' t t .vr a, m IHE FLOWERS CCILECTTOW VOL. III. NO. 14. KUTHERFORDTON, N. C THURSDAY." APRIL 9, 1903. 81.00 A YEAR. Miss Ida. M. Snyder, Tirana rr of I be . Brooklyn Eut End Art Club. " If women would pay more attention to their health we would have more happy wives, mothers and daughters, and if they wouM observe- results they would find that the doctors' prescriptions do not perform the many cures they ere given credit for. " In consulting with my druggist he ad. vised McElree's Wine of Cardui and Thed ford's Black-Draught, end so I took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and It only took three months to cure me." "Wine of Cardui ia a regulator cf the menstrual functions arid is a yost as tonishing tonic for women. It cures scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg ular and painful menstruation, falling of the womb, whites and flooding. It is helpful when approaching woman hood, during pregnancy, Riter child birth and in change of life. -It fre quently brines a dear babv to homes that have been barren for years. All druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. PRESIDENTIAL PARTY SPEEDING WEST Received Ovations At Every Slopping Point. NOW ON MINNEGTOTA. SOIL. CRITICISED THE MAYOR. Will Be Banquetted Tonight at Nicol let Hotel, Minneapolis Addressed Joint Session of Legislature Today. Leaves Tonight for Sioux Falls. District Attorney Jerome Says New York's Executive Is Too Timid. New York, April 3. District Attor ney Jerome was the guest of honor at a dinner given him last night by Club C, of the Good Governmeat clubs. Kiward M. Shepard, unable to at tend, sent a letter in wbicri he praised Mr. Jerome's services as district at torney and declared he deserved the respect and admiration of all good citi- f zens for his courage and ability. ! Mr. Jerome, in an address criticised i Mayor Low,-for timidity ani lack of j leadership saying: j - '"The mayor has established a field of his own personality. He is not a leader of the people. He dees not ad- ATTEMPT MADE TO KIDNAP BANKER Believed To Have Been Work Of Mafia. SPEECH PLEASED FOREIGNERS. tWO SUSPECTS UNDER ARREST. I England and Germany Approve Pros! dent's Chicago Speech. I New York, April 4. The strenuous iaote of President Roosevelt's Chicago speech arises above the tumult of the Balkans "and court functions at Lis bon and Copenhagen, cables The Tri bune's London correspondent. The speech is reported fully in, the general press dispatches anJ comment,. ed upon favorably, as aa authorita- j NORTHERN COUNTRY j COMMERCIAL BANK. 0U1EDT DV OTflDSUSl P010 the condition of the Com 0 W L I I Hi ulUnitl mercial Bank of Rutherfordton, at Ruth- erfordton, N. C, at the close of business High Winds, With SnOW Hail on February 6th, 1903. RESOURCES. and Rain. MANY KILLED AND I Loans and discounts, . INJURED. Overdrafts I Furniture and Fixtures. .... 24,S17 19 713M .. 1,000 00 Intended Victim Can Give No Reason tive exposition 'of the policy of the Railroad Traffic Seriously Interfered ; jjg from banks and bankers. 19,995 89 LaCxcsse, Wls.,A;ill 4. The presi dential train arrived at the Milwaukee i vocat a DrinciDle unless he has a depot on schedule time 8: 30 o'clock ; policy of insurance underwritten on It -5-thia morning." The president was i 6a to where it will lead him. TbdTls met at the train by the full commit-i why I feel bitter, .tee in charge of 'the day's arrange-j "Mr. Low is honest and upright but ! ments, headed by Congressman Esh, , he can't help being born consiltution ' MayoiBoschert. C. S. Van Auken and '1 ally timid. Why He Should Have Been Singled Unltei States government. The close-. ubss ana rmijaruaiiiy wim w uicu iua president balances the good iaith of the British and German governments la the Venezuelan affair causes dis appointment among those anxious to secure, preferential treatment in fa- Out Cne of the Men Flourished a Stifetto In Banker's Face. New Rochelle, N. Y., April 3 The police of this place are investigating with and Much Damage Repor ted to Cash on hand. 4.3G4 40 Telegraph and Telephone Lines. Storm Centers Over New York. Railroad Traffic Delayed. Total ... $50,89051 LIABILITIES. Capital stock .' , f 10,000 00 the attempt by two men believed to be . vo of England, but the Bassaees deal members of the Mafia society, to kid- hag with the inter-oceanic canal and nap Thomas Balletto, a wealthy bank- ' development of American naval Joseph Clark. All approaches to the depot, were ; Speaking of the reform movement, . Mr. Jerome said: 'It is weak because it has not taken er. Mr . Balletto was aroused about 2 a. m..by loud knocks on his door. Re-. I sponding he found a runabout contain ; ing two men waiting in front of the house. The strangers wore ulsters Cleveland. O.. April 4 The fierce storm that prevailed over-he upper j Surplus 2,000 tX) lake region yesterday swept "Uown up-! Undivided profits 286 40 oo northern Ohio last night and early I.- m0fa tnd a v rvlRvin e general havoc with the P08"8 "35t to cnecfcs. ... 3 1 power are welcomed as proofs that tel ephoile aud tiegra.ptl wires and j Due other banks 1,223 55 uu.lu uul lashing Lake Erie into a raging sea, and that action has taken the place , a precipltation of 1A incnes, of vague blustering. The altruism ' tho t and ,he tim. of the president's speech is not under- j durtatf the 36 hoiiI,s endins stood in the capital of an empire which roped off for a block In each direction. f ftnd sloUch hats. whlch entirely con- , fcas been built up on the principle of t.,-i a-, wm,. Four companies of the Wisconsin Na-, divldual lead6rfiWp. We can and Jht-Zl ' .f e ' today to some extent owing to ' fhft flhnrft RtatM I tn ' uonai guaru, consisung 01 tiie iwu( muet gt back to ese principles ani . c' "Vr l"ojr "v i tTT I 13 , u y , e w"w the prostration of wires In all direc-l " lhjsi oi my &nowieage ana Deuei. J. F. FLACK, Cariiier. j State of N. C, Rutherford County. Sworn to and subscribed before me Cashier's checks. 197 21 Total. 50,890 51 I, J. F. Flack, cashier of The Conimer win out with strong hands." DISCUSSED RACE PROBLEM. LaCrcsse companies and companies L, of Sparta and K, of Toman, were lined' upon either side of second! street, leading to the depot where the j carriages were in waiting for thej Prominent Virginian Addressed New presidential party and escort. . ! York Baptist Social Union. The first three carriages were elab-j. New York, April 3. At the regular orately trimmed in red, white and j monthly dinner of the Baptist Social blue and the horses were gaily dec-! union, held at the Manhattan hotel orated with ribbons to match. ! Thursday night, John S. Wise, former The president and hi3 party were . congressman from Virginia, spoke on driven. to Market Square, where he: tne negro question. The attitude ot made an address. The president ex- the nation, he said, toward the ques tended a greeting to the people of La-j tion has all along , been that of indo- :1 fr ml Hm t-n ntfth t K Am Q 1 . . & l.t II, I 1 . T7. j viumu iv fcvy " im vuu.. uie iruuwe w ill ai is wiitrucvcr a. u- j letto pleaded with the men to let him ! ropean power finds itself powerless j go. j to obtain redress in Spanish America,' At first he thought they were some unless by the seizure of territory, and ! friends playing an April fool Joke. He the "little England" controversalists I was in his night clothe? and as he had are puzzled by the demand for a Veen ill, pleaded that he would catch stronger navy when the Monroe doc more cold. ' The strangers tried vain- trine has been sanctioned by Great ly to draw him toward the rig. Then Britain and Germany. The address, one of thorn drew a long stiletto and as a whole, greatly increases the pres- flourished it in his face. Mr. Ballet- ident's prestige abroad, and it was al to realized that they were in earnest, ' ready unique. They told him that if he did' not go j : with them they would kill him on the ' 8TANTA FE TRAINS COLLIDE. spot. He succeeded in breaking tions. Chicago Cut Off. Chicago, April 4. This city was al most entirely cut off from telegraphic i Communication with the outside world ,this 14th day of December, 1903. Friday aa the result of a storm. Ac- M. O, DICKERSON, C. S. C companicd by a higii nortnwest gaie, i a heavy fall of wet snow cauEed tele- J Notice! If otico is hereby si veil that an election will bo held iu.the town of Rntherford ton. Rutherford county, North Carolina, on Tuesday afttT the firsf Monday in May next, it bein the 5th day of May, 190"J, when and where, at the usual poll in'? place in said town, a mayor aud four town commissioners will bo voted for, as proridfd by the Charter of the town of KutlHTfordtou aud the several a;nendr. t or y acts thereto. Notice is further civen that the mayor aud commissioners of the town of Rnth-i-rfordton, in meeting assembled, have votwl that an entirely new TOpifttratiou if the voters of the town of Untberford lou will ho had, prior to Faid election, vlii'h tlus rristinioii books will : be opcuttt the otlicc of James D. Jnstice, r'vistrar, on the 2nd, 3nl. Gth, 7th, 8th, Orb, ICtb, 13th, 14th, 15th, IGth, lTth.SOth SMsf, 2-2ud, 33nl, and 24th davs of April, 19()3, and at the polling place on the 4th, 1th, 1Mb and 25th days of April, 1903 Notice- is fnrthT hereby given that the umvor and commissioners of the town of Rutherfordton, in meeting assembled, l:avo appointed James D. Justice, regis tiar, and C'apt. J. Y. Mclntire and G. V. Hodg!?, jud-s of election, as elec ti'm o.ficeiM to conduct said election. Tne paid elect ion hhall be held in the vacant store mom next door to the Com- niercial Bank. By order of the Board of Commission ors of the town of Rutherfordton. This Liarch 23:d, ISO:. R. B. BLARK, Mayor. W. S GRIFFIN, Clerk. T ' 1 v ZZ, J 77 r; t Z utt"eiLCJ from them and ran up stairs, where . Brakerr.an Killed and Burned and a large number of whom were among would subscribe to a policy that meant . , . . . i A , , j . .t Z he got his revolver and began shooting Otners Are Injured. " . , A , " i "7; ""t . ullsuy uyu" luw ia"c fcU,from a window when the strangers Santa Rcsa. N, oi i6toi-o io max wun csuam ana sa.m. wiiicn ne Deionged. graph wire3 to go down in all direc tions. The temperature was slightly above the freezing point. "Danger signals are dispalyed on th lake and vessels have been warned not to venture out Sows Stomach that while his comrades o the lesser j "it is idle today," he said, "to try to war did' not have a big job to do they: enforce laws permitting the negro did It; the trouble was, there was not j franchise. You can-not find a white enough war to go around. He then discussed the virtues of good cltizen Bhip, and referred to portions of his speech delivered yesterday at Wauke sha regarding citizens of this country, speaking evil of ether nations. At the conclusion of the speech, the vis itors weie driven about the city. When the president stepped from the train this mosning he remarked on the beautiful day and said he had a good eight's rest and was feeling well. Senator Queries came on from Mil waukee in the presidential train and as one of the speakers of the morn ing.. In the carriage with the ' president wee seated Congressman Esch, Sec retary Loeb and Mayor Eoshert. The route of the parade extended over about 2 miles of gaily decorated streets, which were packed on each side with a solid, mass of people. The police arrangements wore of the best, j m ana mere was no aeiay in getting io the market square. A big stand had' been erected. On man, no matter where he lives or un der what circumstances you go ta Mount V mm, wno win suDscriDe io a poncy that means- eventually a possible negro domination. I "There is only one solution to the negro question. The nation must re-. cede from the position taken by It on the matter of negro suffrage. The na-; tiou must remit to the state control of the suffrage Issue. This may be a great concession, but a concession cf sound common sense. M., April 4. In a! drove away. i rear-end collision at Guadaloupe sta-1 Immediately an alarm was sent out 1 tion on the Santa Fe road last night, end two men who were driving with- j cne man was killed and three others out a light were arrested. They In- j seriously injured. Bist they are Rafaelo and Louis Rath. ! The dead are: ernon. Balletto believes they are the men who tried to kidnap him. They were held for trial. The banker Is at a loss to understand why the Mafia shouts have singled him out for punish ment unlees it be that he is a deputy sheriff and has served many warrants on his fellow countrymen. James H. Munger, brakeman. The injured are: - Gus Englehart, conductor. E. M. Rempe, engineer. F. T. Bowcner, engineer. The wreck was caused by a severe sandstorm that prevailed at the time. Rough Weather In New York. New York, April 4.--A heavy rain storm which began last-night and con tinued all forenoon turned into sonw I shortly before noon today. The tem perature fell, and the snowfall was accompanied by a high west wind. Cold weather with snow prevailed gen erally throughout the state. Correct Attest : T. B. Twtttt, Johs C. Mills, J. Woofi, Directors H. CONGRATULATED BY PRESIDENT. POLITICAL ENEMIES FIGHT. School Children Injured. Washington, April 4. One of the most destructive tornadoes in years Ten freight cars were piled up by the over southern Indiana last even- nvtrtant and hiimpH with thpir rnn- . ng. tents. Brakeman caught under the burned to death. Munger was wreckage and Arkansas United States 3enator and Congressman Come to Clows. lAUe Rtrk. Ark Anril 3. A nolitl. Mr. Roosevelt Writes Parents of Trip. : , DetWsl Tjnited States Sen- ,cl5 ,.1U r.,wa,H-: ,:ator Clarke, fromer governor of Ar- uwutKr uuy. . j April j.- i-nT1!OC aA r-.cn George Cunningham, of this city, who , resulted in a fist fight Thursday after- recently oecame e latner or triplets, Eobn ,a- front of the & lM hom an uuye, uas i.tibu a issuer 1.10111 President Roosevelt, congratulating The letter reads: "Washington, D. C, March 81, 1903: Mr. George - . Cunningham My Dear H.(," T rTi iatnlafa irnn Mnc the stand, besides the Prefent's Cunningham. :That is the kind ol iv. iveie icuiracuiauica ui an me ur ficial city bodies, besides the commit-1 tee which has had the program of the day In charge. Congressman Tawney, of Minnesota, mayors of several nearby cities and other notable men of this vicinity were also occupying the platform. There were 10,000 people gathered on l American citizenship in which I be lieve in. I send ycu three photo graphs of myself for the three new Cunningham boys and my compliments to Mrs. Cunningham. With my best wishes, Theodore Roosevelt, "President." The letter was written as the result Witnee-s say that Clarke was talk ing to four members of the legisla ture when Envndige came up and of fered to shake hands. Claike ignored the extended hand, and said: VI don't want your friendship." Brundlge replied that he didn't have to have it. Clarke led' out with his left, landing on the congressman's jaw clinched and struggled over the pave ment, string one another whenever an opportunity offered. The police, aided by State Representative Toney BOOKER WASHINGTON TALKS. Says Freedom of Negro Must Not Be a Conquest of White Man. " Trenton, N. J., April 4. A large au dience assembled last night under the auspices of the Contemporary club to hear an address by Booker T. Wash ington on the race problem and its so-lution. 'The negro, said Mr. Washington, Great damage was done In the county. At the Wathen district 40 children were in school. One end of the building gave way and a child named Mary Smoct was struck by a flying brick and fatally injured and several others were badly hurt. "must work out hla own twditical and ; bam social salvation. ' Freedom for him must not be a conquest from the white man; it must be a conquest, a peace ful conquet. A negro's greatest fault is lack of progress. The Russian EeekB Three Persons Killed. English, Ind.. April 4. A tornado that struck 3 miles west of here killed Mrs. George Cunningham and crushed the skull of her 10-year-old son by blowing down the house. A farm hand was perhaps fatally injured in a Much stock was killed. NEWS BREVITIES. Notice! By virtue of the powers contafned in a mortgage deed executed by John W. Gettys and wife, M. M. Gettys, on the 530th day of November, 19C0, to Bridges & Jones, which mortgage deed is dnly registered in the office of the register of deeds for Rutherford county. N. C, in Book H-3 of mortgage deeds at page 65, ' the undersigned will soli for cash at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Rutherfordton on Friday, April 24th, 1903, the following described real estate, . known as the Jack Waters tract, lying in Rutherford county, on the waters of Isom's Fork of Duncan's creek, joining lands of his own and the Speculation lands and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning on a stone ou P. S. Gettys' line and runs north 14 west S3 poles to a stone at an apple tree ; thence north 2G west 22 poles to a stone; thence north 48 west 14J4 poles to a stone; thence south 44 west 6 poles to a W. O. ; thence north 60 west 52 poles to a stake on tbe'old line ; thence with the same south 43 poles to a hickory; thence north 83 west 21 poles to a B. O., old corner; thence sonth 10 east 82 poles to a stone. P. S. Gettys' corner; thence with his line north 63 east 64 poles to a pine ; thence north 71 east 26 poles to the be ginning, containing 43 acres more or less. This side is made ou account of the for feiture and non-payment of said mort gage, and to satisfy the debt secured by same. This April 1st, 1903. BRIDGES & JONES, Mortgagees. Tha men ' ",LU UJUBiuub, iub uiauiua.ii witn ms reoeinon, mit tne negro nas ever gained his victories by his mid night prayers and his faith in God." the market square, and the president! a communication from the family and Ben c Rembert of Hel?na and Senator Quarels were In good voice, so only thoss on the extreme No appetite,, loss of strength, nervous- wtjfc tiAt A i r a AneHn4 tin kn A L..aiU general debility.' sour risings, ind caUrrh of i the cl'wd m!s Portion the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol ! of he speeches. Senator Quarles cures Indrgestion. This new discovery repre- j made a short speech, saying, among tents the natural juices of digestion as they , other things: exist In a healthy stomach, combined with ! "We love President Roosevelt b0- we greatest known tonic and reconstructive cause he Is the best type of American properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not enly cure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and manhood." Mayor Boshert welcomed the presi dent in behalf of the city of I.aCrosse, strengthening the mucous membranes lining in a short address. The president's physician of tho Cunninghams, who in formed the president of the birthplace of the triplets. . suc ceeded in separating the combatants. CHARLESTON MUST SUBMIT. JOKE RESULTS FATALLY. the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Rayerwood. W. Va.. ttyi: applause. The crowds along the en Kodol cured me nd we r now usinr it tn milk tire route back- to the depot were lor baby." . the largest ever seen in LaCrosse. Kodol Digests What You Eat. . The presidential train then left for uomeiomy. i.wu au nowinezj umesinemai winona and St. Paul at 10:30 a. m.. amid cheering and waving of hand kerchief and hats from all who could get within a block of the depot. City iannot - Seek an Injunction Against Cruml Charleston, S. C, Aprrll 4. Corpora tion Counsel Moffett : submitted an opinion to Mayor Smyth t& day, holding been tormented by jokers I thft the city government cannot seek was watching boys who were tying tin Eoy Dies as Result of Injury Received Atl-Fools Day. New York, April 3. An all-fools' day prank has resulted fatally here, George Wallace, agod 14, dying from a blow ANXIETY FELT FOR SHIP3. Carried 1,200 Trrstngers and Are a Week Overdue. ! St. Pierre, Moquilon, April 8. With 1,200 passengers. each consisting chiefly of crew for the fleet here, the owners and their families, tho French steamers Burgunda and Notre Dame de Salut. sailed from St. Ialo, France on March 17 for here. They are now on tho 1n.w Inflir-twl hv n mnn vahn hn'rf I vvallace . w..i-u iwu uua.ivi.7 a ieit nere ana m rrencn ports. !rcomrd b E. O. DeWITT & CO. CHIOAQO M.L. EDWARRDS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, To the left up stairs in the Commercial r- Bank Building. , Prompt and carefnl attentiou given to a'l busidess intrusted to me. Agent for Htt J and reliable Fire insurance Co .- pa nies, also, for one of the largest and best ' Banding and Trust "Commutes in the country. If you desire Fire Insurance 1 I speech was frequently interrupted 07 j an injunction from the "federal courts cans to the coats of passersby when restraining oiiector orum from serv-' one cf the latter accused Wallace of ing under the presidential appoint-1 tying a can to his coattail and struck ment. The city claimed that Crum did him on the jaw, fracturing Jiis skull, not get a recess appointment. . I William Gagley,' aged 17, a plumber's Crum is now discharging his duties helper, has been arrested charged with at the custom house . and the fight , assaulting Wallace. Easrlev savs the People are fleeing from Honduras to escape the terrors of the revolu tion. The South Carolina confederate vet erans will held their reunion in Co lumbia In .May. Near Weston, in Webster county, Georgia, a white farmer killed a ne gro and then suicided. Handsome portraits of Senators pet- tus ana Morgan nave ueen receivu at the Alabama capltot. A white convict .committed suicide at Samford, Ala., yesterday. He had only a few months to serve. Business houses of Atlanta agTee to close on Saturdays at 1 o'clock be tween April 1 and September 1. Fear3 are entertained that the south Georgia peach crop will be a-failure. Peaches are falling from the tres. James Latimer,, nephew of Senator A committee of ship owners has in terviewed the governor requesting that he try to induce the minister of ma rine at Paris to semi out cruisers in Latimer, of South Carolina, yesterday St. Paul, Minn., April 6. The presi dential train is due in this city oh the Chicago,. Milwaukee and St.. Paul at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, and at 10 o'clock' it leaves Minneapolis ove the Great Northern today for Sioux Fails, fi, D., there being few rest spells. At the union depot citizens' com- against him is practically ended. DRIVING THEIR SILVER SPIKE. boy threw a brick at him and he re taliated by striking him in the mouth. Completion of Railroad from Waycross j to Montezuma. Montezuma, Ga;, April 3. Hon. John S. Byron, of Byronville, drove the last MILLIONS FOR BRUJNSWICK. O. C..ERWIN, Justice of the Peace, niittees from both cities will welcome or want' to make any kind of bond call the president who will be immediate 011 mo. j ly taken through the business section ' under escort of civil and Spanish war veterans, militia and the Twenty-first United States infantry from Fort Smelling. Reaching the capltol at 3 o'clock he j May be found at the Rutherfordton will meet the legislature and' state of- Hardware Store. Will give prompt and j nclals and deliver an address in the oarefnl attention to all business intrust-j nou3e before a joint session of the een- sion and the house. Following this will come an address from a plat form on the east front of the capitol for the benefit of the thousands who cannot crowd into that building. "Af- Rooms Nob. 1, 2 and 3 in Mills-Dicker- j ft a ". iV ww " " sou Building, over G. H. Mills & Son fken Minneapolis where a recep store. ! tlon and Danluet at the Nicolett hotel, ' I a street parade and address at the ar mory will finish the day. Capital of Steel Company There In creased $35,000,000. Portland, Me., April 4. At special spike, silver plated coat "16 to 1," in meeting. of the etockhqldwsjbfjhe Mo. the last crosstie, in the last hole, in hawk Valley Steel and WirVcoinpany the last rail laid by the Atlantic and ' here today it was voted to increase the Birmingham lailrcad to this place. I capital stock of the company from $25, The occasion Is the completion oi , 000,000 to $60,000,000. The Increase the road to Montezuma. This road makes the corporation the largest In is now finished from Waycross to Montezuma, a distance of 150 miles. A regular passenger schedule will be in augurated on Sunday. IRON WEIGHTS HELD IT DOWN. IVIcBrayer & Justice Attorneys at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Eaves & Rucker, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Offioo uti stairs in Diekerson bmldiner. , ... , n Steamer Korea Sails. San Francisco, April 6. The steam er Korea today for Honolulu aaB the orient. In her treasure room there Prompt attention given to all business is $1,000,000 in gold for Honolulu and $200,000 in silver for Japan. She will call at Manila. On.he,r passenger list .ire Vice Governor Luke E. Wright, jf the Philippines, who is accompa aied by his wife and secretary. Body of Greek, Who Was Murdered. Found In River. Mobile, Ala., April 3. Andrew Law ender, a Greek barge tender, was mur dered some time Tuesday night on board a coal barge at the foot of Beou regard street and his body thrown into the river with iron weights attached to it. The body has been recovered and the head .was found to be crushed by blows of a blunt Instrument. Six dol lars were found in his pocket3. this state. The company was organized here three months ago by New York cap italists and is building a $5,000,000 plant at Brunswick, Ga., and acquiring iron and cbal lands in southern states. search of the overdue vessels. TO AID TUSKEGEE. Plans Will Be Discussed at Public Meeting In New York. New York. April 6. Ex-President Grover Cleand will preside at a public meeting to be held In this city next Tuesday evening for the discus sion of the methods and needs of the work of Booker T. Washington, at the Tuskegee normal and industrial In stitute, Tuskegee, Ala. hot a teacher who was trying to whip him. James Townsend-, a 19-year-old youth surrenders to the police, and confess es to rifling a mail bag at Constitu tion, Ga, Minister Leishman presented the president's letter to the sultan yes terday and receivd satisfactory assur ances on all points. Reports from Eartow,. Fla., state that Polk county truckers have this year cleared on 60 acres planted in Whereas, under section 71, chapter 4 of the public laws of 1901, the . board of commissioners of the town of Ruther fordton, upon a petition signed by one fourth of the free holders therein, are authorized to hold an election to deter mine whether or not the citizens of said town will vote a special tax to be levied for schools of notjmore than thirty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property and ninety cents ou the poll to supplement- the public school fund of said town ; and Whereas, a petition, asking for an election, has been signed bv one-fourth of the freeholders in the said town, and the same has been duly presented to the undersigned Board of Alderman, snow therefore, the undersigned, m accordance with the provisions express ed in said section 71 of chapter 4 of the Public Laws of 1901, do hereby order an election to be held on Tuesday the 5th day of May, 1993, at which time the question of said special tax will be sub mitted to the voters of the town of Ruth erfordton: Those, who are iu favor of the levy and collection of such special tax, shall vote a ballot on which is writ ten or printed the words "For Special Tax." and those opposed, shall vote a ballot on which is written or printed the words "Against Special Tax." . A majority of the votes cast shall be nec essary to levy said tax. By order of the' board . of town commissioners. This March 30th, 1903. R. B. CLARK, Mayor. W. S. GRIFFIN, Sec. CLAIMED HE ASSAULTED HER. intrusted to them. Carroll W. Downey, 1'hysician and Surgeon, rtr.thrrfordton, Office in Rroidcucti ou Main btrctt. Phono No. -ii. Judge' Thought To Have Suicided. Troy, N. Y., April 6. The body ol Henry T. Nason, judge of Renssalaer county, who has been missing since Monday, has been found in a field south of Albany, Indications . were that he had taken his own life. The reason of the act is thought to have been despondency. Subscribe for THE TRIBUNE, only 1 .00 per year always in advance. Tire Tkibcxe aud Semi-Weekly : -Ob server one year for $1 .50, Ella Gray Gets Sixteen Years for Kill ing Charles Chester. Roanoke, Va., April 3. After a trial at Ablndon, which lasted ten days, El la Gray, o negro woman, was today giv en 16 years In the penitentiary for the killing of Charles M. Chester, a young white man, on Jan. 22, last. Chester who traveled for a Roanoke business firm, was found- dead on the Gray woman's yard at Abingdon. The woman claimed Chester criminally as saulted her and that she shot and killed him. clpal address. Other speakers will be Edgar Gardner Murphy, of Mont gomery, Ala.; Dr. Lyman Abbott, and William H. Baldwin, Jr. The Hampton singers will bo pres ent and sing. Mr.. Washington will make the trtn-! strawberries $13,000. Congressman W. C. Adamson, of the fourth congressional . district of Georgia, 13 ooklng for a young man to appoint to Annapolis . Farmer Poole, a prominent citizen of Lee county, Ga.. wa3 accidentally killed by a friend- yesterday while I hunting below Americus. Attorney Mills has been arrested itt White Convict Poisons Bloodhounds . New York charged with attempting CARBOLIC ACID ENDED TERM. Explosion of Gas Kills Many. Glelwitz, Prussia, April 4. Eight men are known to be killed and four teen entombed as the-result cf an ex plosion of gas yesterday in the Koeni gen Luise jnlne at Ostfeld. . . St'... . . ' .. rss Folejgs 'Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonic and Then Himself. Montgomery, Ala., April 0 reached the city Friday of the suicide of Edgar Williams, a white convict, at the camp of W. W. Vara, at Sam ford, Covington county. He drank carbolic acid. No' cause is known for the deed. Before killing himself he poisoned sev to bribe the prosecuting a'iorney In Minister. Bowen ' alleges that the powers are trying to break faith with Venezuela by insisting that the latter agree to pay the cost of tho blockade. The striking unions of Atlanta make proposal to the employing printers Notice. To the Voters of Ruthekeokd Coun ty : The Board of Commissioners of Rutherford county has ordered an elec tion to be held in said county ou May 5th, 1903, in accordance with acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina, session 1903. At said election the quali fied voters are to vote upon the question of the dispensary in the town of Ruth- fordton; whether it shall remain'or bi abolished. ' Also at same time and places the people are to vote on working roads by taxation in Rntherford county, or any township voting in favor of roads. By order of Board of Commissioners, March 21st. 1003. J. P. JONES, Clerk of Board eral, bloodhounds belonging to the suggesting the appointment 01. a corn- company, worth about $800. (mission to which an questions at 13. He was sentenced to two years, but eue will be submitted. his time would have expired next No vember. . . He was buried at Wetumpka this af- Foundry Burns at Jollet, III. Joliet, 111., April 6. Fire early to day destroyed the foundry building. of- here, entailing a loss of $50,000. Par- . congress has done everything tially insured. The fire -caught from posaipie , V 1 the coke oven-in the foundry. The flood situation has again be come alarming by the breaking-of a great levee a few miles below Vicks burg. Thousands of acres of fertile bottom land will be submerged. President Roosevelt spoke in . Mil waukee last night on the trusts. He SubscribS for Ths Teibuxe. It published every Thursday evening. declares that revision would be hurtful . r- mi T TTl mnTDTTXTP Ti I is ouDPCrioe ior xnm iiiiDunri. x k printed every Thursday evening. Notice! Having qualified as administrator of Miss Minerva Twitty, deceased, late of Rutherford county, N. C, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of March, 1604, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said ee tate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This 23rd day of March. 1903. DAVID II. HOUSER. Administrator. BAN H E R 8 A LVE i the roovt h&aling salvo in na world.