Mb Cohinm. > , „ l>csr Editor—I will write for sv ttret time. I w • little girl eight year* old. My birthday wee' last Monday, tin Jitk, I go to sc bool every day to MftAr Laura McSae, and my stud iee are reading, spelling and arith W"tie. I will ba ’eorry when school i* out. I am trying to rit a prim. I hath' sixteen head marks. I have ant brother*. I am the baby and tha only girl. I have thtfte brother, in Florida, rttrtfdbaaarimm they send me nice {■manta. I have a pet calf and a pm oat. If Z sea this in print, 1 will write again. Moca May Maaship. Bum DA*. Dear ID. Ed i tor—I will write for myflrrt time. I am geing to dshbol and am teaming fast. My teacher’s name la Mr. Kelita Sanford. I study few hooka. Holmes’ fourth-read m, grammar, apalling and aritb mstia. We have IS scholars on wU. I have seven sisters and two hrntbera. Our taacbar opens mhoo! avury morning with prayer and singing and we have a nice thwa. Papa takes your paper and I like to read tbs children's col umn very much. I will1 dibee for thietfme, with Seat wiabeeto you, Mr. Mta, in your—good work, imi hoping to am my latter in Minnie Mo Less. Iwmmi. Dtar Headlight— X will write for ay second time. I aa not going to school now, 1 Ww been atek, bat aa about all. I an joy wading the chil dren’. Column, and if this es caped the waste basket, I may write again. I will close by ask ing a question. Which is tha lnngaat river in tha world? Dewdrop. Oeewac. Dear Headlight—I will write for my second tins. I ate still going to tehool every day, hot tha aahool will soon be dot. 2 will alow by ashing a question. Who was tha father of Virginia? Bate wishes to tha Headlight. W. 2>. McKay. Bsmmu. Dear Headlight— 2 will try to write for my fiat time. I am a little country boy daws yaaw old, and 1 go to aahool avail day. My taanhar is Prof. Oridlahangh, and I like him way much. Wa warn glad to hsMaoawy teashaas and pupils tea other schools late Friday afternoon at the contest, * and wa hope thgjrall enjoyed it. My desk mate is dam Jonas Eller be. Wa little boys have a nios ti me play ing hall, at mesa and awn. I will ask tha little boys and girls a question: ilow old WM Jacob whan ha want down Into Bgypt? Bate wishes to the Headlight Koy McNeill. be eat too much? Where ia the churning of milk mentioned in the Bible? Where ia girl mentioned In the Bible and bow many time*? Pinkie. , Robshdki.. liver Headlight—' I will write again. I am not go in* to school now. I have hwti kick, but am about well now. My mama baa been tick too, bnt the ia getting better, and I am ao glad. I enjoy reading the child ren’* column. I will close by asking a question. Which is the largest city in the United States? Black Eyes. Dnno. Dear Mr. Editor—As no little boy haa written to the children’s column from here, I will write. I am going to aohool and my teacher is Mias Lena Townsend, All like her because she is ao kind to her echolare. I can go almost anywhere in a boat that papa can. it the water ia not too swift. I will answer Gracie Gibson's question. A oow will go over the hill because she can’t go under it. If you will be so kind as to print this I will write again. Willie Maner. : Dioos. Dear Headlight—I will come into your happy band for the first time. I am*a little girl ten yean old and I go to school every day. My studies are fourth reader, spelling, arithmetic, gram mar and geography. My txsdHer is Min Lizzie Croeland and I like her fine, because she ie so kind to ns. How did yon little folks en joy the snow? I liked it fine and want it to anow again. My papa takas the Headlightaud 1 am al ways glad to see ifoome. I enjoy reading tbs children’s column very much. I hare five sisters and three brothers, all older than myself, so I am the baby. If 1 sss this in print, 1 will write again. 1142406 lfl 1$ 18 20 618. RocxmoHiz. Dear Headlight— I will write again as I like to read the children's letters very much. I will answer Annie L. Boggan’s questions. The token ws have for perpetual generation is the rainbow. It was the river of Jor dan that God made a dry path through for the prophets to walk, because they were good men. The haven was shut up for three years and six months because of sin. John 8. Ingle, Jr., Moses was in mount of Horeb keeping the flock of Gethro, his father in law when God spoke to him. If I am not mistaken, Joeeph was the first man buried in a coffin. The short est verse in the Bible ie the 11th Shaper St. John, 86th verse. Cor ena Hatcher, Methuselah was the oldest man on earth. Will tbs little children please excuse roe for making s mistake in anSMr to oue of Eliza Haywood’s questions. I will correct it: Ws get oar fash ions from Paris. I will ask the little girls and boys a few ques tions. Where are the words ladies and ebickene found in the Bible? Who was the greatest prophet?. • Your friend, Eliza M. Smith. Beinon. Dear Headlight— Z will writ#, m'I hare cot written to th* Headlight in a long time. We oelebraud Washington’! birthday Friday, although Satur day waa hie birthday. - We had a fewetagla epsechee, a few dia logaee and two flag drill*. Tba girl* had a flag drill and tb* boye on* gad they were vary nioe. Tba boye think thrira waa tba beat, btil don't think eo. Well I will aadwtr aome questions. Meat waa tftg highest whan H wad la tba top atari o4 the slaughter houae. 1 will eaawaT a riddle: It la a ' friar*' that i* round aa a rain bow, eroat aa neat, jam all yon* lifetime, eaa't gas* that. I win Mk a riddle. Big at the bottom, little at tho top, aomothlag In tho middle pom flip-flop. _(hrylyat liwiwir. Bear Editor—I wOl write far my eaeand time. I had a Mg lime ml elilng little ear bird* *ad epamnrs I hare * pet A.'F*_Jim i j 4 0 Y ‘ . ' ■KKacMuattfiaatfaktiMauiUiAUMU calf and a pet hog. My calf is named Buck and niv dug Rover. I love to read the children'* eol nmn ao much dipt my titter and telf try to Me which one can g.t the paper first. ( I will answer Ethol M. Bounds' question: Abra ham was two hu:;dred and five year* old. Know in found in tha Bible in tit. Matthew, 23th chap ter, 8 verse. I will nek the buy* » few question*. Where ie the word •mtter found in the Bible? I will nn answer to a pussle mention* i-d in the Bible: Hcrw was it that ! the oldest tuun died before his father? Who viw the first man to invent the cotton gin? Who invented railroad*? Townsend Smith. -1-- --1 — —i_JH L -J-LI ..-I. Dr. N .C. HUNTER & BRO., _ DRUGGISTS, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. a Next door to Poet Office. We invite the attention of the public to the facts, First: that our DRUGS are the best obtainable, bought at cash prices and subjected to the closest scrutiny by qualified phar macists. 2nd: That our Patent and Proprietary Medicines are those best known and most pop ular, fresh and in every way up to the standard of such commodities. We do not handle imitations or en courage unreasonable claims. 3rd : That our stock of Toilet and Fancy Good* and Druggist Sundries are oqual to those carried by the largest and best stocked houses of of the country and’ she all that is claimed for them, “nohe hotter." 4th: That our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT - is in charge of Registered Pharma . cists. Quality and service unsur passed. Prompt and careful atten tion to rich ana poor alike. Prices fairtoall. Free delivery. 'Phone 22. { THE FARMER'S BANK, * Rockingham, N. C. 4 Respectfully solicits your patronage and banking 4 business. We guarantee absolute Security, 4, Promptness, Accuracy and all Accomoda 4t tions consistent with safe banking. 4 C^^£nd see us when in town 4* wdlteOBT. L. 8TEij\jS, President, £ LEAKE S. COVINGTON, Cashier. DON’T GO GO CHARLOTTE To Hato Tour MacMmery Repaired. The people of Richmond and adjoining counties are espectfully informed that I am fully prepared to do any. kind of repairing to Engines, Machinery, <fcc., also in the Furniture lins. No use te send your work to Charlotte, when you can have it done by your home mechanics better, quicker and cheaper. Consult your own interest and send me'your Work and it will be doue well, promptly and sat sfactorily. L. C. SHARPE < i m a a <a m aeaes aeisi a ' Bennettsville-Dillon Marble Works, ; J. W. kcELWEB Proprietor.. ( Bennettavllfo, 6. O. ’Phone No 96. < For Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets, in fact, . , everyth ihu needed in marble, call on my Agent L. A. Pat- , rick, Rockingham, N C or with ma direct for designs and priaes Thankful for past patronage, I solicit your future 4 trade / ’ * Respectfully, , * J. W. MuELWEE, Proprietor, > « W. W. PATE, Manager. < i'w1 o ear w w w w,w^’wrwiiw^ ms IS YODH THE TO BSi A BARGAIN I sell no SHODDY GOODS, and yet I am forced to Compete with those who do, so if you want GOOD Jewelry of any kind, call gt once. First-class watches going lower tfcsn.evsr known. The ary o/ JHaird Timet must be heeded, for'H Is a sgd reality. 1 am in for my share of the , Xmas trade, and if good goods, sold at even lower rates , than much of the glittering trash now flooding ths market, j will be any inducement to careful. prudent buyers I’ll ’ stock the county with fins Watches, Rings, Pins, and { everything in my line. If you want the Proof, call and see me at the Dr. Hun- J ter Drug Store. * „ W. 8. FOWLKES f r 0 Attention Farmers. Do You Know That You Can V*o> IApp's Fer tilizer at a Coat of About One-Fourth the cost of manufactured guano and nmk>< as much pot acru? Well, you can do it, and it' will give iuo pleasure to PROVE it to your satisfaction. It is prepared by a secret process. I he following gentlemen used it this vear, and you can consult them as to their oxoerionou with it: Messrs. H. C. Watson, B. S. Ledbetter, John !3'. Coving ton, D. Wr. Watson, A. J. Harrington and others. A ton will cost you only $5.00. I sell farm rights for . |3.00. Township and County Rights sold at reasonable rates E. M. BOGGAN, Agent, Sept. 16, 1901. Cordov, N. C. Rights for sale at Y. M. Boggnn's store. Hard on Farmers To have short crops and be for?ed to sell at short prices, but then it is not so bad after all, when I can sell diem all kinds of supplies,—especially Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Canned Goods and every thing kept in a first-class Heavy and Fancy Grocery Store, e to suit the hard times and slender purses’ Yours for business, Y. M BOCCAN t Great January Inventory Sales For the next 80 days we will sell all our' Clothing, Overcoats, Gents Furnishings, etc., at a reduction from 10 t j ,r>0 per cent. NOW IS TOUR CHANCE. " ' a to buy a fine suitor overcoat at half the regu lar price. We thank all our friends for their liberal patronage, and wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. Respectfully, Blacker Brothers, Sandford Buildiug, Rockingham, N. G. New Store, New Goods We have opened up with a nice line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. You will find every thing that is kept in a first-class grocery store. All kinds of fancy shelf goods too numerous to mention. Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Flour and Meal. We also keep'a nice linq of Vegetables, Fine Cucumber Pickles, Pickled Pig’s Feet, nice Pork Sausage, nice line of Pickled fish. Hoping by fair and honest dealings to share a good trade, I aril here for honest business. F. .L Autry fMP* One door North of Hinson’s Beef Market. Town Taxes. Tmx payer* of ihe town of Rocking ham are hereby notified that Ihe tax hooka for the year Jltbl hare been placed In my handr, for Immediate col lection rlease come forward and ast Lle at cnee. A. B. KICHOL80W. Town Marshal. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests whst yos sat. MdMW yo« to eat all _ weak MMMCtMftoatti I * EC. WATSOrS is Headquarters for f •',» .§ # Undertakers Supplies. Rree flam with mrj Cae bet aoid in town or out of i town. Wa atand ready to meat pricee, far neataaaa of flniah and eertfoe cannot be ax call ad. Give ua a trial before bating elaawbere. Thanking the good peopie for their patronage, we an licit a oontiaoaaee of the earn4 in the future] Reepeotfully, W. J. FIT LORD,

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