• 4V ‘.t-v . SShfCTiNG TMtJMWTWt COAT. »• rnm* (kphaltat Ma That «m U m a i.a— ta mat a Ct.iw. A s s'* coat or wrap la winter la ah ot more nwtwe than tar ( for aha la meat oftea area la Ot • outside ptratottl la pa bile |hns la rlrer of this fact one a aedati iMy tempted to stretch bar mocha book u Its almost tlmlt in order do tmeamo tho pemotenr of tho do aired article of apparel: all the more am Bta tbe rttepli* U so captivating aa at premat. There la a variety la the atytoa wan Bleb unbounded, and earn alb lug la easily foend that la ex rallaiOy aoited ta any figsro. Long lama Hooka, aleters with half fitted talks short Jackets to ualek the suit eat kaadsome coate of half length, w* kata their pUoa la the fashloai •fthaaaaaaa la the Beers dieaoy wiatrr garmeata taac fisr.nr sleeve* are the fotortte. a* a ay of them fitting leoocly from to el bow. then opoaiag In g in the lower port Them are nrosBy long enough to of tho hand. They look particularly appropriate on tho tong Vaivwt eoata of Third Empire design, lime costs are chstnctcrlxrd l»y kaoasaem of effect, with simple hot tmadaamo triuiuiaga of Grecian pot tamo about tbe lmttoan and on tbe Hat tag sleeve, while tbe revets ara vaiJaiaily decorated. Even on acme af tho roagk and randy ovarooata of • Headeh cheviot, which reach quite to IX MUX ilCVIO IV CJUpMJCU *Mh ranch effect, and one of the over seals may become an extremely stylish wumeut whea tastefully trimmed. ns, toff orsmplo, with bonds of while otofh oa (be pockees tad at tbo wrtxt. and with narrow hoods of silver op «k« float sad it round Us* lltlle cam*. Velvot takes the lend siscng fabrics as by (hr the richest, hot plain cloths, hurrays. Oxfords am] Scotch mixture* are much la evidence for ordinary toar. Olives oral steel dots and nar w» feather braid ate moth nsed In ■rat trimmings The velvet garments «»» usually tnerested with embroidery. Wath taffeta coats arc most la vogue JA «»*\ and one of tbo moot strik es* that baa boon teen among them la m haadsaam model constructed wholly off ladles, tbo deeper flonners being at the bottom, sad those above grad la* •* tUI the apper one la compara thrriy aanrotr. Three flousees ttnlsb ^tofljo tho coots la the displays of totoh the taaetfml so-called -waistlngs" whhh Una the counters, for the aepar -®*o *«ht la arMtaUy a thing that has a— to stay, la wlaler as well as la -rammer. Fla an si walata are so longer •to ttospla affairs which they were •• ths days of their nrat appears nor. •Tala tailor made effects are, of coarse, -sl*aya la taste, bat mnuy wmueu win raf bo without the more fanciful cos laara. aad there is a great pactkxi for hemstitched, embroidered aad sp FUffacd decora Uses. Htrlprs of tinsel am* velvet ore al*> m favor. The torts are nmneruat. and at one fash WnMIe nWnuifr'i • new too# of -Fallow, bordering oa the canary, was •■■Mod up eagerly by some or the boot customers. Velvet* and velvet asmo follow the general fancy In their •ratty color schemes, ami there Is a toadsmjr toward light shades. Km tototnd dots are sew and fetching am these fabrics. Thera Is a tendency this season to •tom tbo vesta which nrv always su •■•hr bt wslats by Laid no effects rather than by the Islayiag of different Material Up aad down Hoes sad tortoa xfo docidedly the proper thing to firasral trtmmlnc*. The silks for waists or* lass confined to taffetas •ham horsrofare; aad many soft, good •ratio# n>a cartel* are taking the piece ■to Om former. Dress com blouses •to* likely to wtu orach fever, he ram to their tlarabUhy for boslnrsa to emtdom wear. Tbo fashion of 'totolng the waist la tbo Imrtc ts still to .ho retained, aad I* issrtieularly jrastfefbl oud attractive.-New lork Thtom rrrUr mill Cnm. •Juki corin’* am among t'no most * *o art Jet* a They a n perfect «f rlbboa and lam atul arm nr ar drt times aa murk as ■ waists a born them, which an. I •• It may mu. pnrposrly krpt _ b act on tba BaOarwrar. **wm dist.uoi stylos arc on the mark ed (Mr j#nr, tbs FreotU oara. that «*b» om tba brad ami lbs I »m ilgbi ■mat hr • galbertog striae arotmd *»• waist, and tba tighter Culag omm *m Maatar wesata. Tho latter an —» •w'ltrty oa tba Mau with thrrs o*a at tba esntrr at tba bark ■X da* aador net arm. They an *•**—* hnlalWr Mialght dawa tba d«Jt df tba frsat aad an haiabed •Mtta tap aad batlota with a narrow »•«*• A nan nothing at Uca MBMMa lha ahaaldor. Tba prottloat JMhJkNhgb It Itriadidalj aoar -dthcr nd.^aa ^that h aaa ha straight An<4ber gatbenajr r.buaa rv»\ through a Ixaulsg around tbs a .list, sfc-tov this is a scant frill of \ tiicu ck'lUKH tacv. A levy full via. 1* gathered la i ulcr tbs tinipery la .rent nod l_ld la Kat lucks Just above Iki mk. Tba deco lie Ingu Is »uaan- .a float and rouod behind. It la ant by a circular piece at uataxook cm :u alsaug along Its outer edge. tvUsro It W bonified with narrow Valrnuleuuc* laca Insertion and edging. Tbs saw? pircu comlunoa itonn tbs skim at the rest, vr a "t o U fans la n sort of cas cade. Tbv fastening la arranged in visibly down tile lclt aide. A little, scant frill of laca arouuil tbe lowrr edge characterises tiro abort corn col era of this year. Without adding appreciably to tiro bulk at tbe bsuiv. It serves nicely in prevent an ugly gap between tbo bottom of Uro cover and the belt of tba skirt—Cbicagj Record-nerald. Mow Tie? •* «hH*> Vmm*. A thief on* Hotter* about IlM womes la that tiny teem Unprevtou* to changes of towperatur *, soya a Loadui correspondent. It was ti ceodlng cold when wa arrived—damp, raw and chilly. IV* American* pot on ottr woolen dresses aad coosoiud as to tbs wisdom of taking jackets when wo started abroad. The atm was bidden, then were occasional sprinkles of rain, cold airs caught yo« spitefully at street corners. It was wretched weather. Yet the English women—thin, fragile and daiIrate ware their muslin dretsss with calm aad immovable fortitude. A favorite fashlou of tbctn 1* a truusparcut Juki* of lacs with the barv seeks risible through ft. In this seml-ciad state they walkctl or drove about, apparent ly perfectly comfortable, while the perishing American la seriously cou aldertng the wisdom of going to the bottom of her trims for her for jacket. The EngUefa woman of fashion that one sees in the London of to-day has that kind of Sgurs that the novelists call “willowy—long in all the linos, vary slightly rounded, with the small sot of waists, no hips at all. aad aa Inclination to stoop la the shoulder*. With this they wear Tory clinging drawee, leu* train* and la the atoning very decollete bodices. The general effect la of something Incredibly alius serpentina oud dt.lk.-alr. The latter suggestion come* not oaly from the pccrllariy slender and undevdoprd ttgtirae. but from the universal tenden cy to droop In the shoulders that 1 have Just mentioned. One sees 'try few women who stand upright. All bare an nlr of fragility, ennui aad languor that suggest* certain palat ine* of Burne-Jnnc* and UoauettL kshrS la m Sinai* anads. It Is not to bo a winter of touches of this tint and scrape of that color, added to a frock or neutral tint Prom Paris cornea the edict that everything one arcus most mop'll la rgtofc* il ia an sCucUvs way tn dress, but hard-1 ly economical. Sign* of the coming thraldom are olreadj manifest In Par is. Gowns, glaves. parnauU. hot-even oboe* and stockings—accord, or at nay rate correspond In shade. lumglui? a gray crepe dc Chine, with a Iarg.v gray velvet hat. sroru with gray sloven, a gray ruffle, gray silk stork ing* oud gray need • slices. A phony In soft gray, with a knot of pink carnations ns a color relief. It proved an ouquAlifird success for Its charm lag wearer, ller bank account la another story. A Xss rs»f, m mass. A rhfinse from tbo multttndo cf Jeweled ring* that everybody tteaiv is the fancy for plain, broad sold ones. Innocent of Joses or tooling, with 3 date to simple square timin'*. Onn women who doe* not consider senti ment old-fashioned wears three, tbs ®rat wlUi the year of her engagement, the second v-lth tlie year of n?r mar riage. aod tho third with that of the birth of her young son. Uv ll E NEWEST KtllONS l&uu WedgrarodC b!a« la oce of tb-j favor- ' Ite cole. a. Band trimmings arc cousplcjoa* ta tbe new sklrte. Deerskin glove* la gauntlet rli.ipo are among the eorrltlv* for winter. i Mnetla taffeta glace la a near fabric well adapted for Bounces and luci lag. For tall, slender girl* tbe largo rosette. "Mb long ends. Is aa especial ly becoming dreos oceesooey. Mrar garniture appears destined to fill tbs r>aro scesjceil last ysar by tbe more sboary gold trimming* Cherry colored eWllt is rsry effertlrt far tea gawra ssd negligee*. com idried with cream lacs gad black tei rst ribbon. Tha petticoats to wear wltb matinees ac negligee Jacket* I* mad* wltb els* ter* of Has tacking at the up and deep I aco trUamlng Sonata. London women are said la be part ial to the “three decker" skirt aad la mederatoty heavy doth H Is sxpsefed to be considerably were this aatoma. White taffeta, with fonaae of Isa nainsook. hastily embeoldartS with •oral garlands, rspeaassts tbs newest 300? SWINGS WIDE. DVA'HAfiFS SUNDAY SEltON. Cel U. Nat Gravidic With Our Natu ral Incline-ton* la tba Fata ot the UoutWUss (Tarty ol Ood (Orr-sat. tan.] ff.twiiWMJ, l> C.—la thu dimua Tk. Ta'mact tcpicti tbt ,[ • ■un who .ln.ru itWrttlta twiu the rt, tknUmco*. cl cril nul tiwiri bow be m; be *rt free; text. Pvmerba mi 3d: V\lteu shall I anal*? i vrill heck (t jnt turn. \Vitb aa iiaigbl into koiMB nature suck •• mu uiUci man ever bad. PoleoKm ia the*? wutde m aket.-kieg tba mental procaa-o uf a mao whj has stepped imW Irate the imhof rectitude and would Uka to return. VYialtmc iiir batter, be «av«: "When snail I aw aka* \Vb*a shall I gel o«ar tlia hombla night ms re ol iniqalty V* But aeiaud upon by mi urtdiciucd appoint) and pembed down hit! by bit passion* be (lira oat: *"1 will attk il yet again. 1 wdl try it oocv more.** About a nik from Princeton, N. J„ there is a skating pond. One winter day. when the fee was vary th>u. a tamer be ing near by warned tne yniag men ol Ins danger oJ aka ting at that time. They att took the warniag except one young man. He. ia the eperit of bcarado, mid, “Bora, one round more/* He >i:uck out on his skates, the ice broke and hie lifeless bode erxa brangbl op. And in all matters aL temptation sad aUnremunt it m n6T a propagation that U proposed, bat only ;u»t on* more indulgence, just yne more sib. Then coves the fstatky. Alas, for tba on# round mare! “I will scab It yet Our libraries are adorned with e Wigan t literature addressed tn young man, point ing out to them all the dangers and pm'j of life. Complete mapw ol the vot»*» of hie—the shoal*, the rocks the quicksand*. Bat suppose a yoing man is already ship wrvela.il. suppose he is already off the track, sapixme he has already gone astray, how can he get hack? Thai is a question that recoain* asoutvmd. and amid all the books of the libraries I And mot one wsid on that subject. To that class ol persona I litis day eddrtas myself. You compare what you ore r.o-r with what you were throe or four yean ago, and an? greatly disheartened. Yoa are ready with *rny )ia*«ton of your xel tn hsieu to n di«eni«ion like this. Be ol good cbeer! Your bee; dsya are jwt to same. I offer you the hand ol welcome and res cue. I put iUr silver osnpet of the goe Kl to my bps aid blow one long, mod ist, saying. **WI*oaoever will, let him owl?, and Wt h>m come now/' The church of God La reedy ts spread n bnk* qast upon yosr tv'.urn. and nil the hie rarch* of heaven fall into line of bei> Bprod procession over yonr redemption. Venn ago. and while yet Albert Barnes wsj living. ! preached In his pulpit one night to the young men of Philadelphia. Tn tbe opening of lay Kucsirw I said, “O Lord, give too on* **»nl Uvuight!** the elcoe of tht oeiiiee Mr. Hanses intro duced a young mar. Maying. “Thia is the young man you prayed fur.'* But I ns# now it wat a too 1-wiled prayer. I off or no such prayer to-day. It meat take inn wider sweep. “Lord, give os all these touts to-day fa- happinnss end heaven!" So (hi* a*. Cod may help toe I propose to allow what sr* the ebstseha to yonr re turn. sod then how you ire to surmount those obstacles. The first diflieulty in tha way of per return is the force of moral KnUtini Just as there is n natars! wti:cli brings down to earth anythin* yow throw into Ike air. to there is a cor tsipopding mill gravitation. I never shall forget a umyer I haard a young man make in the issue Msn'a ChriitiuMn -S& LHMt God, Thou knewest how easy it la Ur me to do wrooc and how Hard it In for me tn do right! God help me!** That mat knows mot hhi own heart who hot never felt the power of moral gravitation. In your boyhood you had good aiar» CUltra aad bod associate*. Which most impressed too? During the lust few yean yoa hive heard purs anecdote* and im pure auccdoici. \YWyh the easiest *tucU tn yatif ntmmy? Yon bare Had good hab it* an! Had b.-»hi'-« ^ To which did yosr •out n.or* easily jrwi/ P-»t that morn! gravilatiim rwy lv rr •- l«l. Jn»t a* yon may pick n*» anything .Mt" tW enrtk and In4d it in your bund t iward heaven, iust so. Hv the pjwor «f flftil'* grate, a fallen anal may 1>? bLed tow.-itd pear.*, toward tnn.*.r*l ohgluHi. Th* forre ol moral ttaiiUlirn in in r*,err one of re. hot cover iu cr.w la overeoim* that forrr. 1W MU i «. in me r; yo*r jj tnru i- the r#cr.er of «vil I ltnw flier# nrr tame nho k*.t ’♦ la \e»; fuy* f|. t*<-M b cire m*» «r| luUK. T eannot tf lieve lii’O He-e i« j mp*i given to tnUv Ws*'.*<»», v >i.n laarr- i. i# diegrccing bo <aoii‘v- J.*%ciivirg Hi- rn~.r>rrtv r.tvt rob ing b"*«u lioJy, mind .*1*4 aool. If t|vt mut. b<*ii»g in iotdl'iev.t roan and took? bii fon»!yt touM train >.>*0 %»n that h«bft. wo.lid *.»# not dn •'%*. Tho fa*. t that |e doc - no. give it up |»i.»\eA tint it it iuijd tr> ipva u jo. It U n vi*tv eaay thins to tail down -t-nm, the lido ermine T*U wit!i area: force, l*ot anpgoa# rwi tarn tho boat ti-> kiitnm-b it *1 eaiv then in i-jKX j»? As lone a# no In tho atil h* cltiutMi in «»r hr.'tt .Uid to otr b|d habit** rcc zrr anihny down *.tmnu. I»r! mommt wo try to tom — pot nor hoot in thi rapid* imt ibore Niagsra and try to tow up »trra*n. A phyeieian t*l!- li!« ntier* that hr inert. no»t th* me of buitvCO. fa it ta de stroying li- k/th 'fhe uan rii!**i. kl mi tlr.n lli.il lu»l*« coat cnoo/b/* He gwe* tl*e nv» of thr iceaJ. Ho tors •rrmd *»n. kROvir.i That to do with hin ■oif. II” c a mini ?dd un a co'.titnn if ti«D»ei: ho (|rtp niihU. It »wr« •1 if th” r.irl'l hnd turned up-ide dowi*. II- fee.# hi* ln*s*no*- »a gninf In min Whirl hr unis Vind «n<I obliging bo .la e*-oMir.f end IrdiVl T>*o ectnpoairra rteit elmnrt.'ilroi him l»a« jiroi wai to a frdt* fill roe*'* -s;ie*y. i*Bi1 he hn* *1000100 a fult p!«u* Jdgnt. Wilt poor- ia it that ho* rolled e> ware t*f nor over the earth lid th*ken «\ itorle.V in tlio H-nvena? Hi b*s noil inhoom. After awha> Ho aajri- ‘I era going to do n* l pled <; tho doetur *Vee* nrt oodrrs».u*d TBr r ue. I «ra c*'i >1 hieh tn my old habit*.’* And ho retina-. KroralUing unr.n itn mua! rowipaawff. Hh tr»ai»ww aroma to bright#!. *Bi# w«»r!«l liveomfd *n attrnatioo pbeo to If-e in. 11.0 rh-klraw. ar^e*! t hr diffareWe. hlil tk re'—a of their father's geai-l dr oeaitioT*. WHa« ware of co’or hi* df wH^iI MH into III* -ky a-d iromfH into V*t mnrnfnri f o'lay* a*d the glow of *ap*»h ra hto lb« «*mrn*t* 'Vlaat aorhaatmert lr*a lifted r w-rtld of I min hr and joy on k to •ant? Ha hat rreuowd toWro. T10 fart U wi% ail Harm in omr owa eg* •arioaer that h«Mt ia 1 taabmaatav A# long aa wa aber it. It dote not eha«ti«* la. Bit ki ;-a tt»i*t it aid wo H«d that w* ire fctahod wilH aenrpiau wliiga and bowid wdh *Hm rob*# md fbfg lota (Ha Iraek m* h*io»* IwoikoHr lu.erauiti. In I'jmi there i« 1 aeoKrturod roprew * tatino of lUerhoa. the god of rrooHy. Hi U riding on u oa*»«Wor at foil Wap 6b. how sugge.hro' J^ri eoarv 00a who U apeedi-g wi ba>* way- vnderataod kw h a dorf'a and wall WuU.« etard. _ eh rtdtof a Mamtir wtW did VVsod«hir»!v and gotag at a death kao. 1 Jure i«i lo *ay *f 1 roam wonta ta yotarm Hao rail nraetWea anriety wedn l •f the left Lvul, which ia equal to elnk* toga man »u tbe face. Qb. how fr\v Christian people undrr* •Uhd how wiimli gospel there ie iu a g«>©«*t Aone*t kAarwiuim' Sometimes nhen r°« have left the need ui ruen agcuicni ami miw Cnriet um n:*n hot taLra you hmrtily be the Wand hare you not fell iwwiai torouck overv fiber cf year body, m-n“ soul an (•.Knunivacn't thaL uui jut rratn you *ir.»*ro * The prodig*!, wivhmg to prt into good •onety, enters a prsrer nxiUn*. Soak food toon without uiuch tease cctli Hiui W saying: “Why are you heieT Yvn ar* ‘w*1 l^e U»t per*oo thel l expected to eoa Im a prayer weet eg Well. [Tie d/.M ****$» ea\-«tl, and there »■ boy© for you. Ton do nat know a-•'-chine shout th»a. unless you here lanr.ied that when I ainaa tries to re.uin from evil courses of! cendact ac nut* against itvsluom inuu-! movable. . .We ef some toan. "He liree a •*£* •*“ lWT fr?m *be cherch, or half a ■*£*• ^r*® *be church. Ia all our mi: «bee there are nun wLo ar* 5uu mile* ?•* «h«fc—nit drente ef iaddfercuce between them cud the house of Cod. a-??* , 1 wr nmol keep onr rcsperti* bthty though thousand* perish. Chrwt with pub.icaaa anil sincere, hot if them ctwne to the boose of Cod a man with marks of dwsipatioo apoa him people are almost ear© to pet up their hands in ilnTti.'i." °“ck “ *• “»* "I* il n<* H»w th«>r <i»lnty, fi.udwut Chrutitn a all owr church** are going to get rat© beaeea I do sot mow unless they hare •* ••Pfeial tram of cars ruahionsd and up* holetered. each one a ear to hiiWf. TW ^aaanpt so with tlw great herd of pahli caaa and aiaarra. Oye who curl your lip of toom on the £Ueo, I toil you plainly that it you had ben aorrourdcM by the same iofloenoea instead of dicing to-day amid tbe cd* ••tod and the it*nod trad the Christian you m^ght hare been a crouching wretch in etabU or ditch covered with filth and arasmination! Il ie not hocauas w© are naturally any Letter, but bec*n«r thr mercy of Cod haa nrotocted oa. Those that are Irvuiht up in ChnaUan parentage ah odd not be so bard on the fallen I think alto that mm are often bin- | <*«tod from returning by the fart that churches are envious about thsir member* •hip, too anxious about their denomina* ' Uona, and they rush out tv Sea they see a win about to give ud am and-return to C.od end ask bun how he is going to be nnptireil. WMtW by sprinkling or irnwe*^ ■ion. and what kind of a church he ie going to jom. lone W»a come wljro you will have neither ! father nor mother, tod yo« will go amend the pkie* where tb»r used To |**lch .row and bud them ®>»ne from tbo boaae and gnu* f:«m the fluid and anna •ro*n the neighborhood. Crr a* loua for fargtr»M«a p« yon may orcr the mound L? l»t churchyard, they con ant jtumr. Dead' Dead? C*d pi tv tbe young man who hasbrotirbt disgrace on hi* fothm-’a Home1 ik»d pity Ibe vount man who has kvokra his moth er's huartf Better that ho had *over been Better if in trie Crat hour of bia life, instead of brtizg Uui auumt the wann bosom of internal tcodemeus, ha bad bec.i eoinned nud tepuichered. Tbaro m no taxi potrrrtu* enough to heal the heart of one who h.-i* hrm^ht parent* to a inrrawia! avars. and w]*o w. ncera stx>ut through the dic.ul eesur *"7. reading the air and wrinvinu the haau« and crying. “Mother! Mother'" Oh. l.nil to-day, by all the mctnuHe* of the p>vttend bv ell tho hope* of tls* fu tore, you would yieVi your heart to God! May yowr father's God and your mother s ttod be your God f«r*Ter! Thia hour the doov of starev suing* mda upon. Horn tat* not .» moment, in inaar a cm -hegitation u tk« leu* oT all. Atjhe c^frer of a street 1 saw * tragedr. ‘feaUx «d»lf e 4 aa Jo whfc^^r . timi ha had better take. FDa h*tT«aa at tod high raougli so you could aec had an intelligent forehead. He hod^n stout cheat ana a robust develop ment. t*pk.»l <1 young mao! ('ultared yougr man! Honored young man! Why did he atop there while to luauy were goiig np an»l HouxT The fict is that fvefy > »u,ig t iii has a giKxd xug*l and a wt Afipa} oiiiivn«ting for tlie uuittry of hi« *««rit. S'ill dim; were a go.»d angel Mid a had k'tgel with that curj* .oul *» the oirner of tbe ‘Voir • along with ine." said the R.tdd .upl; "I wili take yuit lime. I will '‘••read my i*iiir-a over ynor pillow. I will l..vn»£iy ««iit yon all tbro.i^U life urmier e’lger natural proirvuoi>. I will bio*-* exary cuy y^-.i drink <-ot nf. every coc-.li xoa rc*t on. every dooiwoy ioii entri. I x. ill e niseer..lii >urr tear- vrii* n you uerp. Vow -%neat v.*i*c:» )«»u toil, uml at the Li-t I wid hand wv«r >o«v £.-a\e ml* the h-.id of tlie bright natcl of a C,Tiri«t:rn rr-;r - «• t;on. T hive lern sent nf thi lim’d ie jo®f cuar.ii.ui spate. Cornu with ii—." caid I ho not»:l i-tiyvl in a v oire of linear.’■ v symphony. It v;i mivic like tbit vhiiii ui >p« iiotu ii iu.i* vi luvicis when a »"• aph breathes on it. **0b, no." sii.l the had ange1. ".nrf with me. I lieve »unwilling better t.» n! fer. Tlie wj;.e* t \ r-«r aiv» from rhalicfa of l'rr!i.J. t'.ar-.e 1 Jea-l fe ever flo-iri t?s*elfctrd w*ih uiu>«traiacd itidulgrnn. Th«i* i- ro C?»id :o frown on lye Uiii)i!i*< uf ui’ciw 1 windup The adra arv Italian. The 1.4th* I trend ura _ nrrdo»v* ikiMcd and pririvawd. ( ojtit with rae ” .. urMm m. a ..me w.irn hfji.Alimt ctn. and the Lid 4 »B»o.c<!;t pood « *,il u»jlii ,t apt adding v.ing.i i Vouch the slmight, , rpward .vui awav until n *l»*or iTiti^oTeo in tlis eky. ann fartvr»* the wirs* run* iahfd. Th.it. w.i* iha tuning rniil in that Vv»ttfK; mans history, for. too good anjfl flow®, hr hcrttaicd no looter, lut atnrtcd *m% a path war v. heh i* beautiful at tlir opfififig. ln»t h a«U'd at iiir laii. Tlir bad ajigrl led tha wir tluough cate after gate, and a‘. each pita tl»c mad hetr-ttmt rougher antj the aii** mure lr.rid, and what w*a pe ntluir. *• the r.tte aUmmod shut it CAB*# to arith a ja * that indicated it would n*ve» optn. P.ui eitvh p>u.i! iSfir were a grind! jg of In k« «a«l x skoviac of bolta. eud ihu »cei»c*y <*»i tub able nt thr rtr-a rlianjcd from gardeiia to draerta. and tha •funr air be-rin*** a rutting INtmL*r hln-t. and t!u Uria’.ir winwa t»f the bad any-el tvrwV to airrrhith. still the frni:umaa th.'.t at •.he atari had fo*acd wir’t wine war* A forth boWiay team of miming W»>i. And on tl«e v.gfii aide of the road there mji a seep* k. and ll*> man mM U# thr led angr! "Wliat »e that eci|ieiil*#’ And t!:,» siurr r.«<. **THat la Ih- «eroent «f ttinjimjt rraaoTM*." On «bo bit <tde of ibe h a I there wa-* a lion. .*nd the man •'•Veil the had ar.gr! ‘>Yha* i« that h’on,r* Tbe an.r/ar wr*. **^Tiat la the lion of all devour in a <k*netr.'* A vulture (lew through the tkv, aacl tlm mm adH tbe had nog*:. What ia that mUarer* Tbe a newer erne. 'That U the Tultur* waiting for tbe mrfwfw of the Hatn ” .A»d then tbe irr raid to the had an at!. "Whit iMf« *11 th* me*** I treated bl wbet yea eeid at the street rnnwr; I trusted it nil. Why bare yon thue da e*ired »»'” Tbm the ln«t «beptlon f*f eff the rJumCT atid be mud. "I waa ami (retn tbe pit to destroy yetir eon). I witched «y chance for many a long year. >Vben you beeiUted that night at tbe street enewer i gained my trhaaaph. Kew ram are been. Ha. ha* You are here* « ewe. now, let » All the aba I lee and «*riwk to d ark nee* and woe and death! llaiU hall!" Ob. rammt mam will the nnl angel rent forth by Oiriat or the be/angel sent forth hr sin gat tbe eletoty ever yort aonIT Tbsir wings are interlocked tbia ia tent abore yon, contending for jam roof. M above the Apetmme* angle end render flg>t te nalddty. Tbli hour do e idea eternal deetiaiee. THE SABBATH SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 17. •mWeeri Tli* Childhood of Mats*, Cx. It., »-!• • QtMtt 1st*. Pro*. malt.. < — Kswsnr Tarws, MO-CsauMsttory at tbs Dtj'i Lnim. 1. "A man." Hi* name tra« Anna ind hi* wife's i'»m* «ra* Jochebed. Tr. C: HI; Kur.i. 2C: At. "Hc*r\tt of Leri." Thus parent* were both o: the tnb© of 2. "A ao*» *• were two children •Idtr l Ha a M«v*u». M riam (13: 30). wba was probably from eight to tea years old* •r. art! A anna (7: 3). who *m threa years o dtr (7: 7). “Ooodiy child." The teat amp v Mv* that he was good. iv.tich aJjnl that he vu not only a perfect, well* farmed ehi’d. but that be wa* very beauti ful- Thi* v*rr ‘rire»ita%Uooe wna wiaete ordained by the kind providence of God to be one naans of hit preservation. PmrreV an*tiling intcmU ah* heart more than the tight of a )o\ely babe ia diitnw. Hie beauty would induce mo bta nareata to Jouhlo their exrrtione to tare him. and wa« orobably the aale raoMre which led the Egyptian priaoru te take tech partic ular care of him. and to educate him at bee eon. which in an likelihood aha would aot have done had he been only an ordinary cbi'd. "Hid him." That u, kept bin within the boose _ 3 "Ark * A email covered box or ba« het. She did rot make it thee, bot took it aod prepared it far her oorpoee. “Of buhuabea." The papyrua plant, a thick, strong end tough reed, which ncuiinn reachca a height of from ten to fifteen ftrt. “8hiBC.“ The mud ©I the NiW, wrh^h. when hardened, is eery tcnaeio*'* •'Pitch." Mia era 1 tar. Rout* of tin* d« eerintioB are a«*n dailr So a tine on tbs wurfmrr of the river, with no other ralL Ing than Nile mad (b%. 18r 2). and they are perfectly water-tight unleoa tin: coat* ine u forced off by at >rray weather. "Flag# " A general term for aea or river weed. Tl*© aiv»t i« traditmna'le eaid to be the 1»>« of Rh*da, **«ar old ’’air©. 4. "Hi* »*at:r." Miriam. It appear* that M<w» ha.4 only one sister. Vtra. 2®: fi®. “Afar off." F<» a* aot to aho**.- brv anxiety. "To wit.” 'To know" R. V. It vm he- dutv to fee whether Pharaoh'e <i«vghter fon. d him. and whether be wu in dine r from any cans© a “Tv. Li -« n,_v m v. i Wen titbuud that tK« was about sirtee-i year* oI ago at this time, and that Uom woa bom in the tilth rear of the reign of Ramrees II. ‘To bathe" (B. V.) The women of Kgvpt are now kept jealous); recorded in herreis. and it i* not caataftv ary for there to batbo ia tbe Kile. But it baa Wea *1kjwb that tbo worstn ic ntnt E^st were ouite unrestrained, and had Hbrrt'.ca, accb n» wrjinan in Chrlalun Unda do now, and bathing in the river %raa a eoanmnn practice with them nt that t'-me. "At tbe river " Tlie water ru there fenced off aa a i)*o‘#rtinn frmn tint CTo-oJ.Wa, r.nd doubt'*** tbe prince** htd an rac'.otarr rttentd for be? rum Cl»r, the road to winch accpirf to |«a\y bm Vnomi to .Tochebcd. "Wntkrf along "! Hence the diwvry of the ark rn not made by there, hot bv the prince** her eof a nmvidential cirrumslanc**, a* it J»d her to a pereonnl inter »«t in the i nbe. *>*out H«r bindmaiu'* (R. V.) Her imme diate attendant. 0. "flaw the child." Aa loan aa *he uv the child the knew that it n.-* one of the Hebrew children, for only a HKirew moth er would have peed to hide ber chtk! ia thie Banner. "The babe wept.” Th» eight of a beautiful babe in diatmre coaid mot fail to make the ixyrtaiion here imr tionel. See v. f. It hat bte-i conjectured that tbe cruel edict of tfci Kgyptiaa king did not eontijiue long ia fo-^e. flee chap. 12?. 'Tied eompaaaioa." Ikes the/babe found a protector in the very family d tbo king who tie erred its daatb. "Save the boys." Our great eitire are filled with children who cro exposed to a wore* fate than Pharaoh*) drrae or croc odiles tot he river. legislation U too stern ard severe, and will dealrov tnatead of «ve. Only recently two aix-ycar-oid boyj were arraigned ;o the CSicayo police court. Hnrh a eourco is th> worwt that could poo •ibly be laLen with auc’i iuJI children. Official charitv m a!*o t/vo rough to be trusted with ibo tudv Vfo tint moat ba lifted oul oi thr a Urn. Tender hand* ere needed to urv the tears of the** "uee> ine babit«.” We n«U la/: to Christian wntlr-i. They should • jp their rye* to see the fact*, and not ha so busy aoout their own luxury and comfort that thcr psa- »oc pros pitch-covered b>x conoticed. • oW t’icv »hnu'd e,nqnrr the prejudices of nc? ar.J Jhe Jem of ]owei?nj Jhrirvlvre 7. hi* stvtcr" Mtrr.m nsd drawn m*r cnoojli to are rnd hear srerything. K • 4nak tho child had bran carefully in *tru**rd he her motlier. But Cod's hand w.it k.irrctiag rcittrrs and to lino, rather thin In any ktuuaa wisdom, must tbe pr.iiae be givn. ,1*. "None it. * By thna taking tbe child tue moib-r became from this time in sin .* sense t’j? recognised servant of ths prinrrm; for otherwica how would she en joy more safety with ber baba than be ivre? /'Thy vagea.” fiSa traa douSIr paid. She Had noi only the irajri which made her safe u the servant cl the roral prince**. but she had the infinitely better vp*m of serin? her aon nfr, and having too t4Tvilego of cart-if; In- hinj nj train i .« rum. "Took the child." X» doubt this Godfearing mother trained he.- child very cam/uKy, Children should be very thankful when they have Christian par ent* who bring them an to the knowledge aid (ear of God. « « - , • lurin'! % ii'nnirr. Though it mint Hat* km nearly m r* vcra a trial for Joebebed to part with Kim t‘ic accend tine a» tko drat, aha waa. «'•»«>!tie**, reconciled to it by her katief in hu high deatuuLton aj Ike futnra dc li^crrr of Iarael. "He became her aon." I)v ndoption, and tha high rank afforded nm cdranlafrra in rdurolton which, in tha ©rovida.-wa of God, wtra m>uie eaborrriaot • > Itv different pjrpovra :rnm what bia royal patroacaa iotraded. We can obtain an idea of what M« ctloctUoa waa from Act* 7: 2S. But Moaea bad not only * noTwl and an ir.teUcctnil trticin*. bat, acre dm* to Joaephua. ho had alao a prac t ea) preparation for the great work that waa brfora kim. It appaara that tba Ethi •nUaa coma into Egypt and routed tha r rmy that waa went to rtihl Owta, wkara nnoQ the command waa given to Mom. H* ns in ad lately took tba fiald mad da tSo rant with creal a!a*ghtar. Ha military a^ievetaaata ontabone la p rpolar catimatlan kia inUllartval attain* JJVita. a ad be wturued from tkia cam roign the rmrmt popolar man in the king dom. "Called bit line.” What aamo he bed from hie mrmta w* know not, bat whatever it might have been it wta ever after loot in the name given to him 1*7 tb* l «.ncM •I Egypt Out of the petrified forciU of Art aoua m»y yet be traced the change* ol temperature that have tmdoubeodly taken place in the erreral none, of (hr world aince the inception of lime. The** lor e*e* were recently ejeamineil anew un der the direction of the general land office. 11m ail reded log* lie m the greater* abundance with an araa of eight •quart mile* la the Apache country In *o*ne place* they lie mewe thickly than they could have etand while Bring at tree*, and H la thought they meat hay* been carried there by • nrlft cumin ul 'eater in the meaaaolc age. She Cat Them There "The mysterious workings of a wo* man’s mind are unfathomable.” remark* ed the auctioneer. "I dou'l claim auy originality in the remark, bat merely put it forward aa an observation. I was engaged hy a woman to auction i.tT her household goods. ntigMtjrs turning out in force, pawiug and handling the foods in a way that always remind* me of flieu s iu a graveyard. 1 here it tom.' thinf irrcst#tib(e to the averafe woman in being allowed to rummage among the goods belonging to a neighbor ’’The buldusg started off briskly. bet I soon noticed that certain nun was get ting everything that was put up 1 thought nothing of it a: the linK. taking it for granted that he was s om»one dc siroua of (unii»hing a house and thought the opportunity a good one to do it cheap. When the sale'ended he had bought everything in sight, aod 1 con gratulated the lady of the house on hav ing sold all her goodj to one man and thua simplified dosing matters up.” “Oh. 1 hired him to do the bidding.** •ha answered calmly. •You hired him f” 1 gasped. “Wasn't the bidding satisfactory?” “1 hadn't ttw. slightest idea of selling my goods by auction.** she answered, serenely. ”1 looked at her la blank armrement. aod then managed to ask her what she intended to da" “Welt you see,” said she "when 1 moved here the neighbors completely ignored me. and not on* of them calle I to see all the beautiful things that I had Tilled the house with ; so I made up my mind that they would see them if 1 had 'o drag them here Then the idea of holding an auction occurred to sue, a* I knew not one of them would mi*f th cliance to see what I had.” "WeiL I got my fee, and she got thr satisfaction of knowing that at last (he neighbors had seen all her beautiful things.”—Detroil Fret Press. Tb* highest mine In the world Is a tin mine at Oruro, Bolivia. ! 4.000 feet above the aca. Vestibuib, |iMira> Trains Oaict Service Mim Hra Tilt, Tuapi, Atluti, In Orlms ud Piliu snub ud VaL IH KirKKCT MAY3«|7>. IftOl. ~ •OD7UWABD Daily Dally Ha. II Ha. IT Lt. HwTorL r.LR. llUpa 1110 au Lt. FaiiadrlphU, “ “ Idpa (Hu Lt. BalUmora. “ “ 4 41 pa 4 <0 aa Lt. Waablaftoa, “ - lUpu 1111 am Lt, VUahuoarl, ft A. L. 14 44 pu 1 a pu Lt. PWaubars. “ - HHpu JfTpu Lt. Iwltoa"I U<a IH ia Lt. Haailaraam “ 4 44 am 4 B pu If. Balattffc, - 4 II u 740 pu Lt. Kona an Plnm, - IITau IBpu Lt. Hautu.*» (I4aa IQIO^u Lt. UAiaUa ( * 144 u 114 pu Ar. ttavaaaab, “. 147 pu IHu Ar. JaeaaoDTUla, - I II pu Ilian Ar. Tan pa,- 4 14 an CtOpu Ks. II Ho. 41. Lt. Htw York.X.Y.P.ft H.f 7 41 an » 14 pu Lt. Poiladalpbla, 10 IS am II M pa Lt.Ntn Tura,0.t>.aa.Oot SUOpu. Lt. BalUuara.IL B.P Ca.' |4»pu La Wanb'ioa. N-AW.&.B. 4 J0 p u Lt. Partainnaib, ft A. L. I to pu 140 u Lt.-\\ aidrai, “ SJlIam IS 11 pu I.t. KorUaa “ Ilin 1 40 pu Lt Hi-u.i*rdoa, “ I <4 iua S1* pu Lt. Hnlalpa, “ 4 la am 4 44 pu Lt. Uouibwn PLuaa," 4 07 an lib pu Lt. Bamlat._- 7 Man 10 DO pu Lt. Wilmington, “ . 104 pu Ax.CbartoUa. •« 104l au'~il ilpu Lt. ' liMwr, •• |0 IK am 143 au Lt. Oran wood, •• IS Si pa I40au Lt. Albaoa, •• s 40 pa tIOau Ar. All tola, l_“ I 44 pu 4 uOam Ar. Aqgaa-a, C. A W, O. 4 10 |»n. Ar. Ma«on.C. of 0a. 7 30 pm II itOam Ar. liohlgtnn'rt.A AtV.P. IBpu 4 SO au Ar. Until!*, LIU. S 44 au . Ar. Kau Orkam.L. ft H. 7 SO au .. ■ Ar. NathTUla,H.' .Atti.L 140 air 4sTpu Ar. Mcupbiu “ 4 00 pu 114 arm SOUTHWARD. vuir uiiit Mo. M Vo. M I.t, Mampkta,W.ft.B M T- 18U coon tf 00 pm Lt,Ltthtlna, ' “ a S3 pa 3 JO am Lt. KmrOrlaat»,L.BW., *00 pm _.... L». llMbUa.L.**. UMaa . Lt, Moala.jta'ry.A.A W.P 080 am 1 30|rta Lt. iMoaa, C. ofOt. .. 0 0 aai 0 30 pm Lt. Aotraata. o. k W. C. »4*a<a . Lv. AtlaaU, | A.A.L. IS *6 oooa I *0 pm ArAthaaa, - IU|a 1)M pm At Grata woad, “ 10} i n 101 am At. Chtattr. •• 7 01pm 4 10 am Lt. CktrtoUa. 7'lS pm 4 TO am Lt. WBmlaatoa, 103 pea . Lt. Hamrnt, •• 10 00pm 0 10am Lt.' Hoathara Plata, •• II S3 pm' SOBaSa Lt. Atlal*S, > 1 >• am 11 30 am Ar. ImOtma, a 3 Pr am 1M pm Lt. ftorUaa ~ 134 am i do pm Lt. Waldos. a 4 40 MB • 10 pm Ai. Portamoath, a 7 30 am 130 pm it. Waalftaa.K.B W.a.u. * Mam At. nailloaora, rn.AP.6o. . f* Ulsm Ar. Wait y*rk,ojfijCi.Oa. 71 30 pm At.Phlla'pbla, K.I PANI 3 40 pm ofo'am At. Warn Talk,_*• 03* pm OOOarn Wo7l4 w». **' Lt. Tampa, 8. A. U Ry. 001pm OOOarn Lt. JaakaoatlMa, 10 I* am 7 30 pm Lt. Mttaaaah “ 11* pm II4* pm Lt. QolamMa.t 7 If pm 3 at am Lt. Baailat, • Ml* pm (loam Lt. Oaatkaca Plata. •* DM pm * 43 am Lt. Balm— “ 1II am 10 41 pm Lt. Wsaatrisra, » 11* am 11 M pm Lt. Waritea _** 1 S3 am U IP pm Lt. rttanharm 8 143 sm 147 pm Lt. JtehmomtC •* in am I SI pm At. Waafctactaa,P. B. B. 1*11 aai 7 M pm At. BaMmorm - “ II M am 11 IS pm ir. PMIsitsipOia, “ » 1 M pm 133 am At. WamtaaW, *» •« SIS pm IP* am Woia—7 fttllr. aiaapt Oat Oat. t Oamtsal Tima | Wtalata *7ma (a. JAB B BABB, lat TOa-fiag-l A Oaa'I Waa farlamtnk. Ta. 111. B9WOB, (Itaaaal Paaaaamm 4*at^ Patiam itti, 7a

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