THE HEADLIGHT. WKDXKSOAY MAY 13. MOt. CORRESPONDENCE. Pm Dm. Miaa Imey HnlUwin w*» a pli«u. ant visitor in our loan Hominy. Charlie Hutchinaon ha* retur n'd from a l»ueine** trip to Dar lington S. C. John Carr after apending a week with hie parent*, returned to Sand ford Uat week. We are gtnd to see Mix* Mary Parker out again after a eeven* attack of meaalaa. Rev. Mr. Bet ha, of Burlington X. C. arrived Saturday night to aaaiat Rev. Mr. Jiloa in a aeriee of meeting* to he held in the chapel thi* week. John Shepherd and daughter Willie, left for Okeewecutec K. C. teat Monday to attend the oloaing exerciaea of the Ctua Road* ac ademy, which ia under the direc tions of Rev. N. H. Shepherd. The entile village was anddonod Monday morning hy the death of Mm. L. C. Mclunia, which oc curred at five o’clock Monday morning of pnralyaia. Thi* wai UM> second attark within a year. She waa the wife of L. C. MolnnU who came hem twenty two years ago, from Montgomery county, 5. C. She waa a devoted mother and a constant member of the Proabyterian church. The foner a) services were conducted Tues day evening et two o'clock liy Rev. W. R. Copped**. Ttie interment wee at Northam cemetery at three o'clock. She leaves four daugh ters a eon, and a host of relatives and friends who mourn her lose. Malee. The Heodlight ia a welcome vis itor in our home, we wish it a long life and much eoeceae Pleasant s**ma to he growing in in tercet and also in number*. Rev. N. H. Guyton filled hi* appointment Sunday at Bsthel and Mt. Pleasant, preaching two very fine sermon*. There is but very little new* up here this week. The farmers are trying to plow out their corn and cotton, but we have very poor stands of either. We are glad to say that we have been bleat with fbod preachers for the last few years, although the circuit does not do Ha duty hy them. Upper Wptf Pit. Mrs. J. C. Gardner ia very sick. Half the notion acreage in this section baa been planted over. Mbs Alloa Watson was visiting relative* at Pee Dee last week. 3. 0. Austin and fsaiily were visiting relatives in lower Wolf Pit last week. Rev. Mr. Jordan, of Anson county, ia conducting a revival at Steele’s MU I this week Oar yoang people had quite an enjoyable singing at the hoots of our 3. B. Gardner last Sunday night. mnud—To know if Bmn, Roe baek * Oo’a. agmt wlbpa plant*, and alad a t motion on (hr oaHnm A rortain fining man in thi* rUinitf Mum togs to Rtgplo’a Hill rary of tan. Korp your oyaan him and John Wright ton. Right ooiorod pnmpla har* dUd in thi* metinm in tha loot taro Maha. If tha pnawt hath tat* rootlnoio tWj «UI aooa bwum aamtanad thaaa porta. fllad to aaa tha floodlight Mak ing anoli an oggroMim light tor « donation. With Ha praoont adi tnraaanpt. of poMie i not root inn of thin aaonty, aM Makaoond trill aano HI htnlf of that tnemlmn of Mtoonoy that haa hoid an to bar rfth aoati loath Hkn Unarity. Thao aha rill Itaanoa tha Uuiorr a*only of tha good nid Xorth Mint* MoColl. Aa I have ba*n chuSumI iu tlw liouae for a mont h with grippe ami am now able to drug around a lit tle, luit aui not fully rwloml yet. for l con old grippe lurking around lierw iu the diatom* and peeping through the I malm* at me yet, hut I think he will 1* forced Iwok to the flat land* ami «wnmpe iu a few week*, w here lie can hove nothing lint coon* for hi* victim* ami will not interfere with we highlgiuler* for o ananou at leant. Jiui MoUilvrwy any* that rich folk* h«*e la grippe and pinirfolk* hove dUlenipcr. So 1 gueei edi tor* or* not afruid of la grippe. I waa very aurry to learn of the death of niv old *ole*nl-nmtc and relative. Xelaon <|. Terry, of Rob erilel. He tm mi honeat, high toned gentleman ami a noble clti ann, and our aymputhiea are ex tended U» the bervrived family. Our funner* are now on a *tand •till, fully half their cotton crop > Im* been plowed up and planted the aecoud tinw, and it ia very dry now. not having had any raiu ainoe the aeconii planting, it ia alow coming up, and the flmt planting i* not more than half atand*. Corn i* very »mall for the time of yi‘or. A good ilnnl of corn has Iwwn planted tlm second time-h Iso. The prospect is indeed gloomy. IjMt week our court was in 'sio<i for thin county with henry , docket. Only three murder anew on docket: yen, only three. Two have been emit to the penitetiary and one acquitted. The email grain crop look* Ann \ but i* suffering for raiu. There is something radically wrong in the management of the mail Imtween this point and Rock ingham. Tb* Headlight is issued on Wodnendny of each week and renchea thi* point at irregular times, sometime* Friday morning, Kritiay evening, Saturday morn ing aud Saturday evening. Sub scribers living in the country do not net it till Monday rooming, when it is six days old. Wishing for the Headlight abun dant success. Respect fully, Bill Sly. Gibson's Mill*. Kd Ingram, of Malee, was in our section last Sunday. Peter Covington, of Dockery’s Store, was visiting relatives here Sunday. We had a shower of hail last Nonday night hut no damdge has l>een done. Mias Liixie McNeill, of Robcr dsl, was a welcome visitor iu our nrighlmrbood Iasi week. Scott Tarry, of Roberdel, was visiting around in this vicinity last Sitndny. Come again, Scott. Well, it nppean that the cor respondent of Roberdel seems to think that three pecks of peas is enough to bow per acre. It takes about five pocks up here around Gibaon’s Mills, hut three pecks of pea* might kill an acre of crows. Wa And that soaking corn in Dr. King's New Discovery won't work, for it makes them too large, and you won’t put down enough to U» acre if you don’t be very careful. Laurel Hill. lenrel Hill la ttill booming. H. A. McDonald'* track farm look* fin*. The day of commencement with all it* trarimm attraction*, plane* Our local fl.Heraian bad great lack tli«* part two weelu catching |«errh, and they are fine. 0. C. Snead went np to Rock ingham Batarday. XVa think he mart hare *oata praaalng hmdnaaa ha goaa an often. Mia* Marcello Calhoun of Clin. M. C. and Mia* Kmma Rich of Laarhibaig apent a few day* of •art weak with Mie* Maggie Morgan. Up to thia writing,/. H. Mar pan Aoo. her* not orgaaiaed a Unai in thl* town, and ww don’t anticipate any tfuabl* in that Mae, a* long aa oar pcaaaoi town officer* are in i*>wcr. The farmer* of thi* section haw had awfully tough luck getting a ■tand of cotton, I'.iultonm of them t lie farmer Ixiy in nu awful pre dicament, the line between .duty ntul plensurv will doiibtltw* liuvc mime hard pull*. Jackson Springs. There La a bright pni*|iecl for a good crop, hut there will lie very few nfiplee. Thcr* vr*» n picnic at Currie* I bridge last Saturday May the 4tIt | quite a crowd attended, and a very I auiuptoua dinner wa» served ufter which them waa muaic and dan cing on the bridge. In a abort lime Jackaon spring* will have four train* a day, thi* will be quite a convenience for people who ai*h to come to the spring*. The Conijwny are having Uk> log* and other oh.trm.-tions re rniirrd from tlw t-wek im which the spring* are aitnnted. Mr. CiodartH of Ahodeen haa charge of the work. McDonald Ban. arc preparing to put in a veneering machine at Wwilauil S. C. The lumber anil part of the machinery are on the ground*. Por W hite People Only. I have opened a firat claaa ic« , errant |aarior, and also cold drink*. When wanting any tiling in thi* line ootne to hoc me Cream every day. 8. Weill. For Rout. The Store House known as the McRae Drug Store, plate glnse front, for rout. Apply to M. II. Russoll. Liable to Leak The "Family Stocking" ia liable to leak. Put your SURPLUS ' 'ST TheRiehami Gouty SaviflfsBank, Rockingham, S. C. If allowed to remain they will earn you other dollar*. Money hidden nvrny at home, or carried about the peraon ia dead money. We pay 8 PER CENT, tier annum on all ranu not leu* than Five Dollar* if allowed to reraaiu four month*. Interest com pounded three time* a year Deposit* may be with drawn without notice nr uudtie formality. Bank open Saturday after noon from 4 to 0 o’clock. —omerss:— W. L. Passoxs, President. W. L Hoaih, Cashier. Your Banking? No muter how small, {' no matter how largo, \ TIIK BANK OF PEE DEE. \ ROCKIXUHAM. X. C. j will give it careful atten tion. In addition to our Firv-oroof Vault and Burglar-proof Safe, we carry a policy of Insur ance against Burglary und day time robbery. We oiler the facilities of a well managed and a well equip]>od Bank. OFFICERS; T. G LEAK, VmsiutXT. W. I.. I’AllSONS, Ciwru. I i A. 8. DOCKEKY, ATTORX RV-AT-LA W. ROCKIXUHAM. N. C. ! Otllro u;>-«tain. Stsiuil) liuililitiK J. T. & .1. W. LbGRANH, Attorn it *-at-L aw, Runkingiitin, 5. C. Prompt attention given to alt Uw matter*. Oik* member uf firm alaraya in the office over Bigg*’ drug now. W. M. KELLY, ATTOOXEY-AT-LAW. Rockingham, N. C. . ®^t>fltoc over Porter's Store. MORRISON A WHITOCK Attobniy*-At-La*\ rxnisu 1st \tb mens, Kooltingtiuu, N. C. Phom 69. W. R. TERRY? -ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, -HAM LEX. B.C_ Practice* iu *11 tile Courts of the Statu, including tli« Fcdvml Court*. Particular attention paid to the drawing of deed*, mortgage* and other legal instruments and to the collection of claim hi any part of the State with prompt re turns. Solicitor for the Raleigh Mechanics A Investor’* Union. Hinson’s Beef Market In llinaon’a II rick Row. W« have an excellent Ice Honae and keep the purest filtered water. Wa aell th« rory beat beef we can get, and keep it on icc. Beef aai Ice, and Beal a In for everybody, delivered at your door in time for your breakfast. Send in your order* and we guar antee satisfaction every time. HINSON HR0THER8. BEFORE amd AFTER TAKING AN "INTERNATIONAL'' SUIT. A TESTIMONIAL. Tw Inamnnui Tailmitno Co., ■£._ v«i «H.i rvi t 1 1 ' I TJIC MAN WITH THE "m." T. L OOVI NOTON A Co., A grata. | RICHMOND COUNTY DRUB CO. j -DEALERS IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES OUR STOCK IS SELECTED FROM The Purest and the Best Wo liavo a full line of Chemical*, l>y»-Stufla, Oil*, Spirit*, Resina and Pharmaceutic al Specialties. ('ALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF Dmggists’s Sundries & Toilet Articles. -INCLUDING Combs, Chamois Skins, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Hinuiges, Face Powders, Tooth Powders, Perfumes, Creams, Lotions, Etc. Our Assortment is Large And Our Prices Low. pF* CIGARS, Imported Key West ami Domestic Brands. A Choice Idle of 5 and lOc Goods Always Fresh. Our Prescription Department Cannot be Excelled Anywhere. We guarantee ac curacy and use only the must reliable drugs. All Prescriptions will bo filled precisely as written,— you will get from us just wlmt your Physician pre scribes, prepared with Pharmaceutical skill. OUR MOTTO: -——-. “Quality Is of First Importance.” OUR POLICY. We started out in business to make our store a pub -die necessity and to build up a reputation for relia bility and squaro dealing, and wo will continue this Policy OUR STOCK. ' We know our customers appreciate the merit of our goods, so we carry a stock unexcelled for variety and quality, and ifyou want anything in our lino that we haven’t got, it wou’t take ua long to get it. OUR PRICES. We are always economical and transact nur business upon ^business principles. For these reasons oru prices are tho lowost consistent with the class of goods we carry ; and we promise you that, when you spend a dollar with us you will receive a full dollar’s worth in return. I Richmond Comity Drag Co. | A. P. Stewart, Wholesale Broker and Commission Merchant, Deals in Hay, Corn, Cotton Seed Hnll«. and all kinds of Stock Feed. 1 am agent for the beet brands of Flour made, in cluding Royal Crovm, White Swan <fcc. Call for then* brands, and anything in my line and you will get the beat. I will make it to your interest to buy of me. A. P. STEWART. DAN BARTON, The Celebrated SPANISH JACK, Will stand at my place this year. The season will open on the 1st of Anril. $7.50 will he the fee, $1.60 cash, the balance when colt stands. Transient custom will lie served at $3.60 This Jack come* well recommended. He stands 14 hands high, 6 years of age, a heantiful black with whita tip*. These rules will not bo varied from. J. A. INGRAM, Males

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