ituUiviixGH.-UL, «. MARCH 7. 1,02. I **■ Local News Items Dunlap apes* Sunday lu Haa anybody planted any garden •and. It an, who* Iha Headlight received three •ub ecripttoaa Met monday Work haa burn returned upon Mr. Wm. Kntwiatle'a home. Wa have recently had thander, lightning, wind and rain. J. L. Baldwin and little aan were plaaaant aalMra Mat Monday. GMd to aea our old friend, 6. L. Manrioa, able to he out again 9. M. Booe, om oCHamlet'e leading bueiaeee man waa hare laat Friday. The Headlight regret* lolaarn of the adriona Lilueau of Mra. O. b. Munroe. K. L. Steele la bank home from a trip to Charlotte, K. V- and Chaater, 2L C. Wo won ploaaad to hare a pleasant call boat How. J. W. Utile, Mat Mon J. D. Shaw, Jr., ana of Sootland'a beat attorney*, M here attending the Hm Jama A. Leak, Amom clever mdSiti torOongi—, speat Tueadsy We era plmesd to leant that the baahhefMm. IL L. Steele la eamc vrhat Improved. J.B. Qoadario. awe of Hamlet’* lead •to, waa a visitor in Koek >, who livaa In or near f caller at our . a eievar attorney, af Wadeaboro, is a weeding tbs Court wowia laealow hen. If you want to be ‘In tka awlm/* andgM the county news, yo« ehooid read the Headlight. The Mikeae Smith, at Cberiotte, vis ited Mia* Ingle, aa Hake! fcd—i Wa had about fifteen local* left over fast week, which we eoold not publish. Borer tiona last Saturday—3 tor one year, 1 far • moatbe aad J tat $ mouth*. Don't forget the taashar'a meeting* he follows, Hebron chore* 11th, M» Plume I, 13th aad St. Paul'* 14th. Min | amlf*r od brother vrtoited their brother, aad friends in Watf Pit last Saturday aad Sunday. Man. J. A. Leakhart, everybody’* eaadMato far i aerolite Jaetiee of the Buynw Court, waa here on Wedaes Wa are graetty gleaeed to learn that Mm. J. W. M»ark*ie,of Itoberdei, who ha* been extremely ill, Je reported to Wa have bean forced to leave off were anxioo* to publish. Wa regret it, but aoald not avoid it. Court la HMrtM. Judge McNeill is presiding and Solicitor Robinson represents the State. 1 As a presiding officer, Judge McNeill has given general satisfaction to the bar and to the people. Solicitor Robinson has repre sented the State ably and fairly. The grand jury is composed of following gentlemen: John B. Covington, James Blue, W. A. Dunn, B. F. Steen, A. 8. Qrtnsby, J H. LeGrand, 8. C. Gibson, J. H. Dawkins, J. A. In gtani, R. S. Stntts, J. M. Hines, J. D. Pool, J. R. Garrett, A. R. McDonald, J. P. Gibson, B. F. Pbrter, K. 8. Stein, L. W. McNeill. John B. Covington is tbe fore man and W. A. Graham officer of There'are a number of minor cases before the court, but no cap ital cases. We have not space to enter into the details of each day's proceedings. A Remarkable Operation. A vefy delicate and difficult operation was performed by our doctors of thie place, aeaiated by Dr. Prince, of Laurinbnrg. They removed a growth from the neck of Mrs. P. D. Millikin, of Hamlet, the eise of a cocoa nut. The growth had preseed to ruch an ex tent, np«n the windpipe, that the could with difficulty, breathe. All present expected ehe would die under the ohloioform. She is now doing fairly well and has rested better at night, eiuce the operation, than the had in the last aix month*. Our sympathy ie with the afflicted family and we trust that Mrs. Millikin will be rostered to health: . .. .. i » ii t*i> tmmm ■■ ■' -■ 1 Clark-KoKa*. Mr. D. A. McRae, a prominent Mountain Creek farmer, and Mrs. Mary E. Clark, of Moore county, were happily married at Laurin borg, on the 26th. The “Ex change” aaye they were lovers when they were children. Tbie being the esse, it ie natural that in their solitude as widower and Widow, the old flame should be rekindled and they should decide to spend their latter days togeth er. The Headlight extends hear i ty congratulations. Ho». Henry B. Adams. Mr. Adams spent Tuesday in our town in the interest of his oandidaoy for Judge of this dis trict. Mr. Adams' record as an attorney, and as a member of the General Assembly, is one of which any man might, feel proud, abd be ooenpiee a warm plaoe in the hearts of his countrymen, numbers at wbntn would b« glad to aae him further honored. JadgeWaHwH. WeaL Judge Meal, who has made an enviable reoord as judge, spent Tuesday in Rooking ham. Me is wall known here, having onoe been ft ottisen of the town. As an at torney he is rauked emoting the bant. He Is a candidate for -re election, and his past services will be ft strong plea for re-elec - tion. Mr. 0. T, Lear, of Hamlet, and Mias Lslift Clark, of Anson, were happily married on the 17th Inst. Rev. T. 0. Wright wm the oSoi •ting minister. Mr. Lear is one of the Seaboard’s popular oondao tors, and Mies Clark la the popu lar and beautiful daughter of 8, A Clark, dseaaeed A legal an oo a freight train, Robt. Thomas, was killed near the depot, about Spm, today. Ha fall between the earn and was crushed Jelly The County News 4*4* 4* *1*4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* Pee Dee. The enu failed to dune in the last issue on account of ao much rain. Hugh McLean spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents at this place. Notwithstanding the inclemen cy of the weather, Prof. Key's music aoKool is doing nicely. Rev. N. H, Guyton filled his usual appointment at the Chapel last Sunday morning and Rev. W. R. Coppedge atnight. C. W. Worley and family an going to leave Pee Dee and expect to make their home in .Durham. We regret to see them leave for they are one of the best families. Mies Minnie Thomas is on the sick list and has been for several days. Roderic Philllips, who has been in bad health for some time, we an glad to'learn, it improving. John Phillips, of Burlington, is visiting hie parents at this place. Say, you little sporting fellow at Conlova, you just go ahead with your beat girl sod deaf aud dumb mule. Rev. Jimmy Little preaebed fur us at the chapel last Monday night. Our venerable old hero. Mr. George Warburton, we are in formed, has decided to 4tt bis name go before the county pri mary re a nominee for legislature. Hurrah for Mr. Warburton, Mi? lie be aa dmocessfui in the state house as be has been in the mill. Hurrah for Mr. John H, Walsh for Clerk ef the Superior Court) He’s ths man. Sunshine. Pee Dee No- 2 These pleasant days are canting a good deal of gardening among oar peop)e. Tracy Worley, of Ledbetters, was in the village Sanday. Oscar Dollar, of 8anfoad, waa greeting nld friends here Sunday. Gaston Carr and Misa Mary Baldwin spent Sunday in the oountry. Misaea Laura McRae and Lena Ratliff were visiting here Sanday. Rev. Reb Leak preached am ex cellent sermon at the school house at this piece Sunday morning. Mr. John Ballard and Misa Lexie Cockman started to church laat Sunday night, but instead of going to church they wont over to Mayor Fulfords and were made one. They left for Charleston, 8. C. to take in the exposition. May their path be full of flowers. V. 8. C. Led betters Sunday waa a fine day for all church-going people, and our Sun day eobool was pretty well attend ed. Bat it looks like there or* some boys who are ashamed to be oaugbt in Sanday aehool, and would not enter the bouee unless they were fleeing from a mad dog. Wears glad to state that Mrs. D. P. Allan, who has been siok fora waak, is able to be up again. J. A- McNair haa been very siok the poet week, though hie condi tion is somewhat improved at this writing. Mm. H. X. Marks retamed home, from Silver Ban lest Fri day, and we art glad to state that the reports Misa Margaret Throw er as improving. Ik M. McNair, uf Roberdel, was I visiting J. A. McN&ir, of this place, Sunday. Ho is always a welcome visitor in our village. Ilf. an<f Mm. A. B. Nicholson, of Rockingham', were visiting at Mrs. Eugenia Nicholson's Sunday evening. They had quite a blus tery evening to return home. W. A. Currie has two children, so we learn, that are victim* of the mumpe and are vary sick with* it, wo are sorry to sa). T)«o auu has again come forth in all ita splendor of sparkling rays, and the tempests of the firmament have passed away and left all lovely and serene. W. 8. McDonald, student of the public school at this place, has decided to sever his connection her* and connect himself with the Hamlet school, for the purpose of taking up more advanced studies. He is ouw of our brightest youug men and we predict for him, a successful advancement. After deliberate consideration of the many aspirants for office and also the almost iuumerable suggestions to fill different offices of the county, we most heartily endorse Mr. J. H. Walsh for Clerk of Court. He needs no comment, for we all have a fair sample of the noble character, competency and ability which be poeeeeee. Roll him in. We also heartily endorse Mr. T. 8. Wright for sher iff. Where esn we find a better man? We also approve of Mr. A. 8- Dockery for the House of Representatives. He is a very competent man and a good orator, qualifications which every mem ber of tha^ honorable body should .pdpspii.—and we need not doubt Jtf#l6yality. Roll them all in. . ■ “ ' Subscriber. ooroova Rev. T. S. Wright preached an excellent sermon Sunday, at the Baptist ehoroh. Mrs. Barns is visiting at Sheriff Wright's in Roekingham. - John McKenzie, of Pee Dee, was a visitor at T. L. Brown’s Son day. Hurrah for Walsh 1 seems to be the verdict of the people in this seetion. Rev. W. C. Webb wen^to Wades boro Monday. Hurrah for Wat Thomas, our Register. We will give him one more term without a doubt. Messrs. Wotron Brothers, of Anson, were visiting their annt, Mrs. Gulledage, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hall visited relatives ont in the oountry 8un day. Rome Penoe has bssn appointed pestmaater at Cordova. Night work will soon begin at Steele’s Mill. Mias Stella Baldwin was on the sick list Sunday and Monday. Will Ballard and Mias Bertie Smith, of Roherdel, were visiting J. E. Maner’s Sunday. Wa are sorry to learn of the ill ness of a little daughter of our clever weave hoes, J. E. Shaw. Hope she will speedily reoeover. We are informed that Mr. Ingle has siokuess in his family, also Mr. Goodwin. A large and enthosiastio crowd assembled at the school house on last Tuesday night. Several speeches were made and a large Dsmooretie olub organised with 76 or more members. L. A. Hall was sleeted president, Elisha Gal* ledge vice-president and E. L. Hamilton secretary. Different committees were appointed and everything pot in working trim. There will be an entertainment next Saturday night gotten up by cmu clever lady teachers. The program is a nice one, and no doubt Mm* Mebaue and Miss Baldwin and their school will car ry it out to perfection. Every l>ody invited. Saturday night, March hth. The many friends around our mills and through out the county will make a vigorous fight for our old friend. George NVarburton, for representative. George is a good friend to every one and would make and excellent legislator. X-Ray. Gibsons Mill. New# tcnrce this1 week. Mies Ida Terry and brother at* tended preaching at Roberdel Sun duy morning. Charlie Terry, of Bostick’* Mills, spent Saturday night with his family here. Randall B. Torry hne been em ployed to teach the publie sehool at Shady Grove. Joeeph Gibson has sccepted a position with H. C. Watson, at Rockingham. W. 8. Terry and E. Gibson passed through this section lass week. M. E. Terry Esq. spent Satur day in Rockingham. ' Our young friend, R. B. Terry was the successful contestant on number of dots in Time*-Demo crat, of Charlotto, having guessed the exact number of dots. Ws extend to him our congratulations ou his success. W. C. T. called on bis best girl Sunday. Let us have John H. Walsh for clerk of court, by all means. G. - « Black Jack William Brown's family aw nearly all sick. His son Charlie, ten years old, is very sick with pneumonia. Mrs. Ellen Covington hss been right sick for several days. Z. B. and E. V. Covington were visiting their father, Sunday. John C. Covington and child ren were visiting at N. A. Gra ham's Sunday evening. Miss Sallie Covington was vis iting her auat, Mrs. Delaney Beu nett, Sunday. J. E. Covington, John Nichol son and wife, were visiting at Walter Covington's, Sunday. Mias Hattie Davis went home i Sunday. Her school closes at Haywood school house Thursday and she will have a concert that night. We predict a nice time. Only one week till the teacher’s meeting sst Mt. Pleasant, and we hope the teachers and pupils will do their best. Mrs. Farrand was at home Sat urday and Sunday, from her school in Marks’ Creek. Miss Effle Harrington is visit ing at Pee Dee. _ C. Raeford. J. W. Moore and wife are visit ing relatives at Jacksonville, Fla. Mias Msttis Peele, of Spring Hill, is visiting her brother, W. P. Peele, « ' Jobu Ourrie, of Lumber Bridge, ■pent Sunday in town, with friends. Miss Bsttis Lents, of Norwood, who has been visiting bar sister, Mrs. J. C. Thomas, returned home Friday. Misses Balls Graham and Beu lah Cameron, of Montrose, enter ad school bars, Monday Miss Mary lfoLaaehlin and .brother, Lacy, of Footool, spent Saturday sad Sunday with friends at this plaos. Henry Blount lectured at tbs - i ■■ i ■■■! i ■ Academy, Sutukluy night. Pix>f. J. A. McLeod returned {Sunday, after a pleasant visit t» '•ee his mother. j Miss Anna Hill, of Marten, and i Miss Nelin Shaw, of Lumber Bridge, spent a few days with Mrs J. C. Adams. Elterbe Springs. February gave a boisterous in troduction to windy March, which is keeping up its reputation iu full force. D. A. McRae of Mouutain Creek, and Mrs. Mary Clark, of Mont gomery, were marri d iu Lanrin burg last week, aiaf passed the night after at Roberdel, coming home next day. There was a pleasant gathering at Frank Levin's Tuesday night and much good music, on several instrument*. C. V. K. McAskill left home fol Greensboro on Wednesday laat. Miss Nannie Michanx was at home on Saturday and Sundsy. Prof. Cridlsbaugh was visiting friends about the Borings on Sat urday and Sunday. Glad to see N. Q. Nicholson'* name among those named for the legislature. A good man for the place. Teachers' Meeting at Hilver Bus, It was oar pleasure to meet the Beaver Dam teachers ond pupils at Silver Run church latt Tues day- All the schools were sot represented, yet we had a pleas ant, and we trust, a profitable meeting. We were glad to have with us Mieses Lulu and Connie Riggan, of Marks’ Creek, and Mr. J. R. Caudle, of Rockingham. We were delighted to see the interest mani fested by the community, and es pecially Messrs. Marks and Me* Koy, of the committee. We had spelling clase of eleven pupils, representing two schools, and we are pleased to say, they acquitted themselves handsomely. Miaa Laura McLean, Miaa Har ris and Miaa Hattie Marks, read excellent essays. Everything passed of pleasant ly- *nd it was an inspiration to have with ua the venerable Will iam Butler and K. Sanford. The people in this eectiou are moving forward iu educational matters, aud deserve much credit for what they have already done. J. H. Walsh, C. 8. 8. J. P. Harris for Representative. Editor Headlight: Beaver Dam proposes to be modest in her demands. Shs don’t wish to fill all the offices, but thinking it high time she had tome recognition, we kindly ask to suggest our neighbor, J. P. Harris for the nomination for Representative. 0. D. B. - —v Notice. I will sell at public auction, at my home, at 11, a. m, March SO, all of my household and kitchen furniture, cooking utensils, farm implements, etc. Mrs. Delaney Bennett March 6th, 1902. OM Headlights Wanted. I will pay 6ots each, for one or two oopiee of the Headlight, of the following dates, if in good condition. May, 29, funs 8, June 17, July 24, August 21. W. H. Covington. Favorite Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dullness, dspree sWm. hsSssta mnernllv dlinEEd health. DeWltt's Tittle thrly Risen stimulates tbs liver, opens the bowlee sad ml eves this eoodltlon. Safe. IBS’ “* — Richurnsd Csttl; Drag O

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