THE HEADLIGHT. a ^^ J|_ JOHN H. WALSH, Emma. w.*li.'t-ovi?irroa. ( . JHML'KD EVXRY WKDMKSDAY. GRAND IMPROVE MENT. Our patrons vrill observe that wo have enlarged tho —.Headlight, giving eight pages instead of four. Tho growing pati*onags ex '--temlod to us, has enabled us to bear this additional ex ^■-ponse, and we wish to divide our profits with our friends. We no|ie to give you a good paper, one that will interest every class of society and every member in the family. We will publish a series of continued stories; and other choice reading matter, and to give our readers, not all the news, hat all that will be ac ceptable to the hit*mess man, the farmer, the mechauic, and the home fireside. Every flay we get new subscribers, gad we trust this will con tinue for sometime. We have made additions to our job department, which will enable as to compete with any offire in the State as to quality and prices. All fro ask is a fair showing. HAMLET. Our beautiful little sister town ia rapidly atwniuiug the appearance and dimensions of a coming city. Her recent growth and developments nave exceeded the prophecies of tier most enthusiastic friends ; and so rapidly and quietly lias this Iwen* done that we doubt if oue person in ten of the average county ( -citizens lias any cuuc*]>tion of ita present size, or the magnitude of its business and business facilities. Then too, to the credit of those nublic gpirited men, E. A. Lackey and T. F. Boyd, ho it saitl, - that they deserve great- praise for investing their money so freely in building homes for renters. Of course they ex n to get something out of ut others will reap bens a* _ a _ war « a IIW mumi. If c WUUIU I1KU VG pay something of it* busine** man, and or other parties who have aided in building up Hamlet, but cannot do so now. Also, something of the groat railroad improve ment*, hut they are growing pn and on, and Jamison still keeps the Great Southern Eating House. In a recent election of town officers the people were fortu nate in their election, and we might with equal propriety pay the same, had the opposi tion ticket been elected. both had good men on them. The ficked elected is aa follows : Mayor: M. C. Freeman. Commissioners : E. A. Lackey, T. F. Boyd, D. 8. Rica, J. M. Jamison, Dr. H. Jf. Kinsman. The mayor is a homo-rais ed boy who hat developed in fo a hustling buaineaa man, pod one of Hamlet’s beat citi J. M. Jamison is the beat total man in tha Mouth, and and a shrewd, level-headed tosineaa man. . Manus. Lackey and Boyd have grown up with ths town, pod am two wall known to iwqtrifs any word of praise (rim os, Miners. Rice and Kinsman pm Northern men, adopted eitMM, who hy their dillt geooa, gmtlemenly deport ment and moral worth, have ingratiated themselves into general favor, and deserved ly so, Bui when we remember tlu» loss of the graded school it make* us fed sad ; foel that Hamlet hus missed a grand opjKjrtuuity. _But we would u«»t have it against the will of the majority, hut Oh. won Id that the majority hat! voted the other way. Yes, we think, ginal friends, you have missed the mark, and now wo ask you to get to gether and devise some other plan for establishing on a firm basis, a good st-lmol pre sided over bv l’rof. Frank Roberts and Miss Kinsman. This should not'd no talking, hut, at once to work, and work until tho plans arc per fected. Hamlet must have a school worthy of her good people, aud her financial ability. \ » 1 A Scathing Indictment. [Published by rri|ne*t.) The enclosed dipping, taken from » recent issue of tnu Christ inn Olieerver, Louisville Ky., I think ought to he published in every 1«l>er throughout the length and irvedtii of our lend. Pleas* in sert iu your [taper. K. At a uians-meeting in the Hi>c ,ond Presbyterian church, Ports mouth. O., ou a recent S.ibhatli afternoon. in the presence of over two hundred men, n converted gambler andex-aulnoukcepcr made 'llw following statement, which has created a profound impression, nnd l herewith transmit it to your paper that it may «h> gisal in a wider sphere: •*I have beeu in the saloon busi ness with a gambling room at tached for the lust four years, and claim to know something about s hot I nm now going to tell you. I do uot believe that the gambling den is half so daugcruus, nor doe* it do anything like the same an - onnt harm ns the social can! party in the home. 1 give this as my rcareu: Iu the gambling room tlie windows are dosod tight, tlw cur tains are pulled down ; everything is conducted eecretely for tear of detection, ami mom but gamblers as a rule, enter there; while in the parlor all havo access to the gnme, children a tv permitted to watch it, young people are invited to partake in it. It, is made at* tractive and alluring by givfbg prises, serving refreshments, and adding high social enjoyments. For my part I never could see tlw difference between playing for a piece of silver molded in the shape of money and silver molded in the shape of a cup or a thimble. The principle is the same, and whenever property changes hands over th* luck ot the cards, no matter how small ia the vnlne of the prise, I bolievo it is gambling. Have you ever thought of itf Where do all the gumillers come iromr mev am not taught in tho gambling dona. A ‘greener', unless bo isa fool, never enter* a gambling hell, because ho knows that lie will be fleeced out of ev erything he possesses in leu than fifteen minutes. He haa learned somewhere else before he set* foot inside of such a place. When bo hu played in the parlor, iu tbe social game of the home, and hat become proficient enough to win prises among his friends, the next step s itb him is to seek out tho gambling-room, for ho hu learned and now counts upon bis efficien cy to hold bU own, The saloon men and .gambiera chuckle and ■mile whan they mad in the pa pers of tbe parlor games given by the ladies, for they know that af ter a while these men trill become tbe patron* of their businee*. 1 ■ay, than, tho parlor game is tho college wlists gamblers arc made and educated. In the name of Ihid, man stop this basiueu in your homes. Ilnm up your decks and wuh your hands.” After he had taken his seat, another converted ox-gambler who led tbe men's meeting in the sec ond Presbyterian church tbe fol lowing dabbeth, arose and said; “I smionw every word which the brother before me has ja*t ut tered. 1 wu a gambler. X learned to play needs, not in the saloon n*/t in my own boms, bnt in thn homes of my young friends, ’ who invited me play with them, and taught me how.” 1 sand you thaae testimonies, hoping that you flan aae thorn, and that Hod will aound through them a acta of warning tu card-playing Christians. A number of men went from that afternoon muting and ast up a new rule tq thstr fsmiliu, that never should another game be played inside their house; that their parlors •hoaM not Mcw<ii kin<l«rg*m>M (or training ) vjng (MHPiMle rt-r/. e. t>. Ahis<M.b, u: fvtnlma VbunlMus. • The Everett Hardware Co. Tim McCormick Mower*, Reap ers, Corn Harvesters, Shredders and Rakes stand at the very top. \Y e have a car load coming ; wo can save you freight . YY'e are agents for the Con tinental Gin (hi., for the Cnsev A Hedges Eugine and Roiler Co*, j for the I)cLunch Saw Mill Ma chinery.—in fact we have estab lished close relations wit h mamt factureis and Ibunderies, so that we are in position to make right prices on auytliiiig yon neetl in the machinery line.’ Take atrip to Charlotte; get your prices, and if wo do not offer you better inducements, we cannot com plain if tho order poos elsewhere COME IN AND SEE OUR LINE. Wo should say lines ; wo think wo can interest you for a half hour, oven if you do not want to buy. We cannot tell vou every thing wo wish to say fi> this space Ht one time; hut watch it; wo will got around aftei awhiva. This Hardware and .Supply buxines*, it is true, is kept se|>ar ate from my general store ; be cause it enables us to buy a great many things on a bettor basis I lian wo could if we did not run it as a distinctively hardware business. We think we can serve your interests in both stores. Any way, we will appreciate an oj> portunity to try. Yours truly, W. L EVERETT. • i j HELLOA l-STOP! ] 4 ,1 know yon are hunting for Bargains in Hnron, r tour,Planned Ootids, or f’ruits, ^ 5 uiul if you are. inv store is the place to [ •| K,!t them—at least, this is what the pen- ^ J jiht say. Olliers have gone away rejoie- [, ^ mg again and again, and you * van do ^ *1 likewise. One prion to all and the most J goisls for the least money is our motto, k Yours trulv, t S. B. SMITH. We Eat to Live If This be True Call on Y. u. Boggun & Co., wlietv you will find everything necessary to satisfy the hungry lu Ixiriiig iiuiu or the moat fastidious dy*|ieptic Yhs, wo hove nUnit everything in the silting lino, und it ia our daily study to ww how cheap we can cun sell to our customers. We don't ask for your trnds if we enu't make it to your interest- to trade with us Then give us a trial and judge for yourself. Y. M. Boggan. ^^0|DateRestaumt This famous restaurant ia now conducted by m« in the most approved style, and is giving general satisfaction. My table is lioiint ifullv supplied with tlie Iwst service ob tainable hi this mid other markets and served in such man ner as will satisfy the gnnnnnd mid tempt tin* epicure. Rates Very reasonable. Meals at all hours. LEATON WILLIAMS. NEW GOODS-NEW STORE The people should know that J have on band, and am daily receiving a choice lot of Heavy and Fancy (t nicer - iea. including all verities of Cninted Cloods, Confection eries. Kruita, Ac..—all Fresh and marked down to oom |wte with any market. la*t. everybody try nie ou quality and prices, and I'll risk getting their future orders. With thanks for futon already received I am, Respectfully. J. A. McNair. I Tinsel Novelties of Every Description. And numberless otlior staples that the market oflbrds. All signs promiso an extraordinary’ business year for 1001. An examination of tho varied display to be found in. our building will prove a moat convincing argument that we have the right goods at the right price. Our Heavy And Fancy Grocery Department is complete in all its details, giving to our customers ths privilege of choice among its various lines of Canned Ocoda, Home Vegetables, and Tropical Fruit*. All these wo sell at the lowest living rate*, and delivor them, with all other purchase*, at your homes, free of charge. With due appreciation of past favors, we trust that our devotion to tho i f . interest* of our customers will guarantee a continued increase of business. T L Covjngton & Co

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