. Owen's, now A. W. Oweus; thence with raid !ine east 100 poles to a chestnut, corner cf same; thence south 160 poles to a stake and pointers, corner of same ; thence north 12 west 198 poles to a chest nut by a large rock in Elizabeth Murry's line; th.i:ice with it north 55 west 181 poles to the beginning, containing one ! hundred and nfty-three acres, more or less. This property will be sold under the powers of the said mortgage for the purpose of applying the proceeds to the disc-barge of the costs recovered by the plaintiff from the defendants in the ac tion entitled '-Sarah Caufield against Omos Owens and Mary Owens," as is set forth in the said mortgage deed The bottom of this bowl the brandy covers in the thinnest layer. m The ex pert puts his face dowu close and. with his nose inside the bowl, rolls the brandy about, thus getting the full bou quet cf the liquor. He must never swallow the bever ages he tests. He kolda them to his month about a minute, rolling them upon his tongue and letting them touch his palate, and that Is sufiieient for an accurate judgment. To swallow them would not aid him, for there are no nerves of taste In the stomach. To swallow them would, on the con trary, hinder him. sending him drunk to bed each testing day. The expert of a large and fashiona ble New York hotel In discussing the other day bis business said: "What is more difficult than to de scribe in word the taste of anything? How. for Instance, would you say what bread tastes like or meal or po tatoes? "liut red wines have, after all. de finable taste. The poor red wines are earthy. They have a flavor of fresh soil. The good ones taste like field mushrooms, and the best ones taste like trutries. But the taste of whis kies and brandies and White wines Is not to be defined In any such concrete way as this. "The wine science is a nice one. Few men know It Few men Indeed can tell with their eyes shut whisky from Jrandy or ale from beer. Few men glittering Inswim I've got a new profession. De Trop What is it? Inswim II umor'.st De Trop-You don't say. I didn't think you were much in that line. Inswim I'm not a very success. De Trop What erwbet sort of work do you do mostly? j And then youug Mr. Inswim leaned I over end whispered softly in young Ije 'xrop s ear: "I'm spending most of my time try ing to humor a baby that's engaged in ! trith nnlfnrn " Then he plunged madly on again to ward the soothing sirup shop. Lon don Answers. No lailaence Al.uve. . In Dr. John Hull's time it was the eustcju in his church to use the old fashioned, simple liymiui. and the sing ing wns congregational. On one occasion William M. Everts discovered E. Delatield Smith, then corporation counsel of New York city, singing with all his heart and whis pered to his friend: "Why. there is Smith singing "I went to be an angel!" I knew he want ed to be district attorney, but I didn't know be wanted to be an angel." The remark was repeated to Mr.. Smith, and quick as a flash came the retert: "No, I have never mentioned the mat ter to Evr.rts, knowing that he had no infiueuce in that direction." Eult When he presented himself, rorr a middle ased man. for the twenty fourth time, the lady greeted his ap pearance with a peal of l.iughter. "It's no good. Jacob. I Bee,' she exclaimed. 'I may as well glre In now cs later, but what a faint heartfd creature the im portunate widow wns compared with your - Sheridan took an equally bold course when b,2 sought to win the fairest of the beautiful daughters cf Linley, tire composer of Hath, who was strongly v;losed to the suit cf the brilliant young poet and dramatist His lady love, too. was beset by an army cf suitors, many of tbctn far more eligi ble than the penniless law student Tba circumstances cfllhd for bo.d and de cisive action. After threatening to de stroy himself If the lady refused his advances and fighting a couple cf duels vrith one of his most fctuddable rivals Sheridan took the bold ?tep of runuius away with Ml.s Linley aud conducting her to a French nunnery, where she re mained in confi nt-nif nt until, succumb ing to her lover's daring and persist ence, the consented to marry him. An r.muslng and characteristic Ftory Is told of Lord Boacousfleld In ths days wlien he was wcoir.g Sirs. Lewis, to whom in later ycarr cf married life he was so touching!? devoted One day Mrs. Lewis, who was then living in retirement at her seat iu Gla-morg-inshlre. saw a goi-tlejn.nn walking leisurely up the drive. "June." she ex claimed to nu eld servant "I raily be . lieve thai hoi rid man Disraeli is com ing up tlie drive. Do. please, run to the door and say I'm not at home." Jane opened the doer to the undesired caller and gravely announced her rcesuge. " kacw." Dlsi-aeii coolly auswu-ed, "but take my bag to a bedroom and prepare luncheon. 1 will wail until . Mrs. Lewis is ready to come cown sta!rs.,, whlclu of course. Mrs. Ix?wis felt compelled to do a few minutes Liter. lug harder conditions than the state of "Oh. dear, what can I lo with eucli trade and the market compel you to n obctlnate. thick skinned man?" the adept? ' widow asked desperately later In the How would you like to be the stoker day when Dlwaell shewed uo rign of cr weaver or mechanic on tlie wages raising the Kiege. "Marry him. I sup- It J. F. Flack, casbier of The Coiaaicr cial Eank of Ruth rfort'.f'.m, do solemnly srear the above statement is true to the best of lay LuovrledfT'? 2nd belief. J. P. FLACK, Cashier. State of N. C, Rutherford County. Sworn to and subscribed Vcfcre mc this 9th day of December, 1202. 31. O. DICKER30N, C. S. C. Correct Attest : T. B. Twitty, Jtscr C. Mills, M. II. JCsriC2, Directors. Yonraelf In the Oilier One's tl.ce and Aniirrr. The gror.t ta.'dt of-sonini ethics U to Etimul.-.te the social imagination. We must be continually prodding our sense of social consequence to keep It "wide awake. We must be asking ourselves at each point of contact with the lives of others such pointed questions as these: How would you like to be the tailor or washerwoman whose bid you have neglected to pay? How would you like to be the cus tomer o whom ycu are selling these adulterated or Inferior goods? How would you like to be the In vestor In this stock company which you are promoting with water? How would you like to be the employ er whose time and tools and material you are wasting at every chance you get to loaf and shirk and neglect the duties yon are paid to perform? How would you like to be the clerk or saleswoman In the store where you are reaping extra dividend by Impos- you pay and the conditions of labor ycu Impose? How would you like to be the busi ness rival whom you deprive of his lit tle all by uaiug your greater wealth la tomjiorary cutthroat competition? William De Witt Hyde In Atlantic. XUV CUM 1CTA)VW1 """lira "- I ...... .. 1 abontoue hundred and five dollars ($105) mu. . . Tho Expe-ase of Canary Bird. The keeping of cannriea seems to be a fairly expensive luxury. To start Willi, a really good bird will cost $50. You can easily spend more, but f50 will buy a fairly good Norwich bred bird. The food the bird requires con sists of varSons delicacies in the form of rye, bread, lice, meal and vegeta ble. Canaries are liable to all soxi:s of ailments, and this, of course, neces sitates further expense, for the treat ment of these complaints is anything but cheap. Cf course, no fancier of ! cromi'ies would be content wdth one bud: he must have at least a doaen, and the cost cf some of these will cer tainly run to $75. Fifteen hundred l.os'JInj; Satnn Down. "Lightning knocked the church stee ple down," some one said to Brother Dickey. "Yes; Satan's eyes always Q&.rAi fire when he sees a church steo ple gwine up." "And here's a colored brother killed another at a camp meet- ; leg." "Yes; Satan goes ter meetin' long wid de res' er dem en sometimes shouts de loudes'." "And a preacher was drowned in the river last week." "Oh. yes; Satan's In de water too. He 'blecge ter go dar ter cool off." "So you blame everything en Satan, do you?" "Bless God!" was the reply. "Ain't dat what he's fer?" Atlanta Constitution. pose, ma'tni." was Jane's philosophic .answer, end. cs the world knows, the pendstent wooer hud his way In the end in this as in most other things iu life. A judge, not long deceased, used to , tell a diverting story of his wooing. In j tlioso days he was a struggling and ob- wuat wwaicetna Lncii. j "scure lawyer without even the prcslect ! " There is no avenue in Wtuhingtcn of an income, aad the woman on whoa which measures adequately up to the lu kid set Lis affections was th full demands of civic beauty. Wood- daughter of a peese proud man with a ward avenue in Detroit. Euclid avenue bJKh sounding mi nre who was strcmily in Cleveland. Peaehtree avenue la At- opposed to giving his daughter to a lanta. Independence avenue iu Kansas : pennlless lawyer." ; City aud Summit avrnue in St. Paul "I)o J0 know. the fatncr tbnn- ere all examples of handsome thor- ck'rpd when he was asked for bis 'ouslifurrs. where magnificent private daughter's hand "do you know, sir. residences are set in ininiatnre parka. tliat daughter's ancestor Lave all n .i tarror t.Ia itmniriinu nnr Rrw. been noblemen and that one of them By virturo of a jud n.ert and rlerrep of fiireclosnre rendered it thi Srt timber term iW2of tht Superior torn t for Kutl erf on! cocuty, in ther- tir-u entitled "An na C. M rgan, guardian tor MaryL"gfB Vhite'itd (nae) Movg-m. and Anna C. Morgiai in her individual capacity, against. M. W. Lof,an anti Arrle G. Lo m," I will cell at tin- court houe dorr iu RutheriOrdtou, tor ca?h, at putUc i-.uclion, cn Monday, tlie 5t!i day of January, th? following described List's, t-v 'tt Lying m Ratcerfom county on fcecond broiid river, adjoining tie Jan-'s rf llnb-c-rt Fite aad iithers leing the lands con veyed by P. B. Logan and n lie to an iey V. Logan, ai-d reentered in the Reg ister's ofuee for P.utberford couily :a Book Cu. No. 172, and brindc-d ai fol lows: Begintiug at a walnut ou the bank of the river; theurc scath -19 wes: 113 poles to two pints; thence south ?9 west 72 poles to a stake iu the r-ad: thence tout h S3 east 58 price to a B O and pine; thence novth 45 t-at poles to a pine; thence north CO cast !I0 poles to a sycaiiiore on the Lauk cf the river; thence up the river as it meanders to the beginning, containing acres. i-.i.-o a tc-etnd titct kn3-.Tii as the ilui tint t, containing cli-'ht acres mere cf less, including the inii!.s and TratT row er and ail appurtcnat.es thtrcto, nd joimng tha Cidut Logan doer, and the 'lands of J. (t. Logan. The said lands will be sold to patihfy the fa'd jnapmcnt for the nin of eleven hundred dtillars ($1,100) v.ith intere?t on the uuie at vis percent per annum from June 19, Ibi-6, and th-; corts of the action. Panics deslric to purvhase valuable property will find it to ther advaetrpe to examine the above rropt-itr Lefwe date of sale. This lx.eemb r th. 1 IH2. B. A. JUSTICE, CoutaiFicucr. McPrayer & Jrtice. Attorn -sy r.. ton. presents a charming picture of suburban development alung pictur esque and artistic lines. There la noth ing of the kind in Washington. Wash ington Post wns a favorite minister of Queen Eliza beth?" "Oh. yes. 1 knew oil that" tie young barrister placidly answered, j "mid do you know that (Jnccu Eiiza ibeth once slapped your ancestor's- face. and unless you are more civil An Anl.t's Trials. the CcnsplcsoBg Example. I "Women are belittled and made of no account in every possible way," ex claimed the indignant head cf the fam ily. "Even the geographers willfully and deliberately slight her. How many really important towns in this country are named in honor of a woman?" I wiU do cum a t if t-mi V f 4- fa pio trwkl rr ti f HIV nuUIC j VII 1 l i J Dktk Brcwniv-Dauber eei-taln has hla Prising that so bold and daring a lover own troubles. t!s way 1,1 tlie e,,d evcn ,u tne Pinder-Why, I thought be was do- facp of FUch a carrier of ghostly noble ing splendidly. ; ancestors. Brownly-He was until he painted 1 The rrin,p Bismarck, it is said, that last landscape. He painted the u hls w!fe in Eluch t!ie '"J ' sun In too natural. Although he had not known the lady of i Pinder-How could that be? i h!s Icve cloro tlu,n a few &a au,i Ler Brownly-Well. It dries up the wa- ww i:oi even aware oi ms ex- ter iu the pond so fast that be has to tetMice.be presented himself one day be palnt in new water evy f.vo or three fore thcni uud w,r askt?d IH'rmissIon By virtue of a deirec of the Superior conft of Rutherford connty, entitled "AlpLia Morrow, adniinistrr.trix of Jouu S. Morrow, deceased, against Claude Horrow end ether?, !;cLs at law of John S. Morrow, deceased," I he nudf isign'-d will sell at public auction ct- the court house door iu RutLerfn".tt-u, ii cn the oth tlay of January, 1C03, about ten aud tbree-i.uter? aens of land lying iu Cool Springs tcvrn.-;bio, ad the L.nd. of Joe Hr.rdin, Joseph Hunt ley and the Middle ton Sutton tract and the Coxe lands. Said land will te eoUl to create assets for tho payment of delt;. and tL? torrdos. if any, tote partition! anions the heirb at law tf the de ceased. On this tract of land is a neat cottage, and anyone desirinr sucb prop erty will do -well to call on tha under signed who will show them the said lauds. This Dcceribtr 6th. !P0. ALPHA MORROW, Administratrix cf John S. Morrow Deceased. McBray-r & Justice. Attorneys. days. New York Times. as will appear by bill of cost in the said cause as taxed by the Clerk oi the bupe rior court. This December 5th, 1802. SARAH CAUFiELD, Mortgagee. McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. J. G. & L. G. REID DENTISTS. Marion and Ilutliei fordton. All work; gaaranteea. Uur prices Reasonable. J. H. WOOD & CO., Rntherfordton, N. C. that custom demands should be drunk in this manner without a Tory big show with a dinner at which wine Is - for the money. London Tatler. served." ; : When asked what those wines were, he said: "Sauterne with the oysters, sherry with the soup. Rhine wine with the fish, chiret with the roast, champagne with the game, salad and dessert and. cognac with the cotfee." New York Tribnne. "Well, rav dear." said her husband. ., i, ! scratching his chin reflectively, "there s dollars per annum could easily be spent ,,, , ,, Janesvllle. you know." Chicago Trib une, Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, it not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Bcall, of Beall Miss., has to say: j "Last fall my wife had every sympton King s An Anchor to 'Windward. He Let's get married on Friday. She Oh, George, Friday, you know, is He Yes, I know It's unlucky, but. then, If our marriage doesut turn out !nviviMtr. "I suppose in th- colioctiag business." eaid the Inquisitive man, "nearly ev ery man you go to see asks you to call again." "Ask me?" replied the collector. "Some of them dare me." Philadelphia Press. A Cold Ware. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice to marry their daughter. Iu vain the father fumed und blustered and threat- ened to hare the young man forcibly ejected from the house for his imperti iM.uce. "I am sorry to annoy you. sir." the young soldier said, "but I must re spectfully decline to leave the house until I have your consent" Nor did he, although the consent was given in these ungracious wcrds: "Well. I suppose you must have your way, but I cannot com pliment my daughter on her choice of a mule for a husband." By virtue of a decree made in the Fpn cial proceedings entitled "W. J. Mode, adminiprrator f li. M. C. Morrow, against D. F. Morrow and others," I will sell at public anctiou at th- coral house, uoor iu Rut uerf ordton, to the high est bidder, ou January 5th, 1003, three undivided elevenths (3-11) int-r-ctr in fifty-two (2 ) acivs of land know n as the dower Lmds of Mrs. if. H. Mor row, lying about two and on?-half (2Jr. ) miles southeast of Forest City, adjoining the lands of Warkins, Smith andcihers. S.ud iuteresfs of B. M. Moriow :n the lands will be sold subject to ths life -tate of Mrs. K. II. Morrow. This i:ind will bo fold to create nsMds with wliieh to pay debt.-; against thi interstate of tLe undero?ued. This Dec mbtr 8th, 1S0:5. W. J. MODE. Administrator of B. M. C. Morrow, deceated. McBrayer & Justice, Attorneys. Asthma and Eczema Cured. Intelligent physicians say that fifty percent of the cases af asthma and ecfce- of Consumption. She took Dr j ina are caused by an excess of uric aid new discovery after everything else had j in the system. Uricsol, the great Cali-jiaikd. Improvement came at once dad Keep constantly on hand a full supply fornia Rheumatic Remedy, cum the four bottles entirely cured her." Gnar of Coffins Caskets and Robes. j above diseases. Druggists sell it at $1 .00 1 an teed by T. B. Twitty and Thompson J. H. Wood will sell you Tombstones I . . , v T, i. - ., r. " , and Monuments of any description. 300 ' I bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. If & Watkrna, Druggists. Prihe 50c and designs to select from. Prices guaranteed. you are interested, send stamp for took . $1.00. Trial bottles free. KedOl BypepSla CUr Co., Atlanta, Ga., or Uricsolf Dlfl89t3 What yOU CSLt. J Chemical Co.Los Amreles. Ofcl tie Feels It. well we shall always have something and a heavy congh may invade the sane-. bflckr nskeU tbe hIloso. tity ot neaitn in your own nome. uau- pQlT tious people have a bottle of One Minute j ..t" rtoes," replied the wise guy. "when Cough Cure always at hand. L. H. j rny bank account is overdrawn." On to bianie it on. Philadelphia Record. BtSdfs Ecrly risers Tbe f atnous illtBc pslSs Lift It Hlffh. "Ytf kin alius tell er polite man," said Charcoal Eph, ruminatively, "by de Way he lif his hat f de ladies, an' ef he lif it high, yo' kin also tell dat he ain't baldheaded, Mistah Jaokson." Wise, Madison, Ga., writes: "I am in debted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health, probably my life." It cures coughs, colds, la (r ppe, eiixiati Commercial Tribune. Dottbx Comment. Little Bobby was inspecting the new bronchitis, pneumonia and all throat foJ be firet t!n,e- and hls d!ctum A Timely Topic. j and lung troubles. One Mmuto Cough ".Z T K .... As this season of Coughs and colds -it Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out the in- Jg of bat rm t alQ.t a parpot. is well to know that Foley's Hom y and flaniation, heals and soothes the mucus Tit-Bits. lar is tho greatest throat and mng rem- mcmI)raues and ptrengthens the lungs.! edy. It cures vuictly aud prevents se- ,r.,, . . ... rious results from a cold. . Sold by The Florence Kills lorest City: Twitty & City Drug Store. Thompson, and City Drug Store. Subscribe for THE TRIBUNE, only f 1.00 per year, always in advance. J. C. Green, UNDERTAKER FOREST CITY, N. C. Best stock of Burial Hequists in tbe county from tbs cheapest CofUn to t'ae most elegant Casket, all at ciodcratc prices. Elegant Hearse. Phone JM umber 6. Foley's Kidney Care aekes kidneys and blsdder rlgbt

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