1 Headlight ROCKINGHAM, N. C., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8, 1902. • NO. 44. Local News Items jr*/-' ^ , ■..• ] Charlie Bueeell has returned to Chapel Mil. Holland Smith has returned to “Chanel Hill. ' Doom of oa live to learn—men . Waia to live. R. O. Briggs, of Durham, ia vis iting C. W. Worley. y«h will amr get ahead by 7. following the crowd. The better a man think* be is the mom foolish he acta. - The demand for sincerity is in mc of the supply. Defeat is education—the first step to something better. ^ lindo Brigman returned to Chapel Hill last Monday. Mias Minnie Htansill has re turned t> Ureensboro Female College. {sum Patrick has been making aaveral saccemful business tripe meentlj. A pleasant call from Rev. W. R. Copped ge m an incident of Tuesday. Aleck Painter has retarded from a viaii. to hia family in Or angeburg, 8. C. RobC F. Gaitiy, of Mangam, wait beta Tuesday. Bob is one of oar bast young man. J. A. McAlister spent hia Holi days with hia sister, Mia. B. B. Redwine, at Monroe. : Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Kinney are visiting Mr. J. K. 8mith and fam ily at Fort Mill, 8. C. .The editor regrets, hie absence from tlia_ offloe vrhen Rev. P. R. Law favored ,ua with a call. - ' >. wa. also a pleasant cellar, and ha too, left a redtembrstfoe of tha asms. • Mr, and Mrs. Gregory, of Btateavilto, ward hare Monday, to attand the funeral of Mrs. Qanip . W* ' ' - ’ Ralph Terry, recently of Lau retta, 8. 0., is visiting his family and friends .ham. Welcome JUIpb. , J. A. Hutchinson, of Covington, was a pleasant caller last Friday, and left a pleasant ratnem be ranee ‘ of the same. Mias Pattis Monro# aUanded ’ the Coviugtou-Capel marriage at Tray, calling by Biseoe, to vieit friends them. It is hard to imagine anything mors contemptible than the man who howto beoauea ha is hasten at hieofragam*. waiter 8. Thomas has returned from Hanford, whim be accom panied Mr. and Mm. 0. Thom as to their home. “Goblsr” made us a pleasant «Mt 00 Friday. He says the gnttillm smsnn will soon be ou. Item out for Mm. We aright toll you as some other paper will do, that are baas hem hefiag cold weather, but yue kaow this already. Hot X'pay made a passing salt Thanfilsy sod we ragmt that sieknesrhspt os at home, and esa^el as to arias Me visit. ft yea want a flaesaitof oletb iag for a email mm Blacker Bsoa. | am tsaomodats you. Sea their ad and go for them at mas. S. L. Ifaariee has opened ap a stosh af goods ia Ihs eld Maurice stead at ths depot, mesotly Ta tar astasaesd Mead, /. Me. of Leave! Hill, wee ei*)tba abort, & I ''fel'f’’'-®?11'- >«> jr'K r • • / Miss Anna Roberta, of Lower Wolf Pit, spent a part of last week with relatives in Rocking ham. A tan pound ba by-boy was in troduced into the happy famiitj of J 8. Buggan at Cordorg-lhia since our correspondent made his re port. Our clever friend, Mr. Hardin, of Liltertr, who hns l>eeu here for several dnya, left for hit home to day. Ha has a number of friends 1 here. Messrs. J. P. Little, jr., D. A. Bruton, J. A. Ingram. 8. H. In gram and C. P. Capel, of Steele’s, and Black Jack towuehips, were here Monday. Edward E. Ingram made us a pleasant call yesterday, en route to Morveu school. Of course, he arranged for the weekly visits of the Headlight. W. 8. Watson, of Texas, one ofonrold Richmond citizens,' is here on a visit to friends. Of coarse, he will have the Headlight to follow him home. ' We are informed that nur youug friend Auatin. non of Rev. J. H. Auatin, killed 85 black birds a few days ago at one shot and nine at another shot. Good ■porting that. Attention ia called to the notice of the meeting of the Richmond and Scotland Fire Associrtion, which ia to bo held at Lauainburg on the 14th inetant* The notice la short. Don’t fail to attend if you are interested. Messrs. Lippe . and Boggnn spent several days in Scotland county last week, and inade quite a success of selling the Lipps fer tilise*. They aaj the . Headlight is very papular over there, and that many said they read their ad in the Headlight. Where ia it the Headlight doee’nt go? Hamlet Academy. B. F. Reynolds and Mias Lula Whitaker have taken charge of the Hamlet Aoedemy and have opened up uuder favorable auspi ciee. Both teachers enjoy a well merited reputation fairly won, and it is hoped, that they will re ceive the hearty co-operation of the community. Paruitn’ Sut« Association. This body will meet in Raleigh January 14th and every county should be represented. If there ever was a time when farmers should h4 organised this is the time. The farmers in every county should hold a meeting and •end delegatee, bat if there is not time for eadh action, let all who cau attend the meeting, examine into ite objects ami workings, and if satisfactory, come home and organised, for until they are, they will belong to other ctaaeee which* are organ ised. Mrs* Jennie Campbell. Mrs. Jennie Campbell, nee Long, the beloved wife of Dr. I Iks Cempbsl, of Wades boro, died at her home on the Alb, and her remains vers interred at Rock ingham on the A*h instant, in the presence of a large concourse of friends. She was tbs daughter of Mr. and Mm. W. F. Long. She wss raised in tho town sad having taught school for several years la oar midst was fsasrsly known and quits popular. Them has passed away A devoted child, loving wife, Mid aa affectionate young mother. FOB 8ALX—Prions, a Jersey ball, with a pedigree unsurpassed. Par farther information, ess Lyjrs PATRICK. » County Couiiiiiwxinucrw. The Board eovened in regtdar session last Monday, and transac ted its usual routine business, and issued liquor license to one house in Rockingham, one in Hoffman and fonriu Hamlet. D. \V. Sedbery, who hna g:ven great satisfaction to the board, was re-elected superintendent of the County Home. The letting out flie county fen«» was deferred to the February meeting. The settlement with tlio sheriff will bo I lad next Monday. Tint urn.sues ok thk Jl'BT. I. U Reynold*, K 3 Ste.n, J P MiUou.' Klin* Union, E K Maywood, A. Hrwaen. A'H McDonald, L A Mall, li F Porter, \V A Caudle, Jnu. K. Jam il. Kobt. L. Steele, B F Bander*, Jantca Blue L W McNeill, Jno B Covington, Stephen C Mibaou, B H LeUrand, J r Jenkins. J A Meil»i:a. C C Taylor J W Him*. J D 1’ond. J B Li Ira. li F Stntta. W A Dana. J 11 LoCirand. Charlie Terry. J L Baldwin. Jno. ii. Dawkins, J A Ingram. j 'O T (ioodwin. J A Ingram, Jr. • B F Stein, Frank Hart. A 8 Oriuaby. Mm. TIioimhn* School. At our request «qje of our nicest young men prepared an excellent write-up of the entertainment recently given by Mre. Thomas' school, it was impossible t<> publish it last weeek—now it is too late. Lcdbtter School. Trucy Worley has been employ ed to teach the Ledbetter school and will open next Monday. Mr. Worley is u bright young men with commendable aspirations to make his mark as a teucher, and we trust that he will receive the united support of the people. Wb TVB Dltl’ut Write up tb^ *Hiermsiin The above haa been asked, and we reply -as follows: A clever young gentleman, Skilled in this branch of the science, assured us i he would hand us a uics, type written, elaborate report of said '"German” on the following Mon day morning,. Another proposed to do this for us, but depending upon the assurance given us by the former, we declined the Utter. Is the fault nura7 We might have written it this week, but town news two weeks old is, in our opinion rather stale tor oun eolamr.s, hdwever important it may be. Hed Kaolin. Mr. A. T. White has left with us a sample of Red Kaolin which i* abundant upon hi* lands, and which will, at no distant day, be a source of revenue to him. The Red, and the white kaolin can be found in almost inexhaust ible auantities in the Mountain Creek country in the vicinity of Boetick’a Mill. We trust that some person or company will build a railroad, or tram road from Rockingham to this section. Riohipond has untold mineral and other resources awaiting de velopment. Willie Capl, eon of C. C.Capl, of,Rowland, greeted ua with a most welcome vieit Wedneaday. Call again GREAT JANUARY INVENTORY BALE*. Tor the next M> days wt will sell sll nor Cloth lug, Ovsmnais, Oeots Forstshtngs. ete., at a reduction from 10 to 80 per sent. trow IS YOtTB CHAVCB 1 to boy a tae salt, or oversea* at half the regular prise. We. thank all oar Meads for their libera) ' *n * BBsraomrixT, BUOKIR RROTIIERB, Eandford Building. County Correspondence. 4‘4*4*4*4‘4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4*4»4*4*4*4*4*4*4* itiA Cordova. Commissioner E. C. Terry and wife werv visitor* at T. C. McKay,* Saturday. Mr. Terry w*a inspect ing the n«w bridge* between here aud Buckingham. Janie* Gaddy ha* had a force of hand* working th* rua* between here and Buckingham. The new bridge* are complete and travel Itegtin the old way and Billy Pat terson has recovered from being atrnsk. We are iufomied by one of the invited gueata, that ther* wa* a big colored wedding near here last Wednesday night and after the ceremony the bridegroom got on a regular jag, and like the sheep that wanderv-d from the ninety and nine, lie wandered into the highway* and hedge*, end while th<> bride had oil in her lamp and it trimmed aud burning, lie tarried and slept—he had succumbed to the influence old Kentucky bour bon aud did not go home till morning. Please say to Scotland that we would like to meet the Sneadtown Debating club in the cup contest, but we are factory boys and can't armngeto get there aa we have no horses and no evenin trains, but if they will come to Rockingham we will meet them. They have hone* and evening trains. We are ready to make such arrange ments. Died oh Deo. the 81st, of heart f|*!ure, Mrs. Lula Register, be hoved wife of Dr. Frank M. R| lis ter. in the 28th year of her Ifie. This good lady was taken severely ill on Monday and skilled physi cians were culled, but she sank rapidly until the end. Her broth ers, Messrs. Wilt Maurer, of Aber deen and John Maurer ■ and wife, of Troy, were ot her bedside. Also the Misses Register, sisters of Dr. Register,, from Sand ford, and R. J. Register, from McBee, 8. C. Her body was embalmed by Un dertaker Powell, Southern Pines, and on Thursday morning, accom panied by the grief-stricken hus band and brothers, her body was carried to her home, Ashland, Pa., and she was buried in the soil of native 8tate. She waa kind, clev er lady and hod a host of friends. The doctor has the sympathy of all in bis deep afflction. Mi mm Ora Mehane and Stella Baldwin begun school again Mon day morning with a large atten dance. Misses Baldwin and Mebane were ^presented with beantiful prevents at the close of their last term. TMy were presented by Messrs. Hall and. Webb, of the committee. X-Ray. LAUREL HILL. [pot lock] The beet wishM of tbs new year to you, Mr. Editor. . The apostil* of onr olever P. Mf. is still good. Miss BeMie Covington has been visiting friends in Rockingham returning yMterday. J. W. O’Brien is still at the hammer and tongs—he’s Doming. Laarel Hill is still booming. Tha population is increasing, and not a failure bars this year. The Public school of Scotland county seams to be making splen did program. Our teachers are awake to their important posi tions. . Bar. C. 0. Durant (111*4 kit ap pointment at Sneeds Orove last Sunday, and wee greeted with a full house. Madame Rumour says that cu pid has been getting in some fine work in thie section lately—listen out. We are pleated to tee with the arival of the ‘new year, the Headlight of your literary; train on the main line safely pulling its loud of houest opinions, thought and news into mure and more hoiuee each seek; running on s self-acting, constitutional right system—thus avoiding all invit ing side tracts and head on oolis ions. Let 'er mil. Fair Ground. Mra. Fannie Lasiter and child ren, of Spring Hill, apent Sunday and Sunday night, at the horn* of A. D. Spivey’s. l Messrs. I. \V. and Roberdel Lov in. of Red Rprinvs, are visiting their uncle \V. F. Lovin. Prof. Summers has returned to take charge of hia school at Kller lie Springs. Oscar J. Spivey, of Philadel phia, Pa., haa returned home. Henry Covington and J. N. Mc Donald. of Blackjack, wers visit ing in our village last Sunday. A. D. Spivey lost hia horse Inst Sunday night. Y. W. F. Lovin, of Brightaville, S. C., visited his father, W. F. Louin Christinas. Dave Meacham and son, Joseph, of Lowell, who haa been here on a fox hunt left for home Wednesday • W. F. Lovin cams very near losing hia dwelling house lkat Sat urday morning by fire. Mrs. C. B. Tarry visited Mra. U. A. Lovin last week. Tom Gibson, of Roberdel, was a visited here last Sunday and Mouday, Sweet Marie. PEE DEE. Miss Eliza Chisholm is home on a visit from Albemarle school. Zeb Ridenhour and family loft last Saturday night for Charlotte, to take a position in the Louise cotton mill. C. C. Reynolds and family will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Ridenhour. Mr*. W. T. Tally, «f Sandfnrd, is visitiug relatives and friends at this place. Miss Genie Bowles is on the sick list. Miss Minnie Persons, we are glad to learn, is improving. R. W. Rainwaters, of Roberdel, use a pleasant visitor hers lsst 8unday. Mr. Fowlkes spent laat Sunday evsning with his old friend, W. T. Rainwatsrs, aud they spent a very pleasant afternoon talking of by-gone days. Rst. Mr. Brown, of BennetU ville, ii in our village. Rev. N. H. Ouyton filled his usual appointment hate last Sun day. Rev. W. R. Coppedge p rear, hud an exosl lent sermon last'Sunday night at the ebapel. Mr. Hswia McLean ia visiting bis parents at this place. Sunshine. -X ■lack JMk. The weather hes been very cold fot several days and there are a good many peo ple tick with oolds. John C. Covington .bee | been sick but is getting bettor Miss Anna Covington is sick with cold. ‘ Miss Elizabeth Dockery was not able to teach her school two duys last week, but is now some better. M. J. Thrower is suffering with rheumatism Dan McKiilzie was at R. B. Holt’s Saturday night. Mrs. Bettie Dockery is complaining of Bheumatisni. Eddy Wilson and J. D. Covington spent Saturday night at A. J. Harrington’s. Z B. Covington and W. J. Harris were at Hampton Cov ington’s Sunday. Miss Hattie Davis was at the party Saturday night at A. J. Harringtou’s. Miss Beulah Covington ‘ 'has boon visiting her aunt, !Mi*. Z. O. Ellerho. Miss Lily Dockery was vis iting Mrs. Sarah Covington, last week. James Meacham, of Rober del, is to move this week to the big brick house on H. C. Dockery's farm. Well, Christmas is gone and we think rabbit hunting ought to gi ve way to work on the farm—it would pay bet ter. Tha young people had a singing at R. B. Holt's San v!W/-K^M7rw!. ly enjoyed. Mias Holon Covington was visiting at J. H. Covington's Sunday evening. Miss Hattie Davis, the popular school teacher at Haywood's school house, was visiting Mrs. WalterOoving ton Sunday. • C. Raeford. [Cumberland County.) The merchants of our town report a fine trade during Xmas. Mias Johnson, of Southern Pinos, and her sister, Miss Ella, of Aberdeen, visited Misses Lizzie and Kate Uc Duflflo last week. . . ' The young ladies of Rae ford, gave a reception Christ mas evening for the young men of the town, at the resi dence of J. W. MoLauchlin. Music and refreshments. Chaperones-Mrs. J. C. Adams and Mrs. J. W. Moore B. F. Reynolds, of Rock ingham, was a welcome guest at the home of A. Auma'n man during Xmas. R. D. Dickson returned to Davidson College Thursday. Miss Mattie Keith left Monday to enter school at Charlotte. Mrs. Laniont has returned home after a very pleasant stay of about fifteen months with her daughter, Mm. Dr. Harrell, of Hot Springs, Ar kansas. Sohool opened Tuesday, Deo. 21st, with a good num ber present, about 110. Prof. MoLood is a An* U sober. We