BKF WALL SHEET PUNIC rrv.7* HfKFw Control of Northern Pacific Precipilatej a General CfMh. «NY FORTUNES SWEPT AWAY T«h City.— The Mac* Kx • ThanAay ot oae > rndplaM by the I Merou-BUl aye01 Tab*. I/oeb a «f the North The liht fee the atauate pguTSR.^y -“ftwUh c^cu' •Mam bad mated aa they had Dot P—* •** * Black ruday. did! Baaa m •nariaUj awake to a real-' ■fafi >™ ■■ of tka gravity af tte at too Saw ted'auteT** ** h**tltl *•*••• ▼Ma tka era* waa *dcr fait. ■Meaea tte nemo on tte Keck Bxchamrc' waa a* attaaat impossible to describe, ttoct ■aal'rra af tte teatd i I _waa. war* freely ctreu hMi m of come, la an cooes ni|-i fmtkme arm Intense. Tte “corner" ba Nart barn Pacific tooth. which waa tte Uoantdletr caws' of tte era*, la aaflte anythin* ore-, slaaoljr known In Wall • tract- "fw! aenr aa they ware known in former Item wars node far tte drilteratei tetin of entrapping spacnialora Inin Baking ate mi which liter did awl own and torctog Item to repurchase at tr . tactionatc prices or pay ilac plot la ra w* far lotting them off. In tbc (arm-, ant Instance two rival coterie* of tank an and railway magnate* rovup.'tlua far control of the Northern Pacific Railroad began to bay all >bn stock in jPUjotl liara aad on tte Knn><iean Tkrto hundiad abarna of Nor I hern Tactile said aa Ugh ns Hoof) a there, and tte'stock finally cteaad at SX2. Wtea banka raised a pool of 119. •99.000. which was loaned at from fatty to sixty par caal. to bvokara woo ware an*hi* ha boeiow at eighty par i avoiding a terliaaa disaster, ally andarwant snor ■wi w. and geest loosea worn lafllctod an tbo sprcnlating pub ka. Tte not loan an tte day In thr of thirty-roar railroad la stocks tea wiped out fa* af mHVima of paper profits, beg gorad myriad small apcculator* an •w tfci 1ca4 ud mni(1 ootnittK not •nty m Wag treat, hot * tte Earn fan tearam that art markets for I marl aaa aacuritiea. Nradtoe# to aay. tte ertah does not Oftat tte I no loam of tte country. •WMaapread loom have bam tocanvad. haatanaa an paper have restated, and many projected trips to Bur ope win te dsfsrmd. hot tte mines, tte looms and far pat af tte eoantry are bnay. tte IWRWSJ* *o laden with fratgbta aad IPO sra* fra growing in a million fleldi and ate nd woatth af ma country la THE NEWS EPITOMIZEC TTAaitixcrtor craws An xsrccmeol slxned at IM Plata Department extend* for oao year the commercial treaty with Ocnsuart:. Minister Couxct arrived In Washing, tnn. and will coafc.- wllb Wale lie partaaat atari*!* rexrnllnz il»- altua. ttoa la China . Ob April 1 lbe atteadanee at tha rep. alar Indian schools la th* country xra* SUM, aha it la* the largeit annual In crease In ten years Disappearance of the traclnxe of Plane af tha croMer St. Louts canned CMoern uooax naval officer*. The Panama Caul Company mad* (hmal araoTWcenMal of tba tarn* <9oa which It would tell tha canal to tha Unltad States Paervtary Jay denied the statement that a new lathmlaa canal treaty had been dettrered to Lard Panned ore, tba British Ambaaeadar. Tba historic old Minnesota, saw ly. lax at Boston, waa road* mord. and will ha add. Tha Army Ordnance Office will par* ebass 1300,000 worth of projectiles fee the coast farts _ own norm nutas * Tha PM Itppla* Coatmlaaioa favor* auklax Manila a radars) city, and Prnroat-Oanaral Dari* u preparing a ■Cbema of municipal coTvrnaaanL Haavy loaaaa oa la mall esc tract forced tha West Indies Express Com pany. at San Joan. Porto Wco. Into liqnkUtloa. Troopers or tlw h'lrat Cavalry dr hated a rebel force la Ha l a axes Prov ince. L toots. P. L dm (orernment wee established M Manila. two cam of yellow fever were re ported ta Havens. Cob*, mad QWU Ha* regulation! were pat tato effect. Delegate Wilcox nonlaatad Char lee Bkhardaoo. a Hawaiian, for the Wert point cadetship, for which Joseph Ac* failed to pans the examlaatioa. _ | naomc. The total beak deposits la Ohio nr* aow <l<9,Aso.oS3Jlo, a gain la a year of no.niri.nin hi Berea coasts charging James Calls has. alleged le be oae of the abdnetore of yoeng Cuvshy. with pcrjnry aa Ms 1st* trial were filed tl Omabs. Neb. ‘ib* Thirty-second Volonteer Iafao try was mastered out at Ban Ft ancle co. (Ul. President McKinley and his party arrived In California, belag met st Redlands and wekomed to the State by Cevcraor Cage. Fire destroyed several cotton ware, honors la Augusta. Co , causing a lose of about <1011.000. Relief trains are arriving in Jack sonville. vla„ with supplies for tbe flnj sufferers. The Younger brothers, noted oat-, laws, are to b* released on pare la from Uir Minnesota State Prison. Valet Jonvs, chief wHncsa in tbe Rice murder case, at New York City.1 refuses food and Is said by physicians le be uytng. Tbe Seventh .Nation U Bunk of New York City bought tbe KquJtable No. Herat Dank, ef Cte.-tunatt. OMar~ Much damage was done by a break In the Kric Canal, st Rochester, N. Y. Missouri will take the spare given up by Maryland at the Buffalo Kspoal tics. Carnegie's gift of <20.000 for a Ik bvary waa accepted by Charlotte, N. a The Illinois Legislature adjourned sine die. The Finance Committee of tbe City Connell of Colorado Springs Col., re ported a shortage of <90.000 In the ac count* of City Treasurer Moses T. Rale. Million* of dollars ware carted through the •treeis of Chicago when the Chicago National Bask moved. Tbs garrison at Port Gibbons. Ala* ha. Waned supplies to destltote min ers ta such aa extent that there la like ly to be a sbortags of provisions at the poos. President McKinley telegraphed the Government would give in the aid pos sfble la tha work or relief for Jackson ville. Fla. Judge J. X Hsaly. a lawyer and polk tldso. waa fastaaily killed by being struck by 1 If b talas on his ranch near Aberdeen. 8. D- He bad been political advisor aad business partner of Dean tor Kyle. romxm. Awrltu eaptuliata nay be asked by Cblaa to awtacrlba Ms Umak; A Uo Janeiro newspaper comment* am lbs taafsr af Orman eoknlaattoa to dootbern BraaU. 11 1s uround la Samoa Ayraa, that Chile la fortifying tba l Parian, eereaty yaars aid. was sweated. charged with daUbarata ly mauling Ms 3ra cbUdrea to Ua feaaa at Parry bad, Oat. P. a dcbretaar, bratbar of fare it premise af Caps Oolmy, dropped dead at a meting af Timm Mum to Lae Act. Klee Victor baaUMl at Bam*. ap4 a dactaa placing Baroa Pars, tba Italian Atobaaaaitac to tba Halted Hairs, on tba ratkad Hat. Tha I>aba at Cornwall and Tart spaaed Uto drat aaaaleo at tba Aaatra Baa PadafaUon Martin mm t. at Mtl bae.-ne, la a apleadld apartaUa. Vanraarla brrMed Uerr Krnpp, tba Oemaa armor kaatrfactnrsf. is bid far tba supply af erotoete. torpedo boats and war material. ’ Tba plague -Ml M Can b'.tikat IJIo teWr la India wrre aapptiaaad by Iht art Mary. , DMpeCchw tram dotnbcm Italy to pact that tba peseeata to Murine. C*. laata and tjnim art la r»r«*t amt to candht who tbo inilce do Ur. Tan tbooaasd pirmua signed a earn dUtocniary addm* prearatad an Mr Alfred miner, at Caps town, Santb Afrtan. Wau nna a met* were aada to Manlnridea faMowlap mere a* a earn sptrory in bMI t be Miaatdena of Br» -»n i. .i'* •*••• * FIERCE RIOT IN DETROIT Tai Thousand Men and Pov* in a Flfht With the Police. ALL OVER A STREET ORATOR Dlwaw at rattaa Onlant That X* OM Ba llami to (toad Araaad tha •■to* •* a to|l■ Taa AAvacst* — Kaaatod »Bnn Kan* Crowd* Katta* —Itajar Stood With tha r**rl*. Detroit Slick.—Folly 10.000 men rad bny* ran rim la tk* mala *Un*ta of this dty for non than throe hoars, aad a eeatlaaal running Agbt wltb po Uee. both moaatad aad ca foot, made and exciting period la tha haart of iho dty. The net result la twelve cltlsens aad Are pollcetaea Injured. Tb* begtoalag of the riot arts when tha BOW Director of Police, track T Andrews who recently superseded the old Palle* Board, through tb* passage of tha Bipptr bill by tbs Legislature, lamed aa order to tb* pollen to allow •o ooo to staod about tbs wagoa of «* 'Tna" Bawdoa. a local Btngle Tas exhorter. who bad Incurred the HI-will of many rtttanoa by tb* extra ocdlaary naturs of his remarks on re called wealthy “tax dodgtrs." MILLIONS TO MOVE CROPS Th» Treasury Bogina Preparations to Meet the Antumn Demand. Cirktmw la Kim ThIM I Upon la Or*«r t» IlMtnil aiuar Delterl ■a* Units* stems x»ms. I _ Washington. O. C. — Preparations hare begun at tha Treasury lo meet the automii demand (or money (or ■dot lug crops. A telegraphic request came (nun New Orleans for <273,000 to bo paid fur n deposit In (ha New Tort Bub Treasury. by tha reserve accut of the bask, asking for tba currency. Treas urer Roberts authorised payment by the New Orlruua Boh Treasury, on condition that express rates sbonld bn paid at Ne* Orleans la tha so non classes of currency la which II was recrlTed at New York City. This In cluded gold certificates far <30 to a considerable amount. Treasurer Roberta has authorised similar transfers to the * mount of <250.000 a day so long as (be demand for money continues. Hr Is laslsllog at prenrat upoa rxrhangra In kind, seeking to bnshand the limited nock of silver dollars and United States notea la the Treasury, with a slew to meeting emergencies later In the sea son. He mny then be compelled to ase these funds tn issuing small notes tor payments In gold. Tbs stack of ataudard silver dot WkTHMAKfM »90« - UNHID STATES. >124,497.8S3.1 EHtLAHD .117, at 6 £4 6. Bi AvtKAU cnctHB wm< UZ ■ . tXC.lfM. *';«Y.*7,«l MO 1 JJJJIA HUHWRy ‘ ^7.00D.B "Aw ^r-rr-MiSSl, *. • «VB LEAD T HE WOULD. _ —Tram lh« S»» toft Tr1->««». When Bawden began hi* exhortation Cl crowd quickly gatBercd. Director -V. Irewa supervised the wort: of the ] police In keeping the people marine. The crowd good naturally hooted at tbo police anti bo violence waa dour. At light, ho trover, the temper of the crowd ebanged wbaji It Waa aapjuumJ that niw.-toc Aft—.- h..l — iho rrverve oiilcrr* to saslat la keeping Ibo Cntnpna Martina clear. The Slu gle-Tnx exboricr canto with hi* i»a.-o.i and found tbo camps* Jammed. The police renued to allow him to atop o: any one particular point, and he drove from ooe etreet to another, tbo crowd following. Till* waa not enough, and the em ployee of tbe Board of Public Work* . turned oat awl proceeded to wars down tbe atreeta with a two-lneh enli-l I stream of water, rvjarxllei* of whom tbe water bIL Finally Mayor Uaybury mounted Bowden's wagon In tbe driveway, on tbe poetoflBcv lot, where municipal nn tborlty dared not enter and informed tbe crowd that Its right* were being trampled upon. nwl that tbe pollen bed no right to atop free apeec-b. Bawdaa Anally waa nrreslrd, end af ter be had been boiled out by the Mayor quiet mettled down oa tbe city. BEAUTY INDICTED FOR ARSON. Bated Virginia liatlt! Wania Arrested Vm B taenia* Mar Own ft taw Newport New*. V«. — Mr*. Jeoole Wood, daughter of Psetmaster K. O. Darden, of Hampton, und ooe af the moit noted beauties In Virginia so ciety. who waa arrested on the charge cf .urging her awn bouao for tha In sonnet. wgg Indicted by lb* Grand Jury. tea piOMnUM WUl etidrornr to prara that Un Wood la reeusrted -with a aarlta of Incendiary »m that destroyed many thousand dollar*' worth of pi up or ty racretty. Abe waa llaoMtid on thrsa coanu for arson, ithro* dlderaat attimpta ta diatray bar residence by Rra bar Lag bora made. I The omot aad proracatloa of Mr*. I Mood waa breagbt ahoat by tbs repre .eanUUrce of aararal lasaraac* romps 'alas, who bars boon larasUgattag tha ayairlm Ran. MCMOWnUI OUT Of THE ASHES. JlfSonaTilts. Hr.-Tho aula otroota of JachoeerWe ara brio* rapidly rloorrd of debtia. Btiest can will bo oparatod by main antU tha tralloy ay* tear iaa ha restored. Pirn ara bain* drawa far a larga aaiabrr of baataraa ■tractarea. Tha rlrrr probably will ha htrikhtadod. Temporary a trod area ara fetec op a* an sides, (bo etty rtqalrlas thotr domolltlaa by Oirawbor 1. Tho Manila ara bofsf fni by the relief aotmulllrr. A largo au>o«n( of taeoraaet boa boon P»H. __ MNMM <M rHsflff*. Probably tha largaet east doml am tarried throagh had haaa computed by iaams W. lira pa fb Co., of rn tabor*, aad tarotraa ahuool all af tho Mar- I rayrrRlo ttIb of east, loratod la Alio- | aha ay and Wrelmerekaad Ceentiea, ] Was. The real prirbrya aoM appeal Imam Mjuo0 arm. aad tha pr*s waa 1 aiaaa ta gayme.cou. A raapoood Wateh Trow. All the worth fhat.rhr) of tt« eeae tr> are Is ha (Sail'd la o l-r P. Mar gad « Co, af Mow I lars oo hcnd. not covered bv out standing certlflcntei. woo A10.ilG3.2ue. The • mount of Celled Bute* notes vros *102118.40*. These are narrow mnrflot upon which to coudact the large eict.au gc business of the crop moving seasoo. but _ believes he SnUs It ueecesary to it tfo.vn ibe role of eirhanjtra in klinl-V* fnr as possi ble. he cans.- of Ike limit Imposed by law -ipon uiost forms of currency out side of the gold cerlUjcates. Uokl certilii'ates can l.(. rurnlsli ol to any smmrat In exchange for gold coin, hot their ntinltuniu dcucmtustlou is fJO. not nlwuya small enough to ; meet demand*. KILLED FATHER AMD HERSELF. bsazhisr Cnuhl the Parent's Crosl Ti.stm.nl .f H.r Mather. 81. I.oals. Mo — nostare Baarc aged fifty, bailiff of the BL Louis Hanoi Board and a former IlepresenUlirc in the State LegSslatoie, was fbot sud klUed at his home by bis dnugh cr. Ida X. Eagre, aged twenty, who then turned tbs resolver upon herself. ln filetlo* a wound from which site d rd la two minuter. Both were shot through the bead. The action ef the yo'.ptg woman was premeditated, as was shown by a let ter which she ten, In It she said that the frefinent Insults offered to her mother by lier falb;r Isr.-stue unbear able, ami Ibal kJw had resolreil to kill him and then herself. Mr. Baure was taking a nap wrhcu he tv is killed. TUHUEY'S BEgUHE OF MAIL, tali—l.n riUNtfll IhirnUlMh “ n*M> Couataoliuoplr. ■rkry.—The Am litMadon of the foAirn iwwrn have •eat Id railed notea to the Ports char set seising the wlsurs by lbs Otto man postal artbaflllr* of rorstrn null hags aa a breach of Internstloeal law. sail bolding thu- Porte rrapotalbls for tbe NOHqwnen. In reply to lha protest tbr Paris maintains the right sf tbs Ottoman Paetnflee ta raealTt and distribute foreign mails. . °ns S» tbs bogs opened eoatalned dlapateben In tbe Otynsa t mho sen ■eye * MtssSawney Was SatM SUn. According to a dispatch from Shane, bsl to lbs London Daily Kapreea, Patbar PadL aa luliaa taUetanary, waa trarted sUrs la lb# Province of Hbsn-SL China. A IhW in Iftrtn MssS.Tn.a-. no.. Spanker Ilsadsmon s room In tbe Capitol, al Wsshlngteo, waa brokea Into by a ihlef. bat Both Lag waa steUn. Vasal Ikl.ni Calllslaa la >awa. la a railroad collision at Tbarcr. lotra, an saglnsrr was killed sod thir ty other persons wars lajond. btsbbwri WssWy Valines Itspat. B racist rest's reports ltM failures la tbs Ualtrd States derisg tbs past week, egnlaat 314 for tils previous wnsk. About nlost/tnrse per rsnl of (be total number sf eouerrs* ColHo* hod capital sf bJCOt sr kra, end Imt per erst, br.cl frost (DOIXj to V-D.djO capital. Ts* KltbS by tbgSM.tay, Mr. and Mrs. P.—*l Krlii jlc , an seed coopto, residing a»or lsc.lt w-sob-e. w#ra struck by Hrttotsloc. Both warn lasts stly klUsd. BILL ARP ON ROASTS Barlo* Philosopher Touches os Visi tors to the South. ITS A GAHii Of PREY, RE SAYS. Ogden u4 Itts Party Are Cleverly Crftidnd by tba Georgian — TaUi Mow It Msppsntd. Roasts! That U a nswspapsr ward tor largo headlines. It aur*i-ti sura Uon Ilka are. Criticise wouldnt do. The reporter mart k»ve s ward that boras or scorches. There 4i a good deal of this roasting going on. Tba gornreor meets tbe ynnhaan who cans prying around Ur. Parfcharst and Broothlon roast tbe governor sad the negro preacher. I am pic! ns roasts Parkhuret. It looks like everybody sad everything has to prey om something Tbs eagle catches tbs hawk; Us hawk catches tbs chicken and the cklckrs gobbles up the worms and Iks bsgv Avery body and everything U la con stunt peril aad It Is wall we don't kaorw tt, for It would make us very mlaerabie The people of Galveston and Jacksonville oocaped the worn af motion—Ute dread storm and ftrs—the agony of fenr and apprehension. What a noble and generous deed It was tor Oalvaelon to 4o—to give 91.UK) to Jack •onvtlle. What a redeeming trait lo oar northern elites to give help to southern saffereru. 1 think 1 think mors of them than t think 1 do. There la ar'.U a power of good In human na ture everywhere and I reckon that Ol den ft oo. had good Intentions when they came down to Inspect in The trouble with those people la that they think they know more about ne than wa know ouradvee and are sarprlned when they hod us a civilised and re spec table people. Dr. Parkhorst ad mitted that he had never been south behove. They know lass about ui than they do about the French or tbs Osr maai or the Chinese, end they know nothing about the negro. One of them remarked: "These negroes seem to be quite happy. I hear them laughing quite merrily at the dmpo. I bad sup posed that thsy wars very'miserable Indeed. ’ Now. Dr. Parkhorst say* that wo hate the negro and any so. bst the northers man pretends to lute him and Ilea shoot 1L The Dr. la mista ken. We do not hate U*c negro. Wo hate the mean ooes. whom the north has contaminated, but there are lots of thorn In every community vitrei we have respect for and who are good, useful, law abiding rtttxena. We can pick out score* In tuir firnn »>-n ... - useful and Industrious and pay ro •port to respectable white people For many of these we hare mors report! then for rat Denies and all his sort Pat breaks into Jail and break* out. Pat broke Into the rbslngang end l wont down to see the prison commis sion and begged him out for his wife's ■aka and paid his way home and hi has lean In Jell or the calaboa** or the chalngang ever since, and yet his poor wife sticki to him and follows him with her llllle rhlldrwi when he ram array. They are bid out eomewhc** bow and nobody cares for them Ct>. the bonds—the chains of mat rim on, that tie a poor, pit ful, pleading -roman to such a man as that. Yea. there are many uetter negroc. In this community then some of tbs whits folks. I had rather depend open them In time of trouble My daughior would treat hsr two little children with with mot any white «™»n abn could hire. Clertwy la kind. wxiohfol act alfocil-in.-ue and »hn cbJidmo love hs She la a good servant. and you will fled auch in almost every family that la able to hire one. All micb negroes are coa tented aad have the rmitorta ot life In their homes. A good negro will give the sidewalk to a man who ha respect i aad will Up Ms het to him. Boclil •duality Is not wanted nor expect'd Boots I equality Is net a fixed universal privilege In say rare or people. I would step aside and gvi tbs sidewalk to a king or a president or any great man. I am not envious bare tree a rt:h man can travel la his private ear. 1 rsoogatas the fast that I am lo an hum. bier walk of Ufa sag must ant lotruds. Aad so I am one of the old timers who require the mats rmgm I to be Shown to me hy tbs negroes asm that they ex. hlMird la the olden tires. No mors.-so Isas. Those who do not do tt srs fhe a across wheat we hate: ter those who do. we hare a regard that la akls t> t If action, aad we would defend aad pro test thorn. Bars Is Seat Hander ana who peril tae sad shops wood for half a tan families sad they srs ell hU Meads sod Mold help btai In time of aosd What a eollste edwcaUos la do lag for this generation of ssgioss I am at a loss to know. If I here ever esea owe of them he was aot at work This thing of erfucstton It changing so rap idly dill we old-timers cuat keep np with IL The moet Important festur.1 of It sow seems to be kicking or bat tle* s halt, sad soma of the collect] send their boys 100 mHet away in pi jy s game I had bops that the Tech hoys weald come oat pood mechanics, but they don't seem to keve lime to do earthing fag play hall. The develop meat of the muscles of the arms and the tops lx very Important. Beck boji are seeded la every town aad rlty for drseeea aad to rue w'th Ike boss reel ted climb the ladder*, eo I reckon It l« all right -I bops so. But ws are all getting along fairly well uww aad la the enfoyarapt of mo.* Meetings than curses. Iks weather is dellghtfwl lbs dowers srs la hloom.ths cards* prospering and ws srs toxerlxl Ik on grt-on peas, atrnwberrlee andat paragne carry day. The chryianthe mama arc loaoring up and my wlfo want* Ki« to separata them and traot plant, but I don't tool Ilka it I piock •d tha Arab Marechal NIat rota tbta morning and Muck It In her P ora turn laa bair at the brcokfKat table. On lb a lat of next month she will ba born aiaia—that la to nay. aha anil have mother birthday—and I am ruininMlug what little token at deration to g!re bar. Two weeks later will ba mr aev tety-Ofth analrarirVbnd I hope aha • ruminating about a token lor me. ail'a well that ends well. Ho mole It 1hi — BUI Arp ha Atlanta CXmilkjUon. Telegraph Acroak Africa The telegraph line which Ur. Cedi Rhodes la attending from Cape Town to Cairo la racking excellent programs. The Une. air etched on short Iron polee. hag now reached the neighborhood of the lambeal River and the surveyors who are selecting the route are far In advance it hat beam decided to ran tha lino np the east coast of Ipke Tanganyika aa far aa UJU1, whence It wUI be carried north fleet to tha south coaat of Victoria Njrenam; then It will ba built along the east coaat of that lake and Into tha little known coun try west of Lake Redolf. and Anally will skirt tha western frontier uf A byse la la and daaoasd tha NUa Some people may wonder how a tala s*»pu wire nn us puenvo unn|a S barbarous coootry and be kept In con dition for business. It la i compara tlvely simple matter. The achema for safeguarding the «lra Is (hat which Stanley suggested long ago. Native chiefs all along tho rout# ora anbaldlntd to kaop the wire In proper position. As for as It ex tends through their territory they, must tea that the wire la kept oft the ground and In Its proper place on the poise. They era wall paid for thair services If they fuldl their duty, but of enurna receive nothing If they neg lect their charge. It Is the retore to their Interest to hasp the wire In good condition. This system has bean found lo work wall on the Congo sod hi other parts of Africa wkara It haa been tried. ^^VtenBuub I [iMlTED ^■FTrains Double Daiut Service Mvms few Yirt, Ttupi, AtluU, her _CHnti utPoiali SouU ud Vast. IN KyygOT KKUHUARV girh, IUA1 sou-raw a *b. Dally Dally _ _ _ No. II Ns. JT It XewTcrk, r.H.8 UUpu lno.ua tv Philadelphia, “ •• • IS pa 3 M ta L«. Baltimore " 1 44 pie SIS am I.v. Woshlogtoa, “ G M pm a si w L*. Blehmoad, 8. A. I*. l(J 40 pas 13 S3 pea1 i-^Jyegt'SU. JZ-Z - All! pa. I laps) — Lv Nonius •• a Warn 3 >0 pa Lv Uesdersoo, - 3 30 eia 3 33pm I.v RaUegh. “ 3 40 mo 3 03 pm Lv. Bo«them Pines. “ t ¥1 are * SI pm Lv. liemler,- 4 SO sr» a 10 pes Lr. Msaus I - a *0 so lOJOpm Sr. aaraaosk, “ 13 ID pre 9 IS in ir. Jkeksourlllk, “ g SO pm ( 33 am In Tampa, “ 600am too pes No. ato No siT LvNewTovk.X.Y.P.AN.fl d an a M pm I.V Pblladeli.klo. •• IP 90 an 11 3S pm LvXew York,UU>.a.d.Uo1 3 UU pm~.. Lit Baltimore,B. tLlMlo.. 77T7TT J * SO pm Lv Wseh'tos. W.AW.H.B. ... « s6~^m Lv. Portemouui, a. A. L iTbi pm 10 ih am Lv. Waldos, " 11 IS am 13 SS pm Lv Martian •• 1144 as album Lv Beedeeaoo, I M am a 44 pm Lv Beleigb, ► Sbjam 4 D pm Lv noiumra Plaae, • 4II am (tin Lv. Hamlet, “ lusa k vs pm Lr. WUmsagtoo, - ..... ... 340pm _ w am IV vv Lt. (bmiar, >• 10M am II io pm LT. OrnauwoaO. * HOT pro lUla Lt. Atbaaa, •• Ilium 400am it All aula.: “ 114 pm iWarn if. Alfa a: a, U. A «. O. A 10 pm. it Maaoa. <ToIQa. Ill pm 11 10 am At NaMma’n.AAW.P.IN pm 11(JO am Ar. MaAJla. LA*.. I U am i li pm At- Maw Oilaaua,U A W. T N am IN pm At-*a*»HKM.v-.AM».I* A 30 am ISO pm Ar. Maaipbla, “ A M pm I M am BOBTaWAMD, Daily Daily ■a. M? Na Al La. ■ompAta.M.OA K.l. IMim a 40 pm La. MaaOrllU, •• M04 pm i tfS Uriaw Orlaaaa.L AM , 1U pm ....... Lt. Mown. L.A M. UN am . Lt. Moatarm ry A.AW.P a N am I *0pm Ct~Ha«otCLoillo...'.. >8 am ONpao Lt. Aaatama. 0. A ♦, (1 OMam .. Lt. AMaala; | B.A.Ul*Mpm lOVpm ii Atbaaa, “ Ota pm 11 It pm AaOmamwaoA, “ 4 to am 1M am A*. OAmoar, “ 0 to pra t N am Lt. Ok art oita. ~ IM pm ONam C7."WMWIa«W.-IMpm . l*. haatiaara Elaaa, - UUya IM am I.T. kalaiak, • | Nam UN am Ar. Bamlamoo, » 1 W am 1W pm Lt. XlrtLi ' 3 I M am I ao pm Lt. WaMoa. > 4 Ja am IM pm At. Nllimoait, ** 1N am A 00 pm At WHtlll.lA *A1. i 04 am At. Aattlmaaa. b.$jr'6o~.. figS £Tllav T«at,0.t>.i.i.0a. fI »*• Ar. Ktla*aila, B.T.P ANt • 41 la no am Aa. Maw I orb,_- I aa |aa 100 am . _ lio. ti" No.« Lt. Tampa, LLLIy. iilya OMam Lr. JaaAmaaTtita, *• 10 M aa 141 pm Lt. Oamaaak “ 140 pm It If pm Lt. CatamMa.l » * 17 pm 0 40 am Lt. Ha am, - «40 pi *30 am Lt. kowtkara Plaaa, •• it 41 pm 10 00 am Lt. ■alatmk. “ 1 t v a am 1107 pm Lt. ■—4araoa, 1 44 am ■ 37 pm Lt. Xwrllra _•• I la am 110 pm La. htaialary, “ 4 09 am 4 41pm Lt. Uleaaaomi, I ta am * N pm 4r. IVaaklavlaa. P. 0. IL OiOaa IM pm 4r man la,or. Milan II >4 am 4r. PkMmMpAla, - « 1117 pm 3 M am Ar. N-m lark, •« ■■ »ta |aa *Mam »a#m—t Dally, aaaapt Hao.Uy Dvaiaa Oar* Mrui N^w rora aa4 Biafe woa4 a*4 Bamlm and Naraonah on Traiaa Mat. 01 aa4 44 t Oaatral Tim*. | Kaatara Timm la. ».)

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