* wtth adapted serrieee ehoreh Sunday D*. J. Mhln, of Oaaeada, Va., toko 1— barn In far —retal day, iduia to hto hen* (Me week. Walter 8. TVmaa and Mlaa Oalll* OwbtlMiJltirtil yadhi at Kl bitifabg laat Sunday. * Mr!bad Mm. J. 0. BatliS Wt oar - boa hd Wadaaaday ta make their | bean to Bgartanbnrg. S. O. recently ooodacted a haa baaa doing, the »day* aa a book agent. . DubM Oay and Ed Terry are I taytdly rebaWtng a wood, and biack I aotMhdkapea their old eland. [ ' ■iltat A. J. Harwell, the aicrtr and f aMalan*‘utark at the Ornate, apant fcoday with bit tenlly, at homo. The bona of Mr. and kn. 0. M. Ilobba hnabana gladdened by the ad rent of a lovely vtoitor of tha gentler tea. ■tf. 0. U Greater filled hie regn Mr eypndetaaan^al ^Kobcrdel Sunday the HaadHgbt regreta to team that . Mia. O. L brwa, who kaa boon eoh telnagat, ia again oaodnad ta bar bad. • Tha rage tar quarterly awe ting of tha Board of Oouaty School' Director* trill ha hold aa Ike hi Monday In AyrfL Mr.f. M. Sheanberget oandnetad arrtiaii at aha Mathadlat akaieh laat amr.f.r.lmm,lhaabb and gtttad |lHwetk» Wadwbaco Bapthl inarch •VfNMkal tha Ba# • tb* ahmh aaxt Baaday night. Wor ..at 1M. Tha jmb . Babaaadblly hrrfrid. Maak. T. fcaifwd la haring bar Np riant naa ArkM, watlag two "MMdMM. 8ba win mtaia one 0>r bar arm oat and tha otkar wUI ba MNlMblirHaabr,a(Vi., aa a "Bad* Hbatn la bonding a arid hbkfbb raw ant tha aid Hoakatbrild Bbbwtwlll ba aaad aba aa a «**• wartaa, arid, faaah bari hi tha hooka af tha Bobardal Man a fac toring Ck>. Mr, Laa Eraratt cam* tfaa laha Bohart T,. Simla'Hr!** ^ “Mareb. 4, A. D, im.n Ado14, eloody rainy day for (Iww CVaaaJaod’a inauguration MhilonJaaaiB Harriaoo'r axit from paoatdaariy of tha Uaitad flbba. Tknoadbitrof tha.loola now in Woahfagtow OUy, (ma all paita of tha Uaitad Stotaa no dowhi aw now NgmUing thoir trip to Waak Nlw, *■* kaartily wiah thay bpBp*«k»wi lb lha “whirl,” 1 ■■ ... . Oa*a WlUfaoo A Binaan ft* j»wr aging gnaAh To* tmy ■ ■ mauricc-.iMCU. This (Wednesday) wening, at Urn rashMr.ee of tha hrkle't mother at Oust Valla, Mr. Joseph P. Maurice and Miss Maude Aileu will be united in marriage. Rev. C. Li Oraarae will perform the ceremony. In ad ranee, we extend our warrant congratulations, hop ing th*y will make the Headlight a pet in the household. At the residence of Mrs. Poplin, on Randolph street, last Sunday afternoon, Mr. Neill Kdwards waa united iii matrimony. to. Mies Florence May Covington. The Headlight's beat wishes attend them, and the Headlight would go too and maka their happinem su preme. Destructive Flrea. The large, Ana barn and eta bln of Thos. K. Diggs, of Wolf Pit township, w«ro entirely -consumed by fin last Thursday night. In the hart) wu a large amount of forage, and in the etablM were fourteen males and horses, fino stuck, the whole, a total loss. The barn was insured for $1400,00,-but tbs loaa above insurance must have beeu at least $2600,00. It is s heavy loss to Mr. Diggs and he has the sympathy of the entire country. The Are was the work of an incendiary. Moruo to the PokU The angel of death baa been hovering over the home of our es teemed presiding elder, of the Rockingham district, Rev. W. 8. Rons, T>. D., for some time, and on Monday, at about 11 o'clock a. m., ha silently bore away the sweet spirit of their lovely little boy, W. 8., Jr. - This tender lamb, though only about 7 years old has been an in valid for a long time, and doubt teas£death, notouly ended his pain, but ushered him into a life of eter nal Joy and peace. Weep not fond Parents, for “thy inn livath,—and you may go to him.” To the bereaved, family, w» lou der sincere condolence, kindly re minding its members that, abiding soiaoa, somes only from "Him who gave, and has token away.” Vstsrsu Mooting. Saturday, March 28, 1801, the veterans of Richmond Gamp, Ho. 880, assembled at Everett's hall, Commandant Everett in the chair Adjutant Wright acting aa secre tary After prayer by the adju tant the roll was oallod to which thirty-one . responded and paid their annual does. On motion of Maj. Sully, a com mittee wts appointed .to wait on the “Society of the Old Maids" and ask them to give an entertain ment at their coo rente noe, the proceeds of which to aid some old reterens who are not able to pay their expense*, to attend tbs re anion of veterans to be held in Memphis, May 28, 1001. Com mittee apointed, T. 8. Wright, chairman, Z. Sully, D. Gay, A. B. Nicholson and Geo. J. Freeman. i/eieg»we eiactea to attend the re-no Jon in Memphis ae follow!: B. Bollv, A. F. Crouch, Utjr Coop «r, and W. I. Everett. Alternate*. D. Oay, Oeo. J. Freeman, W. B. Crusland and J. A. MoCaakiU. Bine* the laat annual meeting of oar oamp Ho. MQ, the following members have answered their laat roll oall, vis: Ban Li lea, A. C. Benton, J. C. Borns, Alex Stewart and Tboa. t. Go wan. On motioh the old officer* of Rich mood Camp warn re-elected lor the ensuing year. A committee waa appointed to iraft rssolationa of raepcot on the loath of Comrade ^tronach, * the treat friend of the old veterans at Lhe soldiers homo in Baleigh. W. I. Everett, Commandant T. g. Wright, AlTJotant, A Card mt Thanks. Bnraly no one has received l»aater sympathy in diatreas,* aad more substantial svidenoa of Urn ■MBS, than has beast my happy privihgs, recently. For this great tlndnaaa, in behalf of my family tad ay aMF, I leader to all doaoa, ■oataiaaaaw thanks aad lasting I ina|ltsd» r W. H. Btognsr. I a » j * T. Rusher has been sick fqir a few days. f Bud Manets visited his home at Polktyn on Saturday night. Farmers in this section arc buay preparing and planting their crop*. Oapt. I. H. Moor*and wife have been visiting relatives at Oxford, N. C. K. A. Lackey will soon have quite a lot of bis new buildings done. J. C. Gresham of the firm of Gresham A Jamison, was in Ham let Sunday. Jim Liles, of the firm of H. W. Covington A Oo., has been quite sick for a few days. We saw J. C. Stubbs, of Rock ingham and Dr. Register, of Cor dova in town Sunday. Misers Alice Livingston and Bertha Groom, of Uilison, N. C,. are visiting Mis* Lottie McDonald. Mm. M. A. Ormsby and daugh ter, Miss Dollie, and Mias Warren Hines, of Rolwrdel were visiting relatives at Hamlet the post week. Chief of Police C. C. Smith cabbogod on to four law breakers on Saturday. The result was nine dollars apiece for each one into the town treasury. Surveyor John McLean is very busy now-o-dnys laying off town lota and ere long we predict that flamlat Avenue will be dotted with nioe dwelling*. We noticed qnite a lot uf visitors from Rockingham in town last week. Among tho, number we mention Dr. Biggs, Messrs. Evans. West, Claude Sand ford and H. L. Guthrie. . * Our clever postmaster, E. C. Ter ry, deserves great praise for the quickness with which he dispatches the business of his offioe. He handle* lots of mail, and yet with all hie hard work his only pay is his cancellation which ia not enough for th* great volume of mail he handles. ' T. F. Boyd, Kaq., M. C. Free man, J. M. Jamison, M. D. Mc Donald and others deserve per sonal mention for the hard work they have been doing in the inter est of th* graded school at Hamlet. The school ia an assured fact for w* are sue th* people will give it a Urge majority in the May elec tion. There was quite a nioe entertain ment at the academy cn Friday night, gotten up by the principal of the school, Prof. Roberts. Dr. R. E. Dsn, *n expert alight-of hsiid performer, was the princi pal actor, and with the recitations and dialogues by the pupils, it was quit* a nioe time end everyone seemed to enjoy it immensely. The proceeds go for the up-build ing of the school. Prof. Roberta deserves great praise for the hard work he is doing for the np-buiM ing of the educational cause gt Hamlet. May he eont inns in the great work. W. M. KELLY, ATTOlUf FY-AT-LAW. Rockingham, N. 0. 0trcmee over Porter's Store. J. T. AJ. W. LkGRAND, Attokxkt s-at-Law, - Rockingham, W. 0. Prawn* attention gives to all law mattera. On* mernbe r of Arm always is th* o«c« over Biggs’ drag star*. A. 8. DOCKERY, ATroBirrr-AT-ta w, ROCKINGHAM, N. 0. Office ap-etairs, Utensil I building. Where? DsTwBrT—rBrtetri—T John R. Smith will npplp /“■ atth* lowoat poaaibl* fataa, with anything in Dm ••ting Him. My stock ia ftafcjwdjt^always giraa to tall and naaiiM goods and prieaa, for whan thaw »IIj dad Big lias mam‘a, ywwth'a and hoy’* atothiag. bought at SO on tha 100, at tfflliaa*. A Hioaow. We Eat to Live, If This be True ' . Call on Y. u. Boggan A Oo., whore you will And . everything necessary to satisfy the hungry la ■ boring man or the moat fastidious dyspopt ic .Yew, W* hare about everything in the eating line, and it ia oar daily study to see how cheep we cam. oan sell to oar customers. We don’t, ask for yoar trade if we can’t make it to your • interest to trade with us. Then give us a trial and judge for yourself. Ton Wait M Work -And Yon Want It Guaranteed. J. D. Young, the Veteran Shoe-maker, who ha* always given vou satisfaction, to still ob hand, ready to serve you ** faithfully a* in the past. Call on him, over the Porter store, next door to Headlight offioe.. You see you oan, get a paper to read while your shoee are being repaired. J. D. Young. BEFORE and AFTER TAKING AN "INTERNATIONAL"^SUIT A tmtimonial. . Tib iMTBUtATTOKAL TarLoanco Co., •,y New Yorit and Chicago. ■ , Sma:—For yean I waa troubled with high-priced ••ndrftm.” • m* *A«r taking on of your •• International" suits the complaint fc"5»*iely diamcaped. 1 imand to nap yonr remedy right aluog, and have juat pUcnd my order with your agent lor a new Spring • °nE?5*' Trusting yonr suits will bring joy to others similarly ““•w1. • 1 am, 4c., . • THE MAN WITH THE •• FTT." ' UmUfATlONAL TAILORING CO, ;; •€ Mmm VW* mmA Ol—gd. •*n •’.* • • *• *L ynahry and wnAnsaaAlp Oeer 9KstyM ' may ha aasn at oer local dsaWa. A Jt >VlNQTON A Co., Agents. / I / 1 I I I- TO e*Ctn / '*•* ■ I BSLTa- **NS THE* CO°0*. / / / ~«.C / a*fe«or.i, •- / * - . / '“'*»■ V’ *'■• «**, ^ Heavy 4nd F l^::“-‘~-...,.y Gr°<*ry De / **" ** "n,d ®-*». *„ Partnient I tfm ■** ^Wn» , V*8**bUm V i,ag« ofch . ,ZZ>- ^ :m°"' - / o,^ f *'** *" «‘«pUre^' d" * _ / Jr rt "**ou'’ Family Store. THE INNER MAN LOOKED AKTER. T continue to offer the iu-rounding country i all kind* of Table Hup- ' pile# at the very luweet ' caah price#. My etock , cunaiata of Bacon, Flour, Mulamoa, Fiah, Canned Uooda of every kind, Frnite, green uni dry, and in fact, I keep everything a man want* iu the outing liu*. Come onco and you will com# again. I & B. SMITE Bicycles Repaired ' BY W. R. SIKES. I am in a poeition to repair your Bicycle* at the ahorUwt notice, at prioo* lower than you hav* haen in the habit of paying. While I am duiiur tbii I oau aell you, very cheap, all kind* uf Canned Good*, Fruit*, etc., and yuu can be eat ing whilo I am working. Give me a call. V.R.8KE& Bring your fur* to E. S. Davie at onw, aa the eoaaou will aoon cloee, and then, you’ll be too late.. Commissioner's Sale of Lind. Sj virtue of the power given me try i di’creo of the Bu|wrlor court uf Klein nond county In ■ special usury-rd lug milled, John W. Butler va. William You ten and wife, Barth Wnotrn. Tba •n*e being a petition for partition of and. I will on the £kl day of April, •01, (the annul being Monday of oourt reafc.J offer for aalo, to tha highcat hddi r for eaali, at the oourt houae door n Rockiagiiam, at 111 M., the following aaot, or parcel of land, lying and ho ng in the comity of Klelimmtd, and wooded and deaoribad a* follow*, tot rlt: Huglutlag at a plan pointer near Uia ■oath at Oramra bnmoh, a little up *» bvanah. oalhaanath aide of Drown ngmak, and run# tooth HEM eha o Plaamaa'a. Hunt H B JO eha, M. B N • *• chadleaot to the bagtuning—con ololag Bfty aoraa, which ra granted >7 patent, to Janna Yalta, and duaaend "B from Henry Yale* to Jaiuea L. rata* aad Elisabeth Yatra, one-half nterrat el whleh was eoU by D. M. dorriaoa, eoaamloilouer, U John W. Sutler, the remalalug half Interest ba ng denial d toe Will lain Wooten by CUaafaotk Tale*. Bar farther deeerlp iioa refer to Booh 1 page 1M la llegla er of Dead* efBoa. Joan Mr. LaOaan, Qmiuu las inner. MORRISON * WHITLOCK Arrom*«re-AT^I,*w, *jn> am aavAra aoaxva, Hoekingliam. N. 0. PitoxiM. A. P. Stewart, Wholesale Broker and Commission Merchant, Deals in Hay, Corn, Cotton Seed Hulls, and all kiudB ofStoclc Feed. I am agent for the best brands of Flour made, in cluding Royal Crown, White Swan Ac. Call for those brands, and anything in my line and you will get the best. I will make it to your interest to buy of me.J • A. P.8TEBABT. MULES, HORSES. gw TO MY FRIENDS: I have for sale a good lot of Horses and Mules, that must bo sold. Morris & Ewingf, TROY, N. C. I have a nice stock of new goods, of genaral Merchandise. W. L EWING.

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