At, It - - IHE FLOWERS "COLLECTION vol. nr. no. 2. RUTHERFOEDTON, N. C, THURSDAY. JANUARY 15, 1903. 81.00 A YEAR.- r .1 ANNUAL jrprp 14 I 11. II SETTLEMENT $4o9.0 13 85 5.20 4.20 1.33 Nohth Carolina, Rurheuvoro Co. The following i a statement of all public monies received ly me since the J Ft -clay of December, lfO'i, and tbe dig position of tho wmio by wt wider the requirements of Motion yOof the Code: To rash for Mary Clanton heirs (in bunk) .... To cash for Samuel and Harvy Thompson i-t al To cash for Nancy Ma rah y To cash for Jacob and Nancy Smith To cash for horn of Jane Free man - - To cash for heirs of Cordace Scott - - To ca'i for heirs Sarah J. Queen (see pace "i0 also) To cash for Lillie Cunn To cash for Andrew Lodbetter To cash for F E Davis To cash for JAn-ney heirs (in bank) no report To cash on Fiack and Logan judgment in Wink ' To cash on Toms and Alexander judgment To cash for Carpenter heirs To cash for Evrell Stuart To cash for Joseph (rinm j p To cash for Quinu heirs To rash W C Rok-rsou, sheriff Polk county To cash for 1 S Philips, Cons't To cash for Wui Morrow, no re port, in Lauk To cash Alary Rrff . To ca:;h for heirs of Mildred Weaver ... To cash for G W Calloway peu pion, ... To cash on Rives and Martin judgment - - - To cash for Cliffton Scruggs l.o cash Harvey Lcirs M. O By commissions on $15.51 at 5 78 LOST IN HOTELS. HUNTLET STOCK LAW SECTION PR juno 28, 1P02, Received of E A Martin, sheriff . - CR By amount paid on claims By commissions on $9.26 at o $15.51 ; tfcaeer Thing' That Absentmlnded Craet Forget to Take Away. Every hotel In New York has a store- 'room for articles left behind by guests, j It Is one of the important departments of the establishtnc-nt and cfteu earns i tae grautuce or travelers wnose un fortunate bablt of forgetting leads ! them to look for things that are miss 8.89 ln hotels a book is kept in which $9.85 j THE DOMAIN. OF DESPAIR. That An-tol Great Basin Between the Rookies and the Sierras. s There ar various kinds and decrees of deserts in this country, but the most, nttsrly hopeless are found in the so called Great basin between the Rock ies and the'Sierras. This is a vast re gion of deserts, with here arfd there aa area where nature In praukisb mood seems actually to have made an effort A WEAK HEART. 47 j are jotted down descriptions of arti ' to produce spectacular effects of hor -.... 'jail funds DR i Dec 6, 1901 , To amount on hand 9.3G j as per settlement HUH Jan 7. 1902. Received of W A I Rocker, manager 0.42 Apr 4. Rec'd of W A Ruckcr. mgr 8S.9 jnlyS, " 14.351 Oct 4 " 4,273.68 343 25 455.31 356.2(5 853.96 jeles forgotten. When a hotel -does a huge transient business, it is frequent ly with difficulty that lost articles are errauged for identification. The integrity of servants must be relied upon to a large extent. The chambermaid take3 immediate posses sion of a -room upon the guest's de- tror. irroni tue wasatcn mountains io jthe Sierra Nevada extends a ghastly stretch of territory which Is intersect-, . fd by a series of high mountain ranges running parallel north and south, with valleys between. j A birdseye view of the landscape : shows three principal,- two of parture. She picks up anything that j which are known as' the Ainargosa and 100.00 1 To cash on hand to balance 102.85 t CR, . ; By amount paid on claims 12 04 Bv co,ns on .273-68 at :4 By coins on $528.04 at 3 " 1 00 By corns on $S81.08 at "(30 , By cash on hand to balance lCO.JO j , $5,782" 4G $976.18 ; appears to have been left unlntention i all'. A ncte describing the article and 1 giving the name of the guest, the room number and the ihne of departure is ; taken to the clerk. The property Is turned over to the housekeeper and by her to the "lost" department. Said the clerk of one fashionable ho- 4,678 70 " 100.84 " 1 s R.1 400 tel: "1 remember a singular case of a 976!'l8'man who didn't respond at once to Panamlnt. and between these is Death valley, so called because it is the very abode of death. Imagine a narrow stripof arid plain shut in between two mighty mountain walls, the peaks stretching up 10,000 feet into a burning sky. The surface of this plain, which Is 175 feet below sea level. Is a mere crust of salt and alkali, through which a ridden horse CO 50 ' Dec 6, 1901 rrn To amount on hand $5,782.46 . The result was that when he did get up he had to run. From the station I we got-a caft on the telephone: as ixt settlement - - 4,126.23 1 Hurrv to my room.' he shouted. ISO 00 Dec 1 1 Rec'd of E A Martin, sh'ff 1,935 00 i .ai)d on tut. tal)Ie vou'n find a Tery Val- I,11.4, n.y.n punl-n rrn Xt'a in V VSL Sdld them to tli station.' "Sure enough, we found two glnps the hall boy's call for an early train, j breaks up to his knees Into a horrid 45.i;6 Dec 21 Dec 28 " 1,000.00 8S.90 ! Jan 7. 1902. Received of Jolm G i Twittv. redemption bind . 7 34 30.C0 1 Jau 8. Rec'd of E A Martin, sh'ff 1,00.80 L eyes on the dressing, table in a plush paste than eats both hair and .hide. I k 1 .1.. A 1 I DA 1 a. griiy uiiAC nisi ucer uiui uinh.t3 everythiin; indistinct nd pnczling to the view. No vegetation la te be seen save a very scsmty sagebrush, with leaves that are not green, but gTay, and here and there a sort of jwctua that grows to five or six feet in Celght. with extended branches. It is called the Jan SO, 9.20 Feb 23, " " " 65.29 Feb 3, " " " 82.0()i Jan 5 " 1 Mar 13, Received of Rufus Twit- . l ,:i:';8.71 I ty, redemption land Dickspsox, C. S. C. ?.Iar 19. Rec'd of E A Martin, sh'ff 500 00 656 74 42.60 800.00 n worn t o bet ore me 1902. J. P. Jon-ks, Re Norih Ruthfrkord Co W? I ho nndersigiied commissioners of Rutherford county. h.n by certify that wo have examined the books, vouchers nuil receipts of 11 O Dickeif.ou, Clerk of Superior Court of Rutleiford county, and resptvtrcUy adopt and subhiit the foregoing n port. This 29th day ot No vemWr, 1902. C. jr. LY.vcir, Chuirmau. L. A. Hol land, W. (i. Flack, Eoard Commis-Biouers. , ..... Mar 2S, Received of M'O Dick. Lt tor Lrf' Superior court - cgv.terot Deeds, j y 1 2, Rec'd of E A Martin sh'ff 381. 55 , cast. OLe was ror oauy use ana ine ' other for an emergency. Guests often forget their false teeth, but that was .the only case I wer knew of a man ; leaving his eyes. liccanse In the night each like a corpse by the way- lO Nob th Carolina, RrinERroRi Co. We the undersigned commisjioners of Rurherford ounty hereby certify that we have examined tl-.w booki, rett iptJ nn.l vouchers of J P Jones, Register of l) ed-! for said county, for the y ar l'M.12. nnd res;hctfully submit the following on our ivuort : DR To marriage licenses issued from Nmv 27, 1001, to Nov 15, 1901, (174) - ... To L Z Duncan, tax on lan-i (double) mid paid to commis sioners by W L. Erisctx) 174.00 June 3, received of C M Lynch rent rf court . - - Jun 1 7. rec'd of E A Martin' sh'fF 1 .1 57.39 ! 14 f)( ' July 25. " ' " 29 ' 92.36 Sept 18, re(eivedof the Monarch Mining Co.-nnauy - - 25 60 Sept 1 8, rec'd of E A Llartin sh'ff 528.55 ' ' 4 ' " 509.8. 14 " "MODickersoncsc 28 01 Oct 2. rec'd of E A nartin, sh'ff 2,05.f:-2 "8, . " " . 37.98 Oct 8, Amonni transferred from 'county slock law - - 139.72 Oct 13. lTc'd of Canie Bryan demption of land - - ' 1 58 Oct 1 5, rec'd if A P Hill, ilc of pifrs county home - - - 13 50 Oct 27, received of A B Long, r demptioa of laud - - ' 84.05 Oct 29, rec'd of E A Martin, sh'ff ,517.o0 Nov 3. received of J suidison Mc- Sntirr, redemption of land Nov 7, rec'd of E A Martin, sh'ff " 24 " " ' Rings and pins are often found on thp washstand. Valuable pins are 10 -"a! fouad everywhere, the window cur S44!i55 TalTs bfiie.g a favorite depository. 1,000.00 1 Watches and revolvers bob out frcm ' under pillows. Of course when the o.i j . owners address Is known and any- "dead man' stalk looks side. But the supreme horror of the place is the heat, which Is unspeakable. There Is a breeze, but It Is so scorching hot as to blister your face. " J?treans flow from springs V:wti toward the valley, but never reach it. tietanse the heat dries tlieni up ok the way. Satur day Evening Post. A MOTHER OF COURAGE. the Old Ladr's First Football Game and IJer Boy. j She sat in the grand stand waiting I for her first football game to begin. Her boy had played it ever since she . could remember, und now he had made his varsity team, which was her var- ; , slty, too her Cornell, i Two of his fraternity "brothers" sat on either side as a bodyguard to her gray hairs and as a bureau cf informa- ' tlon. They were happier than they would have been with the prettiest girl j they knew. j She smiled with motherly pride ' ' when she picked him out of the squad of red sweatered "huskies" which at j length trotted out on the B"ld. She ' I wiped away a tear when a Columbia ! ' man fell across the line for a touch- . down. j j Then sh . surprised her bodyguard j by muttecing under her breath: 4-IIoid ! !'em hard, fellows!" "Twist their ! necks!" "Push! Push!" ! She explained her knowledge of these strenuous technical details by ! saying that her boy cried out like that I when playing dream games in his j sleep. ', She did not feint when he tackled i too hard and failed to rise, although j j his white face, with a streak of red : : blood across the forehead, waa staring : j up at her. : j . 'Tou can't hurt my boy," she said, . ; with confidence. "He's j:ist doing that ! , to get wind." So it proved. . i I He was up' and at it harder than j ever within the time limit. The Itha- ' cans gained five through tackle and ! t lost as many more yards trying to j ! round the end. Then something hap- j ' pened. i - A sturdy youngster shot out of the j i tangled elevens acd dashed down the thing valuable Is Wt he Is . uctlfled Ini. If not the forgot- usualiy lucernes the per euipioyees. New York 'i- ' oo nn3 tllp article sent to hi! ! called for In n few months. IMPROVED ON NATURE. ten article qulaite of Times. ' PRIMITIVE PUMPS. The Ancient 1.03 T- atiunnt on hau 1 to balance CP. Nov 15. 1002, by receipt from E A Riartiu, sheriff Nov 15 by cash oa hand to bal This November 2'rh, 1002. C M. Ltxc:i. CbairauMi, L. LAND. W. G. Flack, Board KbiUers. 175 62 174.00 1.62 A175.62 2S 28 29 2.00 602.00 2,800.00 237.47 154 00 467.06 A Point Tl;E.t Won a Lawsuit For W! 311am KcKlr.ley. A year or two after William McKIn ley had begun the practice of the law at Canton. O.. lie distinguished himself In a humorous fashion In one of . his first successful cases. As often hap- i pens In court, the humor wac not mere i ly for the sake of the Joke, but for serl ! ous purpose, Mr. Edward T. Roe In ! "The Life Work of William McKlnley" toils the story. . The case was a suit against a sur- Htll ClIraUBK or Stair Moantta Will Strengthen the Organ. It 13 ftot many years ago that the be lief prevailed that a sufferer from heart disease waB in constant peril whenever he moved and that the nearer he apprcaebed absolute rest the better It was for his heart. This is still troa in respect to certain forms cf heart dis easethose due to actual disease or de generation of the heart muscles but when the disease is in tile valves, as it is ln the majority of cases, the modern teaching is that properly regulated ex ercise is -beneficial. This is founded upon the common sense view that the heart Is like other muscles in that It can be strengthened by exercise to meet increased calls upon it. When the valves of a pump get out of order. It requires greater force to move a given quantity of water. If this force can pe applied, it will make up for the defect in the valves. The same, principle holds good in the case of the diseased heart; the valvular de fect must be made good "compensa tion" is the medical term for this proc-ess-by increased strength in the heart nitisele. The heart must be able not only to meet the ordinary, everyday extra strain this it does automatfcally, as it were, by the unaided efforts of nature but it must be stronger thau neces sary, just as It Is In health, to meet some extra strain caused by illness, a sudden nervous shock or some abso lutely necessary exertion. It Is evident, therefore, that a diseased heart must to assure the safety of the patient be strengthened beyond the requirements of a quiet life. This Is accomplished in various ways, but none is better for the purpose than hill climbing or stair climbing, the for mer for pJeasant days, the latter for r j,,., tho o-nil of th bin, and I bad weather. The exercise should, of .i,in rro mKSf1 tin after lir.e cf oourpc, betaken uuder the direction of whitewash and finally was over the a physician, ror it can easily De over--. lRSt one the hoe j)ack at hi3 u?es aone. in wuien case cue or tue uau con ditions against which It la the object cf the exercise to provide will be arti ficially produced and the heart will be overtaxed lefore it i strong enough to withstand the extra strain. Youth's Companion. 1 Shi .OC' Merbaofsnt VneA In Esyrt and In China. A representative piece of mechanism occurs frequently on the sculptures of early Egypt. It. has the nppcarancecf and is generally btlleved tt bo that of a porrabie pump, me nyaniuuc screw j geojJ wuom tlie plaintiff charged with Is also uttributod to this people, but jha-.g S;,t h!s leg p.6 badly that it was their main reliance ssems always ty rOWPi3. McKlnley def-nded the snr have ieea the shadoof, seen . evrryt and found xt pitted against where ulong the banks cf ih- NIK an j h McSwwnev. one of the most brtl- tnvention so s:mp.e ana eo wui! auapir llflnt i.,Y.-volj, of the Ohio bar. "Touchdown! Touchdown!" cried the ! crowd. j "My boy did It." said the mother. and then she cried. New York Trib une. NATURAL HISTORY $25,52S.S5 ed to their needs that it remains today ; substantially the fame at it bus been through all the centuries since history began. : $1,505,38 j cbaln jremp In China, an invention the j origin of which antedates the Christian I era. This sipipls? machine, which Xeeias A Hol-Comuiis- To cash on hand to balance - . "v CR' By amount .paid on poor claims 1 ,254.20 1 By a'r.iunt paid instanta - 3.5 ."4.78 i never to have been improved upon. Is I By amount paid railroad - S.990.57 ! in aiU.h n munnn nK1 tlt everv as-icul- aJ,"UJ" M! uy ciatuis u,uw.u tani i;liH,r,.r 1b In pooKsion "term. 1902 By sniount mid Noitni Cauouna. Hrnt?:KPor Co. We tin undersigned county co;nmis-t-innerHo llnvhrt'ord oauty hereby cer .tiftluit we have examinul the lool:. vouc'iois and receipt f C L Miller, Court Treasurer, and n-speci fully sub mit th following as onr report : UNTY ItEPAIUS STOCK LAW ii: Dec G, 1S)01, to amount en hand as txr M-ttlemtivt - - 2.37 IV b 3, i:U2, Receivwl of J P Hemphill sale of wire fence 21.C0 aiar 10, Bcc'd of P C Rollins sale of i ire fence - - GO 00 Mar27,,tlee'd of P C Rollins . wile nf wire fence - - - 10.00 ' Apr T, Rec'd of Amos Naaney . sale of wire fence - - 48.72 'Nov 3, Rec'd of Amos Nauuey sale of wire fence ... 0 40 870.80 jury special tMui ii0:J Py ami pd jury Sept term, lf02 By auit pd jury Nov term, 1902 By commissions on $24,009.40 at y per cent By commissions on $1 ,513.95 at -2 per cent By cash on hand to balance 457.85 512.70 453.05 7.oi 1,500.38 $25,523.35 This 1st day of December, 1002 C. M. Lvscn. -'Chairman, L. A. Hol land, W. (J. Flack, Eoard Commissioners. To amount on hand to balance CK By amount paid on claims By amount transferred to coun ty claims - - - - -By commissions on $6.84 at Z By cash on hand to balance tl51.4D $4,93 0,50 139.72 34 -1.03 $151.49 EAVES STOCK LAW SECTION June 28, 1902, Received of E A Martin, sheriff - - 44.31 North Carolina, Rutherford Co: We the undersigned commissioners of Rnthrrford county hereby certify that the following is a true report of the County Home, with A P Hill as keeper. We resp'ictfully submit tho following report: DR Dec 11, To amount on hand as per settlement. - - . - To amount of purchases To amount of pigs sold To amount on hand Dec 18, 1903 iu possession cr one. Where Irrigation Is conducted on a lar ger wule the chain pump Ls made pro port ioi.ate!y" Larger and imovjh! by a very simple tread wheel, and-silll lar ger ones are operated by yoking a buf falo cr other animal to a suitable driv- 720.28 j ing machine. ' '' The application cf steam to raising watT is of uncertain origin. Long be fore the Christian era certain applica tions of tire to vessels containing wa ter, by which effects were produced calculated to astonish ignorant wor shipers, were practiced by the prir-sls of Ecypt. Greece and Home, but their knowledge seems n.'vcr to have been turned Into any channel of secular use fulness. -. . 727 05 286.12 McSweenuy l.ronxht his client Into court and had hlta expose the injured limb to the Jury. It wa.s very crooked, and the case looked bad for the sur geon. Hut McKlnley had both his eyes op.?n. as usual, and fixed them keenly on the other man's leg. " ' ,; As soon as the plaintiff waa turned ever to him be asked that the other leg should also be bared. The plaintiff and McSweeney objected vigorously, but the Judge ordered It dene. Then It ap peared that his second leg vas st!ll more crooked than that which the sur geon had set. "My client seems to have done better by this man than nature Itself did," fcahl McKiniy. "and I move that the suit be dismissed, with a recommenda tion to the plaintiff that he have the other leg broken and then set by the surgeon who set the first one." All animals ruminate which have horns and cloven feet. Tlie offspring of two rabbits might in ten years number 70.000.000. Flying tlsh have been known to jnmp ten feet above the surface of the sea. - The puffin is the most punctual Of birds in the matter of its annual migra tion. The moose deer has the largest horns cf any animal. They often weigh from fifty to sixty pounds. The boa and python have tho largest number of ribs of any animals, tho number being 320 pairs. Some few birds, notably the blue throat, accomplish the whole of their migratory journey in one stupendous effort. - The reindeer can endure more than any other draft animal except the camel. A reindeer has been known to pull 200 pounds at ten miles an hour for twelve1 hours. , FLOWER AND TREE. Secondhand Book Hsblt. One of the novel habits of the pres ent day is one that takes one to second- Planting a few trees every' fall or spring, as may be convenient. keepsup the supply of fruit. The American persimmon mskes a handsome tree ornamentally consider ed. It has dark green leaves tSat re main on late ln the fall. Carnations do cot thrive in the shade and will not tolerate the presence of rank manure. Tljey are easily grown in any good garden soil. One secret of getting flowers from pottc-d plants is to let them get pot bound. When a plant can no longer keep on growing, it turns its energies toward producing flowers. By yearly attention to pruning and by good feeding a shrub may be re newed from season to season and kept always strong. Old and weak wood should always be removed. Ammonia Is a plant stimulant, not a food. While it is useful to force plants Into bloom and growth after the soil is exhausted, a fertilizer must be applied or the plant will use up fts own vital ity ln bloom. THE ORIGINAL LIYEPx MEMCIMSi A sallow complexion, tiizziucc;. bili ou mess ad, a coated toie axe comraon indications o t-?r?T Glcninc-h and & bowel troubles, 6evere as they are, "gj givo immediate warning by" pain, but liv;r and kidney troubles, '- though less painful at tne stfrt, rre much harder to cure. Theutord'a Black-Draujht never fai!s to bone- fit di&ea&ed iiver and weakened kid- neys. Ic3tirsu? the torpid liver ;v to throw o2 the germs of fevered & ague, it 13 a ceitam preventive or cholera and Brii-fct's disease of the kioneys. Vv7i;.!i kidneys rc- "inoroed "by Tb.ctford's Black Draught thpasands cf ersans have dwelt immune ia the mklst cf ycl- . low fcvf. Many families live in psrrcot hoalth and have no oiher doctor then Thedfcnl's Blick Draught. It is always oi hand for use in sn e-ncigency and saves many expensive calk cf a doctor. M-J!ns, S. C, A1 arch 10, 19CI. i have used Inedtord's PMdt Drreafct for time years aodlhayc not hi.oga to a doctor siae I have been taking it. It is the best medicare icr me th&t b on ihe markst for Ywtr and hid-izy troubles ?r.d dyiepsia or.4 other Jgy coj&pUiifiti. Kcv. A. O. LLWI5. COMMEECIAL BANK. Report of the condition of the Com mercial Bank of Ruthcrfordton, at Ruth erferdton, N. C, at the close of business on January 5th. 1903. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, Overdrafts Furniture and Fixtures. Due from banks and bankers. Cash on hand 6,136.35 S92.S3 1,000.00 16,017.34 6537.0q Antlqclfy of tbe BoCBierang. The boouirninc, the Australian na j hand bookstores, says the Philadelphia J tlve'P weapon of offense and defense. iNortn American. ie:aers in aissipateu Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Deposits snbject to cliecks Duo other banks Cashier's checks Total.. .P $50,103.61 . ?!C,000.00 . 1,000.00 : , 1,155.90 ! SC.5D2.84 . 631 :&s 423.29 . 150,103.61 Dn. T. B. TWTTTY, Fresident. J. F. FLACK, Cashier, OOK STORE i Repulsed tr Eeoa. A striking Incident of th? relief of Cawnpore was the rout of the Ninth lancers by a swarm of bees. A village In the line of march was foundto be defended by a hastily Improvised Btcckade. on the top of .which a num ber of hives were stuck. Into one of Heedleaanesa. Heedlessness may not be one of the seven deadly sins, but eculd the perpe trator oftener witness the result of his act a whole list of casualties would be come obsolete. A little Italian lxy, lightly clad, was recently helping to sort out bottles from a city dump heap. In trying to remove a stopper from a condensed milk Jar he accidentally broke the glass, and a powerful acid poured down his side. The child fell screaming to the .ground, terribly burn ed. He will be crippled for life. The libraries call It aptly enough the "sec ondhand book habit." A clerk whose duty it is to stand at the front of the secondhand bookstore and watch out for possible purchasers is the one who first made note of this queer habit. He noticed that the same men and women were wot to stop and cursorily Inspct the same dnsty vol umes day after day. year ln and year out. They come every- day the same old faces and they look over the same old !oeks. and they never say any thing, .and they never boy auything, and .after awhile, when their time Is op. they go away as silently as they came. The place to buy -BOOKS, STATIONERY 27.00 1 these a youag oiheer jabbed his sword. To amount on hand . CK By receipt from County treas By .amount used during 1902 By liiiount turned over to Mr Edwards - . - 599.00 $1.6:12.17 $599.00 27.00 1,013.17 599.00 CK By amount paid on claims Ly commissions on $44.31 at 5 PIXKY ltroaE KTOCK LAW DK Juno 28, 1002, Received of E A Martin, sheriff i CIt By amount paid on claims liy commissions on $48.30 at 5 $44.31 42.10 2.21 &4-1.31 $1,639.17 j This 0th day of January, 1903. i C. M. Lynch. Chairman, L. A. Hol iamj, W. G. Flack, Board Commis sioners. The annual settlement with E. A. Martin, sheriff, will be published in Tins Tribune beginning on Thursday, Jan uary 22ud. with a result that, in far less time than it takes to the whole advance guard was racing, for dear life to the roar.- and Sir Hope Grant hastily formed line of battle, believing It re oulsetl bv the mutineers in force. person who, after lment or proce: innocent lookin. threw It Into thirik."-Youtb'i 1 f V. 1 c sTV V ins some exner- 1 the cupful of i,' . it . iue oolite aim rrel "didn't n. you 48.30 45.94 2.12 48.C6 H M'DANIEL STOCK LAW SECriON' DR Jnne 28, 1902, Receivetl of E A Martin, sheriff - - - 32 21 cu By amount paid on claims By commissions on 21 at 5 A Starve lous Invention. ; Wonders never cease. A machine has been invented that will cut, paste and j hang, wall paper. The field of inven-! turns and discoveries seems to be unlim ited. Notable anions treat discoveries is Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It has done a world of good for weak luugs and saved many a life. Thousands have used it aud conquered I grip, brouehiti, pu?uniouia and con sumption. Their general verdict Is: 'It's tho best and most reliable medi- $J32.21 1 cine for thaoat and lung troubles. Every RfAe SlnffinBT. Rice 6tufflcg for roast chicken or tur key Is considered preferable to the usu al breadcrumbs. To prepare It brown one chopiKHl onion In a tablespoonful of butter and mix with it four cupfuls of cold boiled rice aud one cupful cf breadcrumbs that have ljeen moistened J la one cupful of milk. Season with sage, parsley or other sweet herbs, as desired. A'd half a pound. of, sausage meat ior flhvly . chopped salt pork and salt aadftiipper to taste. ' ' - ? '" v . ' u " ' ' ' "' Wabash I -wonder --what- makes old Ootrox dress so shabbily ? ', ; Monroe His pride, .my bof. ; - WabassIiT-Why. IiowHj that?-x " " Monroe He's" afraid his customers will mistake hUn for one of his clerks. Chicago News. ,'. '. 30.00 1.61 i M MA1IA! STOCK LAW SECTION VV. Jone 2tS, lfH)3, Received of E A Martin, sheriff 15.51 jCOo and $1.00 bottle is guaranteed by iT. B. T witty aud ThomneonA; Watkiris. cu Bv amount paid on olaiiim, . ' - . $15.51 14.73 ' Subscribe for THE TRIBUNE, only $1.00 per year.lways in advanss. . , ' SuUcribe for THE TRIBUNE. "No.w said Mr. Bllggias; yi haven't ny use for philosophers." . "Why notr ': . . ;' "My Idea of a philosopher is a man who pretends he enjoys hard luck." Washington Star. ; : r t ;s ; A Life At Stake. II yon knew the splendid merit of Fo ley's Honey and Tar you would never be without it. A dose or two may pre vent an attack of pneumonia or la grippe". It may cave your life. City Drag Stow. - ? Tlie Onlr Exeetlm. . "She's --unusually conscientious. say?" "Yes. indeed; even In the smallest de tails of life." - " "Able to resist any sort of a tempta tion?' ; "Has she ever been to Europe?" The ehampion of woman looked star tled. v- "Ob.weIl." he said, "of course, if she had.aLchance to smuggle q few gowns intSpsthe country, why why that's a cUffereiiaatter,' Chicago Post An Emfenrrnsiifnar Answer. . A man sent a note to a rich neighbor with whom he was on friendly terms to know If he could borrow an ass for a few hours. The worthy, old man was no scholar and happened to bare a guest sitting with him at the time, to whom he did not wish to expose his ignorance. Opening the note and pre tending to read It. he reflected a mo ment and turned to the servant "Very good," ild hp. "Tell yonr master I'll come myself presently." referred to in all reference works as an instrument unknown until after the known before the time of Christ. Tliny I SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ETC. the elder, a contemporary of our Sa viour, writes as follows in his "Natural History" respecting an instrument made of the wood of the aqoifo'.ia : "If a staff made of this wood, when thrown at an animal, from want of strength in the person throwin?; falls short of the mark. It will come back toward the thrower of its own accord. ao remarkable ae the properties of that tree."- , " t aSCthv, prolf ble lat T county from tba cheapest Coffin to the learned riiny did not consider the j shape of the "staff" and referred its pe- i most elegant Casket, all at moderate culiarities to the nature of the wood of A.L.GRAYSON J. C. Green, UNDERTAKER FOREST CITY, N. C. .-; Beet stock of Burial Requiets in the which it was made. i - Tbe'ErM ani tke Temjer. uThere are, experts on the eyes who bold stoutly tto::the theory that troubles in vision Often cau?se serious ' lapses fponj'.a well ordered life among chil- dreg and .that disobedience, ill temper,. hysterics 'are' freq uently dne ... a mong youngsters td aberrations and to ail' ments" which pffect the sense' of sight. Such theory may. appear to be car ried."so far as to be almost a fad, yet there -may be something in it '. Tbe lnTcwtor'ii TTlnmpU. "You say that Arbelter's inventions have made several men millionaires, but did he ever make anything out of themr 'Oh, yes. He was singularly success ful with his devices In that respeet He made enough to perfect all of them." Indianapolis News. , All Ia Vala. ' 'Clara I suppose I shall have to gire Mr. FIddleback the next dance. Maud Why don't you sit it out with him? , "Well, I've tried that." New Yorker. , Domestic Troubles. It ia exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasion ally, but these can be lessened by hay ing Dr. King's New life Pills around Much trouble they save by. their great! work in stomach and liver troubles. They not only relieve yon, but cure. 25c at T. B. Twitty, and Thompson & Wat kins' drug sfrore, - .lie Whole Thins. She None of your iove in a cottage" for me. I want a brownstone house in a fashionable neighborhood. - He And, I suppose you want . U in your own name too. Brooklyn Life. . CMrcanJttnnce Alter Faeea. "But she used to be considered qnits e beauty." "That was before her father failed. Detroit Pre Press. ' . " : Perception cf Fact. "What is the way to success?" we ask the great men. They cannot tell us. They know what upheld them in every emergency, but they cannot de fine it. It was the sense of proportion. It hi ensured, plumbed every circum stance and ganged every condition. It weighed relative values, material and human. It knew character when it found it and sifted the wheat from the chaff. It recognized opportunity. It likewise made the most of it. Cos mopolitan. Bad It on Good Authority. "Can yon give me any evidence In regard, to the character of the de ceased? said tbe judge. "Yes. my lord," replied the witness. "He was a man without blame, be loved and respected by all men, pure in all his thoughts and" "Where did yon learn that?' said the judge. "I copied it from his tombstone, my lord." Stray Stories. . prices. Elegant Hearse. Phone K umber O. -- . L. EUWARRDS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, To the left up stairs in the Commercial BankBuilding. - " - Prompt and careful attention given to all bnsidess intrusted to me. Acrent for i safe and reliable Fire insurance Co . pa j nics, also, for one of the largest and rt and '(Banding and Trust Companips in the conilfrx-. Tf vnn rlnii Pi T - - .7 -. or want to make any kind of on-me. nsur&nc bond call ' Started Rieht la. "My dear.", said the caller, witb a winning smile, to the little girl who oecud the Study while her father, the eminent literary man. was at his dinner, "I -suppose you assist your papa by entertaining the bores?" "Yes. sir.", replied the little girl grave- Please be seated." iy The niHny friends of G. H. Hansan, Engineer, D. E: & W. R. R., at present living in Lima, ' 111., will be pleased to The world Is full of people who would .know of his recovery, from threatened break their necks any time rather than 'kidney disease. He writes: - I was wait for the next car. Atchison Globe, i cured: -by using ' Foley's Kidney Cure, Fatal kidney and bladder troubles can lwhich 1 "cconimend to all, especially always-be prevented by the use of Fo--'traimn-i. who are nsnally similarly af Mr? Kidney Cure. City Drug Store. -Uictcd."' City Drug Store. O. C. ERWSN, Justice of the Peace, May be found at the Rutherfcrdton Hardware Stort.. Will give prompt and oareful attention to all business intrust ed to him. - Eaves & Rucker, A ffnrnflTC At TVii ncnllArr of T Rutherfordton, N. C. " Office up stairs in Dickerson building. Prompt attention given to ail business intrusted to them. Carroll W. Downey, Physician and Surgeon, Rutherfofrlton, 2v. C. Office in Residence on Main street 'Phone No. 23. Tho ''f amsiis psis. Foley's Kidney Cure mekes kidneys and bladder TigOU s I i JT-;