Chinn ia menu yarns the coadoahm Ik* Mprnamr that while Cbfari* am gmccrtng haa fiaawial quirt sncccta fa% alttg static Una*, it haa rested fat realm its without amth pragma in »H that Insofar* motion. Thai, white their Caad atrwctnro are ant able and fregsenJ W beaaUM. their machfaes lor doing amah and anting profit and goods art ™drlji primhivr. Tha twioai Chinese wheelbarrow Is arid a Boat important *mtor la bad transportation, fan what ia the United State*, far example, ia eon •idrrad aery modern "cage coanractioa" dor baddiagx has hern practiced hy the Chfaiti far Costarica, and ia foaad all •*tr China. Thia U owe of many ireer aatfatg ohm nr. 1km made by Mr. WB1 ha Barclay Persona fnriag a tail rout ■my hi lW ad recorded ia his rs •rat book entitled "Aa American Eogr naa* ia CMan" Another euaapk of how the Chiaese hare, hy crotmks. amicipatad some of •aar modern inventions. it afforded by •fat lyseera of divide* ap the bull si a k—t hr hnfkfaeada aa a proaactloa agaiaee bn be fa, thia with the Cbinaa*. dating back farther than the thirteenth cantor/. Tha oaabtr of compartment* in the Chi naan trading aaaaeb depended apon the ■watber nf owners ia a vessel Mr. John H. Ibniaan in aa article in thia maga *• ketral yaara ago, told that io a b*g raaati (bare were aeatetimii as hundred, each partner ship ping hi* goods ha hit awn comportment •bid* ha itted ag to and hansel f. and •bher went ha person or asm ana of hit fcmffy to taka chaffs of his property. Than fa that acaar qwewioa whether the Chiacir fadhhud or caanaruneat lys bm waa da sign ad for iaaaring safety of •he mar I, tea her than for the ccnreru «MS of I hippos.—Carrier's UrmlUy Banana af faglaadr Tha lohawing 1a a liat of the reign. h| Qaaaoa af England since the cow ?T5: *• .M^4* ^ *uikb- daughter a( Henry L, horn not, waa the rightful h*k to ihr throne, fail bar claim area ett asidr in favor of Stephen. She atcrapaad an gain the throne by anas, wna crooned, rvigaai a abort tune. bar. bring defeated by Stephen, yielded her righti, and treated the ancceasion :o bar ana Henry. She aorriad Geoffrey Ffaamgearh aad that brxxigbt in the Mm lag III il dynaWy x Lady Jan* Gray, dangfaer nf the Duke of Snffoil, •rtgBd la (fays, wet beheaded ia IJJr. agad arena i ra. j. Mary, called "tha Moody" danghtcr of Henry VI11, crowned l|fj, aanrriad Philip IL. of ^pnia. rrigand hr years. 4. Elizabeth, daughter of Haary VIII , crowned igsA rvigaed forty-four yearn J. Mary. «m*crt of WiUilaa IIL. daoghtrr of Jram H, reigned jointly with her hn» , hand, crowned 1689. reigned Arc yeara. A A ana. danghtcr.of Jamie IL, crown ed 1 Tern, amrried George, Prince of Denmark, had thirteen children, ill of wham died young, rrigaed twelve yaara. jg.Victoria, daw-birr of the Duka of Kent, bora May *4 18;* renamed Jana 30, i8j- reigned rixty taro years_Lmditf i/raar /wnif A linear exactly half the rent exported from Great Britain in the last six months wrot lo Ihr foor countrici— Frv*’*" ** f- '■ " * ' ne.4 faefn Colds _ **IM i NlilHi eaU u< eoaU Cb«ny Factor »l, k (art m Im ur—. sum, is. How will your cough bo tonight? worse, prob ably. For it’s first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by takiag Ayer’s CherryPec toraL teC£IT<U«^WK/ I a»»nl DmU Be timM. T 1KB most etlacr great pobllc i* reform*, the movement U> V faro.' of good reeds Is **• ^ perteodag many aithcultlee. and lta promoter* maay dlecoorego meats. Like all other earn n^eremeute too. it la to some extent belay utilised (or private gala, aad for the adrtr t Item rot of coaamerclal commoditise la vaa direction or another. All this aad more, however, la a necessary evil to tho accomplish meat of the great aad cedarlng good which la Involved. This great Dornate. eboulil con tlaae to reeelr* the active cooperation aad approval *f all progressive rniada. It has WKhln U the eleaseata of the great ret poaslhla social galas to the people of the entire country. When even a BMaaorable degree of tkc po» albEltlea of the movement are realised, the at Paul Glob* remarks editorially, H will advance with gloat stride* la every section of tho coantry sat'd we hare eCaccd this stigma of barbarians which attache* to cs on accoaat of tho condttloa of our pabltc roods. Tho convention of the National Good Beads Association la Boffale will re sult to directing national attention to the movement. It will enlist the con certed effort* *t the moat thoughtful of Its sdrecataa. and w01 go a long way toward securing the final Inter vention of the 8 tat* sad Iocs! govern ments ta the effectuation of the move ment. In an tied communities In tha Bait It Is possible far the Wasters traveler ben and there to era long stretches of public roads In the dlsttnctleely agri cultural regions, removed many miles from centre* of city population, la aa good rendition aa ear city streets. And It Invariably happens that In such localities as are thai favored the su perior degree of comfort and prosper ity which prevails among tha people mahea itself palpably clear. There ran be uo doubt that the spread of free rural postal delivery will hare aa earouragtng effect upon the good reads movement Congress ahooltl enact such laws as would oper ate to withhold from tha localities whose roods are neglected the privi leges of free rural delivery. A pre mium might than easily he sot by the Federal Government npon the improve ment of local road*. If the advan tages and disadvantages Involved In the administration of local roads could In same such way ha brought home to tho people of the several lo calities which ere ireU enough popu lated to entitle them to free postal de livery. It would not ha long until there was a general awakening to the great Importance of the movement. Of course, the great difficult/ which will be encountered at the outset la tho comparatively groat expense of trans forming mud cuts, inch as most West ern country toads arc, into decent thoroegbfurr*. l'hjlr maintenance will be conuarntlrely Inexpensive. Their establish meal will, however, he beyond the Immediate rrsasrect of many com munities otherwise willing to make the necessary Improvements. As tha State* advaacs money* to thrlr act erst cosmic*, for one or other pabllc use. •bey should stand ready to do so with reference to the good road* movement. Tho scad result* coming (ram tha ee ls Ulxh meat of poisabie highways Wonld ho promptly repaid. With the holding of the Unffilo con vention for good roads it la not un reasonable to believe that the move ment will lrave entered npon a new and highly encouraging phase AdtaUoa Tor H»l Send*. Boat case haa aaid that tha drill nation of a coon try la abowa by lia roada. ITbi# briny true, It If to be hoped that the agitation now making bead lu different par.* of the country will oat cence nnril we nr# wall pro vided ter la Ihta way aa the Met of the are-eoi*. of ear ratlreada aarpeae aU their fadlltlea far tranatt, bat K oar ordinary reaoa won le M left an ieng w I tho at car# aa aewe of tha pnMeterie highway* that hare hern dlaroveerd la rarmaa parta of the world, they would look Oka “the roada In Scotland Oof ora they were made" Mat than haa airaaay baoa progreaa, and the methane af 1— whaoi Scott re letted to aa tho "Ciltmoo of Sooda." are Oalog applied la a modi fad form la otory port e< tho nan try that hooota of grarot-pita. Baad Imtldlog hoe become a science worthy tho attoatioa of tho meet akillod ea sier*™. tad taper* ore already abroad la tat laud. The Province of Ontario haa far *etna yeora peat boon ■rttlug aa oaanjjtio that migot ho fod lowod with pcodt la id oar Staton ■aha pore ramrat employ* aa eaymeor ta aeevaaa toad-baliuiag aad la teach the art ta all iaaairlpa<i->* wdllag ta •earn, la thia nutty tha agMailaa haa hara Ml largely ta Koraacml partite, the blryrt.eia ami oato.aehBe laietaafa, bat tea good Wa/S If grow, ag- aa abowa hy Ihe eoaraailea re ditly haid la BaSaku—Tha Obarrvar. ■d barpor'a oekty. “Tear friend ia g reamrfadtag fly. wo la tha pailltes af year (Mate * 'I ahaoM My a,’ auawetad Inn w Sargbam. -Me Maadr far at Imi . MHStm af deOdfa." in fa spite ot all that hat been written, in ept'e of hooka, magazine artidet and <*•««paper articles, m spite of Wctnrrs, strreopticua talks and social talks, the fact Maim that the balk of pocplc cm the mainland know eery little about u«. It was only the ntbee tiny that one of the teachers passing through to Manila commented upon the fact that Honolulu had the appearance of an American town. The reply was. “Why. this is an American town. You arc still in the United States." And then she said. "Do you know I always thought that the Hawaiian Islands belonged to Japaa." This damsel was going to help to tmeh the FHipiaoa geography. It la to be hoped that Asiatic geography la of a somewhat better brand than her co-mo graphic views upon the Padtc—J/#we fmha St*/. * senust la SIX »«U. Walter Baker A Cos. Idd.. Dorchee •er. kiss, are tke larpaat manafictur •ta at cocoa and chocolate la the »«»«. They received a gold modal from tke Parka Ha position of teat year. Tble year they have received three gold medals from the Paa-Amerlcaa exposition at Buffalo. Their goods are the standard for parity end excellence. DwsMHMs. Teacher—” Wha c doegb-a l-i yepanr Jobtiiy-“tifiy, er—a’ai—a-” Teacher - -Come! dome! tappaec a great big boy were to strike a Uttle fellow, what would yoo call him?" Johnny —-I don't daat to teU yer Ma'am." - Catholic Standard and Times. ______ "Marriac*.” says the Cimkal Bathalor. "w a nau »r Hunt* in which ttarc ut a Ut of Moby ybriaw/* Wdrtl Kiawlaf AhwmU Va MAd or cutUaf tf a wa—f ■ bnat me a mu'i ihul ac mm tm a nuo lUrapt to •vt MMtr. N* Mid to ftfpfy btralac pk« tor* to Ik* iti tortutof ikii umly *Mk ttmm mCm»« D»tob«ic blomd Wmim (B. B. B.) ffiT« • mtm. MMdy mmd mtUJa cava, ft* mmi Wrftit tmrmm mi nor mt BtflM, b»M>,A*Al, MMk.toOMMk.tom ashm. krtius Making. scabby ekln dhaacus. •Sc., am all antahlr lies ltd and eeeed by Bamsdc Maod Balm (1. B. B.) Druggist >. •1. temple af wadi Mas seal tm, aim meet Smlimimieli. by Imevibiag yaer Sraahla and wrltfag Mood Balm Ca . U Kimball Sweat, aihmta. da. T7iv Bower of the family is often !h> latest to rise._ •rhalaralalp Pw ante. In oaa »f Monk Carotin*', leading Boet lavaa Collages. .idtram Hmta, mra Baa m. Charttt*. B. C. PRICE. 25 c. PWOP8Y^^^a ■b aaMar Mb yea. bbbbi b a {■bin. raa *>U aaror fat rail aaatl rear barb m pil right. Curnm help eaten rare raa rUbri a trip* ar pale, produce •<• ••bull annanb. mat Too Jaal U aaala la atari tablet Tour health dark. Ora. oanere dead/ CntBeritc. tbt taaataa, nut u u bt MW Iran, arary tablet bar f.U.C •temped aa It Boanra of taituuoaa. The atndy ef utaete rtf terra an eUiitr In rand hat warn the tinea. H. H. Ganmn'a Bona, of Albnia. tie., art the hnty eaeeaaafal Draper *pee.elj.u ia tbr •arid, ter three ttboral offer ia elreriutaoil I tn aaothae oofnmn uf thb paper. The atora bbutm orouad the earth at 3573 aailea an hear FttopirbiaeaSly enrad. ffoltbor nermni MHifbe baa dar-e aeo of Dr. Kltau'a Ortnt Karra Baalarer *5 trial beUU and treat!.. f rr. Dr. B. It. Bunn, Lid.. 581 Arab 1-nlla. ft The mb of let ten may be either an aatbor ar a portrait. Mb. WleMeWldeothUf 8prop IwreUtUro \ ! bit*li(,*atbalbafaaa, rwtaoea iniUoa"* Hon, alter* pate, care, wind Quite, abi a ue.t. . I Tba difference between a job and a po uttoo areaaa to depend on im Mlary. Pba a Oere B the boat udnr* er arer «at be ait affaaUnu of Ibettat and Iiw-Va O. Bmatan, Tanharea, Ind.. fah ib. non. Dyabf It m ahapb aa aaahiat when tub jjMJjriii Vibbjm Dm hid by all TW girl wbo rrfhiflra ia offfr of raar rUg» k «MiUy my oidi carpnaad vImp Um you| mi taka* bar at bar word. Brer* or Oaio, City or T«um, i M Locai OotniTT. ( **• * Vun J. Osexey makes oatk that bertha ■MM nr partner of tha »na of F. J. Cunt h Co. .dornf bodtao la tkc City afToltdo.Ooon tj and Bhateafore—M.andlkat—ad Br— will par thaatm afon mmo mujm for cock m4 artty o—• of CAT4IM tko4 cannot hi cmrod hythtotaof Muxa Oaiaui Cobb. Fbaii J. Cannot. Sims to boforo mo and aobooribod la ny . —*— . oro—act, thla Bh day of December, ] nu L 1)., llM. A. V. Glxbbok. 1 —v— ’ XoUiry fuWir. Hali t OHarrh Caro is vafc»m fateroaAj ea>1 sets dirasttyosth. Maud ssj nwroniface of Ik* gitHL Iwd for MlowkJg free. F. J. Corns or * 0o„ Tetedo, a Bold by Draaku. Ttc. tUll'afutlT POh an tfc. hot. The largtat ten cities in the Unileu Sates in the order of their population ere: New York. Chicago. Philadelphia St. Louis. Boston, Bnhitnorr, Cleveland. Buffalo, San Francisco and Cincinnati. The RarndtsaasD (N. C.) Hosiery Mills were destroyed by Ire during tho week. entsllUg • kiss of sboul in.OOO. The 1 neuroses a eeld to eg grogs Is $16,000. Kine-ttsthe of England'* railroad pa*, tengera travel third clan. M CUrE CA'CEI AND TU«0ff«~ " ^We Use NO Kaifr, NO Pbiter. We gin so pstn, .hed >• blood. We ssre tea U/OU TOO Pel. We ore e OreOe.t. .( Two Ifr-dloe! Colleges. We west yes to tree our to Petra Boo*. We vast Ikte ■•Od" tsrteeed La wnmig ns. We ere Do. 1. Hsu Disiu. IUchraoed. Ts. Wtmss poeiel to-dee For hook Pm. cm cftbT ■Ov» hot mule Hflfl th. Ftgtfom Seeiee mrMi Wtllmtt. WILL LAST A LIFT TXEC. FULL ■aa natter-. Qaiakvac f rat. Jonarui r m the rr.pnim, _MaaMAMT—C I. t CHEAP 'r y y SCHOLARSHIPS fljcr Mlkia I* grratlr mUrfnl idi to Bll I* lip at a—e r* %at l ocerpi ofTV w wrnrk f*f »nc*c £*e ertt on. pw» r»llr ««1 far*. furoWh K- p waul tenropo, u°. hdh u $xnu1 * ai*t*. t hi* offer <» ukmtr.. 1> m « f«w fma **•«• — Buty wLn«»■ p jr A .t*-. wf tw »t ooca Add raw ■, COLVffllA ButIBUt COLL 10 L, __« OH AWAt w, f. i Svitvp « Hgs | ,T » Refresh1*0 aw a^. 'n~ i frA“»«?ir“T1'V 7 GBmy .. ,Xf,tl1 ”any f‘I,10,,* of f*«*nlies Syrup of Figs has become the • ideal home laxattVe. The combination ia a simple and wholesome I one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup X Cfrapany e«unrea that perfect parity and uniformity of product. U which have comviended it to the favorable consideration of the moat eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all | who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acta gently with ) out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect [ freedom from any unpleasant after effects. In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are | P'«*““t to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the combination are obtained from plants known to act most bcne I 6.tally on the system. j To Jet Ha beneficial effects — H ^ 0\iy IK* £«r\uin*rMar\\if*ct\jred by Catifon&h FiqSyrup C« Lout*villa. Ky. *+* ^fxeiaeo.C^I, Y©rM1X roe tail iv ah Mueesrs mice mo* mm sorria a \ JL. JUTtr* ^7*v wwik Mrs. Kate Berg, Secretary Ladies’ Aux iliary of Knights of Pythias, No. 58, Com mercial Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn., After Five Years Suffering Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “ Dear \Ir3. TinkhaM: — Whatever virtue there is in medicine teems to be concentrated in Lydia E. Pillkham’s Vt‘;;etaltk» Compound. I suffered for five years with profuse and painful menstruation uni 3 I lost flesh and strength, and life had no charms for me. Only three bottles of your Vegetable Compound cured me. I became regular, without any pains, and hardly know when I am sick. Some of my friends who have used your Compound for uterine and ovarian troubles all have the same good word to say for it. sad bless the day they first found it-’’—Mas. Katt. Bf.rc:. •OOOO FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GEN PINK. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, leuoorrh w, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling., ’animation of the ovaries, backs***-, bloating (or flatulence), general de.dity, indigestion, and nervous pra*. tration, or are beset with such symptom* as dimness, faintness, lassitude^ excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, “all gone” ana **'wnt In W Ml lions “ feelings, blues, and hcpeleffimaa. they should remember there Is one tried end true remedy. Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound at ones removes such troabfaa Refuse to buy any other medicine, for yon need the best. Mn. Pink ham Invitee all tick women to write her far oftloe. She has guided thousands to Wealth. Address Lyna, Maas. DO YOU SHOOT? If you do you OlM scad your name tad tddrra on a poets) cird hr a WINCHESTER GUN CATALOGUE. IT’S FREE. It lUutmtet tad doactiber tfl tht different Wiacketter RIRet. Sfaettcnsaad Ammunition, tad Otutmine truck eilatbla tadanatrioo. Send it once to tke Wwhiur Haaaadtng Arma Oo>,New Haven, Caw, neat t* BaUOJKfr.*»L 9CUOO awl 00JM *Zir+t mow hi -+»-«rx»Uo UmIH* u4 l).o9 ikMi ud mrrnrrw ay. ir rx *i I *»c (y4Misi'fl«iu>:«it: . ... • r.- 4' Hr i; pi.'; J noJtura off "^Cj Ammtmm dtk««'Uk|««M imm t*a*ry Hv<virM , KMj^^aTM^wSL^n' >SI^L- ~_i. _”•■1- M"~ - sSAW ILLS! r-1 tic.m, ’X It. (>y,c* f MMiblr.M aul • • Ui*r M«Cblb»r). E Mbi.wi < ‘.ii»ii1 Uf lb MmUm lr»w UmIu. bt.«^ N.C. ^ WOMENi SUFFERERS t t» tUr os ( Rxr \xr> a malt tu fLtlfou rara f ana}', il 1" .V., of Lara.-. rfcraa. llooiMin, I> «*>*• tioMJF. I oiijoi. «tot aG InuS H’lk T2_A’"ngiaaiaWtora aa. ••w • F«rti^lJ i»Y rtf :.►»%« wmwl 11«•*** "•««»*> ‘ 4|ik«i! titwm X.C. tlk. UU’IIA U JUtTICk. Ur. *•**'•• ur*lp| |.i naini>a*t1 brrUorj «-«•*». —5 CTOTA CO.k Ut.<f> Offiah. »<*«Tk ta.L l«4. 4 H **T_ * tVOKU iVABAtimak tr»«ictn •ccntafee oar B»»« ^ 'V a.M1 will rt«nrhn| lf«rt io»w» ■ > |. j •«* • Km rw. •%«!*# Mi iW«i rt*«% I 'V WllftVW |.» H4MM A>r a..*** I UrW a. mi b * <4 Kb*** MM ' ■ awr-U'M.ii .u«M T«W * K«) •«4l It '***/ *lliwc* fntWI ttof M*Bt Mb 'I'niuifit Unit ill*, imv _. i,u,s:ayA,!i^.Tg.tag THE SWIFTCREEK DAIRY Alt $900 TO $1500^4 YEAlt W« mat lolanlttat Mao M —- ■ to Takwrilaf aapaa.ataM.aa or Lmt —n la n. ••la.a tr* to »'>• ■ raw aad --Ml • aaatodl.1 toniadatn aad abOtl* a* Mto Mai tola) Nyua.iatha: Mbrr fa to la a »*ak aad aaaalato, dapaadlaa apa Itodaa Irraaad. taad aaatat for fan parflatoaaa aak tola pafUa prafaad. Addraaa. OapL a TK» im. cmtnar. rkllUdikta, (to. 45 PIECESuSlTSf FREE 5 l**W “."Ha-M.lftfiattoaiamai Uga-sjeaFac-gigE .... ■*rkSBrtr*aijvB.

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