THE HEADLIGHT. W>-D.;£9PAY MAY 8. 1631. anw- -B-wnae-uj_—. ^- -j MjA Ittyr iiol mi riiit to Charlotte. Mlaa Oaitj Baldwin ia ranting her la tall ran ban:. Mr. Diektnaon aptat Sunday with liMa in town. A. 9. DocAery ha* re tamed from a rialt to Sparlailbarg 8' C. M. D. McDonald of Hamlet apent Monday in Rockingham Dr. K. S. Cole, after • ritit to Spnr taatmig ia at home again. Mta. W. 0. Lank la expected to' r* tnrn front Spartanburg today. D. r. Obrien tX-Uat) apent a few henna in our vmra on Monday. Mra. A. M. MaAaaly iaeriaUirtg hrr daughter, Mra. Page of Biaooe. Miaa Eva Patrick ia viaiting her aia tcr. Mra. Uathrie, at Charlotte. Mia* Katie Bloc of Aberdeen ia a Tutor at the home of C. M. Uobba. Mia. Dr. Covingtoa ia on a rtail to Charlotte to attend the nioaieal forti vaL Miaa Coll la a, of the Hues Racket laat haading the aaaaieal feat nr al at Char, lotto. M. C. Freeman waa elected mayor of rmmlet—euugaa totaling the may or and people. W. D. Mef aarin. aha riff of Sentland eouaty. apent Monday night in Uoek* Utde innate Page, apent Saturday and Sunday with Mix. C. U. llobba and family. L- Meinoehi in. one of Ike Head light r^r^x! frieuda, of Scotland, waa Dr. J. M. Covington, Jr., of Wades boro, UMBt Sudsy With his parents, iu Buckingham. _*•“* '***>“> of Cnvtngtoo, was shaking hand* with friend* In town test Sstnniaj. Booent IranrrrtemeuU to the railroad tnnk at the depot will eause it to fir* bettor terr lee. A. D. Stott*, now of Afcrmarle.ipeat SKSsAit"-* ■* m Kfs. H. 0. W*U and daughter, Mia* Annie, hare returned from aa ox tend ed visit to Florida. Ml** Wahem, the ramie teacher at Coviagton passed through Ueeti..te~ on her way to Charlotte. Arthur Blake and Ml** Wa Larapley ware married at fordoes Mat Sunday, Her. TV. C. WebbofR: Lstlug. Miat Bert Baldwin’* sehool haring closed she will bu with her Qoeklng hunt friends fo* a short while. Cap*. W. E. Ciesland returned to Xaleigh in Monday to attend a meet ing of the pewitrodary board. Wa huso roeetred a large another of subscriptions during the Lul ten weeks for whuh we si* eaacadiagty thankful. Ihaall grain asm are growing nleoly and promise sn abundant harvest, it b a pUy that the acreage I* not greater. JL O. Terry and 8.1). Whltiook were Tbs May term of the superior court will convene Monday the XHh. It I* a two weeks term, but will nut likely last: that long. Late cotton I* coming op nicely but tbs early planted did not do *o well Tbctwacd* of sore* wen plowed op ar.d planted again. Walter S. Thomas, resistor of deed*, spout last Saturday and Sunday with Ha home friends, taking la ike EUerbv Springs pto-ul*. Hamlet voted for Graded school by a vote ef m against M. Not being a majnriyjof ^gutorod veto*, the Grided B. L. Steele and J. W. Covington are arranging toe root a brick building for the new bank on the lot adjoining the W. A. McDonald store. Dv. DuM B. MaVeili, Brntwwick, 1M lam Watfnaaday night. Ha waa a jnntaMliMUiUa tounir. Ha waa ,C«wW. Hunily waatwiadlad out tfaa Vfadoaboao Courier. Manarn. FnhaaMn and Util*. tha hoa JJdMd agaul* of the tkm Life Inaoruc* Co. nra waiting on the people of Book Iwgham and aarroutadiag country. .A- W. Porter hnuwaall ymirwaate in the family and on ths farm, from a plow bolt to a two home wagon or mow ing nmahtoa, priaa* ahrayamtiafaetory. TBt BgwU Hard war* Company hat • he moaroontplolo of anodi w# hare *r*r men Inn country ■tor*. Tfcla. hone* can rrory want in M*Mno.| The Coring Inn Acad am j. W. V. be Hna, ptiaMpal, will atom It* wiring trnnt rth a mnriaal awiaart on Friday nifto, aand noted by lb* aaeotnpUahod amnia Mother. Him Walter* Him Baaai* Srrratt of Boehljighant auad of B. C. rataraut at MM anion. ' Tho Hand light Jab adBaa bn* raaantla rifled In artiaUa^ttyi*. lyaite a awjw poatata. antanaanatiamt in* Matron •M. la* nan* ft ai* alwaya niiad with nantaam and dlayatab. -25? «r»Mf*ily aaltnowl adm* tb* maagtioo of aa InrltaUoo to mrriare of Oak dnl VtiS ' tJMf —i an Tov.n' nectioa. . The election paw'd off qujietly yesterday. Thom waa bn* one •icket, which waa elected b»p an overwhelming majority. The newly elected team c are: Mayor, Rev. W. J. Commissioner*. W. N. Ev W. Little Steele. M. L. Hi T. C. Leak. Jr.. H. 8. J.edfc We wish wo had ipocc to eo upon the retiring and in officen. All are good meat the new adminiatratiou wijl j a.ofe and wive. f The retiring mayor hiNmit every retponeihility brjvelygfvi*e ly and impartially, aud the town ia fortunate iu having hia further aorvinea iujkuolber capacity. The new mapr will meet the moat sanguine expectation of hie constituent*, and with the rapport of hia board and constituents, give ne an exoellent adminiatratlon. County Sanitary Board. This board consist* of the Board at County Commissioners and two physician* ; one appointed hy the commissioners, and tire other by the mayor of the town. Dr. Tom Steele nat appointed by the com missioners, and Dr. John M. Stsn sill, by the mayor of Rockingham. At II :00 a. m. this board mot In session and elected Dr. W. V. Webb Cunnty Superintendent of Health for a term of two ycara, at a salary of $200,00 per unnum. for poet mortem examinations be baa an extra fee of $10.00, and for visits to smallpox patients, $5.00 a visit, with CO cents per mile for distance traveled. The Headlight oongretolstea Dr. Webb on his election to this hon< r jblc and re sponsible position bnlieviug that he will be in every way equal to the demands that may be upon his service*. Don’t Forget The Cheerful Liar, Thursday night. This company has shown itself-in its rehearsals ss possess ing distinguished talent, and the people con expect a most agreeable entertainment. Remember too, the cause for which it has been gotten up, and let everybody buy a ticket, so that ho can feel that he has contributed something to aid these poor old soldiers is an 'meiryotTsoe'vrit]^ limr'lcaa ~sJemma and wooden legs are the men who gave those missing members in defence of Southern rights sud Southern womanhood. ^Hamlet Department * »'*f * U IW'W»v4 J. B. Lilea baa beeu quite lick with measles for several days. Hr. Coming leaves this week for • visit to hie home in British Columbia. Mr. Hendsrsou, of Aberdoon, a northern man will soon start a poultry yard here, we are inform ed. Kov. Reb Leak, of Rockingham, assisted Revs. Qlenn snd Thomp son in the revival at the M. E. church on Saturday snd Sunday. Meeasa. lackey, Boyd, and the town are having a bridge built di rect from the new station across towards Mr. Lackey's new watu bouao. Elder Joe Kind of tho Second Advent church, Wilmington, X. 0. and his daughter are visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Baldwin, of Hamlet. Mr. King preached it the Baptist church Sunday nven ing. Cooper • distillery will soon be] in operation. We notice Mr. Stephen Pankey, lain of Mineral Springe township, will be associ ated with bins as gusger. He nerd to be* prominent figure in the old Radical {NUty of the Springs. Chief of Police C. C. Smith arrested one Den Brooks, who has been ben einan December, from a description sent him by the sheriff of Jackson county, Oa. He con fined him in the guard house Thursday and wind the sheriff that be had bugged h's game. On the Atlanta train Saturday aborn ing Sheriff (heron», of Jackson county, earns for farm, but alas, the bird hud flown on Friday night. Boumooe had slipped him some tools and he bored hie way on* louring the toole behind, and the sheriff failed to grt Mm. He tens wanted for burglary. He daunted his wife and ebUdren and sums hem with another women whom he hue been Bring with as hie wife stem he same hem. BvcfTtfalajc New this Wesson. Tbs New Orlewn Minstrels gave a performance iu their canras theater at the corner of Fourth and Court street* last night. The tent was packed ond many were turned away because there wu* no ] more room. Tlieido* of present ing a minstrel performance under {canras is quite original, and judg ing from the crowd last night vra judge it that it is a paring venture. The tent is arranged with stago scenery aud curtains the same as a opera house. The performance a* ft whole was muritorious. The saying* and grigs wets all very good, as wall os the choruses, brill ad* and otliar sing , ing. The Orchestra was also good. ' In the olio the male electrical (dance, the “Bluck Eighth regi ment," the terpeichorcau artist ond "Pastimes of the Levee” were amusing, and the rip-roaring farm presented as a finale was a highly ludicrous aud mirth-pro voking piece of extravagance. Memphis CommnrciaTAppeal. This company will appear here May tho UHh. Liable to Leak. The “Family Stockiug" U liable to link. Put yonr SUBPLIH DOLLARS. -IN The Richmond County Savings Bank, Rockingham, N. C. If allowed to remain thoy will earn yon other dollar*. Money hidden away at home, or carried about the permou ia dead money. Wo pay 8 PER CENT. }v>r annum an all eumi not earn than Pirn Dollar* if allowed to remain four mouth*. Internet com pounded three time* a year Depoeite may be with drawn without notice or undue formality. Bank open Saturday after noon from 4 to 0 o'clock. -OFFICERS:— It. L. Vabbosi*, PrwUrtrnt. IV. L. Sojalb*. Caahior. A. S. DOCKERY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ROCKINGHAM^ N. C. J. T. A J. W. LkGRAND, Att©»n», Hook Ingham, S, C, Prompt *1101111011 given to *11 l*vr maitrr*. Oue member of firm always in the office over Bigg*' dm* I tore. W. M. KELLY, ATTORN FY-AT-LAW. Rockingham, N, C. Office ovor Portent Store. MORRISON A WHITOCK Atto«k*tii-At-Law, AkD MAI *»AT* AC1*NTS, Rockingham, N. C. PitoxaW. Watches—Different Grades. Elgin and Waltham a specialty. Solid Gold Ring*, plain and fancy Chain*. Boorf-plna, Cuff Button*. Shirt Stadds. Machine Needle* Ac. Tested Kye Glasses. W. S. KOWLKES, Practical Watch Maker A Jeweler. At My Old Stand. I beg to inform my oldj custom era and the general public that I have rebuilt my shop and am at work ag.-iin. Work is coming in every day, but I’ll do your* too. Ed Terry. Your Banking? No matter how small, no matter how large, . THE BANK OP PEE DEE, BOOKIHOHAM, Jt. C. will give it caroful atten tion. In addition to onr Fire-proof Vault and Burglar-proof Hafe, we carry a policy of Insur ant*) against Burglary and day time robbery. We offer the facilities of swell managed and a well equipped Bank. OmCKjW; T. O LEAK, l*»iarn»i. W. L. r A aeons, C.onaa . -Come to the Big Clothing Sale at Williams & Hinson’s. Oitng to till) heavy purchaRiis of Spring Clothing and to the into anil void Rpring wo have decider) that we are ovor-stocked and to unload tliia mammoth stock of yPRINU CI.OTIIING we will niako A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Everybody knows when wo advertise cut prices that we mean what we say. You cannot afford to ruisa this opportunity as this will be the Cheajwst lot of Clothing in the Svwte. Gent’s Furnishing Goods Complete and Prices Cheaper than Anybody. _Shoes For Everybody oi Almost any Style and Prices Way Down._ Ladies’ Shirt Waists from 26c to $3 43. Dross goods for all the ladies. Good styles and low prices. Trimmings to match. White goods almost any style. ♦ Ask to See Our Special Line of Mens’ Dress Shirts. dozen QI4-yiQ ■* « » TTQ 4-q carried over. Were worth * to so. wiii OUaw -CLct Uo be sol<1 ttt 10 cents eRcli | BIG LOT HEAVY WEIGHT COUNTERPANES; Regular price $1.26, will he sold at 85 conta as long as thoy last. Everybody should look after their own interests*, and if so, you will look through our stock aiid when you hoar the prices you will readily buy what you .want. I RKSPKCTKLLLY. =T' WILLIAMS & HINSON. ’PHONE 59. P. s. \X© Handle the Thompson Glove Fitting: Comet. , ^ r v Tinsel Novelties of Every Description. And numberless other staples that the market offords. All signs promise an extraordinary business year for 1901. - An examination of the varied display to bo found in our building will prove a most convincing argument that we have the right goods at the right price. Our Heavy And Fancy Grocery Department ,4b complete in all ita details, givinj to our customers the privilege of choice among iu j various line* of Canned Grods, Home Vegetables, and Tropical Fruits. AH these we sell at the lowest living rates, and deliver them, with all other purchases, at your homes, ifree of charge. With due appreciation of past favors, we trust that our devotion to t!i > interests of our customers will guarantee a continued increase of business. TL Coving-ton & Co j

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