DID WRIGHT HAVE ROYAL PARTNER j His Trial May Lead To Very Embarrassing Situation. ACCUSED 10 LITTLE DISTURBED. WAYLAID BY BANDITS. LADY ATTEMPTS SUICIDE. Asserts That Kc Has a Powerful Pro tector In An Exaltsd Pocition Who Will Shield Uim Statsment Causes Evident Uneasiness. London, March 17. John Flower, chairman of the shareholders com mittee which instigated the prosecu tion 6f Whitaker Wright, the director of the London and Globe finance cor poration, who was arrested yesterday on his arrival at New York from Trance, says: "I see Wright i3 quoted as saying he had a powerful piotectcr in an ex alted' quarter. Thl3 statement is not new to us. ' It is the keynote ol the whole case. -Prior to the failure of the London and Globe certain per sons maintain Wright had in hi3 pos session letters ifbm leading members Of the English royal ftftnily showing they-weie mixed up in his transae Cms. We have no documentary rreof of this. Wright ' himself is probably the only man in the world v.-ho could prove it. If he. has such letters .they ought now to be in the possession of the New York police aa we suppose they searched his effects and Wright is. not likely to 1st such a powerful weapon of defense out of his pernnal hoping. Within a few. weeks the chief irpxte in the Wilght case will be the question of the complicity or otherwise of the most exalted person-agog- In the empire in Wright's finan cial ani other schemes. We do not anticipate any difficulty in obtaining his extradition, but if what Wright's friends maintain turns out to be true, hia genuine prosecution' will become an extremely delicate matter. We believe, however, that the -lawyers at prerent engaged will sift the matter to th3 bctlom, regardless of any consid erations." Attorney General Flnlay, in the" Irons 9 of corarnors this afternoon said the crown would pay the cost of the extradition of W.Ight and the pay ment by the crown of the whole ex penses cf the rrceecdings, will be con sidered. His prcsesutlcn, however, would be left in the hands of the offi cial 'receiver of the London and Globe corporation. Six Persons Murdered In Arizona Stage Coach. ' Ix)s Angeles, Cal., March 13. A dls pat6h tiom Tucson," Ariz., to The Her ald, says: "Mexican bandits held up the stage which runs between Potam and Toiin, on the Yaqui river, in Sonora, cn last Tuesday night, killing all of. the six passengers. Among them was Fill berto Alvarado," a wealthy Mexican, who owns -a number of ranches along the Yaqui river. The authorities at Guayamas were at once notified. Alvarado and his wife had taken the stage from Potam to Torin and the men no doubt thought they carried a large sum of money with them. The stage carried very - little mail, and scarcely suiy money ox valuables. The hold-up took place afcout half-way be tween the two towns. Just how the stage was atteked will . never be known, as all the passengers and driv er were killed They were picked up the same af ternoon of the tragedy and the circum stances give evidence that they put up a fight, alse they would not have been killb J. Their bodies vere' rifled of everything of valu3 cn them. The traces had been.cut and the horses had been allowed to lun wild.' The cover and body of the stage were shot full cf holes. It is thought by the Guayama3 au thorities that the perpetrators were some cf the bandits who have taken refuge in the mountains back of the Yaqui river and were watching for Al varedo. Friends of the murdered rancher say that he had little money with him at the time. Alvaredp had been marifcrd only two months. With him were Senorita Julia Berido and Senorita C. H. Gon zales, both of prominent families in tITat country, and bc'th of whom were murdered. Found In-Berth of Pullman Sleeper With Her Throat Cut. CfcarJeston, S. C, March 13 Tetano Jesado, apparently a Spanish- woman of culture, cut herthrcat this morning In her berth on a Pullman car just be fore entering the Charleston yards. The woman took passage at Jersey City and is believed to have lived at that place.- She had a berth engaged for Charleston, on the coach which is switched off the through train at this point. She had money and considerable baggage, and nothing unusual was not ed about her, except herioreign ap pearance and name. She was about 30 years old. This morning when the train arrived at Ashley Junction the Charleston coach was switched in to the city. Just before entering the yard, the pc:ter went to the various berths to awaken the passengers and when he reached the berth occupied by the Spanish .woman he found it soaked with blood and the woman ly ing within, her throat horribly gash ed and bleeding fearfully. She was unconscious. Immediately upon reaching the city she was taken to the hospital, where she is new being worked over by the physicians. They ssy there is little chance to save her life. It is not known just who she is be yond her name, which was marked on some of her possessions, but efforts are being made to locate and communicate with some of her relatives and friends. mi j MET WITH SUCCESS ABROAD. FCRCEnS VICTIMIZE CAN iS. New York. March 16. Whitaker Wright saj e he will waive examination and return to England. FLORIDA BANK CLOSED. One of the Oldest and Strongest In ths Gtatj In Trouble. - Washington, , March 16. The First National Bank of Florida at Jackson ville has be,en clored by cfer of the comptroller of the currency. The failure of the bank, it is said at the treasury department, was due to losses which absorbed the entire capital and surplus, leaving a deficien cy in assets, which are of a slow' char acter and of poor grade, consisting largrly of phosphate and lumber mill machinery, Insuiance polices, real rstat. oK The bank has liabilities cf $C75.182. Arc Now Being Ktsntsd by Employes Armed With Wlnohisterb. Salida, Cclo., March 14. The em ployes of the First national bank and the Calida state banks cf thisciiy, armed wifh winch&sters are securing the country around Salida for two -men who successfully victimized the banks .by means of forged checks, securing $5,300 in cash. Two checks for $2,O0"3 and ?l,300ba;ing tha names and en dorsements cf local business men were presented to the banks and on tele phonic identificatisn vere paid. It develops that a confederate of the m2njy4io presented the checks at the banks had answered the calls on the telephone. When the deceit was dis covered apesse cf citizens and bank cl?rks. headed by the cashiers of the two banks, heavily armed and mount ed, started in pursuit of the guilty men and later reiurnedwUli two men who gave their names as Mendenhall and McFarland. Mendenhall was subsequently se- lared, McFarland .beinc held as an accomplice. Search Is beans niiJe for two rven who have been n Salida for a week or mere and made the place cf business of one of the men whose named was forged their-headquarters. Representative of St. Louis Exposition To De Given Cvstion on Return. New York, March 13. Grover Cleve land and two former members of his cabinet, John G. Carlisle and Daniel Lament, will attend a distinguished gathering of New Yorkers and Mis- scuiians on Thursday evening next in honor of the successful mission abroad of David R. Francis, who was Mr. Cleveland's secretary of the interior, and who has visited King Edward, Em. peror William, President Loubet and King. Leopold, in the interest of the St. Louis world's fair. A big delegation of Mlssourjans 13 expected to reach New York cn a spe cial train Thursday izorning to wel come Mr. Francis home and escort him to St. Lcuis. - " A banquet is to be given Mr. Fran cis at the Waldorf-Astoria. THE GREAT CALIFORNIA REMEDY CURES :atism: And all Liver, Kidney and Bladder troubles caused by uric add in the system. It cures by cleansing and vitalising the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone, -and builds up the health and strength of the patient whii using the retried v. URICSOt, is a luminary-in the medical world. It is endorsed by the leading physicians of California, and has cured and will continue to cure more of the above, diseases than all " "-other known j-emedies, many of -which do more harm than good. This thoroughly tested remedy never diappoints. It v cures infallibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and blessing to suffering humanity. - -' rrice $i.oo pef bottle or sis bottles for fs.oo. For ..sale by druggists. - Send stamp for book of particulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address: - UR1CS0L CHEMICAL COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CAL. OR THE LAMAR & RANKEil DRUG CO. DISTRIBUTING AGENTS, ATLANTA, GA. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU NEEDN'T PAY FOR IT. V. -That's as fair a-projosition as we know how to offer, but will add that if you will purchase from us three bot tles of TANOPILINE and it does not cure your PILES we will give you $500. . We will makegood anything purchased from us that wpl cause you, trouble, and ask you to remember that our prices are 15 per cent pi? to what you pay others for the same goods in the patent medicine line. , We have a Tit Bit Calendar for you. Call and get it at Drug tore HAS SOME MISGIVINGS. AtlCnta. March 16. A dispatch froti JacteOBvlile, Fla.r fays that ike First National bank cf JJciia was cleed today hy mi e?iF ir3 t&a etn'tfpl ler cf tfce currency. A fcaak exam iner ha3 been placed im charge ef'the bank. No statement was given put by the president of the bank, Joseph M. Shoe maker, or any of the bank officials. The bank was one of the oldest and Etrongeet institutions in the state. Secretary General Spinner, of the Unitd States treasury, was its first treasurer. MANY REPORTED KILLED. But On the Whole Cardinal Gibbons Is Fleased With Czar's Manifesto. Ealtiiioi, Md., March 16. Cardinal Gibbons commenting on the czar's manifests, is c.uoted as saying: "In my judgment it may be consid ered the most unexpected as well aa the most important .and benecert movement that has occurred in the twentieth century." - "I have seme misapprehensions, however I trust they are groundless that the ecclesiastical authorities, who are ve:y powerful in Russia, may in seme respects modify the benefi cent features of the decrees. I hope that the Jews will have a share in the premised radical changes." - .. n -. : t i- e o t CHINA'3 INDEPENDENCE SOUGHT Head-Cn Collision On Rock Island Rs Cultj In Heavy Loss of Life. Kansas City, March L4. -A special to The Star from Hutchinson. Kan., says: 0 "The Gold State Limited, eastfcound cn the Reck Island system, and west bcur.d pascenger train No. 3, collided tead-on east of Dwlght, Kan. It is reported that f:-om 8 to 15 passengers axd members of the crew were kill?d and many others injured.. Among the dead is Engineer Love, of the Golden State Limited, of Hutchinson, and his fireman. WHITECAPPERS ARE ACTIVE. Agencies For Betterment of Celestials' Conditions To Be Established Here.' New York. March 16. Secret agents cf Chinese, progress in this city have. received private information from Saa-f Francisco that the crusade for the lib eration of China is to begin at onc;e. America is to Le the headquarters of Kang Yu Wai, the young reforaer and ex-member of the Tsung LI Yamen, who seeks, through hl3 society, the Pow Wong Wuie (society for the pro tection .of the emperor) to make Kwang Hui emperor i-n fact as well es came. . Kang Yu' Wai. is is rumored, is now .on the Eaciflc, bound fcr this courtry and 'after estahlisbntg the K.-.in of fice of his propaganda here will tour the world, orgasising branches in the various capitals of rurcpe. made up jf the educated and influential Chinamen of the wor!3. Will Compete With Leather Trust. Cincicnat . March 14. A deal hag been cc-rr.pie.ted whereby the Interna tial Leather company, cf Cincinnati, with all its patents, has been -taken over by Chicago capitalists. They purchase $5,000,000 worth of stoc They have lready a plant at Ashland, Ky., which ias paid handsomely. They will have other plants at Kansas City, Fort Worth. St. Lcuis and two other places. It is th-v.owed purpose te compete with the United States Leath. er company. Arkansas Citizens Will Assist Sheriff to Maintain Crder. Wynne, Ark., March 13. Considera ble anxiety prevailed here over an ex posure cf an alleged gang of white cappers. Eleven men are under arrest Charg ed with being members cf the gang and implicated in the killing Monday night cf J. H. Brown, cf Memphis, who w'as here fn the inte est of a detective agency. Fcr two weeks the neigh borhood here has been terrorized at night, and the citizens have determined to hcp the sheiff to maintain order. t - O o '- t e m i - Wee k-l y C h arl otte Observer, TWICE-A-WEEK EDITION; SIXTEEN PAGES A WEEK FOR $U)0! I . This gives 104 papers a year for One Dollar and every paper has 8 pages and T columns wide or, n6 columns in all. This edition of the Observer is -issued --Tuesdays- and Fridays contains more reading matter than any other pa per published in the State. It contains all the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive special" features of a weekly. .-- 1 f" " Bya special clubbing airangement. The Trfbuke and Semi-Weekly Charlotte Observer will be sent to any ad dress one year for 1.50. The Semi-Weekly Observer will give you all the national and Statnews, while The Trib une will give you the . local hews. SUBSCRIBE ,AT ONCE. Address, " Rutherfordton, W. C I HEAVY DRILLING! The 10 Cents Kind Will be.Sold at 5 Cents! O o m - O 0 o SLAYER OF FAMILY DEAD. FEAR CAUSED SUICIDE.. 1 - Strange Itafian Woman at Charleston Dies From Self-lr.flicted Wd-unds. Charleston, S. C, March 14. Guisep- pitano, the Italian woman who cut her throat yesterday morning on the C;et Line train from New York, died at 6 o'clock this morning. i Tfcs wc man's son, who Is in Tampa will arri-e this afternoon. The wo man recovered conscious'ness shortly bc'cic death and said she regretted the act, which was induced by fear that she would not s&e her son again. Cafes Cracked at Chattanooga. . Chattanooga. Tenn.y March If . Thieves last night dynamited and rob bed. the safe in Alderman Pat. Lynch's ralocn and .secured about $360 in cash. ttcut 47 yeais cf age and Is rather1 ine saie m the ea btar saloon, owned Pas 5q oWfl Dy tas nattancoga Brewery, was al so blown open and a small amount oi each securtd. Doctor Shoots Doctor. Ralei;, N. C, , March 16. This morning at Tarboro Dr. Julian Baker 'shot, and it is thought, fatally wound ed Dr. H. T. Bass. Dr. PaV-o Killed Wife and Six Children, Then Cut His Throat. St. Louis, March' 13 August Krauss. the wealthy farmer living near Belle forte, 'St. Louis county, who last night killed his wife and six children with a sledge hammer, died today. , After killing his family. Krauss cut his throat but did not ' injure himsell with the hammar, as was first, report ed. Prison Wanted For Hctel. New York, March 13. Sir .William Vanhorne, while visiting President Pal ma, offered to purchase the state peni tentiary property,' valued at$500,000, says The Tribune's correspondent at Havana, his purpose being the erection of a $3,000,000hotel with New York and Canadian capital. The president is to take the matter to congress and use his Influence to secure the sale. t - Rilt;li.exfoxl.tozi, THE TRIBUNE, Worth Carolina. 4 1T3 I have just been fortunat in buyiifgiv big lot of heavy Drilling at about half .its value, and am going to sell it while it lasts; the 10 cents kind, ' 1" . In order to give as many as possible a chance at this rare bargain, I have decided to sell from 1 to 20 yards toa a customer. .-Remember that ikv one can get more than 20 vards. - O 0 CENTS! m o You Wy ,R email ninn. while Dr. Eass is about HS yr.ra or age and is rather large.! i:r.c!temant Is reported as bein? mvi Mfh. It is Impossible to get full de ta!lg of the shooting. Justice Day's Condition Encouraging. Washington, March 17. Justice Da spent a comfortable night, and his con dition is e-nfouraglng this morning. 1 A lit'iitarltable Case. Ono of the mo.it remarkable cases of a -cold; deep-seated on the lungs, causing p untnonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fanner, Marion, Iwl., who was entirely ; rredby the use of One Minute Cor.gh inr Shu Kiivs: "The coughing and -training so weakened nie that I run n lu woixin Jrom 148 to 92 pounds. 1 trifd a nnn?T of remedies to no avail 'nutill used On3 Miimta Cough Cure. ' Four bottles or this wonderful remedy ' cured nus entirely of t-hecongh.' strength ened my lun and restored me to my normul Meiht., health and strength." Forest City Florence Mills, Twitty & Thonipson and City Drag Store. Justice Cay Continues to Improve. Washington, March 16. Dr. Hardin. Justice Day's physician, this morning gave out the following bulletin. "Jus tice Day had a fai:ly good night. . His condition continues encouraging tbTis morning." Tragedy Averted. "Just iu the nick of time' our little boy was saved' ' writes Mrs. W. Wat kins of Pleasanc City, Ohio. "Phenmo nia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors! treated him but he grew worse every day. At length 'we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our "darling was saved. He. is now sound and well. Everybody .ought to know, it's the only sure cure for coughs, colds and all lnng diseases. Guaranteed 1 y T. B. Twitty and Thompson; & Wat kins, druggists. Price f0c and 1.00. Trial bottles free. - Coal Operators Not Guilty. Chicago, March 14. Judge Chetlain today, instructed the jury in the trial of the Indiana coal operators to bring in a verdict of "not guilty." The jury was then discharged. . The court held that if there was any violation cf the lav on the part of the operators, it was a violation nf "th iriterstato-, l-in, ayt "-- A not of the statutes of Illinois. Such ' 4 be-ing the case the offense is one fof trial by a federal jury. Cotton Belt, from St. Louis. Thebes. Cairo and Memnhis. first and third Tuesdays ft each month, beginning October 2 1st.. For one-way tickets, - Half the 0neWav Rate, nliis $2. round-trip tickets, one fare plus $2.00, to points in Missouri Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories, write for particulars and cost of ticket from your home town. . The Cotton Belt rnns solid through trains to Texas, equipped with the . most modern and comfortable cars. These trains make quick time and direct connections for aU parts of the Great'Southwest. If you are seeking a better plaoe to locate, write for a free copy of our handsome illustrated booklets, Homes in the Southwest and Through Texas With a Camera. H. H. SUTTON, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. E. w. La BEAUME, General Pass, and Ticket Agt., Et. Louis, Mo. . 1 Yy IWyst Good Seeds are Essential to - Good Crops. Knowing this we always. buy the best. We -have just bought quite a lot of the celebrated BLISS EXTRA EAIi LY TRIUMPH POTATOES. This potato is best adapted to this county It will mature before the busts find out you have potatoes. Shipment will arrive About FeBmary 20th! Gall now and engage what you need. We also have BUIST'S WHITE AND RED ONION SETS and all kinds of GARDEN SEED. Hawaiian Coin To Ee Reminted. San Francisco, March 14. Sixty-five thousand dollars of Hawaiian money has been transferred from the United States subtreasury to the local point This is the first, consignment of Ha' waiian coins to-be melted and turned into United States mo.ney. G Clock ... randfather for Sale i More Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as individual disorder qf -the system. Ovei-work, loss of sleep, ner vous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is im mediately employed.. There's nothing so efficicnt-to cure disorders of the liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a. wonderful tonic, and effective nerving and the greatest allarsund medicine for fun down systems. ' It dispels liervons nessjirjjeum'atism and neuralgia aiid ex pels malaria germs? Only 50c, and sat isfaction gnarahreed by T. B. Twitty, Thompson & Walking druggists, This Clock is an old fashioned one, seven and oiw-half high, with wooden works, in first-class condition, and: will be sold cheap for cash. - This is a bargain for some want ing pld time relic. The cl6ck can be seen at Mr. John C. Souther's Jewelers Shop. For. further information, as to" pric, &c.t address IHJ- :---- ' f"'r MACK MORftIS, Mack, N: C. THE DAILY CITIZEN, Askeville) 1. C " Published every afternoon except Sunday. Full As sociated Press. Telegraph service. Full market reports. t Reaches Ruthrrfordton the same afternoon published. . Subscription rates 4.00 per year, 2.00 for six months, 1.00. for three months. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, Ashevllle, N. C. Or. I. O. MIL.LKR, Mgr. of THE TR1DUXK, Ruthrrfordton. FOPEST - CITY, notRH Carolina. Foley's Honey and Tar Foley's Kidnty Cure for children,safe,sure. No opiates, makes kidneys and bladder right. Carries in stcck the best line of Burial Requisites in the County, from the cheapest Coffin to the most elegant Casket, all at mr derate prices. 'Elegant Hearse.. - i TELEPHONE NUMBER e i