Headlight. ROCKINGHAM. N. C.» WEDNE8DAY, APRIL 3, 1P0I._Send One Dollar and Get It. RtfGKINIIUII, N. 0. General Directory, oat) bo ns. ViniOOOT OHUmOH.-einlm mmr Btkkatt utrttey aad Ufki Boater aakooi at I Jt«. «. Farter. Bat. F. M. Htiatepa fUriaaiia laritiA BAFTBT OHOBOH—Saurian n •T Boater a%M aadatU a. M. aa lat aat M Baateja. Boater ttAml OMIk a, Pateor. Bat.O.O.Oraaraa. pnumiur okoboh—Bar ttaaa arary 4 Ik Baatey uoraUa aad «%*!■ Bute aakool at IBtf a. Patter, Bat. HiaaaL BPBOOPAL OHUBOH-Patter act yataaaarad. WiU pablfak later. OOCNTT ornOBBS. OOMXtBBIOKKBB. V. a. LBAX. Chainaaa. B. a VBBBT. B. D. WHITTOCK. • GLBBX OP OOUBT. W. X. BVRBETT. BBOOTBB OP DBBH& WAX.TBBB & THOM AB. * 8HBBIPP. T. & WBIOHT. OOBOWXH DAHIBL OAT. BUBVHTOH. B. A. OBAHAM. Caean Braaa Bcaoor, Dnanau ■OBT. A. JOHKBOM, (Mraaa. W. A. WXMTSB, J. A. B KBB.S. Ir H, WALSH, Baoratory aa4 Oaaaty Bayartataateat of Bekoola. Town opYicbbi W. B. BVCBBTT, Mayor. BGALB4, Boaratecy amd COM MISSION BUS. a. p. xjub. 1. U. STUBBS, M. T. BIBBOH UBOl WA&BCBTON. HA. BOLT. H XICHOLaOB, Maiakal. JACK MOMTOB. Aaateteat MaiahaL BADE OP PBB DEB. T. a LB AX. Hr.. PmiAnt. W. L. PABHOY& CmMw. W. K. OKA HAM. Bnhfceeper. WO. L. AtfMIBTCAD. Clnk. PABMKBSS DBAK 8AVID06 BANK. W. L. PABSOD&. PrniAnl W L. BO ALBA. (Min. TBLBPHOBD xxomabox. A. L. BUDDY, Proprietorj Min Yihk wi Mn. Cd Ljaa, ey. IA.L. DEPOT OF FI OK. B- PABD UBBWXB. Aieel; ee M—in eeA Trawled.”'*’ *,****T’ RAMS’ HORN BUSH THI I.iti aaa la Ttf a Mln|)| Ion te aoaaata. Mm that aaytr. tadaa tta aaaiai. It yaa »oa 4 arvM da do oat tlo«. ' Tta oaly iraa 4 4m aa.vl a ta.t'-a to aiaa ad >—aal ty. MJ_W Ac«Ate4 By Be Smte-Crtert w. flEVJN KMOCtiTS VOTtt 'TO." P—»u» Trial Wal.bart Caart Art-' lf*na “Baa Ma aart Parwvar,** amd , Tlrart Sudan Oa Itaa Tba U«b coart tt >q——| at boom Tb wart ay. by a tom of *7 to *1 bealaat coartctioa on artlcla 1 of tbc Saatloa I). II. Pachas aart Aaaadata Jaatlca X. M. Doo«taa from charpai ibal tbay bad rtolacad tba bn aad ooaaUtaMoa of North Caroll aa by lam ■a* b aaaadaaaaa to com pal tba pau> want of CMO aalary to Shall Flab Com mtaaiooar Wbtta. Tba rota oa aaeb of tba otbar tear utMn Of Impaarbmaot follow. Ar •*da X callty M. aot callty Mt artlda >. aallty SO, aot callty Ml artlcla 4, evUty U, am callty Ml artlcla 0, am entity M, entity IX Thirty-tear rotaa para raqnlrad ter ooadetion. Thar* wara 11 XapabUeaaa aad PtopaUata la tba court, all at whom votad tor ac CiMtal. Aa araraca of tba abara ratax abowa M for acquittal to M for oomrlcUoa. enrltowtip when President Terser, o*l led the high eoart of Impeach Meet i h> »*r it |p o'clock. Spaces la the Mhbtcc roMrred for ladlea were occa pled at • o’clock, so aaitows wen peo ple to prt a met. Fifty Senators an •wared to Urn rod call. WATSON RESUMES BIB ARflUMKKT Mr. Wataoa, tor the prnaatutlca. then reeemod hie unaat. Mr. Wataoa dosed at 11:11 o'clock. Boaator Loadoa moved that a rote * Impeachment be had at aaoa with- ' set debate ! Seaator Trans eald ba thoogbt k Seot to bare a short coafsrence la ex ecs tire urtril Senator Brown mid each Senator hod In days ta which be could ftl. hla ^Jj^adoa'a moti£ *re-relied, ayes «, Beaator Justice ^rrsd . that each ■caator hare two mtaatM to aspiola hlo rota I waned of tan mlaetm as *n«»^ hy role Adopted; ayeo 41 The clerk thee read artl.de I of Im pmrknml The rota on eald article *m ayes *7. aoea u. Omltty—Alexander, Arrington, Ay sack Bray, Breaghteo, Bnrroogha, Onl ’•rt. Fey. Oadcer, James. Jostle* Undsay, McNtUl. Miller. of Pamlico i Morrison, Morton. Seott, Smith, *—*«**, Thomaa. Trails. Vaaa, Ward. Warren, WSbb, Woodard—*7. Net lafkr—Brown Bachaean, Cand ler, Crisp. Cerrle, Dam* Vaahea. Oleaa. Bcodcrsoa. Leah. Londoa, Long, Marshall. McAUeter, Mela toah. McIntyre, Michael, Miller. of (MldweBi Finals, Intwniaa, BUcko Imtbir. Strtasdeid. Boss—U. fti mrioua article* war* the* to*ad on. Oa artlela I the rote waa gellty M. M guilty M. Un article « the rota wae gnllty H. not gnllty *3. NOT GUILTY *4. GUILTY 1* ArtKI* | had the tallowing rotei Guilty—Bray. Barroagha, I'oy, Uud sar. Jootlce, Llodaay, Miller, of Pauli o*i, Morton. Scott, Smith. Tra de, Vena, Ward, Werreo, Webb. Wood i» Not golUy—Alexander, Arrington, Ayooek, Broughton. TVrow*. Hoc ben an. Cnleert, Candler, Crtap, Cord*. Data, Vonahee, Glenn, Htodernou. Junta, Lank. London, Long. Uerehell, McAUlater. MelaUnk. McIntyre, Me NetU. Michael. MUler of CaldweO. Hoc rleon. Hnnli, Roberoon, Speight. SUoheleuther. Btrlagfteld. Sugg. Tbotn aa, Wooderd—*4. Senator Ilanderooa tkea offered a lodgement aa the trill of the Senate that the reapondeou, D. M. Patbeee and R. D. Dooglaa won found not gouty on all the artlela* of Impeach ment. Adopted. Ayea 40. At Ii4f o’clock Senator Morrieoo mo red that the coart adjourn Mao die and fortrtr. Adopted. And the court adjourned. 1mmediately an adjournment aa lm mean* throng ireeeid forward end ebook the band of the Judge* In eon gratalattoo There had been ao dem onstration wbatarer during the two bonro of taking lb* rote, the presi dent baring announced before the tak ing of the lm ballot that non* would be. permitted There wee band dap ping when the court had boon an nounced adjourned etna die. inPSACHMENT ARTICLES. Use* Parches and Douglass, la substance tha Ira aitlelM of Im peachment arm aa foUoer*; Article l—That oo or about Goto bar IT. IMO, Judaea Fashes aad Douglas, with Chief Justice Fali-cloth. now da caaaad, trader color of thoir oMeao, did unlawfully aad la etolattaa of tbs con oUtntWa of North Carolina, la tha case of WWW *1. Auditor, canoe to be te anad a maodaasua compelling the pay BMDt of a data ef salary to Theoghl lua White, shall Ash commissioner. Article »—Thai on tha same daW aa ahora the said Man “did usurp legtatatlve authority, aad. to assume to themselves legislative functions, aad lotaadlac W bring the General Assam My of NoefVOaroUaa law dim rvputs. public iu ^» mindful of tha bo ffl-K- Cpftwtuedr pthsa aa msmhars at tha sen. tngmi Court of Korth Carolina, aad ef their oaths of odtes. aad la oootaapt, dis regard aad dsflaace of the provisions of chapter tl. public tows of lap*." did canoe to bo Issued tha mandmnoe aforesaid. Article A—Charges a violation of tha law by Uw lasalna of Us mandamus after the passage of a rasolutloa of tha Legislature, la adjournal session, tar Inquiry Into tha shall feh matter Article 4—That tha Judges 4!reeled tbs Issuance ef tbs aforesaid meeds, moo not to conformity to law. nor ac cording to tbs ordinary ooorse of prue tlce of tha courts. Article f Charges tha Judges with dart flag tha oglce-boMtog cases In a nmansr to nullify tha action of tha LsgMatura, aaf to soft the purpose of tho mid Judges. Tha Official Jadgmaat. - Tha tolkrwln* la a copy of Iba offi cial Ml—I la tha Impeachment trial i "la tha Benate of North Carolina, "March t*. IMI. "State of North Carolina rm. David M. Porches, Chief /notice tad Robert M. Dou«laa, Associate Justice of the Supreme Coart. "Wbsrsas. the llnaoe of Raprassa tstive* of tha State of North CaroMaa. oo the Uth day of Rohraary. IMI. sx klhftcd to tha Senate articles of 1st paachnaat stalest David M. Tore bet, Chief Jostles, aad Robert U Dooclas, Associate Justice, of the Sapreme Orart. aad tha aald Baaata after a full hearta« aad lapartlal trial, haa this day. aad votta*. haa fatted to ooavlct the aid rvs pood eats by a vote of two-thfrfe at tha mid Sea ■tore. "Now, therefore. It to adjadaad by tha Baaata of North Oaratlaa, alttla* M a roart of iBpaaohaaat. at tbdr chaabar la tha oity of Ralelah. that the aald David M. Parches aad Rsb tet M. Do««1as are segaltted af tha rharffi prafarrod acafaal them la the said artletaa. "It la flutter ordered that a copy dartif tbs Bsestef aU? tW*^Th termed copy ha dtpisflil la tha ofBea af the Secretary of State _ .-*• o. Tint NR*. "Praaldeat of tbs Baaate." Cara i^i far flayar. Maw Tar*. *eatxJ._Tbe dtatrtet AoaBBfteaa of tba T—oty-dret —1~ Uy Dtetrtet RspsMtesa Cteb, ml a Beaus* hate Moaday at**. adopted riBtltelaas tadootea* Aadrvw Osrae / * * v • • * * ARP ON CARNEGIE. Appiarts the MIBoatirt far ike 601* Be It Mif. U MARES SOME SUGGESTIONS. Bay* MM Or cat SUM King Could RaaeS the Mum la • Better Way lhae by Libraries. "Beale It, Mr. Fricks eeale these protta down 6 per cent tor the next decal year. The book* show thee v<i are getting rich too teat Pot down the price of Reel rail* aad pot ap .he Prtoe at labor. We are hot trustees tar osr fsUowmea sad a million a year u enough tor ns" It Mr. Carnegie had said that teo years ago, he woaldal be so perplex ed now about firing away his money He says It la a da for a man to die rich, and as life is ascertain and death Is sore, be muss to be la a harry about getting rid ad his mllUoaa The 8 re million! be has settle* npoa his aged and Indigent laborers la a bene faction that everybody roramenita The tweaty-flvs mllUoaa be has given to the dues tor public libraries H not especially commended by anybody ex cept those who roe el rod It. It IS ebost on a par with Itoekefiilcr t twenty-tve millions to the great uni versities. Neither gilt reach si the meases at Um people nor elllevtate lbs condition of the poor. Oeorgs Pea body's sad Peter Cooper's oharltlw were more tenelble sad effectual. Qeorpe Hauer’s We work, who wilhoet a dollar at capital to begta with, es tablished orphanages In loadoa until be bad over la ehprge when he died, aad from year to year maintain ed, aad educated them, was a much grander charity than giving million! to collagen aad libraries. Oeorgs Pea. body's millions built Mocks at good romroreaBia unwnwu doom* ror tn* laboring poor o( London, bounaa that ■ere furnished and equipped with *v wy comfort and arery safeguard tor (he health of the Uoaata. Bealdca that, ha left a large fund for the pro motion of eduoatlon ta the Sooth There or* many chart tiee far more needed by the people them giving them t chaaee to rend free hooka. Th* pour do not have time to rend very much. A right hungry mag ana hardly get re. llglon, moch lent enjoy a atory book. Bat etui we commend Mr. Oanugto lor hta good Intention*, and If be had giv en two or three tbommad dollars to Cmrtenvtlls, I would have said. 'Mr Garnagle, yon are A--f^-hanrtsd BcvMnaaa, Mil'-T hc.. / ./ ydD elect him mayor of New Wrk. The reason why the public prates Mr. Oarnagi* so la because the public (a surprised. Such munJficanct Is aa aacommoa that It la unexpected. Tba gift Is really no act of gasuroolty, (or as h* aaya himself It It a sin to keep ■t sad die rich. He got all his n»irno*e from the labor of the people. ««h now he U trying to pour tom* of It back La tba jog. That Is right sad honorable for the or* was God’s aad tbs labor waa the toll of bla mm. He ought to poor it back and glv* some to th* toil* on whoa* avast earned tba money. This la pure moralty aid conate vena*. Every man has a moral right, aad H le bis duty to make sofiMent profit to mala tala himself aad family la com (on. aad arm la luxury, aad at v> to lay up something for hit children mad for old age and for th* aoddaats * Ilf*; bat beyond that bis rights ua 'er a Christian civilisation do not go. ‘to than becomes a treat** for bla f*t Sowmam who are la coed. Not that b* should parcel out aad de^var to curb on* bla share, tor It ananot bn dooa but be should make noma tavastmaut that would I run ire tba greatest good ta th* greatest number. Nevertheless, Ur. Carnegie la aeatterlng bla moavy. H* Is sowing wheat among the terra Ha I* giving largely to tba wealthy et*. lee who ean provide their own libra ries H* to scattering bln money; ( mean the surplue. that has grown to be a burden He baa last finished a million dollar mansion In New York and baa another In Scotland, aad a few millions la reserve for mUngaarls* We hop* that these aaaall hotting* will not Interfere with his Intonttoaa to die poor No. there la no peculiar vice la ua ante or uurHBt or lockefeOer. They are a eerprlao, that's all. (or aot oaa la a hoadrsd of l ho mllUoaalrae do each thlacs. Most of Umb hold on and *il« It ay tor their children to gaarrel over. Tho Btaad. ard OH Compear has Jam declared a dividend of twenty millions for RocketeRer. Ha creaked owt sad ab sorbed all competlad mine sod atlU sails oil to the mjseamen ad It eeate par sail on. Cheap, Ini ItT Bat ha coaid aan It at Id casts sad make a baadrad par rent It la tho common people, the masses, the toflera sad the poor who bay the oil. had every pellim takas a sickle from them that oa»M aot to ha taken. Ood made the all. eed lave the labor. Hr- Rockefeller had hat little te do wM M. Hoot at kls millions really batons to Ood sad the Mhirtra. It la aa —Hdiaf aaewvr that ha has tadowed a osnaaa The ehildraa of tho hahnrars era set to tt B'a too tor ayay amd too U(h ep These relume! fort earn arm besom lap alarm la# They mtosBir pood soremml. f or K la atm a toot "that riches aad rtrtaa are ratedp toaad fbe comfort of mankind. Tks world would mate alow rrnyiam without Uam, hat whao thay begin to unload thalr met profits mankind win crttl rlna tba maaaar of It. Oaaarally they unload It aa thatr children, who narar aaraad a dollar of tt. Boom of than would cany tt all to banana with thru If thay could. Many of thorn flan a part of tt la aoma church or charity as a Mad of passport to bearea Aa old frtaad of mlaa who waa pratty hard up borrowed fS from me one morning to pay one of thorn darn little just debts aa ba called than. Ha mid hta credi tor waa annoying him, but before hr I alt my offlea a committee from tba coon try called aad ashed ua to half to build a Country church. I gars them a dollar, but my triand aubecrlbed IS aad baadsd trrar tba MU that t bad tonnad him. After thay had laft I tab ad him why ha gavu sa much aad ba mid: '*WM1. t always giro that moco to help bolld a church. 1 do net be long to nay, for I hare not yst felt good anongh to Join, hot I hare Ured la Are arrant!as aad preetlcid my pro feasloa ta torn taco and I hare helped to build country charehm ta nU o! them. It may bo that death wtU catch me unawnrae before I do loin the Oant had SL Peter wUI refuse me ndmlmlch toto the hearealy gain. But I wtU bore oas credential, for I can any: ft Polar. 1 know 1 hare not been a good man aad am not At to mtagta with tba aainta, but I kora got a Uttla atooh la arery country church from Rabunw Oap ta Tnllapoo as—and maybe ba will let me la—may -be as. Major, oould you lend me another It without Inooarealenoar Of courea I did, for he waa oaa frtaad whom I oarer refused. Ua did loin the church and I behrra ha Is In hmreo now. Chanty ta tea sraataat and moat blmstl of an Tlrtaae. Aa tho poet •aya: Tt U tartca blaaaad. It bleae att him that «**s aad him that doth raoalTA'* Bat whaa a mao with *100 0M l***asa *lT*a away *1.19* of It »•> aaao hi* wadama aad 'aecura a poaa port ta haa-rao ha makaa a mistake It ytll do aMthar. A mas s ataadla* la tha commas! lx >* determined more by hla okattty thaa anythin* alee how meoh doaa ha dn to tha church aad how maeh to tha poor la dlaruaaad hr hi* aalsh bore aad ha la rated ao aardtogly. Not loa* a*o I car* a problem to tha roan* people if a man tail* a aow aad pics for *U and sets aa mach far naa tea lb of tha aow as he did for alaa-teath* of a pis how many pica did ah* but!_l hare received score* of ease ate most of Ihom m ak in r; It alas pigs aad aotne tan pias tre* smart Ctrl make* It eerenly two pis* aad one nartar naa proves that the sow had 1,7*1 Pisa. Sira*** to aay rrary aaawar la correct. Nina lie* ftrm t* for tha aow aad (1 each for tha pl*a: ■rraaty-two-pt** plvea II lor tha aow aad ll **-• casta for a pi* aad It would taka sar*aty>two pic* to make tha *16 Nine easts for tho sow would sir* 1 east for each pi*, aad therefore repairs 1,7*1 *!*■ to «p the *1*. It la a see saw mm. aa tha price of tha aow goes down the sum bar of ptps Soaa up and any num ber Is cat fact. Now let at uk tho school boys aad girls to hold ap a llt tt* on com positions and speech a i Pleas* azcaaa me fur 1 bar* mot the Urns. It would uka every hour In tka day to comply with all their re quests.—B1U Arp la Atlanta Constitu tion. _ Thanks Cabled Puwslon. Washington. D. C, Special.—Tha War D^artmaat has mad* public a portion of tha oablacnun sent (0 General MaeArthsr, ooortyln* tha apprsctaUoo of M>* Preside** sod Baeratary of War of General Fnns too's captor* of AputssJdo It U aa fallows: H Mae Arthur, Manila. *Tha PraMdaot diram* me to ex iras hla hl*h tpprectauo* of tha gallant conduct of General Fanstoo aad ef tha otflrars aad man of the army and aavy aogapad with him In lha Falaaoo axpadttioa. The Saero lary of War pariooolly Join* la this mat if Part Rayal Stat to a Nat to Ba Abu* Waabln««oa. D. C.. Special.—It la anltkaly that tba Fort Mojral ovral •Mttoa will bo abaadoaed by tba *xr» ■anat, tor It la tba lataoiloo of n**. Admiral Crtrartaablerd, ekk( of tba barren of aavltatloo. omlla pUm m a winter atiUno for tba tnlafac aqaadroo. Uradqlaa opara tloaa, wbaa eomplrr.ed, wtll make the Wbattl— more aoaraniaal tor larpa ramola lo apyroaeb_ Tba NWt Strike FUTURE OF SOUTH. Will Daoriule the Uafcd ud be WortTi Richest Sfot. TIE KEGIQ Will K ABSORBED. Wdrery W«« Wmi-Wlxton la IMvBios la PaMctka-Na Mara “Salld Soaub." Naw Tor*. BpirtiL—la Ita lorLh romtmf Baa* Laalia'a Weekly mil print a paper by CM. Jobs ft Meaty. "TBa Dm of tba Baal Booth,~ U whloh ba fa: 'Tba real swat la )uat at Mb birth. Tba growth of this eMld of tba tm Bar ba grndanl. bat to tbs tad toaasatb MU ba Hr rlabar sad aore powerful tbaa toe north. |i tba daya i» eooe tba aomb MU baeotaa tba doaUasad aaMtaa of toe eouatry. "Wltboat tba War of BaaaaatoB tba tooth ooutd narar bare hoped to to tale tba future chat B now certain. Sarer? waa a feed lttcubue, partly! is« net viral energy. By aboUablog tbB wrooc oar wv tieiirtBad wrery Mata aoulb of tba llaaoe and Chios llna. Tba aagroaa are produitnp more aa freeman than they orar dM aa Mara* and tba treat aaaaa ot tba pee. pie are beBar off today (ban they ware aider tba old aatebeilan eya tnaa. •Ho(dally, aa waU aa toduatrlally. tba aMMSon of atarary waa highly framed del ts Ms raaahaa to tba dpr atarary ana a great wrong aM ao eoamomty oas axtst la tba blghaw state Of bapplnaaa when Ba agweams are baaed on a wronn. era the wuIMt rfuaai tar asserting that tha aegroe atatni ta bound to Improve. While (hap are eot aa aear to equality wtth white Dcopl* aa they ware under aha eye. tarn of slavery, they are aartaia to l>o absorbed by Immigration aad la this engulfaeat they wilt disappear TMa is the natural aad wdsaat golutton ot what wc now sail tha 'raea problem.' ~ Richmond le the ettar «aowt Hkely to baoooe la time tha hanking oeo Cra aad commercial headquarters or Ihli country and tbsafcri of tha world. Tha days of that famous old olty aa a political capital are peat, bin l « career as the cewtral point ot man ■faotnre tor tha whole eou-b, aod tram there for the vrortd at large, la fust beglnnlag. ‘•While grant (areas have been eeehtag »n tha ihaagi, tadeatrtaUr aad socially the poUUaal ekaag* le hardly lee a marked. It Is well nigh folly today ID apeak of the 'aohd south.' Thau, by the way, arse a phrase ot ay own InreaOoe. Whan Hayes became tha Republican ea a di data for president. I orgad U> a lat ter (hag. 1171) that H waa batter lor some southern aeea Wo auppor* btm because. If he ware elected. bis ad ministration must narnaarlty rest on whatever eopwwled It. R was batter for the southern people to divide be tween the peiUaa, so that, no matter which side won, there would be men fraodty to southern people wbu would control hs southern poHry. TMe contention le fully reallaad to day and tha 'solid south' belongt wholly to the poIRlcnl part.*' Tha Mania I ran del a Manila. By Cable.—Tha senastioogl trends In tha commissary department which were developed by the arrest ot Captain Frederick U Barrow and Where, will be probed to the bottom Orders have bean Issued that no guil ty man escape. The nombar of man Implicated In the frauds la undeter mined and high rank will nod aoRce to ablekl delinquents. Colonel Wood r«, the chief commissary at Mai Da, said to tha representative of tha As sociated Prase that tha Irregular!tiee ware exaggerated, aad that the troops ware always wall supplied With stores. Colonels ot the returning volunteer regiments wrote to Colonel Woodruff, In praise of the commle anry department. A Boot Uprlalnc. London, By Oahla. DOTpa&chcs from Capa Town nod Bmaaala talk of Oan aral Boaha aad Oaaaral DdWat Jo’nlng a gat baring of U.OOd tarn for opam ttons -p-»—« Oaaaral Prrark (a Iba Ti laarirl Two hundred B»n h»»a mgl iaril oaar Richmond, Caps CnU oar, aad tbasown gward baa baaa r»|t ad oat to dafaad tba plaoo. Mawap Natan. Oalr ooa Pbdaral oBIra COOT ml »a ton In BaMJanra wtU expire wttMn a I aaf tbd of tulibal TTaaavrtr Tba PranMant ban —rotated Capt Bdwia M. >d*a« a rear-admiral A brnktaana an a Maw York Oatv tml fratpht train waa Wiled at Dapaw, H. Y„ br kta train batop ditched. Tbonaaada of aorta at wood la aboil NO 1 of tba RwpuMIc Iron mine, at Bapobtta Mich., bars baaa irtrttat afaoa Tanadar Jaaaph A. Ostia, a Naw York poat ofttoa dark, aapoaraad la daallap *tt. •aa la r^tatarat aall. pot four paaia laBaglhp THB SABBATH SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR APRIL 7. » Thm buewMlIio efl—n, lofci Kxlv- 1-la — Oeldm Tttt, t Car. *▼., H IlmaiT Vessel. 4-1—CemmeaCaey aa Ika Day** ... 1. "The Rrut Any of the week " Christ me In the tomb part of Friday, all day Saturday and part of Sunday, which wae called three days according to 11 wiah leokoniag. He aroaa ran early ia lied morning on tha tent day of tha wwek. The ■tanner of the raajvltine of Ckrtet'e eaed and body in Rla resurrection ia a myateyy, eae of the or ere t tbinga that doeo net be long to at. The firet company of etna were three: Mary Magdalene, Maty tha mother of Jtmae. and Salome, tha met bar af tha beloved disciple, John. They ha ■an their journey to tb* sspslrbi* bate** dawn, reaching tha niece at aanriaa. At tha appearance of tha angel tha Rsmam guard* war* as frightened that they fall aa died nan, end If would merit that thay Red front the tooth before the women came. "Very early In the morning.” They name at the earliest tnomaot after their Sabbath. Thay prolmbly left their home* In different parts af tha city at fiRtreat tlavea. earns af their reaching the tamo *r sanriae. So, in our eareica of Iowa far Chriei, wa ought to roma early in tha morning of Ufa before we hare wasted ear anenpes ia ein. "Bringing the am Powdered aromatir enbetasoM and Raid perfume* appear to have been naad In laying oal the dead body for burial. Ttcy proponed to apply three epioee to ne body to Seep it from pntrefmctum, which it an •they proof that they did not expect Rla to rise again. 1 ‘The atone rolled army " As tha woman journeyed tbev qaeatianed who Should roll away tb* rtooe, but when thay reached tha tomb thay discovered the etoie was rolled away. The tomb wae eat ia tha aid* af a rack, like a cove, large enough for auroral paroona to enter. The entrance wae pro tart ad by a atone, a wae time# round, like a large mlUateea, cubed in front af tha epanJng. Tb* dlfBeuUy ten* a eemcor oca, far tha atone wae vwy mbae (Meek 16: *); coyer mg an aperture af at least three or four feetiu height and own or three in breadth, and it weald take twa or three nan ta more II. Some time* duly creme impossible, bat uwega on obedlentlv the difficulty vanishes, a* it did before these women. »i«j uiuerea in *a*ry uium MMU to boo* boon in ad*ana* of tb* foot and oaly loohad in (John JO; !)- Urn ath m entered “round not the body " TV* Unon pm doth** won there. bat tb* tonb could not hold Christ. The empty TTm wa* th* boundary ha* between the old dlsgreneatlen and the now. Th* mb Ifasaat npecUttmi of tb* Old Teetamrst were now falfiUad la tb* resorraetioa *1 CMS. 4. "Much perplexed - They did net Icaow what to do or wboto to (O' Thais thought wa*. *Thsy baea taken away th* I>ord, and wa know aot wire they been letd H'W." Tem mao." .dimall. Matt. M; *. Malthow apeak* of bat an*, the on* who did the speaking, and Mark W**»* of him a* a young man. 1 Tttlalay garment*. Matthew uye kb ooeotenaaea wae like light nine and hia raisieat white a* ■now Tb* raiment waa emblematical cf the glad tiding* which the angel* eon* to a*ooeoco, *nu al*o of parity and let bwgblpjritb Ood- Re*. •: i,«. . I ‘They were afraid." Bum warn d*r that th* Wont'., war* afraid.. Hit du) akftk* ud b« .u •* <U*d OMD. ‘TWy.” TV? ane*ia. “8414.- **W>w •A f ibt living immi U»o dadf' It •dnita *f doubt whrtbcr tbc Gruak «z nrraaioQ here would not htvn born mi literal]? ntcWrad, **tbe living ooe'*—tkg gruut eoarru of life, tba Ufa at Uw worldT l.Ui it-rl4fa M Ha vu cnddO. but la riaan. lnataad of too m ting Kaa &!?£% ss. te EES dominion or»r Him. Tb* rerrrraetiaq nor* wax a tin* of gledneo* to tb* duff pbt of Jcona. It brought (1) joy, (1) n* SbiVtif £ i*.t**_5* comrort ox au mmtiti. How axiiiiDDlfly 1* In* remedy for every trouble: Hi* b* urnotio* U Ik* nbdg* of oar*. Bat that which oanme rejntrin* on tb* part of ana win bn a* oonatemation ana despair to other*. Tbeproof* of th* rewurroetion era uapk. I. He appeared frequently at 4M fnent time* and place* to many. I. The apoati** believed It ao folly that they KoX ezioteae* of tha Christian church gndjta power for good ia th* world, I. TV gnlrttml HI* put in th* heart* of jib poo pi* (Sam. I: U>—th* bat that Ha mom men and mtkao HI* proemm* good to asr srimrET^SSni wa* thotr home (ohan. »: IS), and naarty » year briar* Ho had told of Ha oarnrm death. ' * WcXInVjr'iWuttm Trly. Waablaelno. D C-, RpaefekL—1Tb* rock «f irri-«1lf -ha iUaarary at tba Pratotaat* trt* 10 lb* PaaMe Oaaat to proeaadJag *J*"»ly at tba t Will* Hoato eat altaotl rrarTtbla* aa tba (rotmaa* a* to it* yraaatot ttoba la praauteaal **4 aablaet t* *m> Tba trip *U1 b* a* iratotl lb** Ibar* «tn to M travail** oa mm UK Imitorr Conalyaa, vba la ylaaalai tba Itiaararr I* *M a% fat <* (to* eat •▼*■ aa tointltolto at tb* raaia **i *****

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