<* par a4 w)ib wttk klip tka wktch hlir. Tka wan: «* uii I be rrl Tk« rUf TlO MI ___ M. I art ta coax* - «M at tbo Mrtheiar kaoara aa 8a ray1 •* dllowajr. Soofland. n o lataatad *° twuon a hall aUaebad to kaak ot tba cottasa. oaad aa a aa •** 1—HfMca raftaahnvcnl . aa* to traaafar tka Btn rallr. tfela to a oaw aod larger hall Ir. •■o ot mttaaa bundlua whir', i Ja*t kata aoaipiatad within the trowada affarhad ta tho aottaca. Tho *******W **t *k k tally. who Inhabit part ot tha eottajpa, Ian alao boas pro ***** *** ooaomModatlooa ta t^o oa.r WUI thua to I aa kr aa poaalhla to tu orlp hao baaa pat away |p earn. Mr. Tli ot Tuhlo. I»w «ke mu tar tku practice* The kurstac of corvMi had begin* tag I 1* 1MMM< a Buddhist priest. It U «***- karlac Im oriaitil at Bhla ! aka twetre baadrad mar* aco. ta lfiTfi I potlca ordera van laauil regelating 1 the praclioo of cremation. tad to-day , la tha aaTtroaa of Tokio alon* there , we acre* eramalorire. According to tka authority gnoted, crtnatloa la ae coaapUakad la Im Urn* la Japan than la other coumtrlae ta two or throe bourn the body la romptstely reduced I to cladmu, and that without the ell&M otior. Whareaa la ■aropaan eoua trio# there are eerea or eight elawo of fun oral a, there ara In Japan bet j O'1** Ik* prloee of ahloh ran*# as fob I loan: M.W. M-tfi. MH. 11.to and til i cent a. At Kioto and Osaka, aa wall u ta a number of other towns. It la estimated i that two*thln!a of tho*e who dl* from tatvclloua i.lreari# are cremated, and of other* two-llfihs. In ISM out of M*f?fi dead, fl.fiid were burled end 17.Md. or forty-Ira per oast cremated. ! —Philadelphia Record. "b »W Hunai Many. ,*• *■“**1 tabod*-* Ota Amu Wool nt iai ttottouia Mood Bala) la to MV j-.Ma, or Witt (in away lt.SOO IraauasuM ataottaM, ftoo. IB. B. B. wttl peytnvaly corn aU Maud aal sbia Iraablaa Jcaaa. aaacmo, ►arwlnn.ocawaa aaiiaf aana. Ucbiac hwnota. «Vlu1g> >uayU. bale carbwodta. Ikm ! «“,«*■ Aawtnalfca. saioarb, Mafactotn blood | IMlaaii. sffwilo* tkroat. bears and totals aa | ana^ostt palaftm. BB.A naWa tia blood pmrs aod rkk. hasdaosary sara ow arwpOen and U MilebaUdV, AUsa*, Ga. Doooaiba Irest M» «d hwa aadlr 1 sdrtec *trr» aatfl anted. «■ B. BL ovtaaaU. .Inys.-.lol-1 tbl laao to b_al BWda tadaa'. t nxlvtara aa da»> tan' Bara taunt. **•*?*■ to abandon! ia tba soulbmt toa(«fel tba BUia ManUia. *bs Oaootoai Dan a Ills Flaw da was of Grab Orrbaad Wafar aaa ns - uarlaaaad by toklac It to uaaU daaaa. and oa *«* tl toTabr’.j. snail doaaa ilismlaM tba •oeaoUeai of tbs asaanrh and bawafc. aad n •*0*0 Uon tn tbrtr Our eel result Woo. Tba daasaod far cojstloa in Dun ia waay , Ut«T- *« th* *»*l '»-t Ho* ars wasd at all soBfiwaa oaratoaotrs. I tab yarhp af Fanu Fiuua Dn aotoaa roars cards Una aay oUur dyo and ce>M bn batlar too. Brid>y in drattiata. Tin aaa ad acotylaaa abroad ia Tory tooab stay fOMrot tbaa It to to tbc Dai •w btatci. Tba toctaat km to tba csio wbe to acaiwd noal and rwaa kooal. A MmUi’i T«ti firttc U ywa tom Bbaanaflasa, onto ®y. Minor, Raofaa. Wla.. Bn 14*. for aim boltlaa of kW r Moat man b«M tbalr wlvan—»sm ! whan U oocvaa to « gam, of card* New England Women diirtitMlkhHi omM fohllo te»M«n. with a tm Mt MW that MM day othm woald raapln IimOw troth, Ml htaitty at fa roan wfcWk wa Wow va imaii, what >m» ' h to Meant. aad to iooHm Um <rUhh| Imdaraoa at tho of t root army at oar follow lilip o HollWl mm Wi How forint, rod oil error Aanrteo, It Lydto K. t^okboahvofotoblo Ganjaxnd polu l hOMO. Korlt, m4 Merit tloao. M rain thU. PAINFUL PBRIOOS. "I muA balp but M that It U ■rJiitfbfeMaiUlaf^i^vdta I>rv o« ik i *• Uy Itmklfwu nlalul icui'ilrw A v*. ' THE SABBATH SCHOOl INTERNATIONAL LEMON COMMENTS FOR APRIL IS. ■ r BO* tjttoW •• tb* tpoMlM to IMtodaMn 1UI, Jill tlwiry Tamm, LA. AA BAA m tta Baja Laaaau. M. 'Tba mm* day.' It i* auU tlx naanaeliix day, omnia/, Ua Lord’* da/. At reaming." TlxVkmta of tba day bad bam many aad utpnUaL but Mar. at tba atom of tlx do/, Jeau* appear* u all lb* diaaapW Ha would bar* appeared to tbam la tba naming bad they been an aaaiblad than. "Doom waca abut.’ Aad probably ballad. "Ear (war " Thera ta nothing Aa aba a that tba Jaw* dat gnad to waoaaat tba dxiiplaa. but bream* they bad pwl Chnel to death they had raaeon to fear that they migat ba tb* next ha tuna. "la tba midst- He evidently en txwd mlrmatouab la acrae X John •* fere to tba fart that tba daorw were abut ta a army ta tear* but little daabt that ba in lead* ta enemy tba lapevaaioo that Christ astered by Ilia raw pewar while they war* abut. "Peaea ba unto you." Ilia asual salutation aad benediction. May every blaming of beavm and earth which you need ba gran tad unto you. X. "Ha* ao aaid." Lug* makea aim tana of arwural thhwp that took pUea bn fan He aborred tbam Hi* hand* aad rid*. Bm chap. 34: ff7. 33. Harw wu am bow terrMed they wwrr. ewppoaing they had ■am a ipmt. All tbewe nrinrenou to tb* gnat dwkoulty with which tb* disciples morptrd tba Met of tba raauiiUmu ad Jane era grvm to strengthen our faith la tba foet/Tber* wwa aa eelnaeon among the duo plea ta ahow tbat Jaim via alive, bet they there arlvt« were eoarinord •garnet tbeir u-ilto, against tbeir prwja <bcm, againet tbeir expectation*. Ha than gently rrpmved thrrn by asking why they were troubled aad why they permitted aaxioue reasonrvc* aad -pwald-.-— to *ria*-du Lxir mind*. "f hawed wuto their.." The wound* wan probably all part rot,'y hmled, bat the eoarw remained. "Hta haade and Ha aide." Luka mew head* aad feaL. TVu leave* no dtmbL that Jewua Waa nailed ta the from and ml tied oat aa major ware, .tm tatd them ta bsodu Him (Labe 34: »). which they probably did. "Glad." Tbrr wet* terrMed *4 hrxL bat whan they knew Him they ware ibd. There to great lor la the reaurree txm far every am. "When they eaw " A axbt at Cbrtri wCl gladden the heart at e dieetpto at any tim*. It waa at this tiro* that He g*v* to them another proof that Ha waa 5a earn. Jaaua .ban they had hnewn. He tolled for food (Txilre 34: 41— f?) and did eat before them. Afterward tb* epvelJm railed attention to whet now •waned aa a proof af tbeir Lord'a rmir rwtieu. Acte u): 41. He ate before them. «•« hrruaer He bad need of food far the hoily bat because thty had need of faith for the aoul. Thera is * great mrwtery ia rouceit.au with Christ's reaurraction body. C imt WKWJUBI tu I That after His iwearrx Lon Ha bad a •Pifttoai body, tinnier to what our bodiaa Win be alter oar rwarreetkm. ». That He bad a body tba aama in substance aa btlor* tba ernciAxioc. bat endowed with new properties and power* *. The* Da baa a body tha mow in axhaUace and at tt'hotan aa Ua had before Die eeixlfllion. and that thU waa changed into Hi* gla> I two* rjeofraction body at the acecaaioa. H-, , "Hath amt Ale." At I waa aont to I Drooler* the teeth at tba Meet High, ard ; to concert sinner* to God. I eend *ou for »• erry nun* pwrpaae. t!olbed with au •hortty <utd influenced by tba (Joint. , **■ BrcaUwd on thrm.'4 Tntitnatin* by tbjt that they were to be made now j men; for in ttue act Ua arideotiy tUnded I to the creation of mu when God hrmt’icd ! mto Him tba breath of here and He he f*rne a lmn« xml "Rcceiee ye tba Hoy Ghoet. Out of Hie fujneet their mind* JJd heart* were to b* filled, aad tb®. th*T would _be prepared to carry oa tha work after H* bed left them a. “Ye remit.44 etc. 8m Harmed V«w aie*. Compare Matt. 1« U One thin* * certain, God only can fargir* eu>«; to diclarr ^anything eWe *r ' blaephe jiwfsa swarfs Jtmt, Ha moat tare tan* antborttatiea o« earth to wham, under Ux obdanee of the Holy Spirit, mild be •fxmitted tba daemon af all aaaationa aad taUraiotationa that would-trll MW«. They who be breed on tha Sen of God. ta tea* man re af tha prraebinr cl , the »poetic*, bad their cine remitted: and th«y who would not haliers were declared to lie a ad or toad ma nation. U. “Yhptnan” ThJ. was Hie Hebrew nMM, and Dvdymua Hi. Greek name; both meant “a twin." "We. not with them." TVs waa one o{ the principal •Wans af tha nnbnlirf of tbit apoatle. He chauM hare barn at hie post with the mat, then ho »riM hare era and heard Jw. and would bar* rocmeed th* blem 2* •»«~w*«a.nt that th* other* *• "E^ceyt I thall aa*.4' Tboo.ee would not better* the taetimoey of tha t*n ■fMMtlM. H» Im nmt utxnwvonaliU ud ahatuuni la Ua unbelief. •[ will not Ww't Than 1* ro certein that it ana ■at baao that ha 1. dtl*nafn«d not to ba jjjjjjjjd. m win not accept ordinary ,**- <*W* " Oa« wath from that time oa tha next Lord4* day night. w«r« n**t for r«Hfiou« worahip “4 **• Thames waa with tb..-; pcotwtiy dramged ta ba prnaent by wtmt tba other enaetlac had tnld him if"*' .J**®* will alnay^b* P'^l.wtG* U-m,who m«rt m Hit name. *f.. Hf«eh hitW. Onr Lord mac4.* htm in His wwn leagnaM. end thie wn* * grebuk* to Thome., J^rm. him that •bomAnet Dreamt, knew all tba anheVeW lbiot. be had Mid. Tbrre m widWncr inflk 14 w»u b» Will for TffTj <MM) to hmii •arii at aiM ta Tbomaa; let aa "aovs. faith In God. rTV*t* *~wnw< " Oetrwbohrwd »r*rt Ood. Tbomaa wat tba dm wha ■aea |ha tilt, af ffcd ta 7mb., Tba .law asm of Thome, to hrUrrn ooghl to ttiraatbew w ftltb. Tha diviu’r. wera motion* and a-crpird cubing that they did not know w%* founded on fact. 9- -And yet frar* b-litred." The ftlth p •horn a. would Ixrr fwen more ply ly ing to Cartel if ba had bettered at ones - jot a* raaaira tba laathnonr of I Hose who Kara ere* Him. rrmetnWrme that lh»r» tm peer line betels g. in state far th«M Wtm barn not seen ist yet hart be Hared. a IM>n ao O Wrpu. A tins hop la a wapou haa W» a woa dill on crr.utry road* for run It Mowed M If ihcro vu ao Halt to tka awount o' tinware tka pod dler could atom lato tka away opoa la*e aad 'aapkoarda'' la tho prcal haalltka rebMo. Bat fka kicpctn wap take the place af the old ttaefcap >n oa. Br Wpaao of ft, tkaafca te aalira laveattm. tka paddlar cap bow travel , aack wort pulufclp aad at tka aaroa Item bare kta warns on svklMrton. Tka now vrktele, kowonr. la polai of NMdtaiw. Is parkape better adapted to dtp me tkaa la tka raaatrp. Brtra.l la* karpoad tka kaedleken of tka ks cpsle la front aad baklad tka saddle la tka back. la a rad to aack aad of wklek Is toedaned a rkrlotoa oaa* ot •riraa. A* a* Bad daunt tka wtrra art ■ awwiMS kooks, to wklek tka serious aaekla* otaaalla am kuaa The whole ikipp h kat a eat k m eaatrtvaar* 10 1 tala trade, tor. ot mans. wear par tana Wtn bar fkat whlrh la kraaakl to 1 tkow. who haallata to teak H far lAsw d Haw Tar* toopr'wt Who raa tuto two waatoa aad ws* Ihrvwa trnm kw arkaal has tmlr. a mmsiIuu try pot "«■»>■» AIM Lua MAXAWAB. •aaacaags l*a OepUakat tba Ms MataawMaA Bus. nnat aaMn al IM Motleaal capital, ihrec«h VMM IM traiaa raw utM Iras Fit sSSSfgSggSS&ig Ala., aodVaitobuaaii. Ha. * 7‘ Tali mi —<■ —-y ~Tt *tmmm FlarUa aad HMmpallua United, aad tba Florida u4 Atiaata ha Kail Traiaa aHord lid tba only thro nab Ballad earrtno dally, ‘•nl^laa SaadayTTntwcw Saw York aid Florida, aad M U»a abonaai Uai batwaaa (MW [W>ta l a Tbaia leieotldly taodani traiaa of tba lao beard Air Liaa Hallway or rite at aad dapart float Peaaaylreala Railway Blatloue al Waebtestea, Dakimore, Ftllaleipltta aad Saw Tan, eerrylef Pellsoa'a aM Is pcand eaoipsaet, wdk neareelled dtmlee <a> aatrlta, ooapartsoni. drewlew-rocs aad obnartatten earn ft kaa Pallataa mt rlen Bn Ibis par waak each way from WaaAuMtoatolbat miehrated nwert, Ploe baiM. B a It hai tba abert ttaa to aad from Bithnaod. Norfolk, Pait*noetb, Halatab. aeautera riwaa Oolioahia. Hanneab. JaoksavUk Taspa aad Atiaata, aad Iba principal olus l»»«i tba ooaib aad Boat. It u ai«o too direct root# to Atko-a, Aawuataaad Mia a. la Atioota direct eonaioiiuaa ara isada la the Col-a BtaUoa foe i batlaeoowa, Nark nuo aad Bcspoto alao lor Maw Onraai aoil all polaa la Taiao, OallforoU aad Mil lie. la addition, 11 la Iba only Uaa operetta* tbrodub traiaa, aad rnlJmea ilsplaw oen bswaaa Atiaata aad Borfeik, where eoaaea> Uoci ara mada with tba Old DoaUun Btcataabip Ooapaay, ft„» Hew Tort, ibeM. A 11. T. t oapaar, from Doetoa and I'rorl datia, tba Norfolk A Vfa-Ala«ioo M stake at Company, from WaabloBteo. tbo Dnkdaora Steam hole Cos poor, from Caltimcra aad tba It. T. P. A M. nailway, tram Maw York aad FhUeiaipaia. Thro orb Pullman ears aim operated on Quick Ihbedolea batwaaa JackaourUla aad tk. L low, via MofitkmUo, end between Jack merlin led Haw Ortaaaw, In addltlau to throojrh trait* with BnBM Ohalr Cora be tween Berne mb bed Bootmwicry. Tba laaal Irate earrtae la Brit-eUsi with moal oooraelajt Mkrinlw. la fart tbo See board Air Llaa Hall way will tiebat ptMofin far bey polo r, aftirdiar tba Qnlaksl aatodulee, Baa* traiaa aad eml oomtertabir Mrrlra In I«W alia hooka, acid at Ait 00. ara wood two Wanbtartofi, D. R, over tba aeilre iya tem uf 3,Md milna, looiedfo* Florida “Tba grant trouble abrmt rontrl. many." aaya the Manaynnk Ptillono phar. “to that people taka aaeb otbai for what thay prat aad to be. Bad noi for whmt they arc." Nall—"Wbw Utcy coma bonk from thalr wcddlBf trip b« had If it In uit pocket" Boll*—"Ha olwoya wa clow!'' Wantage by Aaaaaamant. Marriage la admittedly elvapa a! haaard. bat la Barela It haa bean made tba baato of a naval variation oa iti uanal rnodaa of apacalatlom. Thar* ao rtal!** lor providing bonuaea oa mar ring* vara form ad, and Sourlahad to each aa extant aa to grantlr acctla rate tha aurriaga rate. Tha funda vara obtained on tba aaaaaamant a/a lam. and. aa many mambera vbo not a boaua aad a brido abruptly etopped their contribution*, tha aaplring cell bat* ambaertbora vbo vara lift fouad their obligation* Lncraulug more rap idly than la tba exparlance of nut married man. Otruaecjurotly liquida tion baa aal la aaaons tbaa* companlaa vlth great MTarlty. and tha boom In giatrtmoar la likely to be loUovad by a alump.—London Financial Naira. When It rain* cat* and cl oca tha optl | mlit la thankful that It lin t raining | monkey* and parrot*. \ No 'crop cube I grown * without Potash. Supply i tnoHgh Pot ash and your profits will be — large; without Potash your crop will be “scrubby.” itMl .. ■ - -T,, „ far all cram, an tr%o u al train. UXRJlAlt KALI WORKS. _ 03 Sa. New VorV. • “**> Bay to Nlm< BMteUli by Ua ksBy u» U State' Oapadlaa Sw<M>» ®«» Ut,l*fuiNtMill<n|iMM. U yaw in«U Aaaa at* tea* B aamd ta tor pataaua oa trtal batta. Hioaa Catalan Ob. BaWBh.S.O. wg*tofflg,M *• TLlr — ^ FRAGRANT &OZOPONT ■ MrfMt d«rrtJfrU« f*r Ik* Teeth mi Mouth aSMT-StaS: OCc Larja UQUffiate POWKK. Kc £9 At aU teoNa, ar by Uali for tko prtaa haula.wuckkum^o> rant MUM COCOS. . RAWLINBS SPOBTIRS [ GOODS COMPtHr. nouiBNic, rr. l«iki, AGENTS””* BrabarB Saab Loak and BraharB Baer NaWar Use CERTAIN ;H;'CURt.H W. L. DOUGLAS S8 & $8.60.8H0ES uJ!gg :S3S5S&'lSlffl3§i3SBS^ |W|M4» W. L. mm —!■>. ^ursr^sa »•» t$m i I |fi« mt dntw «ulwl«i Mis In *n<L lams. If bs«ossnsi Dims sml will mil rM l*# si f « j>su, ©rd*r ». L WIUU"ll>«. lit I ■>SEND HO 1QHEV 5=S.«g5 I iMSiU'i'iii wITlTTSS'WlIIIKI1 n■ ■*!luS? LION COFFEE A LUXURY WITHIN THU REAOH OP ALL! Wttoh *ur r***t Purity is kept up-* *» uikstmt Ucfciag —1 Constant Watching. %We have otir eye on the parity of LION COFFEE. It will always be kept up! Wa •ball kick if it isn't You win never need to v**k if I you uao Lm Coffee ss~2= Lien Coffee + . » la *«uy pactafa o# UM WRI yon wffl dud a /ally Uhmtrated ui descriptive u»c No bon*.keeper in boy or girt eimkll to tod la the list locae article which w!U contribute to thefrhappfoi— »ce, and which they aay have by elm ply cutting out a certain number el Lion Heed* (nan oe pound eaalod perlragee (which la the only form in which this oodee la void), wmloom snea ce^ toudo, qwo.' DYSPEPSIA ; | —« —»>»—.*.7 Itollm — I For All Pains. I Cvrw* Hu iioi'lMn, XtnriUflau fWl mb ‘ for HmlM« ^urana. Ifi'iu d'a'ftrdoe’l iWilt.nidlSetata: w« dcUvir to mmA* |dr«* Adir*M t TUE ALLKiATOH IJHI1II1T CO.. , rnABLNMTO.t, •*. |i. I DROP8YS.Wi«s wrmm. —.ML*. MUTl NW. Im ». Mkto. to. "n.iu«iiu..iiwi«rii.itoni^ HlclLHENNY'8 TABASCO. Worms CASCARETS tre a sure cure for tape worms and those other pests of worms that make the lives of children and their mothers miserable. Amcvartety of parasites that live In the Ituman stomach or bowels, and feed on the substance which should properly nourish the body, are dislodged by Cascarets Candy Cathartic, and expelled One or two tablets usually drive them obt, and persistent use Is sure to do away with the unwelcome Intruders Many children and older people suffer frbm worms without knowing II, and get thin and weak, although their appetite is good. The best way to find out Is to take Cascarets. Never accept a substitute! THE TABLET

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