I Dr.TALRUGE SERMON ! I KiESSEfflS' ft (ton tint Jot*. .. ^ IM* |tooa* Knurr aMnlaa ani4 *■.»*» "»* <«v " 2* 2"7W« an KbbIbt K *3,5^ »«>» * aup^-ti ZT^JT^f*. ?***»*—. iht teet that ,u SrartCr* "~ u T-toiki- wio, »«U. tu ., to—a—t rWr*1 Flow. fflSy'ra; aT** » row, asd it khoi t* vlimr “i 5££HjSi**a7s3 gj .fcsja s£w& jssm; O n >f Uttie UHkr r daat mart >odn wn In an —-a* nuadwii tin Tefcn tint nan ■ aw dwollia* moat U ntnrd. •“•* to*** of you nan at to to •r «to raaanaettaut And tor tSftEEJkS^ -* ■jll M te *• risaa a riH »? S? Us tb* 5 HU . J »*■< HSfesSi gpssSiii >v? «Vt «i Urn awth. KIhi. n th* ♦h* »r«M*tftm KWift down l« lk» £“«?* aad «u *« lata tU tea. SDrate. *»* » » mawmw*. I. th, twinbUtu af a* *TV* *fah»-fa trumaw ra-e" £•«•«. yaUW matU m. tha mona »t»,.***. ■* U» ,"•*> will fira ana Sd**' 8* lU rr»»aa of tha *"ad wllhme. Ua> tha wc* of tba Sh .S^dooal aad (V Ima will Hah forth in tba larid air. aad tba drownml will aaaac «p am! wriar ml Ju^aH Vn ^TUuSSTiTij; condition* aaaiw* la ana dtrwtwo ami ?£- Tl-'d?*’ ,kr*** •* naatrte **”•- r*". rU“* <•*»«► *nna *all “Bat," ran aar, "if tbla dnctrta. af ■ssW ts •amatbia- about tba rmumrfd bodr?" .*S"*,.a*» njratrriaa i.1mnt that, knt I akatl tall you tbraa aa (oar thin** *" TtTJr* *» **• yaaaaratad bodr that ^ktriad pauai and kayaad mV la tba flnt plaea. 1 rrniib In retard '•yanr erwaT*-wd body. It will ha n fbnan Wr *TVo body wa Kara now •" » nwrr aVeWtoa af wh.t It weald aS^A*.}*1 •"•"""I *"d da fceed it. Take tha mswt arpoieita ah»h*» that wja erar made by an artm* and «bJo It bn* and eh In It that* with a chlaal and Uttar and brniaa it here and there and then aUnd h oat in lb* derma nt a bnndrad raara and tba benn'r woaM U fP^-WO. tba human body ha. bm ehipaad and U'taynd and beuUd and dwaand with Uta atemva of thnuaed* af yean, tU physical dafaeU af other wiffitwfj co*Dinf from inert bon t. warntlm, wa InUntin* tU iafa bcttics af past «mrations. accord me be the nrijtinal model Aad *®«® ■ ®o men »i i Npttwh tuff ween ft t«m> ■ «*•«*£*•* w**®* *» • )•«£* ** •• tWf hm ft iifTertnrt between w.Tvw %T ,re nrw xwd Mr mur eaeted form*. There yon will are tha par* !*<«**• nftar th* water, of daoth bar* muhad ant tbs stair* at lean, and atrdy; thar. yaw will are tha perfect band after tba knot* of toll bar* been untied front *ba knock,ea; there you will >** th* torn arret and alaatia attar th* horde-.. b?T5m nUaldejr-ah. rary Hfa of 0«d la tba b«dy. la thia world th* most ranawtaira thin* ia tha human face, he* that fan. U roilad with tba cnef. oi a thouaaad raara. Bat In th* tamrrre ;ian more that roll will U Ukan awiy '™* *b* fa**, and tha noonday sue m *ul and dim and alnptd com par id with th* ontflamiaet *'aw>« of the couataa anena of the anvnd. Whan them face* of the rttbtreua. thorn laaanwctad laoaa. turn fPTVd Ik" “".look ap toward th# lb"ft. It will be lilt* tha dawnia* af a new aiaew.ua m the bowoan of atwlntiai “Ala w Bionooe. reicrmwea hr^y' ' I remark aleo in regard to tbt body which mo in to tot in the moor* rection. it wilt he m immortal bMjr Them win are wsttlaj ewey. Pmnehody kae ■aid that M»anon ae we Win to lire we Wi to dfe. UnSeee wcTWp petit** the toy pin f to deep or to take any recreation or to rent or men to take food—that we amid toil rieht on without etofrpfn* a moment in oar work M enmentnriiuo Cfcrfct and hr iron ta dll the poMr. but we «Q get zzJL: «fcdE3s ifthta T. it Mt a gloriooi thought tint wa ara rhng to bn ■ bdr tha) will nmr grow wraryt O gbirloaa mitmtlM li«L Gladly will I fling laid* Ik (a poor hady at tin aad fling it into the |m*K if gl , Iky Wlilin I .Kill ham n Wlr that Mtor aaailaa. -Ttot i* * qbilid w mtiaa Hymn that wg ha*a .1 MM: 8* Jim aWpt. Gad’a dying Ban Ptod through tha pin nd blw.nl • Had Ugat aglat. till tram HU ItZHt? fia£\& ■£*,£ ntbara, wui •bipwrack.il it aaa. n*. fatkae and tbr aaa rlln.Vd into tka rig ging* Tka Jntber bald «n. but tba a» • fur nwhila lost hi. knM on tha rigging sod waa daaheil daw*. Tka father (up patod ba bad pang hipalaaily ander Uta way. Tka next day tka lather ma brought nbnri from tha rigging to ea ex haroied atota sad laid aa a bad la a hahermaa'a bat. aad altar many Haora had aaaaad ba naa ta rnwirlimmaw aad, aaw Mag kaaada kirn an tha pm bad kit la, what a etnrtoaa thtac it will ha if wa wakt ap at leu to ladhav torcd awai batata aa, tommy »p from lha mmm pita U tha yenaapard. aaratay ap iw tha aaaaw ■oraiap Neb! -tha fathar tad aan alert faraaac, ail tha lorad awaa ahra ismtr. atm non to wrap warar ■OCT to part, warar ■ora to dia. Map tha Ood af Paata that broayht apain free* tha data aar Lord Jawaa. that araat Rhpphnd of tha ahaap, thewayh tha Maad af the ararhadap awaaata iwaha fiS«gS.‘fit*37JE2ati5[J0^; ■ laatap trawaarrl on tboachta la tha on far aaeirtbhpe btfara tha thrwno. Tha haadrad and fartr and foot thaaaawd awd lha “araat mahitwdo that aa ata aaa waewtor, aw af aar boat frittdt iaaw than wa after awbtla ta lain tha aeattilwdr Olortaaa ealirlpatiawt Wart an tha aaiata bahrrad af Ota: Waaleta Iw that* iwbaa in Jewar'e Mata, firlyhtn tha. ayS.ja. *W tataa. Mr and aahdpataa tha dap. Woald edraarh bar winn tad aoar error To aid lha tony, tba pane la hoar. Awd haw, lha chaaf af rtwaara, tUra. Thy tarpaot*aapragta!aB rtitapo firm id iw thw wwrtd ta U U towwd a« tha Chlawpp padaa farpp. A antarlw of lha pawhata of tha tarn. laeladtap f toca. hwrw prawn iw wrlpht atwta, trpawd lha waitwra Halt apt dorm hAOMMliar af tha alrll aar la 'of •Da kid 4a Mr era ■■■■in wm n ua m af npartktata"* »V ll^t "* v yv «p a# man mm hBUN Nt ap ta attar of rt* pr~tawirUw aa Wirt taw baa la yrwdoaltp lahtap rweeh iktaPAM rtkap aatidM Itartap tha art itmm ptail nimylha rt rata ■eadtfM had aaaaadad Oat rt rraaaa Rnntal of O/aalng Laada. Under the aUaaalua of com petit! oa aaa'oag the canlaaea the rental of tba «ra*la« laada of ladlaa Territory baa gone ap. rortasately then# laada yleld ad only tea oenta par aero. Nov there Is a demand tor thus at IS and 40 rente per acre. Bids recently opeaed la Washington (or tl.000 scree of pas taro beloadec to the Kan Indiana. lor vhkh only *8,000 a year vae obtained aader former contracts, aggregate now WMOO per annum under the oBere of the evrnmofUl bonders. r w | Every cotton planter should | write forourvaluable illustrated nphlet, '• Cotton Culture." sent free. MM U>4 ■litlfM M OSSHAJ* KJUJ WORKS. *1 Mmm U, X. T. rat our, mini on no cnnmroi KiaAkl><»«tala>Nlm|N Wkm At Nta«l Ibrnl LadN '•■tar, »t».'lil.rf by bml \ anwnd mmm (Am 30 r**a •*» •«< ky n«T \ *Jfe»tatb. trarbi. j Hnnyadi Jjjnw gu tlr*hM,li—»liM»w«k»,»b*tautal> H lh« —tad aad 9| fct Ntatti L«mlhr» Tttabwrtb ■iilb,»l »tanc». —I It* Afttaa ta SyacAy, Sar* and Ocatto. Ktrariripw. Kmtry Dwpbl mmd Ctatwl ^btamta Grw Stilt It. !*W forth* tall b»». AOR " Bnrodl Jiuo’ Dl nr um with DLUL MCotnruil. ■ Thiol W. Mrta htoM Bolton Booonl for iftTcLitoSE.*** ^ wo. m. asicrtsrtfftrvs. Cfc.mj for Ito tool M non, oad totlon klB MrWw toMHU. toTa boknZTu^ I toi do.otO.Hj Ml* to ourj oot UT ohllfo'too nodo too (tout In. ^ I W'^Mta“ *'»itoal. Drofftoto, Totodo, Wunuio^ Knm, to M.ornt, Wtotonto „Dr«nto.. Toltd., Ohio. rUll .TWrrV Cor. U totona IrluuUj, *M '»€ dtooollj upon tto totood yU bum* iu natoy«gjjnuiWttooSJr P»fUl» total l« ton . block 070 to ton o food noa? pofiUtB. ! »« TOO too TO fJBIIlto y5* i^toifadD?.' a ™ »** Tkon on ooai ttoafi ttot ton ito net ihnot-nttodod of oi ctnnol f*m> S4 A DAY 8URE ZZXLfe Use CERTAIN agyeURE,^ | Constipation ; ► tKK&ssia^TEtRr"*' rFREE?“,r SPORT1N0 GOODS. « RJWUROS SPORTING 1 ROODS COMPANY. _M» *•»«■»< it, rr. Lomi. aa. * $3.00 * PER 1000 m ALUSiTAK LartiaixTco.< I H*UI,I(‘Tauiaa*a*flk Tha ffmbaard Air Uh Hallway la oallad lka"Caakal Otla Line," baa**** It aatera tb* Capital* o( Ika alx Statu wbln* II tra reman anal naira a! Ika Haiiaaal Capital, fbraaffh wkl*b Marralna raa .notld from Mow York to JaakaoattS* aad Tampa, Florida It raa* tbroawb Mnkmaad. la, Halatab. N. C-. On lorn bln,A. C„ Atlanta. Oa., Mealcamary, Ala, ...Fla. Thta road wilt aoatlaaa tarutta famoua Florid* and Metropolitan Limit ad, and lb* Florida aad At laotnFnu tlnil Train*, afford Uff tb* ooly Ibuoth IlmUad narrk* dolly, I notarise Ha.day bmwoaa Saw Tort aad Florida, and la tb* rfcortaac lia* katana* tiMM ptllll. That* ant udkfly modara train*ol tb* • ra te* rd Air Ida* Imllway antra at and depart Iran Paaanytrdoia Railway Station* at Wuhlafftea, Sakliaore, Pbliadalpbla and Saw Tart, rmrritaf Pallmaa'a moat Im prorod op alp mar a, with aaaaoallod dlalaff aar oorrfea, eompartmaut. draw lap-room aad obaarrartoa aara It bar Pullman aar rie* flu dam par weak rank way froim Waablawta* to that celt-oral ad resort, pin*, ban*. S. a It ban tka a ton Ha* to aad froaa R: an mood. Mortal*, Poctemkatb, Salalffk. Moalkera Plan*. Colombia. flaunaab. J.rk.naviile Tampa aad Atlanta, aad tk* principal tdim* ko-wwu tka ffatdh aad Sant. It mVlao tka dlrwet rent* to A la jo, Adnata aad Man n. I* Atlanta dlrana aooaaatlea* ar* mad* in tb* Calea «l*U_i_ lor < ba1tnaeo*aL Naata flit Otapuy. fr-m Maw York, tka M A M. T. Company, from Beaton and Prorl daaaa, tk* Martalk A Waminpton Htaamtx at Company, from Waahlaatoa. tk* BalHmora •turn Peeket Company, from Baltimore, and tbo N. Y. t. k M. Hallway, from Mur York aad Philadelphia. launch Palien** mu alan oparalad oa walak naked utm batwaaa JaaknoariU* aad k>. boala, ala Moatloallo, and katwena Jack aoaitU* aad JtaW Orjuap, la addltloa la Vbraajb tula* wftk JSuSTClair Cam ka twtaa taraaaafl ml iTnrtffomary. Tb* local tamU amatafl H lxaa-rlnai wftk moat OMuataat mkodokm. la far* tba haakoard Air Una flail WBT will rirkat panaeafan for any pota e, aff-.rdfop tb* flatatmt aobedalae. Herat tralu aad moat romlnriakl* amain*. Ita MflO-mila kook*, bold *! ffu.00.au rood from Wutotofftu, D. C.. our tbe uUu rya lam *tfl,fl3ff mil**. laalodlnfl riarida. So.I* Taa Am return Faopla AU taa gunlam idlrrm fr m Courtparlom Many ***** *mu fcua oared rflaoaoally ante am a II Ur* er Crab OtrAard Water. LION COFFEE A LUXURY WITHIN THE REAQH OP ALL! Wttoh *uf MM Mwmiimnn. A Tablespoonfal to a Cnp___ — 1* Twe BLILE EOS MARINO COfTTE HT % nr A TIBlESPflONnH OF Lion Coffee will give yon stronger coffee than a tablespoonfhl of Any other kind. Hero is y.here yon save money 1 USE HON CftFFff ! • Always insist open getting it. LION COFFEE 1* absolutely pure, and not c coffer e-inch is glazed or coated with egg mixtures or chemicals in order to hide imperfections. , ■ • *» rm7 P*®**«* of uo* ccmi TOO win and • fully Illustrated and descriptive Urt. No housekeeper In fact, no vjnut, man. boy or girl will faU to Bnd In the Hat noma article which will con tribute to their happineti. comfort and oooranlence, and which they may have by simply cutting out a ce-teiu number of Lion Heads fron '*>• wmppers of our ooa pound sealed packages (which it the only inrm in which this excellent coffee ia ecH\ . . woouon SPK6 CO-. rOLEhO. OtDO. m* »mm ctu m«4« wm nim tumm/ MclLHENNV’S TABASCO. Oar i&pap fBaaqptad cata log**. WINCHESTER SHorautts „ j rtcro*r loabcouotoo* tret.Lt > *• tmmMrnmimm i, tf» Ul4 «t ,1 | All io)«t «(1 Uw. ; WlUCHESTtt KJEATWQ UMS (A Factory loaded ahotfun ahella, “NEW RIVAL," “LEADER,"and “REPEATER." A trial atU prove tbair auptriority. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 A $3.60 8H0ES $SS Tit f**l wmnk mt wnt fU6 wltJt KMrMkfiU^laKK Hr #4.$* Gilt K«|r» llnr ttiMt 1* awaited at any arV«. IMtllhlMrttftiriira. ^r«rt«l»»wHA. i hma*ytUMAua|f «• atwra* TaktaoNVOMfl lariat o* hating W. L. IwaJaa almra wit* aanar aat KVa fUai^l an l»*ttn«a. Xu*t 0«%Jar a»t.*Ul karn\Wm • I fit# «-*« M»n* u4 rl'l Mi Uinn fir joa, ntkr 4hwt from fartnTY. avi^rlnr irtai afrq Jfcr. *Tfa* ft-r d 0»w i,K$«O0fMA»Jk4 »wii 5*r fra*. ■HMlnOr 1. I POmUl LrdAm. Mia. Liver Don’t Act? • a You know very well how you (eel when your liver don’t act. Bile collects In the blood, bowels become constipated and your whole system Is poisoned. A lazy liver Is an Invitation for a thousand pains and aches to come and dwell with you. Your life becomes onp long measure of Irritability and despondency and bad feeling CASCARETS act directly, and In a peculiarly happy manner on the liver and bowels, cleansing, purifying, revitalizing every portion of the liver, driving all the bile from the blood, as Is soon shown by Increased appctlle for food, power to digest It, and strength to throw off the waste Beware or Imitations! : . j A tbo a JiliMail tnevnym, m urn* THE TABLET DRUGGISTS \ lUllltfiiUllUIUlUlllllllllilllMilitiiiuuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiiii'iiil