HOW THE MIND RULES THE BODY. (CONTINUED FROM FIRST PA BE. ) said that Dr. Rush's presence was a great stimulant. "Men recovered to whom he gave no medicine, as if his word was enough to turn the fever." Of all base passions it has been said that fear is the most accursed. Once worshipped by the ancients a god; it is now regarded as being among the greatest enemies of the hu man race. Fear destroys the red cor puscles of the blood, produces palor; invites disease. Many precious lives are lost annually by the fear of hered itary taint that might otherwise be vigorous. Sudden shocks producing extreme fear often end in paroxysms and premature death. One night of mental agony may entail life long suffering. Sick thoughts produce sick organisms. We must fight un seen terrors without courting their sympathy. In heart troubles especially the action of the heart itself is enfee bled by dwelling upon the thought of it. The man who is constantly dis secting himself will never have per fect health. Will power has more to do with health than doctor's prescriptions in many cases. The vascillating, unsta ble mind that accepts every man's ad vice in sicknessseldora gets well. If a physician be called let him prescribe, not every sympathetic friend in the neighborhood, whose intentions may be good but whose knowledge of dis eases may be very limited. Be brave to meet disease and you are more likely to conquer it. An English banker's hair turned white in three days after meeting fi nancial reverses; Mary Antoinettes black hair turned white a few days before her execution: and a Vermont captain captured by the British in 1S13, who was courtmartialed and condemned to be shot on the following GREATLY ALARMED. By a Persistent Cough, but Perma nently Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student at law. in Greenville, S. C, had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says, "greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear I was in the first stages of consumption." Mr. Bur bage, having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try it Now read what he-says of it: "I soon felt a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, was permanently cured-" Sold by Dr. T. B. Twitty, druggist. Subscribe for The Tribune. A LUCKY SUIT. JOS. M. WALKER, DKALF.R IK THE Celebrated Deering, Mowers and Binders, Disc Harrows and Cul tivators, Wagons and Buggies, and a general line of Farm Ma chinerv and Repairs. I will save you money on anything in my line. Come to see me before you buv. Cash-or time to suit my customers. Am here every Mon day. Yours to please, Jos. M.Walker. I). F. Morrow. I. W. Smith. Morrow & Smith, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, Rutherfordton, JN. C. Practices in State and Federal courts. Careful attention given to all business entrusted to them. Call when in the citv whether vou have lejral business or not. morning and whose hair was jet black. ! Office in rear of Bank of Rutherfordton. was led to his execution crowned bv a , Phone number 40. hirsute of snowy whiteness. A false telegram announcing the death of a dea.r friend will prostrate the recipient as quickly as if it had been literally true, yet the fear had had no foundation except in the mind. ''The mind devours everything brougt to it. the true, the false, the good, the bad, and it will produce soundness or rottonness, beauty or de formity, harmony or discord, truth or error, according to the quality of food we give it," "As a man thinketh in the heart so is he." Beauty does not proceed from the contemplation of ugliness, sympa thy from deformity, health from dis ease nor virtue from the contempla tion of vice. Raphael would never have painted the face of Christ with Judas as a model, nor could Phidias have seen an angel in the marble with the likeness of a fiend in his mind. The only way to do the right thing is to have the right thing uppermost in the mind. Be master of your thoughts and you will master your self. Healthy thoughts produce heal thy lives. Children early learn the full meaning of hatred, envy, malice, cruelty, jealousy and others; and this is the only time in their lives when their passions can be properly correc ted. Parents and teachers should watch carefully any abnormal weak ness and adjust the proper remedies. The true physicians of the future will medicate upon the mind with right principles, not with drugs. Love mul conquer the world. As mistress of the Universe she cultivates cheerfulness, good-will and noble deeds, and the wand of her sceptre shall illuuime the world. We believe there is a divine remedy within us for many of the ills we suffer. If we could only know how to apply this power of the mind and the will wo would leave to the physi cians but little of what they are now doing, and have our lives almost in definitely prolonged. "There is a nobleness of mind That heals wounds beyond salves." Anonymous. leo. C .Justice. W. C. McKorie. Justice & McRorie, Attorneys fc Counsellors at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Practice in all State and Federal courts. Rooms 8 and 9 in Mills-Diekerson build ing, over Mills store. Office 'phone 88. Carroll W. Downey, Physician and Surgeon, Rutherfordton, X. C. All calls, both by day and by night, will receive prompt attention. Office rooms 22 and 23 over Carpenter & Tay lor's store. Office 'phone number 122, Residence 22. : A Young Man in the Country Started out in life, To make for liimself a fortune, Was looking for a wife. Enterprises he started many, Successes they were few, Once became discouraged Did not know what, to do. Meeting a friend one day, To him his trouble told : He complained of his hard luck And said the world was cold. Oh, no, said his friend to him You are wrong about that, It's a Suit that helps make the man Not the shoe or hat. I was in the same fix one time But a Lucky Suit I bought. Milton Cloth was the name And to me luck it brought. So the young man went to the store A suit of Milton Cloth to buy He dressed himself up in it Again his luck to try. Fortune smiled upon him Luck it came his way The girls they were anxious for him So we head them say. Clothes don't make the character But helps make the man So if you want to be lucky And Stylish yon can BY BUYING MILTON CLOTH CLOTHING, $5.00 A SUIT AT C. C. Reid's. ..WANTED.. ALL PARTIES HAVING I REAL ESTATE TO Will find it to their interest to see me. Can handle Tim ber Lands, Mineral Lands, Farm Lands, Town Lots and Building Sites. JN0.-F. ROWLAND, LIMITED DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK, TAMPA, AT LANTA, NEW ORLEANS &. POINTS SOUTH AND WEST. Ism Effect April 12th, 1903. Daily. Daily. Ko. 31. No. 27. Lv.NewYork,P.R.R 12 55 pm 1210 am Lv.Philadelphia, " 3 29 pm 7 20 am Lv. Baltimore, " 5 45 pm 9 34 am Lv. Washington, ' 7 00 pm 1146 am Lv.Richmond.S.A.L1 10 35 pm 215 pm Lv.Petresburg, j 1117 pm 2 57 pm LOSorlina, ' j 135 am 5 15 pm LvTHendersoii, ' 2 22 am tiOBpm Lv. Raleigh, " 4 00 am 7 33 pm Lv.So. Pines. 0 00 am 9 36 pm Lv.Hamlet, ' 7 25amj 10 40 pm LvrColnmbia, i 10 00 am m Ar. Savannah, 2 20 pm m Ar. Jacksonville " 0 50 pm am Ar Tampa, 6 45 am 6 00 pm Lv.N.Y.N. Y.P.& X. t 7 55 am pm Lv.Philadelphia " J 1016 am pm 4 RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. t x ORRIS R. S. Eaves, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Careful attention to details of all bus iness entrusted to him. Practice in all State and Federal courts Rooms 1 and 2 Mills-Dickerson building, up stairs. Phone number 5. Dr. Geo. P. Reid, Physician and Surireon, Forest City, N. C. Offers his professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country. lie has had ten years .exper ience in the practice of medicine. W. Aa Thompson, Physician and Surgeon, Rutherfordton, N. C. Office in drug store in Thompson-Dick-evson building. Ofiice 'phone No. 81, residence phone 1. NANNEY and M Keep in stock a full line ot Gen eral Merchandise, and in fact ev erything needed by the trade. Buy and sell all sorts of Country Produce cash or trade. Call and compare our prices before buying elsewhere. , Fair and cour teous treatment at all times. XAXXEY & MORRIS. UNION MILLS, N. C. Wm. F. Rucker, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Office over C. C. Reid's store. 'Phone number 112. All business intrusted to him will be promptly looked after. Have You Ever Tried the Wonderful " Safe " Washing Fluid Cleans Olothes, Floors, Windows, Tin ware, Stove Vessels, Glassware, Lamp Chimneys, Stone Vessels, Dishes, Etc. Greatest Cleaner of the Age. That awful day Wash day robbed of its terrors. For scouring it is a world beater. Saves wood, Saves times, Saves labor, Saves labor, Saves money. Need ed everywhere, every day, by tvery family. S. B. GRANT, JETER, N. C. Dealer in GENERAL MER-. CHANDISE. Carries everything usually found in a FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY STORE. Country Produce bought for cash or trade at highest market prices. I think 1 have what vou want. but, if mistaken, I will get it for vou. S. B. GRANT. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT! J. R. Washburn is receiving dailyhis Spring Stock of Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS,' NOTIONS, HARD WARE, GROCERIES, Ladies' and Gents' FURNISHING GOODS. A full line of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING, SHOES, and in fact anything needed to wear, eat or use in the house or on the farm. The place to get anything and Everything You Want, and at prices that, defy competition. HIGHEST CASH PBICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and let me convince you that I cau sell you as good or better goods, as cheap or cheaper, than you can buy them else where. Remember the place First door South of the Commercial Bank. Respectfully, Lv.Balti'r, B.S.P.Ooj Lv.Wash&WS.B; LvTPorrnT'Fh, S. A.L-j" Lv.Weldon, Lv.Norlina, " Lv. Henderson,. " Lv.Raleigh, Lv.So. Pines, LvHamlet " LvTWilmington, ' It a 30 pm Ar.Charlotte, 9 05 pm 11 45 am 1 50 am 2 22 am 4 00 am 6 00 am 7 30 am 6 30 pm 10 OS am H 25 am 1 1 55 pm 140 pin 210 pm 4 00 pm 6 16 pm 10 40 pm 3 ua pm 10 45 pm Lv.Chester, " I 10 2oam Tjv.Greenwood, " 12 23 pm! jv. Athens, " 2 50pmj Ar. Atlanta, t " 3 50 pm Ar.Angnsta.C&WCj 5 20 pm Ar.Macon, O. of Ga. Ar.Montgomerv, Ar.Mobile, L. & N. Ar.New Orleans Ar.Nashvilie, 1 35 am 3 43 am 6 05 am 8 50 am 7 20 pinj 11 35 am 9 20 pmj 6 25 pm 2 55 am! 7 15 ami Ar. emphis, 6 40 am j oodpin 3 45 pmj 8 45am NORTHWARD Dailv. No. 32. 12 45 m 9 30 pm! 8 15 pmj 12 40 am! 6 45 ami Lv. emphis, Lv.Kashville, Lv.New Orleans, Lv. obile, L. & N. Lv, ontgomery, Lv. aeon, O. of Ga. Dailv. No. 38. 8 00 pm 9 30 am 1 00 pm 8 00 am! 4 20 pm J.R.WASHBURN 'PHONE NUMBER X05. 0. T. WAIMOP S .CO HEATY AND FANCY GROCERIES. MIL.L.S-TIIOMPSON BLuCK. Sell everything to eat ; and everything to feed stock. Buy all classes of Conn try Prodnce, Frnits and Vegetables for Cash, and are exclusive agents, and car ry in stock, the J. I. Nissen Wagons and the Champion Mowing and Harvesting ! NORTON Y Family Rights Only $1.00 Each, j machinery. Oar prices are as low as the Matt McBrayer. B. A. Justice. McBrayer & Justice Attorney at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Rooms S, 4 and 5 Mills-Dickerson brick block, up stairs. Ofiice 'phone 58. Call For Congressional Convention. A convention of the. Democratic party of the Tenth Congressional Distric t is hereby called to assemble in Hendcrson ille, N. C, at 1.00 p. m., on Tuesday, June 21, 1904, for the purpose of nomin ating a candidate to represent said dis trict in the 59th Congress, to elect an executive committee and perform such other business as may bo properly brought before the convention. The va rious counties will please take notice and elect delegates to the district convention. The counties of the district will be en titled to cast the following vote in the convention, based upon the Democratic vote cast by each in the last gubernato rial election : Buncombe 87 Cherokee 1 Clay 8 Graham s Haywood 35 Henderson 22 Jackson 22 Macon, 21 McDowell 23 Polk 11 Rutherford 48 Swain n Transylvania 12 It is earnestly desired that each coun ty shall be fully represented by duly ac credited delegates. By order of the Tentli District Executive Committee, at Asheville, N. C, April 28th. This April 28, 1904. R. M. Wells, Chairman M. L. Shipmax, Secretary. Ladies and Children Who can not stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups and carthartic pills are especially ionu or Little Early Risers. All persons who find it necessary to take a liver medicine should try these pills, and compare the agreeably pleas ant and strengthening effect with tho nauseating and weakening conditions following the use of other remedies Little Early Risers cure biliousness, constipation, sick headach, jaundice, malaria and liver troubles. Sold by Dr, T. B. Twitty and Crowell & Wilkie forest City. J. H. Campbell, Photographer, Bartlett Building, Up Stairs, Main St., Rutherfordton, N. C. All work guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Charges reasonable. A. J. Whisnant, Resident Dentist, Rutherfordton, X. C. Office up stairs in Thompson-Dicker-on brick block. 'Phone No. 50. O. C. ERWIN, Justice of the Peace, Office up stairs in Mill's building. room No. 7. Will give prompt and care ful attention to all business intrusted to him. M. L. Edwards, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Practices in State and Federal courts Careful attention given to business. lowest on the class of goods we handle. The best is the cheapest, especially in the way of diets. Give us a trial order. Goods delivered free in any part of the city. 'PHONE NO. 13. Harrill Bros., Oeneral....... Mavoliauta, Clark-Harrill Block, Rutherfordton, N. C. We keep a general line of almost ev erything, including Clothing, Hats, Caps Shoes, Groceries, Buggy Whips, Robes, j Harness, Standard Sewing machines and Stoves. Country Prodnce bought and sold. We make a specialty of furnishing time supplies to farmers, mill men and Car load of Hay and Cotton Seed Hulls ! f"- a?,en the f amed Rock run uukkv auu xaviui naiiuun. iha.- amine our prices on anything before buying elsewhere. 'PHONE NUMBER 83. Sure death to bed bugs and lice on stock. Some recommend it highly for hog cholera. Five huudred to 10,000 Family Rights can be sold in a county. Agents wanted: Territory for sale. Send $1.00 for family right and full par ticulars to P. E. BROOKS Mooresboro, IS: C Groceries, Heavy and fancy, Feed stuffs, Beef, Pork, Poultry and Eggs. We make our own Sausages, which are always fresh. Try our market for anything for the ta ble. Corn, Cotton Seed meal and hulls, and hay always in stock, as the lowest. Prices as low just received. J, L, Allen, ATTENTION ! Solomon Gallert, Attorney at Law, Rutherfordton, N. C. Office 'Phone Number 49. J. L. Geer, Dentist, Rutherfordton, N. C. Room 21 over Carpenter & Taylor's store. Office 'phone No. 99. E. B. Harris, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Rutherfordton, N. C. Residence 'phone No. 7. Walker McDowell, Barber. Over Carpenter's store, Rutherfordton, N. C. Polite and courteous treatment. Everything clean and tidy. Charges moderate. A. L.Grayson, Books and. Stationery, Rutherfordton, N. C. From $25 to $50 easily made per day by securing territory for the FOLDING PINLESS rPOTHFS I INPc x, . a ir . n which never rusts and never wears out. .i Tha hardest winds do not blow the Omenta andBi oinfhoc fmm Diino-aatocf coiu. An at contract prices, xestaments ana ui- ,t I V1CO Ul AAUO OVTICD 1AUX1UK, DVUUV. tj , . - and office papers, a full line of deeds and Parties buying ternfory furnished jwiflflanV-.Wf.iiVhnlra.rlinn maenmes with which to manufacture the lines in their own homes and sell in territory assighned. Enclose ten cents in stamps for sam ples of line and full particulars, address P. E Mooresboro, BROOKS, North Carolina. FOR SALE! One top buggy in good rm ning order, newly painted, running geer red, body black. One young black and white mu- ly cow, first calf; giving about 1-J gallons of milk. One good stable ; feed room and loft and two stalls. Address, J. M. ALLHANDS, Henrietta, N. C, other legal blanks, blank books, religious and secular books, works of fiction, iouh tain pens, inks, pencils, writing tablets current literature, works of art. etc THE ONLY BOOK STORE TOWN. IN Jane Twitty's Restaurant. For five years the undersigned has been feeding the hungry in the basement of the Clark brick building on Main street she wm be round at the old stand m 1904 ready to serve hot meals at all hours from 7 in the morning, to 8 in the af ternoon. Call for what you want, and pay only for what you get. Terms, very reasonable. Yours to serve, We will have a big ship ment of the celebrated Eas tern North Carolina Norton Yams to arrive about the 9th of April. Come in and let us book your order for what you will need. Lv.Ansrastii,C&W.O! 10 10 am Lv. Atlanta,t IS.A L. 1 2 W m. Ar. Athens, Ar. Greenwood, Ar. Chester. Lv.Charlotte, Lv.Wilmington, Lv.Hamiet, Lv.So. Pines, Lv.Raleigh, LvHenderson Lv.Norlina, Lv.Weldon, Ar.Portsmouth 2 n i pm 5 15 pm 7 1 7 pm 7 2H pmj HiH) pmj Ar Washington, Ar. Baltimore, Ar.New York, Ar.Philadelohia. t o4(Jpnij Ar.New York. 815 pm i No. o4. Lv.Tampa, S. A. L- 9 00 pm Lv. Jacksonville, " S45am Lv. Savannah, " 1 15 pm Lv.Columbia, 6 " 6 85 pm Lv.Hamlet, " lOf.Opm! Lv.So. Pines, " 1118 pm Lv.Raleigh, " 1 25 am Lv.Henderson, " 2 58 am Lv.Norlina, " 3 40 am Lv. Petersburg, " i 5 49 am Ar.Richmond, " 0 35 am Ar.Wash'ton, P.R.R! 1010 am Ar.Baltimore,P.R.R 1125 am Ar.Philadelphia, " j 1 30 pm Ar.New York,P.R.R! 4 15 pm 10 30 pm IFi 8 pm 1 25 am 2 58 aiii 3 4; am 5 05 am 8 00 am 8 00 pm 1 1 25 pm 2 05 am 4 15 am 5 01 am 7 50 am 8 45 am 11 35 am 12 50 pm i 45 pm 3 00 pm 5 85 pm 0 55 am t 0 30 am i 5 00 pm 5 10 am 8 00 am No. 60. 8 50 am 7 50 pm 12 10 pm 5 30 am 8 55 am 9 45 am 10 50 am 1 10 am 1 55 pm 4 09 pm 4 55 pm 8 36 am 11 25 pm 2 56 am 6 30 pm Note. fDaily Except Sunday. t Central Time. $ Eastern True. D W COUNCIL, Agent, Rutherfordton, N C. I. P. Smith, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. G. H. Mills & Son. Store News. Since writing our last ad. we have received Four Shipments of and Three Shipments of Dry Goods and Notions. We are tying to keep our stock complete in m every particular. It is a pleasure to show you what we have, and taking quality in consid eration we donjt believe our prices can be du- plicated. Nice Lawn. 5c per yard. Good Bleaching, 5c per yard. Come and see us as often as yon can. TAYLOR & Three Times tlie Value of any Otltei?! One Third Faster: One Third Easier. Agents wanted in all unoccupied ter ritory. WHEELER & WILSON Mfg. Co. ATLANTA, OA. DeWITT'S WITCH HAZEL SALVE- THE ORIGINAL. . A Well Known Cure for Piles. Cures obstinate sores, chapped hands, ec zema, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. The best salve that experience can produce or that money can buy. Cures Piles Permanently DeWitt's is the original and only pure and . genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for the name DeWITT on every box. All other are counterfeit, prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., CHICAGO i 1 1 n

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