___Headlight. _ •_ROCKINGHAM, N. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 1901 N0 so Local News Items ^ ft-l- Hire It tprut Monday ta Wadoo Dt. J. H. WiWomoou aprat Saturday la toaru. • ManhaU Dockery tpcnt Sunday with kin fatally, at hooae Cap*. W. S. CroaMnd apaat Monday at mud dmi Wadaeboro. a. A Cowan, at Charlotte, van a via tor here Mat Thoraday. J. B. Goodwin, Hamlet, apaat a part at Thwraday la Beeklaghaat hfkw Pnallaa XVtlah haa returned haw a vhdt to bar alatr ra la 8. C. Bov. C. H. Martin aondmtad aerriec* ■* the Baptlot oka rob Sunday night. J. If. Carrie, of HaUnbl, haa ra tumad horn a trip to Aaron ooauly. Oor Chapel Hill eorrmpowdeMt haa •or thank* for Ua “Dalrrraity lotM." John I>yaw,arko kaa had ekilta ami • fever for mate time, ie able to raanaia Dr, Thotaaa tad Mm. Ihwh were hem Saaday, furem of the Dr'a. mother Keoklaghaia km three banka, all do N a *U* bnahwaa, and all worth; of »oar patronage. Walters. Threat. Eagh ter of Deeds, rfsat Saturday and Sunday with hla aaother and latlly. S. M. Phillips, of Pee Dm Ho. 1. anode nan pleasant call aa Thuraday. He ia andiilng (rota a wounded hand. W. K. Cola, tha elarar tiupt. of Marla's till, and Met. Gale ami hate, ■treat Sunday with Mr*. Cola't mother. .Prof. C. H. Ear, who haa a tuair •Mm la ChaataHlald count;, 8. 0.. made m a picaasat oall oa Monday oa hie way home. Wa aariomly regret that our friends T. L. CoringMn A Oa . found it oeece mry la go into bankruptcy. Hope they WiH moo ho open again. Tha If. C Mttbodhl Conference ooa wtaa at Payetterille Daeembor 4th. *Ua bad; will be eatpated of aboat Wa haga oar friaods will patrtm lac our advertisers. Wa trade with them amd (p| (ham wpcthycf ear patronage. ' Wa foal aura yon will do tha atm. If. L. Qnthrie, bow (ha huatllag &1T eliag agea( of (ha Charlotte Ubmrrar. apwut Monday ia Kaekiugbam. Waara indebted to him for a pleaaaat mil. p. JL McKee, of Mountain Creek, ■aids aa a pleasant call oa Thursday, fanning with oa a lot of lha flnaat ami nleati falpa wehasoscea this aanaaa. ShertC Wright deoilnm to allow hla MM pfctMlcd lor Um nomination for dlauteo. Sm hla card ht another aelaiaa. T. W. Dot la, of Ohio, made oaa pleas ant aal) an Meads; and left with ua an ad earl Im meal. Ua atbra lor tala a eery rahmhla planlatiua. 6m bis ad. fter.tU T.\mn, praaidcnl at the fcylld ftnili Viuvmit}, Baleigh, V. 0., arill conduct ccrvtona at tha Dtp. tht church in Boahiagham, aait Ban day roaming aad night. A taamillar tight ta oar friaad. Mr. W. ft. Fowlkes. tha faithful oM Jeweler, fat hit saw haan al tha front window of Or. Hoator'a drag stoaa. Ha la aa faady aa aavr, wdm yau faithfully. Tha paayta la tha rMalty of Grant Fall* faalary erodietroased aitheproe yaat of gattaag no baaadi Iron tha elaa tote Ugfata. We aan'l think tha town Witt ignore tha intaraata of thaoa good Mho MoCaahin, Max Ion. a student Of lha Bod %tingi Bsmraory.died aud d/nly n low dtya ago. Mm had what wot rnpyottf M ha an ordinary ease at •ota throat, hat H daaahgtd rapidly into s fatal oast s< toaadMa. • Wo worn shows thraagh tho deyart naan of tho farmers' Baah a law days aga, hy oar Toaag ftiand, L. & Oorlng tan. «ho oanMar. TMa hank aalhiM 1. Hr. H. S. To-rjr, who resides on om of Ospt. V. I. Braratt’a aand hill faraaa, shewed «m t number of tk» layM Ms of eon wa ymr K»v. r. M. Htiambenrer. Thia excellent and faithful minister, will soon close the roti fer* nos year of Ilia paatorate here. He baa tendered three years of faithful service, and his people will confidently expeot his rsturn to complete the fourth. Boasell Cotton. We have on exhibition iu our office, a small quantity of cotton, iu the boll, of the Buasell variety left with na by Mr. J. W. I^enU, on whose plaoo it grow. See hi* ad. in another column and get eomeaeed. A Beautiful Utqutt The editor acknowledge* with plyaiure, the reception of a T«ry large, beautiful boqnet of chrys anthemums, representing the dif ferent varieties cultivated in thia section. They went sent by the beautiful little Mile Lenti, of Lentxbon, to whom we tender our aiucem thanks. 1b Omr Oerrmpoaleatik Last week we failed to publish the communication* of our cor respondeuU at Bostick's Mil), Cognac, Fair Qronad and Led betters—they were received too late. Please write again and aend in on Monday, if poaaible. We regret the accident very much. We always publish alt we get In the paper. A Hew Secretary. The Methodist Sunday school ia Rockingham has long been fortunate in haring efficient sec retaries. The first we recall, was Harry Mattox, who was succeeded by Lindo Brigman. Now Lindo has been succeeded by Miss Mne ■ie Long, who fills the office so •el), that we congratulate the school upon the wisdom of its selection. Kaolin Works. Mr. J. L. York hat commenced work on the kaolin beds in the vicinity of Bostick’s Mill and has the promise of quite a lucrative business. In order to obtain bet tar facilities for the marketing of his good*, a tram road ia neces »*rv. and ha proposes to assist any person who will undertake the enterprise. This is an oppor tanlty for toms hustling man and would be a paying business and a great convenience to poisons vis iting tbs Ellerbs Springs. Later, when we have more time and specs, we may have more to say upon this subject Don't fail to read Mr. York’* “Ad" in this issue. — FI IN Farm For Bale. 1 will aall a gnat bargain in a Sim farm about two mileg from Ohio. There Art 70 acre*—6fl ate good cultivation, wood, water etc. Home of this land made a bale of ootton per acre thia year. This uotic* will appear once more, if hot eold and then will be rented. Terms will be fair and aoeomo dating* T. T. Davie Ohio, M. C. Fine Cotton Meed. I have about 100 bnahela of Rtawell cotton seed for aale at ft.00 par hoahel. The heat teed no the market. See me and learn more about it. J. W. Lenta, Melee, X. O. TnThePnMe. Owing to ill health, 1 am cona peUed to ratite from general prac tice. I will do eatae little uAfee work, eonaultatioas and minor mu+rj Reapeetfnlly, Dr. W. H. Steele. tWnvn aneyttereoffee at C. i. Awry** Friday night, wfclah wag an kqred kvad she attagded. Uulverwltj Notes. President Venable hat returned from s trip’ to Suwanee, Tenu., where he attended a meeting of The Association of Southern Col leges. Dr. Hume, professor of English’ lectured iu Charlotte, Mooda/ evening, on the life and wurira of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Hir subject was ” Woman, Post Proph et," The lecture was well attend ed and all were delighted with it. W. Hinton White, the -tredj kuowu lecturer, delivered iu (ler* rard Hall, ou Tuesday night, his famous lecture, "Australia" Many were prosout besides the stndeuta, and all seemed to have enjoys^ the lecture very much. The lec ture was one of the regular Star Course lectures of the season. It is alio quite pleating to many that Dr. Hamilton W. Mable has been secured on the Star Course to deliver one of the lectures of the season. Tbe foot-ball team is indeed, carrying the ’Varsity colon hWl this year. It ha* boat in aruff game of tha season. In tbe last it defsated Georgia, 27 to 0. It will play CUmson at Raleigh, Thanksgiving. Dr. Alderman, former preaidahi of the University, and now presi dent of Tulare university ped at the University a tiro last week. He was way north to deliver speeches. The student# to give him a royal welcome. A mass meeting was bold iu tha 0 ha pel and a committee eras ape pointed to iuvita Dr. Alderman to address tha students. Thp committee went to his room, fol lowed by the students , jor/Sed 'U ranks/ Tbe "coliff# y 1 time after time, told Dr. Cday man that the University, and in deed, the State, bad not foryttea him. After be had promised to address tha students, a rush waft for tho Chapel, where the eager throng awaited the distinguished alumuua and former president. In a few minutes, a tall slander man greeted the expectant eyes. Bvery man arose to his teat and again, for several minutes, "the “college yell" was repeated. In a few well-choeen words, Pres. Ven able introduced Dr. Aldarmani We will not attempt to give his speech verbatim, but only a few of his remark*. i My fnoiids, a great many imo| tioru ara struggling in my trims*# to night. I had no idea of going away without looking yon in th# face. This is the deans? spot in all the world to me. It has been a day of pleasure to me, a plea*' are to look into your feoee oqoe more, It gives me pleasure to tea the growth and vigor of this dig' nified old institution. It has been made, in every sense, a mod ern institution. "I took back upon this old oampna with foaling* of amotion.’ Then is not a mon oonsteut read er of the Tar Heel (the university weekly) than I. Sometimes I go even so far as to c»>met the proof. To b(. away from my na tive State, is almost like being expatriated. I see its semsatueas' it* steadiness, and its Ood-fearing purpose. I have yearn it forging ahead, so tiles'1 might stand in any State and point with pride to North Carolina as my native state. It has no largo sities, no metro politan newspapers, hens* Ha deeds are not published to the world. I have often thought that the State ia a reprod action of this, university. No aian dares to any that there is any sham, freed or unreality here. Sometimes I re gret to apeak a> mac h * trout South. I hope the day will come when we can use the broader term, Amen cw. We have a sympathy in the whole life of the nation. But the eouth is a distinctive region—die tiactive for its errors, distinctive for its blunders, and distinctive foe its achievement*." When Dr. Alderman hot! fin ished, the aisles were lined with old student friends, anxious to i got from him such a hand-shake aa be alone cau give. L. B. Chapel Hill, Nov. 9. Children’s Column. ■a» a m m a m 9 Klbod. Dear Editor.—It ia with great pleasure 1 write again to the Children's Column. I en joy reading the Headlight very mncb, especially the Children’s Column. I was glad to see a let ter this week from my little cous in, Bessie Terry. My little sister Bessie aud myself are going to School now. Miss Bettis Gibson is our teacher, aud we all like her very much. May McCall is my desk mate. She spent Thursday night with me and you bet we had a grand time, aa we are just ten years old. We have a little pug dog, whose name ia Jambo, and be b a flue little fellow. He will do lota of funur tricks. I spent two weeks erith grandpa and grand ma at Rockingham in August, and we had a good time. If this is printed, I will ooms again. Beat wishes to the Headlight. Irate Pool. tumr. Dear Headlight.— Aa this is my week, I will write agfla. We have had a nioe time ak. Cousin Lucy and Evan wmwftria Came up from Hockiug ham, and Cousin Evans and Pa went hunting and killed 23 squir rels and some rabbits and birds. I will name the band Children’s Delight. Brown Byes. 8everal other children’s letters received too late for this issue. They will all appear next week. Be Warned ef Blacker Brea. The trading public is hereby warned to bs «r«r on the lookout that they do not get "picked up" by misleading statements, and fail to see the big line of Clothing, Bhoee£and Gent’s rarnisliiuga, that an going at extremely low prioes, at Blacker Bros. Do not risk the statement of any man, but go and sea them yourself and see that they are fair dealers and low sailers. We will prove our honest dealings by a call. Respectfully, Blacker Bros. Valaak|e Town Property For Hale at a Bargain. That desirable lot on Washing ton street, lying between the Daniel Gay residence and the McDonald House. This lot has a frontage of about 160 feet on Washington street and will fur nish space for fire (6) first-class business sites. Can be purchased at reasonable price, if an early application.be made to. J. H. Walsh, Agt. THs Children's Friend. Ton'll bars a eoU this winter. May be yea bare on* sow. Your children will safer to. For coughs, oroop, bron chitis, grip sad other winter com pisInli, One Missis Cough Cars rsrsr bil*. Acts promptly, ft is wry plea* set tn ths tssts sad perfectly harmless. C. I. Oeorgs, Winchester, Ky. writes, "Our little girl was attacked with etuep late me Bight and was so heart* she soald hardly tpenh. We gar* her a few deans d One Miacl* Coegh Cur*. It tailored her Immediately and th* west Is sleep. When tbs awoke aext morning the had an tlgnt of hoars Betas ur Sleep." Ittehmead Drug Co. From Oar Correspondents. Dr. Register has been sick for several days. Copped ge Cape), Esq., of upper Richmond, was n visitor here the past week. J. T. I.isk, a prosperous farmer of Wolf Pit, presented Esquire I,. A. Hall with a 7 pouiul sweet po tato last week. We enjoy reading Prof. Pmnk Roberta' very interesting letters in the educational column of the Headlight. Mrs. M. A. Orrasby and daugh ter, Miss Dollie, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relative* here. Mr. and Mrs. John Broadaway and children, visited his sister, Mr*. Joe Batton, the past week. The chances for a railroad sta tion at Steeles seems favorable. Hope it will come. Hog killing continue* at Conlo va. Your correspondent ami fami ly w#r» kindly remembered by Mr. and Mr* T. C. McKay with a choice piece of back-bone for which we retnrn thank*. Mia* Isabella Oulldege ha* been very unwell for several day*. Her brother, Lonnie, who haa been very sick for several weeks is im proving slowly. T. C. McKay came very near losing hie horse one night this week. Frank Ingram, one of Will Steele's drivers, drove him to towu aud went through Uie coun try rood by Mr. Liles’ and the J>ijdge wo* partially torn up, aud it being dark, iuto the ditch they went. The buggy waa broken and the horse hurt *u badly he can't live. We are very sorry th*t Mr. McKay haa sustained such a loss. J. E. Shaw, our clever overseer, came near being run over by a freight train Saturday at noon. He woe coming to the mill and was on the tract near the trestle and could not bear the roar of the train on account of the racket of the will, aud the engineer failed to blow th* whistle at the accus tomed place, in fact, never blew atall. Died mi Monday evening, Nov. 4th, 1001, Beulah, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr*. J. T. Dougin, of Cordova. Little Beuldh woe going in her 11th year. She contracted a severe cold about two weeks be fore her death, which terminated into pneumonia, and despite the untiring efforts of an able phyvi cian and devoted father and mother, she passed peaoefnlly serosa the river to Him who said : “Suffer little children to come un to me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." The many friends the bereft par ents sympathize with them in their loss. This is the second one they have lust this year, the old est and the youngest. Died st the home of his father in-law, Mr. L. A. Hall , on Satur day night, Nov. 0th, 1001, Mr. W. H. Carter, aged about 00 years. The deceased was a native of An son oounty, and had been an im ployes of tho Steele’s Mill -oom pany for quits a while, until the past summer when his health fail ed, and for several months he lin gered growing worse and worse un til his death. He loaves a host of relative er.d friends, a widow and a small child to monrn tfieir loss. Mr. Carter was a member of tlm M. E. churched and lived, as he died, in the faith. For quite a while he had been aware that there was no hope of his recovery, and hod frequently expressed him self reedy and willing when the lord, in his wisdom, sought to cull him hence. Servant of God, wall done. Pence to his ashes, and so* lsco and comfort to tho lei reft ones from tho Comforter. His remains were carried to Mis|mh church on Snnday evening followed by a very large concourse of friends. 8arv were held by Rev. W. C. Webb assisted by Rev. R. C. 8tdl, and hia remains were committed to mother earth to rise again on the great day. llio uorduva Literary Society held their public debate at the school house on Saturday night. A very largo crowd was present, among them lot* of Indies to hear the question of Woman’s Rrights discussed.' T. B. Liles was ap pointed chairman for the occasion and Messrs. S. J. Webb, K. L. Rainwater and M. A. Hinson were selected as judges. The secretary A. M. Sharp", then read the fol lowing query : “Resolved, That woman should have equal rights with men at the ballot box and in the distribution of offices." Tlie following debaters discussed the quest ion for ubont two hours: Affirmative; George Gurley, captain, John Wilson, Thomas Sinclair, R. P. Lomax. Negative: R. L. Hamilton, captain, D. P. O’Brien, J. A. Combs and J. A. Combs. Tho judges rendered their decis ion in favor the Negative. X-Ray. Cognac. We ore very tarry to learn of the serious illness of Mra. P. Smith, but glad to lenru she is better. The buya around spend a lot of time hunting. Some of them are right successful. There will he oommunian ser. vice* at Mark* Creek next Sun day. C. W. Terry was in Rocking ham last Friday. Mr*. France* Terry and son •rent Sunday in the Silver Run neighborhood. Mrs. T. 0. Riggsn and Miss Connye, attended services* at Sil ver Run 8unday. 8heriff Wright ha* been called to serve that church the next year. There woa a singing at N. A. Wilke*’ last Sunday afternoon. W. A. Wilke* commenced a school in district No. 9, this morning, we hear. Rev. U. D. Austin is teaching at Silver Run. leisure Moments. Ledbetter's. Mondsy morning appears with a clear sky. and business running smoothly. Good health prevails generally, in our village. W. H. Marks and sistnm, Misses Ida and Moltie, visited Silver Run Sunday, and heard preaching by Rev. T. P. Tucker. The public school in thi* vil lage. is progressing, and i* fast increasing in the number of pu pils. under the management of R. F. Reynolds, at principal. Potato digging is over and we regret to any that the crop fell short. Hog killing i* now the order of the day, and it ia a very common thing for them to tip the steel yard twain *t 240. and its not a good bog year either Subscriber.