THE HEADLIGHT. ***- Try»r «rr- ——— VBOttaUT Ann. A 17, HOI. Mb* Ibttb Coclactna, who haw had amoeba, b aa* agda ^Mba Ketthi MoAalay b with thi TWi b hot CM Wwawl mat] W. B. Cola and family haw* ntanud . (watbfa Wlcdna Irtp. Fa INrd Terry gadfamily anabidap nhHria [a BncHaghaia Mr. Dbhaaaaa apot thmday with frirad* ha Book Ingham. A7. Graham, ad Wadcahom. dbd bat Friday, Urn *th of March. Jaha U. 8haw, Jr. era* la Im ca Friday ca yrcbmlurral hoctrw. tar kb praartetad aaay la Rab^jh' ** T. & Gathric, bq„od Charlotte, era* haraanTmeday aa prufmekmaj bwal *» ltoade Terry, who hat bet gaMaatok, weaagfed la leant la Im 0. M. Hebto.-after a brief rest, lag tabea the read again to the totorcet af lie have. Wtt. LrOtmnd aad Mia Nellie MaswaMaadodpraaihltgat Woberdrl the new Board of Ooosnty flehoal Dtao •ora, wae here oa Seumlay. B, 8. Davie went to Clarintte Tone day to lay to a steak <* goede. aad win raaoaabaatoaa to a few day*. QaMeenambsrcd dek^lce to tbt Baptist eafati meeting recently held at Itotwalal, paaad ttonagh aor barn. Bawhal Dockery, A. 8. Dockery, W« Unto, aad mmmj others n—dad the taka toeattogf at Bofaerdel lau Wa aa glad to aaa that oar yeang Mead, Stone til Oortogtoa, ha been rlecto* Chief Marahal for Oak Itidge Toar aelghfcor taka the Headlight, tto yea take H? Ifaat, why notf It to year payer, aad will work tor yon whaa pa aa aatoap. Wa had expaeted to pnbllah a tuat aa*y cf the praomdiags of the onion aaotlagbat wa dtoeppotatcd by Mto tog togit the minute* Wa are intortned that 3. E. Shaw aad other*, while fasttog from Steele's MOI to the riser, picked op a large tortto, weighing SO Us. Bev.l. A. Baldwin, pa tor of the Methodist ehoreh at Oaatonia. gave a a ptoaaant oall tort Friday on hit way to his old hone at Ctovingtoo. Host Monday wlil be the time of the time of the Anneal Rente at the Untmy WMd* Will pan bo IhueT We don't ton deadly will ha Eater Surdsy aad we pmdtet that, all the ledtee who Mias Nellie A stead and Ha C. H. Otto, af the "tool, aa raa eatertala aaal to ha gtxea In the Oowrt Hoorn at the efaa of their term. Dot nottoe •HI he gtorn ef the that. Dr. Bane aad tootUy took their little r In Meek - ( ton artoitto their tea, to Hyde eeantg- Wa to** to have oar mal Tailokino Co.. ' New York nod Chicago. Dsak Stas:—For yean I was troubled with high-priced "rato/tts,” bot after taking oae c4 jour “ Internatiorad" suits the complaint Unmadutely dssppearrd. 1 intend to me your remedy right alone, adjure just placed my order with yonr agent lor a new Spring oreeeoat. Trusting your suits Ur ill bring joy to others similarly affltrrcd, I am, &t.. THE MAN WITH THE ••FTIV* ,1' * " til* INTERNATIONAL TAILOIUNC CO.. •f Mmm n»r* mm* C Aleppo, »—oiaa yirfcrttoe i» fit. Stahl/ tad wocfcmamfcip. Orer 500 HyU jettons to rheme irotn. rrUck may be seen at our local liealsr’a. A A T. L COVINGTON tfc Co., Agent*. -, .1 A. P. Stewart, Wholesale Broker and Commission Merchant, Deals iu Hay, Corn, Cotton Heed Hull*, anil all kinds ofStook Find. I am agout for the bust brands of Flour mado, in cluding Koval Crown, White Swan &u. (.'all for those brands, and anything in my lino and you will got the host. I will make it to your intyrosl to buv of my.J A. P. STEWART. . Family Store. THE INNEK MAN LOOKED AETEH. I o uitimie to offer the surrounding country ■ II kinds of Table Su|> plies ■! the very lowest rash prices. My stiedt consists of 0 u c o n. Flour, Molasses. Fish, Conned Goods of every kind. Fruits, green anil dry, and in fact, I keep everything a nuio s nots in the eating line. Come once and you will come again. S. B. SMITH. Bicycles Repaired - BY W. H. SIKES. I am in a position to repair your Dicycle* at the thortost notice, ut ■price* lowor tlum you have Iwen in the habit of paying. While I am doing thin I cun sell you, very cheap, all kinds of Canned Uoods. Fruits, etc., and you can be eat ing while I am working. Uive mo a call. Y.R. SOLES. Bring your fur* to E. S. Davie at once, as the *muiii will toon elo*e, and thon, you’ll bo too lato. Where? Do Yob Bay Yonr Groceries? John U. Smith will supply you at the lowest possible ratoa, witli anything in the eating line. My stock is fresh, and it alway* give* me pleasure for customer* 'to call and examine good* and price*, for -when—they do this they generally find i( to their Interest to pur chase. Buy where your neighbor done—he buy* of Die. - xfrft.'SMITH. Commissioner’s Sale of Land. ltjf virtue of the power given me by a decree of the Superior court of Rich mond soouly lu a special proceeding rntitkd, John W. Butler v* William Wooten and wife. Sarah Wooten. Tlia lame being a (ictliioii for partition of land. I will on tlve £Jd day a! April. 1901, (the same being Monday of court week,) offer for sale, to the highest bidder for email, at the court house dour in Rockingham, at 12 M., the following tract, or paitvl of land, lying and bt* mg Ui tlie county of Ukhraood, and bounded and described aa follow*, tot wit: Beginning at a pine |*>iiitcr near tlio moutli of O ranks branch, a little up the branch, on the south sldu of Drown ing crook, and runs south AES clou to Hi •email'*. Then 67 £ ‘JOeliA. N 88 W. X cits direct to the beginning—con taining fifty acres, which was grautrd hv patent, to James Yates, and doecoail ed from Henry Yates to Jamci L. Yalos and Elisabeth Yates, Ti, •►33 ItocUngliaw, N. C, Phos* 89. XT S. 'DOCKERY,"" ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Office up-*t*ira, Stonaill building. Watches—DiSenat Grades. Elgin and Waltham a apocialty. Solid Gold Ring*, plain and fancy Clmina, Scarf-ptna, Cuff Button*. Shirt Studd*. Machine Needle* An. Tested Eve Glume*. W. S. FOWLKES. Practical W*toh Maker A Jeweler. Big lino men'*, youth’* aiu^_^ boy’* clothing, bought at 00 (^^01 the 100, at William* A Hiwwm. And numberless other staples that the market ofFords. All signs promise an extraordinary business year for 1901. An examination of the variod display to bo found in onr building will prove a most convincing argument that we have the right goods at the right prioe. Our Heavy And Fancy Grocery Department is complete in all its details, giving to our customers the privilege of choice among its various lines of (Jannod Goods, Home Vegetables, and Tropical Fruits. AH those we Mil at the lowest living rates, and deliver them, with all other purchases, at your homes, free of charge. With due appreciation of past favors, we trust that our devotion to tho Interests of our customers will guarantee a continued increase of business. T. L. Covington & Co. t . __