w"r*»»»T«r«gTT<r'i»r'r Correspondence. Continued from let png*. ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ Roberdel. Prof- Cridlebaugh and bn it bar, wara vhntiag ot Ellerhe Springs, Bondar. Miaa Ida Child rrew, of Wil miugtun, has ra turn id and will maka tbia bar future hum* Mia* Maggie Newton, of Wil mington, is visiting frienda bar* tbia week. William Wright leaves this week far ACxmmrle, where be will make hia future homo. Rev. Chae. Martin preached a very good sermon at the Baptist church Sunday to large congre gation. X-Ray ,^how is “pommiu and tateVa” down your way? W. R. Covington’* market will be open Wednseday and Saturday. Mias Sarah Sanders, of Lad. better’s was visiting Miaa Lina Meacbam Sunday. Mia. Amanda Rainwater, who has been eery sick, for tha past week, is •re are glad to say, some better. Miaa Berta Smith was visiting frienda at the hit Ground Suu day. Mrs. Will Covington, of Rock itgliaim, has been visiting tier father. J. H, Thrower, the past week. Washington Long and family •pent Sunday trith W. J. Terry. Mimes Rebecca Guy and Dora Ruea rim ted friends at ft* Dee Saturday mid Sunday. MW Willie Goodman, of the telephone exchauge, vu visiting relatives here Sunday. Mia Abbw McDonald, of Bea ver I ham. visited Mias Sue Cooper Sunday. 8. D. A J. M. Gibson’s Mills. Short crops is all the talk in oar •sctiun. Prof. Cridlebeagh passed thro’ o«r section lost Sunday. Mias Pattie Meaning rwiled at James Gibson's Saturday and Sunday. « Eugene Gibaon and his sister, llisa Alice, were visiting at Jus. Gibson’s and C. fi. Terry’s, Sat urday and Sunday. Jana Cridlebsugh was in our section Sunday. Reid Tarry will enter school st ElUrbersxt Monday. Mrs. Lassia Gibaon is going to visit her sister and brothers in 8. C. this week. Walter Tarry and his titter Mist Ida, spent a pleasant day at C. C. Tarry’s last Sunday. There was a social gathering at the boots of Jaasss Gibaon, Satur day eight, which was enjoyed by all. The correspondent at Ko herd'll, (Rambler) wanted to know how the reetaarant waa getting on at the old field. We hare been in formed by the proprietor tbet it is getting on nicely, aad is earring their pntroae with the best of keel and pork. They also hare a flinty of reeding matter, neb as norale etc., to entertain goaeta while hutch Is being prepared. Call aroand Rambler to me ns. Viv. Vale. Ab^rd^iii r Oar farmers am making good Mae of this alee fall weather, path-, ering their erepa and sowing email D. C. MeHeill, of Laoriabnrg, etiended eerrhne with os Sunday J. K. Long was rieiting relatives at Hamlet last weak. Him Maggie Smith, cl Ohio. Mieses Mo I lie and Karma Oiheon, fetwmed home Sunday. We am glad te learn that S. A. M elf sill's family Is improving, after mental days fllaess. Them waa ea oyster upper at toe no me ot oar clever Postmaster1 W.T. Wright. Friday night, which w*ta enjoyed bv all. Mr*. Vernie Stanton, of Smitli vill, S. C., died at her father Kbb i Barrington'* Monday laat. Plow Boy. Fair Ground. MlaaMary E. Litvin ia visiting friends and relatives here this week. J. W. McDonald, Onnrgia, was vteiting liis niece, Mrs. A. D. Spivey laat week. Mr*. T. L. Ixtvin moved to Pee Itee last week. Mrs. Lnvin will >m» greatly missed in oar village. P. O’Brien is now moving in the hoaee vacated by Mrs. Lovin. Rev. N. H. Gorton preached an excellent sermon here laat Bnn d«y night. Mrs. Kate Covington made a business trip to this place last Monday. The little grey male is hitched at the gate again. Look out, boys. M. Mt. Olive. Rev. E. 0. Sell preached an ex cellent sermon at Mt. Olive Wed nesday night. Irwin Long has boon tick, but is now getting better. Joseph Bstton was in onr com munity Saturday night with hie gmphophnee and made some nice iiiuaio. Wiley Dawkitu killed 26 black birda on the wing, at one *bot. Mr. Bnrkett is moving to tlte Bob McDunaldjplace. The people are busy towing wheat in our settlement, during the dry weather. R. L. Dawkins killed two largo wild duclca Friday morning. May Pop Mountuineor. Reliable and Gentle. “A pill's a pill," says tbe law. But there are pilia and pill. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and grutlo. Masln’t gripe. Do Witt’s Lit tle Karly Hirers 111 the . bUl. Purely vegetable. Do not tone, bat assist the bowels to scl. Strengthen and Invig orale. Small sad easy to take. Richmond Drag Company. Modem Surgery Mur passed “While suffering front a bad oaso of piles, loonsalteda physician who ad vised me to try I box of DoWitt's Witch Hotel Salve,” says U P. Csrtor, Atlanta, (la. “I procured a hex and . was entirely eared. DoWitt’s Witch Hascl Halve lea snleitdid cure for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartily recommend It to all suffer**.” Bnr gery is anatirs—ry to core piles De Witt’s Wish Hascl Salve will ears may case. Cats, barns, bruises and all other wounds are also quickly cured by it. Bewaiw of counterfeits. Richmond Drag Co. A Physician Test!lea. “I hare taken Kbdol Dyspepsia Core and have never seed anything la my lire that did me the good that did," says County Physician, George W. Heroggs, of Hall County, Ga. "Being a physician, I have prescribed It and found It to (ire the best rmulta.“ If the food you eat remains undigested In your stomach, it decays there and poisons tbe system. You sen prevent this by dieting, but that means star vation. Kodel Dyspepsia Cure digests what you sat. You need suffer from ■either dyspepsia nor stareaUoo. The worst oases quietly eared. Never tails. Richmond Drug Company. A. R. DOCKERY, * ATT iRX KY-AT-LAW, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Oflaa up-stairs, Stansill building Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Notice of Administra tion. Having qualified liefuro tile Clurk of the Superior court of I Richmond county, N. C . *• ad-1 miniatrutor. d. h. of Jcannottc j McAliater, deceased, ull persons] holding claima-agsiust tlie estate ' of the Mid deceased, are hereby! notified to present their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 16th day of November, A. D. 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their right of recovery. All |wr» ns indebted to eaid estate arc notified to Mttle tho same at once and save coet. J. A. McAlister, Jr. Administrator d. b. u., o f Jeannette McAliater, deceased 1 ~ Notice. By virtue and power of sals given by James T. Letirand, deceased, to Mary J. Wilson, doe , In s mortgaged deed from said LeOrond to said Wilson, sad by Julia N. Wilson, Kxecutor of Mary J. Wilson, defeated, transferred to the undersigned for value received. I will offer for tale at the eourt bouss door la Knelt Ingham, ft. C\, on Monday thuOtb day of December, 1901 the Its! con veyed by said mortgage drod. known as the Pemberton lauds on Pec Dec river in Steele's township. For de scription of same reference is made to Book "N N," on page SI 9 and A Terms of sale, cash . Rebecca W. LrOrand Mortgagee. ! fforernber 6th,. 1901, j Land For Sale. ^ I have on band four houses and lots and one vacant lot in thn town of Rockingham; one lot in town of Hamlet; one lot in Roberdel and one tract of laud about two miles from Hamlet and four miles from Rockingham, which 1 dswim to offer for sale. JOHN W. LiGRAN'D. i Liable to Leak. The “Family Stocking” is liable to leek. Put your SURPLUS DOLLAR). -IN-— TbeRichmoidCointy -SntwiBiStf Rockingham, K. G. If allowed to remain they will earn yon oth«r dollars. Money hidden away at home, or Carried about the person is desd money. We pay 8 PKR CENT, per annum on all sums not lees than Fire Dollars if allowed to remain four months. Interest com pounded throe times a year Deposits n*ny be with, drawn without notice or undue formality. Bank open Saturday after noon from 4 to 0 o'clock. —OVF1CEK8 t— W. L. Pabsdxs, President. VT. L. 8ojo», Cashier. w — ■I — ■ ■■ -,-gyay A Tram Hoad from the nearest railroad point to Bostick’s Mills, N. C. Having developed the Kao lin and Oxide clays in this vicini y and finding them in exhanstabie and ma^etahle, I have, and am now. tusking arrangements to market in considerable quantities, hav ing already placed consider able machinery. To anyone who might be interested and will commence work at onoe, I will furnish free, all the timber required for the road, also a saw mill and power within one-half mile of the timber, which is at this place. Let me hoar from you. Truly Yours, i. U YORK, Caper* Mills, NC_ MORRISON A WHITLOCK Ai wurm-Ar-Uw, in u>t amt, utm, ■ iiiWs>in.g.O. PumS W KarW Mam T*—> rntTr Your Banking? j No matter how small, j no matter how large, j 1 THK BANK OF PEE DEE, ROCKINGHAM, K. C. will give it careful atten tion. In addition to our Fire-proof Vault and Burglar-proof Safe, we carry a policy of Insur ance against Burglary and day tirao robbery. Wo offer the facilities of a well managed and a well equipped Bank. OFFICERS; T C 1 PAR, Prr»nt>T. W. L. PAUSON8, C.iwim. Hinson's Beef Market. In Hinson’* Brick Row. We hare an excellent Ice House and keep ice from purest Altered water. We sell the very beet beef we can get, and keep it on ire. Beef and Ice. and Beef an Ice for everybody, delivered at your door in time for your broak'faet. Send in yoi r orders and we guar antee satisfaction every time. HINSON BROTHERS. & C. WATSON’S " is Headquarters for Undertaker's Supplies. Free Hearse with every Cas ket sold in town or oat of town. We stand ready to most prices, for usatnesa of a _ finish and sorvioe cannot be excelled. ~ Give u* a trial before buying elsewhere. Thanking the good people for their patronage, we solicit a oontinaanoe of the same in the future Respectfully, W. J. FULFORD, . Manager. Taxes Most be Pali. I must ask the people to come and settle their taxes without further notice. 1 must have mon ey to pay off the couuty debts. I can't indnlgs anybody, My hooks will soon l<e placed in the hands of s deputy for immediate collec tion. Come at unco and save costs. T. 8. Wright, Shflf. <fc Trees. Commissioner’s Sale of Land. By virtue or (he power given me In ■ decree end order made by W. I. Ever ett, Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond county In ■ eartain special proceed Inge entitled John W LcQraad Admr. Dvbunnk non, of Elijah H. Cov Ingtoa, deceased, plaintiff, against James Covington and otbtra, hcTre at law, defendanta, I will on Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1901, at U o'clock, noon, at the Court Hoove door, In the town of Rockingham, offar tor sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following lend In wit: A tract nf land situated. lying and being In Black Jerk township, Rich mond county. Norl.i Carolina, adjoin ing the lanes of R. B. Holt and others, eontaiaing about 110 acres, and being a Crt or portion of 1 curtain treats of id that was conveyed to the laid KJilah H. Covington, deceased, by the following portions, to wit; 41 acres conveyed by Thomaa J. Covington by deed dated November 9, 1999, which deed Is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Richmond county in Book No I, pages 60d and (04. 100 Serve oonreved by Heary 0. Wall and Thomas C. lack. Eiecutnre oj Mltl Wall by deed dated Novvinb?'Jd, 1979, which deed •» registered in the office of tha Register of thud*. of Richmond eoonty. in Booh A A |«ge *97 and 999 *9 aerie eottrrytd by John W. Leak by deed dated Jannary 9, IMI, which di ed is mcoedetl In the nffler of the Regis ter of Deeds nf Riehraead eoanty, in Beoh II. pegs* 494 Sed 469. Hit lit !Uk day ef rtober. mil. JOHN OLeCBABD, .Conun/aa toner W. M. KEFXY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Itockingliam, N. C. -. . Bennettsville Marble Works, J. W. NrKI/WKE 1‘i-oprlotor. Monamsnts, Tombstones, Tableia, Etc., Bennottsville, 0. C. 'Phone No 90. Iiaiiillo Ttalinn and American Marbles. Deigns furnished on applied it ii cither from our agent*or othue. All work lirwt—vlttPit mill up-to-date in style. . Be sure ami get uur prices la-fure placing your order*.. Repre sented in Richmond, Scotland and Roheaon counties by L. A. PATRICK. See him, or write Uimut Rockingham, N. C. Kcwjiect fully, J. W. MrF.LWEE, Proprietor, W. W. PATE, MHiutfier. 1 gEamnEiaaemaaHms The Everett Hardware Co. Tho McCormick Mowers, Rea p ers, Corn Harvesters, Shredders and Rakes stand at the very top. We have a car load coming ; we can save you freight. We are agents for the Con tinental Oin Co., for tho Casey & Hedges Engine and Boiler Co., for the DoTsoadt Saw Mill Ma chinery,—in fact, we have estab lished dose relations with manu facturers and founderies, ao that wo are in position to make right prices on anything you need in tin* machinery line.' Take atrip to Charlotte ; get your prices, and if \re do not offer you better inducements, we cannot com plain if the order goes el8ewlier0 COME IN AND SEE OUR LINE. We should say linos ; we think we can interest you for a half hour, even if you do not want to buy. Wo cannot tell you every thing we wish to say in thissparo at one time ; but watch it; wo will get around after awhive. This Hardware and Supply business, it is true, is kept separ ate from my general store ; be cause it enables us to buy a great many things on a better basis than we could if we did not run it as a distinctively hardware business. We think wo can servo your interests in both stores. Any way, we will appreciate an op portunity to try. Yours truly, ' W. L EVERETT BARGAINS FOR FARMERS -IN Wa ons, Reapers and Mowers. We have just received a large shipment of the celebrated Piedmont and Spach Wagons fST-NORTH CAROLINA HAND-MADE. We are offering those wagons at very low prices and it is, beyond doubt, the best opportunity you will have to secure the BE8T Wagon on tne market at the lowest price. The BUCKEYE Mowers and Reapers, as is well known, are by far the best on the American mar ket and have this year many valuable improvements over last year’s machines. DON’T DELAY, Dut come at once and INVESTIGATE. WE INTEND HELLING THE REAPERS AND MOWERS USED IN THIS SECTION and all wn ask is that yon como and soo us. Wo oary a complete line of FARM HARDWARE and can aupply you with Anything needed on the Farm. GROCERIES. Our stock of groceries is complete and up-to-date in •very respect. Flour, Meal, Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Canned Goods, fligars and Tobacco. fx>we*t prices and float goods in Rockingham. . SHOES We have instock Shoes tn snit all tastes and all pock ot-hooks. Tallies'and Children's Shoes as well as a com plete stook of Men’s High-Grade and medium Shoos. Give usa call. Respectfu lly, » A Pnrfor Ho

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