THK HKADLH5HT. ->• n *■ ^Jg^MTT S.. Tal ’ J0H2f H. VALSH, Ehim. w.*h. c&vtKuro®. t 1BBUKD KVKkr UTEDNBSDAY. GRADED SCHOOL. ' Most that Senator Morrison - has second to the people of this community residing within the corporate limits «f the town, the privilege of necoring a graded school, tho question arises, will the poo ple voto tor it? Living gut «hio the limits of the incor poration, even in soother township, H is a delicate natter for this editor to tackle this question in advo cacy ef the movement or ngainst it; but as Snpi. of Schools, he rejoices in every movement inaugurated for 'the advancement of the min. (rational into rents of any and •very section of the country. If the terms of the bill which •Bibles the people of Rock ingham to vote for the mmi iog of bonds to dsfray the running expenses of a graded •ahool, including the erection liba of suitable bull dings for amine, are satisfactory to the people, and they will enter epos the work in unity of •pipit and purpose, h will he toe greatest thing for Rock ingham, that has occurred in h*f history. If there be any Mai of faarmony in this Work. it would be will that . dome concessions be mgde fay opposing, eleimonti, if there I«b such, each element losing jtight ef everything but the ■ welfare ef the child ten and the up-buildiag of the town - Let mm he done, and all will beuuiU. lathis, as in all Important questions, there ore tyj> sides, but here, there sad general concertofaction’, let personal objections on Loth aides, be removed, and • bosk ef compromise be adopted which wul bo aatia factoiV to all ooocsrnad, and you will hare a school which will be an honor to the town . and Hr people. OMVlm DlMfRPt Ons of tbs many evik that now Huerta owr sat ions] life, and al oe ear most wnf nllgioui inter ests, la Iha gnawing MOtisMnt in aertafn querists, in favor ef oorv oaatratlng aatbsrity and power in tbshsoftefdire awn. Tba idea Is tbs. amlraliwUisi of namjr paver, ef eboeb power. Tbe policy ie to take -the control of •top set of ike bands of. the many and pet It into Uw hands td a safest few. When this policy fa folly developed it will give as a few nmwy Mage who will akao fntely control cur fisaneial in Ur mia. It *10 ohsigr av repnbiioen form ef pemrasasnt, if not in maaw,in fast, into a aaonamky, cad It will soovwt our dsooadna iinnaHssi into as asefaslsatWasa. wWi iaw ten swinging tbe church m duaalnsIfiHf d soafoieooe, or diWlg the affajjs of a eowgr.. psiluu i Ifnrtk flap)line rtiriatlan 0—0—0-o-t> 0-0—0—0-O-U Kewa is kiw in oor town at &. A. Lackey ia haviug bitneslf a nice oottage ecsctod on Hamlet bights. Mia. Plaaaanta haa mured into bar now house ucar tba new B. A. L. station. Mra. Suo Mellard, of Burgaw, K. C., ia vkiting bar daughter, Mia. Gao. Pinar. Mum pa hare made their annual vmit to this part. Luuk out for mnaslaa next. W. A. Candle, oar inspector. Made a visit to Spencer sod Salis bury Tuesday. John W. Led tend, oue of Buck ingham's talented youag lawyers, was in town Saturday on legal business. H. W. Covington, one of Ham let’a claver merchants, waa kept in doors foe a few days last week. Chase: mumps. Hurrah for the Headlight, it k Jnst splendid and can’t be beaten. So many oorreepondenU from all over the oountry. We do like to hear from every section and hope they will nil oontinue to write. We see it stated that August Belmont hao secured control of the 8eabord Air Line. But Pshaw I that's nothing. Billy McKinley haa secured control of Cuba, Porto Rica and tbe Philippines and is fixing to make a grab at China. We are sorry that our good friend and representative, of Bout land, Hector McLean, failed to get his fertiliser bill through tho House, hut Hector should have done that two year* ago whan there was a great atink at the peniten tiary and State farms. Although Hamlet is ao situated that the police hare a very diffi cult beat, yet our clever and effi cient chief, a C. Bmkh, manages to keep law aud order. Lum is a terror to tbs wrongdoer and don't fail to bag hia game every time. And Mayor D. McNair ean dis pense Justice to them speedily. _ We are onog^ed to fanner John of Covington, N/D., cbussing that the Ancient Order of Buffaloes was organised by bachelors. In that vicinity they may hare in stituted a lodge bat the, order is old, we know, for oar name ap pears on the obarter, and the or der is not oonflned to bachelors, either, although they make accept able members. Year Roberdel correspondent asks Mallia H. this question: “What baa the legislature done for the working manr" To be sore he didn’t expect anything, did he? Why, bmk at that agree ■sent between some 160 or 200 cotton mills and the legislature, wherein they sgreed not to work the laboring men, women and children over sixty-six hours per week. This is about ell that was done for the especial benefit of the laboring class, ao far as we have seen. Later, some other things may rise to the surface, bat it’s not election time now, so let m have peace, and bold solid, lest while we wrangle the enemy ear prise the camp. X-Ray. Wm WHkMtTrjrlig. A minister wee one dpy walking along a road; end to hie astonish ment be mw a crowd of boys sit ting in front of a ring with a small dog in the center. When he earns op to them he pwt tbs following geest inn t what are you doing to thedegT' One little boy said: Wboars* telle Che biggs ■> Us wins it." “Oh," as id tbs minister. "I am •wrpeieed at you tittle boys, for when 1 waa lib* you I nersr told Has." Thaw waa a tUrnaa far a while, until asm of the hoy# show!nit “Bend Mm ap the dog I" Baptuu Notice. Delegates to the Union Meet ing to lobsrdtl will sImn notify me immediately if they ikske to to pat to Hooklng tona depot, said thus sere thetqeelyen fneonrsnlenee. K. 0. CenMmi. • -Rotordel, N. C. Here yon eatoeribed for ito Heed light? Jf not, why not? From Our Country Opnespomtents. RetMrdel. T. O'BrWo and wif*. of Klisrbs, wen visiting at Boberdsi Sunday. Thornaa Ortusbv and family, of Stsole’s Mills, an visitiug their mother at Roberdel. We hope tho column containing the Sunday school lotson will con tinue to he published. The crukinole parties are taking the day with the young people of Boberdsi, about tan nights in tbs week. Prayer mating at the Methodist church every Wednesday night, and tbs Baptist . ery Sunday night. Mr. Zaok Cooper and wife, Bob erdul, have secured a job at 8teel«a nulls, and will move to-day. Hup* they will like their new home. It was a Reason to read so many letters from the various place* in tbs county. Ou* likes to bear from tho people the coun try over. -We were made glad last week when the Richmond Headlight appeared. We hav* seldom seen a Hotter county paper. Indeed, U is far batter than many of tho so railed high-classed journals of the South. Preaching at the method ist church th* first Sunday in each month at eleven o’clock, and the third Sunday at night. Baptist, second Sunday at eleven o’clock and fourth Saturday night and Sunday of each mouth. Presby terian, first Sunday evening at throe thirty. We read With pleasure of an; effort on foot to hare a rural free delivery route in Biohmond coun ty. The peoplg of Bobordel are ready to do all they can to help ou ■och an effort Tbon we emu Id not have to wait two or throe days for our mail, as w* now do some times. Gibson's Mills. 8om* of our ftnwn an bo*y planting com this waak. Mr*. Parsons, of Pm Dea. was ▼iaALng in oar section Sundky. /Laurence Terry, of Pin# Qror* ' $- 0-. «i iim L i H i1 m N |frs. Jaoa Bostick, of Troy, ia ▼iaiCing bar sister, Mrs. 8. 0. Mo* Donald. . • Mr. Micheam, of'^fecklenborg ooonty, baa bean fox hunting in this seotion. Miaa Fannie Gibeon, of Lanris burg, N. C., is risiting relatine in our community. Wo welcome with delight the Headlight in oar section. May i| lira long and bo prosperous. The grippe has risitad this sec tion and quits a number of our peopU hare been very rtok with it, bnt an imprnring now. Ws wan glad to see so many of your old correspondent* with yon again. It reminds na of past times to read X-Rays witty pieos*. By the-way what has become of Bill Sly, of MoColl, S. 0.1 B. RaMM Thursday on business. M»=]w»l'Wluljoek vasapleas antybAur In our midst Friday. The r^ff people ary looking for* van) Uya fish fry at Diggs’fishary sooB. Mr. groins Williams and brids attend*^ prwacUing at 8t. Paul Uuudayi R**-v. R. Ooppedge was a srel com visitor to otir neighborhood Thursdaf. D*1. J. M, Stanatll has been at tending Da. A. 0. Everett during his receif illness. Miss laallie Smith, vs are glad to note,via exit again after an at tact of'haaalos. Tbs r4ny friends of Dr. K. C. Everett sill be glad to lean that be is very much better. Mr. W N. Everett and little daughter, Frances, visited our ncighboriEnd Wednesday. ■Tierbe. MIm McRae ia quits sick, from la-Orippe. the other sick folks are better. Mi»'~n»ry Thomas, and bar broth* Ed, vent to tee the Jones, of l*1^ Jick, yesterday, Psoteeiam planted, Jonquils srtTtn'^filoftn?'yand vet the ice ia FROM ANOTHER. Mn. B. J. Bostick, at Troy, U ▼■siting bar sisUr, Mrs. 8. C. Mo Donald. MUs Fannie Gibson, of Lanrin* barg, is ▼■siting bar uncls J. M. Lorin. A. M. Oibeon will begin, in a few days, a new dwelling near bis old one. 1. P. Oibeon sod Stephen Terry, wars rerr sink of La Oripps are able to be oat again. L. T. Tarry, of MoCoIl, 8. C., o4m* ap Wednesday and spent two days in oslt section. Prof. L. A. Reynolds, of Boher 4*1, who baa bean teaching oar free school, closed last wc .h. * D. 8. Oarria and N. T. Carrie bad a lot sf their fence born ad wp by the fees at Bias of Mat weak. Mite Mary 0. Breton, who has bean rery aiek with eaaaalea for Ike peat weak, wa an glad to laara is Inpnrtng Tba saw anil eantor far tkto rnwta, Mr. Malrwr, to vary prompt M bis arrivals and daftoHwraa with the anils ' ThU toeatfsthing w* bars not hsan aaaally having. . LMMf WtN m. Mr. Ball pmaahad a flna anm it Ml Paal’i Ctnak last M—day* Mn. W. K. Mm apswt aawwal lays last wash with bn anther. Mr.W.l. CfM|aod mt to quits thief these mornings. We ere all delighted with the Headlight. It is dim, interesting end twwwU jnet what we country people noof and like. Clyde li>wnsead got a little ■era'.ched yore his tye. the other day. he re on a* young mule, and the mule juUpM-ajid almost threw him. A Joker lay* that a locomtire engine is a^tken of u “she” be oenee of the horrible noise it makes w)m^ -it tries to whistlel Now I did a ou ererl The young girls eey thtf the Joker is an old bstcbeior. £ We ere •4* thet those now in charge of oil mail, on this route, should bartVnaap propria ted what auid IsaAweeh, It was not in Twe Bajttuv Than One. Editor <4 the Headlight: Although hare not had the pleasure of ei sing a copy of Rock ingham’! mi paper, “The Head light,” I lea: n from the papers that it has m ade its appearsooc aa promised eon etlme ago. That it is ably'edited and neatly gotten up, goes wit bout saying among those acquair ted srith its projec tors and mao igwrs. And that it will be well e retained by the good people of Rio intend end adjoin ing counties : bare, not a particle of doubt. Tr is, there are poople— and well info mod people too—who honestly bell ire that a email town like'Rocking iam oannot support two papers, especially of the same political faith, but I am of a con trary opinion and I speak from ««|hiiviivb ' WTM mm VTUiU! f*viuu . Two paper* ip a town like Rock ingham will ilo better than one. A* oompetitipa lathe life of trade, en, where trier* are two papers published in U town, a spirit of rivalry I* goaton np, etch striving to see which Can pend forth tbs beet paper arid thus, two good pa per* is the nfralt instead of on* not ao good. ' Again, most of the ■uhetantiel citixene, who are de pended a poo; to support one pa per, will likdly take both, whioh will fora a semi-weekly, If pah I Is bed oa different days, M they shoeld be. fciehmond oonnty la not only a wealthy county, bet, ae regard* inulligenoe, takes rank easily with the beet mantles in the State. ■, ‘ la fntwrp eommaaieetioae, whisk 1 purpose to write, if my health will permit and yow ean afford to pal tieh, I will briefly sketch the li we of • few really big men which 1 iehmoad eoanty baa praia«td, eo ae of whom resisted feHhfwl and rahrnMe cm rises to thefr cosuitry. For the present, adlea, wiahii g yow the mkasarwof eweesag that I know yda #fll oseflt eenSdedtl/ helidve ynp will rwvfv*. . Coujt IS, Not. *d ides Mesa at bcmeaod ahrwad, ■ ■ora —of utleles epo* rdaea UonaJ to,4s#^ Etacattoul fM— It is onr Intention to p».kh»k ths •chool U«, or the changes in j it, aa soon as we can secure a eopy of it. We will say now that both bouses have agreed on a t200,000,. 00 appropriation. One hundred thousand to be apportioned per capita, to the different counties and one hundred thousand to help the weaker schools to run a four months' term. So fur, so good. Prof. Hunter, county supt. of schools of Mecklenburg county, was a visitor to our town last Wednesday. He reports his schools in good condition, some of these being of high grade. Ho is greatly interested in providing greater facilities for teachers to equip themselves batter for their work. He has promised ns a communica tion for these columns. An esteemed letter from ex State Superintendent C. H. Meb ana, inform* us that ho wiU fur nish soon, a communication for this department of our paper. He also promises to address the peo ple of our county, on the subject of free public education, iu June or July. We will, from tiuoto time, pub lish communication* from out county teachers, and friends of education throughout the county. Tho people, generally, must know what the puhlio school* are doing. We want the school news, and it is oar purpose to talk through these columns to the tsstchera, pu pils and patrons of the public schools: also the academies. The acadamiee are not under our su pervision, but we gladly unite with them in the greatest of all Work, except the spread of the Oospel—and these aas, or should be, inseparably united. _ We offer to the school children of the county, whother connected with public schools or academies, a prise, of any book costis^ one dollar, or the.dollar, forth# heat and most complete map of Rich mond oounty. The pupil most certify that ha or'she-^eoeirsd no aaeiatapoc further than reference tounother map. The m^p ean be wmmtihI wwkTIbt Three competent psfeo&dTwill he appointed as judges. Vjfbw chil dren, make the effort. It will be better to do so, and fail to secure the prise, than not to hare made an effort, as i* any result yon will be tbs gainer. Prof. W. L. Cridlebangh, of the Ellerbe Spring* High School, was a pleasant caller in our sanctum last Saturday. He reporta his school as in good condition. Prof. W. T. Robinson, of the Roberdel academy, gars na a pleas ant call a few day* ago. He re ports his school as doing well. W. A. Gibson, chairman of Bea rer Dam township trustees, was a most welooms visitor in our office on Hsturday. A profitable exercise for school children. How many papils in the schools oan correct the miee soelled words in tha fnUowiive poemf A MIS-SPELLED TAIL. A *«*«!• booy mid, “Mother, deer. May *ye go out too ptayt Tha ooa la bright, tho heir It clear. Owe | mother, don't my neigh I" “Oo (oorth, my •an,” the mother mid. HI* ant mid, “Taka ewer day. Yourgneim kneW lied, awl pointed road. Bolt do not lam owor weigh •A h, kaowf* ho eried end nought tho ilrret With kart tow hill of glee Tho weather changed and meo aad fleet And reign foil Be roe and tree. Throw enow-drifle grate, throw watry peel, lie lew with with mile aad nmae— Bald hat •‘Though I wood walk by rale, I am knot write, 'Mo plane “Ido like la meet earn kindly tala. For hear gnu dangera weight. And powder Malta a treneherone whole | Too aloe hen bln my ph. “A peace of brad, a gnelae bet ateke, Byed abewa If Bye ware home i Thia creel fate my hgrt will krake, I Wee knot Mma te feme. ‘I’m weak aed pell i I're aelet aay rode.“ Bet haara aarta man maaad— "iSS OOOD LIT* RATI) RE. Training pnpiia to mad nod to lew* good Inemttim in by lag the moat imixrrtant Work dooe in kchool. ft in the own thing that eontinnm to toatrlbale to otee'a cdnaatlofl no long ne ho limn. It in not tho ability In mod, hut the nee made of that a Witty that eow tribntaa U the deatkiy of a child. Tknnaai IHiR mye kin whole iHAr 1 1 - 1 — Ledbetter^. The nice ehotrer that Mm* ou the 10th trae aeoch welcomed by the people ot thie eeotkm. D. Q. Wocdard and Mias Ethel Kelley, of OH Hand red, were ele cting in this vWarty Met. w«Ck. ImdbaUen fa not dead; for on last Wednesday night there wee e "quilting** st Mr. Leuox'e and ou Saturday, night there eras a candy soiling" at Mre. Liaaie Howell’s. Z. Beale 1* expecting hie sister, Mrs. Kelley of Baltimore, this reok. There wee preaching here, Huu lay the 17th, at 11 o’clock by Rer. Sell, the pastor and at night by Rev. Hugh Ingram. The recent cold snap has injured Mr J. A. Sullivan's early cabbage rvry ranch, _ Ttyo. (Mr le. Bmeosneeanssisam^ssni Call on th$w| Now, wbw jroo wut Mgr of • 8tor« yow «ho«M ell) UO J.O.MVU, a P**rliwl Store Dealer, who haa Uad mobeVhan thirty yeare exper ience ip thie busineee, and who deala direatly with the auueufac tarere, aud aalla at a email ad ranee on coat and carriage Coai* 'and MxkaMae My Stock and If I can't aell you it won't l«e my fault. I hare a full lam of all gaode in tny line. ALL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS J. C. Davis. If you aie looking for the beet riouc try oj»r "THplew” D»wad.—Y. M. Bog. (an A Co. * Hew Hardware Store. THI8 8PACE 18 RESERVED FOR THE EYERETT HARDWARE COMPANY. With greatly enlarged room* and a Mammoth Stock coming in every vre will noon be able to supply wlth everything in our line from a Shoe Tack to 600 Horse Power Engipe. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THIS 8PACE. Enrett Hardware Co. BARGAINS i FOR FARMERS -IN Wagons, Reapers and Mowers. We have just rooeived a large shipment of the celebrated Piedmont and Spach Wagons fWNORTH CAROLINA HAND-MADE. We are offering these wagons at very low prices and it is, beyond doubt, the beet opportunity you will bare to secure the BEST Wagon on the market at the lowest price. The BUCKETS Mowers and Reapers, aa ia well known, are by far the beet on the American mar ket and have this year many valuable improvements over last year's machines. DON’T DELAY, hut come at once and INVESTIGATE. WE INTEND BELLING THE REAPERS AND MOWER8 U8ED IN THIS SECTION, and all wa aak ia that you oom« and see os. We cary a oomplete line of FARM HARDWARE and can supply you with anything needed on the Farm. GROCERIES. r - j, - ,* T- -Jl_- . . Our etook of groceries is complete and up-to-date in •very reaped. Flour, Meal, Meat, Sugar, Coflbe, Canned Goods, Cigan and Toboeeo. Lowed prion sod Bnt goods In Rockingham. SHOES I We have in stock Shoes tn suit all taste* and all pock- I et-books. Indies’ and Children's Shoes aa well as a com- I plete stock of Men's High-Grade and medium Shoes. Giro I os a coll. Respectfully, JL W. Porter & Co. 1

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