i ■a i if i. i. u 14 IU.U, THE HEADLIGHT. | V.I PN'BSDAY MAY 1. in. a - ' ? — * * .r*_* u*-vr 'Wlkaiaptim b final lap on atrawber tin. W. CwbjQB, of Ua, b on a iWl •abb (dimly. IW. Mohaalt, at Hanlrt, ana la oar loan oa Friday. Tbo hra Dm rirar vaaoa a boom hd work Mp freshet. Senator task, at Vadaalnret, apeal Friday hi oar loan. H. W. UarroU,of BraactUriUr, apaat Friday la oar turn a. lha aropo of imaU grain air reported to bn polar promising MbaenMaadr aad Xoanic Croaiaad _..()*« C. Dnokrry, at Poll ton, aprot Mdaday Jriah kb family. Marahdll Diaefcary apnt Sunday aad Monday wbh kb family. Mbs Mala' Hkamboipar b aoArrinif 8. B. Smith atm to bnt Um beator «|tii(adlmUypwcib\ Ml- Bellto Smith altowded PrcsOy toytlUwMiaf Itoxnk JohtuP. ddiM attended Prosby Utj m UtorlhShrgJltti week. U.I4M has aaoepttd a busiaeos «PW>»oI ft IfeColl, 8. C. , Baleigh, sprat Thursday sight (a BoaUngham. M. H. Fttwlbrs, ths hustling shot ms, spout Sunday with kis family. Joss Boggsu has hssu appointed postmaster at ft* D**, Issus cotin tj. Kick lamp, of Thetuasrilk, On., it Tailing lulatlTss hi aad around town. 1. M. Fold, of Hatalst, was ham on Msnday taking sabsoriptioos fora book. The snmoscr term of the Cnirenlty ashool for tewahsis will opca June ths mi ; Bnrgao Lika, who has been quite 111, b out again aad pushing the bosk busl Bee. W. J. Folfotd esudueted are Tiesssi Us lkpsat short* Sunday might/ W.l. Mlrfwtin, Jr., ha* bean elect ed eoperbUeadent of tbo Wadcehora eaMtattl. J. Mflmjtb Waa hwiy leader at low |Hiii aad oaa supply any want of the Tnemg will giro you new bee la, C. 8. Blackwell, D.baa de gfed to i*mala with kie Wilmington eTWblf fit, la aow k (M W4e» Brne. wham ba wfll be glad . | j» hara Ua friends call on him. • „ Urr. fy.- %. Ortnrac preached the oadrmy, Caiea scanty, last Boaday: Terry, who waa hem at of Denial Terry, relumed to la WttmWgtea <x» Monday who was badly aarapa a few da ye to Mam, h doing ooad oetad Baa way in the Drug C. to term ■ an — wwi'ii itr an, aaye the will moee of Tatboro, far a In i «..i ii .1 -iLt-mi-Ji-1 I>mW Terry. Dauk, u he rrM familiarly known in his younger days, died at Ragnettsarillc, and was buried in dbekiughara, last Friday, ife •dfved in the Cuban wwr, and has been ill at a hospital, in 8«v*u nah, for several mouths. About a week before hia death, he untfc'r tuok, like a loving pbild, to make his way to hia pld child-home, to get one more light and one more kies front hia t&ur old mother, but Uod saw At to take him array, al most in sight uf the dear old home. Thao too, he cloned hia eyes in death before his fond wife could give a parting kiss. Death, atany time, end under all circumstances, castsa gkmm over the home of be reared ones, and leaves a lonely, vacant chair; bat in this case, all the environments were calculated to intousify grief in the family cirels, and culatge the sympathy of lifo-huig friends. They hare lain him away, dust to dust aud earth to earth, to await the resur rection mom; and while aympa tldsiog friends mingle their tears *tth the loving bereaved, all are, encouraged to hope that they may m^t again, where all is Joy and peace and love—where sickness and death are .never knuwn, and storm clouds never rise. Confederate Kntertaiuueeot. Don't forget the entertainment to be given fur the benefit of the old Confederate soldiers. From what we cau learn, an immense crowd will attend, The cause is a very commendable one, and there is efeiy aasnmnce that the enter tainment will be nnneually at tractive. Lai everybody come out, and let those -who cannot come, send in and boy a ticket, and help that much, to enable three good old soldiers to meet their com rades ou this aide of the river. Some who meet at the re-union, will never moet again until the resurrection reveille shall awake the sleeping dead who di«l in de fense of Southern manhood. Who would not give 26 cent* to such a cause. Remember the date, Hay the'9th, 8 p. m. tic bool BitwtaiaaKit. The exercises of the public school No. 1, of Rockingham township, taught by Miaa Nellie Arntitmmd and Mm. 0. H. < Cols, will-close with a free ' public en tertainment in the court house on Thursday night, May 2nd. At the conclusion of the cliildren’a ezereiees an addiyias will deliv ered by Hon. Cameron Morrieon. Thaas ladioa hare bapu seriously interrupted in preparing' for this entertainment by meealaa among the children, but we guarantee to the audience, a moat interesting occasion. Give the children a crowded house. Railroad Mu’ll Prayer. An old nil rood man, having boon converted, waa uked to lead in pzayar. The following wu tho response: “O lord, now that 1 have flagged thee, lift up my feet from the rough road of life and plant them aefely on the deelc of the train of miration. Let me oae the aafety lamp known aa pru dence, make all the coupling* in the train with tho strong link of thy lore and let my hand lamp lie tho Bible, and, heavenly Bather, keep all the switches closed that land off the sidings, especially thoa* With a blind end. ' 0 Lord if it be tby pleasure, hare ovary semaphore block along the line show the. white line of hope that { Aiay mpfce the ran of life* without Mapping. And; Lord, gidens the tin Commandments for 4 so bed ale, and When I hare finished Urn ran on schedule time and palled into the gnat dark station of deals may thoa, the Superinten dent of UA aa brans, say, "Wall dMMp'ihfli |oo4 mod nr rant; some and sign the pay mil and receive ytmr cheek for eternal happlaam.”—Bailroml Qemits. OUektat aa4 Egg*. | |Hamlet Department? Un. M. J. Obrien U visiting George JL Freeman and wife this week. Colon O'Brien and J. W. Culber acu visited Hamlet Bondar.. Yota fur the Graded school. Don't neglect. W. T. Rusher returned from a trip to Salabnry Sunday. It was indeed a pleasure to hare a visit from that veteran factory | n»*n and patriot, George War bur ton Sunday. Mr. Warhurton is the same sterling Democrat as of old and his heart is brim full of love for his fellow working man. May ilia shadow never grow lees. George Freeman was in Hamlet Sunday. Tom Cooper is moving his dbd-il lery from lie* goat farm to Ham let, having rented the former site T. F. Boyd’s distillery. Where is the mad suitable place for a distillery—out in the sand hilla, where scarcely any one lives or in a live, hustling town, whore it is right in sight of your door. , Listening to ■ conversation between Mr. George Warburton and llr. George Freeman relative to the remakable growth of Ham let. They told of a conversation they had several yean agu at the old Hamlet woolen mills where they predicted that in ten yenn Hamlet would be quite a large town and a railroad center. At that time there wee only two or three houses at the place and land could lie bought for almost noth ing. in fact Mr. Freeman Iwught quite a quantity at thirty six cents per acre, and only a short wh:le ago sold a building lot of tlisaame ground for 922G.00, end could soil it all at such prices. Mr. Free man predict* that in HO yean from now this will be quite a city, with factory* of different kinds, alec trio can and so on. Who knows but It will be as true as his and MryWarburton’s predictions some eighteen yean ago. The late Johu Shortridge in his life time, end be ia the first one to svor come to Hamlet and give the plain its name Urbeh he built his woolen JfUtttore, said before hie death Vthe whistles of tlio engine* be heard orery hour in the day before ninny years at Hamlet, i Verily that prohecy has cornu true. And at the present rate that build ings are going up it will ere long be a city. Kow ia the time for some cotton mill men to strike a beautiful location, a healthy town for the operatives, good lielp of our own countrymen in an abun dance. Whv nor oomc on with your mills? Glad that the president of the Rattlers Club of Roberdel has struck a profitable buainees, but surely he don’t intend te give the presidency for he is uudoubtably ths best qualified min in that community for the position,and improves ss the yearn roll by. Saar, Roebuck A Co’s agent should come this way prhahly he would dispose of some hie wares. A Democratic town convention was held in Hamlet Thursday evening. M. C. Freeman was nominated for mayor; T. F. Boyd, D. S. Rico, J. M. Jamison, M. D. McDonald and Dr. Kinsman for commissioner*. A good ticket. Lets all vote for them and tbs graded school. Notice of Election’, Ilf THK TCWK OF HAMLET. Porauant to an act of the Gen eral Aaeembly of 1901, an election will be held in the tovn of Hamlet on Taeaday the 7th day of May, 1901, at which time the qanetion ae to whether or not the Board, of Cammieetooen of the town of Hamlet ohaU lory* ipeeial tax of 99 eenfa oatbe one handred deV lam ralaatkm of all taxable prop erty la aald town, and 79 eenta oo the poll, for yobbo aekooi par WMM, and whether or not aald Coflimieeionem aball lama bocdo to the aawaatof 99000,00 for the motion of pebllo aohool baJIdioaa laoald Iowa and lorwaapoeial Ux of 9 oewta oo the MmfiO raJoation of oil taxable property to raid torn and 19 oanto oo tbo poll for too faad lento* the not. By order ef the Baord ef Com ■tollman of tbo ton of Head** 0. Mr BA IB, Mayor. B. ». HBBTBB, 0Mb April tod, 1901. mto e «*eet e« - ~ , — , - * . - ; , DnywUicotho Hoad light? If adt, why not? , Liable to LeaM The “Family Stocking’1® is liable to laak. Put your 81'RPLl'S UOLt-VRA. | The Richnoad County I Savings Bank^J Rockingham, If allowed to remain t^^w® will eiarn you other dollars. H Money hidden sway ut II home, or carried aliout the I person is dead money. We pay 8 PBft CENT. 11 per annum on all sums not I ] less titan Five Dollars if I allowed to remain four I months. Interest com- I pounded three times a tear L| Deposits • may be with- I drawn without notice or I nudsa formality. ... ®| Hank open Saturday after- I noon from 4 to 0 o’clock. I —OPMCEBS c— W. L. Psasoss. Pnwldcnt. Bicycles Repaired 1 BYW.R. SIKES. 1 am in a position to repair your Bicycles at the shortest notice, at prices loser than you have hean ‘ tn tha habit of paying. While I atn doing .this I can aril you, vary cheap, all kinds of Canned Goods, Fruits, ate., and you can be eat ing while I am working. Give me a call. _UBE Don’t Fotget That I want old iron, old brawt Ac., such as scrap iron wagon axle trees, buggy springs, and all kinds of old iron, except pots and store plates. Also all kinds of old rubber shoos, old brass aud old bones. 1. will pay fair prices for anything in the above line, delivered at mg place of business. HENRY RAJ LEY, Roeklngliam, N. C, - --- TO BEGIN 1 THE NTIETH CENTURY .... ...— -------...---- ----- -__ We an Witk the Meat Extensive and Tempting Line at FANCY 8, NOTIONS, LEATHER j GOODS, t—BELTS, FANS, I Novelties of Every Description. mmberless other staples that the market o fiord*. All signs promise an extraordinary business * 1001. An examination of the varied display to be in our building will prove a most oonyincing ent thgt we have the right goods at the right Our Heavy And Fancy Grocery Department f m complete in all details, giving to our customer* the privilege of choice among its various lines Of Gs^Pm*^ Ocods, Homo Vegetables, and Tropical Fruits. All these we sell .aft the lowest |Bving rates, and deliver them, with all other purchase*, at jf ©nr' homes, free of ohsrgS. ?!■&*» «Kl# appreciation of past favor*, we trust th*t our der|*lon to t'\ i ' interests of eur guarantee a continued increase of business. \ T Mi. Covington <Sc Co. - 1| Bennett8viUe-Dillon Marble Works, I J. W. NcELWBX Proprietor. ;■ Mainaalt, Tibs tram, Tablets, Eta, y Bennettovllle, 8. O. ' ’Phono No 95. handle Italian and American Marble*. Designs furnished on application sither from our agents or office. All work first-class) and up-to-date in style. Be aurv and get our price* before placing wur orders.. Repre sented in Richmond and Scotland counties g- by L. A. PATRICK. Bee him, or write him. | Keep otfully, J. W. MiELWEE, Proprietor, 1 W. W. TATE, Manager. I .. "" " ' '■ |iring Away Goods is not sxactly what I propone to ilu, but I do agree to •ell you anything in my fine just ns cheap as snyimdy I can sail good* of tame qnality. 1 now have a nioe lot of up-tu^lata Saddle*, Bridle*, llnrnre«. Ac., just re ceived, for QUICK SALES, on short margin. "First come flrat served" is uiy rule, and no exception* will be made in your case. Early customers will fare beet. air Shop, f f f i Slines repaired at all times on the shortest notice. Full int infection gurantoed. E. S. Davis. Bring me your hides. Quod prices offered. > OjLOA 1-STOP 1 1 know vou are hunting for Bargains in Bacon, Flour, Canned Goods, or Fruits, and if 5*ou are, my store is the place to , get them—at least, this is what the peo i pie say. Others have gone away rejoic ing again and again, and you can do likewise. One price to all and the most goods for the least money is our motto. Yours truly, 8. B. SMITH. W. M. KELLY, ATTORXFY-AT-LAW. ockingliam, N. C. «\ur PurUr** 8U»nv Orleans molnssea, and * flue at J. B. Smith’s. J. T. it J. W. LeGRANP, ArrotuciTe-AT-Lav, Ruck Ingham, N. O Prompt attention given to all lav mattera One member ol firm always In tbs oCh over Biggs' drug store. Take The Headlight. I ■»t tlK) earn* time there shall al so •> submitted to the qualified voAraof said town tbs question as to Abet her or not the Coro missies era I of said town ahall issue bonds of Aid town to the amount of bot lemlthan #6,000.00, nor more than 1161000.00, and annually levy a special tax fur th? purpose of pay ing it be interest on said I Kinds and of •'lea ting a sinking fund to rw deeill the same, pursuant to tha dot (ftf the General Assembly here inbtlforu mentioned. Al tho same time there shall al so lie subinitled to the qu&liAsd v..tA»of said tow n the questsoet as to wfflvelber or not the commission ers Jif said town shall issue bonds to An amount not to exceed the sum iof 116,000.00, fur the purpose of electing and maintaining an Eleofric Light Bystem In aaid town, and Annually levy a special tax for tho Aurpoee of paring the interest on staid bonds and onmtiug a sink ing fund to redeem aaid bunds as the name shall become due, pur suant! to the act of the General As sembly hereinbefore mentioned. I W. N. Everett, Mayor. I \V. L. Beales, Clark. On motion, it is ordered hr thaf Boari of Cnmmissionnrs of Ik' town >f Rockingham that the fem ■, going order be published for thirty uays : u tho Anglo-Bax00 sad the Richi toad Comity RsadRgBf. W. N Everett, Mayor. I W. L. Scolcgj.CledL Ppitl 8rd, UM1. Bril { your fur* Xa ^ P., Daria ' at on 0, aa tha Maau^tfilj.^aoril olofo, »nd than, you'll too lata.

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