Educational Department. TBS PURPOSE OF RBVISW8. I. IhlndmU what the child X. To find oat what the child Aw Dot know. i lb mate diflealt part* more 4 lb add new matter to the 4. To ahow tb* relation of mb tbrnhaT to iaveecrpabau. T. Tb pteeeat tya. origiaal thong ht. the habit of and ex* TBS TIMS FOB RE VIEWS. 1. At tke beginning of each 2. At tba okm of aaoh laoita S. At tba eloaa of aaoh weak. 4. At tba eloaa of each month. K. At tba eloaa of aaoh term. §. At tba beginning of aaoh !• At Hina wbao set' ezpactad by*w• MXTHODfl Of REVIEW. 1. Topical, far aaoh individual. 2. Trofieal, far tba antiia elaaa. A Written, with abort ana ran. Written, with more gaaaial A Oral, qiii as at hod. T. Oral, tell-ell-joa-kncre meth od. A IWaimarioo and debate. BUQOX8TION8. L Lean to qwaatioo witboat £ g r. A Giro tba dall and alow ooaa M. B* In aarwaat; be eothari — the wrong. If there » an ever lasting nuisance in the world, it it be. The reflect ion in the glass shows him the ooe whose Judg is infalliblo, and in sorrow I hia.eyee gase upon the multitude in the wrong because, they do not agree with him. The boy who ■tarts oat realizing that he must make errors, bat with the deter mination to profit by them and not repeat them, has learned one of the world’s greatest lessons. Oar youth should be trained not to be over cautious through fear of making mistakes, not to be over proad and ashamed to ae know lege mistakes, but frankly confessing when he finds himself in the wrong, undismayed through perseverance to succeed in spite of miatakee.—Midland Schools. Among Oar Kxchauge*. Akron, Ohio, ia to have all iU public schools equipped with bath rooms. Great ia tlta "moder i" city school I Even now the par ent ie privileged to kies and spank his child only a few times before it beeomee the legal property of the public school, and we shudder to think that are long he stay be denied even that privilege.—Miss issippi School Journal. Yea, and the boy ia schooled at pabUo expsoas, supplisd with books at public expense, bathed at public expense, lunched at public expense, and so on to the end of the still “to be oontinned" story, will grow up without that inde pendent self-reliance that is the eeeeaoe and glory of a high and eelf-rsepecting manhood, and will continue aa he has been brought up, u profitless pensioner upon public bounty. And yet they say the function of the public school ia the making of the cituen.— Florida School Exponent. Thera era parents so dsnssly ig norant ss to allow their children to grow op and follow their own Incline tiooa. When children, raised by such parents, find that they cannot have their own way in school, usually besoms dissat isfied, and either leave the school, or if they remain, persist in giv ing the teacher troable and msk H unpleasant for all concerned. Such children are to be pitied, rather than blamed.—Gem of the West. _ Tba teacher who kae ceased to grow fa dead already. Tbs teacher who lack* spirit, who posse teas bat little individuality, baa probably bees dead for soma time. Mere eebolaiehip alone will not make a teacher. To this mast be added a true character and a professional spirit born of a desire to be the beat teacher possible, and renewed and strengthened by e careful and constant study of the fundament* el principle* in edaoation.—The Ohio Teacher._ The tea ah sc who fails to keep thepupOebrny will hare pupils who will keep the teeeber busy. Aotirity fa the natural state of child life; the child who fa not native fa either eieb nr lasy. Hap py is the teacher who know* bow to direst this aotirity in the right channel. The toaober mart «H idto sympathetic touch with bis papila to eaart the proper iafia-1 ease over ibeae Mfae 8sbool Them fa nothing libs the oil of goad, wbeii reeled, bamaoiaiag sympathy to make the wheels ef the eehenlreeas na without frie thm. If yen hare mask teoable . t • w' . Dr. N. C. Hunter, Druggist, RockinghAJm, N.C Neat Door to P. O. M v goods are bought new at oaah Baltimore prices and carefufly selected, henoe 1 can offer excellence iu quality and moderation in prices. My prescription department is an especial feature oj my store, well stocked and under my personal care. I will All vour prescriptions accurately ana promptly, day or night, ana at fair prices, no matter where or by whom written. I will supply your demands promptly for any thing usually kept in a modern drug store. Gall and let u«bw me acquainted whether you buy or not, that our future relations may be the more agreeable. Rospoctfully, N. a HUNTER. NEW GOODS-NEW STORE The people should know that I have on hand, and am daily receiving a choice lot of Heavy and Fancy Grocer lea, including all varitiaa of Canned Good., Confection eries, Fruit., Ac.,—all Freah and marked down to onm pat* with any market. Let everybody try me on quality and price*, and I'll risk getting their future order*. With thank* for favors already received I am, Respectfully, J. A. McNair. Ton Want Good Work -And You Want It Guaranteed. J. D. Young, the Veteran Shoe-maker, who has always given von satisfaction, is still on hand, ready to serve you as faithfully as in the past. Call on him, over the Porter store, next door to Headlight office. You see you can, get a paper to read while yonr shoes are being repaired. i. D. Young Attention, Farmers! From Beptlst Until November 1st I .m offering to to thet olw of P°°P «J Qrmde over offered. Nov friend, oril on me •" K> A SINGER for your tamily. b, j drew. on -mu —*» «-—• > Hhoml piflcdbnnt. for CASH I handle the higheet grade oil made. Needles and Parte (tarnished for all machines. Ut>pairing * Specialty, B. F. PALMER. gopttmbw lrt, - —1 — THOSE buggy tickets AT one DOI-LAN eaoh. w. no wiling «»“ b*™ ot com. ,.d p.y yonr reUerip.ioo.odgnonv .on .re no. . wbwribor to the HEADLIGHT, no i, ,h. tlm. to .nbwrlb. wd p* . tiokn. the 800 ticket* will draw a fine top buggy o*a»«o.oo»>h°1" MWmOMACHIM*. th. bwt In tbo world toko yoorpholco. Borne one will get the buggy, *nd you m y be the lucky pereon. Call at th* flpainiflht PriatiaM Office. Town Taxon TumwthlMWn of Kooklaf kM*K Vmtf Mm ms taolu lor Mm jsor IMOU boss boon ^wsIbg^MfclorhioMbM oo» A. >. RICHOUKMf, To** Mormhol. APhiPtfahrltk ’ ,T2rT2 4osS a«iw.. »•/ mo or wrlM. 7. ir TMTIM, OM>. S I Attention Fanners. Do You Know That You Can Use IApp’s Fer tilizer at a Co8t of About One-Fourth tho cost t>f manufactured guano anti make as much per ““Si.,-V0U can do **■» a,ld wiI1 K've »uo pleasure to RKOVL it to vour satisfaction. It is preparetl bv a secret process, fhe following gentlemen used it this year, And you can consult them as to their oxocrionco with it: Messrs. H. C. Watson, B. S. Ledbetter, John S. Coving ton, D. W, Watson, A. J. Harrington and others. so ^ wil*c08t y°u on|y I*’’-00. I sell farm rights for 93-UU. 1 ownship and County Rights sold at reasonable rates E. M. BOGGAN, Agent, Sept. 16, 1901. Cordova, N. C. Right* tor aalo at Y. M. Boggan’a atore. SHORT CROPS MAKE LIGHT PURSES l And knowing this, I have prepared to Airmail £ my customers and the general public, The Best Family Groceries of all Kinds, S a little cheaper than tho can he purchased else where. Good weight, good measure, best quality. | Now try me and be convinced. SAM B. SMITH. | I The Sugar Trust, l HUH HA ^ The Steel Trust, t A A A Af p The Plaid Trust, ► 7 7 7 7 .« And many other trusts still exist, hut the local mer cantile trust has been forced to smitheration in the dry goods line by the Leading firm of Rockingham, Blacker Br o Now you can Buy a Good Suit of Clothes, Pairof Shoes, PaLrof Pants, Hat, Shirt or any thing in gent’s furnishing goods at a price to compare with the short crops. Our buyer has spent several weeks in the North buy ing goods at the very lowest possible figures, that you may reap the benefit of his extended trip. He has been work ing for your interest and now we invite you to call and se cure the many bargains in store for you. , A big.line ofTrunkB, 8uit Cases, Valices, Etc . at ex tremely low prices. See our enormous linh of gent’s underwear. Respectfully, || Blacker Bros. '*'* Sandford Bailding, - - - Rockingham, H. C. Hard on Farmers bil'Sw'S' »b « •!■»« tnom ail kinds of mnniina CGr . v w***n I c«n «*n SUSITk0?^ R<C<5’ Ton®or, thing kept in a flrat^laaa 0(1 Oooda and every. “"‘"'““SSr51-— _Y- M. BOCGAN. H°. Ye Fanners and Mill Men I « M. to w. J, b.Y/C, “ £ *"•' « H«. y. »o*«r, flofTee, canned Pi«k (i,| *?K b,lcon n°»r. •wything in (he eating IJm ’ onloM -ju« X jl» JSz £? r *»• land aee for yourself, ^om*» °h, oome ' JOHN R. SMITH.

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