Headlight. YOU I. NO. 8» Rockingham, n. c„ Wednesday, apeil 10, isor. Send One Dollar and Get It. * wsssetMfm-AV . ^ • '<■—jy’feSsv&aSl IStSIPiS !*».**« Q«j. l*»t ia tha triumph “f* ul, Uaiw who at* ttapM. a W^-j&TiL *V"7 ^ I M* hatfct tatotailwa ol tba E^SfJi *W Uftdi t»d O* C™1 **-••• •til. TU TOk do»«, Sgs* -of Wt «• M i ► ft. S&Sk'tS, -its-s-tJ Z£±jnrTni'* Jw Wb« tba^SLa^J SAT3 &i”s; tafi>2; Mail ITowaaar roa way bar. feM a*! ?”*l3C* * *•*. »ban no baarlw UI d>'»< a«ea<a tola It. band aa yoar ttaa,1 aad yoa »«M hara a loaikllar for tQ i wa« aba raaU atand by alaatbbad mok | Ohjaf eaJSfbf' hft*abaa. fel5| ft^nH&r*^5«r&*4Kri{. THE SABBATH SCHOOL MttRNA-nONAl LrtffON COMMENT* FOR APRIL 14. hllW i >■— iw— to too, Jata ll u - («Mw Tax. Bar. L 1« (V. Tha apittot "Ma«de)*it«" RuUni ia«p ba it* maaaln*. aaaaaa ahoam tor tto •ad Jwa (Waa (a. 10) naaanli Marrr tupia«. To tto (ran ato nn baton than; tram tto (nn ato ryot to tall •total to tto mn ato return with than: M tto pm ato rtaaabta tohfed them. Kb atop whila otton etay ia tin wuttd'a pan; to atay whao a* an aaoa it coutaat i l*t. "IViaplm.” 8to tod mat Ion tor bar lord; H* tod dona much for bar. 1 rtltoapad down/5 Bora on ah* waa amx iooa to too whether ah* might not, eftar pi’-to rdttatoo atoot tto htoanca of tto 'Oily, til atoopad batxoa* tto tap *f tto ™tnna* waa ao law that ato eoadd oat alma obtain a aaar 'ar at the lailda ' tto twob. "Tto eerakhre." TV a aap ■chn aeema to ton bean a Qaara room ■ewa oat of a tor*, poet If abon (round. U nof totac ao Until ba tha toy Of tba loar. whiab farmed ita an trance « 'Two aapak.' Jtoar ami Job. did ■ot are the anpeb. The aaieV pcneoca bowed the Divine toad aaa ear*. Thar free mtoktenn* uanti to ton fort tboee >ho wan in awe a mot aorrow and Dead, -»d tear (on rxplatutaaa of trtot tod >*ea dowa. do on* ale* bain* able. Tto appon.1 dberepanciai m tto another of JUtk mo k expkivad by laaala#. Tbo 'Dote (nn, the whole ragior about tto Tan waa lavivhtv naming with ancak. were wen not only two angela, bat many if them. Fomceiftm one appear* and uneliwwu aaothet ; at different plane and «wh!o( different th-nga- "ba white." Nuj waa an taahieia af parity See Rc-r. 11. "Why were eat thou!" >n real poll* tor* that tbk empty tomb dor. not atow ttot ytu r*(tt t. to rejoletagT .‘Taken away my toed " While tto ottor women wen terxifiad Maty teeun to her# tod ao fear, ao ohrfh waa da tiln an With liar (rut drain of f to ne hr- T^wd to* woe ready to brave more tornirallv ^too^njer eJl danger if naty ,h« miyl.r find ' If- “TaeiaaTtoneli bach ” Still acep* bf *br laned away fauna the ircrh. She faraed to go acJia with the ottor rawa tn Jeeamlere. wbe had already d<r«rted, it uc k*q not Rt jtt cons 40 fa? at to jj^jSSTnRh unto her." Thia wu P*a ta* toaaaiaai . He afterward ap plto ia tlhiem day to tto ottor worn fea rrtaraini hen taoalchre (Matt 3b: », WitoRuoe Onto M: Ml. to two dime Rhf ffRtoto toani (Luka St: 1?^. is Wa apnlbw fobo 20: ut-os. iW wnpeal tboa! Ato bed tan* enf. gw’^crtL.^^to ii «ss4 ■i3a.?rfrs£ watod toJUtohr to b# there at an nrfr •« honr. "Hen tone Him tower * ThiDhiu that parhapa Jewpb had or* ■"ad Ha bode laian lo aoaav ottor rrkco. *7 w« Uto Him ai-ayShe would aaa that it wu door Khe would to retpoDaf •te for ua maaoral to a prooer plan. To Uirft ttot etnom baafj had carrd tor 8W wtoo ah* had brought ipmi for that fmrpom wu a bitter dlmppnmtmeat to Maty. ommm *irrrH tba an art* cm •* tfc* waaptaf mm u IIU >id* by ct ftrima W own BUB1 a torn that thrill'd fe *• «*• Wat* Bad mat'd tba paw. ‘oV H* “>■''^‘2? that H* lad rim a* Ho Wd ltd. What tranaporta ot ny mat StPtMlad tWa rnm'i hnarll lit It bo that Mary aoo(kl Jnaaa non *§PjfcJSS in^^sswts&SKi gllgj^sv-ji' (trao t Wat taapraaaljo; tha rarh dm aot " hot Uphold tatTiMj ; FURTHER TESTIMONY 6ha la tk Now CekDnttd Rico WiU Cue. MURDERERTRIED TOllUfllMSSIF Tte Farmer Vein of the .Hard, res MMkmalr* Rotates Hie Story la Court, Na* W, Jpeclsl.— Charles P. Jon**, the ralrt-e*<.rvtury of XT til. Mvah Rice, the rich Tens, rreamed the giving of ccatlmony hath* Voceed ln«» agmlnat Albert T. Patrick, wbo It charged with caosla* Rgei loath 1* brdrr to obtain possession of htg pro* •rty by nnu of a will, deed* and ehreka, wtleb ll la alleged, war* for* *4. Joaee began the day by J relating <b*t oa Monday, the day Allowing Week deetli, lour men. who repro. seated themselves to be lawyers, sail ed at the flat and ashed qusetlotw euu eorntsg the clrroiralaBcae Bortwendlng tha doarh. .June* cold Patrick he thoagbt tkess men were detectives. Oa Tuesday adeiaoon be iw takkn t* poUo* headquarter*, where he *M qoeettooe.1 He found Patrick also nt poL'ea headquarters Patrick chid Jews* he bad destroyed the win witnessed la Patrick's-dWtc* and a number of bogus letter* written on the will net. tar. On cJrla occasion. jane* testified Patrick asked when Rice bad last been glvou mercury. "I told him on Thursday," Jonas said. "Patrick than told me there wonl.l sot b* say of that left la the aywtaga at the Urn* of the autopsy end that the eat helming Sold would kill all traces of the uxallc arid, which waa n vegetable poison." The no-celled 'Patrick will" waa than brought sp. Jones gold ha had 4oM Patrick that 6* prwvka.ons tat fclearg relative* 1+6* wtll'whlch was destroyed the day following Rice's death wen no small and' chat k •ould be ImpOgHbln to get Hprottted. P»kick, Joa m- aald, then hid thi ao enlled "Patrick will" draw*. Joe** bald hafdva ha elan lock*-* • «*»!- node a statement wbl<+ wy " *>0»jcb r th. Jones liu toM box WrTlrT a bad bass appointed lawyer at bor*C ^trick nod kkarnlf. Prom here Jones passed to hu attempt to commit eutridA "On the day before ft* attempt wan made," aM Jones, "Pnlrlck and t had a talk In tha reeepti&a room at tho Tomb*. Patrick wanted m« to a boulder the responsibility for Uh Um. I told kba I would not cocfrjw nil*** 1 could (all a straight atnry. I mid I would ratter kill myself oa areoust of tto disgrace at Um tfelut Patrick said till* might ba the beat thing for na both and said he would kill hlmaetf. too. Ha tald ha bad a gmell knife lo hla cell Tha knife Would do tor oae and ha weutd try ta get some carbolic weld from Mr. Porta. He gate me Me knife. I pat h ta my shoe aad took It to my eelL Later, Potts called. Patrick told ate Pott* •odd not gc: him the poison. About t o'clock la the afternoon, after t had gotten the kalfe I sat ta mgr cell writ ing aoma letter* sad preparing for the esd. Just then I we* called to Ibe die. trlet attorney‘n office. While there r made e roaleMioa. I wee brought back to my eell ta Mm evening aad at about 4 o'clock ta the * mooing I tried to cut my dbcoef Joses than toM of being tmkom to Belieeue and there ■•king e new eoafaaeloa. The aew ooafnstou 4a the one oa which kle praeeet tcrOmony Is beard. Jose* explained whatl be meant Wbea he mid that PetrMr did not wteb to lire until'Monday, as oa that day a drift ’.o*« bp . payable. The adtanm sard that a week or aa before the death of Rice certain ell well* la Texas ta which be we# latereatad were dretreyed by fro. Him resolved 10 tabu!Id them aad booty 1 blmeelf to provide nearly 1*00,000 for the re baUdiag. Oa the strength of Ibis tha 011 wan people draw fur I3MM. the draft bring payable oo Monday. Sep tember *4, force toetldef egmla today that Patrick wished to avoid tte paymeet of Khto aumey. "I said." the arttaeae eoaUaaad, "on Saturday tbs', tto old mi would probably drop off. Patrick arid we eon Id not rriv oa that hot bed tw grd Mm oert ef the way the asm day.” Hairy jmw Storm at Ptftilai g. PttUberc. P»- Special.—Ptttabars vu Webaeoday tba naotra at a aaw ■tarn tkat bagaa aarty Hi tba anfc lac. ma Una tax wttb mat faroa tratn attar Mu thoesarfda at toUara* aorta at taauca. It rmlaral practi cally mlai far a tlma arary olectrte atro la tba city. aaapeoda* alt atroot Mr Iraral and fa tba aarty ham loo lalad tba rity treat tba »ataU« wort*. Hoary rata Ml hadm tba ataraa ksas tba stwy op Cannibalism. JaBon Drifting Kart 4a Dayt, At* Each Other. ^London. By Cable.—The Blaarapora eorrenpoodent of Tha Dally Kxprwa Wlrea a thistly Itory of ciamlballtm at aaa brouxht to Singapore by two •arrlTork of tha Nora Scotian bark Angola which wrecked eii day* nil from ManKa. Oet. S teat. Th. corree poadaat aaya: "The ewrrlvuia, John* haaa. a Swede, and Marti cornu, a Spaniard, ataart that tha Angola ■track a reef. Thro rat. warn built. Tha aauBar, basting Are men, dlenp beared. The other 11 men drifted for 41 days. Tha aalioik at* barnacles, aaoweed and Bo.lly thetr booth "On tha 26ih day two became insane and killed them let raa. Oa On Mth a fVeechmen kHV-d tha mat. with an axe, Ar.uk bi« blood and triad to aat hi* brain*, bat eu prevented by tha oUiera. Next <hy tha Frenchman wax killed while attempting to murdar tba captain. The eurrlvor*, ail of whom waro now In.ane, ate the French maa * body. "Cannibalism continued until only Johnneen and Marlkcorou remained. On tba tM day tha raft (traadad * fiabi or Flat lilaad, tu tha Nhtuaa croup, northwest of Borneo. John naan and Marticoru warn aw. fully emaciated. Friendly Malay* eeot Hum by ]u*k to Singapore." Blowing Up tho Marti mac. Santiago da Cub*. By Ckbl* —Fif taaa hundred pound* cf dynamite war* na«d by the anrhorttim of tbe port Saturday afternoon la bloving «p tbe forward superstructure of to* sunken United State* collier Merflmee which kaa long Impeded tbe entrance to the harbor. Tbe explosion waa plainly heard in tbe ctlr, Are ml lew away. Dlvrt* Immediately deacaoded and found 40 feet of dear water over the forward portion of tbe wreek. Port Captain Irvin began Monday to place m*ne* aft which ha expect* to explode In a woek. too* completely dearring the harbor e*trance. The lament waa highly spectacular. Reel dent* oa 8mUh key. adjacent to tbe wreck, left Ik* 1 a lead. (earing that their koueaa would be demolished. The overlook ing hilt* were Hard with people and largo number* of pleasure vessel* en circled tho wreck at a *af* distance. When (he alectrlo button waa touched a .pyramid a/ —e*» {» -m--• - - I umi ill*™* covasad wttk wrack*(a and tons of dead Bab. The launch** and yacht* returned to the city lades with souvenirs of the wreek. drain Elevator Burned St Louie. Special.—Splrka from a ■witch engine sat Hr* to the big ele vator oa to* river front at the loot of Biddle Itresl. owner by tbe Bt. Loot* Barrator nod Storage company, and within two boon tbe bonding wta reduced to aabes. entailing * Ioal of nearly itso.ooo. II. 0. Haaredek, president of the company, nnld to* banding uod tbs contsul*. which oon ■latad at about 9*0,000 bushels of wkavl and corn, were fully burned. It waa Me opinion that tb* Ion of tbs grain would not affect to* local mar- { bat. Tbe burned alarator waa toe second largest la 9t Loata. and waa naad tor worse* pnrpoae* by other* than members of lb* St. Louts Eleva tor and Storage company, but the lat ter (net at tola Uac happened lo own moat of tb* grain. Tbe building con tained corn and wheat of grades be-, tow No. 1. Only a smell amount or Ugfc clou cereal* was etorsj theta. The bolldlng was loaorod for 9*4 009. sad lb* storage company:* grain for 9*44400. other Ineormnc* oa prival* storage will aggregate W*,*0*. Nearly every Insurance company represented la Bt. Louis carried peltries oa the grata Thera will be bill*. If any. grata sal rag*, toe Ar* end water hav ing mads a clean sweep. May Pardian Boa4<. Waahtnftou. I>. C.. »parlal.—In « tordanra wtth ■arraUry Oa**a an nonacamevt that ba would bay from Uma to lima tha abort bon4a at an la Taatmant rat* raaHtoablr lo lha Inyra* tor who haya tho w« I P» <*»«•. ahoal4 tha mauhat prliia lor tb* n«w Z* rtnala oa tha praarmt baala, the Trrat ory Dapaitmaot waa lodu, inula, id HtWtN poranunent abort boadr on practically tha aama baala na tha la taraad at tha eaiTaat markat quotation about 1M 1-4. Bnact Bduraa cannot ba ■Ivan, far tba Malta hara not hoan aomptatat. but 14 la practically aartaln <hnt tha Sarratary baa pvallad hlaaaatr at lha opportunity lo pnrrhaaa ban<ia In aenordaaea with hla naaoonramrpta MM Mamhart Broha 0*0run flaraaa. By Oabla—Tha ritlca. U Hni‘ IIII 01 tha Cuba a NaaatltaUoaa) aanraaOoa tM amt attaad tha apaelal aaaatoa caHad to ataeom tha qoaaOoa at aa*«a* a i to Waaklnp loa Thatr ahaamaa aada a quorum i and aaathar ca* waa laauad tar* m* «m aonaHar tha aama ly attamooa ow Nawapupara haaatal—B—hara at lha __ iTypqhfMtai tHIam by a mail Ml. kart daoMa< in faw 7 tha arhBrmttom plan ta aattta Ml dtf [annm tba* may trim tm lha tntmra tha ratom aad Murapapav ha tha aaao i > I » ARP TALKS APRIL GnndcUMrtn Had Lots of Fn tint of UK Old Mat. SAYS THAT HE ONLY PRETENDED. Uttl* Dm, However. Thought Th-y Med Hayed a Joke on Biti-Talkj About Easier. Tkls month did not begin right. April mart Da to opoa. but It did uo: »P«n. k m aa April fral. Nothing •bowa la Big garden bvt tha peaa aad aaloaa. Tha Oowar* sash* ao p.o graaa. Thera la so aware tooth vtud to breathe opoa thorn—no aaorhta*. Ob Bondar th* grandchildren Uu Poerd cpno roa with thalr Hindoo prank*. They gave DM a rap of cho oolxle wHh whipped cream on top. and M waa nothlag mu aoapanja i yie taoded to b* fooled, bttt I awaatn; l pnld them back la rarloua Waft. The Hindoos alerted this childish custom •war hack to taa agas. aad it atui Naa»a tha children And now Kasur day It at hand aad that I* another name that oaten down from th* Pag an*. Qatar* waa thalr enddeax of apriag ead It waa corrupted Inlc ■Mara. Bow the** old heath an natnva do atiek to ot. Tbo asnet of tha laws of th* week and of lit inoMh* earn* from them. So did th* placets aad th* eossleJIauoai. Bren the pro phets and Job had to taka Lhasa /torn the Rgyptlao*. Bat the Scotch peo ple don't Mil It Bulw. Thor a*T Pot. oh* day, or pieooror day. They woo l pattern after anybody hot John Knox, and ho Mid P**cl»*. Hoc their la a mKm for calling it Boater, for tha coming of spring— tho opening of th* •arts ana tbs nosers Is emblematical ot the mnmt<IOD-Uw opening of the Savior's tomb and Hla wars to bleei and com lest Hla people. This day corresponde closely with the Jewish pa*sorer, and to they obaerr* It. Now I want the young people to know that Lent la soother word that means spring. It Is preceded by that foolish fasti ml called manll grae—or tad. beef—and continues forty days In remembrance of tbe Ravlor’a long fast, and U ends with Dealer, and the com munion and other rejoicings. As thn bid-time Almanac* would any. "about this ttma look for raster trass Had dowses and finery." Christmas is an other festival day that Is common to all Christian nations There are mane other days dedicated to tbe Mints, hut In oourae of lime It was found that there were not noongb days In the ■gear to go round., aod so tbs pope stopped the sale Jag- of so ru »ntf day. Tntf’JeH day tsa. Au Jinte Bouts day. on which mss* la -‘ud W tba Koenan Cathodes for the souls of the dead Who are to purgatory. It seams that shout POO years ago a pil grim from the holy land found a her mit In 8ielly who told him of an open ing bstwess the <110* of the mountalrs near by that comsnonlcatad with hades where Pluto lived and that U ooold see the sulphur on* smoke rising and hear the groans of the lost tools who were being tormented In b*0 and ha had known soma of them to es cape through the prayers of the priest* and this made tba devils vary mud and he ooold hear them cursing tbe priests with awful Imprecations The pUgram told all this to tbe kbbote and monks, aod they bad • day set apart to pray this* lost aaols out ot bell or hadm or purgatory or wliedaver It la Be* Idea Chase international dey* there we national days In every coun try. Hera w» has# the Fourth of July aod Washington'* birthday and Decor ation Day and some others. Osrmany celebrates the birth of Dale In and Xruther aod tba kaiser. Sootland that of Mr William Wallace and Bruce aod John Knox. In old Bngtmd •>*/ eatebrace uia quean a nruw. »■* as Charter day and Waterloo day and May day. May day la tha hsppteot of all aad law been long remember*! lu eerie and eon* aad In dancing around tha May pole Tennyson wrote a hid. sweet poem nailed tba "May Queen Mexico celebrates ail tba Romeo Catholic days and baa one other tS.Jt tba rabble caU Judas Iscariot’* day. It Is the a art day after Master. <ht tha baaotHUI tree* la the ptasaa or park they suspend pasteboard Image* w. Jodaa Iscariot -hnagra as large a* 111*, wtth little botes bored Is them from bead to foot aad la eve. y hot* la fax tawed a css woo erack. At a given ell sal Mia funs ha awry cracker la lighted aad all of them explode nearly at the ■am* tine aid inch a larrlflr popping was novae heard rmtalde of * battle •aid, aad poor old Jtides is tors sal rvat Into a thousand plecev This 1> last a alga of what they would do to him M they bad Msi there *Ht*. MR I rarkoa It Is more for frolic then any thing. for thoy eh out aad laugh ard dance tba hornpipe amd malm all tha racket they tom. Baa Franklin said that mas was * boadl* of habits. Ha ailght hart ad ded "aad aoparsMUaan," for moat all psople bava soma ballet la gggsraa tarsi tMxga Two baadrad yaar* age atm nal everybody batlaaed la wttohas. Rbakaspaarw wrote about *b*m la "Maabadb- sad Barns la TUm OffbaatarTba FUniUaa drowned ptcSam of bafag wttebaa. Tba con eatted. satf-ffgbttee* rase its never *c eoaad a was «f bafag a Wiser! U It lbs warns* wbe bava suffered Is all agaa. Wbeu I was a boy Us ysuag a Mali won am afraid Sf ghoata Was (Mr are now Ob MW ms vary scare* Is Was* day*. I basnet teas oae ha a long time In wr early youth t eras tha wltl boy aad I rwitmlw that u«a awonlag is tb* aarfy twnigbt as J am astride my beta* aad grfat amd going alwwty bsam I stand tha n as try gravapard sf WMfilsa abarafe aad saw, a* Midi I g«, • gbmt ahead af nm la tba Mg road R had ms a* I Mgg, WM had as band. It was wbHs asd galag atawly frwm ga I abashed my Mm tM ■ an I mad. I dUrtad n again and got • little closer, tall As (ora ere* landless. Broeod shMNdeeu sod eras akimbo. Nearer aad Motor I draw to U, bnt II mads no tigs. My bOT#e pricked up kls taro m If alaiat ad. Tba roood forked sot Bar ahead, sod I had resolved that If -the (hoot took eaa road 1 would cake (ha othw. okrn duddenly as oM man stoppad Os cough and took tbr aaek from kls sbooldara aad laid It npoa tho crowd I knew him Instantly—old taels Tom Wilson, tba hunchback—coin* boms from tho mlU with hie grted acroao Ms shoulder* aad his bead boat ter word no tbs-t I ooultl OM nos It In tba dusky twilight. Now. If both of ps hod reacted the forks of the road aad bod »»P*retcu I should always bora bo. llarsd 1 saw a (boat. That old mill toad and church sad rrars yard loads lasting Imprsseloaa upon me. sod to did the edit and the poud and ths *pr1ag4taard nod bis a beat and the eocrtlng no unde at lb* * ifrr faille* o**r the dam. Wa had runout adventures with the oooatry echotxboyn on ths way. for they dldene like the town boys—end they don’t yet I remember uu u rw on April fool diy that 1 eaw la tba raid Jud beyond the ooboolbouae a pack age done up to brown paper, and ns I bed mat a man In a baggy a little wine otwore. i ruppaaoa na ana arop pel k. 1 stepped my horse and got down. Picktag up I ha paekaga I un do! the string and look off tba wrap per and formd another wrapper and Another etrlng and then another and another and a! last two Mg block bug*, whom odor waa familiar. That kind of bug* that advance backward, and you cunt toll whether you meet ’am or overtake 'em. Just thee a score of boya Jumped from tie buehee wad yelled aid ecr earned “April Fool I “ I waa no mad I could hardly mount my bone again, but I never spoke a word. I took K out In think ing and bating. West Point basing Wisent toy worts than that April fool was to me.—Bill Arp lu tingle Cou aUtutloo. Her* I* ike kl.tury of London'* Mtlgea In brief: Wr*tinln*tcr bride* 1- run In 1788 *nd flnlnhrd In 17*6: Hlorkfrliini bride* In 1T00 and In 1770; Waterloo bride* In 1811 and opened on Jane 18 1817: Southwark [run bride* lu 1814 and Unliked in ISIS and the pjva*ut l-ondon bride* In 1834. brine opened on Angu*t 1. 1831 ^^yksnsuiQi [lAflTQl _ TrAI»*S Doom Daily Some* towi Me* wL. TiupLiUuU, fc* t null ud Men L4K1 (bTVhL iw'icirriccr'n; .ituXay - X A>*A*/ «. *' N«\ll io.lv Lt. K©* Tot*. P. D.n is U pm H 10 mm I Lt. rbU&dfipbiA, •• - 111.-® I Matt Lr. Bahlmort* - ** l iA jnn Ittitt ! Lr. WMfcih«n>n. - •• cupu Ului i Lt. Btehv.ob'1, b A. L. U> It pea IS IS pm ! Lt. PftTrabirtf. *•_«' 111! pin 1 H pM Lt, XuflUM*• s Mam I 3D pm Lt. Hao.-Wraon, * 2 M am “This Lr. kalskrh, - 140 aa tnp* Lr. Mnaibam fore., - l 37 aw lilts Lr. Hamlet. ■■ 013 aa 4 » jn L». Coiual.la, J - * p» *i* 10 M pa ! hr. dareuDab, ** to 10 pm S.0am 4r. JaclaoDVidta » a 10 era (00 am hr. Yauipa, .MO ua I 00 pa iaiTTaSr Lr. Kew Vor*,N. T.P. 8 S.t 7 .0 I H pa Lt.Pb»la<l»l|hla •• 10» m HBpb Lf.>aw fo/K'O 1m?.* 9~K)~ptt.. \ t. nattimote, 11 it.P. li©»... t • S Lt Wa-b'top.N tW.ti.D. 410 pa tr. fottKaottUi, aTC foil pm LT. ttokiou, “ 11 Maui Lt. Bo rile a *' ISMaia Lv liradara. a, “ I St am Lt. ttakiftb, • CS am Lt. ttontbttii kl&r*, * A It am Lt. Haaiat. fl 43 as hr. WHmtiiytoti, “ . I ft ir. Ctt'irtutUs_•' >H M~i| i tr. ibrttrr, " Ionian lilln • Lr. araaawowl, “ 13 Of pa InM Lf . Alima, •• 9 Xu pa iHn it. AUaaIv J_- I li pa Pp6aa it.AOfuraJu. i w. C. IM pa ■ ■ ,T ~.T7T, it. Khu. C. of0* .... f 90 pq 11II flp U BB3SAS9X i so r ■> fioiaa if. BnM*. L * N.. Iba 4 t| pa inXQffOilto«>»,L. ill 7 ft* «g ill pa lr. XaahnIKKV i-u L. Hi Mr (pi pi AaTfinaptla, POP pa IBS KomdWiSO, Ko"tt *TL ' it. J4araphta,N,C.A HIXl 1 Pi pa p Mpa KnJCofiui;-. iiuU' ”VW«n CrTMaw OtlaaiaV,Uii, lUpa ....... Lt. iluUia, L. 4 >.. tin . If. H.iatann.iiP.P P 9P anlOPyn Ct.~9U«oi,fa o(flm..... Man ill pa 0». iiftita, O. 4 W. A. iftftaq ......... C?7 itlnaj t B.A.I. ltoopaa a 64 pa it iltai “ 9 4ft pa IIPP pa ir Diavifi “ 4 40 pa I P4*a if. ChatPT. 4 4P pm 4Pu lVOUHmip. ~ rfipa IPftu Lr. VfiaMfttoa J ppppa .7, C^BTaM, " ~' iljpi ' j»on tr. fcaitan haa 1 OTKpS WTiaa Lv.Balalpt, * 100 aa UPOaq ir. andPfaoa. - f 17 an lop pa U. Mortal - P It oa TiTfta LnWaMoo. “ 4 PP oa IMS it. PoitaoMti, •• 104 aa tBJb iryag.M,i« > wj.k.in«o it. Bowaata, B.ar.d»'.~.. <P «iag if.Ha» fofO.Q. D A 0.6a. t~IPOpn it. PhMa'niu. ITff(|IMpa MOaa ir. KawTort, *• P 40 pa tpo pa --3-H ' Ip W UTMia, t a L if. am pa I a aa Ur. JwPBoaTtlta " 10 0 aa 9 4P Lt. apaapafe . " i to pa f LT.Ccioaiq. 1 ■ 4 91 pa hr. dirfm, - ft 40 fm Lr Poaiarra Plan, - MIX pa Lt.MbM«P. “ IIHa Lr- NaUar.M. » 1 44 an Lt. Mortaa " P M aa lap -ibaty, < "IfiBWUttMa HumaTliii IMJ

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