headlight’ WSWnttOAY APRIL M, MOL *“v! . M. M. IWta HMt a«M«r Ml Biail 1 with ha fnwfly - Tba MuilallliNAian mmia at I aarhiharg thla mooh. |H.g Wataoa apoat laat nek |> Hr. marnkmm b *b»*iag Ha. w. M. Xaal at Laoriaborg. C. K. HaWaa has toot at bonawlU M* buaily lor aarotal lay*. I. R WHj a fnahaal aHlaan of Hoaw, gnt Friday Am. W. H. Krai, Br) of Laortekorg ana ^®®® , 8Mw4tj Ibb®. w. H. Beal, bq.,«( Laartaborg. at KaM «Mrt Am. (Alt ank. Rro. T. S. Wright will praaeh at RohctAal aaat flaalay mar* lag Boo. W. J. FaMarl will yroaah a* the Baytiat obarah aaxt flaaday Bight. Mr. aad Mm. W. P. IRMmI am obtttog tho family of W. L. Hoalra. BNMga Qibeaa, at (Him, spent Monday and Tecedey la faokla|tM. Bar Plato Darken deliver* the libr ary all ii at XanhrUle I at deny. Union meaty today. Itar. P. M. wm he a pie-ale at Eltaibo Sprbpaonlhe let Sateidey ervmbg to May. everybody baited to attrad. OaryaaaiMad, lane Mriak, b eprot lor the Ifelhrw Marble Work* •ad eeeaw to ha amktap a pood atari. The BeadSpkt taprau labia at the Abate ef Jimmie Stebi and Ua Httla bother, aona at Dr. Water L. Stela. Miaa Ida Mntttecn la beak (tin Wadaahaao, where aha want to attend the anrrlapi at Mr. Liule and Mha Mn. Dr. Bona add family hate xe taread beat Maabhaberp, where thay hare bean tldlbp abaa the death at . *f I i t * ,* X ; < fft <7 •fV v. *t:" . - ■ • . >''. *■ a-i« —1 iit. 1 — HI l W. ■ 5 CmH Weak. The buiiM of the court was light, then being no capital case*. A nnmber of trivial eaeee were disposed of. Coart adjourned on Tuesday overling. Tbs meeting et the Baptist shareh closed on Friday night. Dr. Blank wall preached a eerie* of slit*, impressive aermout and we trust that hie presence and minis trations were of great beuaflt to oar community. Rockingham people will always extend a cordial welcome to Dr. Blackwell. Appreciated Kladaam. Mia. Nelson Q. Terry returns bet heartfelt thanks to her neigh bors and friends who have render ed continued and unbounded kind ness to bar family daring the ill neaa and sfnc* the death of her husband. Her appreciation of these favors cannot be expressed in words, but the Father’s bless ing will abide with those who min ister to those in distress. A M Death. The little two year old child of Mr. and Mb. Toler (MU* Mattie Yetae) was drowned in a hole of water in their yard, at Haaty, last weak. The family had just arriv ed at their new home, and while unpacking their honaehold goods, the little child strolled into the yard and met ita untimely death. Had it been missed earlier, possi bly ita life might have been re stored. Teens OsnrssUss. The Democrats of the town as sembled in convention on Friday night la*, and Dominated the fol lowing ticket, without opposition, perfect harmony prevailing: Fob Kayos, Rev. W. J. Eulford. Fob ConmssroxBBa, W. N. Everett, M. L. Hinaoh,,H. B. Ledbetter, William L. Hteele, A. 8. Dockery. A STBONO TICKET. A On—lendahle Act. Several of our young gentlemen and young ladies will give an en tertainment in the Court House on the night of tire 9th of May. We fee) no hesitation inlaying in advance, that'it will be a grand affair. Besides this, the object, which is to raise funds to defray the ex penses of indigent Confederate veterans to the annual re-onion at Memphis, Tenn, especially com mends itself to everybody. “A Cheerful Liar/’Js the come dy whieh is to be rendered in three acta. Thera will be music, vocal and Instrumental. Our old friend, MaJ. Sulley, will have a part in the soeoee, and it goal without saying that, we shall have a first class entertainment. Jmrj Fee May Court. J. M. Bowden, R. B. Terry, Hamlet, D. A. Bruton, A. H. Mc Donald, M. C. Covington, B. M. Dawkine, T. B. Like, J. W Love, J. T. Bearn, Jno. 0. McKay, L. Weill, H. A. Kilkee, M. D. WU liame, O. A. Patrick, J. B. Gibeon, J. B. Little, B. 8. Ledbetter, J. D. Porter, D. M. Hay, A. M. Flo worn, W. D. McRae, J.C. Gardner, Angne McLean, J. A. Andrew*, B. I#. Webb, B. F. Heeler, J. A. Sullivan, J. A. Rueell, John A Id red, J. D. Young, W. 0. Kllerbe, Geo. P. Kntwiatle, J. C. Key, R. H. La Grand, W. W. Kllerbe, Jr. t»d tm. Waeh Long, J. C. Leak, T. J. Steele, A. C. McLeod, W. N. Kremit, W. P. Elerbe, A. B. Mc Leod, O. B. Ooodman, John A. Broach, L. C. Sharpe, John Mc Lean, John Mayner, H. B. lei better, R. 8. Ledbetter, Louie U. Smith, M. K. Oiheon, M. B. Smith, J. H. Learie, Few Or Wane Atoka**, end flne eyrwpe at J. R. Smith *. tL B, Curia T>ie U to inform my friendc that I am at work at my oid *taad taking in work every day. Look on* for '•ad.M non* week. B. 8. DAVIS. Mim Im belle Lampty died at Midway an the ttrd iaetent. Mat wwed* acaally pradac* cooL Wall done U heifer than well | Hamlet Department! w w > 9 t a t m ff Rain, rain, and cool weather premil* I*. O’Brien, nf Robert)*), was in Hamlet Wednesday < n bnaiuoa* Qlad to welcome Bill Sly hack into the Acid. Hia letter* are eu. joyed trery much. We are sorry that Mr. Wa Ting Fang could not visit longer in North Carolina. Ganrge Pinar left Friday for a few day* viait to relatitree in Wil mington and Burgnw, N. C. M. Robt. Warren oim! John Steen hare both been quite sick for aeveral day* with manatee. Mr*. L. H. Webb and eon* Clyde, riiited relatives at Rober del and Hamlet the past week. Mias M. C. Holt, of Rocking ham, visited ber *laterkMre. J. C. Medlin, Saturday and Sunday. T. F. Boyd continues to erect new dwellings and in a short time will have quite a town of his own. E. H. Moors and wife hern gone to Oxford where they make their fattire home. Oftr best wishes at tend them. Senator MeLanrin’s new-fangled Democracy may suit him all right but we prefer the same old time kind. That’s good enough for at*. J. W. Warren, of Huntsville, Yadkin county, is attending his brother Boltert’s business while he is sick. He has also decided to remain in Hamlet for a while. Albert Cowan, Charlotte, will eoon begin the erection of several dwellings on his lots in Hamlet. M. C. Freeman will have charge of the erection of the buildings. Hamlet believes in expansion as far as building is concerned. • Why don't some of the large oottou mill owners select Hamlet as a site for a large mill. We know of no better place for such an enterprise. With railroad facilities unsurpassed and a nice healthy location, Hamlet is an in viting field. We ate pleased to receive a ticket to the 8ixth Annual Exlii bitioo of tbs Richmond Art dab, which will be held in the Masonic Temple, Richmond, Va.9 embrac ing April 28rd to May trd, 1201. Mr. B. P. Johnson, the well known publisher, is president, and Mrs. B. Lorsine, sec. and tress. Many thanks fox ticket. Official AiBMacenHBt Teach ers K sociably. The Teachers’ Assembly will meet at Wrightavile Beach near Wilmington tbi* year on June 11th, to 19th, Inciuaive. The headquarters of the sseem will be at the Sea Shore Hotel. This hotel sod th# Ocean View Hotel arc very near the tossing wars* of “Grand Old Ocean’’ in fact th* wars* come within a few feet of both theee hotel* at hizh tide. Rates on tlie beach for board to members of the ammbly will be 91.90 per day. Persons wishing to stop in the city of Wilmington can go to and from th* beach for 26cents round trip ticket. Board at the Orton House in Wilmington at 93.00 per day. At other hotel* in th* city at 91.00 per day. Members of the Assembly will be given special rates on steam boat* down the rim, On this trip down the river many plsoee of historic interest will be assn. All person# who pare base the Assembly coupon tickets from tail mad agents will bt satttlsd to all Uw special rates and special privi leges that are given to bona fide teachers. In short all persona pure basin* tbs oodpon' ticket* besoms members of Ike Assembly. The tail road oonpon wilt he good to and from the beach one time; all other trips to sad from the city wllleoet SBoents. Hntarday will be reception day. A trip down the Cepe Mr river has been arranged Cor this day. A meet Interesting and attract ive programme has bean arranged. Am eng Urn persons on the pro gramme an soah man a* Governor Ajreoek and Jostles Waiter Clark. J. Allen Holt, 0. U. Mahans, Ptmldint. Bee. and Trans. Many thanks to pry sastnmses for their favosa of the past.—J. B. ftmllh Do jroo tak* the Headlight? If not. why not? The Graded School. Mr. Headlight: Yesterday afternoon while walk ing out in a peaceable and unof fending way. I waa approached by three persons, whoip I havo here tofore considered my friends, and who asked me if I waa in favor of Tub Gbjldsd School. I know that for many ages women have been classed with children and idiots, I don’t mind that so much but when it cornea to putting mo down with miaanthrupiu old bach elor* whoa* soul, like Vanoe’s cat fish, is ao “ehwank” it no longer peys poll tax, and narmw-miuded indivduals who are unwilling to light up the front of their houma lost tome ohance ray should guide a neighbor stumbling along in tbo dark, right then I rise to proteat. Because I want protection from firs is no proof that I am not er deutly in favor of the “Graded School. They might as well have asked if I were in favor of sun shine and rain for growing crops, or if I thought corn- would help bin bom, or if • good square meal would be of any great benefit to a starving man. Yes sir, Mr. Headlight, 1 am certainly in favor of a Graded School, not that it will bs of any grsat benefit to my Urge and lively family, be cause lean educate her myaslf,but because the Book is rana which says “none liveth, and do mnn dieth to himaolf." If L, In selfish folly, fear lest my children be in jured by being thrown into oon tset with others less fortunate than they in the thing* that make for this world’s show, then it's my Ant and last duty to to up lift, refine, elevate and educats these unfortunate ones that no human eye can see any difference between those who help and those who are helped. This town has been my homo for twenty years and we have not had a good school for any two cousacutive years in all that time, if tbs first year was •ucocsaful tbe ssoond became a disorganised drag. When our ohihlreii go away to higher schools end colleges, the teachers claim that they are i.css prepared for higher work than any others in the HLato. This is a disgrace to us, and ought not to h community?” When any one asks me that ques tion 1 begin to talk about the be nighted tribe* on the uortb-esst bank of the Congo. To have a permanent school we must taka it out of the hands of the man whose nnruly son was whipped, and the woman whose daughter boa only IT hearts on Iter bracelet, whereas; her desk-mate has 20, and tha pa rent* whoso children do ns they please at home and consequently must have obedience at a bitter price in the school room. Some object to the school, be cause t here must bo two, oue for each color. Well, Uncle Remus says " when yon puts a spellin’ book in a nigger's hand, right den you spile* a plow hand,” (his is true, as yet, but they are going to have the spelling I took and it be hooves us to control and apply that medium of education, it has been too long left in the hands of ignorant and prejudiced aliens. South Carolina does not always nutiMi a sole leader, but in her system of education she hss set sn example worty of tin* closest imi tation. A child may enter a kindor-garten across the liorder and go straight on advancing from one gmde to another until a diplo ma from the highest institution in the Htale means that South Carolina has given to that child the best gifts for mind and soul it ia in liar power to bestow. North Carolina is the third most illiter ate State in the union, doesn't that make you blush for shame? I hope, before I die, to see a well filled school house at every cross roads, a graded school iu every village, well-equipped and wall manned (and nomaued.) High schools and colleges all thro’ our land,—all so organised as to be part and parcel of one great Kdu cational System with the Univer sity at the top, dominating tho whole, just os the land of our com mon wealth slopes upward from the wind-etirmd sands of Hatters up to where Mitchell's Peak bears the name of one of her wisest sons. I hope to see all this before 1 die, and you voters must hurry up,! because 1 am already. An Old Lady. A letter Prom Milt Anstia. Ifulillalied by llaqant J Rockwell, Taxis, April Ord, 1901. Daniel Gay, Esq. My «le«r old friend and comrade I toceive your* of the And instant and vm truly glad to bear from you aud family. X know exactly how to lympathixe with yon. About two year* ago we were burn ed out and lost ovorythiug; juet gut out in time to save our own lire#, but that waa nothing to losings wife. On the 11th of January my wife foil uud broke her thigh. In two days afterwards ahe taken pneumonia and died on the 21st of January. W# had liv ed together for over 60 years, and ahe had been an invalid for IX years and I believe it hurt me worse to give her up than it would if it hod been in unr young days. 8h« was one of the best women that God ever gave to or tuuk from man. l One Hundred Dollars ruination of all the taxable proper ly in said town, and upon the poll of not lees than 80 cents nor mors than One Dollar and twenty cents, fort ho purpose of eatabl iehaug end maintaining a Graded School is ■nid town, pursuant to au sot of the General Assembly of 1801, en titled "An Act to Establish Graded Schools and Electric light System in the town of Rockingham, North Carolina." At the aame time there ehall al io he submitted to the qualified niters of said town tha quaetion aa U> whet tier or uot the Commission er* of said town shall iaaue bonds of said town to the amount of no* leaa than $8,000.00, nor more than $16,000.00, and annually levy a »peciul tax for the purpose of pay ing the interest ou ssia bonds and of creating a sinking fund to re deem the same, pursuant to the act of the General Assembly here inbefore mentioned. At the umn time there snail al to In submitted to the qualified voten of an id town the question is to whether or not the commission ers of ssid town shall iasua bond* to an amount not to exceed tbs sum of 116.000.00, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining aa Electric Light Byitem in said town, and annually levy a special tax for the purpose of paying the interest on suid bonds and creating a sink ing fund to redeem laid bonds aa the same shall booonia due, pur suant to the act of the General As sembly hereinbefore mentioned. W. N. Everett, Mayor. \V. L. Scales, Clmfc. On motion, it is ordered by the Board of Commiaaioaen of the town of Rockingham that the fore going order lie published fur thirty days in the Anglo-8auMi and the Richmond Comity Headlight. W. K. Everett, Mayor. \V. L. Scales, Clerk. Ppril 8rd, 1901. Bring your fun to E. 8. Davis at once, as tlw season will aooa close, and then, yoa'll be too lata. " - -!T?f —'ll Mill in i Ti i i ■ To begin FANCV A/v BEtf TWh ^ C0°DS' NOT'ON8, ^7 ^TS, fa„8 ER °OOOS. Tinsel Novelties orEvery Description. And numberless other staples that the market offords. All signs promise an extraordinary business year for 1901. An examination of the varied display to be found in onr building will prove a most convincing argument that we have the right goods at the right prioe. Our Heavy And Fancy Grocery Department is oomplete in all its details, giving to our customer* the privilege of choice among it* various line* of Canned Goods, Homo Vegetebles, and Tropical Fruitoi. All these we • • aell at the lowest living rate*, and deliver them, with all other purchase*, at/our homes, frae of oharge. With due appreciation of past favors, we trust that our devod . . , it interests of our customer* will guarantee a continued increase of business. # T. L. ovin bon & Oo. 0