SABBATH DESECRATION. Rev. W. M. Whiteside Preaches The New Methodist Church Other News. T. Correspondence of Tiik Tribune. Mirxs Spring, April 25. Mr. O Uaynnrd returned recently Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Florence Ruppe, of Bright, re cently spent a week with her sister, Mrs. Cornelius Ciibbs. Miss Annie Belle Lojran ami Miss tlumrick, of Kutherfordton, spent Sunday recently at the Mite Inn. Miss Mary Dodd and Miss Wescott, of New Prospect, S. (.'., spent Easter with Mrs. James Uucker. I.)urin; the aksenee of Rev. W. II. Perry, the pastor, and his family, Mr. Harrett Wonnaek of Lebanon church, cume over and deposted a load of corn and fodder in the baVn. I jruess friend horse is feeling good now. Uev. XV. M. Whiteside, preached a very interesting sermon in the Bap tist church the. 1st Sunday morning: is subject was the ten commandments, Exodus 20th chapter. After a few in troductory remarks about Easter, he said if the first four commandments were kept the enforcement of the last six would not be necessary. He spoke especially of the first four and em phasized the fourth. Ho said that the merchant who sold goods on the Sab bath would be condemned as great at the judgment as the murderer. From a reply published in a former issue of Thk Tkihunk it seems that some one is a little sore about the reference made to Sabbath desecration. While your correspondent does not know who made the reply and it may be that said party does not sell anything but something to eat on Sunday, yet it is known that such things as a bale of cotton hasbeen loaded and hauled off, ten bushels of peas have been meas ured and carried away, also Hour, ci gars, turnip seed and many other things. 1 wonder what kind of peo ple they were who ate them. But as to the sale of eatables perhaps said party has over looked that God commanded the Isrealites to gather and prepare their food on Saturday for the Sabbath, anil for those who neglected to do so lie dul not prepare any special patches of manna and in struct them to slip out at the back door and gather it when they thought nobody was looking. We hope the defendant is not connected with the sale of other goods than provisions on Sunday under the sheepskin guise of charity and sympathy for the hun gry, and is not trying to cover up the wolf's paws of covetousness in Sab bath trade for gain. As to debt pay ing I am glad to state the writer does not owe any one a cent and has never been denied credit either. We are sure we have no reputation for loud singing and praying; neither are we disposed to meddle with the private a Hairs of others, but only made reference to the Sabbath break ing wun me nope oi ooiug goou. w e are triad to sav that one at leabt of our merchants has a reputation for keeping his store closed on Sunday, and we hope all the rest will soon fol low his example. If the shoe lits us it is better to wear it in silence than to advertise our selves as an offended partv: and if it dor s not fit us we should not under take to wear it and then grumble, but just leave it for tlx fellow whom' it does fif It is to be hoped that those who have really been desecrating the Sab bath will profit by their own expe rtence m the past and it so no one will rejoice more than your humble correspondent, who bears good will to everybody. Mrs. Ellen Hague was here recently visiting relatives Rev (client sermon at Bethlehem the 2nd Sunday from Isiah 54; 10-11. Mr. Matt Lewis, one of Mill Spring's up-to-date, enterprising merchants, lias a six room addition to his dwell ing framed and covered. The house will contain twelve rooms and will probably be the largest building in town. Mr. Newman, the carpenter, is pushing the work rapidly We understand that the members of Bethlehem church have decided to wait A. B. Flack for Sheriff. Forest City, April 24, 1904. We have no coargea to make against the present incumbent. "We are glad to say that lie has a clean record. But if it is the de sire of the people of Rutherford county to make a change, we have no hesitency from in suggesting the name of A. B. Flack. Mr. Flack is well known throughout the county and has the ability and ex perience to make a good sheriff. Many Voters. How to Ward off an Attrck of Rheu matism. For years when spring time came on and 1 went into gardening, I was sure to have an attack of rheumatism and everv attack was more sincere than the preceeding one," says Josie McDonald, of Man Sr. Logan county, West Ya. "I tried everythikg with no relief whatev er, until I procured a bottle of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, and the first applica tion gave me ease, and before the first bottle was used I felt like a new person. Now I feel that I am cured but 1 always teep a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one or two applications of this applications of this liniment." For sale by Dr. T. B. Twitty. Notice! Robbed the Grave. A startling incident is unrated by John Oliver of Philidelphia, as follows : ' I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually' in tack and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advised to use Elec tric Bitters; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they rob bed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to t ry them. Only T.Oc guaranteed at T, B. Twitty's Thompson & Watkins' drug stores. 0. T. WALDROP k CO 'HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, MILLS-THOMPSON BLuCK. Sell everything to eat : and everything to feed stock. Buy all classes of Coun try Produce, Fruits and Vegetables for Cash, and are exclusive agents, and car ry in stock, the J. I. Nissen Wagons and the Champion. Mowing and Harvesting machinery. Our prices are as low as the lowest on the class of goods we handle. The best is the cheapest, especially in the and way of diets. (Jive us a trial order. Goods delivered free in any part of the citv. Bv virtue of an order of sale made in the special proceedings entitled 'J. G. Simmons, administrator of J. (). Simmons, deceased, vs. J. O. Sim mons, Jr., et al, heirs at law of .1. O. Simmons, deceased," I will sell at public auction, on the premises, on Saturday, April tfOth, (.)04, at 12 in., the lands belonging to the estate of J. O. Simmons, deceased, sit uate in Rutherford county, in Sulphur Springs township, and lying on Rich ardson's creek, known as the Bob Mintz lands, adjoining the lands of James Henson, N. B. McBraver, J. G. Simmons and others. Said lands will be sold for the purpose of creating as sets for the payment of debts, and will be offered first in two or three lots, and afterwards will be offered as an entire tract, and will be sold in that way that it may bring the best price. t he rents for the year 1104, will be re served, lhe purchaser w ill oe requir ed to pay 15 per cent of the purehae price on day of sale, and one-half of the balance to be paid November b. li04, and the remainder the L dav f ! November, 190f, the two deferred pay ments to be evidenced by notes and to bear interest at the rate of rj per cent per annum till paid. March 2(th, 1904. J. G. SIMMONS, Administrator. of J. O. Simmons, deceased. McBraver & Justice, Attorneys. NANNEY ami MORRIS Keep in stock a full line of Gen eral Merchandise, and in faetev- ervtliins needed bv the trade. Buy and sell all sorts of Country Produce cash or trade. Call and compare our prices before buying elsew here. Fair and cour teous treatment at all times. NANNEY & 31 OUR IS. I'MON MILLS, N. C. 'PHONE NO. 13. Groceries, Heavy and fancy, Feed stuffs, Beef, Pork, Ponltry and Eggs. Wre make our own Sausages, which are always fresh. Try our market for anything for the ta ble. Corn, Cotton Seed meal and hulls, and hay always in stock. Prices as low as the lowest. Carload of ITay and Cotton Seed Hulls just received. J. L. Allen. Harrill Bros., General...... MevohantB, Clark-Harrill Block, 'llutherfordton, N. C. CarrOll W . DOWneV.! W(J kof? a general line of almost ev 10 i ei ything, including Clothing. Hats, Caps 1 hysician and Surgeon, ; Shoes. Groceries, Buggy .Whips, Robes, llutherfordton, N. C. -j Harness, -Standard Sewing machines and Ml ralk wi, w rW nrt w ,i.ri,f Stoves. Conutry Produce bought and will receive prompt attention. Oliiee ' I). F. Morrow. 1. V. Smith. Morrow & Smith, Attorneys K: Counsellors at Law, Rutherford ton, JN. C. Practices in State and Federal courts. Careful attentiou given to all business entrusted to them. Call when in the eitv whether you have legal business or not. Office in rear of Bank of Rutherfordton. .Phone number 40. K,.S. Kaves. W. F. Rueker. Eaves & Rucker Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Careful attention to details of all bus iness entrusted to their hands. Practice in all State and Federal courts Rooms 1 and Mills-Dickerson building, upstairs. Phone number 5. Geo. C. Just lee. VV. C. McKorie. Justice & McRorie, Attorneys A: Counsellors at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Rooqis 8 and it in Mills-Dickerson build ing, over Mills store. Office 'phone 08. rooms 22 and 23 over Carpenter & Tay lor's store. Oflice 'phone number 122, Residence 22. W. Aa Thompson, j Physician and Surgeon, i Rutherfordton, X. O. j Oflice in drug store in Thompson-Dick-; erson building. Oftice 'phone Is'o. SI,; residence 'phone 71. i MattMrliraycr. 15. A. Justice, j M c B ray e r & J u sti ce Attorney at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Rooms i, 4 and f Mills-Dickeion brick block, up stairs. Oflice 'phone "S. J. H. Campbell, . Photographer, Bartlett Building. Up Stairs, Main St., Rutherfordton, N. C. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Charges reasonable. sold. We make a specialty of furnishing time supplies to farmers, mill men and ; others. Sole- agency for t he famed Rock Hill Buggy and Taylor Wagons. Ex i amine our prices on anything' before buying elsewhere. PHONE NUIVI1ECER S3. S. B. GRANT, JETER. . N.-C. Dealer in GENERAL MER CHANDISE. Carries everything usually found in a FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY STORE. Country Produce bought for cash ;or trade at highest market prices. I think 1 have what you want, !ut, if mistaken, 1 will got it 1 for you. GRANT. A. J. Whisnant, Kesident Dentist, Rutherfordton, N. C. Oflice up stairs in Thompson-DicLer-on brick block. 'Phone Xo. K. TO TAX PAYERS! I or one of mv deputies mav be found at my oflice here at any time prior to May 1st. to receive and re ceipt for any unpaid taxes for the vear 1903. The law is so fixed that those who do not pav their poll taxes on or be fore May 1st, will not be allowed to vote in trie November election. 1 should regret exceedingly that any man who is otherwise qualified to vote should be disfranchised because of such negiect. A failure to pav on or before Mav W. H. Perry preached an ex- 1st, does not relieve any one from the subsequent payment ot his taxes; and, I mav sav, with cost added, for I pro pose to do my duty, however careless individual tax payers may seem to be. O. C. ERWIN, Justice of the Peace, A. L. Grayson, Books and Stationery, Rutherfordton, JM. C. Newspaper and Magazine agency, full , supply of text-books for the public schools j j at contract prices. Testaments and Bi-! I bles in various styles of binding, school I Office up stairs in Mill's building-, I au,i office papers, a full line of deeds and room No. 7. Will give prompt and care- other legal blanks, blank books, religious I tui attention to an mismess intrusted tua,i secular books, works of fiction, fou- jtain pens, inks, pencils, writing tablets, j current literature, w orks of art. etc. TIIK ONLY POCK STORE IN TOWN. him. J. L. Geer, Dentist, lCutherlon ton. A. t . ! 7 Room 21 over Carpenter & Taylor's store. Office 'phone Xo. 99. Solomon Gallert, Attorney at Law, E. A. Martin, Sherift Notice! Notice is hereby given all persone that the undersigned has had no con nection or business relation whatever with "The City Drusr Store," in the town of Rutherfordton, North Carolina, since Julv. ISOil: snrl is not, resnousicle till crops are laid by before beginning for any transactions, liabilities or obli- work on the new church building. It Rations incurred by The City Drug Rutherfordton, N. Office 'Phone Number 41). C. M. L. Edwards, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Practices in State and Federal courts. Careful attention given to business. Walker McDowell, Bar her. Over Carpenter's store, Rutherfordton, N. C. Polite and courteous treatment. Everything clean and tidy moderate. Charges Jane Twitty's Restaurant. For five years the undersigned has been feeding the hungry in the basement of the Clark brick building on Main street. She will be found at the old stand in 1904 ready to serve hot meals at all hours from 7 in the morning, to 8 in the af ternoon. Call for what you want, and pay only for what yon get. Terms, very reasonable. Yours to serve, JAHE TWITTY. J.C.Walker&Co OeWitt's Littlo Bfisers Tho famous little pi'ls. is to be hopud that they will decide to build in the town of Mill Spri the church should be located there, then they could keep the old site, three-fourths of a mile away for a grave yard. The dilapidated condi- Store since that date, nor has he any present interest in said business, nor is he liable for any contracts that may be made in the future in the name and be half of the said City Drug Store, At the time of the withdrawal of the undersigned from the City Drug Store in July, 19(M. he sold las interest m said tion of the old church is a reflection business to W. H. Gibson, who expressly assumed the then exisiting liabilities aud debts of the said City Drug Store. on the Methodist constituency of the community. Iliey are amply able to build a good church. If they only de termine to build it will be done. "So mote it be." The necessary amount invested in building a good church will be better than to put it in bonds, stocks or farms. C. W. April 18, 1904. DOWNEY, M. D. Dr.T. B. Ran Away! My son, Otis Lopran. left my house without leave March 25th. He is 18 years old, 4 feet and 11 inches high, dark gin ger-cake color, black scar on left cheek, sharp chin. Wore a nobby cap, a gray mixed waistcoat, and a light coat well worn ; hair not kinkey. but curled. All persons are hereby forbidden to harbor him under the penalties of the law. In formation of his whereabouts will be Carry a general line of meichandise, ir eluding Dry Goods, Notions. Grocer ies, gents and ladies Furnishing goods, farm Supplies, and in fact almost any thing you need "to use, wear, eat or sell. Fertilizers in season. Call and be con vinced "Once a customer always a cus tomer" is our motto. WANTED.. Twitty Warrants Every Bot tie. it tronoiea wun rheumatism give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial. It will not eonf yon a cent if it does you no ifKwl I liw innlientmn will vuliuwu flio Tviin it nlui rnw 'tmrniiia i.r,iioc thankfully received by his father. in one third the time lennireH hv nntr RICKMAN LOGAN, Col., nthor WnttMPiif Hnfc imi-,lu Vr.c-J Rutherfordton. N. C bites, quinsy, pains in the side and chest . THE t"ibunk office will forward any glanular and other swellings are quickly miormation received here. cured by applying it. Kvery bottle war ranted. Price 25 and 50 cents at Dr. T. JS. Twitty's drug store. Amlnistrator's Notice. FOR SALE! One top buggy in good running order, -newly painted, running Having qualified as administrator of geer red. bodv black th estate ot lUrabeth McFadden, de- Oup vnnno- Ubi.L- o.ul .ceasen, late or itutuerrom county, .North Ur nw of" i . , , Carolina, notice is hereby criven to all .."" uum J? Itersons holding claims against said es- gallons of milk tate to present them duly authenticated to me for payment on or tiefore the 18th day of March, 1905, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are here by notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This March 17th, 190-1. W. Li. MCFADDEN, Adni'r, Eavest & Rucker, Attorneys. One good stable ; feed room and loft and two stalls. Address, J. M. ALLHANDS, Henrietta, N. C. llodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. . SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT! J. R. Washburn is receiving daily, his Spring Stock of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARD WARE, GROCERIES, Ladies' and Gents' FURNISHING GOODS. A full line of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, SHOES, and in fact anything needed to wear, eat or use in the house or on the farm. The place to get anything and Everything You Want, and at prices that defy competition. HIGHEST CASH PBICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and let me convince you that I cau sell you as good or better goods, as cheap or cheaper, than you can buy them else where. Remember the place First door South of the Commercial Bank. ' Respectfully, J. R.WASHBURN. 'PHONE NUM1 105. ODODDODOODODODODODODOQV O o o o Stylish Millinery! o O S3 We have just received our o a first shipment of Spring Mil- o o linery. If it is the fashion, X BW imnrn DOUBLE DAILY SERYICE BETWEEN NEW YORKi TAMPA, .AT LANTA, N EW ORLEANS & POINTS - SOUTH AND WEST. - In Effect AprM 12 tlx, X903. Lv.New York.P.R.R Lv.Pliiladelphia, " j Lv.Ealtimore, j Lv.W'ashiiifiton, " Lv. Richmond , S. A. L ' Lv.Petresburg, j Lv.Norliiia, " Lv.Heiiderson, " j Lv. Raleigh, 4i j Lv.lSo. Pines. I Lv. Hamlet, Lv. Columbia, ; ' Ar. Savannah, Ar.Jacksouville " Ar Tainpa, " SO UTHWARD. ! Daily. I Ho. 31. 1 :2 55 pm y 29 pm ,45pm 7 00 pm 10 35 put 11 17 pm 1 H5 am 2 22 am 4 00 am 0 00 am 7 25 am Dailv. No. 27. 12 10 am 7 20 am 9 34 am 11 4ti am 2 15 pm 2 57 pm 5 15 pm 03 pm 7 83 pm 3 36 pin 1040 pm y 05 pm 1 1 45 am 1 50 am 2 2 J am 4 00 am 00 am 7 30 am o o n O a WE HAVE IT, In fact our line contains all o a O 10(H) am 2 20 pm fi 50 pm 0 45 am i No. 33. Lv.N.Y.N.Y.P &N. t 7 55 am Lv.Pliiladelphia " j 10 10 am: Ly."K. Y. ;p7b S.8.CjQ ;fT00pm j Lv.Balti'r, B.S.P.Co; Lv.Wash'.N &W.8.B LvTPortsm'th, S.A.L-Lv.Weldon, Lv.Norlina, " . " Lv. Henderson, ' Lv.Raleigh, " Lv.So. Pines, " Lv.Hamlet, " LWilminKton, ArTt'harhirte, Lv. Chester, Lv.GreenvKl, " jV. Athens, ' ArAtlanta.J " ATAngTista.C & XX C Ar. Macon, C. ofGa. Ar.Monfgouierv, Ar. Mobile, L. & N. Ar.New Orleans j Ar.Nashvilie. Ar. emphis, ! m ui am 6 00 pm 4l7 pm pm 0 30 pm 0 30 pm V 25 am 1 1 55 pm 1 40 pm a 10 pm 4 00 pm 6 10 pm 1040 pm j 3 05 pm 10 08 am 1045 pm j 10 2a am 1 35 am I 12 23 put 3 43 am 2 50 pm 0 05 am 3 50 pm 8 50 am j 5 20 put 1 1 35 am 7 20 pm 9 20pmr 6 25 pm 2 55 am! 7 15 atu 0 40 amj 55 pm 3 45pmj K45am o o of the newest creations as g o o shown in the larerft cities. a a o o Don't forget the saving in o CIS o price. We invite you to come o o and see them. g CARPENTER NORTHWARD. I Dailv. j Dailv. No. 32. No. 38. 12 45 m. 800 pm 9 30 pm 0 30 am hi 5 pm ; 12 40 am! 0 45 am1 TAYLOR Very truly, g mm ODODODODODO0ODODOQODO0 s4t TO OUR CUSTOMERS IB OUR- BEST ADVERTISEMENT. This has been our constant desire in the past and v o will make it our motto for 1904. My store is now brim full of NEW SPRING GOODS, Lv. emphis, Lv. .Nashville, Lv.Kew Orleans, Lv. obile, L. & N. Lv, outgomery. Lv. aeon, C of (Ju.; Lv.A urxistaC '&S'.C Lvr.Atlairta,Ts.A- LJ Ar.Athens, " i Ar.Oreenwooil, " j Ar.Chester. " Lv. Charlotte, j Lv.Wiimington, " i Lv.Hamlet. " i 1 00 pm 4 20 pm 8 00 pm 1 1 25 pm 2 05 am 4 15 am 5 01 am Lv.f o. Pines, Lv.Raleigh, " Lvliemlerson " Lv.JSoiiiita, " Lv.Weldon, Ar.Portsmonth " Ar Washington, Ar.Baitiinore. Ar.New York, Ar. Philadelphia. Ar.New York. Lv.Tampa, S. A. 1 Lv. Jacksonville, ' Lv. Savannah, " Lv. Columbia, " Lv.Hamlet, " Lv.So. Pines, ,; Lv.Raleigh, .' Lv.Heiiderson, " Lv.Norlina. " Lv. Petersburg, j Ar. Richmond. " j Ar.Wash'ton, P.R.R Ar.RaJtimore, P.R.R Ar.Philadelphia. " j Ar.New York.P.R.R1 s 00 ant 10 10 am 12 00 m. 2 57 pm 5 15 pm 7 17 rui; 7 2Apm 3 30 pm losoTmir 1118 pm! 1 25 am 2 5S am! 3 45 am; 145 pm 5 05 amj SOOpai 8 0f am! 5 35 pm 0 55 am T30am 7 50 am S 45 am 1135 am 12 50p.n : 5 4 pur 8 15 Tm! No. 34. 0 00 pm 8 45 am 1 1 5 pm 0 35 pm 10 30 pm 11 ISpni 1 25 am 2 58 am 3 40 am 5 4i am 0 35 am 1010 am 1 1 25 am 1 30 pm 4 15 ym It 5 00 pm 5 10 am 8 00 am No. 00. 8 50 am 7 50 pm 12 10 pm 5 30 am 8 55 am 9 45 am 1050 am 1 10 am 1 55 pm "T(im 4 55 pni 8 30 am 1 1 25 pm 2 50 am 0 30 pm and there is more to come, kinds of WAIST GOODS, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. Sue'., as DRESS GOODS, all and GENTS' FURNISHINGS I expect to offer you I Note. -rDaily Except Sunday. i Central Time. (, Eastern Tiue. D W COUNCIL, AgentT RCTHKKFOKmON, N C. I. P. Smith, T. P. A Raleigh, N. C. every month this year that you simply can't resist, mv advertisement and come to see cs. Watch ALL PARTIES HAVING REAL ESTATE TO o (Do Rutherfordton, N. C : . 9 Will find it to their interest to see me. Can handle Tim ber Lands, Mineral Lands, Farm Lands, Town Lots and Building Sites. JN0. F. ROWLAND, RUTHERFORDTON, N . C. : : : : v. 1 I I 6 5 i Yams to arrive about the 9th t i i 1 NORTON YAMS! We will have a big ship ment of the celebrated Eas tern North Carolina Norton Yams to arrive about the 9th of April. Come in and let us book your order for what you will need. Three Times tne Value of any Other! One Third Faster; One Third Easier. Agents wanted in all nnoeeupied ter ritory. WHEELER & 'WILSON iwrrg. Co. ATLANTA, (JA. G. H. Mills & Son. Easy to take and easy to act is that famous little pill : DeWitt's Little Early Risers. This is due to the fact that they tonic the liver in stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain in results that no one vho uses them is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation,' biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu monia and fevers. PREPARED ONLY 8Y E. C. DeWITT & CO.. CHICAGO Don't Forget the Hamo.

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