WEAPONS TIMED. MU TUBAOl SUNDAY SEtlON I i S*a*^L52^jSfifi ■WjIBb — . . -3 ■• CM «*»md that hMe~ aTtire* HUttoSe*!^ **7- *♦ area Bte that; ftvn it reel" la' 3TM& ISZ that tha tot.daSrShUJil\JZZ *1j" >^*!^,t*IT r*»l ofTtonMcrstocy •to "Ml w» will preer, by tha mr y****** to the earth and by the awe fiEi? hnryrtor bodice. that the ™*M» ia a be. aad that Chrtotiaalty. an we I* •■J'l «aaa. ia a yon tire uapuu toM. (M an •rrrebtod. The lekecone. Jara. tha daWg batteries. all •» the head. ml tha Philistines Bat our day Chnteienlte, lUokiss abaat lor udi Waapna with which to ttofcad itealf. hap paaid to we the rrrjr old sword that there atbriktoPhfltotinn had beta caiag «jainat tha tenth and mad aot- There u nona hhe thte: plra Ha,:- And Commie., aad flcliW aad Kepler and baaoXrwteo •to Hi rrehrt and O. to. Mi ache I e-itae farth aad told tilt world that ia th.tr reaaaeluas ml the earth aad hraeraa they foand nm wheieM*. presence nl the Cad wreea we worahip. aad tide ot-1 Bible he *• ■bake itac'd frets tha Korea aad "heater aad 7-radaruta. with which it haJ hare canard ao. aad lav aa tha deeh of •ha reholaj and ia Ota labonttory to tha fheaatot and la thr lap to the Christina art* homed aad aetataarad, while the tower to thr ■‘dastht hear ere atrack a ailrrry chat la itf praht. WertAr iduteophr aaid, "AD that Mott abate the dpht terete m toay to thr .ref to staple ret eheateity.” Old dare worldly phtlprsphy retd. The ll«btrareaaatreabt.^ Cjbnattoa aWreephy reyi. "Wait a lit tie •hits. Aad A acre aa aad ■ahaa dwaav rriea aad tade that tha ataaaphrra mrrre •to ha* tha raya to ttfht areaad tha SSBOelvSAS Zmdettoa^te ttererth*laJwL/£"ti STm£$ Tha earth has aa fare aria Hop." CWatu. phiteaephy ream aad had. that the word re tmaatotad Tiaa la tires" way hr better tmastered "aateata." • Bo aaw aa are how It wdl read U It la tnaatotad rtoht. "Where west tten whoa I sat tha rocket, to the awthf" Whn to the socket’ It to the hallow ml OocF. hand—a socket Urge remit (or aay world to tare ia. Worldly phflaaopky at id: "What aa ah aaid story abaat Joehaa Batons the ran aad ware ataad still. If tha world had •dapped aa iaalrel, tha whole surer*. gawk!" The worid haa toes worirea re. aa Ha awn aria aad tha other areaad thr are. It area net aaaareary, fai aukiaa there ataad ata. that tett nation* aims Id be atopy14 ial| tha area Ureter the world re ire pare aria. Thera are aa rrena why t h^hret taw Ei^a±*,jrwir^,h££E ate Me hared toward thr appoatag arton *2*22^. • —tor I psm Urelaaal Hare -< H m.. ... gg.ftt&.'S.’SASiSilS fftSS »h.»«fa<. u MM ban Wra.it |t>MWa.«< railroad. » Ik. Holy load. L Wbh that al ttw world miykl a rad ma S^as'.s-dar'i.atss till ttght pulag Mrra tb. drap ia (W tealiMiul wh ml tb. dint lra« ft p» wt* Iba lira cliff to nn cliff bwloi aid Ulnia. TW Japanrw raw •mca tba attar and wa aur ririttution •f fmmama gar Cbrraiiaaity and go back SLffiJhA^Jsr rt-1 "‘Where"** tb* ran Dm* bb eacnemfra joaraaya rua.“ twJmiw with whkb tba infidel tmrebr breast**, dawn tba Arab botaniaa aad tb* jackal* at lha dnwrt bar. kwm •rarcadtrad to lb* rbturh. and w« imch ffttb air band, crying, “Their ia aoaa lib. that; gjva It »*! 8a It baa aba baa with tba barainaand abqaraca ad the world. Peoplq tar. “fUli pa is Tory good Ira aged —|aiia (t ia *orjr apod for dnljrm. hot not for *ra.a tel wo karr i* tW rail of ttnba’a kott Moarn a ad llaadal in mode; Caoera aad Agrab ia eralptare: Raphael aad ley anidi .a painting: Uarrer aad BortWara m madieiaa; Cowiwr aad Knott ia poetry; gratia* aad Baraka in atateamanabip; Boyb aad Leibauta ia pkilcaopliy; Tknirai Cbakacra aad .Taba Blaana in tkralogy Tba moat brilliant wr, tiara of a worldly aaaapo are all aglow a-itb Hvnptural aCv daaa IkiMfk aanatartal apaceh aad throaeb aaaayiM'a dbcaarra Sinai thunder, aad Calrmry .twaks and Kduaa apart lea. Saaaaal L. Southard war mighty ia tba raurtraoio aad fat tb* arnata rbaiaW, bat W rrarrrrd bin itTMtrat rlooomr* far that day wbra ha atoud bate* tb* litarary aocmtms at rriareton caaraaaaaeiarat and Pbad*d far tba (randear of oar Bible. Denial tVrbatrr won aoi bia chief an hnd* wbib raapnndiag to Harnr Bor wbra ha wag ad tba batterba of hb efeqtnaen M Banker Hill, that fork inr Sinai nf tkr AwnfiR tuvoialloa. bat sa that day whan. ia Iha Iin« Girard < 1 mat. ha .bowed Iha ahttam far tha Cl ha a rrti (lan aad eulogiaad tha Bibfe. Sa efe rwenea aad the learning (hat haw barn on the ether tide rent mr ta ear ride. Cia tared for God! "There ia boor like that: «lre It tar!” Bo. alas, hoa It been with the picteie making of the world. Wo are rery ani ieae on taia day to hare the printing praat and the iditfrem an the eido «l Chr.ttiaa ity. boa wr orrrlook the rwginvwv'e knife Ui« p*ini#r'i pca«i1. Tbo aariqtariaji icoe* and Vatka at piolttrr.1 mine nr run the chirr led pillar* of Thebe, and Nineiih aid rotr.peti, and (bra man heclt to tel) a. of (ha brartitnew. ot aariaat .rt. and it ia a fait aow that many of tho nmat UMmnan. njrrvly arti-dirallr cotwid rred. of acuipture and painting that are ta tie found amid there rettae ate not fit to hr look'd at. and they are looked on. Hotr Foul nut hare frit. when, .(aid ins amid them ituiatriUra (hat .utrwl on kirn from tto walk and the pavement, and tor bazaar, of Corinth, be preached of the parr end holy -Irene! The art of the world on tie aide of obeccnity end crime aad death Maeh ot lie art of the world baa hero la iha pu me anon of tha ricioza. What to analean Henry Vfff. ana a baautifal life* tore of tho Madonna? What to Lord Jef freya. tba uajaet lodge the peeture of the Jeat Judgment?" What to Nrro. the nnwaahed. a ptclara of tha haptm ia tha Jordan. The art of the world on iha wrong ride But that ie bring changed now. Tha Chrietiaa artirt gun. over to Setae, look* at the pic*arm and bring* back ta hi. American atudio mark of Urn power of theta aid nreaUra. The Chrie baa mini<t*r Brea aver to Venice, look* »t the Crocilxiou af Ckriat,’’ and cornea hack to tho American palp it to talk a. never before of the oaOarlMkAf. the. Stv lour. The private teariat gam to Boim aad look* at Raphael’* (actare of the "Ind Jadgmeat." The team atari. and he (oca back to km room ia tha boril and pray* God for preparation for that day whan "Shriveline like a parctmd eeroll. Tha Sun rig hcaveaa togetkev rel" Bo. I remark, it la with ha .in mi acumen and tart. When Chriai war upon earth the people that followed HJia for the met Krt had ns rectal poeition. There ana t awn men a. totally brilliant in ell the apngfriehip. J nee fib, of Arlmethea, the nch mao, naked nothing when he offered * kola » the rock far the dead Ckriat. Mew away of the ■errkanUia Aria Minor befriended Jrwm? J tltlak of only one Lydia. How atony of tho cretie, on tho hooch d Otlilm oatertoiaod Chriet? Not oae. When Peter coma to Joppa ha •foppod withono Simon, a tanner. What pwwm- hod Ckriat'. name on tho Koama “«**■■» or at tho bazaar, of Corinth? Vono. The prana tut area of the day did not want to riek their repntottea far rea lty hy amending to bo oar of Hit fellow am. how that io all ehaagnd. Among *ha might it* I mow in our Croat otic to day aro tha Chrietiaa merehaota aad the £.J=r k tba final rank of all oar Chrietiaa woeh •m today am tba Chrietiaa mcrcheate, aad tba ontornriore of tho world on oare ■*■ am tba right aide. Than waa a farm wafed away Barer yean age. all the pra reoda of that tarre to ga far apgaadiaa la Bdri hooka. Sonohow erectrr* hare than gad, and aow all tha prtntda if that farre gn (award (hr miamunar/ moan. Oae kf tho Snoot printing prune over brill wan built far tho egprtre purpoee of aob fehiag riddel tract, end EreV XaSt* dare nothing bat print holy Bible.. I ha fire that tha trim wiB eonw when ri canmerciat- rirrlaa tha role* of Chriai will bo the mlatHim Of all voioea tad tho •Jripo of Targturh will bring prmata aad FHE SABBATH SCHOOL NTCftMATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOft MAY | ft <#■ *,'• •*» wurda." Xtwr yon ^ “edfrwtaad alal me mid ao dark to 1 J®*4 V®« about Lb. Bon of ■an bovnji pul In death nnd riaum aaui S ll-A. ‘Tha law—the prohpoU— ^-2? Teeiaamnt Benpteren. here J»f®**oned aa cuntvniac, aack 01 them • a* fie." Now hr (he ■ afluonce of Cknnt they are. not mfy the PQgvBMfsisyaaTSi lyr .thnaa rwoohaemo. “UaderMand the SiruBttrtn." Joan. opened their mi a da by ,*» Pr°pk«^».,a«f by u55di“tbl^™ ■»Nrf of Hm kingdom It »• wttn M etc. IT«r* are ib* two KTMl (Ad* Of lb* f(M 1. Tn* ttoMBMit rf Chriftt. 3. Hi* rmnrmeum from lb* <j«od. C’ iUPV^a^etr 7*"* UmI * mracur* of diTiM wmlon m roonmimt •d U IK* tmnapT, and Uit > • tbcrobr become wim to oolvotioo. Thot hi* mind. purfiMia, opinion* ud iodiiuKioni or* rbtnytd. owd that in MtwfMKt. thor* ie a total rkanwa in hie conduct. "Raanie uen of otue.” The iurgltooa. »f «... tbo rmoonl of the mmiehawnt. and deliver »"** ®? the ooutl from tho power of he. 'In Hm no me. An obtained for einfel Men by Hia aLmiae ewServngs, aa tbo frnit of Hio raterceeaion. and *5* efcct of Hia (tract. “Among Ml naturae.” Ood wdL tho aaN? boo of all, and Jrewe tamed death foe erery man. “Bamaniag at Jereeelem." nacnam it wan thm wriuan. Ian. 1:3 Btrnnaa than the faeta on which the toe* P»1 wee letraded were traneaeted; and be CWim deai red torive further proof of Hie Iowa and eutaple of forgiving Hm «*• ' Y. ,re trlWiwn TW UJ bwn with Jan, throushom Hi. ■mirtry, ibnr W hranl Hu tuwHunr. »h« bud area Hu mirtelM, thty kn.w Hi* tlundw. tW b«d wn Hub iftw IT. rouu from U» dead, artd now their work waa U» bear witnaaa of thew thing* m. *T »ra4 the promise.” Tha Ilohr Ghost whack wa* t>rcxuj»ed to Uw church “Endued” Ure.tad. aa clothed with. “From on high." It ia from on high, and therefore draw* tha eowl upward, and nmkra it aim h**l» Th«» power waa tha promt** of the lit bar; it could not fail. fiO. "Aa far oa Bethany.” Not the *0 toga itorlf. bat on the dew-rut to it from Manat Olivet. “Lifted ur IT>« band*." Probably to lay tlwai on thair head*, for that wa* (be ordinary was in which a bleeemg waa given, (fan. 44:6-20 « ^Tnto Waco " Tha draeiplaa did not are H *«n rap not of the rnua, beiu* Ilia reran action coaid ba easily proved b> their aeelag Him afterward; bat they mw Hn» Mure to hrwvcn, aa there would ba no other way to prove it. M. “Thae uorVirped IIin*.” In grati tude tot Hi* triemta* ui»oo them. 'rha ehMid that received Him ont of Lhrir eight did not put them or their arrmree oat of Ilia eight. "With great joy.” Every aor row had been turned mU> yw They ware fall of tore and joy in the Holy Spirit 53. "Continually ia the temple.” Wbih thsy abode toevthar at •hnualRn. waiting and praying with one accord for tha Spirit of power, truth and bob mis. they went to Uw temple at tha proper turn* to join in tha worship there pc*fanned. 1. 'Tha former treatise.” The go*pet of Luke. Lab* waa tha author of Acta. *0 THeophihm." He waa probably a mag istrate or Kith oft rial who had been con verted to CSmatiaaity. "To do and teach.** A very important hiateosenl, dividing the work of Cnriit into two great braarheaj i "TWnigb the Hnty Ghoal .** God anv# not the Spirit by me*rare onto Him. John 3: 31. Jeans who wa* anoint 'd with the Holy Qbo*t (Luke 4; Matt. 13) in the power of thodfoly (ihmt. gave row maodmenta to the apostles to ba Hi* wit neeaaa. on that each coxunandinente were given by the spirit alec " A post Ira ” TV twelve generally called diabp!se in the goapela are in the Acta opoken of aa epoetin*, or "tho»e sent fmLh.” 3. “Passion.** 8uffmn„i on the rrtmm “Infallible proof*." The single Greek word, translated "tulaJliMo proof," dv note* the strangest oroofa of which a subject U capable, sn irresistible proof. 4. “Not deport from Jerusalem." The rotning of tbe Xpirit waa to bn at the next great fsoat after the rrortfixiee. They waited by prayer, by conference together, W doing arnr—ary duUaa. Vs. 13, 14. Promise. Jr*u thus termed tt, heeauar God the Father had promised tha gift of th* Bpurit. through Ilia prop He la voder the old covenant. "Heard of me.” In Ilia conversation* with them. So* on verse #. 5. "John." The Hiptat, the forrmtv ner of Christ. "With water.” John’s biotim era* a hapttam onto repentance. “With the Holy Ghost.” Th# outpouring of tha Spirit anon them would eradicate all mil from their hearts and All them with loro and powar. 4. “Cm* together." At the Mount of Olives. V. SO. "At this time rc*tore." "Wilt Ihon brvak tha tUnsan yoke from off our neck* and immediately erect the kingdom of tha Mceeiobt" 4. "Shall meetv a pouor." They ware promised the power of th# llo-'v Ghent m» order ta nroprrly carry on God's work. "Witnesses.” They were to be wituorers to a rrwrificd I1»nd, a riam OtrvU. a com ing Cbtiei. "Vltermoot part.” etc. Thev ware to begin at borne, with the Jews, sad gradually frock ont until tbe glorious gospel reached tb# whole b«m«a r*re t. "A cloud." Perhaps it waa like the •fiory. Handy pi Aar," tbe symbol of Ood. ncan: #r EUJnH'# itorr ctartet. or th» brip! ewrt of flary wfcieli «Ttriha4ow«i Hm I Hr Mount of Tr»MllmntMi. TWj wh Hit -wjrd tWiK," uUiym !'»»» fooling.’* (1L T.) Won4«r lag wb*t M «U MHtl. "fwn no* Angib in Ik* form of mb. "Whit* ip tarat.” Mat*. MS Tba atlu prwati wrra ao ratfoai af parity. tl * *1].a H an paaaa f* *PVa mpm*! m ChI wly. *Ku will b* In eW-arity Mka Hi* fnt aomiag; fort "H* will oaam t$JSu "AiiT’-uiS •aM Laka Naa4a Water. Dtah propoaaa to arart aaa41ag on fotelty to bar agrtaaRaral aaotloa by s^ytag tba Oraat Balt Laka baa la wHb aaadad mat*. Irrtgattoa haa cat oC tba aappty aa4 tba laka Itaalf ta la latoaat iaagar of 4ryta« *a Tba aanai enpyly of water la bate* wltbbaM. a-td rrayoratfoa ta raplfty fowartag tba taral af tba taka. Caatartea ago tba abaraa af tba gnat lafoad aaU aaa high aa tby aavnautaa whria tba Haa af tba uUtHT~bmob ta rtalbte tefay. aaf tba taka, which baa aaak la Ka praaaat atnaaapfoaa. prostate ta Uaapyaar ter aora ragMty tbaa la tba Sl*y* try # I 1 Af&tch f Starts the Afe&l • ^ If Vow w<se a Wickless jess* Oil Stov No Fuss No Muss 3. c. stmpene, Vanuwe, vr. Yn. an - tUI'l fthirk Oars an rad me of a rmrj bad ease af oauarrb." DnunrUki salt II. He. A Norfolk dispatch says: "The Brit J«b steamship Hlodwr*. which struck on the ehoala at WlHongbby Bpit Bet jsrdsy, is safe. Bhe was successful!) Boated at high water this morning. Her cargo was worth more thou jncrOoo. The retael will nut pro cc«d to Hamburg until the client of .her Injuries can ba ascertained.” Every cotton planter should write forourvaluable illustrated nantphlet, “Cotton Culture." - ^■d mm ».<! md+mm lt> W CJCSM4M fALl WOR Kjj, „ N«— <4, *. *. --—~ ’* ■' 7 ri*o • COro for CUna«.M> >• .ui.o'olllk * ' MdbKL«torra«(ii>M<lix>]tto. yWluun 0ro»» OroT*. M. J., Mi. »T ini. Dr.Bull’s! Cough SyrupiJrrjrfE: SIXTY D O LI. A R ST "•■b •?•c*l'** r*® ■* 'o mi.-UwwvM M-n *: ««»«»« i* «wt ««»o«u> «( tn* i w Vim* av«, k 1 iwm Mim t*. oau*v i, uti. k j ■ _ ••.an. ^SI YOIR DULFrfOiEbTeiNt IT, T I® Ihf (muii njb oa Kkrlb or KbrxmM'm *»rrt tJlW1** l>ellv#r*d lortt . **J lr%r* Ttn^y-uu %mn I4*i *kkt • u.c £.»•<« I i i i 7 tHa nataral r*<««dr lor all bVuaarb, ^ A brrwal. I.var .uvd kida*/ trootle hy A T rror mnL.«4 <»f ta.-b ^ i*. T A lK>’.UaUM)«tVaWblla CUr«v a«>Uu* «*l A T laaapriaa %at«t. # «a!4 b* all 4m|. m A im« Crab appfta V IraAa a«rv aa •«.'/b 9 A ararv toctb iC^VV fr9 I J Cl»3 0RCHA3D WITH CC .U*»I U. J 84 A DA Y SURE SiWW trKavaaitttraSfiSK L.DOUGLAS $3. & $3.30 SHOES STS!. 30 FEET OF BOWELS •t* packed away In row Insides and must be kept clean. ' in order and doing business. Vt a long way, »Wi many turns and pitfall* tn catch the refuse and dog the channel If not meet caitfuQy cleaned out every day. When tide long canal is blockaded, look out f« trouble—furred tongue, bad breath, bdchlng of gases, reflow apots, pimples and bods, hrsdarhn. sprttlng up of food after eating—an all-around disgusting nuisance. Violent calomel purges or griping salts art dan gerous to use for c'ganing out the bowls. They force out the obstruction by causing violent spasms of the bowls, but they teen* the Intestines lotah and even leu able to keep up regular movements than before, and make a target dose necessary nest time. Thun you have the pill habit, which kills more peoolc than the morphine sad whiskey habit* _Th.oedysafe.~dc but owtaln bowel deansns are CaSCAMT* because they don't force 2* .1°*^ ?°*^ T**1* T*ok"!“» ** act as a tcaic on the^whole 30 feet of bowel wall, lengthen the muscles fesUoee healthy, natural action. Buy and try them I (Look oui foe imitations and suhdttutaa cc you can't get rendu. Caacarcts arc never mid in hulk. Look for the teadawsaik, the long-tailed «C» on the box.) You vrtH ”°d that la sn entirely natural way your bowels will be peomptly and permanently 25c NEVFR : au. tmuoamm. ~ SOLO IN BUUC I *—- -_ ! I -JL

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