TO CRUSH IT OUT. VufetaftM Ait trifles Ta lake a Vtpnu HTwtAfatast UuntcliM i , vurusa wai bmktically. • i IW PrwMt Amacamb Are Far ■ fNi|il|i Sphit tha lanrinu ThM W«J Stop Thair Activity. a c. Special.—On (ba Uoa at Gearral Che Bee. ; the Dtvleiaa of the Phll i 8eeret*ry of War her tor a reorpealtatloa of Op to thin time the di l comprint tour military da ' aa follow*: Department at Laaea, commanded by Ma jor Oaoaral Uoyd Whaatoo; Depart - hy Brigadier Oaairal J. p. Wad*; Da PWlmaat of th* Vlecuy**, naauM hy Brigadier Oaoaral B. P. Hughe*. Dapart-aaat ad Wnd*a»o and Jdo. OMMMmdad by Brtgndler Oaoaral <3. W. Hath I» nmrdanca with the nctlea of the War Dapartmaat. tb* diatalaa will b* dMdad into aaly two military depart pan mania, to locked* within tbalr toatto tha aaflrr Philippine arehlpel apo. They all bo known aa the u» partmanta of Norik aad Booth Fhilip ftaaa. Tha Northern Dapartmaat will ba commanded by Major Oaoaral Whaatoa and will Include the Intend* «f tmia. Mlndara aad Maabata. and an tha latarraalay territory. Tha Booth«rn Dapartmaat. which win ba mmmaadad by BrKadlar Oan oral Wade, will embrace the reaaainder of tha arehlpelua aad tnetude the tarp* Meade at Samar, Penny, Ml ■de an*. the Tlaanyaa aad JNa The aoneotldatloa af tbeaa dapart ta aceardaaoa with Oaural piano ta InmJtntn a vtgurcua. aampnlga a**lpit tha laaar who raoaotly hare become id treableaima la tha talaadn ’. Lcyta aad la the attrama portion* of Lmma. it la aidaratond that lara* hodlaa of traopa are ta ha ooneeatratrd la tha dlatrKta where oalbraaka hare occurred, under tha command of omcera of high rank, with tha fall parpoaa of promptly ■tamp!aa out tha aptrit of tha Inaur raetlotv It U aald furthermore that th* raimetloa ta the number of tb* department*, la addltlaa to making tha aamtary for or* more compact and ■metat. win raaatt la a raductlom of The Caul Project. Washington. Special.—The lath. . mimm caul cemutoeton will meet nest Tuesday, to add the flmUhlng leach to Ha report It eaa be stated by aathortty that the commlaalon bna aot reported, no to Otla time, la (near ef etthm the Nlrareguan or of tbe Panama project Oanacgaeatlv, the qoretfon has not Ognred before the rah met and the administration has aot expreased a preference far either rente, ft ie expected that the com a tauten win not andertaie either to adopt or to reject the proposition of President Hr.tbi. Vr-dtln* to Ute no WtialUoe hr ttalx government ef the canal tonceaaloM. However. K will lay the pronorttlon before the Presi dent and Coo Crete. It ran be eta ted also hr aot be: lt». that in slew of tbs wail-oaderxtood favor with which Congress heretofore ban regarded the Mlcarecaan rente, the decision of the beeatlve Deperdnenta will bo In favor of that project. A B'r Warrbseme Company. Mexico City, Vpaelal—A new wira paay known at the Mexico and Vera Oras Orearm] Deposit and Warrhoou Company, has barn Incorporated here with a capita! at tt.P00.MP and fl/M. Pto paid sp. Tbe com pixy baa acnolr el a law warrhonaa here sad w'U pretend to erect a aaw edifice la Ve x Oran. Aaeeag tbe directors ere Earl ana Creel, ef Cklbaahaa. Vetaey W. Vbstsr. of Chicago, end tbe governor ef the Federal district Ixsde of this Mty. Tbe compear wtlVdo a bonded warehacre be alarm The plan bap nvH with notes toesl oppos'Ure la Vera Ore*, where the comuMoa merchaau am la tt a fnrmldnhln rival. $iPaPpetnop Cigar Treat. QUbiUbea. O.. 8 portal—Tbe Ameri cas Cigar Compear, a treat organ tail aader the lawn nf Now Jeraer. was tmUM by Soeretary at lute lmyHa Ip do baManre la Ohio. Tbe treat baa a capital stark ef ftt.eoe.OM and wfli bare He Ohio keadgoartare la CPirtanatl Asm B. Daka In at the Nr»» arttfi. Mr «Mr Matter OUa Qriw «t ■mToMimm! n J^UoauU ft MNM acataat tba BlacaH Traat On aitlll— ta sate Mi Javan and ft Otba from Cbla* mcM i . CMft* aa «arb*ard A’r IM OttOdla. ft. OaaOft Oatardir at taraaaa a Oaakurl Air Ida* ftaftM •ala fan laia aa aaaa awttcb fear* and MftMl aft a rW aaglaa. Baste**? BUbard Iaaaa via Uttlr bart and dted teftra* baara ^Mraataa MaOaa Mtftaady Ila)*r*4. AH tl'.M bait aa « Own tba t-alfK. Tba m ad ft £rtjtaa*a faaftad la Ma* ft an . LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. Many Matters •< Onanl Interest la itsmhmnpM At Tbs National Capital. ft la reported that the Dowager la prase at China tee become displeased with the popmlarltj at Minister We Tlag-faag. Secretary Long haa detwnalsed to lacreaae the cadency of the navy by aaMgniag Jnnlor ofli tri to the engin eering department. In hie anaaal report fieroad Aaiit taat Postmaeter-Qeaerel W. & dkal lenberger recommends faster null eer etee to the Orient aad the reestablish ment of the patenatlc tube service. ®a breweries of Loalarnie, Ky.. have eosabiaed. with 91.M9.6to capi tal. The latest rial Com mission resam to sxltt on December U hr openUoa of lav. The eleettoa of Ooreean to tha United States Stasis from Maryland la starred Crude robber has dropped It cento a posed, but the manufactared goods will not he redaeed. Several of the largest sardine fac tories la Mnlae will dot* because of low prices prevailing for tbatr pro dad. The Sneny South. A aew of cx-Jadgs Merrlaoa was shot aad seriously wounded at Ashe ville. N. C, Wednesday hr a lb-year old girl that he had ruined. The cigar-makers who were ar rested la connection with Monday's disturbance In Havana, are still la JalL A number of workmen wll sail for Thmpa. Prof. Joseph H Ketron. who found ed Kingsley Bern lnary at B loo si tag - dale, star the Virgin la-Taoneeeee I ns. *9 Tears ago. and had baas lie prest daat aver since, died Thursday sight, aged M year*. A freight wreak occurred on the Nor folk aad Western mad at Iron villa. JaM asm of Bhae Ridge Springs, yester day. About li freight cars ladea with coal were smashed up. The wreck oc curred (a a daep cut aad all trains wars tied up. The wreck via cur d by tha Bangs of a wheal break ng. No oaa was Injured, but the damage Is very great. Robert Jacoba la bettered to be fa tally Injured aa tha result of an acci dent at tha Suffolk Clay Company's plant. Ha fell on • revolving tkett. the bolts of Which caught In hla cloth ing Jest below the belt and carried him over rapidly. When Jacobs was finally dashed to tha ground nog of hla clothing was gnas aad ha war bad ly lacerated. Al The North. Tea people arero baraed to death la a theatre fire la a Wisconsin town. The Immense plant of Dll worth Porter and CO. manufacturers of stsel rods and spikes, at Pittsburg, was damaged by Ora Wednesday sight to the esteat of a boot $550,0*0. At least IS persons were killed and a property loss of $500,000 was sus tained by a flro la Hunt. Wilkinson and Co.'s furniture warehouse. Phils dolphin. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion gave a hearing la New York ou complaints **««< unjust discrimination waa practiced in favor of liaitlmoro's grain trade. The Standard Oil Company has de clared a dividend of IS per share, pay able December 1$. making $47 per share for the calendar year, which la the same amount aa last year. Nashville (Tenn.) Woolen Mill Co. has completed the Improvements thit convert Ha plant from a Jsspa milt to a eaaalmere mill. Th* discarded looms aamhered seventy-sight and new looms to that silent wore installed. Tha Capelsta Cotton Mill* al Troy. K. C. J* bow emaptetad. and will start operations. This plant Include! a halldlag SOxXM teat, with Mx4« tout angles room, and the machinery ‘will Include $.500 eptndlr*. Th* company * canltaitaed at $50pee. It la rs ported that tha Brook side Mills of Kaos tills. Tenn.. will Install 100 additional looms sad other ma rt taerr. Thin compear la now oper ating 14,000 spindles and 4*0 looms an tha prod notion of a special grade at doth. _ Pram Acrau TW *aa. It la nportad that Oaaaral Da Wat baa captarad IAN BrlUah Aimy haraaa aaar Capa Tawa. prints haa aaat a aota to Tarfcoy ntaitMnt of tha Soltaa'a Tha paopls of *aam ara at ton»' haa da wMh thatr OorsraaisBt asd hara appaalad to Coaataattaopla. TTattad ttalaa Saaaal Barts of Ur arpeot. aays than U sa aaad to tuar aatlaa toartata at Aawrtiaa porta oa aaaoaat at tha 'Jwpaol plapaa. Latin-Am arlaaa Uharala applaud tha apaaah of Han. Haary O. Darla at tha Pan-Aaaarlaaa Oaagnaa apbslt laf^tha Integrity at tha Aawrloaa n Tha aaadNtaa ad U Rang Chtag. Mhn la aarlaaRy M In Pahta. ahoaa Datafla of tha raaaat MM ad Bmfean laagta. hi tha Tranaraat. ahoa that Olh Laota Botha paaaonally aharad A THEATER BURNED Tea People K9ed aad For Serioaafy lajset FATAL FIRE IN MICHIGAN [TOWN. Blaur That Destroyed a Vsw Seville Play t1o«ee aad Threatened to Ex Icmlniu th* Taw*. Iron wood. Mich, Special.—Ta* Brea war* lost and (our buildings daatiujod by a Are which started In th* Klon dike "rticatr*. at Harley. Wla, Wed nesday. Th* dead are: a W. Oleve land. H. P. Cllflord. Thoa. Ledalve, George Beoert, H. D. Emery. Timothy Ryan. F. I, Day. «L Louis; Thoa. Osann*. Harry Raymond. Clara Bon ne. Seriously Injured: Jennie Ban dar. Annie Scott. Laura Roseau aad BiUy McLanghlla. The Klondike waa a vaudeville theatre and an of the lead aad Injured were connected with be theatre as performers. Moat of them lived at Hurley, and Thomas .eclslro waa a brother of th* pro ‘'•or of the theatre. The fire started on the stage and I* a fsw miontsa the entire structure was • mass of tames. Tb* third story waa seed as sleeping quarter* and th* rapid spread of th* Ire cut off th* escape of the occupants. Th* thaatr* buUdlag waa entirely consumed and tha flames spread to adjoining stria. Wrea. Th* Iron wood Hr* department waa called ■o the assistance of tha Hurley Bre men aad only by the* bard eat work was the towa eared from beta* wiped oaL Th* charged remains ef etz of th* victims have been recovered aaJ search la being made tor the other*. The Klondike Theatre burned one* before, la July. lttt. whs* eleven wo men loot their llvea. dpnit tor Schley. Washington. Special.—The climax ot the Schley court ot Inquiry came Wad ureday afternoon whan Mr. Rayner, (ha chief coonael for Admiral Schley, ooa eluded a brUllaat argument of ovsr three hoora with n peroration to ele ment end Impaaatontd. that all within the aonnd of hit rotes war* profoundly touched, la vltld oolorn he painted the picture of the Brooklyn with Commo dore Schlny on tho bridge, flghttag the entire Bpanlnb fleet unUI the Oregon appeared oat of the amok*. "The thun de re of the Brooklyn, mualc for the earn of hla coanlrymea." ha said, 'aroused. Admiral Behley'i envtous fore " He pictured tho victorious tailor raftering as few have cuHered for three long yean while the Area of persecu tion leaped around him and flow await ing the hour of hla rlndlcitjon In the verdict ef the court. The >cen« In the court rota) as Mr. Rayner flal&hed uis-thrUlLax.-T*» at tendance had beeo larf* the aoralag tension, a lady had fainted from excitement. » Boer War Tana. Londoa. By Cable. - Whet appear ed as an Important ai noun cement pre paring the people of Orest Brittle fot new taxes end firth loins, was mailt Monday night by the ChaaeaBor of tbe , Flxcheqner. Sir M chart H eks-Beach. In a speech at Bristol. After alluding | to the enormous Increase ta the ordi nary expendlu-ea of tha government,! he reviews.] ths wer taxes end nil that the ever-Increasing demand of tbe i national exchequer (eve reasons fer careful thought anil even anxiety for ! the future. "The cost of the war !u ' South Africa la enormous," said 8 r ; MlchaeL “It MU drags on. It maybe when next yssr com fa. that I may have ' to ask tho people of this country to j bear avea greater burdens and mate I Treater aarrlflcea'* Vint In la Paetodla Bra sad. Roanoke, Vs.. BpeelsI.—The poatof flee st Princeton, coonly an at of Mar car county. W. Vs., was robbod T tea day moraine. Tba asta was cracked sad bet warn SS0O sad MM Ip stamps nnl 1154 In mosey atolan. Bertie toots taken (ram a hlsckimltb shop wan (oond Is tba poet off! -• and Lawla McNutt. s col ored employe of tbs blacksmith shop, baa bssn arrested. tlaunan Bodies la Crates. Ohlcan Special—W'ght kaiua bodies wart takes Wtlnesdty oaen'n* from two era tea at tba freight depot of the Chicago. Burlington * Qu'aoy Railroad. They wet# conalffnad to R. J. Jonas, at Breaker. Ms. sad wars mark ed as second-hand laundry maehtaery. Tba bodies wars panhdsed during tba day from lbs Harr ay Mod leal CaTera. of this city, and wars bain* shipped to Missouri tar psrpem of dloooctlos. Tba poilca an looking tor Joaas Vst an far bare beaa easbto to leasts bln. Tba only charge tost sea be breoeht acstoat him Is the •hipping of bodies •a • manner contrary la law. Bad nfftaata Bowed Osar. Wat Scott. KaM. Bpsdal—Bad Oil lotto, tba Webb CHr. Mo. foot raaor. charged wMh complicity la awtadUm* Mata Rape—eatattva P. M. Darla, of this ettr. oat of 1* 000 on a toot race, was bound ores bars hi the asm of Mam Am ■ r«nU of Um analsA* ties It to atotod that tba aatradlUam of ibh el be SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL Now Eataeprfaaa That Are Enriching Oar Fevered Sadtee. The Charleston Exposition. Od October 14. IKS. tba board of di rector* ot tba Boatb Carolina. Inlrr atate and Wot Indian Exposition gave laatrortlona that work abould begin ca Ibe exposition building. Tbet work baa bean etaadlljr paabed. and within the gear tortg line building* have beta alerted, end many of than are now a-l bat eoc?;«ted. In an laiarrlaw laat weak Mr. Bedford U Gilbert, tba ercb Itagt-lx-chlef ot tbo exposition. axlJ that ha wan confident that b* could bare tbe aapoellion grounds and bulld Inga In order by November 11. and that when the work waa completed there would bo no cause tor complaint, es pecially as it bad bean dose at laat ex pense than was originally calculated “Poo. Within It* weeks the extortion will be opened, and tbo men ot Charles ton who hava furthered Its plana era confident that during the six moxlha of th* exposition Its purposes—the cul tivation ot closer trade relatione be tween the Halted State* and th* Weal India*—will be fully realised. The Booth’s Climate. In aa Interview at Kaoavllle not lose ago Mr. W. K. Brown of Boston, spank lag of tha possibility at Nsw England print mills moving to the cotton Helds, mid that prist goods may be success folly manufactured In the South, but that tha day would never come when Sue bleached domestic may be burned out by Soatbani mills, hecaaoe of ell math.' or atmatpberle conditions. Cli matic or atmospheric conditions hare been a great standby for half a cen tury In argnmtnts intended to prove the limitation of tbs South In cotton manu facturing. Bat the Booth, with some In terruption. bat goat on manufacturing cotton, passing from lower to higher grades, going Into tha print business, and eras daring to try bleaching. As a matter of fact, the South has tha molt asptrlor climate In the country, as far as cotton Is ran earned, especially cot ton-gro art ng. Brick Works at WHmlsgtoa Tha manufartnre of bricks by a new sad economical process la about lo bo undertaken at Wllmlagtoo. N. C. An drew Smith la organising tbs company tor this purpose, sod will Incorporate aa the Hydraulic Whits Pressed Brick Co., with capital stark of $£0,000. Bite baa been purchased, and arrangements to build the works are now being mads as sufficient espllsl lo ensure the en terprise has been subscribed. The plant trill hare a dally capacity of 10.000 bricks, and building ornaments will al so be produced. The process comprises the use at mod and chemicals as In vented by a Herman investigator, and It la claimed tha product has many su perior merits that hare bean demon strated in practice in Europe. Textile Information. It Is snnouaced that a new company will be organised lo robslld and re-cv tablish the Randleman (N C.) Hosiery Mills, recently banted. Chatham Manufacturing Co., of El kin. N. C.. has complet'd tie Installa tion In Itn woolen mills uf :n equip ment for producing cotton blankets. The Business Men's Club ot Sail An tonio. Texas. Is In correspondence with Eastern parties relative to the estab lishment ot a largo cotton factory. The Extract Wool A Merino Co., of Chattanooga. Tran., bat found the dr mand for ks product so lncreas'ng tbet a doubling of Its protection Is neces sary. The force of tmployes will be du plicated and a night shift of bands will be operated. Endeavors are being made at Vicks burg. Miss., for the organisation of a company to build a oottnn factory. It la proposed to Interest Eastern capi talists. and one ot the local promoters has gono North for the last-named par pone. Th* scholarship presented try Mr. Flnh to the New England Cotton Uanufectorera' Areortatlon will be Un able at tb* New Bedrord (Maas.) Tat til* School, which already baa drawn itadanta from all ports of tb* Called Beats*. Tb* Orient Mllle of Cber’ott* N. C Is now completing lie Installation of the 7000 spindles aad 1*0 dcbby looms decided on some time ago for Its sew addition. As eoon aa this machinery la In operation another 7000 sp'ndlea end 1M looms erill be purchased aad pat n positlo*. thee bringing th* pilot up to M,4*0 spindles and U0 loom* (the old portion of th* plant haring *40* of these aplndlee aad 140 of tha (lobby looms). Th* total lawralmtnt for these Improvement* will be ItSO.CbO. Tb* Itasca (Ttaaa) Cotton Maau factoring Co. will aa* Beaaaoat nil for fuel. Three tanka are being coo atroeted andar ground, and lb* neeee aary equipment la being Installed. Tb* Wnaaharhl* (Texas) Cotton Mills baa discarded coal aa fool for Its ftrnnean aad now borne 'dean moot natural oil. Th* change I* said le give entire satisfaction to tb* com pn»r Th* Manchester Cot to* Mill Co., of Roe* Hill, EC.)* reported aa cooiem platlag th* lata] 1stloa of atdlMoae’ maeklaery, to laclad* MOt golallea >a' MS looms. This comp- ny * plaat bow operates 14.140 prod c*ng sp elite M40 twtetlag sp'adlea aad M* l-oma la the mtsafaeUre of brown sba-t'af. The recent aaaewncrmrat that th' Mary Loot a* Mill of Oowpetm, E 0.. la to Iscr**** capital from M*,(M to 110 000 U fallowed hy a report that Che plaat will he materially *al*rg»d. aad possibly doe Med. It bow has 1*4# epln 4 Ira Menu. E O. r’atry of Operlaabo-g E C.. and E M. Wr mere of Columb a E C . barer Inoorporsted f * Wr# mott Pevelepwunt Ox. with capital of ft 40 in masnfaetar* aad latrodae* ■ • o mntlaa tor drawlag-fraa**a Tha a n textile mark eery Improvement ha* sea tar** aad hr Mr. wnusara. ARP AND THE LIARS NO Talks of The S is of Tie Pres e«t Day la Tie World. ABOUT LYING AND STEALING. Corruption lu Politic* of th* Day ml Stool lug From too Public Crlb-INI ftreat Kind* of Liar*. Wa ara not distressed at the over, throw of Tammany In New York. Sev. eaty year* la long enough for a party or a political power to rule a great me tropolis. Corruption breed* more meg tot* aa the city grow* for no Tbomai Jettereoo said: "Th# growth of grea: cities la pestilential to good moral*." Th# public treasury 1* a tblag to be plundered, whether It be municipal, state or national. There are thouaan 1* of men who would not steal from me, hot would steal Ike money I pay Into the treasury, for there It becomes ao mixed op that nobody knows whose money It la. It la jnat as It was two hundred years ago. when Swift wide: ‘ Greet flaaa hare little Oeas upon the.r track* to bit* ’em. And little lea* hare lesser Haas, and to o* ad inlnltum." ‘■wi ™ one ramon atx>ut an this public plunder. Thi money does not go deed. It baa to be Invented and (Ires employment to labor. A millionaire rant eat nor wear out much more than I can. nor will he lock op his money aad let It rest Not loos ago I asked a clever northers mas why It waa that rich people who pay the most of the tazea let tbe peoelon eta! go os ao long aad get bigger avary year* He smiled aad anld: "Why that pen tloa money goes moetly to the poor nod we get It all back tooacr or later, tt la oor cheapest way of supporting them, especially when wt have your help." Poor Oardeld. In hie last mes sage he lamented that the pension rolls had got to the alarming aim of |U •00,000. bat said there wae comfort la that It was obliged to decrease from natural causes, for death was the com mon lot and the pensioners ware rap idly decreasing la number. He was mistaken. They have been multiplying ever sines he was killed, aad now It tAkca tl50,000.000 to pay the roll. Public plunder would not be so bad If It waa done In tka open. What agrrn rates us Is that It la done on the air through corruption, through bribes franchises, charters, licenses, salaries and schemes. It always vexes ms tn ves the cook hiding something or bar cblH carrying off a bundle on tbe sly and biding It ander bar apron as ale is folag home. But they are all an k nd and to siting aad so good to the chil dren that we saw wood and say noth ing. They remind me of wbat a blind phrenologist said of a public attic al In Roma whtla fatting tbe bumps on his head. He did not know him tt all. but said, ' This man la klnd-bcs-tsd and good-natur-d and would do you a favor If you were in d slices, hot bo will ileal If he found a mao asleep slone In a room at sight he would slip his purse from out hlx pocket, bin would kies blrn before he'laft h m." Fo Jlagnosed the man correctly, fur lie was turned out of office soon aft-r for amlwriling tbe public money, and ev irybody was sorry for lilm bveitss h* ws* to generous with h’a plunder. Sltxllnc from the ptibllr crib seems to be a higher grade of crime than ty ng, though It takea lytct and hyjiorr ev and deceit to accomplish It. I have of ten wondered why lying waa not for bidden In tbe Ten Cwnmondeenbi. "Thou shall not ateal" Is there, but "thou shaft not lie" Is not there, anl ret K Is accursed all through the scrip tures aad Is tbs last aln recorded in tbs last chapter of RcvelatlOBS and tn nearly the last verse. "For without ire dogs and sorcerers, end whore mongers and murderers and whoa ev sr lovsth and maketh a Us." Accord ng to David, that ala did not leave very many to enter heaven, for ha says, "I sold In mins haste all men are liars.” The old Scotch preacher look It ror a jlext and hit Drat remark nraa. "Ah. David, ma non. If ye had waited until DOW ya might have laid It at your leis ure." Lying la no doubt tb* moit m - renal tin among mankind, but It It traded and not alwara a tin. S enl nj la always a aln. but lying moat be malignant or harmful. Paul aunt Tin-a to Crete and wrole to him that ha would have a bard time la eetabl'ah lag a church there, ror the Creatine were all Harm. Crete la Caadla now, an Inland In tbe Mediterranean, Inhabit ed by Mohammedans chiefly, and trav elers any that they art no better now than they urere In St. Pael'a day. for they are not only llara, hut thieves England used to have laws to punts i common eoldlera. common drunkard* and common vagabonds, but none lo punish common llara, for they a c generally karmless Every rammuntt has one or two and they v*»r> -• amused at tbelr Munchausen eaplol ■ In heating and taking and Oar nar row escapes. Then there art SOT e no common Mira—Han of Um Brat mtgn - tude aa Bhahespemm calls tb"*" •" •’ •a Baron Muaehaaten, Hoe Mulhittaa and antes Chicago editor* bad preac i era. Berne of these get Into tve palp: and make up pathetic aloe!at no ihrllDag Inrldeat to emphna rta the r aermonn and ornate e emrattua. And bare ere thouranda ot llllle white Ilea aodtty Ilea ‘bet have to bv told f r dvIHty'e aebe—lice that Batter end vies as the Ve'tnr. tbe eoetomer or th* ’illent All Ibeee ere enolroo lies b if aa many ecltd Ilea In trad'n web aa enncMlIag the truth a d put <*g tbe beet on top. In f-et. evercbidy Men mere or lees evee-rt eb'ldrc* av' 'nola. though moat of rg mean no hare y It. My old rartusr urod to aty ISa' ome mighty elevor men wowld b» *s-t Dot ot heaven for gwnrlnp a He t "elr taa re*erno. for ri« et a ’JOT*, wbo shall sb'de It Tbv tab-r oil that he can according to hia means. Tide* and oltt-rinyt hire coma donn l> ua from Ga'n and Abel lu an ttnlir.iki'n line, Cain was a hid nan. bet hr pa.d his tithes. Ho was the it: it liar 0:1 r r ord—the devil evrepte.l - Than there nra the line published every day lu tho gtoat dally paper* political lies, commorclnl Ilea and med ical Has to catch the Ignorant nod un - inspection, aome reporters lie tu show their diligence In business. High coloring, vt-neo-ing. var-iwU. Ing are essential qualities In a reporter whether hia Journal be white or yel low. lie moat II* a little, even though It has to bo taksn back or modified tha next day. And «« the world waps on and the people have become so accustomed to He* that they make allowance for everything they hear or road. When the historian wanted to cap the climax of General Washington's noble character he wove lu that llllla atory of the cherry tree and mads tha boy to any: "rather. 1 casaot tall a lie." And so I bop. that all our little hoys will grow up to he truthful men. Dost go beli'nd tka bars and smeka a' cigarette for that la telling a lie to your father. You eaa tall a lie by wlaklag your eyaa or pointing your Sager or concealing what you do from your parents or your teacher. *If yen do wrong own It Ilk* a gentleman and you will have their rupee!, ae well aa year own But the downfeU of Tammany **» no defeat of tb* New York democracy —for there were aa many good its Bl oc rata as republican* on that fusion ticket and tkay will help 1-ew to out tha Augaan vtablca Bo let tha procession proceed. —Bill Arp U> Atlanta Ceaelluitlo*. In the South of China ailkworma have been reared and lilk manufactured lor over J/100 years. PROMINENT PEOPLE. General Bailer It being made a pop ular hero in England. King Edward. I bo London lamvt ■ay*. U in good health. Pranldant Koosevclt’a favorite hymn la MlIow Kina a Foundation." T