to tto twTttorr udr Oa m« 4ar» tto Mere to report to tto «•* *• to* ooly aoo-tolf to tto totoy Mto «0tr a UM; ami toL0toSt>=r a .fata, aattl tto ttoo of too. ttoo ohokL drHap tto "to. tot toreotlre Tootor will tore to lareot o prcaMretal aatorea too to tore op «ttk tto t tolwam ttotoy an 4 great oa tto dltoraoc. cOetar aad a aiarrtod ^ I 9m m r j"1 amt aat ke»p K md h tor •• tmi Wula. Bun Ctomcaa “-‘ C. tnfl'amltia btUawepde. MiUn iflflg&afsj ' »— *"■ •Zxr&rig'" *-'*-***" Carman chan leu bare at last pro. dated a lyathcllc Indigo which la upld^ dUplaeUic lha vagetabla pro duet of Ua plaatar* la India, and the Rraraaicat of Bengal haa dayman .00* rapcaa to ba apaot ta the la* pnjrmaant at lto ladtgo laduntry. to that the Plan tore may compete, on tarrna at leant, with the Uenaan labormtorlea. —Tomaur -Pop, what are Cataa prophaur Tommy‘a Pop— My aoa. yon are too room* ta appreciate the ptoepectua at a mining company. ■ ////If flkT/ Tiff / Ajfi V » § [ £j AH imrwr ct extravagant sxpreaslona are poeslblo when * Fooian's nerves are overwrought. «°* <2»° w}**1 P*pe or bronchial tubea, . b*1.1.ri,?n*.tn «bro*t,- violent beating of the heart, *yhfog •pderyfaw by torus, 1muscular spasms (throwing *ha arms about), frightened by the moat insignificant occur xsnose are all symptoms ct n hysterical condition and ae noos derangement of the female organa. Any female complaint may produce hysterica, which “uf*h«**(prdedan a symptom only. The cause, however, yields nuk-ily to Lydia E. Plnkhnm*» Vegetable Com P*a“d» which acts at onoe upon the organ afflicted and the MmMMBtors, dispelling effootuoliy a}l iiipsfi distresftqg _ *“■ -I F*d 1% a New tons, J____ _ Pfaricatly Md rtyflUfiy." '—t wWi to msS s good md far Lydia XL | ™ *■ H. ImJM Yalatfai in, Trmoot, Mmw York, If. y!**"** I . Ptnkham is the quickest mid surest way I *> «****» right ad vies about all female troubles. -Her ad I fae«l2i£jam’*1*,,,‘ •*ttoe* women free. Following -“O***tonfnm■y^rttod.far toot jS§8B^ST^agggS SSwSSfi^’i^jSiKiss tenSS *■»—fcAm.o—mBvfclm (M),mi) ’ REWUO SSS3SS I gHaisgftsi Tw* kmini kyMiofpo latoea remove eighty founds of “actual Potash from the •oil. Unless this quantity L la returned to the aoO, | the (oOoving amp will ■L materially decrease. THE SABBATH SCHOOL ■rriRMATIOMAl LEMON COMMENT! FOU MAT 12. NIMi 1*4 (kill tiaalnin, MMb »*-»• - CtUa Tnt. Mm*. *"**- •* - Mrmoor Tone*. 1*-M - OMMKkUT •• 1*4 kail Mallkaw <444 mot motiem KLr SSfflMBrfi fitatW'ftnc •i 1*0*7'. MgTS, w*^5S“JjSStl,’S SSSwiffici 6fs®s»fflE®a gfg3gglaanara **aa SRsA «& mUSz *““* *,u*rT** »■■■" ~"SS~S~13Z—2SLT5 SrMj^ias'ffiFi-fc PP diyhw Wnor u UW whick wit ■«. S£l»5. * C? - SJ *" *Fw.ri trnc w» Vf g*. TW. u* nodr u how brahtr at E&SIsIeP5 “as® KSS«StSS!*S. g'grtfsjaBxs.ns — T*» wlt> Tb*o* ***y Altmmrd rr»o»id from tWkr Mad all dawbuXjM akSw^ 5*75? •!?*? IP ■•*•»- Th* nautwtim p ('bnat la tk* graataat airorl* ot which 5* ^P aa accyutt i* iko BibW. a*4 baa WjJJtaWid b*7>ad the of *?• ?*** t«u to UMar Ot V.) T^i" ^rmwu»f Mfcr wu DMibiU/ a IM g^|ct'-“7.-fr.i=S “*JJ**5‘<••*»! I" aw»r ton aattoritr ""tot tbay ton aa pawar i. do, whlWolhcc* ton pom but ao aattoritr. ft". aattoritr Inpi&o point atoo. 2*{j; tooat to aaraWwHlo apn r"“. a od aa ad thorn oat with auttorito aa atahaamihaa to tto nation, aad lie brat t*" kr "tot aathonto Ua acta. ttatb ton pm." (E.V.) He did aot toanaa it, at nan ft, tot it tu rirra ^LU°. T»f *‘b»Ur rntltwd to it acd ia natod ia it br a mat from Him wKo ia ttt/«~tola af aQ pan. Clod art Him Hoto Spirit, t. To aatoa aoHto loUmnro. iSSa**** _■»*■■ rythanfaro" Tbia ootania prtoanhr to lto apoatlaa, who nra ta eanr aa aad aaUbtSbtha work gas»ga5 E *»ton"«a of Gab “to "ito aa laarata#. aa moaao, an laflo £5*al dad taaka diariplea" (&. V.) 8J&£ sn££f SmS IJeaerforth th#r w»ra to bo baton ad mra. If wa an trot alolatera of Chnat we will wia an to Uw troth aad that laud than to obtain oalvaUoa. “Of all tto nation* “ {]*• J[il,Jka word of rhriat bmto down itomidd W wall of partitm which bodro toay. oylodyd lb. UratiWa from tha riatbla ebatrk. Tto apoatlaa at bnt won farUddca to co to tto On Idea, bow tbrr f*Tlat» worda, award! n« to Hark, ¥•■ .9* T".n»to ail tto world! and preach •to**** yt ~rr ««••»»•" ho\, «n Ckriiltaaa fad ttoir arm* eoatentadir, In tto pnooan ad tto world’. ml Sid" "■apriwac ttom » Tbla wta 5b. adca •tot *tor had loft ttoir toatbea rotoim. •k? *fihRisy7Pfe^£S otet g-Sisiirsrb^ Z? haa a wid. and dnp awaa & £ iSfc ibSf affl-n* SSfii rwarratoit to tto CodtowT^EItor^Hiw "*.ton tto triaHr riaarir TWr* ii Om CUd, with m* n* * •Trorhitj tbam. Il io tto dotr of lto rtinelm .-3 minister. of Ctoiatto la ttrwlJiW wto tocaaat itimiplnn War* ara. “To dan.’ rtr. What Chrwt bn y"."i waat to taagbt aad abaamd. ^SgBBSSC KT&ATt JSSt^'bJS^K: Ho la wi»b bath tto wnk awl ttoriroaa l Ha h ia tto tottla aa wotl "'to ytomr- Ho W with n fa Wa aM In dmtb. *. Ia tto* aad In atomllr. "Date tto aad." etc Uatr t to ond of •toa. "Aara.* Owiitod la 1L T. Mtato. gpaolal—Tha gat** of tk* Pa*-Aat*rtcaa Kagoattioa wars threw* «*** Wifwky ■ am lag, ud *ot wtthataading tt had rstoad all night gad tt* MMhtr B***ttto*a war* thr«at«*lag. Ian* ****** waragatk •**# at *aah of tha gataa awl a* tk* ■oralB* bright***! tha rartoaa ioat** to tt* grail war* watt ga> InaM hr tkoaa who liatral to ha *r**o*t at tt* ofaMag. AtlsNaa. tha tantaUa* aSafead aad tt* Ira* af Ik* ■Maaa at nh wk* will rlait tk* tiaallfal dbr gartag tt* all w—tha at Ha aaTafaa.. lata tk* grenada. A DQIWiTlC CATArmor*«. Tk* Hot bee d Maul Wal. gut H* FowW The W«r« UiiwoaM When the Mini eapartateodeot of the houesbolf lanrtaal It slek there le eo imuI of good wit] an the pert of the re* at the Unity that will la does things to ran amooOly. la this' ease the wile had the preralUag mala 47- A» so often happens, the girl left when she vaa most needed, the vaa paid what was ooalng to her owe rraaiac “4 the only oot Ice she gars appeared In heAahencce next morning. Then the Inkl cane oot at hie hart and declared hUaselt. *Tn a rary boxy nan and this tx oaa of my busiest seasons, but I'll be blanked It W\| knee another girl round here to banco oa aod Increase oother-s nervousness. Not while fee gut a wiggle Idft la oaa aad they tall me I*n a mlguty well preserved mas. ru work Olghte before t'U be Imposed oa. Hair the women ere cringing ekeee to their hired help, sad ru not ■lead for U In my house. Not me. One thing I*m mighty glad shoot le that we see stoves. for I was raised with them and know nil shout them. Set the aah pane together here and I‘U empty them la the alley.’' nve were acefkaulated In abort or der, aad the aidant daughter suggested that he "run out with them" two nt ■ time. He loohad Mi her pityingly, and piled the fre njAlke boxes. He had rubbers over Uh allppen and hla bat was polled down to meet the upturned collar of his coat. "Juat put that sieve fall of dry gartage on top." be direct ed. Then be seised tbs toed, looking to one aide of It to pick bit way. end gave orders thamihe coal palls be got lot ether so tbaHie could til them. The lower pan wae hot. but be hong on grimly aad harried. The robber dropped from oka foot, the slipper slip ped. and he am down eo hard that ha saw start w&hie eyes that. Ha waa burled for Mh Anutas In sabre, garbage red pais. He kicked hla way out aad things bat ha said were mors than enough tdaave blea "churched." When hla bilnklBg eyes caught tha neighbors laughing ba scattered tho pens, threw the Mrs at a cat oa the fence. r«rapturo®he rubber, ran for the boaae aad maSe the air tittle while ka waa searching the directory tor tn telllreace oHocy-Detrolt Free Prase. Noll—"Bob pro poors to every girl hr meets, and bach one eaya no." Belle—“In thmtlwhy be calls himself • nabob?" . 11 ay IT— im «^aa >aara V. aya with Pbt MAM runw Dfik Mmydy kolllng roar «. Tha Mima taw cam* and art **“,*• tb# ddbtme, batwaaa tb* baaaball pttrbar a ad habaraaaa _ A «■*» la aa^ ia aet alaajri a Maud ■ daad; ha nay mat to bom* nonry. baa law Paalaa <W AMaai* P**4 Waaa. aad lb* EoXaga man grinding arfil Unmist ni played arrant; times in Oai— j durian liar year UM. FITS pal ■aa—lly sated-Bo >b or aarepps aaaa nrtar tea SarS oaa ad Dr. Ides'. Oraaa tttal kottis and ttastwafrae Dr. B.H.Buaa.Lad,.m Arrbta.PWia. lv TSa bank of Vienna. tba (rat mlabtiab ■Bank of tba Mad in Korope, was founded la 1171. _ ■an. WtaataVa foeiblaf lyrup taeaMtdraa MMll aaftao tba laai red sear inkaaaaaa Ue^aiRyayatn. suraawtndestu. WeaWttii Tba number of rmaafina —bo bore an iiaama of «a«r CBM it only ttM. I nsann Flap* Cnre (or Oooaumpaiop aarwl my Sta tbaaa yoaai a«o.—Mas. Teoaraa Boa aura, Mapla |t-, Warriab, !t.T., Fab. 11.1M. Tan blind phyeiruaa are practical* mad loina in tbe United State*. ■aatara, imaarynrn, Bwrbapbk And pssfts tn an sem.litkma of Ufa, -bo hero need Oak Orchard Water, nadaoa Ip naa U and raaiwmand ta. Bo irsttmeailai baa the ■*»* adfset as poraoeai ea perinea. Gnat Britain's trade baa maltiplied twpfn and OWP half times liaxa Utl. . ! Lota of people who talk about *et tla« their reward la heaven will be disappointed.• 5QZOPOMT ter tt» TEETI 25c ERfiP»yi3^T=:a . ii. ■. «. Mi l —a. i— >. *«■—». •*. mmgmm AGENTS •SH* Irttifl U>h LmI imI Brtfctnl In? Itliif .SEND NOMOHEYyggS iTcILHEHNY’TTAgASca I Use CERTRIN This is the Smallest WlCKCESJnLmeOlLSTOVE MU* •!*• U (o*t lttjrt ua s«u iNcyikt* - II jott dulcf don aot lire time—ante to tic limit i.i STANDARD OIL CO. LION OOFFEE _ A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! In oar "rh exits we positively do not allow the use of flu*. E|| muisrts, «•*. Chsnksls. or similar substances. LION COP PEE is as absolutely Pure Coffee. _ ton our nest adrortloemont. Jnst try a package of LION COFFEE and you will understand the reason of its popularity. LION COFFEE Is now used in mil lions of homes. '* LAYING DOWN THE UW." T}15 I*** writ*« hi* simple Ur, Th« builder lay* brick* by the day, Tho carpet n»An lays carpels too. Rut tho funniest sight wo ever saw, Was Paddy ** laying down tho law." Pst boosted to a friendly " Cop," Who often visited bis shop, That he'd a Ron tamer beco me fiercest lions ever seen— And claimed In manner rather fresh. That he'd oft eaten lion'a fleah. Tho officer joined In to soy That km •• drank " Lion every day. ** Whet s (hat 70 say then Paddy cried. "\o spalpeen; shure Ol think ye lied." Tho oop said “ you're too fresh I thlak, 1ft LtON COFFEE thst I drink— If * pure and alroug, snd healthy too, Ana helps a man his work to do. I taka a cup or two to meet The trials of my weary beat IM Tho last wordJust seemed to suggest A thought to Pat; bo did the reel. His fttt daw out, (he cop fell down. While Paddy's face assumed s frown. " »o fooled me, did ye*! " be exclaimed A* still sr other blow be aimed. " l hope re* will excuse me paw— Tie food of " laying down the law!'** U svsry package of UOfl corns you will End a fully Illustrated and doscriptive list. No housekeeper la fact, no woman, man. boy or girl will fad to End In the lilt some article which will eontribote to Uwtr haptdnxsx. comfort and convenience, sad which they may have by simply catting out s certain number of Lion Heeds from the wrappers of oar ooepotmd sealed packages (which Is the only form in which this excellent coffee Is sold). __ wnohjost mcti oo.. Tom do. own. Can’t Sleep? Did you ever have that feeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobblestones In your stomach, keeping tou awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly In terrible dreams, that makd the cold perspiration break out all over you ? That's Insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun ates with It night after night, until their reason Is In danger and they are on the edge of going mad Tho cause of fearful ailment Is In the stomach and bowels, and a Cascaret taken at night will soon bring relief and give the sweet, refreshing sleep. Always Insist on getting CASCARcTSI ■tr t* tkia MtatalmM-l'a. W tS8K3 THIS IS 10c 25c 50c nrtP30u>mmaJL DRUGGISTS

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