Headlight' ROCKINGHAM, N. G\. FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1902. ' No. 5. Local News Items Cotton advanced * to 14 potato thU .Huwhodlgsa pit la liable to fall Leaks Covington (pent Sunday la ttj^JadMS C. Marshall was beta AWaPngr has returned from a abort AbW Metis Ik Mm C. Dockery, of Hateigh, was Sham aau three eaadldatea for aba riff la Ammt county. Mm-MaS. Ledbetter left Than day-for mem nab, Ga. ^^Mpwbk, of the telegraph oSce, dim. 3. M. Smith aad MimHeUie left Taeeday for the Exposition. Mn. Frank Rennett, of Wodesboiw, la visiting Mn. k. L. Stesie. . Mm. f. T. IfM has returned from harvMt to friends in KaJeigh. _ The lest hern flaps is« Coo rent ioa will n*ei at Asheville, Ms; 8th. Cheater, waa a Mr. aad Mrs. P. C. Whitlock spent Sunday h lower VsH PU tasrnvhlp. T urlalspi and Ufewa are talking oartousty sf a railroad to ooaaeot them. Mqssm BL C. Dockery aad X. F. Long yarn fa Charlotte lost Saturday. Os art loosed through last week aad adjadiaatad taro aaaes aad started an .WWhad a pleasant call from Mr. Eli Shells, ass or Stanly's best eititans, Mr. aad Mm. S. P, Eatwistle left flMg tstMad the Oharfsmaa Ex Dr. W. L. Steele says the bird oaaaoo hsuarandhs mm heiesadlahhtoMco i i i j f* M* trt» will Mm Annie Well i» visiting et Dur ham. Dr. Bob Ooie la attending the expo lUka, Mayor Frank Bandy ni here last Monday. * w. F, L. 8 tee Is'is attending the £x position. B L. Smith, Eaq., of Stanly, ie here, attending ooort. Mr. Lewis ie to eorne extant remodel ing the Cardie bouse. There arc several cases of email' pox at toe peat house near Hamlet. H. D. (libeoa, our clever Ef-Register of Dreds, spent Wednesday here. Hon. Hector McLean, of Scotland, wae a visitor here on Wednesday - If you cannot pay all your taxea, don't neglect to pay your poll tax. ,. Dr, John Fowlkee, one of oar old Rockingham boya, iaviaiting his father. Mdlcatioae la Richmond county point to larger grain crape end smaller cotton mope. Cepf. Barker, of the Raleigh Chris tian Advocate, spent two days of tola week h oar town. Don't forgot the date of your town ship primary. May 17th and county WMvoatipit, May Ust. Otpt W. I. JEvereu will aoon erect another reeidenoe on or about the site of hie former reeidenoe Hate joo paid poor poll tax? If not paid by the Bret of Miy yoo cannot vote in the next election. We welcome home nor young friend, Bladen Nichole, who hae just returned from the Dental College at Atlanta. K. B. Hattall, formerly of this town, bet now of Knoxville, Tenn., was vis iting friends in Rockingham this week. Corn pleating is the order of the day now and eoan the click of tha ootton planter will hacorns a familiar sound. Messrs. Maxsy'L. John, one of Laur inborg's leading attorneys, Capt. BUI Meianrin end «r» SCritafctM. wart We are truly sorry to learn that Mr. Sam Hooper, of the Midway mill, had two of hie Angers badly lacerated in the carding machine. Oar yoang friend, John W iAGrandf, a prominent young attorney of our town, made n profess ion si visit to Wadssboro, last Monday. W. P. Gibson, of Scotland county, a prominent candidate .for the State Sonata from this Senatorial District, spent Wednesday la BooUngham. We eaa't eee why w many orders for fine geode go to Charlotte. It is either beoause they are not kept lo Booking* •bam, or if kept, the poopl e don't know it. The Headlight greatly regthto to loan} of the accident to Joe M, Hatton, ooe of Ite ntegriben at Oordore, Ha b artering from a mtohod hand, whkeh waa eaoght between taro roller*. We bare rewired a number of eub eeriptione thle weak, moot of thorn for ■ht i—tka, did got aolioit them either. The people know a good thing whan they aaa It, and don't need coax ing to take hold. Ooodootor Darenror* and logman of train, * retained tery painful tajarire from foe derailment of a box ear near Pre Dm Mill He. t. laet Seioidny ere ning. The Infnilre ware rewired from Jumping (torn the oar. The condootor haa a apraMd aokla, bat the Irgman baa a fraotored limb. Thp whbkey dbtdlery of ». M. High tower, which b lore ted oo Joofo* Orwk in Anoon ooonty, woe raided by rore nno tioon bat week and w borrob of whbkoy wore mplnred to an cot bedd ing near by. It required U wagone b brlmt the aaptored property to the do , Boktacto-W.rLoift.* Wolf Pit-Bor. S. H. Aomin. Malta' Ortek—If. D. McDonald. Mineral Spring*—*. B. O'Briao. Black Jack—C. H. Key. Bearer Dam-J. L. McDonald. Sloole’*—Alfred Baldwin. The Board ordered whole feee paid la the Wit Ingram oaee. The hill of thltf oaee amonatod to gldOSXS. daae not room al| coot to tbo Court tUIII lu Mwioii. The Buggan com woe compro mised by the railroad paying $276. In the coee of Shankle ve. Whit ley a Judgment was issued against Shankle for $680-84. The case of Currie ve. C. C. R. R. is now being tried. A Miraculous Escape from l>eatli A young man, a stranger, in at tempting to get on the belated vestibule train, Wednesday, miss ed bis footing but caught with*his hands. In Is effort'to pull him eelf up he wss nearly thrown un der the ckr. It woe almost a mir acle that hie body wiufnot Crushed to death. Almost a Fire. • Mi*. E. 8. Davis Isft her room for a'short time oo Tuesday after uoon, leaving an oak flre burning. On hek return she foond that a broken pisoe of burning wood had rolled upon the floor and waa burn ing at a lively rate and would soon have been beyond control. Fortunately sbe extinguished the blase without assistance! Chapel Hill Motes. Or. Chas. D. Molver, president of the Normal and Industrial col lege at Greensboro, spoke to the students of the university,- last night on “The present educational movement in North Carolina." His speech was very much enjoy ed by all'who beard him, and he left the impreesion on his Mgs audience that he waa a great miji, flighting for a worthy cause. • Dr. Mclver very truly aays the* at peeeeaWifc la the duty one, whether ea teacher or not, to work for the education of every child in North Carolina. He aleo favor* the educatioa of the negro children of the state. ' He brought up and diaouseed fully the oldsay ing, "Educate a negro and you tain a field hand.” He said this was true and ought to be, that every white man was the aame way, and beeidea that, North Car olinians had been the"fleld hands long enough. Dr; Mel ver knows hot only how to bring out hi* points well, but holds the hearers attention and oonvinoee. He ststMT that hie part of the gnat work was in edu cating the women of tbtr state. Hen he brought forth a multitude of cheer*, when he etufced that on starting out in life he swore two things—that he would never edu cate a woman or make a speeoh. When he had finished however, it waa very evident that he bad changed hie mind as to each of these. Dr. Guerrsut, the eelebrsted Kentucky evangelist has, sinoo Friday last, been holding a seiiee of meetings at the University. Me is an .attractive speaker and a strong man. The annual debate between the University of North Carolina and Georgia, takes plaoe on Friday night tbs llth ioet, as the Unl vereity. The query is, Resolved, that tbs democratic institutions of the United States ere in dan ger from the growing power of centralisation. The University has tbs sflmativs and la quits hopeful of victory. Right hers I may be permitted to say that of eight intercollegiate debates, in tbs last year orTro, the Univer sity has mwn victorious in rix. Tbs University uiU play Vir ginia at baseball in Chapel Hill, oa the 10th last. This will be Urn most Important game of the sea son. On Friday night after the game the Germaa Club will give sfSK.-’r-*'7 - *• Most of those from (ha Unt vershy, whs stood the civil esr viss euamiitatioa in Raleigh a few days ego, pc mad, and soma will .."tv* •J* \jr 'y'J'’J^’IT ^J. 'J, TT'T TTr TTTT The County Hews. ™ w“”T* w*F*rw*r Cordova Measles are doing the town again. J. E. Shaw has l>eeu unwell for a few day*—lagrippc. Marsh Henly, of Hamlet, was visiting L. A. Hall Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Webb is doing a fine business in her millenary store. Two little children of Mr Elijah Davis' are very low with pneu monia. Rev. 8. E. Mercer and J. F. Meaoham were visitors here Tues day. ■ The Fishermen and Loafer's Club got in a week’s work the past week. Sheriff Wright filled his regu lar appointment Sunday at the Baptist churah. Tbad. Bums, of Charlotte, is spending a few day* with his mother and’family. Mrs. Monroe, of Roberde), is Spending a few day* with her •bn. John Monroe and family. Messrs. Joe Batton and Mr. Lenox hare about discovered gold on the Rocky branch, near Steele's We were very sorry to hear of Capt. Everett's loss. The flarfes could plainly be seen from Cor dova. Glad to hear from Gobbler - As be ie-.'rpaa Beaser Daw we began to think he had been Austin ised. Miss Stella Baldwin and~ Miss Lola Webb, also Mr. Warburton and family, of Pee Dee, spent Sun day at J. E. Shaw's. Night work is progressing finely with D, P. McDuffie,, night over seer weavihf, Sam Burns, over seer spinnihg, Jams* Bolton, over seer carding, D. F. O’Brien and T. E. Ormsby, section hands in weave room. Our village was shocked laet Friday morning on learn iug of the horrible death of Mr. Attaa Pitt man, of ihie place. It seems that Mr. Pittman waa in Rockingham Thursday and on leaving came down the railroad and at a point juet this aide of Midway mills hia mangled body was found early Friday morning. From the con dition he waa in, it ia auppoeed that he was lying down with hie heed and arm upon the mil, aa his head waa torn open from chin to orown, hia teeth and eyes oat, and hia arm cut off. From ap paaraucee he never moved after being struck. The train that struck him is auppoasd to be a northbound threagtr freight that paaaad Steele's Mill about dark. It ia supposed that Mr. Pittman waa drinking and waa aalaap. Others think that aa ba waa givsn to bpd spells, he had probably taken one on the track and oould not get farther. He leaves a wife and ten ohildreo, eignt of whom are with their widowed mother. They have the sympathy of all in tbsir sad affliction. . X-Ray. RVt. Olive. Bar. Mr. Maroar praaehad as axeallanl aamon at Ml. Oihra Sun day. W. T. Maaka' family hara baan right aiak with wiaatlat, bat wa aia glad to aay tbay aiu all gutting battar. MJaaaa Hallia and Emma Dawk iaa vara flatting Wilay Davkiaa Saturday night end Sunday. Mr. Irvin and Min Buna Long •ora flatting at Robardat Sunday. MfanPWtia Monroa haa eleaad her school at Alt. Olive lor thi> season. Hubert Tolhert visited his sis ter at Hamlet SundkyV ' Ws hear that Jeff Gibeon is to move to Hamlet soon. Our beet wishes for our editor. Mr. Walsh, the next clerk of the court of Richmond county. May pop. Pee Dee. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Covington wore viaiton in the home of Mr. Harm Saturday and Sunday. Rev. W. R. Coppedge preached one of hia beat eermona laat Sun day night. Hia text may he found in St. Matthew 6-10. Rev. N. H. Guyton alao preached au excellent eermon Sunday morning. Hia text ia found in St. Matthew 7-24. Mn. Harris, we are aorry to learn, ia quite aick. Miaa Abbie McDonald, of Led betters, was viaitiug at Mr. Mc Lean's laat Sunday. There moat be aome very attrac tive girls at Led batter’s, tor it aeema that the old widowers like to go up there as we hear there was another one visiting np there 8unday. . Joeeph Meaoham went to Con cord laat Friday night and to the surprise of moat of our people, came back Monday uight with hie bridal. > We extend hearty con gratulations to the newly married couple. Mr. Covington waa hart right badly laat Tuesday by a kick from hia horse—-but Wa bopa.it will not result in anything serious. • Sunshine. Mbetttfr*: Samuel Morris, of Rooking hem, •pout Sunday with his daughter, Mra. D. P, Allen, of this place. Mies Eleanor Saunters returned home on last Saturday evening, after a two week’s visit to Hamlet. . Mr. and Mrs. D. M. McKinnon, after spending a week hers among friends and relatives, started this morning for'their home at Pat rick, 9. C. Several of our young people were visiting at Mrs. Lissie How el’s, at Pee Dee No. 1, Sunday. We suppose they enjoyed them selves, for some of them did re turn with a pleasant smile on. . Corn planting and gardening have been rapidly prog macing dur ing laat week, owing to the favor able weather which baa been pre vailing. The email grain oropa are beginning to assume a differ ent appearance. There waa an Easter egg draw ing given to the little folk* at W. M. Tumer’e on last Monday night. Next morning All Fool’s Day fol lowed suit and the sheets of paper have been Hying like mieeilee ever einoe. Wonder if there will be any May foola this year. Hurrah for our candidates. A. 8. Dockery, J. H. Walsh, T. 8. Wright and Walter Thomas. We ware not asleep when we endorsed them, and we expeet to be wide awake whan we go to polls, if the good Lord, through hie infinite mercy, sees proper to a pare us. There «u rathe/a eiafuler oo eursnce in the village leet week. Some kind of n "varmint” visited Mrs. Jalie Saunders ’ chick mi bones and killed some of her fine bene. The next evening she got some of her neighbor men to set some steeltrape for the thief, and the AsnH wee, they caught three or foot bouse eats. We don't know whether the oats' did thtf killing or not, but it looks like they were getting eery fbmUkr at tbs hsohoeee. Oh* ye* llki dabbler,. w# I* spoiid with kindest respect*. You are certainly welcome to ths com pliment if you deserve it, but if you do not deeerve it, them we will expunge it from the records. The club hsa gone asunder and we hear that if a man ever wishes to be reinstalled, that he will have to climb a greased pole backwards and furnish his own timber for whittling and do witnout dinner. Of course when a man goes to plowing that (disqualifies him at ouce. The rest have broken over and gone to work. Subscribe. Black Jack Mi»S Litxie Dockery’*' school closed the 2nd of April. There were no exercises. She treated the pupils to a lot of nice caudy and other nice things and made the day pleasant generally. Sh# taught 5 months snd had a pretty full school all through. The chil dren regret the school is out for thsy seem to lovs their teacher. Mti: Alice Hasty, of Pee Dee No. 1, spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Nan nie Haywood. Misses Idly and Lixsie Dockery kpent Friday night at N. A. Gra ham'x. There eras a musical entertain ment at W. B. Covington's Satur day night. Mrs. Covington play ed the organ and Hallia Kelly and and others furnished string music. We all enjoyed it fine—hope they will have another 'soon. There was a quilting at John 0. Usury’s Saturday e waning. A few neighbors and friends scare there that night and had a nice time. | There were four widowers at one' Sunday school Sunday, and it ! »*• not a very good day for wid owers either. We saw a mule fall down Sun day, with a young man and he weut we don’t know how far, but he mounted again and teemed not to be hurt. C. ____. Cognao. There will be services at Silver Ran next Sunday. E. W. Terry left Friday, for Chesterfield, 8. C. We were sorry to give him up. T 0. Riggtin left 8undify night for Vaugns, N.' C., Where his father is very sick. Miss Nettie Cameron' wSe visiting Miss Mattie Riggfn. last Saturday night and Sub day. A. R. McDonald spent last Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. McLauchlin, of Scot land. J. F. Morrison returned to McBee, S. C., Thursday, af ter spending a few days here' with his family. A. V. Gurganius Vent to Laurinburg last Saturday. We hear it waa to procure’ the "license” and euppose it wae, as on Sunday he led to the hymeneal altar, Mias Catharine A. McDonald, daughter of Mr. A. B. Mc Donald. Rev. M. N. Mc Iver, of Rockingham, per formed the ceremony. Wer with the happy con pie t long and happy lift. OtMtr The Ooaaty Board of Bdoaatfao will BMet Beat Monday, April thee 14th. This will be a ftfcalaa q0a#> teety 4eMttf for the traanrtlim odfcdy BhMaees that any dame be fhrr it. J. g. Watth, _ P. OdVMeeh