TWO GENTLEMEN _^OF HAWAII. By SEWARD W. HOPKINS. ' CHAPTER I. The pul naessls mesfisrplsos, ■wiwl, mag slowly aad rrecafinUy hm bar daak at Baa Vraacieoo, •stated bsr sharp prow westward, aad leaded far the romaatte, aad mow hia Ml part at IFeaeUln. Tha day was • taa sas fa Sspteaba, aad bm! ot tha pining in stood oa the deck watmilag the msasoriTS ot getting aader way aad, later, gaxisg ei the reset tag ekaree California. Oa beard the SCoaovai, ay pretty faster. Winifred, aad ayeelf, Asaa Warrtagfard, were boaad tor Hone tala, fa ante ear home with oar yaterael aaele. whose tiat was the asms aa my ewn. Winifred, as I hare aaid, was pretty. She wee at this time eighteen jeers at age. tall aad grace fad, aad bar aaaa fitted her veil. She was wins fag. She rmiail a ohara af aeaaer at etia I heard assy frieoda apeak highly. Ivaaearyfead aad eary yroad of ay lovely fitter. There vae noth tag remarkable ahoat nee. I was a few yearn older than Wfamfa, fall eaaogh and strong eaoogh fa fako earn of myself among ordinary aa, eot so agly fa appearance aa to fitted alfaatfoa — nor handsome eaoogh to attraat attaatiem either. Oar father aad mother vara deed. Mather had been from ana good many years, and father had. a short time he fare amt taking ship, eneewabed to aa nttask at toear. Hi had been a eno eeeefsl merchant in Xew York, aad had left ns fairly well provided for is tha matter at fortaae. Farther, hi kid plaoed ns mafia the sere ot hii brother, fa whoee homo wa ware ioi ■fang wa know bat little of TTanltThnaui Warriagford. Ha had not been la America la a good many year*. Wa kaaar, howerer, (ram whet oat father had frequently told oa, that Uaole Ton era* a bachelor. r^ry rich, and Head on a large aagar plantatioh ia tba ialaail of Oaba. upon which the Iowa of Honolulu la eitaated. Upon raaeiriag aawa of my fathn’l death, with the fact* I beta already giraa, Uaole Ton Immediately wrote «*a long and vary effeoteoaate leUar, grgiagaa ta eomaal oaealo hie home, and make it our owe. Ha portrayad rirldly tba baaatiaa of the oMmata aad tba laxary of tba Ufa ia Oahu, aad nadar bu urgsot taritatioa || waa not a difficult matter .Aar aa to decide to aocept hie inyite Mea aad obey oar father'! with. wa wiahad to retaia, acid tha rest of tha bnaaabold bolouginga, aad eroased tha aoattaaat to Baa Francisco, to aahark aa oar firs&kys’ooewa voyage. We, lika tba othara oa board, were aa dark, aotiraly tat area tad ia erery tUag that was goiag oa. Wa stood aaar tba rail. I smoked, Winnie balked, aad eludes rattled. Bel tore ebon ted, paaaengcce kissed friaada gnod-by, aad otbar friaada wared adiaaa from tha dock bead. Thera waa ao oeta ||ltlltB(m wa anaaad aanatraa watching tbs Aha laara-taking of others. Wa bad aot baaa long oa board wham a tall, powerful Agora among the paaaaatgers attracted my attention. "Jateri said to Wlamle. "Thera's Arthar Oordoa.** “Aad who U Asthor Oordoa, Tom V aakal. "That tall fallow orar there, leaa *sg agalast tha pipe, loohiag atierly "BatwhaUhar A |*M om Harvard chan. Be* fallow JM avar knew. Sow, I won der what Mags kin oa board tha Veaowrl. I an (oiag orar to apeak to Z Willi to whero Oordoa stood, trad vfapp vd kin oa tha bask before MHa taraa? and wUhn snila created “What! Tom bars, Warrtaffori* Whither boaadr* Wa abook baada heartily. aad Ilold bin why wo ware there. otr^T-JuJ* ^hot are yea dn-riny Bo n wmm mi maum that amend* khip should spring op btlam the two. The fasrth day oat Un passengers bags* to ahow that nervous activity whiah ia alwaym to ba aeon os a ship •boat to mk> a port. Thara was the basils aad anxiety ot tha narvooi tro ovsa who tears that something will happen to interfere with tha proper discharge of her laggage. Than there was tha maa ia a harry, who walked the daak ImpatiaaUy, a* If he thought ka ooald hare drives tha atcamer at a greater speed if ha had boas asked to kelp. Aad tha man whose laggage most ba pat off Orat was w ith os. Dal the most important of all Uts mini sal types was Us maa who had baaa thara before. Ha wai hare, there, every where. He (orated one of every group. Ha waylaid Us lonely passenger aad Informed him that tha appearance of Uo water indlsated oar approach to Ue ieiaadi. "There I" exclaimed a man who had baaa that# bafora, potaUmg ahead. “Thara ia the gem of the earth 1“ A hasy elon J ooald ba aaan ia tha diatanea, telling ot Ue preseooa there it high monaUbte. "kfereyr ejaculated tba norvon. women. “Are thoae moon tains all rotoanoeeT*' "So, madam,’' blandly replied Uc maa who had been thara before, glad of aa opportunity to ones more instruct his andianoe. “The large volcanoes, ot which yon have doabtlaie read, are not on the ipiaad ot Oaha, toward whiah we are speeding. Two ara on the island of Hawaii, Ue largest ol Ue kingdom. Tbs largest orator of all, though now eitinct. ia Halaakala. on Mam Tha mountains which too sea >ow ware volcanoes long ago, bat arc bow covered with vendor#, and bold, ready for the hunter'* rifle, plasty of baaata.", “Ooodaaaa granions!" again n claimed the nor runs woman. *‘Don’t , tbay awoop down on Honolulu and aat up tha iabaMtaute?" "Wo," replied tha man who had been thara befara, apologetically. "They aeror awoop, and they aat moatly graaa. Tbay are wild nettle which nave probably aaoaped yean ego from the plantations. '* “We are learning acme thing," (aid Gordon, with a laugh. Wlaale emilat “We shall know all about Hobo lala," aha aaid. "It la batter than going into a ptaoe an attar atraagar." “Thera ia Coooe Head," aaid tha eea. who bed haae O'— before. “Haa that promontory to the southf That is II. Now, ia two hoon, at this we oogbt to see Diamond them Hoaololn itself. Ah, whet a piece that is! The gem of th* footstool!" With strong glasses wa oonld dte oera tree* sod rocks and hills. Hara •ad thara wa aaold ace white, ahlniag houses on the plantations. Tha man who knew all aboot It said he ooaid see moving Ohinamoa, Portngaaae and ethers working hi th* flolds. Mo ooa else coaid, bat, than, wa had not been then before. Rat w* war* getting nearer vary rapidly. ‘Thara'* Diamond Point!" shoaled be of th* experience. “Ia three ho are more we will be 1st Honolulu Ray." “I would like to avail myself at year knowledge of Honolulu," said Gordon, to the man who bed been there before. “I am a total stranger there, and would ash what hotel would •arva me best—a hotel sheep bn( «a4.N "Ho, nor I said hastily. “Gordon, yon mast toot with as to tha planta tion and isaka it yotu homo until 700 hars soma settled plan to follow.'' “How, Werringford," replied Ga» daa. “don’t tempi at. It would not do. I thank you a tboaaand tixasa for yoor ktadnoas, bat I eaaaot allow my saU to aaeapt. I have ooma ta Hanoi lain (Spotting to plow my own way, sad I mast do H." Tba sun who kaaw it all gars Ban a wltboriag glnnee, aa though my intsr larenoe was a dir sot naarpatioa at bit rights. Aad ha hastened to reply to Gordon, last soars othar interloper rob him of tha cherished opportunity. “Hotel, airr ho said. “Thara is but sue hotal la Honolulu worthy of tha tame. Hotel? Why, the Nanaan Homes ie the only plane ia the whole Island wheat a trsraUr ana ba treatad Bair-way llaiaatty. Don’t think af geteg to any afhnr, I Implore you, far yaar wwa gaef. At tba Haaana tha table le peed, tha bada alaaa, tba am riaa ia aasaUaat, tbs prises sheep. There yon have all the seesnUsli af e Ant-eiaee home. Try tha Hannan shore all ethers. * •1 harm heard of tha Boys! aa ba- | A pityiag rmlle braka up tba Caaaof tha maa who kaaw. .1 pea wfll Bad saw fart la* as boiat ia Haaolnla aaeapt tba Hannan. Hors “«»ia5 thara myself, aad If yea wfl allow am ta ha af serrtea ta ypt, X wlB lake aharge af yuar lag «f —d earn fan! you era ipmfwtakly “I thaak you,-/replied Garden, ~hn» I eenld no* IroaMe you ta that Ivtdil" “Troahtal Who Mid troahteT Hal t How, Iassureyea tha Hoswaa bfte plane taga. lam gMagttaan. I miai are going Un also. [ bar# lupdi yo* hare lounga. lews goes up with paisa. Where's kb* Iraablar* “Wall," aid Oordoa, slowly, ‘It will nartainly b* a aarriea to mal X tbaak joi. Bn la ay sard.** “Ah, tbaakal Oordoa goad mama. Hera’* aiaal Mot a pretty, bat mb etantial, ebr Ha gar* Oordoa a aard, which ha read, than. with a smile, ham dad It to ma. Ikeaid: • ••-•aa •••••• joixaoT nucaxr, Paoraisros kiut .laces, • Hoeotulr. hr. Baaoaap MU had my to attend to Gordon's luggage “No woo dm h* via load to prais ing hie on hotel. ~ said Wlnaie, with a langfa. “I bop* yon will Sad it ae da* as it Is pictured, Mr. Gordon." “I hope so, too," said Gordon; try H.” “Get ready to go ashore,” earn* the order, end w* weal to oar state room* to get oar trap* in chap* for Usdiofe CHAPTER* U. Winifred and I ware met ad the wharf la Honolulu by Uaala Thomas Wmrxtngfard. whoa* gray heed bobbed and whose kindly eyes heneiae enl faaad with tears when be greeted ms. I think it we* - Winnie’s mourning «ir*** that tonohed him most, r*riving in bis mind msmorisa of ay departed father. He wrung my band and oalled me “My boy!" Then he smothered Winnie with kissed and folded her in bia arms and petted bar cheeks nntal aba wept softly in sympathy Bat we *p*»t tittle tune on the dock. Deal* Tool gtva som* order* to hU etea, who aocoapenicd him, end oar laggef* we* carried ant to a wagon, which started off before wa war* fairly over oar greeting*. Then ha lad na to a carriage, a low, comfortable rock away, aad, taking the raina himself, drove away. I aat with Uncle Tom on Iba front a eat, and Winnie aat in state behind. Dnole Tom's boraaa ware not of tho fiery, prancing kind. They ware to ore like himself, substantial, well fed and oapabla of doing a us moodooa amount of work. Around tha dock tho piece did sot look nnliko other Southern port*. There was the same dirt, tha same number of odor* and the nms crowd of idler* lying about on the walla or piles of freight. Thors vara Ghinose, Portuguese and n sprinkling of klaxi esue. Among them there was also a number of good-natured-looking poo p's of * dull copper color, who ware, na Dud* Tom informed aa, types of the natives of tha island*. Whan w* bad paaaad the blocks of "This la King'street, children,” said Duel* Thomas. “It Is not the finest Street is Honotnlo, but It la in sens respects tha most important. Tha palao* is oil this street. ” Of oonraa, Winnie aad I war* alive with interest aad were noting every thing and everybody that ws paaaad. On* fact that surprised me waa tha domeeUo and homelike appaaiaiu a of the place. My idea of tha Hawaiian Islands, token from books written by people who knew vary littla about their •abject, wa* a confused mesa of mls siocariao, heathen, ]*xy and dirty na tive*, overpowering beat and several other things jnmblad together, all mors or less nndaalrahla. What I act ually found waa a bn tin see tows, upon tha street* of which walked Americans aad English mm aa wall drassed aa nay. salf aad seemingly acargetio aad pros perous. Store* of all kinds, ot invit ing alsealtaeas; drygoods, groceries and staple mannfactnraa temptingly exhibited in windows aad thowcaaas; earns js* of tha rich anual la appoint ments to any in Ifsw Yack. AJi W* 1DUCU W# ptMWi OlOtT pnrpaUuUly oa hueaobaek. ~ Ho ia « (OOd Migkbor.” Moat O kan mrilM ana rmnh. "Xy. aaolat” aald Wlnaia, laagb iag. "Thai man aaaat ba a priaa* or, at laaat, a 4aka. ioat>aa how digni Sod ba la." "Ho. Wlaala," rapliod Unala Torn, aauUag. "Wa bora (no dakaa and prloaas bora. Oar royal family ia «aill. A qaaaa and prinsaoa are all « «« boaat of, and tbay art qulta aaoagb la lhrirltoa That gantlamai ■ aoorotaryof atata Utbaqaaam. Ha pram!tally aoatrola, aa far aa lha raal oaaiaaa* rntneeeta of tba kingdom art aonoaraad, all tha Wanda. Bat it la ratbar a aaltab ralo wa aro a id or. BMU, wa moot mat aotaplain. Wohara »anj blaaalaga for wbtob wa aro thank ftl. Again a hoary aarrtaga mot aa. A baga adhir, a poo whfaa appaarad tba roynl arm of Eagitad. 'Tba Bntkk mi alt tor," aald my aaala. Tba HagKahmaa Vrwad and wire.1 its band at oar aarrUga, asd Unrl, Cam I dud bia baA Tim BrtHah mfa •atm waamaab older than my aaala. "Wa aro aaatag HI tba aalabrldaa at aaaa, ” Jaald. go aa aaatnmadj LAW NOT BINDING. Sttkatai Thai Validity of (create Law WniBeTeiled. WILMINSiON ATTOtNEYS AT WOII The Rtvnw Lnr Said to Have Boca Baactod Contrary to the Provisions •f the CoauCitaUes. A dispatch from Wilmington ia tbs BaMgk Nerwi and Obiarver taps: "U Is learned upon what la consid ered good authority that able couneel Is Wllmlogtoa has been employed t> resist the enforcement of the praamt revenue law on the ground that Its mannsr of passage by the lest Qener al Assembly waa ta conflict with eec Uoa U. Article 1 of the Oonstltution. It la claimed by counsel otnplrvyed that reliable Informal km te la hand that when the bill ruin up for aeoond readies la the Senate It was weighted down with thirty-six amendments and after It went bark to the Hocee many of the amendments were concurred Is and others rejected; that even whoa the bill name back to the Senate as amended A was only read one that and rawed one reading and waa after wards ratified. It this Information Is correct, lending lawyers say the whole revenue act Is Invalid at the Supreme Court of North Carolina has several Ilmen decided that unless a bill of this character passed three readings on separate days and the nays recorded la the eeooad reading, the bill Is void. If this opinion is correct the revenue will be derived under the act of KM." Normal College Comment err eat. The ocnmmotmiat exercises ot the Stale Normal and Industrial Collage will embrace Mar 19th 22nd An Inter satiag program baa been syringed and largo crowds ar« expected to attend all tba exercises. President Mclver has annonneed the following program: Saturday evening, May 11—Reunion of former students and xinmnas ban* 9Mt Sunday. May 13. 11 a. m— Annual sermon by Rev. Howard E Rondtha ter. of TCluaton Salem Tuesday evanlng. May 21—Bua,rs by representatives of tbs gradualist elaaa Presentation ot copies of tbs State sod federal constitutions by Hit Excellency. Governor Aycock. Wednesday. May 22. 11 a. rn-Cnro mencement address by Dr. Henry Las iis Smith, president of Davidson (Til to a. The exercises will close Wednesday evening with a concert and so enter tainment. -1 Tar JOetjL fluif,,_ Eighty wsavars employed In the Sooth era Cotton Mills, at Rwuetaer. struck on Tdetday owing to some dlsagrer meul with (heir employers. The mayurelity elections throughout the btsta pasird 0S quietly. A nuju bur of towns voted bonds lor graded schools and improvements. Tba legislature Journals era be.’nr examined to determine the exact sta tus of the revenue wet. Tbeee Joornxta ere not printed. M. C. Winston, one of the ownora of the cotton oil mills at Selma, sari there la oo truth In the statement, cur rent here yesterday, that the ott mills there had bean bought by a trust Ha •ays they have not been sold, and adds that none of the privets mills bare bean sold. The new con centra ling mill at thu Union Copper Mine, mearOoid Hill,was started to work Monday and will noun be running at Ms fell capacity of 19d tons daily. Tbs mins will now bare Its first opportunity to show Its mart; as a producer la quantities Thousand* of tone of on have accumulated on the dump: enough to kusp the concentra tor busy for months. Work on a rat tar Is In pragmas Heavy Bank Claarlags. New York, Spatial.—1The New York bank clearing* broke all prevtoea re cord*. Thorn were checks pasted through the clearing house dor ttMt - 315.1M. The balances to-day worn un usually largs amounting to compand with the high record of |:t. 170411 March I. thU year. *1.*00,000 Raised. Nashville. Tens., Special—The hoard pf education of the Methodist Episco pal ehureh. Booth, met here. Bishop Oaloway prratdlag. Dr. J. D. Ham mond, recording secretary, reported that the 11400,*00 ordered by the tim er si Conference sa s thsnk offering for the twentieth esatary had been raised. Bishop Duncan delivered sa nil Trial on talslon schools. Tbs work of claaal fylug colleges was completed. Telegraphic Briefs Tbs t'nttad States la the greatest of toffee drl.king nations, lbs oar capita cosmmptkm In MOO having bona I II Pounds. Missouri win taka the spats glrrn op by Maryland at the Buffalo Bsposl. Uos. Csmegfo"* gffl at MS/ftf* for s 11* hrary has been acosptad by Charlotte Sf. O. A a aw wap* aaale la befog ronell ered by tbe TInpIaU Worker*' later aaUanaJ A* rxtaPoa at Clerataad. O I Beeret siaalias are held dally by the Brotherhood of Hallway Tnltaa la aoaraaafoa at Kllwtakaa. Wm. C10P CONDITIONS. TIm Put Weak Warn ui Favorable For Cultivation aal Orowth. Vary decided Improvements In crop Condition* ococurred during the put wuk. Clear aklaa and wans, dry Weeihec cava an Impetus to farm work, of aU kinds, and rapidly advanced lbs growth of vegetation which now ap. Poors green and vlgorlua. The change to summer-like eonditona waa vary rapid; mufitle temperatures during the rntlru week have been quite high, reaching a me rim am of M degrees on May Jrd, and althocgh the nights have continued comparatively cool, ee peeUUy in the more elevated weatera region, the mean temperature waa 6 degree* ubovo tho dally normal. Kvery daj" waa bright and tunny. Thera no rainfall anywhere during the seek except a very small amount ions Inch) at Weldon and traces at a few othar points The only disadvantage ous feature wu that the toll dried out ao rapidly and formed a hard cruet which prevented seedi town before tho laet raise from coming up well; la tha central-anat portico* especially the ground baa become hard and difficult to plow. Warm showers are much needed to soften the soil and would greatly benefit vegetxton; In fact In many ooontlea rain la beginning to be badly needed. Farm work waa poshed rapidly du ring every day of the week. Planting corn la approaching completion except tn tb* extreme west; early planted cams up ao poorly that a large amount of replanting waa necessary. In gen eral the stand of corn 1e poor bat tbe young plant* bare improved In color. Planting cotton la now progressing ac tively. and la nearly Sniabed In moat tmi ibbdj ■Quioern coumum. Almost sJI tho land first seeded to col. Ion had to be replowed and planted over. Cotton la coming op slowly, and needs warm showers to promote ger mination and growth. Soma peauuls have been planted. Ground (Or tobacco Is being prepared, and transplanting wilt begin In tbe east as soon as show era nrrnr; tobacco plants baro grown rapidly but are abont ten days late. Wheat, out* and rye are beginning to head; the prospect for tbeaa cropo Is vary promising: spring oats Is not do ing so well and needs morn rain. Gar den* have nearly all been planted, and much Improvement Is nofid; vegeta bles bare become more abundant. Truck crops are now growing nicely, sad shipments of most of ths sarly vegetables are Incresalog. Lata plant ed Irish potatoes are doing well; the stand of early potatoes la poor. Largs shipments of strawberries are being made, bat ths crop Is late and short | Almost all correspondents state that ths prospect for fruit is Aim very good; apples are blooming In the ex treme west: peaches will be quits abundant Pastures ore making slow progress on account of the prevailing dryness. Americans Leave Pekin Pskln. By Cable.—The Cnltol State* cavalry and artillery left Pe kin Sunday morning to march to Ton Ku. Imposing farewell ceremonies attended their departure. Sir Alfred Gassies and ths othor British fe-v seals, with their staffs, were present and ths British commander sent s de tachment of Baluchis, who escortud ths Americana outside ths city wall. General Chaffs* publicly thanked tho cavalry sad artillery for their ssr vies* la ths International relief expe dition. and for their behavior elnco, which has bee*, he sold, a credit to themselves and their nation. Telegraphic Brief*. KaUoaallaU at Santiago, Cuba, protested because Governor-General Wood stationed American offloere la the registration booths. A lire at Jacksonville, Fla., caused an estimated loss of 111.000,000 of property and rendered 10.000 people homeless. Six lives are reported lost. A Sre la Armours beef bone* In the Chicago stockyards endangered 1.C00 bead of cattle, but they were gotten ooL President McKinley spent yester day la Texas, being welcomed by im mense crowds at Ilouatoo sad A us tin. -■ Textfl* Worker/. Holyoke, llaaa. Special.-The later a*tto*el Talon of Textile Workers met bar* la «"«■«< convention Monday. At the forenoon saaakm there were about PO detonate* present, representing the taxtllo centres of the North and from North Qarollna, Booth Carolina, Ala bama. Kentucky,' sad other Southern States Several of the delegate* from the South ere women The afternoon session was pclacipslly devoted to or ganisation and tb* detail business be gs* Tuesday when the number of deb •State* In attendance was 1JN. Phgtppise Affairs. Manila. By Cable.—The [eland of Baroar. oaa of tbs Vleayaa group, has burs transferred from the depart ment commander by Oeneral Wade, to that commanded bp Oeaaral Hu ghes. Oeaaral Hughes has been or dered personally t* Samar, and If ha Is nasaceessfal la negotiating the ear reader of tb* laser***t general. Imk baaS the fores of America* troepe In Berner erlil he largely Iarreseed and a vigorous affsnitv* ssmpslga erlil b* CUBAN DELEGATES' REPORT Ureed tha Constitutional Convemi**i to Adopt the Platt Am-ndmwt. OUR POLICY OF INTERVENTION IV nthtl IttUd Thai (ho rallaU H>M ▼••M Vt«l loUri as a I'nlaai C«k» Wot* AMsnkcd By a Wvlia ro«ar»Praat. •WW* HIM r«f rt\l»« CvametfU] R*. lBtU«wlU]Mi1 \ladt Good laupmato*. Tlavaii.i, Cuba.-The Special C«b> twIpmIou of tbc Cuban ConatIrutismai Convention, which rialtcj Washington. pre«cntc<l lo the convandou an cx»et> llw report of II* com m no-* with President McKinley nod Secretary Knot, and a glowing Account of tbe buii<|u<‘L4 and receptions tendered to It. Honor Glbcrga objected to Incorporat ing an account of tbc torbil pro gramme la ibe report, but tbe commit nlo*« inflated upon tbla point. lu rrfcrriUT to the lb Ini clause of the* Platt amendment, the report acuted that tbe United Stale* wuiitel not lo ttrvfM unlo* Cuba were ot lacked by a forelgu power, or nnleoa then* eg lftn\ In Cuba u ccodl.lon ©r affaire similar to that which uxiatist under Spain at the Hum: ©( American inter r cation. Kejordlng coaling statloaa. tbc re port sat forth tbm tb? pines* *o de sired by the United State* were t'apea Malel and Han Antonio iuid another point comaiandiQi tbc entrauce to tb« Half of Mexico; that these would be definitely determined upon tv hoi draw* in* up tbc treaty, uud that tbe object of the*© station* would be ibe main tenance of tl»© Independence of Cub* a* well as tbe protection of the United State*. rui> report iuio said that lb,. United Sinleo would lo no tray Interfere in the governm. n.\ and that Ihvirt den. McKinley bad proin-wul n, &p point u couinilessnn to nn-c: n Unban eouiuil.Hltjn to discuss lb- economic quest ion and to draw up a roniiin iTlal treaty au mvju aa the repub'h- not r*. taliUalird. Mr. McKinley mlvlscd ilia Culiauu In tti,. uiruul.ine to study ilie alttlutluu In tlila r.'apvcL Tlio report announced tlmt S.-i r.-tarv Itoot an Id there ti n* notblug til tbe l'latt amend “lent lo prevent t.'ulta hatluy ,ll)4o malic nprcscntntlrca lu foreign . 0011 trira. The reiwrt bat er'd-m'y ma.ln a good Impression. end ouiy .1 few Kadi cal* trill ccnthiu; to oppose tho ae ccptauco of the ria:. amendment .Sennr V llnendi. in an op:u Idler declaring bis Intention to avcep. tho muendnieht, says lu iirst thought that. If the itmeenttmi rejected llie amend ment, Washington might change its policy, at ho then believed the amend ment wa» tlio trotk of a part}. "I now believe." says 8enur Vlllueo dn. "that the amrtidmrnt la the work of the Nation. There In no nee In ob jecting lo the Inoiltahl*. It In either annexation or a republic with tbe amend incut, aad 1 prefer The latter. The United Bfnti.g (lovrrntnt-nL by In stating upon lb- nui, ndmiut. uiiorrs that tbe American* hare changed from their policy liefore the war. aud that they bo longer rely uimn the Monroe doctrine to prelect the Inicreats of American republics." CLtVcLANO BANK CLOSED. hi reel err anaprod Tormrut Owls* N the Alscore of tbe Trouser Clereland. Ohio—The door* of tbe Cuyahoga baring* aud Daubing Com pony were not opened for business a few days ago, Tlio following cotke was posted on tho window: "On account of the continued ab sence of R. N. Pollock, tile treasurer, the nlrectore barn concluded to sus pend payment until sneb time a* they, can make an examination of their af fairs It la confidently expected that every dcpoeltor will be paid In fun.” liundrcds of depositors tuoatly work ing people, getuered around tbe bank soon after the notice was displayed, clamoring far their money. The last statement published by tho bank Indicated that tbe Individual de posits amounted lo $299,170; loans on real estate, discounts, etc.. $300,803. THE BALTIMORE-ELECTION. HlptSUMit Osin m VMsry Ccd.r ibs >sw Pallet Law. Baltimore, Md. — Tho Republicans won the election for ntemoers of tbe City Council, electing eighteen out of I atony-four members of tbe Klrst Branch. Tbe Second Drench sell) con sist of nee Democrats and four Be pa ti ll cans. Only four members of the Sec ond Branch ware elected. aD Republi cans. Both branches of tho last Coes eil weru Democratic. Only sixty fire per cant, of the total Tots wss cut It was the drat election under the new ballot low, designed to cut down the Illiterate role. ■esealatiea Swell# ta* (Math Data. Nsrvoos strain Induced by spccals tion Is beginning to toll open the death rate or Chicago, according to tho nenlth Department officials. Thera was as Inrrraaa of thirty per cast. Us the past week In deaths of men orer fifty years of age. The Increase was In heart failure and nerreua prostra tion. ■ satas mil at JaskssaiUts. Pla. 'Aha work of robulldlag Jacksonville, Mia., la to bo pushed rapidly, and the dly la expected soon to rise from the ashes. Tho recovery of bodloo from the BL John’s River, Into which par sooi were driven by the flamoe, was bo 1V.100 Kins# av CrtnM The British War Office officially slice ont the total number of deatha la the Booth African war as 714 offi cere and I4J54 met. Ko«r cdices tad *14 men have beau Invalided hams and euheerjuantty died. The mi Bihar of non eommlXflonrd officer* and mas who have left tho service wilt far doty to AIU.T. rev ms Ops* Ueav Is Chtaa. The Powsrt are as Id to ho ctmddop Ing the epealag up of lha entire CM asse emjfirs fa la terns tleaal trade. ^

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