VOL, i. no. r._ _ _ Rockingham, n. cj Wednesday, amsil m. Hoi. " send one Dollar and CeiV Vr.TALMAuE SERMON gsKftxf'fsftrffB: SfaggflBRs »“ W» b» br*T*n. iw CUM AnmrlbMl. .lmtorid. Nu had *'!■* dtp. (hi her brew wm ealaetul >. Her rate* area auk. Bar Kr teat iatredar** bar. “Tier of alaaaaatrmi. mm all her - —k Whet m rrtiaiank at iWutal Huff ha* had ' anau WM Iran the effect Jrjg _ An *«*d (iri,«i»n Mjt, gtiiSa5**Sj?s!»i •af WWW I am fgriu at uwaly In jaan ef ear and tktnk only thine I know, aetd thaTC that Oriel Jem* ram* iate ttt.awM to aevw (inner*." Aaf *o I hare uatlrnd Iw the •indy of God'a word, ltd ia aey roalcmplatioe of the character of Oed . end of the eternal world, that it ia a area tan hr mu dray tkie part of my WM aad that pan of nr belief aa bc&p nee ’ -“1 I.tUac fa IWnTmit aa» I* a Miuer, md Chriat . and dhrkad lariaur. -, - —— them three er Ihwr kewt Sh^ je tW anillie *f nupioa. Who* 1 po ■. Me a raoea I h*r* a pe»rioa far thevwiaa •pea al the «bolter*. That le what 1 raiirhe sod to done Ik* ahanerw aad ta Pjdf le*i the Mind* that ia ia owly Ihenffh War and there a cm he that th* K*ht atratta* The toUpie* of the bond Jeeaa Chriat ia a mlipiou af jay tariraorik ».tkrc^rtn.V£,"~ 1 “ . If thane atw any ia iki* hum (hi* mnra |ggpEpP* udfe! srb^* »*? fcs fa* aJV&S&Tfc ■'Ctl “ on* is tha Chrfatfan Ufa there an a ‘honnod tn lx lifo of tba world. "Hor weya an Way* of pinna ton. " A»ik, I ®*d a gnat daal of rrlig'oaa fan Aik; A ChrfaUan ait divine np!ana tMB. To a greet many pteglo lifo ia an moaptnaMo tangle. Thing* tan oat dlf family from what waa —a pond. Than oalth, a tad aaefady who hna oa, drug aO tha data ? asKcrwrtfas h onry departraaat of kfa. at Uh^tlfa g than fa ko aaateon that oftaaee drape fawn ywwr lip* tham thin *T nonet no denpaad it) I taunt ndantand it." Wall, kow religion raw is joet at that pafart with it, illumination bad ita taplaoaUoa. Then fa a hnataine naa who ha* lam hfa entire fortune. The work Wore he loot hie loaewno then wen twenty mrrfagew that mopped at tha 22? Pf hfa Tie work after ha loet hfa frxteae all the earner,a yue forfd rant on one hone. The wash hefae* Bnanefal troohlr began people all took oB their kau la him aa E* ptatrd down tha atraal. The week hi* Ssaarial tfAg Up rim The work that hr waa fanritr Wd him' Inking in the they wont down poet him How, while the world goae a war from a man whU* ht fa ia Snannal diet row, tin tdteaa of Chrfat came. to hint and ■*»*■ JYok an akk, aed ynar ankaan ■ to ha moral ppndratton Ti e an be aeaeed. God wanted in aaan way to uke f** farnlhr to heaven, and He m«*t be S* eoaaewjnee, aad ao Ho took the one fat waa moat heaatHel and waa nady to «*- ?.<» that teWa tarfalaa rvarything ia tkia life, hut I da my it fay* dews eertim pnnrtpin whies are gnndfa coonfatwry, You taow humane maw eflea thlaaiapk in npla. The aur ehant to Sea Punruii tuhgrwha to the “wrekaet Ip Hew York oeeiain inform* tw» ia cipWr wkacb ail otbar bdi ia thot Uko of b^inem can endetUekdrinS 'he nmlut tn Son Froarseo heu ike Sr* « . . *M7T' ‘M BCItMBI IQ J**w.Xwfc. Ik to U Ito cipher, rad ®o that iafanoatian traaeraitud there ratfrW?**, kralrtaa haadrada of •boa—ada. of dollara. Now, the prort daweat of life eoaKUmaa Mono to ho aroea gSft. LaJUrttr.hkthSanS oh, what an gtoarratecy > which to •tody aeUmoaoy Were* will bo. oot by fal f tmjm auto, away, by o^Trtioto Of •ha wing, you an there, by another atrake •f the totajr yon are bach again, and all in '***' ” *“ dad geology! WV , a place tba. will ha to toady ganlagy when the ootid it be tog picked to piaoeo •• aaajy aa a echool agrbitaaturr. aaaid tba thrboao and the .w*CtabM3S3 “ hare wee. ba| yog Sara aot the toaa. yog bora ato the meant. You wdl ktSe the tone yat daring ana recto cal pane* to the eternal ant&an. 1 eay tb«M ttoaga (or tba eoaalart of thoaa poo ida wba arc a helipad fan Ibair appartani Ua I hoy people to whom Kfa IT bam drain, who On) and work and toil ood •oek and aa after boawtedaa. bat bora BO. ttoto it it cad ear. “If t tod Sta^9*.%43 •gad, to fnonda. Yea era going La the aalraraity rat. Deitb will only jaalrtou toto yoa into the royal collage of tba ani l-area. What a aablima thing it waa that Dr. paada- Or aaSr! t gybea.,, a._ gsanss E£E&jjj£&$ ARP REVIEWS WAR: Daft of “Tlf*" Aidtruj Cases « Backward Giuce. td KARTOW^S OLD BRIGA1E Ocor*u- VlrftBta ud Kentucky T,*®P® Formed the Brigade Which General Lee Had. General (J. T. Anderson (old Tire) and Colonel Tom Taylor hare last Ptoj-Jormue r|rj. They ' w'.m f “» ware close together during the drtl war. Oeo ml AMmoi vac oar brigade com S?"**- Taylor command 2? .re.°' reaJrocata, the First fh^l'JCk7' 8lff® th® on® of of police of At iff te end the other LonlartUet Kr TO next to the laatof the surviving colonels of that brigade. ,l WM General Bartow's old brigade, composed of Uo Berea th. Kiahth, Mm® mad Ktoveath Georgia red gnfi G*e First Kentucky ami a hattery. The regiments changed their colcoeU many times, and of the old Rlghth only one (Col onel Towora.) who was IU fifth crVo nel. now survives. Mono bet the ret. ***** K*ow hew numerous were these change* of commanding officers. The rcrords show that bdt one of tbs Georgia regiments that went into soi rtco In IStl sad 1IC2 brought back Uio same colonel H took ont The of ficers of the companies were changed' dinner than the colonels Dee Mu resignation* and promotions ware or rr going on. Captain Twlgg'e com g®fy “* ,h® First Georgia regulars nad twelro different captains during the service. Tbo personnel of the P'lratee waa also continually chanjr Ing—'dlacharfwr or K. L B. (killed le battle) Is appended to mure names thsn half the first muster rolls and recrsltlha waa constantly going on to nil np tbo nice. Dot t waa ruminating about old ' Tl*» and Too Taylor, for after Oca •ml Bartow waa killed 1 was trans ferred to Oeoeral Anderson's staff and followed hie fortunes for nearly two years In the Army of Northers Virginia. He was every Inch a sol dier. He sorer questioned the wl» dom of an order bet obeyed It. "0»n not to ask* reply; 1 Oan not to reason why; Ours bat to do and die." was his motto. I do not believe ir •vsr experienced the emotion ad r«ar. We thonjcht that tomeUmed be vu too daring. I remember that on one moral tit during the battles on tbc Cbtckahomlny ha wished to make a perrons! reconnaissance of the peel lion of the enemy on its Ml dank, and asked Major Ayer and myself to ride with him. There was a wlds. open Held between the armies, prob ably 1.004 acres, and oar vrlng was covered by the force! of thick woods enrviiut round the open see ace in the form of a scmi-eircl*. We kept »»• •red by thee* woods until we had got far amnsd and were oa near the fed eral batteries oa we dared to go. Tbs grneral sold; "Well, there la do as* going bach the long way that as . csss*. Ixt us take the diameter of I this circle sad oars a mile or two." | "They will see ns and opes firs." sold < I. *T,ot them shoot," sold he. "th-ry rant hit a*. We ran ontnda tkalr I balls; come oe; follow mu." Wu did ; follow, but w* didst want to -and there was mo necessity tor taking rtch peril. I will never forgot that ride.. The federal batteries opeced hr- gulckty oa ws flew along, the pletn. The slx-pbendeve sent their bolls ovsr ns and behind ua and be fora na and same of them bound ed along ths ground-quite near us. but tbe general only waved his hat and smiled. Wu were nil waUesonat ed and mode the trip safely, but I never made another rgnennslaaance with him. One evuntng our brinds was at rest an the bnnh of the Rap pahannork. Wa had made a kmg march and were a waiting orders. ' The boys wars amine am or lylac down gpom tha grans. The enamy rare massed behind Man mountain raace that sklrtad Ik* apposite beak a( tha rlrar. ■Wa eetrid aat aaa them bat are knew that they arara there far thetr batteries aaaaaed tkaaiaba by Ur ine arar tba mountains aad dropping tbair shot aad abafl at random oroe na and beyond aa. They aagledad is tba air aad did bat IttUa barm. We war* sot alarmed and wall-bad tbom aa we would a pyrotechnic dlsntn/ Oanarnl Anderson waa stretched at tvactb apoo tba croaad aad va war* no* tar away. Hie dna borne waa ma—B tha graaa aad tbs general bald Mm with a kmc rata that waa attacked to tba bridle. While wa war* dtiattlac qwtatly a shall ranted ad directly over aa aad a mnrderon* fragment struck Ma horse on top cf tha head aad kilted Mm Instantly Our aaaraaaa ta tha Canary stnppat all coararaatloa. hat the teas or Mr boras aroaaad aad aarltad oM Tigs beyond am near a. tmnktag at l>ls bne that Waa dying at hte fast ha used laaduaga aeoordlag ta hla aa gar aad Indignation Hte aaathemos swrdrarfei 'Wa win pay them far that,’ ha said. "I would have glrnn my right arm far that haras. Bat wa wtn nay them hack twn far aaa. JTa tha named battle waa taught and a gram . Barf wand Z think at tha want baa tte af OralaarBte. la wbteh ha dp Ml and a mails saeasa arar my mmaary. Tba fan af fkal hsMte Wafad mt bays a toag Man sad Major Arar at Hama la aat dawa laneL.aa at U yat Tha raMay at Orals twills war aeatrtl graand and tha bare aat at hay waa greet. The two pi rnlaa were a win ter quarter! and wan tad It Jab Stu art aaaured General Johnston that 11 bo would fnrnlah tha wagoos tad leama and a roglmsnf of laXeatrr be would go tor the hay. He eald that the owoere were moeMy southern ■oa and wanted aa to tare It. Old Joe wea auspicious, bet consented. The todemls ward nearer tn 4*. und had a large force 6t cavalry la thslr ramp. Tom Taylor wee seat aloog with hla regiment and Major Ayer put la charge of 440 wagona with four-horee teams to each. It was about ftfteen miles to tha valley over a pike road that waa genarnUy wld* enough tor teams to psU'1 each other, bat was very narrow where rut through the hlllg. Maar of these rata, a hundred yards )o if. were not more than tan feat wid«. The day and the scheme was kept profoundly secret. Oge mornlag about the break of day oar boys ware sfoooed by tke unearthly rumbling aoahd of 400 wag ona rolling over the pike, hot that sound waa nothing tb Ike roaring of those wagona oa their return. The train of wagona waa asaly four ml lei long and by the time the head of the column got fairly Into tke valley and the major began boasing the loading of the foremost teams Tom Taylor with hla man, ware i**mg In tha suburbs end Jeb Stuart, with t.000 c* retry, were parading oa a klU over looking tha valley. Joel then 1.000 federal cavalry came charging down from some hiding place behind tke woods god tor an hour or more Stuart and Taylor had their haads fuD. The federal* had aa artillery company tn help create a panic and they were after the wagon train la desperate dotermlnadeh. la tke coafn&km that Jollowhd the surprise Stuart or dered the wagons that were toedln* bay to eonotarmarch lg double quick and they performed that maneuver with great alacrity an til tha haad of the procession reached the pike uni could get ao further, tor the body and tall of the teals blockaded tha highway for two ml loo back. Then came the great stamped* Thao mailed the a teed a from battle drtrs*." All along the llee {be alarm wea giv en. whips were popping, teamsters bawling. Turn, man: tarn and ears rour teama." exclaimed tha major. "The jaukcee are cOwdag.” An.l they did turn, bet to this day nobody knows how. Soma of tha eragonart Swore afterwards they lew aver and sonic crawled under sad some tamed e four-horse teem fa aa sight-root cut. Colonel Taylor ordered hla me* to guard the wagons bat tTey couldn't kern uo with them St mart's mou wm la a hand urftaca tight with lbs eaemiea cavalry'fbd slaHlsd them wlUi sworde and shot them with small trma; bat they were e ntanmhvred and had to tight and f^hnofc as y an t bar gw' » — • r m nf ten.ooo when.', the stampeding trhln r grooml. Old Joe Jo lor the sound thereof sound of many waters. He under stood It at once and ordered a whole brigade and battery to doubla quick up the Drains Tills pika. ”1 told BtaerC* he exclaimed. “that they would trick If be didn't look >uk Those rascals In that valloy are near IT all union men sad they got word to lbs enemy. I'm mfrmld we har* lost some of our wagons, and It will be a bard Joka on Stuart." Later on we perceived grant clouds of dml gathering over the pika aad the roar lag came louder gad louder aad near «r aad nearer, and by aad by. with tbs aid of Rekl glseaea. we could see Major Ayer rise over the top of ■ distant hill aad balk Be Is e Par rider end erne astride a tee horse whoso urn wad' Belts. Ho saw the brigade oomlay to the rescue aad slowed tin the long pro cession behind Mm. pfna aad beset ware dripping with striaas of sweat that would hare inrueA a saw mill In the grand male* £BHN Tarlor got cot ok from Un «MM|K for uu boys were trying to kifl^Kwith the waaoaa. But tkey.aU (HFu* In -lie course of time and ASuH the plan dlts of their ooaBMMHBHt<'art wor ried the enemy awMfifftat then left the relley with serf s|ms and Major Ayer left tt with Jgryfhgk But they got It later. tsF/Bhe kega" that canoed la gaits merriment to the continental army aad It war set to varan by a be morose poet, Francis Hopbtnarai. bet thle Is known to Tlrgtala veterans as the vbatlle at the wngona.-—BUI Arp la Atlanta OoastltaUoa. Waokiaptoo. D. O. dpoolol -Tto PrxIdMt mad* tto toftowta* inww MtU: tetorfor. U«V( B. Moor*, of MloOtlpma. to to —totant taaagir of patotoo; aary, Ohaa. (X Bail. v> to oblof of tto tor— of ordoaot. with 'to tank of roar odiatral; dUdk, Joha tor. rail, of 0oogo»-»o to a lf«po» aa tto part at Oa L'aMoO Motor u> tto lator aattoaal Coaforoaoa of taair^t •tatoo. to to toM at tto Qty at Moti on __ In tto ttoafo of tto Jary. PTootlort. Kt. dporioJ.—Tto taat of OopQolo Mplap. tto tonoor aOV Uo attar, rhorpof wttfe totag aa ap otoaary tofara tto Mat la tto Oortol i—iippllta Ip aatr la tto toadi ei tto jary. J. T. tBBtoi aoto tto otoo lag IIIMMM Ipr tto Idun aad wot (aMowtd to BiwpoontMg .AMaraoy PtooklM Tto rrwwd la aiuadoaoo dartap tto rtaotop irptant urof tto rapartty at tto largo ooort itoa to Mo tan I toM THE MILL TRUST. FiH Rhrr People Declare It a Fake Story. THEY ARE GREATLY STIIREO UP. -a—-' Reports of Pooling of New Begtond and Sdwtbera latorawts Bold to be Without Founds tloo la Feet. rail Hirer. Mass.. Special.—No lit tie edir wee mad* here by pubiMitd tfwt a further attempt to couaolUst* the print cloth mills of Nee England and the Southern Mateo was oa foot sad that J. P. Morgan » Ckhscsoy. a K«w York, were behind the morement. An inquiry made quite generally esnoeg the men who are In ooetrot ct many of the local mill*, or whW represent the big tnsoufidturlng property*. b.hxug'bt out an ahnoet unanimous iCaUneeni that the reports bate Bo fMadidoa In fact. The cot ton mills hen* are ready lor rocwolt deuoa. bat not more so now than at any Bam daring the peel two yam*. In which Mae tbs euhjoot has reedf - sd much attention. It wm dlreotly stated in oa* pabtlaatioe that an op ttoa had been given for the America* Printing Company and the gall Hirer Iron IPsrts Mike. In porwuenae of the pbm. bat repraasiuatlves of tboe* la taraau deny any knowledge W such * t reman Ion and rbUcnle (to probeldhtr under the present prosper one condi tion of the cloth market. Inquiry among the large** sbonk holders and She promlneon banker* who were Interested in tk« preiloue oortenlmtoBon tuuraeaeoi. si owe gbot no owe bar* b*rriog eutborAy w am (or the control Hog Incarcwts. baa t«w> imam seed on tha ma**or Ttie men «bo vert prominent In trying to effect a consolidation two years age, *»> tkoas who war* tryiog So prevent U. agree that the rumor at this time started la the Booth, because of a plan to bring the mills under a gene ral control. The mills tpokoa proml osntly of a* being In the combine In cluded the Qoddard*. of Rhode In land, and M. a Borden. ' On tba Way to Washington. Jacksonville, Fla.. Bgtedll The Cu •ttmtt»*mblgxoa)rolaalna../>o foul* W KKii|a.li> ooeCto »i.» **...».* Mi Briny oa the rrlstkais u( the United Mates and Cuba, arrived b*re at T o'clock Monday’ night over the Florida Bad Oonat Railway, from Mi ami. They proceeded to Wbajhlngtoo at 10:J« Tnaaday la a apodal ear on tha Seaboard Air Lioea metropolitan limited train, which wdll arrive In Washington at 1:45 Wednesday mom lag- I» the party wars General Do ariago Mendts Capote, president of the room lemon; Oeraeral Pcgro K Poan coort. General Rafael df. Portuomlo. Mr. Dtergo Tamayo and Dr. redm Ooualea Uoraoto Than* are the numbers of the eommlaMon. Thry watt aoeoanpenled by Pedro M. Enten te, IgUrpntm. Out. M K Co ooailn, editor of La Dbconslm; M. Marprex Burling, rrprenemtaiHve of the United States preae of Cuba, and ejrrtay.n deet of El Mundo. The party trill stay at the Sborbam. la Washington. Wrecked Sy Natorel Oan. 8t Mary's, W. Ve_. Special —A ter. rMo ar;tri al gai raploalbn occrced In the fkmaterclal Kotri. early Sfcoa-Aty morning The entire butVtlng a large frame atriKflore, wsa a maaa of ftanwi when the atactlod cKliena ruabod from their homes at tha resort Tte beUdiag wwa anil rely destroyed, and the nans at* being searched fur bodies. Foot are dead, as foflov.a Him Oonaingbmm. of Rliford. Pa.; Jotia George, of Butler. Pa.; Harry Rdbtmson. of Oorntag O.; John Sister. MaM year* old, aon of the proprietor of the hotel. Otters may ba dead. The report that Time. SrnUtT and frit part ner war* among tbs dead to nee trite, they baring turned ep untnJoraL Rev oral attar* are badly Injured . Not la It. Waahlagtoo, TV 0., Speclrl—Tb* War Department hu made pahllr the translation of aa order laauad tb* lat ter part ot Jennary br Coant VooWaU dareaa aamoaarlnK the distribution oi tb* war malarial captured In Iba forth Shan Hat Karan. Tha Called fltauai do sot appear la the dtetrlbailon. dm SO the foot that the American troopi did aot participate In the capture it the tart*. _ Three flea Dreamed KaiOatta. O . Spwaial—Three peranna War* drowned la tha riser here binder ■flaim* A baa* eoetadalat ala* men waa carried under a wharf br tb* twin tint and Jaa. BrwaM, a «>«» warhar. waa dt awad. Tb* adhan war* rrarnii UMr two bora aamal Hanler. a«*d T and 14 arar* drowue-i at tha daw* ptaea Newer Nad*#. A dlapatrh ta tha Standard from tV-rt4,-‘ aar* treabla I* rap art ad In the prartaaa ot ChibrJaa la rwoaat at Ht*r**» bar* bar* yawiw and to Tb* atadentj dear tW they **» raapaaatbfa lor tha traaM* The rapart at Bcrptlaa daaaraa fir (ha pear lPPd, adapted br Vlanaal Oram ir hrMlab a raw l aad aaaoat «-r. arbl la Hsypl. ahawa that tha r*r»r*-i wW U MS too panada aad lb* mpand - awraa 11.1*4.40* poaad* Tb* Wttapa4*4 l aarplai hr 1*04 La *4.40* poaoda. GlfAT IBUCATIOIUL ASSEMBLAGE Many PiMlnnt Educator* at Win *too*3*l»m Last Walk. Wluatou-fioleai, SpOrtaL-llor* dla Uogulahed scholar* were entertained km taat week then her* ever btfora bean (ether»d In North CstroUav The Southern Conference euibfgyr.l auch m«c aa Lymes Abbott. Bltho > Dome. Dr. Perkhurat, Dr. Curry, and wealthy phUanthropfata who ore deeply In taraMad la education la the South. Mot* of thvcn primarily became In tererted In negro aduratlon, but latter, ly they have broadened their Into: all and are Interested In the betterment of all edusatlos of the South. A vpoc’il train from New York bringing MCy alne adooators, leader* acd phiiun thro pi at*, reachad hare at 1 :0 o'clock Thnraday and ware carried at once to the hospitable home* of leading dtl aaoa erbars tbay era entertained. W. A. Dlalr, chairman. Maj ir Kuton, R*». R. R Caldwell. Dr. 11. T. Robin aon and John W. Frio* rompuead ;h» oommlltee that met the member* of Lh* Caaferenca at Groanobero amt accom paaled them to the city. At 4 o'clock the fir*: session of tha conference held In Fa!«n Female Col leg* wae called to order by Dr. Curry, who tnlrodnoeU Bltbop Doan*, of Nov York, who made a hearty addre.u In sympathy with the Southern problem, paying a high rouipUraeal to Bahia Female College. President Ogden presented Governor Ay cock, who made a happy and timely address of welcome. He wa* received with each continued applaoao that he aafd: "U this continue* 1 shall think the campaign of l;0> I*.Ntl in pio gTies" He aenphaal*.'!'N he «veau that have made North i lamina great Is all hJatory, a hlunry List has not bean adequately wrluen. He opined Che eye* of muo by Ms allusion o great arenta winning hearty choc re whan ha tuii a happy allusion to (he faot that Mfxrr furnishing more tiodpa for the Conference army than any other Kata North GaroHna csmvntod the lore bolweau the section* by tir ing lh* first blond la the war with Spain tnmuop Hcreattinr ai.o oenvsreu a warm tad fitting and able welcome for •atom. “We hare labored with a doable bar. dan la tbe South la education.” he said. “because tbe whites hare to pay meat for tbe education of the blacks aa well a* for their own children.' He then spoke aa follow* “It give* me pleasure In the name at tbs Wlastoa-Saicni ootomunl-r to welcome you. tbe members of tbe Bln* rational Ooutsrence to our Soutliotn homaa t hare tbe - additional eaiie la*i*ii, *i -a .*. (natcM nnd the praaldent of the Raisin A. id cow* of asking you to am the "arititlel i.l oar college for the prouocu*Ion ol your important educatluaxi labors It ■asm* especially appropriate that the chapel of a Moravian Institution, which for a hundred years has . era educating the daughters of the ft Tilth, from the Polotuae u> the Rl> Grande, should become at thla time, the official heme of a conference, deatlaad under Qod. to otlmulato the cause ot eluca ttoa over that same vast area of (Wat "For me. an occasion like this hat a peculiar charm. In rlarr of m/ owu life experience My earlier sect Ire was given In great ritloe, where 1 cams Into loach with the best Northern sentiment. Then In the Providence of Qod, I was transplanted tato tbs South. Whore amid over widen log aa qualirtajK-e 1 have teamed bo love the people aa If t had been hem among them. Having such Intimate eeioem lor both sections of oar great country. I have often aald to myself: "What a pity that the Heat North and the South do not know each other better.' TMe notional need la bring mat by Conferences Ilka the oue now Si won btlng. It la nod amid the clash of poli tical ambitions on. an arena like that which tba dly of Wash1 niton furnish ra; It I* not amid the epecntauvt alrsm of a Now York bourne or a New Or leans cotton market; It la on the broader Arid of a human Inter rat in the fellow mam that North and Booth may learn to know each other well enough to have the ew.eem which they really deaerve from one another. The South has. during theee recent year* of now experience, been caxryln* X double educational load. She hae beta obliged to divide her echoel money be tween whit* and blank, although the latter • comparatively entail element In the tax I let. while they form a very large element of the population Be moan of the needa of the other rue, the white publle ichoole have had, •eperlelly In nonivtry dlatrl-ta. e rory limited and etmrgllrm ccletercrc "It la right, while at the tamo lime It la generous, that ov NyrtUem brethren eboald la varleue prtveto and unoonatralned ways, am tat ut In our double lank Aed It It both wire ead fair that they ehowtd noma to rtftt ua. la order to learn the problem with which ere have to deal, face to fare, and to hear what wu, who lira la dally etraggle with them bars Utroed about Uam. In the hard eehool of ae tual experience "If tone educe Monel eead were to ealaa>-we will any. la Ihe State of Heeeeihiieitti end wo th North Caro lina ebould feel owrualree rooetralaed la help aolee the problem ef our Xeat en brethren. It would be proper for at be go to th# eneae of that problem aad bear what the bant people here to ear about It; otherwlee our help might lavolve eome very oncMy failure* and might tend, la taw aad. to Irritate rather than aaelat And euch la 'ho ex act eaae of Ihe eonlhern educational problem It nredc to bv Inroad on lh« •pat, by friendly advice end roe tar* with theee who Bra amid thee* emer gence** ef a now uata If It In Nile ah ead kindly gyirlt that you here •ran* tema ead am have fathered to wateoma yoa. "We are Bet met aa a* »—-jutou which nail# mwrty for ewrat ward* ead •afl eererbue. A hangaM might reek* each tonrteoaa demand* upon n«. hut aot an aaneeat coafwrenre of cut -,M Imparl We do not want the paint »x, er toe rxraleh braeh to be kw> em ployed. We need rather to hare the (i cut Cijmaiionul problems of the south stand In their native wood as pect, showing all the knou of dimicnl ty Just 0« they am. What ws want fnoai one another Is the tenth If an/ one has a vital qucwlkm In ask. tot fcl-n freely ask it: if any one hot an osoct tallied fact to give, let him oasmnnnl ci*»» It without constraint. U Is orui of the most Important occasions which can occur tn • llfe-ams, or mtrtcUy fol lowing the scripture injunction, to speak ths truth la torn' Tbs entire conference was a pro sounced socoeaa Netv S. A. L. Appolutraent Warbluston, D. C„ S/eclal.—ft It • announced olDcisltv that W. K. Doll has hsen appointed general agent of the Seaboard A*r Ino Railway, to suc ceed W. M. UcCjnnoll. resigned. Ills heodqiurtttre will bs In this city, Mr Doll at prse.int Is traveling paaa-ntcr agent of iLe Seaboard with headquar ter* In New York His see appoint Bent takes effect at once. Sir Doll is a most capable an.l eitclont rallroi.l ■tan In whom hie superiors repose the ulcicct confidence, l-'nrsonally be Is populsr nail enjoys u wide acqualn - anc* aiming railroad men end the gen eral public. Deported Men Landed. San RreuMscu. Ypictnl -Tho trans port Rraecran* brought Coin Manila Ova men tali'o had Peru deported by ths military authorities. Among them wus Santiago M*c«rn, a eon of the lor Cuban leader.Antonio Msreo. While tn the Philippine* Macro becam* flrst srrge.:nl o: tto Mafat.sbr sevo-’r. He was accused of Hiving Information ho ths Filipino t oe,-* ard ws* d;s jntased f:om the e-my ml ber*tire o' the snppcsr-1 mececo ol hi* presence tn tho In red. lieacral MicAlVhur or dered his dsporaUon. Tho "shaking" treatment now being advocated In Paris for nervous pa tient* Is not new, nor was Ic so when Tool* announced his electric oscilla tor a few years ago- Marie Antnlnstt* Died the vibratory remedy tn the eighteenth century as a remedy lor a trembling upper Up. (ItBUUb Iimited IftlNS double Daily Service AtfMt- V~W. T.-^aggg^, J,« _j. flim ud Moll EmIIi ail WtUTg^ — IN KKKKCr KRUKUAKY 24lli, 1901 socrnwAJU). Ulllx lMllf No. »i no. rr Lt. KnrYort. P. R.B. 1293 pm 12 10 am Lt. Philadelphia, •* *• 3 29 pm J 60 am Lt. XkitilljDoroi * ** L 45 pm IBan Lt. Waal/hmcton, " •' ft 56 pm HU am Lt. Richmond, HA. L. 10 40 pm 12 93 pm Lt. PrtarBboris, ■* •• _119lpm 1 10 pm Lr. Noriiua '* 205*am 3 90 pm Lt. Ifandaraoa, " 2 CO am 3 54pm Lt. Raleigh, , “ 0 44 am ft Of pm Lt. goaUrtro'Pint*. *_6 £7 am • 47 pxa Lt. HwnN. *• fl SO am 8 10 pia LtT (Jolnmoia, J M 8**48 am to 80 pm Ar. daTaaoait. •* 12 la pi to 2 20 ara Ar. Jaijjavi.lik, ** S CO pm GAflaa A r. Tampa, 14 ft 00 am' a 00 pm “7 No. 403 'Xo.4L Lt K*w Yor*,N.Y.P.A X.t J W a-p 8 55 pm Lt. PhlladalpMa, “ 10 aO am *11 20 pm Cr^Vii lofi.p.Wd.C/t a oo fua ■»..TT Lt. Btodmora,!!. H.P.Oo.7.7....f i 90 pm Lt. WaaVtoa. >\4W78.Il7_. 7." .7777. 6 fOpjA !.t. PortMD. utU, t. A. L. f pm" III 6ft am Lf. WtiJoa* “ 12 88 *ia 12 an pm Lt. Mnnlaj •• 12 U am 2 10 , m Lt Uratinrawa, *’ liJaui ' 9 4ft | m Lt. HalUftb, * 114 tru 4 21pm Lt. bouiharn Piwn, 6 la am 8 49 pm Lv. UamJtvr, *• 1ftj am 8 oft pm L 7TW11 no Facie n,~ 7T~~77. 9Wpm Ar. Cha/lotta, ** 9ftl in to If pm Lv. 1 " IOIH a® 11 90 pm Lt. Or*«uwoo ........ I.v. tfaralar. “ INO pi* a (O us liv.lotltaraPlas " 10 « ps » 0j as Lv. fUlrlftl, y i 00 as II 10 as Ar. IsOmm, “ OH as 110 ps lv. Noritoo 110as TSps Lv. WtHoo. IiDm DOpai Ar.favtasootA._"_7on as loops Ar. Waak‘loa~N A W.O.B.. AM as Ar iaiusora'Xi.P.xja.. . fTil is Ar, Nas YorlL,O.D,R.«.6o .'.. .V. \ 11) ps Ar. Ffctta'ofela, N.T.iTANt « 40 pm »ll w Ar. NawTork, •• ■ Maps 4 00 as , ifcnr “Vo.* L*. Taspa, A. k. L. Up. • 00 ps kooos Lv. laokaoavM*. It to as 7il|A Lv. Oavaaaak I M pm II 04 ps 1.1, Columbia, | “ (tips MS as Lv. Ramka, a 40 ps • ja a* Lv. analkova piasa •' 10 lips 11 M as Lv NaMo*. “ 11 Mas W07 ps Lv. Moadsans. “ I 44 as 1 ft ps Lv. Korllaa _ “ 111 as flips l». PatanAarp. 4 Waal ««A ps La. AMksaarC 114 as M* ps Ar. WaaAtaoMa, P. A A. macs flops A r. Ball Is nr* - »ao** II cots Ar. pina.M,.M«, " * 11 77 ps 1M am Ar. *aw lark, - - IU ps 01a as Asa -7 IvOf, «ap rtadap TSSpOlBlOOaa P*» Turk »»4 NM m . .J a '{ Hart 7 »*» A OutauubA *.a ‘I. ulna l«>. II and 44 } Oalral l.sa f Lpwa L*J (a. p.|