LuA jt-t EU ThKOAT WITH RAZOR. Fear of Mania Drove Bryant to Soci cidal Deed. Buchanan, Ga., March 28. S. J. Bry a.rt killed himself at this place about' 8 o'clock at the home of his brother-la-law, S. L. Land, where he has been living for about two years. ' Th j deceased had no family except a little daughter about 12 years old, Lis wife and son bavins died some years ago. Being ia very bad health he has mada his home with Mr. Land lor the last two years, and has been confined to his room with a lung trou tlo for the past IS months. It appears that he was siting by the fire wheting his razor, no other person being in thf room at the time except his daughter. He requested her to Co out of the room, saying he wanted to shave, which she did, but soon re turned, thinking she heard her father cell her., when she found him lying on the floor. The othsr members of the family be ing summoned, It was found that he ti&d cut his throat fro mear to ear and died almost instantly. He had given no indication of an intention to take him life and Intended to visit another brother-in-law today. HKA1) IT THROUGH. TELu.?Af'HfC BREVITIES. It Would Spall this Story to Tell It In Headlines. To use an eighteenth century phrase, this is an "o'er true tale." Having hap pened in a small Virginia town in the winter of 11)02, it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John K. Harmon, of Melfa Station, Va , had no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Chamber lain's Couch Remedy. "Last January," nhe says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feared she would have pneumonia, but one of my neighbors told me how this remedy had. cured her little boy and I gave it to my baby at ouco and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy for placing so great a core within my reach. 1 cannot recommend it too highly or say too much ia its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was." For sale by Dr T B Twitiy, Druggist. Brevet Major General Thomas O. Osborne dies at Washington of apo plexy. Hon. W. J. Bryan delivers address in New Haven theater on "The Prince of Peace." In the senate an effort will be made to report the postoffice bill by Tues day or Wednesday. Indianapolis street railways without power because of the flooding of the power house near White river. Mrs. Jefferson Davis stricken with acute indige&tion at Atlantic City was in a dangerous condition, but rallied. A tornado near Caruthersville, Mo., causes great loss of life and destroys thousands of dollars worth of proper ty. Arnold Frazler, a decrepid white man, who claims to be 11? years of age., turns up at Atlanta police head- quarters. i Strong efforts will be made at the coming session of th Georgia legis lature to secure controlling legislation in the case of money lenders. The secret orders cf Atlanta will have a big celebration on the Fourth of July. Committees are now at work and a big time la expected . The body of a murdered negro youth, which had lain In the woods near Grant Park in Atlanta, Ga., for over a week, was found by the police. The two Griffin negroes who caused the race riot in Arkansas county, Ark.., have been killed, making the list cf negroes dead 13 in all. The county is now reported quiet. Columbus citizens are interested in developments in Girard and Phenix City, and Alabama cities just across the river, officers in each being charged with murder. The sundry civil bill has the right of way in the house this week. The impeachment of Judge Swayne will not be pressed during the considera tion of the sundry civil bill. At Wilmington, N. C, Monk Levy sa tonlshed a Jewish congregation by ris ing and disclosing his identity jusf after the rabbi had denounced hin&, not knowing that Levy was in the "house. Harrill Bros, Genes .! Mefoliants, Clark-Harrill Block, Rutherfordton, N. O. We keep a general line of almost ev erything, including Clothing, Hats. Caps Shoes. Groceries, Buggy Whips, Robes, Harness, Standard Sewing machines and Stoves. Country Produce bought and sold We make a specialty of furnishing time supplies to farmers, mill men and others. Sole agency for the famed Rock Hill Buggy and Taylor Wagons. Ex amine our prices on anything "before buying elsewhere. 'PIXOfffE: NUIKEEErSt 83. CITY BEEF MARKET. Kd Krwin. It. S. Williams. FRESH MEATS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK. FISH EVERY SATURDAY. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Goods delivered free anywhere in the City. Market corner of Court and Depot streets. Highest, cash price paid for cat tle, hogs and country produce. A. CARPENTER, 'PHONE NO. 78. Iliams Old Dispensary Stand. Dealers in Family Groceries, Corn and Feed Stuffs of all kinds. Country Produce bought and sold. Call and give us a trial order. 'PHONE NUMBER 53. Jane Twitty's Restaurant. For five years the undersigned has been feeding the hungry in the basement of the Clark brick building on Mam street. She will be found at the old stand in 1S04 ready to serve hot meals at all hours from 7 in the morning, to 8 in the af ternoon. Call for what yon want, and pay only for what you get. Terms, very reasonable. Yours to serve, JANE TWITTY. NAME? and MORRIS Keep in stock a full line ot Gen eral Merchandise, and in fact ev erything needed by the trade Buv and sell all sorts of Country Produce cash or trade. Cal and compare our prices before buying: elsewhere. Fair and cour teous treatment at all times. NANNEY & MORRIS UNION MILLS, N. C. 0 t 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..WANTED.. ALL PARTIES HAVING EAL ESTATE TO Vill find it to their interest to see me. Can handle Tim ber Lands, Mineral Lands, Farm Lands, Town Lots and Building Sites. j ROWLAND. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jLir.iifitu DOUBLE DAUX SERYICE t BETWEEN NEW YORK, I AM PA, AT LANTA, NEW ORLEANS & POINTS SOUTH AND WEST. Xx KfiFeot J.xzl 12th, X903. SOUTHWARD. Lv.Xew York,P.R.R Lv.Philadelphia, " Lv.Baltimore, " Lv.Washington, " Lv.Richmond.S.A.L1 Lv.Petresburg, " L .N orlina, ' Lv . Henderson , Lv.Raleigh, Lv.So. Pines, Lv.Kamlet, Lv.Columbia, i A.r. Savannah, Ar. Jacksonville Ar Tampa, RUTHERFORDTON, IS. C. Lv.N.Y.N.Y.P.&N. Lv.Philadelphia " Lv.N.Y. ,O.D S.S.Co f 8 GO pm LvTBaltfr, B.S.P.Co Lv. Wash.N &W.S.BI s ' 0 00000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000004 COUNTIES UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Colorado Trocpe Guard Telluride. Press Censurshlp Exercised. Denver. Col., March 21. Martial law la In operation today In two coun ties, San Miguel and Las Animas. Reports from both districts are to the effset that conditions at present are peaceful. At Telluride, San Mig uel count, press censorship 13 exer cised and no news is sant out unless approved by the military authorities. At ths capitol no secret Is made of tha fact that the purpose In declaring mar tial law lu San Miguel county la to prevent the return to Telluride of tha union men who were expelled from camp by an organization of armed business men who have announced their intention to go back under pro tection of an Injunction .granted by District Judge Theron Stewart. Captain Bulkely Wells, whom Gov ernor Peabody has appointed military commander of the district, was one of the leaders of the party that drove the union men and their sympathizers out of the camp. Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of the niost romakable cases of a cold, deep seated on the lnnga, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E x rimer, juurion, Indiana, who wasen- tiivly cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute C v.igh Cure Four bottles of this won derful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restor ed me to my normal weight, health and strength" Slid liv Dr'T B Twitty Crowell & Williie, Forest City. Tragedy Averted. "Just in the nick of time rwr little boy was saved," writes Mrs. V". Wat- kins of Pleasant City, Uhio. Pneumo nia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides Doctors treated him but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption, ana our darling was saved He s now sound and well." Everybody ought to know. it s the only cure for coughs, colds and all lung diseases. Guaranteed by Dr T B Twitty and Thompson & Watkins, druggists Price 50c and $1 00 Trial bottta free Executor's Notice. . The undersigned having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of M. A. Morris, deceased, hereby noti fies all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to present them, duly authenticated, to the under signed on or before the 21st day of Feb ruary, H05, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. J his b elmary 20th, 1904. W. T. MORRIS. Executor of the will of Mrs. M. A. Mor- ri., deceased. McBrayer & Justice, xttorueys. CHARGED WITH ROBBERY. B. GRANT JETER M. C. Dealer in GENERAL MER CHANDISE. Carries everything usuallv found in a FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY STORE Country Produce bouht for cash or trade at highest market prices. I think I have what you want, but. if mistaken. I will jret it for vou. -SPRING jjjj 0000000000000000000 ' Daily. Daily. No. 81. No. 27. 12 55 pm 1210 am U Si pm 7 20 an 5 45 pm 9 34 an 7 00 pm 114Qain lOoopm 2 15pnx 1117 pm 2 57 pnv 1 y5 am 5 lapmj 2 22 am 6 u: pin 4 00 am 7 33 pin 6 00 am 9 36 pm 7 25 am 10 40 pm 10 00 am ia 2 20 pm in' 6 50 pm am 6 45 am 6 00 pm , No. m. -ii.i i 7 55 am pm" 1016 am! pm Lv.Portsm'th, S.A.L Lv.Welflon, Lv.Norlina, " Lv.Heuderson, " Lv.Raleigh, Lv.So. Pines, " Lv. Hamlet, ' Lv. Wilmington, Ar.CharloTte, L v. Chester, Lv. Greenwood , jv. Athens, Ar. Atlanta, i y 05 pn: 6 30 pm 6 HO pm 35 am 11 45 ami 11 55 pm. 150 am! 140 pm 2 22 ami 4 00 am! r on a ii. 1 7 30 an- 10 08 am 10 25 am 12 23 pm 2 50 pm 8 50 pm ?. 10 pm 4 00 pm 6 1G pm 10 40 urn 3 fiii i -in lo 4i pm 1 35 am 3 43 am G 05 am 8 50 am Was Going to Augusta to Accept Re eponsible Position. Savannah, Ga., March 28. Charged with stealing a pocketbook containing $G5 from another passenger just this side of Jacksonville Saturday night. L. O. Gregory was arrested upon the ar rival of the train here. Gregory was enroute from Ocala, Fla., to Augusta, Ga., to join his wife and accept "a position with a jewelry firm there. He Is now locked up at police station, pending an investiga tion. W. R. McConnell, who was coming through from Miami, had his pocket "book In his hand and left it on a Pull man seat. When he returned, the pocketbook wa3 missing. One of the train hands told him he had seen Greg ory with the pocketbook. Gregory denied having seen the pocketbook, and was searched, over fSO being found. Gregory denies taking the pocket book. S. B. GRANT. , ,, ! - - ... t&vi J. R. Washburn is receiving daily, his Spring Stock of H Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, IsOTIONS, HARD- WARE, GROCERIES, Ladies' and Gents' FURNISHING H GOODS. A full line of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, SHOES, and in fact anything tteeded to wear, eat or use m tiie house or on the lann, llie place to get anytinng ana Everything You Want, and at prices that defy competition. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and !p let me convince you that I cau sell you as good or better goods, as cheap or cheaper, than you can buy them else where. Remember tiie place First door South of the Commercial Bank. Respectfully, Ar. Augusta. C & W C Ar. Macon, C. of Ga Ar. Montgomery, Ar. Mobile, L. & N. Ar.New Orleans ' Ar.Nashviile, Av. emphis. 5 20 pm j 7 20 pnij 11 35 am 9 20 pint 6 2ft pin. 2 55 am 7 15 am ! G 40 am J rot 3 45pni 8 4nam NORTHWARD. Lv. emphis, Lv.NashviHe, Lv.New Orleans, Lv. obile, L. & N. Lv, ontgoniery, Lv. aeon, C. of Ga. Lv. Augusta,C &W .C Lv.Atlanta, S3.A. L. Ar. Athens, Ar. Greenwood, " Ar. Chester Lv.Charlorte, Lv.Wilmingt.on, Lv. Hamlet, Sunday in far east. Synopsis of Operations of the Ru3so Japanese War. Japanese make seeond attempt to block the entrance of the harbor at Port Arthur. Russians fire on Jap anese vessels and slrk four merchant men. One Russian torpedo boat also sunk. Seven Russians killed and 20 are wounded. Marquis Ito and his suite leave Se oul. The marquis was dined by the emperor of Korea after the farewell audience. Chinese officals say the reports of disaffection and mutiny amongst the Chinese Imperial troops on the border are without foundation. Steamer Active arrives at Cffe Foo from Kobe, Japan. During voyage passed a she passed a fleet of Japa res transports, convoyed by by cruia ers, in the Inland sea. They were bound for Korea. Do You Want Strength? If you want to increase your strength yon must add not take from the physical. n other words, the food that you eat must be digested, assimilated and appro priated by the nerves, blood and tissues, before being expelled y the iutestines. Kodol Dyspepsia adds to the. plynical. It gives strength to and builds up strenth in the human system. It is pleaseut to the taste and palatable, and the only com bination of digestants that will digest the food and enable the svstem to appropri ate all of its health and strength-giving qualities. Sold by Dr. T. B. Twirtv. Crowell & Wilkie Forest City. Chicago Butohers Strike. Chicago, March 25. Several hun dred beef luggers and pork butchers at the Union Stock Yards have gon9 on ptrlke. The luggers demanded that one of their discharged comrades bo reinstated and the pork butchers demand overtime pay which they say has been withheld. Chnmbcrlalu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Is the best and most popular mediciue in uao for bowi-1 complaints. It never Jttiw and is pleasant to take. Mr. R, Woodward, of Rosslvn. Kv. savs. "I have handled Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy for twelve years ; have never sdd a bottle that did not give perfect satisfaction, and it is th best selling diarrhoea medicine that I handle" For sale bv Dr T B Twit Xj; druggist. For Sale or Rent! A farm of forty acres, with live-room house; barn 50x50 feet with fourteen stalls and two shed running full length of same; a number one well, terracotta lin fid; line orchard of four hundred fruit trees, apples, peaches, pears plumbs, quinces, cherries, apri cols and one-fonrth of an acre of strawberries, the finest fruit in the State. The above is all well fencedhalf wire fence and ev erything in lirst-class order. For pale or rent. Apply to MRS. 8. CAUFJELD, F 18. . Rutherfordton, N. 0. Colds Arc Dangerous. How often you hear it remarked : "It's only a cold, and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneu monia. This is of such common occur rence that a cold however slight, should not he disregarded. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy counteracts any tenden cy toward pneumonia. It always cures and is pleatant to take. For sale bv Dr T B Twitty, druggist. Aminlstratop's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Elizabeth McFadden, de ceased, late of Rutherford county, North Carolina, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said es tate to present them duly authenticated to me for payment on or before the 18th day of March, 1905, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are here by notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This March 17th, 1901. W. L. McFADDEN, Adm'r. Eaves & Rncker, Attorneys. Notice! . G. B. Ramsey has entered 50 acres of land in Colfax township, Rutherford county, North Carolina, on the wateis of Sandy Run creek, adjoining fhe lane's or 1J. G. Davis, McMnrry heirs and G. B. Ramsey. Entered March 1st, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. J. P. JONES, Entry Taken for Rutherford County. DoWltt's B Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores. We want your name on the list of our customers, and will do all we can in the way of price, quality, courtesy and 'patience to obtain it. Our stock commends itself to the thoughtful, and takes the eye of all those who recog nise and appreciate the beautiful and valuable. The at tion of the public is what every honest business establish ment wants "to haves and to hold." "We are not an ex ception to this rule, and, hence, offer you inducements that must claim your attention; and the goods are here to back up every statement we make. ALL READ! ! WAT OH THE EFFECT! OUR AMMUNITION IS THE BEST. We are loaded for exact results. We are ready tor the shot. Our aim is egj Don't listen for the sound or watch for the smoke here we hit. Our aim is vour appreciation, lout- approval will be our reward. No lucky shots. All exact results. We handle the "GRIFFIN BRAND" CLOTHING in Slims, Stouts and Regulars, at prices ranging from $7.50 to $15.00. Each irarment is backed by A GOLD BCND m GUARANTEE. Our cheaper Suits are made from the fa mous MILTON CLOTH prices ranging in Mens' Suits from $5 00 to $10.00; Youths' Suits from $2 50 to $6.00. THE NEW YORK MILTON CLOTH MILL Claim for this goods, to Ik the best fabric made for the money in the U. S. and Europe. See our line of- PnntF, m prices from $1.00 to $5.00. Compare our line of Mens' 1.00, H $1.50 and $8.00 Hats with other lines ai d see where you get the best values. We will have in a few days the Nicest Line of Shirts Si ever brought to Rutherfordton, prices from 25 cents to l $1.50. See our Mens' UNDERWEAR, HALF-HOSE, BELTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES and SUSPENDERS. Some people don't need to take -in oath to be relied upon. Some goods don't need to be vouched for in order to find a sale. Euy goods that stand on their merits. All we ask is that vou come and examine our line. H 7 jl PHONE NUMBER 105. V R. P. GEER. C. F. GEER. mm m We are going to make the following prices for the next sixtv da vs : (PTL(QTr'THTTTlRT Mens' Suits, worth $6.00, our price $4.50 Mens' Suits, worth $8.00, our price.. '.-. b25 Men's Suits, worth $10.00, our price $7.50 Mens' Suits, worth $13.00, our price ...$10.00 Boys' Suits, worth $1.00, our price 80cts. Boys Suits, worth $l.o0, our price $!. 2o Boys' Suits, worth $3.00, our price $2.o0 PANTS! . Just received a big shipment of mens' Spring Pants from 50 cents to $4.50 per pair. STRAW HATS! Our line of Straw Hats are beau tifulfrom 10 cents to $2.00 each. Dress Goods stnl Notions! We have the pret tiest line of Brilliantines, Dimities, Lawns, Percales, Calicoes, Ladies and Gents Furnishings in town, and all the above sold at old price. No advance yet. See our pretty line of Ladies and Mens' Slippers before buying elsewhere. We can save you money. Yours to please, T H V Lv.Sio. tines, Lv.Raleigh, LvHenderson Lv.Norlina, v.Welnon, A r . Portsmouth Ar Washington, Ar.Baitimore, Ar.New York, r. Philadelohia. Ar.New York. Lv. Jacksonville, Lv. Savannah, Liv. Columbia, Lv. Ham let , Lv.So. Pines, Lv.Raleigh. Lv. Henderson, Lv.Norlina, Dailv. 1 Daily. . No. 22. No. 88. 12 45 m. KOOira 9 oO pm 9 30 am 8 1 ft pm 12 40 am 6 45 am 1 00 pm H 00 ami 4 20 pm IQlolim 12 00 m. 8 00 pm 2 57 pnP 1 1 25 pm I 515 pm 2 05 am ! 7 17pm 4 lojun I 7 2o pm 5 01 am j 3 HO im " r lOKirfuH 7 60 am 1J lypm 845 am- 1 25 am 1 1 35 am ' 2 58 am 12 50 pm 3 45 am 1 4-5 pm j 5 05 am 3 00pnij' 8 00 am 5S5pmj f 55 am tlolim', ft ft (WRh t 5 46 pm 5 1 0 am 815pml 8 00 art Ko. 34. No. 66. 9 00 pm 8 50 aia S45ain 7 50 pm 1 15pm 12 lOpiu G 35 pra 5 30 am 10 30 pm i 8 55 am 1118 pm 9 45aiaY 1 25 am 10 50 am- 2 58 am 1 10 am: 3 40 am 1 55 pm Lv. Petersburg, " 1 Ar. Richmond. " Ar.Wash'ton, P.R.R Ar.Baitimore, P.R.R Ar.Philadelnhia. " Ar.New York,P R.R 5 4 am C 35 ami 4 55 pnv 1010 am1 8 3fianv 11 25 am! 11 25 pm 136pni 2 56 am' 415 pm' 6 30 pm Note. f Daily Except Sunday. i Central Time. 4 Eastern Tivie. D W COUNCIL. Agent, Rutherfordton, N C. Z. P. Smith, T. P. A., Raleigh.N. U. C. F. GEER, Manager. SiMMONS-ANDER COMPANY. OSSS When you want Anything fox -the XXomo Come to Furniture Headquarters! We are receiving NEW GOODS every few days and are fully prepared to FURNISH YOUR HOUSE from basement to attic with the very best of household necessities at very low prices. K J. & H. L-" CARPENTER. TO PliEABB OUR CUSTOMERS 11 IS OUR- BEST ADVERTISEMENT. This has been our constant desire in the past and ve will make it our motto for 1904. My store is now brim full of NEW SPRING GOODS, and there is more to come. Suc'j as DRESS GOODS, all kinds of WAIST GOODS, and GENTS' FURNISHINGS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. I expect to offer you every month this year that you simply can't resist. Watch my advertisement and come to see us. 0 Ratherfopdtoii, IT. C. Three Times tiieVa lue of any Other! One Third Faster; : One-Third Easier. Agents wanted in all unoccupied ter ritory. WHEELER & WILSON iwrg. Co. ATLANTA, GA. THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver. Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver, DeWitt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that i t is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. PREPARED OMLV BV . C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago J