THE FLOWERS COLLECTION VOL. III. NO. 13. Miss Ida. M. Snyder, Treiunrcr of (he Brooklyn Eaat Euu Art Clab. u If WOmcn WOUU Dav more aftertinn tn their healih we would have more happy S wives, mothers end daughters, and if they II li. T il j i"-y wouia una n that the doctors' prescriptions do not fl penornj me many cures they are given cre'diTtor. ', " !.cojYu,in? wii& my druggist he ad- ford's black-Drauht, and so I took it and S have every reason to thank -him for a new fj life opend up to me with restored health, 9 on it oniy took mree months to cure me. Wineof CarduiiaarPirnlalorrfthAB inewtrual fimctiona nn.l i a K-r,ct . H ton i shins tonic for S scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irrcg- M ! u.atrtuui.aiiuui menstruation, taiung M ; of the womb .whites ami flooding, ltd! i3 helpful When annrrmr-hmrr irmioii. H hood, during rrecnancy, after child- birth and in chancre of life. It fre- qiicntly brinps a tlear baby to homes I that have been barren for years. All druecrists hve 81.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. I Notice. By virtue of a (Vcn-e nwrle bv the Clerk of the Superior court of Rutherford coun ty iu that ct-rtaiii special procediii en titled Li'zie 13. Roland and Annis B. f?phii, cx parte, the niuldsipjud com luissiouer wi'l offer for sale at the court house door at Rutlerforriton, N. C, on Monday, April 0t!i, 1J)03, Letwern 12 o'cliK-k m., and 2 o'clock p i:i., the following described raal estate, to-wit : The first tractor lot beinp.sitr.ate west or the town of Rnthorfordton and -within the corporate limits of paid town, pinning at a stake at the 1 rid?e iu the iiii'uuf or uie strett ami running wilh1 Kline north 79 west CO chains to a st-m4 thence south 13 wist 13.C0 chains to n rtako; thence sonth 70 west 5 chains to a Ptako on the lino; thenoo with it south JfJ east 2. "0 chain to a stake on original corner; tLcnce with the original line N. CO cast o.-! chains to a stake at (ho strcit-crosiin of tho Tanyard branch; fhence up the bmiich; thence np the I ranch as it meanders to the bcp:inin This lot or tract is known as th lairi al lotted to Delia A. Mitchell m the divis io:i of the binds of her father's cstjie: f.ud the followiup: lots are excepted from the description above friven two acres conveyed to W. H. Jay and one and one Lalf acres conveyed to J. B. Whiteside. The second trai t or paxcel of iaud lv Vv and boinjr situate m ar the Seaboard Air Line depot mst of the town of Ruth erfordton. and boiu; fully described as follows, to-wit : tcpinWug on a Safa fras, old prant coru'.r, and rnnninp: t hen co south (50.', 2 east 4S9., feet to a f.tafce, fiO fc-et from the contie of Sra 'bojird Air Line railroad tract; thence north 21 wbst ISO feet With riht ( f way of said r.iilroiid to a stake; thence 377 feet to the beginning, containing 7S-100 of an acre. The third tract is situate near tho afons:iideleiK)t and adjoining t Instruct! iastei'.Kcribeet, anel 1 ing fully elesciibed ns TOUO-.V8. to-Wlt : r.eeimi.iifiit n ctn'- f'0 fevt from tho centre of the S aboard A i. T : : l . l . -. . muv. i.iuroa'1 iraec aim rniiuing the nee north 21 west 105 feet to a stake ; thene-e nerth (0 west 489 feet to a Sasafras, old corin-r; theme south 7 vest 1(!5 ('i t tej stake, Washburn's eld red eiak corner; thence with his liue Konth (JO east 493, feet to iron post, cor ner ef elopitt lot; thence with the line of fame to tho beginning, e-eMitaining two acres, mrre or less. The last name-d tracr includes the I. S. Roland flour mill and rim facteu-y, together with the machin ery and appliances belonging to both. The alove property will bo seld for cash; nnd for the purpose of partition ltetween the parties above named. This the 4th day of March, 1901. R. S. EAVE3, Commissioner. Eares & Racker, Attornevs. M.L.EDWARRDS, 'Attorney and Counselor at Law, To the left up Htairs iu the Commercial Rank Building. Prompt and carefnl attention civen to nil buside'ss intrusted to me. Agent fe)r , - ; r.- sale and reliable 1' ire insnrnnpH fin tvi. . liioH, also, for one of the largest and best Jianding and Trust Companies in the! country. If vou desire Fire Insurance1 or want to make any kuid of bond call on me. O. C. ERWIN, Justice of tlie Peace, May 1)0 found at the Rutherfordton Hardware Stenx. Will give prompt and oarefnl attention to all business intrust ed to him. McBrayer & Justice Attorneys at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. ir. ii -i - ' " , 'His-uicKer-, KoniBaUaing,.Wl., O. II. Mills & Son , . , i Eaves & , Rucker, Attorneysefe Counsellor!? at Law, Ruth.rfe,rdton. N. C. - - I P- . mnmt uttr nliim mi'tn t. ..n v.,,,.; ...I l1" M " , l.m- , iitnisU'd to tliomr j ' B A W M it A LV'E th most healing salve In the world. I rV7So I4&. t c 8 g A , onyucr, g I! 3 LOWER MfSSISSIPP Iff TIMS flF.FLOO Breaking of Levees Drive Thousands From Homes. BIG VALLEY SITUATION AWFUL. Constant Breaking of Levees Terror ize Peoplo Along Lower Mississippi. Ns Immediate Relief In Sight. Gloom Overspreads District t J New Orleans, March 31, Discour-! ; aging news conies today from the'Hy-l j melia break. Daring the early mom-: i ing more of the cribbing was swept ' away by the terrific current that is j ! away b the terrific- current that is ' j running through the broken levee i and the ends are caving with great-' ' er rapidity than ever. Large forces are at the scene and fcllfcriltf C.UU lumber is arriving in abun dance, but" getting be- the crevasses is apparently gettin yond control. Senator Brady who i ... 15 ia CDarge at one ot tne crevasses. ; saJ's tIie breafe bs now reached a , width of COO feet and that while work I wlIi continue the outlook for closing r it is ies3 promising than it has been. I A conference of all the azc-nrles at. : work has been called to determine whether it is advisable to go on with ; the present efforts. The land fcr , miles around f s a vast" sheet of-water and the tracks of the Texas and Pa-! cifie railroad are now completely cov-; ered. while the Southern Facific is ' constantly in danger from backwater. If the crevasse is abandoned, the tieak will doubtless prove one' of the worst since tie Davis crevacse in 1SS1. 1 The levee-is built of river sand and rilPssa thP ma .n ni -- ble with great rapidity " - Tho river here stands today at 20.3 There was no rain during the night. Greenville Practically Submerged. C.eenville, Miss., March 31. Actin under instructions from the mayor, j tho city engineer cut the protection ; levee to the north of the city last : n;ght with a view of letting the back-! waterout to Fish bayou and thence! southward. This mornins there was Lttle change in the situation here. The vrate,r is on a stand, and covers neaily all the citv Many negro refugees continue to ; arrive and there is some difficulty in ' providing for their immediate want?, I but there ha3 ben no real suffering : in this direction. The electiic ligSt j plant3 expects to resume operation to nignt. Relief beats continue to scour' the "overflowed' district south of hers ' and are taking out any and all whJ desire to laave their homes. Trai&3 on the northend of the Yaoo and Mississippi Vallel -railroad are run- i ning promptly, but owing to the La-! Grange crevaeee traffic has been sus-J pcn.ded south. Both of the city's news-' papers have been unable to print their editions en their power presses. Stationary zX Natchez. Natchez, Miss.. March 31. Forro? whica worked all yesterday and last j nigtt on the. Arncila levee, 2 miles south of Vidalia, the parish site oi Concordia Parish, La., early this morn- suc'"cJc1 In clcsiag the boils in UiB cunxuiAiutnis, wmcn were dis-v eovwica eariy yesterday. Tha levee was not weakened by the boiling, but ""the system cf embank ments wa3 greatly endangered hv the" water, which was sipping throug the ! do:i No additional breaks have been re ported today, and the river has show ed no further signs of hisa' water to day, having remained stationary since Saturday. Tho gauge here this morning regis tered 50.4 feet. Special River Cirlletin. Washington, March 31. The weath er .bureau today issued the following special river bulletin: - There hasbeen little change in ths lower Mississippi river situation sinca Saturday. At .Vicksburg. the state this morning was 51.5 feet, a fall of .3 foot since Saturday morning, ana ; af -New Orleans, 20.3 feet, a rise of .2 foot." . Settlers' Monument Unveiled. wnmingtoa. Dei., , March an . A! J .. i uv. ; mnniimcnt woo nmroiinj i to mark th. landi - " tt, AmrTpfl rl c , ' fi"eules - America. The Swedes, Laxie lo inis Clty Ap'u lb39- The ; oeaicatory aaaresses were made by Chief Justice Lore, nresldent nf tho-' Delaware Historicay society, and Mrs Charles E. Mcllvaihe, president of thP Delaware Society of Colonial Dimes, I ; uxiucr uu!.B uusi-.ices ine monument was eaeciea. Wife of President On Cruise.- Washington, Mavch 31. The yacht Mayflower having on board Mrs. Roosevelt and her children,- left the I navy yara mis morning for a weeks j cruise, which may extend along the 1 emit Vi Atlanflr rrn cf ? P ditions are favorable. Otherwise the yacht will Bpend Vae tZlg the Potomac river - and Chesapeake pay. Noted Physician Dec?d. TVTrthilo A 1 'i 1VT o" ' .T' .Vlu . ' uoron- 6lcians of the south. and consWered-an! DlLiaUH ui authority cn obstertrics, is dead here,' at the age ol 69 years. . - i . , i Sabpcribe for THE TRTRTTNE ftv 1 .00 p,T y,.ar ttlwaT8 iu aftvaM? J RACE PROBLEM DISCUSSED. Southern "Negro" .Addresrss Chicago Audience on the Question. Chicago, ' March 30. "The solution i of the negro problem lies with the ne- ' gro imsell?- it cn be brought out "j ma acquiring land, saving money and educating his sons. There is nothing in the cry about social equal- tow not eexnpeegct idt"eS "v" This statement was made last night at Bethcd church by J. J. Smallwood, president of the Temperaace, indu8 - SSTT " M I, lliUilL, V C "At the close of the civil war," Pro- f lessor Smallwood said, "the negro had 1 w ffnni t accumu- lated 500,000,000 worth of property. Me has built up 96 institutions or 27 nnn fan w aC S furnished il i C00.teacerf- He had turn- ea nis attention to buvinsr land, and x ri 7 , a , ' Tr f . -e. . Lt' 1 do want is a division m ine coacn. so that we would not httnr. r. i . . . , J, V f 'f wvul1 th8 dement n catrd v6hitof inS thPf-" ty 6dU' '. ' v mens. - THrrmu r-xjr-.T-r, . . mIlUUu" oflEl.lFFS LEGS. Eocan Considered This Route Surer Than Pardon. Jackson, Miss., March 30. Petitions are being circulated in LawrencJ county asking Governor Lcngino t j commute the death sentence of Lloyd Eogan; who is to be hanged at Monti cello on April 20, and whose case wa3 recently affirmed. . by the supreme court. News has ju?t reached here from Montlcello of a desperate attempt ta ... .- eoiiuemnea man while the .prisoners in the jail at iiOEdcello -were being fed. Eogaa took advantage of a good opportunity and darted past Sheriff Cox, who start ed in close pursuit, and overtook the negro, but the latter ducked through the sheriff legs during the struggla a&u' asrain got away. A pOSSe wa3 uickiv organized and Bogan was cap uireu at a bend m the rivw sjvovi miles away. Three other negroes are to be hang ed in Mississippi on the 20th of April, -.11 .1 ; t . . au uaving oeen convicted of murder, ! : and it is expected that appeals foi : clemency will be sent to the governor's office before the date of execution. 1 COULDMT STOP LAUGHING. Roosevelt Hospital Physicians Puzzled Over Peculiar Case. New York, March SI. Because he could not stop laughing, William Reil ly was transferred from ward to ward in Roosevelt hospital. The doctors there -feeing in despair crver his case, he finally was cent to Cellvue, where he was placed. in the alcoholic ward. Reilly, who was a laborer,-was tak en, to Roosevelt hospital last Wednes day. Ho was said to be suffering from hysteria. He began to laugh soon after he was taken into the hos pital. He has been laughing ever since.' Ke annoyed other patients so much he was transferred fiora ward to ward until he had been through the in:tutiou When placed in a Bellevue ward ha kept on laughing. Then he was sent to the alcoholic ward. Still he laugh ed. The physiciaas have not been able to diagnose his case. AGED 131; STILL ALIVE. Hos1Tco Weak This Birthday to En tertcin as Usual. New York, March 31. Noah Raby will be 131 years old on April 1. The usual custom., of celebrating the birth day with ,ra party" will not bs fol lowed, for the aged man very weak and the excitement of such an affait probably would be fatal to him. . - Raby was born at Eatontcwn, N. C, on Ap:il 7, 1772. He lived in Pis cat a way township, near New Bruns wick, N. J., for 85 years, and for the last 50 years has been an inmate ol the poor house of Middlesex countv N. J. SERVED DINNER ON HORSES. Members of New York's Equestrian r.ii.' ua Linierlained in Novel Wav. i tion nt thJw ,r T . U' wcrk were still and almost deserted tion of therace problem. I have no. Although the s.hnr rtnwn of th uoujectien to a law requiring negroes PT1 cffot1 v i,, . New York, March 31.-C.K. G.Bill' : As there is only one copy of the tags, who. gave a dinner on horseback treaty in Washington, the other b Saturday evening to 36 members of fng en route from Havana, the ex the Equestrian -club of this city, has hp f r.tmH. n,- . a . n , . . ' foimally opened his new stable by ten-, iviiniy UiCllCLl 111S 11HW StaDie DV , . ..... J l"Tu m8..ir1!8' .. was . served in the mam carriage room of the stable. -H. E. Devereaux, of Cleveland, O., pro- posed a toast to the host, which was followed hv nnmpmni u.. Among the p-a-ity were Anthony N. Brady, Richard Ralstead, Judge An drew Hamilton, William S. McCrea of "tT- - -r- - ' nicago, and Frank Jones, of Mem- P'hls, Tenn. ? Inspecting Rural Routes. Ashburn, Ga., March j. Sne.Mal Agent C C. Tyler was here this week aiiu 111 UUlUhttUV Wlin. Mnstmnctar. T W. Evans went over the broDose.-!' m-' ral, free delivery route and ha3 recom- uieiiueu me esraDiisnment of a route" from this place out east a distance 1 ii iiiiitoa, giving service to about 500 people. Applicants for carriers were aiso examined Bulgarian Government in Trouble ' .Sofia, . March 27 The' entire -cabinet has resigned owing to the inabili- ty to. find.-any one who will accept ! the nort folio nf wa. . . LUC CttU- fnet agreed . to - the rmy app7oprI Hon , . iy - Sascribo for -This ' Tlubuxe. It published every Thursday evening. ; is RUTHERFORDTON; K C, THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1903. STRIKING OF BELLS KGS NO RESPONSE nassachU3ettS' Big CottOIl ' - Mills Are Silent.' TON OPERATVE3 ON STRIKE : . : Seven Corporations Make. no Attempt i To Open Mills Today Increase In CUM o, C.,rove,syLona- Strike, Expected, first time in many years on a work- in? day ths bells oa the greafc cctoQ mls in this city were silent this mn-ning anthe streets usually mark--T .d by the hurry and bustle of thou- ., . to Uii-u uj Lilt? SLUC1V UlUd of the textile council, which was pass- ed to force a demaad for a 10 . i ; , , . lcuh, mticiiae 111 wags.3, issuea &at-' urdayf It8-fall -.effort was apparent to' I day- A-baolute quiet prevailed this j .forenoon in the section occupied by j I :the cotton factories. The period of j InantiiMtir c I" A-V- " , t"C Vi'LLiaLlUll Ul W iliL ii CU11- not be ..definitely pi-edictei, began withcut a notable incident, save, per - naps. tne iact that a few men and. wo - .'.,.7 BdiiU15 W1 vperauves on tneir way men who had started to finish up vance in the price of diamonds is an somtt work in the cloth-rooms cf one nounced. Private cablegrams from or two of the mills were turned back -European brokers which werr rprpiv- by committees from the labor-unions.; by diamond importers here stated ed a Cleveland and Pittsburg freight Of the seven corporations which are tnat 5 P3" cent had been added to the train for Cleveland. .. shut down, four had practically no price of all grades of rough diamonds. ' "Telegrams were sent to Bedford and help working today. At the Mori- The advance Is to take effect at ones! wtn the train arrived there a num mac and at the Hamilton plants the Tbere was a similar advance .five fcer of deputy sheriffs and a posse print works were not closed. These eek3 ago, and dealers said that still of citizens were on hand' armed with departments are not directly involved in the contestNover wages, but "they. are affected by. the suspension ani ; when the present stock of material is finished they will be forced into Newmarket, N. H., March '30. The cotton mills of the Newmarket manu- i facturing company did not open to- dav tho ltl.'naffpmont henr'-ner a suspension .on account of a 'dispute with the weavers"'"-, about over time. xaree nunared are cut of work. IN A LYNCHING MOOD. New Yorkers Threaten Man Who Ran Down Wcman With Autorr.obils. j New York, March 30. Threats of I lynching 'were raised yesterday in J J'adison avenue against Albert E. Gal latin, a. .law stuient. As he. was driving scuth on tlie av enue in his big racing automobile, ac companied by a friend, Gallatin ran clown an old woman as she was cross ing the stieet. Only the interposition of a police man, who placed him under arrest im mediately saved him from harm at the bands cf the crowd.. He was locked up in the police sta . tion for nearly . five hours before a to bail, as the sergoant in charge at ' magistrate wra found to admit him the station house refused to tl twl af possible mortal result nf "A.- ,lent. . j 1 e mca in Lae way 01 I'-iicetiOo. The' injured woman is Mrs Mary' "Fr? 90 ? 100 tubercular cases Cusick, C5 years, of age. At' a late f6 e.inS . charged every year hour Mast night the physicians at the fmtlls Pnson upon the outside hospital to which she had been re- Z -t0 Carry lnfeetion broadcast, if moved refused to hold out anv certain Ltheir diSeaSe 13 23t "restei." hopes of her recovery. In. addition J to severe contusions she had sustain- recovery. In addition eu a couiuuunei irarrure or run i-nrit , i . r r . , " placa her under ether before the bones I could be set. Internal injuries - also are feared, ! Te physicians at first were in favor of amrutaang tne arm. but decide the rlEK would be too great unless the . course of the case rendered it abso- utcly imperative. - CUBA ACQUIESCES. Treaty Proposed by S?nat3 Proves Satisfactory to -Cubans. Washington, March 31. Ratifica tions of the Cuban reciprocity will be exchanged at the state department to-mocrc-isr morning.' Today Senor Que sada, the Cuban minister, called upon Secretary Hay find officially notified him of the ratification of the treaty by j.iv vnuU,v u-Liiiv. utiuiio Willi ue LU II- structive rather than actual, Secretary Kay accepting -as sufficient the assur- ance that , the Cuban copy . hasbeen dispatched to -Washington. No date has been set for the assembling of congress to take action on the treaty. KILLED BY FAST TRAIN. Prominent Physician Struck While Returning From Church. Hampton, Ga., March 30. Dr. A. G. North, one-of the most prominent-citizens of - Hampton, was struck and killed by the southbound Florida lim- ited f the Central of Georgia railway toaay about noon. Dr. North 'V was . returning from j rhurch at the time .ami attempted to cross the railroad tracks. The fast train was upon' him' before he seemed to realize the: danger and he was hurled 35 yards. He died instantly Negro Killed In Fight , Norwood, Jt I., March 31. In a run ning fight at the farm of. W. H. Earle her? early today Henry Cole, a negro, was' shot and killed while he was in . . aci. oi-sieaun-g a quantity of pro- visions. . Earle and his n-epw vxa. bert;B. Paine, fired upon the negro. , Foley's Honey and Tar cures coldsr prevents pneumonia. ESTATE NOT. SETTLED. Heir- of Lsts C P. Huntinqton Still .Wrangling In Court '""" I I New York. March 30. William W. ' I Mumford,. counsel for G. Ernilv Rev-! nolds of Washington, in an affidavit accoilinanyins a rpnnPRt mnlo tr, Sur. rogate Fitzgerald for an order to com- ! pel the executors of the ee4ie ol Colb's'P Tli.ntinn i . iii.xicjitsi.uii, lu nie a. ii iii- j yentory of the estate, charges that it : is plain that -the executors do not intend to file ai inventory of the estate, which, he cays, he is advised consists, among other things, of per-! SOnal nrirnort-ir i to $70,000,000. flnafle, the estate will show a valua- tion of about $21,000,000 at the time ofthe death of Mr. Huntington. . . No explanation is obtainable at 1 fS8nt for the apparent shrinkage of : the esfafa tn m inm tm - vu ii,uic. Yvncii iUr. rlUnunSSIOTl (IIP.." thnio Hi a nnci. (tion to knew about his affairs said iu i'-j i Tla ACTQO -nn. LI- 1 1 estate was. worth hftttr.o PTI 597 - AAA AAA a i wv'vw aaa ?30.00O,C00. The state i comptroller's office has taken about- ; two years tn msv it . - . iiuwoai-iui tat101 Purposes,. and Is not yet ready Wlti a rePrt- - DIAMONDS ARE UP. f . Wearers of the Precious Stones Must i Pay Higher Prices In Future. L ftew lork. Mart-h SO. Another ad higher prices were to be expected in tne near future. Retail prices are said to be higher now than they were a year ago, and tte advance in rough stones will be followed by an Increase in the retail rate. "Mlnins of "diamonds Is becomm i more and r ore difficulty pvpt-v vP!r" slirl n 'MotTr Vm-V -. i. .... get deeper the cost of on'prp'in ho. ' comes dearer. In addition tn fhat tnere is a constantly increasing de mand fcr the gems." Prices have been advanced three times in- the last six months. Each change hi;s been 5 per cent. EPIDEMIC OF TUCERCULOSIS. One-Fourth of Inmates: of New Ycrk Slate Pricon Afflicted. Albany, N. Y., March 27. One fourth of the population of the Clin- ton Rtat.p Tris.nTi B.t ' XrtTa-m. ! Cieted w ith tuberculosis, according to Dr. J. D. Ransom, physician at the ---vii i. iyuuxiuiui a IS aL' Institution. Concerning the conditions, jjt. itansom scys "We are able to care for, at tho most, but 54 of these men in our hos pital wards. We have set aside the i side of the cell block for others un 1 der treatment. This will aecommn- ,ab"1 100 cases. While they are m ine actlve stages, still there' "v.uv.uiy L.V.V.U10 a tviod inai aevei- I I Mi' 11 f 1 I I 1 T A 11 I . . ops conditions that ar8 a menace to. GAMELED rv tpt crdabu . tawtaximfn. v.i . . v.ctiern union manager Mttcd S50 for i Sending Message. "RfrmT-n (rVt n m Al.i Hf r - , .-j; .i-i , jiut,., IVACHJll tl Hi. r.. Williams,, local manager of the West- Pm TTnl day adjudged 70 7t the state -anti-pool law and fined $50 for the reason that he accepted for hi Vmr, ; - " j "iv i.i ttii 3ni .tcu i e w Orleans money to place it on a horse race there. , The act provides that any corpora tion convicted of-violation chnit tni-fai .'its rights and fmnnhicoo t a v,. - w ... l yi j uuoi- ness in the state; however, the-defendant in this case was Mr. Williams and not the corporation. PLATT DECLARES FOR LOW. Says He Will. Supporf Htm as Candi data for Mayor of New York. New Ycrk, March 27. Senator Thomas C. Piatt, at a conference of itepuoiican leaders held' in his room in the Fifth avenue hotel last night, declared for the renbmination of Seth Low for mayor and announced that he Pulle the ' brake cord and the train would do everything in his power to Was stPPel suddenly. cause hii eiction.- - j , , , ' Z ' - Senator Piatt believes the mayor's'- 3BERY. administration has . demonstrated the ! A,aba,na 'mPt"- Penalty For success of the fusion movement, and'.'. That Crime. he favors a similar movement' this !' Birmingham, Ala., March 27. Will year. - - t Dorsey, a negro, was hanged liere to MAGIC HEALER IN HOC - . Charged with Practicing Medicine Un lawfully and Grvid Larciny. Buffalo, N. Y., March 30 N. J. Weichers, professionally tho m., J-r known 7 as Antonious, the magnet-1' !"uau,ug ic healer has heen tn ia(i !.LrobbmS the place. heina convicted of coTianf J. ' f " J iu uc- fraud. He will endeavor to secure bail until Monday, when he will be sentenced by Judge Kruz, in the crim- 4 mal term of nn jmp rmrt Weichers is also charged with, grand larceny in the second degree, and prac- j ticmg memcrne unlawfully. ,-v. . Bartow, Fl-a., March 30. Yesterday ' , : afternoon and-last night Gentrv Bros' : ir J M"Pno Leader Killed. 1 famous' dog and' pony shew exhibited Manila, March 30.-The report that , in Lis cijty. At-the close of the after San Miguel, the Fjlipino leader, was" noon performance the enitre tier of killed in Friday's fight near Marl- reserved seats gave wav and 100 or qmna is confirmed. ; His body .has mo:e people, men, women and chil been identified and delivered to his drtn, were precipitatsa to the ground relatives for burial, v - . Fortunately, none was hurt. - . - i: The Tribune .and : Mni-Wwkly ''6l--fervcrtnc i rear 7o: 5L50. " 7- DESPERATE BATTLE WiTH ROBBERS Officers and Possee Triumph Without Injury, POLICEMAN BOUND AND GAGGED One of the Robbers Killed, One Is Wounded 'and Another Captured. None of the Officers or Citizens In jured. l Cleveland, March 30. A despeiafe battle was fought early today between i three robbers on one Bids and offl- cers and citizens on the other at Bed- ford, a suburb resulting' in the death ii, , ., i Jiic i uie ruuoers ana ine wouna- I'll tr nf nna on1 t e i-i . "o ut ".iivi ii.c utuiuie ui aiiuLiierr Many shots were evrhnrnrprt hpfnrB J.1 a " . tTl fl P P 1 71 P- men worn f.nnllTT knAtin-Vt o. "u AXAiO-UJ UlUUlil to earth, Very la irt 1 r-i. ! i i-g , . -man u . i i cui cu liib iuwu oi u-arreisvuie, 25 miles east of Cleveland, seized the , night PMiceman and bound and gag- ' 6ed nIm- -The officer was then ( marched to the "postoffice, where he Iwsin rnrPrallD In 1 .i., I " w ' tv WILliC&a A IX tttLClXlpt to blow upeE tne Eafe by tfae marau- ders. They finally, after woiking some time, -gave up the job without securing anything . of value. Later they stole a horse and buggy and drove to Ravenna, where they board- guns and revolvers. A running fight began when the train reached Bed ford. The robbers fired as they ran toward an open field while the officers and posse poured in volley after vol ley upon them. ' Finally one of the pursued- men dropped to the ground (ea3: A second was ?o badly wcund- ed that he left a trail of blood, and he snnn EnrreTiiIoro? ' None of the officers or citizens was in3ured- THE ACOUSTICON A SUCCESS. Wonderful Invention of Alabama Man Stands Rigid Tests. " , New York, March 28. Another dem onstration of the powers of the acous ticon has been given in this city by the inventor. Miller -Reese Hutchison. Mr. Hutchison selected as subjects for the experiment several inmates of the New York Academy for the In struction of the Deaf "and Dumb. Some - had fccen stricken with deafness at to early. an age to remember what the meaning of sound .was, and one young girl in particular almost went lnto spasms of 'delight when the ear piece was adjusted and she heard the strains of music. Mark Twain was in the little audi ence as was also Mrs. George Dewey, wife of the admiral. There was one r.iLlc i"""1- . "e was aear. but I .1 t I F I ( I lfllll 111 I 7 ' 1 1 I Tl 1 11.1 T 1 IT. ma T n lh.iu, Bu ue asked to be Put in the chair, This was elcae, and his face flushed with surprise wnen he was able to distin guish -Mamma" from "Papa." Hutch inson said: "Hello" to him and he I repeated it. "A number of other tests were made' and all were successful. DROPPED POCK ON .TRAIN. Kassengets Oil jersey Central Have Narrow Escape; Bayonne, N. J., March 28. An at tempt to damage a New Jersey Cen tral train while it was passing through Eayonne last night running at the rate of about 50 miles -an hour, nar rowly escaped resulting in a wreck or at least an injury, t many pas sengers. The train was heavily load ed. . As it was passing under the bridge at East Forty-sixth street some one dropped a stone weighing about 30 pounds from the bridge to the top of the coaches. It is supposed the purpose was to drop the rock on the engine. " The rock had a 20-foot drop. It hit the roof of the first passenger coach, brouke through, shat tered the gas connections and fell in the aisle between seats that contain ed passengers. The noise of the tearing through the roof and the drop ping to the floor caused women to scream and fait and there was gener al excitement in the car. A brake- man not knowing, what had occurred. aay at a. m. for highway rob- bery, it being the 'first instance in the state's history where the death pen alty has been imposed for this crime. . Dorsey was convicted for entering the home of David McNamara, a mine v""""' """" x '"- -"Il-e year3 and shooting down McNamara and Andrei f fr rzinn Pro f -m i il, McNamara, though badly wounded i recovered. Dorsey claimed that 'the shooting was done by another negro, but did- not deny complicity in the crime. He met death stoically. Spectators Thrown to Ground. Fml scrr. for T If 10 Till! IJ -TJ I f'yC ev; r.. i.rji.a- . 1 81.00 A YEAR. COMMERCIAL "BANK. Report of the condition of the Com c mercial Bank of Rutherfordton. at Enth erfordton, N. C, at the close of business on February Cth. 1903. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts,. 24,817 9 Overdrafts....... 7l3 53 Furniture and Fixtures !,0GOGO Due from, banks and bankers. 19,595 39 Cash on hand 4,364 40 150,890 51 iic;oco 00 2,000 00 286 40 87.083 5 1,223 55 197 21 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock . Surplus Undivided profits Deposits subject to checks. . . Due other banks .. . Cashier's checks Total. $50,8f0 51 I, J. F. Flack, cashier of The Commer cial Bank of Rutherfordton, do solemnly swear the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. F. FLACK, Cashier. State of N. C, Rutherford County. Sworn to and subscribed before -me this 14th day of December, 1903 .M. O, DICKERSO, C. S. C. . Correct Attest : T. B. TwirTY, John C. UiLls, J. II. Wood, Directors Notice, Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage made by W. W. to the Standard Sewing Machine Com pany on the loth day of July, 1LS7, the Standard Sewing Machine Company will sell at public auction at the court bouse door at Rutherforelton, 21. C, on Monelay, April 6th, 3903, between 12 o'clock in., and 2 o'clock p. m., the follovring real estate, to-wit: Being that land of lanel deeded by Jew. C. Erwin, cornri.issioiier, under jndg ment ef the Superior court of Ruther ford eoulity in the special proceedings entitled Thos. Humphries (et al.) versus Amos Harrill, executor of Benjamin Humphries, deceased, to A. C. Rnv. j joining lands of the Speculation Conipa- v'ii me main, or itnoaes tjiover on the south, and east by the lanr's of Dr. Harrill, on the west being the lands of which the said Benjamin Humphries died seized of, containing seventy-five acres, more or less. Fer further descrip tion see Book 60, No. 2tJ4, Resrister's of fice, Rutherford county. This sale will be made to satisfy the unpaid balance secured by said mortgage, the said mort gagee having failed to pay same acccrtl mg to the terms of the mortgage. Terms or sale cash. This March 3rd, 1903. . Staxdakd SEwisej -Machine Company, n t-, Mortgagee, Laves & Rucker, Attorneys. Notice. Uneler and by virrure of a decree of the Superior court of Rutherford county made in that certain action entitled The Safety Investment and Loan Company vs. John Carrier., the undersigned com missioner will svllai the court house at Rutherforelton, N. C, on MondayApril Cth, 1803, at 12 o'clock m., all the following de scribed piece or parcel of land lving and . " v me lyivu in xvuTuenom toa in what, is known as New Hope and ' bounded and described as follows:" Be- -ginning at a small red oak on the east side of the Mill branch and running thence south S0 degrees east 60 poles and 12 links to a stake in the middle of the avenue; thence north 11 degrees east 16 polrs aud 20 links to a stake in. mieldle of avenue: thence north 8C west 54 poles and 22 links to A J, Scog- gin's line ; thence with his line south 59 " eiesrrees 2 -nnlns anrt on . i , thence down the branch to the begin ning containing six and twenty hnn dreths acres. This Fale will be maele to satisfy the aforesaid decree; and the terms of sale will be cash. This the 3rd -uay of March. 1903. GEO. C. JUSTICE, Commissioner. -Eaves & Rucker, Attorneys. Notice! To the Voters of RuraEKEOHD Coto i y :- The Board of Commissioners of Rutherford county has ordered an elec tieyi to be held in said county on. May oth, 1903, in accordance with acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina session 1903. At said election the quali fied voters are to vote upon the question of the ehspensary in the town of Ruth fordton; whether it shall remain or be abolished. ALso at same time and places the people are to vote on working roads by taxation iu Rutherford county or any township voting in favor of roads. By order of Board of Commissioners, March 21st. 1003. ' J- P. JONES, Clerk of Board - ' Notice! Having qualified as administrator of Miss-ilmerva Twitty, deceased, late of Rutherford county, N. C, this is to no tify all persons having claims against ' the estate of Jhc said deceased to exhibit i, .hc nn(iersined on or before the 23rd day of March, 1604,r this ne tice will be plead m bar of their recov-' ery. AH arsons indebted to said es tate wiU please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 23rd day of March, 1903. DAVID H. HOUSER. Aeluiiuistrator. BOOK STORE . The place to buy ' . . BOOKS, STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ETC A. L. GRAYSON